Numbers System Set - 1
Numbers System Set - 1
Numbers System Set - 1
7. If A is the sum of the squares of the first n natural 17. The base 6 system of counting uses six distinct digits
numbers (where n < 100), then for how many values of to represent any number. The non-negative integral
n will A be divisible by 5? numbers in this system can be listed in ascending
a. 40 b. 60 c. 59 d. 39 order as 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 20, 21, and
so on. Find the sum (as expressed in base 6) of the
8. Let S denote the sum of the squares of ten consecutive first hundred numbers listed in the series given.
positive integers. Which of the following values a. 34200 b. 34530 c. 24352 d. 24200
represents a possible value of S?
a. 2785 b. 2485
c. 2685 d. 2585
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Advanced Edge Material 2
18. In a library, a series of 10 volumes (all of which are
and D4 0.q1q2 q3 q4 w here q1, q2, q3 and q4 are
identical as far as the physical dimensions are
concerned) of an encyclopedia are stacked on a shelf four digits from 1 to 9. Which of the following
in order, in the usual way, with their spines vertical numbers when multiplied by at least one of the above
and facing outwards. But the last volume is placed mentioned decimals will result in an integer, for any
upside down. Each volume has a total of 1000 pages, values of q1, q2, q3 and q4?
numbered from 1 to 1000. A bookworm wants to ‘cover’ a. 1800 b. 19980 c. 198 d. 1111
the entire encyclopedia. It begins from one end of the
stack and bores its way to the other end of the stack. 21. How many negative integer solutions exist for x2 – y2
If, for each volume, the bookworm takes 25 minutes to = 400?
go through all the pages and a total of 5 minutes to go a. 4 b. 6 c. 8 d. 3
through both the covers, how long does it take to go
from the first page, i.e. page numbered 1, of the first 22. The last digit of the LCM of (320031) and (32003+1) is:
volume to the last page, i.e. page numbered 1000, of a. 1 b. 4 c. 6 d. 0
the last volume?
a. 300 minutes b. 245 minutes 23. Find the highest power of 2 in the product 1005 × 1006
c. 295 minutes d. 270 minutes × 1007 × …….. × 2009.
19. If n is a natural number, then what is the sum of all the a. 10 b. 1005 c. 2006 d. 1004
possible distinct remainders when 8n + 7n + 3n + 2n is
divided by 10? 24. Find the value of 0! (12+1–1)+1! (22+2–1)+2! (32+3–1)
a. 6 b. 10 c. 2 d. 0 + ----- + 20! (212 + 21 – 1).
20. D1, D2, D3 and D4 are recurring decimals given by a. 19! + 20! – 2 b. 21! + 20! – 1
c. 22! + 20! – 2 d. 22! + 21! – 2
D1 0.q1q2 q3q 4 , D2 0 .q1q2 q3 q4 , D3 0.q1 q 2 q3q4
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