Kami Export MMDST
Kami Export MMDST
Kami Export MMDST
Foreword / v
Preface / vi
Published by References / 74
University of the Philippines Manila Appendices / 76
College of Nursing A. Sample Protocols / 77
Pedro Gil St., Malate, Manila
B. NB/IDST Administration Checklist / 81
C. Denver Developmental Screening Test
n 523-1472/523-1494 / 83
Dean, U.P. College of Nursing
This second edition of the MMDST Manual is a project
of the Research and Creative Writing Program of the UP
College of Nursing, just as the first edition was. This edition
promises a format and language that is user-friendly. Its
more compact size makes it handier that will fit snugly into
the MMDST bag with the test materials. The topics have
also been rearranged for easier comprehension. Some of the
Preface illustrative examples were updated and made consistent with
the test form for better integration of learning.
This manual describes a screening process using the Metro This project is the result of a collaborative effort of many
Manila Developmental Screening Test (MINDS T). This test people. We specially acknowledge the editorial expertise of
was the product of a normative study in 1980 by the author, Prof. Luz B. Tungpalan whose assistance was invaluable,
Dr. Phoebe Dauz Williams, on Metro Manila children to and to the editorial staff, Sheila R. Bonito who prepared thé
standardize the widely recognized Denver Developmental manual for publication with the assistance of Erlinda S.
Screening Test of Frankenburg and his associates. Since then, Bilog and Glorie C. Mangalino. Special mention has to be
the MTv1DST has been validated and well utilized not only in given to Prof. Ma. Estela M. Layug whose expertise in the
research but in practice as well by nurses, pediatricians and 31uable comments helped direct the revisions
other health workers. Today, William's lvflv1DST remains to undertaken. Lastly, this project would never have reached
be the recognized developmental screening test among this stage without the urging and suppolt of Dean Cecilia M.
The author is a nurse researcher and professor with a BS in The project of writing the second edition is a personal
Nursing and MAPsychology from the University of the
in fulfillment because as a young graduate, my first job was as
Philippines, and Masters in Nursing and PhD from the a research assistant to Dr. Williamss normative study. And
University of Pittsburgh. She was a former professor and it is a privilege for RCWP to be given the chance to be a
head of the Department of Research, University of the collaborative panner with the likes of Dr. Williams and
Philippines College of Nursing. She is currently Professor of Prof. Tungpalan.
the University of Kansas School of Nursing and the only
Filipino Fellow of the American Academy of Nursing
(FAAN). Although she has been abroad for almost two
decades now, she remains to be an active member of the U.P. Josefina A. Angeles Tuazon
College of Nursing. From across the miles, she produced the Head, Research and Creative
first edition of the lvWIDST Manual in collaboration with the Irriting Program (RCVVP)
EZtJPCN Department of Research in 1985. Adelina B. Abad
Santos and Luz B. Tungpalan edited this first edition.
An Overview
MMDS'T Manual
UMDST Manual
A pencil
Bond paper
2 3 4 5 g 9 11 12 13 16 18 20 22 24 21/2 4
3 31/2 1/2 5 6
m rn
m o
z 2 nzusrs (NOT CRY) z
PCEk.A.bOO o
3 m
a a.tØES
2 cue€s
HANDS 8 ams c
R e00EA&S
e.u..A&CE ON
5 6 10 11 12 18 20 4
1/2 1/2 5
SYMMETRICAL MOVEMENTS (R) May pass by report.
Pass at 0.6 MONTH
MMDST Manual
Across the top and bottom of the test f01T1 are age scales
marking ages in months from I to 24, and ages in years from
to 6. Each of the test items is represented in the test form
by a bar. The bar is placed along the age scale to show when
9. Pass any en- 10. Which line is 11. Pass any cross- 12. Have child
25%, 50% (indicated by the hatch mark) 75% and 90% of copy first.
closed form. longer (not ing line
normal children are able to pass the item. A sample test item Fail contin- bigger). Turn If failed,
and the corresponding age scale is shown in Figure 3. uous round paper upside
motions down and re- strate
WYhen giving items 9,11 and 12, do not name the forms. Do not
hatch mark
Percentage of demonstrate 9 and 11.
50% 75% 90%
normal children
passing the item
WALKS LL 13. When scoring, each pair ( 2 arms,2 legs, etc.) counts as one part.
14. Point to picture and have child*lame it. ( No credit is given for
Figure 3
MMDST Manual
15. Tell child to: give block to Mommy; put block on table; put months, and right end of bar shows 90% walk well at about 17
block on floor. Pass 2 of 3. (Do not help child by pointing,
months. All test items are represented similarly.
moving head or eyes. )
16. Ask child: What do you do when you are cold? hungry? tired? Some test items have a small footnote number at the left end
Pass 2 of 3. of the bar. This number indicates the corresponding instruction
17. Tell child to: Put block on table; under table; in front of chair, for administering the item that is found at the back of the test-
behind chair. Pass 3 of 4. (Do not help child by poiut.igg, form (see Figure 2). For example, the instruction for the item,
moving head or eyes. )
walks up steps, is #23 at the back of the test form (see Figure
18. Ask child: If fire is hot, ice is?; Mother is a woman, Dad is a ?;
a horse isebig, a mouse is? Pass 2 of3.
19. Ask child: What is a ball? river? desk? house? banana? curtain? Some test items may be passed by report of the parent.
roof? fence? street? Pass if defined in terms of use, shape, what The letter R in the bgr as shown in Figure 4 indicates this. Only
is made of or its general category (such as banana is a fruit, not
items with an R on the form may be passed by report. However,
just yellow). Pass 6 of 9.
vvåmeverposslble, the tester should &rve the child can actually
20. Ask child: What is a spoon made off? a shoe made
made of? ( No other objects may be substituted.) Pass 3 of 3.
pérform rather than ask the parent, even though the item may
21. When placed on stomach, child lifts chest off table with support be passed by report.
22. While child is on his back, grasp his hands and pull him to be passed b) report
24. Child must throw ball overhead 3 feet to within arm's reach of
tester. Figure 4
25. Child must pgrform standing broad jumps over width of test
sheet ( 8 h inches). The item, equal movements, has an asterisk ( * ) at the right
26. Tell child to walk forward, heel within end of its bar. This indicates that 100% of normal children pass
1 inch of toe. Tester may demonstrate. Child must walk 4 this item at birth. The item is hardly seen in the form but it is
consecutive steps, 2 out of 3 trials.
the only item with an * and is located in the fine motor adaptive
27. Bounce ball to child who should stand 3 feet away form tester.
sector of the test form.
Child must catch ball with hands, not arms, 2 out of 3 trials.
28. Tell child to walk backward toe within Nine items have arrows (4) at the right end of these bars.
1 inch of heel. Tester may demonstrate. Child must walk 4 This includes the items, defines words and composition of
consecutive steps, 2 out of 3 trials.
DATE AND BEHAVIORAL OBSERVATIONS (how child feels at ttme of test, relations even beyond 61 'ears of age.
to tester. attention span, verbal behavior, self-confidence. etc.)
MUDST Manual MMDST Manual
The first step is to calculate the child's age. This will be the Use the age scale shown at the top and bottom of the test
basis for drawing the age line later and determining the test form as a guide (see Figure 5). Mark the calculated age of the
items to be administered. Check the calculation very well child on the scale and draw a line through the four sectors of the
before placing the age line on the form test form. Write the date of the test at the top of the age line.
Ask for the birth date of the child and calculate the exact age
The location, of the age line must he accurate because the
using this formula: date of test minus birth date equals age of 1
depends upon correct placement of this line.
test interpretation
child. Calculate first the days, then months, and then years. To
The space between age marks represents 2 weeks until age 14
illustrate, if the birth date is March 10, 1997 and the date of test
months and 1 month from 14 to 24 months. From 24 months to
is November 27, 1999; then:
5 years, spaces between marks represent 3 months, and there-
Year Month Day after, 6 months the end of the age scale.
Date of Test 99 11 15
To illustrate, in Figure 5, the test was administered on
Birth date - 97 -10 March 1, 1996 to a child 3 years and 3 months of age (line is
Date of Test
Adjustment for Prematurity clue date. Therefore, the age line isdrawn 6 weeks
Prematurity may affect the ability of the child to perform or earlier than the actual age of 12 h months, and not at 14
demonstrate items that other normal children pass at the same jnonths.
age. There is therefore a need to make adjustment for
prematurity for children aged 2 years or younger. After 2 years
of age, it is no longer necessal•y to 30mpensate for prematurity Selecting Items io be Administered
children born two or more weeks earlier than the expected date, The child may accomplish some of the tasks on his own
subtract the number of weeks of prematurity from the actual age of without being asked. One example is the item on the
the child. This is the adjusted age. Draw the age line based on the child's ability to sit alone. If the tester observes the
adjusted age, not the chronological age. child doing so at any time during the interaction, then
this is passed without asking the child to demonstrate it
To illustrate, in Figure 6, the actual age of the child is 14 months.
The child was born 6 weeks premature or I Y2 months earlier than the
MMDST Manual
MMDST Manual
MMDSI' Manual
For each sector, stan with items that the child is able to
perform easily. This motivates the child to perform the
more difficult tasks later on and provides the parent some
satisfaction as well. Praise the child for his/her efforts.
When the child has had 3 failures in one sector, move on to Personal-Social
the next sector of the test. In general, the child is allowed 3
trials to perform each item before a score of failure is given. Regards face
Please note that some items have required number of trials.
This is specified in the section on specific test item Administration Place the child on his back. The tester
administration. should come face to face to within 12
inches of the child.
To minimize refusals, the following suggestions made by Pass if the child actually looks 7t
Frankenburg et al. are recommended'. Tell the child what to
do (Gawin/gayahin mo ito) and not ask "can he" or "will
he." If the child refuses to do any of the items, the parent/
Smiles responsively
caregiver should be asked to administer the item instead. It
is important that the parent/caregiver be told exactly how to May pass by report (R)
do this. Ifthe child still refuses, score the item R Administration Smile and talk to the child. Do not
to liéhliim.
the test. A good way to validate this is to ask the parent if child smiles without being touched.
the child has performed whatever is being asked of him at (R ) Question Ngumingiti na ba ang bata kung
some previous time. For example, the child refuses to jump kinakausap mo, kahit hindi hina-
at the time of the test yet the parent reports that the child
jumps all the time at home. Since this item cannot be passed
by report, "R" twould be the approximate score. Smiles spontaneously
MUDS/' Manual
MUDST Manual
Ngumingiti ba ang bala kahil hindi Works for toy out of reach
(R ) Question
kinakausap o hinahawakan? Place a toy that the child seems to
enjoy on the table a little out of his
MMDST Manual MMDST Manual
parent moving the child's hands or Scoring Pass if the child can do this. (The cup
arms. must not be the type that has a spout.)
Scoring Pass if the child lets someone know household chores such as dusting and
what he wants by pointing, pulling or sweeping.
saying a word. (Crying is not a pass.) Scoring Pass if the child copies any type of
(R ) Question Paano niva ipinaaalam na map gusto housework.
Siva, cava ng laruan o inumin atbp.? (R ) Question Gumagaya ba ang bata ng trabahong-
bahay katulad ng pagpupunas, pag-
Drinks from cup wawalis?
cup or glass and drink from it without May pass by report (R)
spilling much. Administration Ask the parent if the child uses a
spoon or fork to eat. If so, how much
does he spill?
Scoring Pass if the child can use the spoon or Washes and dries hands
fork to get food to his mouth without
May pass by report (R)
spilling much.
Administration Ask the parent if the child can wash
(R ) Question Nakakagamit ba ang bata ng kutsara na
and his own hands.
kaunti lang ang natatapon? Naisusubo
Scoring Pass only if the child can do all parts
ba niya ang pagkain gaya ng kanin o
of the two tasks without help, except
gulay na kaunti lang ang natatapon ?
turning on faucets that are out of his
reach. Hands should be almost come
Helps in house - simple tasks
pletely free of soap and almost com-,€
May pass by report (R) pletely dry to pass.
Administration Ask the parent if the child helps in the (R ) Question Kapag Siya ay naghuhugas ng kamay,
house by doing simple things like kaya na ba niyang magsabon, mag-
putting toys away or getting something for banlaw at magpatuyo nahg mag-isa,
a parent when asked. at hindi na kailangan ulitin pa?
Scoring Pass if the child actually helps in the
house in any way. Plays interactive games
(R ) Question Nakakatulong na ba Siya sa gawaing
bahay tulad •
May pass by report (R)
Administration Ask the parent what kind of games
laruan? Nauutusan na ba ninyo,
the child plays with other children.
gaya ng "Paabot ng... ? "
Scoring Pass if the parent says the child plays
games in which he takes turns with
Puts on clothing
other children. Examples: hide and
May pass by repott (R) seek, tag, cops and robbers. Chasing
Administration Ask the parent if the child can put on any and fighting are not passes. (If thed
of his own clothing such as underpants, child plays with cars or dolls by himself
socks or shoes. but other children are playing, this*
Scoring Pass if the child can put any of his is not a pass.)
own clothing. Shoes do not have to (R ) Question Anu-anong wi ng Ico mg sinasalihan niya
be tied or on the correct foot. (Fail, if
kasama ng ibang bata?
child can put on only adult-size
clothing.) Separates from mother easily
(R ) Question Nakapag-susuot na ba siyang mag-isa
May pass by report (R)
ng kanyang damit, panty, medyas, Administration At the end of the test, see how the
sapatos o tsinelas?
MUDST Manual UMDST Manual
Equal movements
Fine Motor Adaptive Administration While the child is on his back or being
held by the pæent, watch the activity
Follows to midline of the child's arrns and legs.
Place the child on his back. (At this Scoring Pass if the child moves his arms and
age the child's face will be turned to legs equally. (Fail if one leg or arm
eone side or the other. ) Hold the red does not move as much as the other.)
Follows 1800
MMDST Manual MAIDS]' Manual
Administration The child should be held on the
parent's lap so that he can place his
Hands together hands on the table. Drop a cheese
May pass by report (R) curl directly in front of the child
Administration Watch child to see if he touches his
within easy reach. (The cheese curl
hands together in the midline (middle of
should be dropped on a surface that
his body). If this cannot be seen, ask the
gives a good contrast, such as white
parent if child has done this before.
paper, so that it can easily be seen).
Scoring Pass, if child touches his fingers together
The tester may point to or touch the
in the midline. Fail if this happens only cheese to attmct the cffld's attenfion.
when child is being cradled in parent's See whether the child looks at the cheese
arms and the hands are forced together ctrl.
(R ) Question Napag-aabot na ba ng bata ang kanyang Scorino Pass if the child looks at the cheese
mga daliri sa gitna ng katawan curl. (Fail if the child looks at the
(demonsåate) na hindi ninyo tinutulungan o
finger or hand instead of the cheese
kinakarga? curl.
MUDST Manual MUDST Manual
Reaches for object Scoring Pass if the child picks up 2 blocks and
holds I in each hand at the same time.
May pass by report (R)
Administration If this callnot be seen, ask the parent if
The child should be held on the parent's lap
the child picks up 2 objects like this.
so that his elbows ate level with the table top
and that he can easily place his hands on the (R ) Question Kapag nakaupo ang bda nakakcpulot na
(R ) Question Kapag may laruan sa kanyang hcra1)04 in easy reach. (The cheese curl
nagtatangka na ba Siyang abutin ito? should be dropped on a surface that
gives a good contrast, such as white
Sit, looks for yarn paper, so that it can easily be seen).
Administration While flie child is sitting on the palent's lap, The tester may point to or touch the cheese
attract his attention widi the yam. When to atfiactthe child's attenGon. See how
he is lookingatthe yarn, drop it so that it the child picks up die cheese curl.
falls out of his line of vision. Tester Scoring Pass if the child picks up the cheese
should not move hand or arm except curl with his hand using a Inking motion.
to let go of the yarn. Make that the clild was not able to
Scoring pass if child continues to look where pick it up only because of sticky fin-
the red yarn disappeared or tries to see gerso He should also be passed if he
where it went. uses a thumb-to-finger or neat pincer
Sit, takes 2 cubes
MUDST Manual
Passes cube hand to hand child has banged small objects, such
as blocks, together like this. (Pots
May pass by report (R)
and pans or other large objects do not
See whether or not the child passes a
block from one hand to the other. The count.)
(R ) Question Maliban ho sa malalaking bagay,
tester may
encourage this by giving
nakakaganito (demonstrate) na ba
the child a block and then presenting
a second block to the hand that is Siya ng mga laruang kasing liliif nito?
already holding one. The child will
often pass the first block to the other Thumb-finger grasp
hand so that he can pick up the second Administration lhe dild should be held on the parent's lap so
block. ffatlmanplæehishandsmtletable.
Pass if the child passes the block froin cheese curl directly in front of the child
one hand to the other without using within easy reach.(The cheese curl
his mouth, body or table. If this can- should be dropped on a surface that
not be seen, ask the parent if the child gives a good contrast, such as white
passes small items from one hand to paper, so that it can be easily seen).
the other. (Long objects such as The tester may demonstrate, -point to
spoons •wuu -'It) or touch the cheese curl to attract the
(R ) Question Maliban sa malalaking bagay gaya ng child's attention. See how the child
rattle o kutsara, nakapaglilipat-lipat picks up the cheese curl.
na ba Siya ng maliliit na bagay sa Scoring Pass if the child picks up the cheese
kanyang mga kamay? curl using any palt of the thumb and a
finger by bringing them together. He
Bangs 2 cubes held in hands should also be passed if he uses a neat
pincer grasp.
May pass by report (R)
Administration A block is placed in each hand of the
child. The tester may encourage the
child to hit the blocks together with
banging motions, but he may not
touch the child's hands or do the ac-
tion for him. The tester may show the
Neat pincer grasp of cheese curl
child as long as the tester does not use
Administration The child should be held on the parent's
the child's hands.
Pass W the childAiits the blocks
lap so that he can place his hands on the
Drop a cheese curl directly in front of (R ) Question Kapag Siya ay binigyan ng lapis at
may place the pencil in the child's him how and /or handing the child
hand, but may not show the child how the blocks. The child may have up
32 33
MMDST Manual MUDST Manual
three trials. Present rest of blocks. out of the bottle without being shown
(Gamitin mong lahat ito.) how to do it. ((Dumping the
Scoring Pass if child balances 8 blocks on top e curl directly into the mouth or raking
of one another so that they do not it out of the bottle with a fingel is not/
a pass.)
covers the space between. The tester (Alin ang mahaba, ito o ito?) Point to
then gives 3 blocks to the child and lines.
tells him to build a bridge like the one
Scoring Pass if the child picks the longer line
the tester built. The bridge should be 3 out of 3 times. If he fails to do this,
left standing for the to copy. the tester must give the item 3 more
The tester should not point out the times. A pass is given if the child
opening. (Masdan mong mabuti picks the longer line 5 out of 6 times.
itong ginagawa ko.) Demonstrate. The child receives a pass only if he is
Copies O
Administration Show the circle on the back of the test
form (Footnoted item #9) to the child.
Do not name it or move your finger or
pencil to show how to draw it. Tell
the child to draw one like the picture.
Picks longer line
(Gawin mo ito.) Point to the picture.
3 of 3 or 5 of 6
Scoring Pass any enclosed form that is not
Administration Show the parallel lines on the back of made up of continuous round mo-
the testform (Footnote # 10) to the tions. (See examples.)
child and ask him, "Which line is
longer ?" (The word bigger cannot be
changed.) After the child has pointed
to the line he thinks is longer, tum the
sheet upside down and ask the ques-
tion again. This must be done at least
Continuous Not
3 times. Rout!d-motiqns Closed
MMDST Manual MMDST Manual
picture without being shown how to form (Footnoted Item 1) to the child.
draw the figure. If he cannot, show the Do not name it or move your finger or
square on the back of the test form to the pencil to show how to draw it. Tell the
child. Do not name it or move you] child draw one like the picture.
finger or pencil to show how to draw it (Gayahin o gawin mo ito) Point to the
Tell dE childtodrawme Ifheic picture.
unable to copy picture, the tester shoulc Scoring Pass if the child draws 2 lines which
show him how by drawing two opposite any The do not
sidöfitst and dmtheother two
raffErthandrawing tlE square with a cominuots
opposite & intersect at
need to be exactly
If the child
uses 3 or 4 strokes to draw the cross, any
rndion Wen the square is davm a 2 intersecting is a pass.
motion it may to the
MMDST Manual MMDST Manual
body, etc). (See example.) If one part or The corners may be formed by lines that
pair is not drawn, it is not counted. Note intersect. The corners must not be
in the test observations any unusual rounded or pointed. (See example) The
drawings, even if the child has identified length should be less than 2 times the
Failure Failure
40 41
MMDST Manual MUDST Manual
he feels the breath rather than to the May pass by repott (R)
sound). Give up to 3 trials. Administration Check whether the child says "da-da"
Scoring Pass if the child turns to the direction to his father or "ma-ma" to his
of the voice. mother during the test.
Scoring Pass if the child uses either "ma-ma"
Da-da or Ma-ma, non-specific or "da-da" correctly for his mother or
father. If this cannot be heard, ask the
May pass by report (R)
parent if the child does this.
Administration Check whether the child says "dawda"
or "ma-ma" at any time during the (R ) Question Nakapagsasabi na ba Siya sa inyo ng
ta-ta/da-da sa kanyang ama, o na-na/
Pass if parent reports child uses at least Scoring Pass if the child correctly names any
3 specificwords other than "da-da" one picture. Words such as horsey
or "ma-ma". The words do not have are acceptable. Pass also if the child
to be understandable but must mean gives the name of his pet if it is the
the same thing each time they are same animal as pictured. (Fail ani-
used. (No credit is given for "da-da" mal sounds like 'Meow" or "Woof')
or "ma-ma")
(R ) Question May nasasabi na ba siyang ibang
salita maliban tata/dada o nana/
mama sa tuwing gagamitin niya ay
pareho ang ibig sabihin?
Scoring Pass if theschild a neanjn5ful
phrase of 2 or more words such as
"play ball", " want milk" and "get
down". (No credit is given for a Follows directions
single-idea combination such as "bye- 2 of 3
bye", "thank you", and "peek-a- Administration The tester should tell the parent not
boo".) If this cannot be heard, ask the to move and then give the child a
parent if the child does this. block. Tell him to do the following,
Scoring Pass if the child follows 2 of the 3 di- parent if the child can give his first or
; rections correctly nickname and last name without
'yung apelyido mo ? Ano pa?) Scoring Pass if the child gives a logical answe!)
Scoring Pass if the child gives understandable for 2 out of the 3 questions. Some
(need not be perfect ) names. Nick- correct answers are listed above.
[Kung ang apoy ay mainit, ang
C Pass if the child follows 3 of the 4 yelo ay
"Mother is a woman, Dad is a
directions correctly.
(man; not Daddy, boy, husband.)
[Kung si nanay ay babae, si tatay
Recognizes colors
3 of 4 A horse is big ,a mouse is
May pass by report (R) [Ang kabayo ay malaki, ang daga
Administration Place a red, blue, green and yellow
block together on the table in front of
(Each sentence may be repeated 3
the child. Tell the child to point to or
times if necessary.)
give to you the red block, the blue
Scoring Pass if the child gives any appropriate
block, etc. IF the child hands the
opposite word in 2 of the 3 analogies.
block to the tester, the block should
A few of the correct answers are
be replaced on the table before the
listed above.
next color is asked for. Do not let .the)
child know if his responses are right
MMDST Manual
MMDST Manual
6 of 9
Make sure the child listening to Administration Make sure the child is listening to
Administration is
the tester and then ask the following
the tester and then say, "I am going
questions, one at a time: (Ano ang
to say a word and I want you to tell
me what it is." Askeachwortl oneatat ginagawang...)
"What is a spoon made of?"
a time. 'What is a
ball.. .river...desk...house...bana-
"What is a shoe made of?
na.• .curtain.. .roof.. .fence.. .road...?
or glass.
MMDST Manual
MMDST Manual
MUDST Manual MMDST Manual
stomach or from stomach to back. test form that the legs were rigid.
56 57
MMDST Manual MMDST Manual
Scoring Pass if the child can pull himself into Stands alone well
a standing position May pass by report (R)
(R ) Question Mula sa pagka-upo, nakatatayo na ba Administration Place the child standing on the floor.
siyang mag-isa ng walang tulong o na After he seems to have his balance,
nakahawak lamang sa isang bagay remove your support.
tulad ng silya, atbp? Scoring Pass if the child stands alone 10 or
more seconds. + If this cannot be
Gets to sitting seenøask the parent if the child can
do this.
May pass by report (R)
Administration Check or ask parent if the child can get Question Nakatatayo na bang mag-isa ng
himself into a sitting position. matagal (mga 10 segundo) ang
Pass if seen or reported. bata?
(R) Question Mula sa pagkahiga, nakauupo na ba Stoops and recovers
siyang mag-isa? May pass by report (R)
Administration While the child is.. standing on the
Walks holding on furniture floor away from all support, place a
small toy on the floor in front of him
ay pass by report (R)
Administration Check or ask the parent -i the child and tell him to pick it up.
walks around furniture w;- Scoring Pass if the child is able to bend over,
the parent if the child can do this. he has good balance and rarely falls.
Nakatitindig na ba siyang mag-isa Scoring Pass if the child does not have
(R) Question
kahit 2 Segundo tamai!g?
UMDST Manual MUDST Manual
Scoring Pass if the child walks backwards 2 or is a failure). If this cannot be seen,
more steps. If this cannot be seen, ask ask the parent if the child kicks a ball
Scoring Pass if the child can walk up steps (not feet from tester and throws the ball
crawl). He may use the wall or rail within arm's length of tester between
for support but cannot hold on to a his knees and face. (Cannot score a
pass if child refuses to throw the ball
(R) Question Paano umaakyat si (child) sa hagdan? toward tester but continually throws
(Probe to clarify) Nakaaakyat na ba away from him.)
Siya sa hagdan nang hindi
gumagapang o hinahawakan o di
kaya ay nakahawak lang sa dingding
o gabay?
60 61
MMDST Manual MUDST Manual
(Gayahin mo ito.)
Jumps in place
Pass if the child jumps once, with both
Administration Tell the child to jump. The examiner feet together, over the 8 1/2 inches. (If
may show him how to do this. the child leaps across, one foot at a
(Gawin mo ito.) time, this is a fåflure.j
Scoring Pass if the child raises both feet off the
flooéååhenmdiwwfrfany measur- Suseconds--m
able distance. He does not have to
2 of 3
land on the same spot from which he
Administration Show the child how to stand on 1 foot
started.(The child cannot run before
without holding on and then tell him
he jumps, or hold on to anything for
to do it. Time him with a watch, if
possible. Allow 3 trials if needed.
( Gayahin mo ito ) .
Pedals tricycle
Pass if the child can stand on either
May pass by report (R) foot 5 seconds or more in 2 of 3
Administratidn Ask the parent if the child can pedal a trials. (May be noted during "Balance
tricycle. on I foot 10 seconds." )
Scoring Pass if the parent reports the child can
pedal a tricycle forward 10 feet or
more on the level ground. (Pedaling
the tricycle down a hill is not consid-
ered a pass.) If the child has not had
an opportunity to ride a tricycle of his
size, score the item "NO" for no or .2
MUDST Manual MMDST Manual
2 of3
Administration The tester stands about 3 feet from the
Administration Show the child how to stand on 1 foot
child and bounces the ball to him,
without holding on and then tell him
taking care to have the ball bounce
to do it. Time him with a watch, if
possible. Allow 3 trials if needed. once halfway between the tester and
the child. The ball should reach the
(Gayahin mo ito.)
child between his neck and waist. The
Scoring Pass if child can stand on either foot
child is told to catch the ball. Allow 3
10 seconds or more in 2 of 3 trials.
trials if needed. (Saluhin mo ang
Hops on 1 foot bola.)
Scoring Pass if the child catches the ball with
Administration Tell the child to hop on one foot. The his hand or hands in 2 out of 3 trials.
testermay show him how to do this.
The child may catch ball against his
(Gawin mo ito.) body if he uses his hands and not his
Scoring Pass if the child hops on 1 foot 2 or
arms. (If the child uges only his arms
more times in a row , either in place
against his body to catch the ball, this
or over a distance. on
would be a failure.)
to anything.
Backward heel-to-toe
2 of 3
2 of 3
Administration Show the child how to walk placing
Administration Show the child how
walk placing
the toe of one foot in back of and
the heel of one foot in front of and
touching the heel of the other. Walk
touching the toe of the other. Walk about 8 like steps this and then tell the
about 8 steps like this and tell the
child to do it. (The tester may compare
child to do it. (The tester may com- this to a backward tight rope walk.)
pare this to a tight rope walk.) If the Allow 3 trials if needed. (Gayahin mo
child does not respond, show him
how to do it again. Allow 3 trials if
Pass if the child can walk backward in
a straight line for 4 or more steps
(Gayahin mo ito.) placing his toe I inch or less in back
Scoring Pass if the child can walk in a straight
of his heel, 2 out of 3 trials.
line for 4 or more steps placing his
heel 1 inch or less in front of his toe,
2 out of 3 trials.
Items may be scored in four ways: pass (P), failure (F), The MMDST result interpreted as NORMAL, QUES-
refusal (R), and for items where the child has had no opportu- TIONABLE, ABNORMAL or UNTESTABLE depending
nity to demonstrate the behavior, a score of no opportunity on the number of delays. Remember that a delay is any
(NO). One example is in the item, pedals tricycle. If the child failure that falls completely to the left of the age line. To
has never had an opportunity to try a bicycle, then the item properly intelpret the result of the test, follow the steps listed
should be scored as no opportunity or NO and not failed nor below.
refused. Items sco}ed as NO are not considered in the overall Step I - Mark each delay by heavily shading the right end
test scores. The score P, F, R and NO is to be written on the of the bar.
50% hatch mark. Step 2 Count the number of sectors that have 2 or more
A test item that is failed and which falls completely to the delays.
left of the age line is considered a delay. That is, a child failed to Step 3 - Count the number of sectors that have I delay with
pass an item which 90% of children normally can pass at a no passes intersecting the age line in the same
younger age. Delays are used to interpret the total Nflv1DST sector.
results. Delays on the test form are emphasized by shading the Step 4 - Interpret the result using the following criteria.
right end of the bar of the delayed item (see Figure 7). If the INTERPRETATION
right—end of the bar, the item is not
2 or more sectors with 2 or more
considered a delay.
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
1 sector with 2 or more delays plus 1
or more sectors with 1 delay and in ABNORMAL
it is convleety to the lef
ofthe age lire
that same sector, no passes inter-
sectin thea e line
At the bottom of the age line, indicate the test result and
line and score the new test with a different color of pencil. him a block, a bell or a rattle to play with prior to
Write the date of the retest at the top of the new age line. testing.
e Stan testing with items that are scored by report. Fo-
A child who is abnormal, questionable, or untestable on
cusing attention initially on the parent gives the child a
the second test should be referred to a pediatrician or the
chance to cope with the situation and becomes more
appropriate health professional for further evaluation and
familiar with the tester and the test materials.
possible developmental stimulation program. Nurses can
• If the child remains shy and wary, ask the parent to
also be trained to teach parents skills in developmental
administer some of the test items or show how they are
stimulation of children. With severe resource constraints,
done. As the parent demonstrates, you can say, "Tignan
these health workers may be the most feasible group to tap
ko nga kung makalalakad ka din ng paurong gaya ng
for this function.
nanay mo. " Preschoolers are great show-offs. This
Continued surveillance and periodic retesting of children technique may work and if it does, reinforce the child
identified to have developmental delays or at risk should be for performing.
done. Ifalf•uggestions/üil and the test-is not Completynretest 2
or 3 weeks later.
MUDST Manual
MMDST Manual
recognition of colors. The sequence of testing may be
The Uncooperative Child If the tester has
jumbled depending on the situation.
mastered the test form, jumping from one sector to an-
The uncooperative child is one who is not shy but
refuses to do what is asked of him/her. Approaches for the other is easy.
shy child may also be applied to the uncooperative child. In Limit the distractions — clear the room of all distractions.
addition, the following may be tried: If this is not possible in crowded places (home, clinic or
Ask the parent to leave the room. The child may perfonn health center), arrange the table and the child's position on
better in the Éårent's absence. Anxious feelings of a parent the table in such a*way that his/her båck is to the distrac-
blocks, gets the ball and runs off with it. Getting him to sit Once obtained, focus it on the task to be performed. If
down to continue the tet is a chore. While you may succeed attention lags, call him by name or touch his arm gently to
in getting him to perform again, the attention span is short. bring him back to the task at hand.
Dealing with an overactive child may be a difficult Be firm and calm — Filipino children, including the over-
experience to the child, the parent and the tester. There are active, respond to authority. Uniformed people like
ways, however, of dealing with this situation. nurses, doctors and policemen are usually held in awe.
Mastery of test items based on the example given Firm but calm words from these people often work where
above, when the child drops the blocks and picks up the parents fail. TELL the child what to do. DO NOT ASK
ball, be ready to test him on other items: "Sipain mo if he can or i! he will perform the task.
'tong bola. 'j qnce done, follow with "Saluhin mo ito. "
his at R tion from the ball and test him on
the&tiilünyqur lap-Esie-nexeto
him/her. This way, It is easier to contr child's
MMDST Manual MMDST Manual
him out of the way, thus giving the remaining children a Frankenburg et al.'s proficiency training film is available or its
chance to perform on their own, without comments or equivalent, view this also and compare your performance with
proznpting from others. the expected answérs, Proficiency on the DDSTfDenver II is a
Frankenburg suggests that the parent leave the done with you administering the test on one to three children
room. A face-saving way is to discontinue the (of the age ranges stated above) and your instructor/partner
test. Then reset the discontinued test for re- independently scoring the test as you administer it. You should
screeping within 2 or weeks. Score the items obtain-Q4easV90% agreemenbuitll_your instru€tor(partner. If
by rt;port of interfering parents with care. They not, Indaut -tfiéß areas ofiisagreement and rßiciice in those
may hot be reliable. areas. Repeat the reliability testing session,
MMDST Manual
MMDST Manual
ofNorms for the Denver Developmental Screening Test on Development of Norms for the Denver Developmental
Metro Manila Children 0-6 Years Old, pp. 1 15-198 NSDB-UPS Screening Test on Metro Manila Children 0-6 Years Old.
NSDB- (A) Project No. 7703 so., Appendix J.
Anastasiow, N., Grimmett, S., Eggleston, P., and Brown,J. (1977). Williams, P.D, (1980d). Predictive Validity of the Metro Manila
Facilitative Environments Encouraging Development (FEED) Developmental Screening Test. Paper presented at the Philippine
Institute for Child Study, Indiana University, Bloomington. PJysi@Logical Association Convention, August 26, Manila.
Frankenburg, W. & Fandall, A. , Dodds, J. , (1970) . Denver Williams, at KISK:YPerinatal Events and their
Developmental Screening Test Manual (Revised) Denver: Effects on Development: A Cross-Sectional Study. Unpublished.
University of Colorado Press. Williams, P.D. & Williams, AR (1983) "Factors Affecting
Frankenburg, W. , Goldstein, A. , Chabot, A., Camp, B.W., and Fitch, Development of Filipino at Risk", presented at seminar on
M. (1970). Training the Indigenous Nonprofessional: The Children at Risk: An International Perspective, University of
Screening Technician. J. Pediatrics, 77: 564-570. Colorado Health Sciences Center, Denver, Colorado, September
Frankenburg, W.K Camp, , B. W, VanNatta, P.A & Demersseman, J.A 16,1983.
(1971a) Reliability & Stability of the Denver Developmental
Screening Test. Child Development, 42:475-485.
Guthrie, G., Tayag A., Jacobs, P. (1969). The Philippine Non-Verbal
Intelligence Test (PNIT) Manual, Philippine Normal College,
Layug, E. (1980). Concurrent Validation of the DDST (Metro-
Manila version). Unpublished master's thesis, University of the
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Appendix B
Purpose: This checklist should be used regularly until the
tester becomes proficient in administermg the
Instructions: To check thee accuracy of your own testing
ability, go over the checklist immediately after
you have finished giving a test. To check the
Did the examiner assure cooperation
of child by:
8. giving child a chance to become Yes
used to examiner?
Yes No,
9. starting each sector
The test should be administered before any frightening or 6. Ask the parent if the child's performance was typical of
painful procedures. A child will often withdraw if the performance at other times.
examiner rushes demands on the child. One may start by 7. To retest the child on the same form, use a different
laying out one or two test items in front of the child while color pencil for the scoring and age line.
asking the mother whether the child performs some of the 8. Instructions for administering footnoted items are on the
personal-social items. It is best to administer the first few test back of test form.
items well below the child's age level in order to assure an
initial successful experience. It is best to remove all test Interpretations
materials from the table, except the one that is being The test items are placed in four categories: Gross
administered, to avoid distractions. Motor, Fine Motor-Adaptive, Language, and Personal-
Social. Each of the test items is designated by a bar which is
Steps in Administering the Test so located under the age scale as to indicate clearly the ages
l. Draw a vertical line on the examination sheet through the at which 25%, 50%, 75%, and 90% of the standardization
four sectors (Gross Motor, Fine Motor-Adaptive, population could perform the panicular test item.
Language, and Personal-Social) to represent the child's Failure to pass an item passed by 90% of children should
chronological age. Place the date of the examination at the be considered significant. Such a failure may be
the age line. For. premature children»subtractihe end_of the bar ofthe_failed
months prematurity from the chronological age. After two item. Several failures in one sector are considered to be
years of age, it is no longer necessary to compensate for developmental delays. These delays may be due to:
l. Unwillingness of the child to use his or her ability
The items to be administered are those through which the due to:
child's chronological age line passes unless there are a. Temporary phenomena, such as fatigue, illness,
obvious deviations. In each sector one should establish the hospitalization, separation from the parent, fear,
areawhere the child passes all of the items and the point at and so forth
which the child fails all of the items. b. General unwillingness to do most things that are
D. In the event that the child refuses to do some of the items asked such a condition may be just as
requested by the examiner, it is suggested that the parent detrimental as an inability to perform
administer the item, provided he or she does so in the 2. An inability to perform the item due to:
5. Note how the child adjusted to the examination — and how more areas
eThild related to the•parntx the examiner, and the test
If unexplained developmental delays are noted and are a
valid reflection of a child's abilities, the child should be re-
screened one month later. Ifthe delays persist, the child should
be further evaluated with more detailed diagnostic studies.