devices, on the one hand, and with the research of each style of
language, on the other, i.e. with its aim, its structure, its characteristic
features and the effect it produces as well as its interrelation with the
to which the elements of this system are built. It points out the
The main unit of the lexical system of a language resulting from the
the definition of a word is one of the most difficult items in linguistics because the word
has many different aspects. It has a sound form with a certain arrangement
and characterized by formal and semantic unity. The formal unity of the
many cases the inflexion is zero), e.g. seldom, chairs, longer, dog, card.
one or more affixes and an inflexion, e.g. baby-sitters, middle-of-the roaders, job-hopper.
throughout the paradigm of the word, e.g. the stem hop can be found in
lexical meaning of the word they coincide with the stem of simple words, e.g. dog,
(un-) unnatural, suffixes (-ish) girlish, (-ship) friendship and also blocked (unique)
and as a free morpheme. For example, the morphemes (well, half) on the one
hand, they are free morphemes because they can exist separately like
these: sleep well, half an hour. On the other hand, they are bound in words
conjunctions and prepositions, e.g. (a, an, the, but, and, under, on, in).
teachers for the Plural of nouns, (-ed) added for the Past Indefinite of regular verbs(-ing) reading for the
Present Participle, (-er) hotter for the Comparative degree of adjectives. So inflexions carry only
grammatical meaning and they are used for the formation of word-forms.
------------------------------WORD FORMATION-----------------------------------
language after certain structural and semantic formulas and patterns. The
several affixes are called derived words and this process of word
is an adjective).
-ism (ageism),
the stem can be subdivided into groups, e.g. noun-forming suffixes can
a) the agent of the action, e.g. -er (experimenter), -ist (taxist), -ent
ling (goseling);
suffixes can be subdivided into two main classes: native and borrowed
sleepless, lonely).
comfortable, career).
following groups:
a) productive, such as: -er, -ize, -ly, -ness (teacher, realize, ugly,
the stem. In English prefixes are more independent than suffixes. Prefixes
can be classified according to the nature of words in which they are used:
to different principles:
Semantic classification. Semantically prefixes can be divided into
monosemantic i.e. the prefix has only one meaning, e.g. ex-boxer, exboyfriend
and polysemantic i.e. the prefix -dis has several meanings: (not)
over- (overdrugging).
Origin of prefixes:
overcome, underwear);
exchange, reappear);
have two types of spelling: written either solidly or with a hyphen, e.g.
grammatically changes
There are two characteristic features of English compounds:
they can be used as words with a distinctive meaning of their own. The
sound pattern will be the same except for the stresses, e.g. a green-house
German ones.
face – to face. The new word made from conversion has a different
meaning from that of the word from which it was produced though the
down adv.);
home n.).
conversion are nouns and verbs. In the group of verbs made from nouns
there are some regular semantic associations. Verbs can be formed from
nouns of different semantic groups and have different meanings. They are
shoulder etc;
the noun from which they have been converted, e.g. to dog, to wolf, to
ape, to monkey;
e) verbs can denote an action performed at the place denoted by the
noun from which they have been converted, e.g. to park, to garage, to
noun from which they have been converted e.g. to winter, to week-end .
noun from which they have been converted e.g. to lunch, to dinner, to
The suggested groups do not include all the great variety of verbs
denote the change of the state, e.g. to pale, to cool, to clean, to slim etc.
c) agent of the action expressed by the verb from which the noun
e) place of the action expressed by the verb from which the noun
Many nouns converted from verbs can be used only in the singular
to get, to take etc., e.g. to have a try, to give a push, to take a swim.
monosyllabic words.
senses actually being more common in early literacy, where spelling out a
whole word was often avoided, initial letters commonly being used to
forms are used. They are used for the economy of space and effort in
Alas – Alaska;
more parts of the whole, for example, cdr for commander, doz or dz for
dozen, ltd for limited. Scientific degrees: B.A. – Bachelor of Arts, D.M.
– Doctor of Medicine.
There is never a period (full stop) between letters of the same word.
However, “miles per hour” can be shortened by the acronym m.p.h. or,
are used for some duration of time they acquire the shortened form of
Initializes are the way of making the new words from the initial
acronyms with the alphabetical reading, such as CID ['si: 'ai 'di:]
Drug Administration; NHS [́'en 'eitј 'es] –The National Health Service,
result we get a new lexical unit where either the lexical meaning or the
style is different from the full form of the word. In such cases as fantasy
and fancy, fence and defence we have different lexical meanings. In such
word which is clipped. Mostly the end of the word is clipped, because
the beginning of the word in most cases is the root and expresses the
belonging to the same parts of speech as the primary word, e.g. prof. is a
telescoping, because the words seem to slide into one another like of a
have gained wide popularity in highly used websites and have entered
into the vocabularies of twitter users. Let’s look some of the terms:
and digit), freeware from (free and software), pixel from (picture and
element) etc.
1. The beginning of one word is added to the end of the other. For
example, the word “brunch” is a meal you eat in the late morning that
combines breakfast and lunch. Mostly blends are formed from a wordgroup,
For example, the word motel is a blend of motor and hotel, the blend
cinemadict is combined from cinema and adict, the word faction is from
sounds are changed to form new words which are differentiated due to
the first syllable and verbs on the last syllable, e.g. `accent – to ac`cent,
Americans and others who enjoy this type of music, including speech
of a borrowed word.
So when the French word «beggar» was borrowed into English the final syllable «ar»
was pronounced in the same way as the English -er and Englishmen
formed the verb «to beg» by dropping the end of the noun. Other
meaning of the primary word is changed, verbs are formed from nouns.