"Indyviews": Preliminary Findings
"Indyviews": Preliminary Findings
"Indyviews": Preliminary Findings
Preliminary Findings
Independents Hall
Indy Hall, a four year old Philadelphia coworking space has continued to gain signicant momentum in membership and involvement. It has also attracted more and more public awareness in various local community segments. In addition, Indy Hall has been receiving international attention from press - Wired Magazine, PC Magazine, NY Times, Philadelphia Inquirer, and more, while other coworking spaces in their own various stages of development look to Indy Hall for Inspiration.
Indy Hall has been doing something right. But what was it? And most importantly, as Indy Hall continues to grow and evolve, how does it not lose sight of what makes it so special?
Independents Hall
Indy Hall sought a better understanding of what their secret sauce was, in order to continue to foster a culture and atmosphere that made Indy Hall so unique, especially in its members eyes.
The hope is that these insights would help Indy Hall better articulate their collective identity, in order to be more ndable. This was especially important for people looking for a kind of working environment that they didnt know could exist. Secondarily, being that a cornerstone of Indy Hall culture is collaboration, Indy Hall wanted to walk its own talk by sharing ndings with other coworking spaces across the globe.
Independents Hall
Indy Hall Member & qualitative research expert Valerie Wilcox conducted several 1-on-1 hour long interviews with various Indy Hall members representing a diverse spectrum of ages & genders, each at different stages of membership, and hailing from different industries. Beyond discovery of the perceptions of Indy Hall members about their chosen place to work, the interviews also explored the attitudes, behaviors, values, and cultural backgrounds of members for trends.
Independents Hall
Preliminary Findings
Discovering Indy Hall
Many interviewees discovered Indy Hall through other members. These members were highly inuential as they were perceived to be both smart and successful. To non-members, being successful wasnt associated with money. To them being successful meant doing what they wanted to do. Inuencers were not making a lot of money, but that wasnt the point. They were making enough to allow them to pursue work that was personally rewarding and was important to them. Others learned about Indy Hall through blogs. Some heard of through PANMA or through a MeetUp. Internet search was another frequently used method with people searching coworking.
Independents Hall
style set up because it allowed them to spontaneously gather and meet with other members to share ideas when they grabbed a bite to eat or when taking a work break.
I rediscovered my love for illustration which evolved into a love for the craft of game design. I began collaborating on game design projects with a fellow Indy Haller which led to a partnership and then we started our rst company. I believe they call that a winning streak.
You can do whatever you want You can try new things
Members place a premium on the general openness of fellow Indy Hallers to collaborate with and learn from each other. Sharing information and resources is very important. Some of the things members ask each other about have to do with work-related issues such as contract expertise, health insurance, software suggestions, etc. They value being able to pull each other aside and go out on the balcony to bat ideas around or get advice. There is a sense that Indy Hall is more than just a place to work. It was a place to stimulate each other and a place of constant change. Many cited they liked the way that Indy Hall was always changing organically and the way that change came from within. They felt Indy Hall was Indy Hall because it was co-created by those who worked there. Many of the members expressed a kind of pride in their association with Indy Hall and liked to be able to show it by buying jackets or putting the Indy Hall decal on their computers. A number of members said that they had a strong sense that while they had their own pursuits, they were all in some way pursuing the same thing. They felt that what they found at Indy Hall was a whole new way of working that was validated and acceptable. Indy Hall gave them a kind of credibility because as a whole, Indy Hall and the people from Indy Hall were gaining a reputation of being on the forefront of innovation, creative thinking and doing cool things in the community. To interviewees it was important to them that they be accepted and respected as professionals in their work.
Independents Hall
Members also expressed a strong need to work alongside others and that working alone was too lonely and insulating. One member cited an Indy Hall T-shirt that said it best Because Working Alone Sucks.
Never know whats going to be going on. I enjoy walking in the door and maybe there will be a World Cup soccer tournament, a white-boarding session, or a show and tell Love that theres a Turtle! Everyone is so genuine here If people just worked here and ignored each other it would be weird. Theres a sense of camaraderie
Independents Hall
A number of Indy Hallers were already independent but had been working from home. At rst they struggled with the value of a coworking space. They enjoyed being able to work in PJs and the ability to just get out of bed and be at work. For them, they had to work on site a few weeks to experience the value of coworking. Many of the interviewees did not know what to expect when they rst started working at Indy Hall. They had to get used to the notion that Indy Hall doesnt tell members how to behave or dene a work experience. It took them a few weeks to realize the environment and experience is co-created and they were part of that creation. Some were slightly intimidated by a perceived techy atmosphere and the perception that extraordinary smart people worked there. However once they started working and current members were friendly towards them they became comfortable.
Great to be able to take a mental break and take a little spin around Old City Like being so close to creative culture like the galleries can see what other people are doing and creating I love walking to work and experiencing all the places I would ordinarily just drive by if I was in a car
Independents Hall
While they liked that the old space was a place for tech nerds, they preferred that more people with different backgrounds and ages that were getting added to the mix in the new space. Some members wanted to believe that Indy Hall was becoming a kind of think tank and that it was more about being a collective than a just a working space. Some members suggested that at Indy Hall they were in the company of people who were as smart or probably smarter than themselves. There was a general feeling that Indy Halls roots would always be in tech, but that it would branch out to encompass diverse businesses, organizations, and causes.
People doing and making cool stuff It makes Indy Hall more interesting and allows for a broader range of ideas
Returning to Indy Hall
Some members have left and returned. No members left because of dissatisfaction, but instead because of life change such as a job offer, relocation growth/success of their business, or temporary work opportunity. Members who left because their enterprise had grown, although they missed Indy Hall, were enjoying the next phase. They did often keep a Basic membership in order to maintain contact and be a part of Indy Hall. Members who left for a traditional working opportunity, were generally miserable and if possible, returned to Indy Hall to work independently again.
Relationships are considered the most valuable part of the Indy Hall experience, and makes Indy Hall more than a place to work. While most interviewees didnt know all the members, the average interviewee said they know roughly a third of members. A number of interviewees said they thought the people who worked at Indy Hall were also looking to enrich and be enriched. One of the interviewees cited that a fellow Indy Haller could be crazy smart, but would still be curious and interested in you. Interviewees thought there is no intellectual snobbery at Indy Hall. Many said at Indy Hall they appreciated the sense that everyone had a curiosity, appreciation, and respect for each other. A number of interviewees expressed that people at Indy Hall are perceived to be generous. Someone who is accomplished will take another member under his or her wing and offer advice or encouragement.
Independents Hall
Overall people who are part of Indy Hall consider themselves to be highly independent. Above all else they value the preservation and protection of the independent creative spirit. Some consider themselves to be mavericks and strongly identify with songs like My Way. Indy Hallers dont like to be told what to do in terms of what they can personally accomplish in their lives. Interviewees self-described themselves to be at their core law abiding and see the need for a mutually agreed upon codes of conduct. They are willing to follow rules as long as they make sense, are fair and not about control. They see rules as being appropriate when they allow something to be able to function and create an environment of growth.
However all interviewees shared the sentiment that when rules get in the way of something being able to ourish then they need to be changed. Most said that if they dont agree with a rule, instead of breaking it, they would just leave and go where they can do things their way.
Independents Hall
I have no intentions of retiring. Work is important. Result of what I do with my talents and time. My mind will turn to mush if I dont work. Keeps my mind active. Not work? Why would I do that? working allows me to make something that didnt exist before real Working makes me happy. I like feeling productive and that Im doing something that is somehow adding my value to the world Working is self discovery. I want to be able to discover what I am capable of doing
Independents Hall
All members cited bureaucracy as being the number one thing they dislike about the traditional work setting. Other dislikes were feeling that career growth wasnt supported and that they werent able to push or challenge themselves. Some interviewees felt that people were treated more professionally and were more respected at Indy Hall than at traditional workplaces. They also found that the traditional/corporate work environment was generally not conducive to creativity.
Felt I wouldnt be able to ourish there Have to do things a certain way, dress a certain way Dont have oating boss over my shoulder monitoring me and keeping track of my hours
Role of Money
For many Indy Hallers, money is seen as a tool, but does not dene who they are. They have an appreciation for money in that they know they need it to survive, pay their bills, and it allows them to do the things they want to do such as fund a new business or project. They want to be nancially stable and none had the starving artist mentality. Across the interviews they wanted to live comfortable and be able save for the future. However, many interviewees were all careful to point out that money was not the end-all-be-all. It was not a status symbol and living at a comfortable level meant one that was modest, not living to excess. Many interviewees said they wanted to be able to do something they care about so they will take on work they dont really like but pays well in order to take on projects that have no budget but have meaning. Money is seen as freedom and plays heavily into the strong desire to be independent.
I would be a full time artist I would do things for community I would write a book
IndyViews - A Research Project by Indy Hall - Summer 2011 www.indyhall.org
Independents Hall
I would travel to interesting places (Morocco, India, Africa etc.) I would keep doing what Im doing
Its where I learned about Vizthink I learned how to write a contract Im always having interesting conversations like today we were talking about the new quantum theory that just came out this morning
Community/Organization Involvement
Interestingly enough, many of the interviewees were not very involved in community/organizations in high school or college. They said they were nerds geeks bookish and pretty much kept to themselves. A number of them said Indy Hall was like a spark that ignited interest in getting involved with other groups such as Philadelphia Tech and Arts organizations. According to one member I came to Indy Hall and saw the power of community. I was awestruck by it and I loved it. Certain members felt compelled to ll an Ambassador role and took it upon themselves to become involved in day-today operations, supporting activities, sharing information, encouraging discussion, and creating a presence outside Indy Hall doors through venues such as Meetups, Technically Philly and Open Access Philly. Other organization involvement includes Little Berlin, DesignPhiladelphia, BarCamp,PhillyCHI, and Young Involved Philadelphia.
Independents Hall
Organizations and events of interest to interviewees include: Vox Populi, Space Flux, Space 126, TED, SXSW, and extra extra.