7 Day Intermittent Fasting Meal Plan
7 Day Intermittent Fasting Meal Plan
7 Day Intermittent Fasting Meal Plan
12:00NOON 1 Seasonal Fruit 1 Seasonal Fruit 1 Seasonal Fruit 1 Seasonal Fruit 1 Seasonal Fruit 1 Seasonal Fruit 1 Seasonal Fruit
LUNCH/DINNER 3ozs Baked Chicken 1 Slice Baked Fish 1 slice Steamed Fish 1 slice Baked Fish 1 pc Grilled Split Peas & 1 slice Steamed Fish
3:00PM – 1 Potspoon Brown rice/ 1 Potspoon Peas & Rice 1 Potspoon Brown 1 Baked Potato Chicken Chicken Breast 1 pc Coo-Coo
4:00PM Quinoa Braised Pumpkin & Rice 1 Potspoon Lentils 1Potspoons Red Soup with sweet 1 Potspoon Callaloo
1 Potspoon Peas (No Christophene ½ Plate Steamed Cabbage , Patchoi Beans potato/ dasheen, (No coconut Milk)
Coconut Milk) Lettuce /Tomatoes Vegetables & Carrots Medley 4pc Provision Ochroes, ½ Plate Vegetables
½ ripe Plantain Steamed Carrots Pumpkin etc. (steamed or fresh)
Tossed Salad and Patchoi
Please Note:
No Carbonated Beverages, Processed snacks, Fried or fatty foods, Red Meats (Pork/Goat/Beef/Lamb)
Daily water intake 3L. Water is not to be taken with meals. Drink water in between meals or 1 hour before or after meals throughout the day.
You are encouraged to be actively involved in some form of physical activity at least 3 times weekly for 1 hour.
You can substitute any of the fruits/ vegetables / lean protein with what you have that’s available.
Always make healthy and balanced choices.