Hans Kelsen Pure Theory
Hans Kelsen Pure Theory
Hans Kelsen Pure Theory
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sented the greatest difficulty. 'Seth ' may mean either the
realm of 'Sen,' or a particular manifestation of 'Sein ';
and similarly with ' Sollen.' The most obvious translations
of ' Sollen ' as ' obligation ' or ' pure obligation,' or ' duty
and 'pure duty,' etc., none of them display the necessary,
immediate contrast with 'Sei,' the ' factual reality.'
Again, to translate 'Sollen' as 'essence' (as do some
writers) is to convey very little of the proper normative
meaning. I have, therefore, though reluctantly, fallen
back on the translations 'ought' and 'is,' since it was
necessary that the element of contrast should be preserved.
10. The ideological character of traditional legal theory is
clearly revealed in the customary formulation of the concept of
law. It stands still to-day under the influence of the conserva-
tive natural law school, which operates, as I have already shown,
with a transcendental concept of law. This is in complete
accordance with the basic metaphysical character of philosophy
during the reign of natural right theories; a period which,
politically, coincides with the development of the police state
of absolute monarchy. With the victory of bourgeois liberalism
in the nineteenth century an outspoken reaction against meta-
physic and natural law theory set in. The changeover of
bourgeois legal science from natural law to positivism went
hand in hand with the progress of the empirical natural sciences
and with a critical analysis of religious ideology. Yet this
changeover, however radical, was never a complete one. Law
The Law Quarterly Review. [No. CC.
law is held to proceed from direct insight into its value, when
the positive law is simply the demonstrant of an absolute, that
is, divine or natural order, can the element of compulsion appear
as unessential; the validity of the law rests, then, exactly as in
absolutist morals, on the internal compulsion which accompanies
the evidence of its authority. This is an unambiguous natural
law conception.
14. If law, however, considered purely positively, is nothing
else than an external, compulsive order, then it is clearly only
a specific social technique. The desired social condition is
brought about by attaching to its contradictory, the human
behaviour, an act of compulsion, that is, the compulsory removal
of a good: life, freedom or economic utility. In this fashion
we may pursue any social end whatsoever. Law is characterized
not as an end but as a specific means, as an apparatus of
compulsion, to which, as such, there adheres no political or
ethical value, an apparatus whose value derives rather from
some end which transcends the law. This, too, is an interpreta-
tion of the material of the law wholly free from ideology. The
frank admission that the material of the law (that is, the actual
conditions upon which the law has to work) is historically
conditioned opens the way for an understanding of the inner
connexion between the social technique of a compulsive order
and the state of society which it is desired to maintain. What
that state of society may be, whether, as the socialists declare,
it has the form of a capitalist class supremacy, all this is irrele-
vant from the standpoint of the Pure Theory of Law. This
theory does not consider the end which the legal order sub-
serves. It considers only the legal order itself, not with
reference to its purpose and as the potential cause, therefore, of
a certain effect-for the means-end relation is only a special
case of the causal relationship-but solely as a specific normative
15. It is often denied that the law issuch an entity at all.
The law is looked upon, that is, regal ordinances are looked
upon, as means to evoke a specific behaviour on the part of the
persons with whom it is concerned. It is thought that the legal
order can thus be understood as the uniformity of a certain
series of human behaviours. The normative meaning with which
the ordinances appear is thus consciously ignored since it is
deemed unnecessary to accept an Ought which is wholly different
from the Is. The assertion of the legislator or of the legal
theorist, that ' he who steals shall be (i.e. ought to be) punished,"
is looked on simply as ain attempt to bring men to for:;ake theft
Oct., 1934] The Pure Theory of Law.
18. The general theory of law, as developed by the positivistic
jurisprudence of the nineteenth century, is characterized by a
dualism which cuts across all its problems and dominates the
entire system. This dualism is a legacy from the theory of
natural law, whose place has been taken by the general theory
of law. The natural law dualism was derived from the accept-
ance of a divine or natural order of law, above and superior to
the political order of the positive law, and essentially possessed,
at least in the opinion of the classical representatives of natural
law theory in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, of a
conservative, legitimizing function. It is true that the positi-
vism of the nineteenth century does not indeed wholly renounce,
as already said, a justification of the law by a supra-positive
value; but it does this only indirectly, under the cover of its
concepts. The justification of the positive law no longer pro-
ceeds from a higher and different law, but rather from the con-
cept of law itself. We are to speak now not of the former
immanent, not manifest dualism, but of an explicit, trans-
systematic dualism, appearing in the distinction between
objective and subjective, public and private law and in
innumerable other distinctions, not least among which is the
distinction between law and the state. And the function of
this manifold dualism is by no means simply to legitimize the
positive legal order, but also to set certain limits to its con-
tentual structure. The former function applies particularly to
the distinction between law and the state, the latter quite
The Law Quarterly Review. [No. CC.