Lesson 1

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School Salvador National High School Grade Level Grade 11

IN Teacher John Nerlo M. Dequiña Learning Area Earth and Life Science
SCIENCE Teaching Date and Time October 7, 2022 1:00pm

I. Objectives
a. Content At the end of the lesson, learners can demonstrate an understanding of:
Standard 1. The formation of the universe and the solar system.
b. Performance At the end of the lesson, learners will be able to discuss what are the theories about the origin of the universe.
c. Learning 1. State the different hypotheses explaining the origin of the universe. (S11/12ES-Ia-e-1)
Competency 2. Describe the different hypotheses explaining the origin of the solar system. (S11/12ES-Ia-e-2)
3. Recognize the uniqueness of earth, being the only planet in the solar system with properties necessary to support life.
4. Explain the current advancements/information on the solar system. (S11/12ES-Ia-e-5)
II. Content Origin and Structure of the Earth: Universe and Solar System
III. Learning The Origin of the Universe by John D. Barrow
Resources The Origin of the Universe by Stephen Hawking

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=libKVRa01L8 “Solar System 101 | National Geographic”

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aOPP4OV3mlI “What Is Our Place in The Milky Way?”
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HdPzOWlLrbE “Origins of the Universe 101 | National Geographic”
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AC7yFDb1zOA “How big is the universe ... compared with a grain of sand?”

IV. Procedures

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

Preliminary Activities (2 mins)

 Prayer - One of the students leads.
 Greetings
“Good Morning Class, how was your weekend?” - “Good Morning Sir, Good Sir!”
 Checking of Attendance
Introduction of the topic
 Show a video of the outer space, earth’s atmosphere, stars, and other
object in the universe.
 Provide a motivational activity that relates to the topic.

Guessing game!

Arrange the jumbled letters to form a words about the universe.

1. srats - The students will answer “Stars”

2. nus - The students will answer “Sun”
3. etplna - The students will answer “Planet”
4. guess the word that can be form using the four (4) pictures below. - The students will answer “Galaxy”

 Provide background/history of the topic.

 Establish the purpose of the topic.
 Ask related real life events or fictional story that is related to the
Universe and Solar System.



Universe is an all space-time, matter and energy including the solar system,
all stars and galaxies and content of intergalactic space, regarded as a whole.
There are three various theories explaining the origin of the universe.
1. Steady State Theory. It states that the counting of the galaxies in our
universe is constant and new galaxies which are forming continuously are
filling the empty spaces which are created by those heavenly bodies
which have crossed the boundary lines of observable universe. This
theory proposes that the overall structure of the universe is always the
same at any point in time and space. This structure is maintained even
when certain events, such as birth of new stars, occur. It is balanced by
the death of old stars.
2. Pulsating Theory. In this theory, it is assumed that there is continuous
expansion and contraction in universe. It proposes that the universe will
keep expanding more and more then slowly it stop. Then it will start co
contract due to gravitation. This contraction will continue until the
universe become more compact and will later explode and expand again.
3. Big Bang Theory. It proposes that the entire universe was once
condensed in a very small and compact particle called primeval nucleus.
It is estimated that about 20 billion years ago, primeval nucleus suddenly
exploded in a big bang. The force of this explosion caused matter to
scatter in any direction forming a universe.

Biblical Belief on the Formation or Creation of the Universe.

 “Genesis 1:1 – In the beginning God Created the heavens and
 The very first claim made in the bible is that there was a beginning.
Since Genesis 1 describe how God created the universe, and in a
certain sequence, there is no doubt that he did that exactly. God
created the universe.

(Provide a preview of the universe and solar system)
Solar System
Just a part of the vast universe is our solar system. It is located somewhere in
the Milky Galaxy. It consists of the sun being at the center, minor and major
planets and other celestial bodies like satellites, comets, asteroids and


There are major theories that explain the origin of the solar system.
1. Nebular Hypothesis Theory. According to this theory, the sun and
other celestial bodies orbiting around it where formed from a nebula
(A spinning cloud of gases). These clouds are gravitationally unstable,
and matter coalesces within them smaller denser clumps, which when
rotate, collapse, and form stars.
2. Accretion Theory. Accretion is the gradual increase in the size of an
object by the build-up of the matter due to gravity. The accretion
theory says that a protosun passing through a cloud of interstellar
materials pulled this material along causing it to swirl around the
protosun. As the protosun evolved into the sun, the material it accreted
gradually formed the planets and other revolving bodies.
3. Tidal theory. According to this theory, the time when the sun about to
form (protosun), a large body passing around it may have drawn some
gaseous material from it. The mass of gaseous materials drawn did not
completely escape gravitational pull of the protosun. It continued to
spin around it, eventually becoming more dense and gradually formed
into planetesimals. These planetisimals give rise to the planets and
their satellites.


Provide a video discussion about why the earth is a unique planet among the
other planet in the solar system. - Students watch video from National
Geography channel in youtube.
 Give a brief summary of the concept of the topic.

V. Assessment Homework: Research on the current information about space exploration Students research the internet and in the library
about the assignment.
VI. Remarks

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