Enjoyment in Academic Pursuit and Performance Improvement

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BOHR International Journal of Operations Management Research and Practices

2022, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 1–10


Enjoyment in Academic Pursuit and Performance Improvement

Narendra K. Sharma

Former Professor, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur

Flat No. C-102, Ratan Planet, Kanpur 209217, India
E-mail: nksharma@iitk.ac.in

Abstract. Academic pursuit is a long-term commitment, which can lead to negative consequences, such as lack of
motivation, dissatisfaction, and disappointment if performance in an examination is low. Enjoyment in academic
pursuits can sustain the interest and focus necessary to learn and perform. The flow theory, optimal level of arousal,
positive academic self-perception, and positive emotional environment provide the necessary intrinsic motivation
and important directions to develop strategies to enjoy academic pursuit. A framework has been developed to
indicate that simultaneous activation of positive academic self-perception and positive emotional environment
routes leads to effective learning with consequent improvement in performance. Students can use these devices
through continuous academic self-assessment. Research directions and applications are indicated.
Keywords: Academic self-perception, emotional environment, flow, intrinsic motivation, self-assessment, strategy.

INTRODUCTION examples to explicate the conceptualization of skill. The

third section integrates the concepts and ideas presented in
The major thrust of this article is to highlight the fac- the “Introduction” and “Review of Literature” sections. A
tors that positively influence academic pursuit. The arti- framework is developed to indicate two routes to effective
cle conceptualizes academic pursuit as an investment in learning and performance and suggests that the simul-
knowledge. It implies that enjoyment in academic pursuits taneity of the routes can be more effective than only one
can improve learning effectiveness and exam performance. route. The fourth section presents research directions and
The article uses Csikszentmihalyi’s [2] flow theory, the practical applications. The last section of this article is the
relationship between arousal and performance, the con- “concluding” section.
cept of intrinsic motivation, academic self-perception, and
positive emotions to indicate how to enjoy academic pur- SOME CONCEPTUAL DEFINITIONS
suit. It uses appropriate anecdotes, examples, and stories
along with research findings to support and explicate the Education is a womb to tomb, cradle to grave process. Aca-
emerging suggestions. These suggestions are integrated demic pursuit is a long-term, unending engagement that
into a framework to indicate that simultaneous activa- requires giving time and energy to knowledge acquisition
tion of academic self-perception and a positive emotional and its use. For students, it entails learning a discipline or a
environment lead to enjoyment, which can have a more course for professional use. In this limited sense, academic
positive effect on learning and performance. pursuit involves acquiring knowledge, generally in the
The article includes five major sections, including this formal setting of a school, to a certain level of proficiency or
section on introduction, which comprises two subsections: mastery. Schools test the proficiency level through various
conceptual definitions and stage setting. The second sec- kinds of tests. Therefore, performance is required. Schools
tion presents a review of literature and theoretical back- provide a certificate or degree as evidence of academic
ground relevant to the major objective of the article. The achievement.
various subsections are concerned with academic pursuit For a teacher, academic pursuit is a life-long engage-
and performance, and they are linked to flow theory, ment. To be more comprehensive, meaningful, and
arousal, and academic self-concept. In the section titled, inclusive, academic pursuit can be considered as an invest-
“Two General Examples of Skill” we present two general ment in knowledge that sustains interest in the world

2 Narendra K. Sharma

around us and contributes to the development of dif- define ability. Perceived ability or academic self-concept is
ferent worldviews. The “investment” perspective extends crucial to performance.
the conceptualization of academic pursuit from the class- Performance depends on focus on and awareness of the
room to “beyond the classroom.” Self-learning, learning elements relevant to the problem at hand and the ability
through projects and research, participation in seminars to disregard irrelevant cues in a given situation. Endsley
and conferences, and experiential learning in the form of formally combined these elements to define the cognitive
role-playing and other group activities make the learning construct “situation awareness” as “the perception of the
process enjoyable. In an extended sense, academic pursuit elements in the environment within a volume of time
as an investment applies to nonteaching professionals, and space, the comprehension of their meaning, and the
housewives, businesspersons, politicians, and others. At projection of their status in the near future” Endsley [5].
the doctoral and postdoctoral levels, and in independent Situation awareness is an important ability for operators
and collaborative research, researchers invest knowledge in a dynamic situation, for example, for the pilots, vehicle
in addition to effort, time, and energy. The reward of drivers, and surgeons during a surgical process. During
investment in knowledge is in the form of more, deeper, a test, situation awareness can be useful for properly dis-
and extensive knowledge, which contributes to personal tributing time to various questions, picking up the relevant
growth and the growth of the organization in which the cues and ignoring irrelevant ones from the question state-
knowledge-investor works. The main thrust behind the ments, and organizing answers.
above conceptualization is the need to update oneself, Performers generally enjoy it when they perform if
particularly in the teaching profession and in other profes- they are in flow. Flow is “a state in which people are so
sional engagements in general. involved in an activity that nothing else seems to matter;
On the basis of interest and ability-driven motivation, the experience is so enjoyable that people will continue
students choose their primary discipline and courses of to do it, even at great cost, for the sheer sake of doing
study. Student’s worldviews guide students in making it” [2, p. 4]. Flow is the optimal experience that people get
those choices pragmatically. Worldviews also equip indi- when engaged in doing things that they want to do. It is
viduals to take decisions and act pragmatically in profes- this optimal experience that brings enjoyment to people.
sional and social domains. Pragmatism is the source of Writers, music composers, chess players, rock climbers, to
prodding to view knowledge, language, concepts, mean- name a few, all get the feeling of the optimal experience
ing, belief, and science in terms of their practical uses and during performance. Csikszentmihalyi considered Yoga as
successes. Pragmatism is a “thoroughly planned activity” and saw an extremely
strong similarity between Yoga and flow. “Both try to
based on the principle that the usefulness,
achieve a joyous, self-forgetful involvement through con-
workability, and practicality of ideas, policies,
centration, which in turn is made possible by a discipline
and proposals are the criteria of their merit. It
of the body” (p. 105).
stresses the priority of action over doctrine, of
An academic self-concept is a multidimensional con-
experience over fixed principles, and it holds
struct that comprises self-beliefs in one’s own abilities
that ideas borrow their meanings from their
to learn different school subjects and perform well on
consequences and their truths from their veri-
tests. As with the development of self-concept in gen-
fication. Thus, ideas are essentially instruments
eral, academic self-concept also develops through per-
and plans of action [17].
ception of, and interaction with, the environment and
Enjoyment is the consequence of positive impressions feedback based on the consequences of actions. Parents
and feelings of satisfaction created by positive stimuli. It can shape children’s interests, self-concept of ability, and
is “a positive affective state that occurs when a person relative achievement behaviors [13] by giving direct pos-
engages in an experience or activity that satisfies a desire, itive feedback when children do well and work hard in
goal, or need, including but not limited to the need for school [8].
pleasure, meaning, security, safety, sustenance, esteem, Performance can be understood along with behavior
belongingness, or love” [27]. Enjoyment is much more in general. Psychologists define human behavior at two
than, and different from, hedonism and pleasure, which are levels: observable actions (overt behavior) and nonobserv-
largely sensory and perceptual in nature and ephemeral. able (mental; cognitive) activities (covert behavior). Overt
A skill involves an organized sequence of goal-directed behavior can be a response to some change in environmen-
activities that use feedback as a corrective input. It is tal energy (the stimulus) or to some mental activity (for
the ability or proficiency acquired through training and example, expressing an idea in words). Covert behavior
practice. Cognitive skills are important for academic pur- can be a response to a stimulus or to a covert activity (for
suits. Performance is a skilled behavior that achieves a example, adding numbers or making mental images).
preset goal. This conceptualization, along with the training Is performance the same as behavior or are they
required to acquire skills, implies that effective learning different concepts? There are two contrasting opera-
is essential to performance. Existing competence or skills tional views. Meister (1995, cited by Smith [28]) posited
Academic Pursuit and Performance Improvement 3

that performance and behavior are different. Human LITERATURE REVIEW: SOME
performance is systematic, organized, and measurable DETERMINANTS OF PERFORMANCE
behavior, which is appropriate in a technological context.
Human behavior is comprehensive (includes less rational, A rich literature exists on human performance in various
emotional, and attitudinal states), which is appropriate in domains. The following review is only indicative of theo-
a nontechnical context. The alternative view is, “Perfor- ries and constructs that contribute to an understanding of
mance is synonymous with behavior. . . Performance is not what determines performance.
the consequence or result of action; it is the action itself” [1,
p. 261]. In this view, performance (behavior) is what people The Flow Theory and Academic Pursuit
do, and it can be observed. Cognitive behavior cannot be
observed, but the results of cognitive actions can be seen. The flow theory identifies nine elements that make an
In general, it can be suggested that performance is a goal- experience enjoyable [3]. The elements are (i) Clear goals:
directed behavior. Mathematically, performance (P) can be In the flow state, the individual has specific goals at each
described as a function of behavior (B), given some goal step that indicate what needs to be done next. This helps
(G): P = f(B|G). in the error-free, smooth conduct of the entire activity.
(ii) Immediate feedback: Each goal can be thought of as a
collection of intermediate goals. Achievement of an inter-
Setting the Stage
mediate goal indicates a movement in the right direction.
Arjuna’s story in Indian mythology provides an important The individual knows at the conclusion of each intermedi-
anecdote to understand the concept of academic pursuit ate goal whether the progression is in the right direction or
as an investment and its relationship to performance and otherwise. (iii) Balance between challenges and skills: As the
other important features of learning. As the story runs, level of challenge increases, an increase in the skill level
in a lesson on archery, Draunacharya asked his students is also required. An incompatibility between the levels of
to shoot a bird by aiming its eye. Draunacharya called challenge and skill generally leads to emotional states that
the students one-by-one and asked if they saw the tree, are disappointing and dissatisfying. (iv) Merged action and
the branch, or the bird. Every student said he saw trees, awareness: The individual focuses and concentrates on the
branches, and birds. Arjuna, who practiced archery day task. There is a one-pointed mind to match challenges and
in and day out, gave answers to all the questions in the skills. (v) Exclusion of distractions from awareness: nothing
negative. The conversation between Draunacharya and irrelevant draws the individual’s attention. The focus is on
Arjuna seemingly went as hereunder. the here and now. (vi) No worry of failure: In flow, failure is
Drona: “What do you see?” Arjuna: “I see the eye of the not an issue. There are clear goals and skills that are poten-
bird.” Drona: “Do you see the tree?” Arjuna: “No.” Drona: tially adequate to meet the challenges. (vii) Disappearance
“Do you see the branch?” Arjuna: “No.” Drona: “Do you of self-consciousness: During the episode, individuals ignore
see the bird?” Arjuna: “No. Drona: “Then what else do you how they look and even step out of the boundaries of their
see, Arjuna?” Arjuna: “Nothing.” Drona: “Shoot, Arjuna.” ego to temporarily become a part of the larger entity. At the
Arjuna released the arrow and it just hit the target. conclusion of the event, there is generally a stronger self-
The story has several important inklings to take home. concept. (viii) A distorted sense of time: the subjective time
The task involved a high challenge: shooting the bird’s is shorter or longer than the clock time, depending on the
eye, spatially a tiny target. Arjuna had a high skill level: situation and the task. (ix) Autotelic nature of activities: The
investment through continuous day-in-day-out practice to activity becomes an end in itself and a source of intrinsic
achieve the level of mastery, leading to performance with motivation. The individual does not necessarily look for
great acumen and precision. Arjuna had a clearly defined external rewards.
goal: the “bullseye.” Arjuna was focused with selective The elements of an enjoyable experience indicate some
attention to the bird’s eye and a strong situation awareness paradoxes. Time is perceived to be still, yet flowing. Due
to ignore objects and information irrelevant to the task at to the high skill level, the performance is effortless, yet
hand. He had no distraction, as indicated by the answer highly challenging. High proficiency achieved through
“No” to the questions related to the presence of “irrele- continuous practice makes performance relaxed, yet there
vant” objects. is high intensity involvement as the performance requires
To conclude, Arjuna was focused, had one-pointed unwa- high skill levels. There is a feeling of full presence yet a
vering attention, and was in control of his mind. Some would lost sense of self. These paradoxes probably also teach the
say, “Arjuna was in the zone.” What does it mean to be “in individual to be calm and patient.
the zone?” Does being in the zone improve performance? Combinations of different levels of challenge and skill
If so, then “How?” What does it mean to be in control? lead individuals to experience different emotional states.
The concepts of situation awareness and flow discussed in The model that describes these states can be represented as
the section titled, “Some Conceptual Definitions” provide an eight-spoke wheel [4, p. 31, Figure 1], which is schemat-
answers to the above questions. ically represented in a matrix form in Figure 1. As Figure 1
4 Narendra K. Sharma

Figure 2. The flow channel and challenge-based learning.

Figure 1. The Eight Channel Model of Flow (Based on Csikszent-

mihalyi [4], p. 31, Figure 1). A dynamic match between skill development and the
level of challenge associated with goal achievement assures
performance in the flow channel or “in the zone.” If only
indicates, when the skill level required is low, the individ- the level of required skill increased without an increase
ual moves from apathy (indifference and lack of motiva- in the challenge, the task would become too easy with
tion; low challenge) to worry (a state of mental distress the consequential experience of boredom and weariness.
and agitation; moderate challenge) through anxiety (fear of Similarly, anxiety and frustration result if the challenge
the unknown or uncertainty; high challenge). At moderate is high (task is too hard) and the existing skill level is
skill level requirements, the emotional state changes from not commensurate with the challenge. A dynamic match
boredom (a state of weariness; low challenge) to arousal (a between skill level and challenge to meet moderate and
state of excitement or energy expenditure; high challenge). high challenges provides the most appropriate conditions
Finally, at high skill levels, the shift in emotional experi- for enjoying a task. Activities, such as role play, problem
ence is from relaxation (abatement of tension to achieve solving, simulation, and games can make learning interest-
calmness; low challenge) to control (authority, power, and ing and facilitate movement from A to D, a state of ecstasy
influence; moderate challenge) through flow (a state of (extreme happiness). Archimedes was in a state of ecstasy
optimal experience; high challenge). when he discovered the method to find the purity of the
A flow state is characterized by an optimal experience king’s crown: . . . Highly excited, Archimedes forgot that he
that provides enjoyment. Both flow and apathy provide was not dressed, and he took to the streets naked, crying
pleasure, but with some differences. For example, in flow, “Eureka!”
pleasure is related to active engagement, while in apathy,
the source of pleasure is passivity (for example, using Face- Arousal and Performance
book or watching television). In the latter state, pleasure
lasts only so long as passivity lasts. The feeling of pleasure Psychologists have an interesting way of classifying indi-
during apathy comes from meeting preset biological expec- viduals into “larks” and “owls.” Lark is an early morning
tations that provide homeostatic experience and maintain bird. Individuals who rise early in the morning and like
order (for example, the taste of food, seeking what looks to do most of their tasks during the day are “lark.” Those
good to the eye, etc.). The feeling of happiness in apathy who prefer to be awake and do their tasks during the night
is therefore “not genuine.” On the contrary, enjoyment is are “owl.” These preferences have to do with individuals’
related to meeting biological expectations plus “achieving levels of arousal.
something unexpected” (as in creative work) and helps for- Larks typically feel more energetic and are able to com-
ward movement through optimal experience or enjoyment. mit to memory what they learn during the day. This hap-
This movement provides a feeling of pleasure and genuine pens because they feel more aroused during the daytime.
happiness, which lasts much longer, even after the active As Figure 1 indicates, arousal helps in doing tasks that
engagement in the episode is over. involve high challenge appropriately, even with moderate
Two things make the experience of academic pursuit levels of skill. Does the level of arousal change during the
enjoyable and intrinsically motivating (Figure 2): (i) An day? Research shows that arousal level is related to body
incremental development of skills beyond the average temperature [11, 12], which shows circadian variation. Per-
(moving from A to B); and (ii) Achievable challenging goals formance in a variety of physical and mental tasks depends
(moving from A to C). Low levels of skill and or challenge, on the level of arousal. Arousal, energy, memory, and
and their combinations when one is high and the other is body temperature show interesting relationships derived
low, are not conducive to enjoyment. from the Yerkes–Dodson law [30]. The Yerkes–Dodson law
Academic Pursuit and Performance Improvement 5

suggests an inverted-U relationship between arousal and

performance. Performance increases as the arousal level
increases up to a certain point where it reaches a maximum
level, beyond which, if the arousal level increases further,
performance continuously declines. Thus, an optimal level
of arousal is required to achieve optimal performance. Per-
formance impairment when arousal increases beyond the
optimal level results from physical and emotional changes,
such as fatigue, anxiety, burnout, and panic, in the given
order. Figure 3. Number of turns (a, b) and map direction of movement
Circadian changes in body temperature show a varia- (c) in traveling across the periphery of the shape starting from
tion up to about 2◦ on the Fahrenheit scale. Kurian and the star.
Sharma [12] demonstrated a relationship between space
perception and body temperature that varies as indicated
by the Yerkes–Dodson law. Johnson et al. [11] found a Question 1: If you walk across the periphery of the shape,
falling and rising relationship between relative clock hour starting from the place marked with a star (*) and complet-
(the time of rising fixed to 8.00 A.M. irrespective of the ing the periphery, how many left turns will you take?
clock time when the participants in the experiment actu- The question is incomplete as the number of left turns
ally woke up) and core body temperature over 36 hours depends on the direction of movement, whether clockwise
of uninterrupted participation in the experiment. They or counter-clockwise. As you can count, there are seven left
showed that subjective alertness (test of sleepiness), short- turns in the counter-clockwise direction of movement and
term memory (recall of simple information), cognitive three if the movement is in the clockwise direction. The
performance (number of calculations completed in a given total number of turns (left turns plus right turns) is 10. As
time), and core body temperature had similar relationships can be checked, the number of left turns and right turns
with the relative clock hour. are complementary to each other for a given direction of
How can the circadian rhythm be useful in academic movement.
pursuits, particularly to rapidly get into the flow state? The answer to Question 1 requires the simple skill of
Most often, individuals can experience a “flow-block,” sim- counting the number of turns when the concrete object is
ilar to the writer’s block that most writers face. Primarily, visible. Is the presence of a concrete object required for
this happens because of the general habit of procrasti- counting? In several talks, the present author exposes the
nating the particular activity for whatever reason. This slide with the shape in Figure 3(a) for a brief duration
can be avoided by introducing effective scheduling of (about 100 ms) and then asks Question 1. In this situation,
activities, thereby introducing self-administered intrinsic the concrete object is not available to the participants, yet
rewards. Assume that reading and writing are the two almost all participants give correct answers. How are the
primary activities in which a learner is involved. With participants able to do that? One possibility is that the
some experience over a few days, the learner can identify participants form a mental model (a concrete image in
the time of the day (24 hours according to the biological the present case) of the shape, mentally traverse across
clock) that is most efficient and enjoyable for a particular the image, and count the number of turns. In either case,
activity. Reading involves understanding and committing whether the shape is physically available or is available
to memory whatever is read. Writing requires creativity in the participants’ minds, the required skill remains the
and expression. Once the individual discovers the most same: “count.”
effective slots for these activities, time blocks can be carved
Question 2: One way to describe an F-shaped object is to
out to develop an appropriate schedule to be ritually
consider the shape comprising a stem and two leaves (Fig-
followed each day. There is a greater likelihood of getting
ure 3b). Assume that there is an 80-leaf F-shape. How many
into the flow state faster. Other strategies can be developed
left turns will you take in moving across the periphery of
to meet individual requirements.
the 80-leaf F-shape?
Question 2 presents a more challenging situation. Draw-
Two General Examples of Skill ing an 80-leaf F-shape on paper or forming a mental
These examples indicate the need to change skills with model and then counting the number of left turns, though
a change in the challenge. General examples are used to possible, will be cumbersome. You need to shift to an
avoid any domain-specific knowledge in understanding abstract level, perhaps to the algebraic level, and develop
the argument. a formula to compute the number of turns. Let there be an
N-leaf F-shape. You can develop the following formulae to
Example 1: Do not seek any clarification right now. Look at compute the number of left (LC )- and right (RC ) turns in
the shape in Figure 3(a). the clockwise direction (C) as well as the total number of
6 Narendra K. Sharma

turns (T): LC = 2N − 1; RC = 2N + 3; T = 4N + 2. You With a normal reading speed of about 250 words per
can verify these formulae for Figure 4(a) and compute the minute, it may take about 7 h to complete the read-
required values for the present 80-leaf F-shape (T = 322; LC ing. Reading speed can deteriorate if comprehension is
= 159; RC = 163). required (for example, while reading technical reports and
The above questions illustrate that when the situation textbooks) or improve if the material being read is of
became more challenging, there was a shift in the required personal interest (for example, while reading a letter from
skill from simple counting to abstracting and computing. a friend).
Abstraction indicates that the image, whether physical Reading involves two types of eye movements: eye
or mental, is not required. This implies that skills may fixations and saccades. Fixation helps in visually focusing
change quantitatively or qualitatively. Physics provides on a specific part of the text to get the image in the
some interesting examples in support of this concep- region of the fovea. For a text written in English, the
tualization: advancing from geometrical optics (light as average duration of fixation is 250 ms. Saccades are quick
particles), to physical optics (light as waves), to quantum eye movements between two fixations spanning around
optics (wave–particle duality). The shift from one level 10 letter spaces for normal text in English. Each saccade
to the other provides more sophisticated skills and meth- takes around 20 ms to complete. Saccades are generally in
ods to understand optical phenomena (for example, wave the forward direction but may be regressive. For technical
optics to explain diffraction of light) that are difficult to material, fixations are longer and saccades cover a shorter
understand and explain at a lower level (at the level of span with a greater likelihood and frequency of regression
geometrical optics). (Rayner, 2009, cited by Schotter & Rayner [22]). Is the speed
of reading 250 words per minute a good reading speed
Question 3: Now refer to the F-shape in Figure 3(c). How
for competitive examinations requiring performance on
many times will you be moving eastward in traveling
multiple-choice objective-type questions under time pres-
across the periphery of the F-shape?
sure? This question is discussed under the section titled,
Again, the number of eastward moves can be counted:
“Routes to Academic Performance.”
TWO (clockwise direction) and THREE (counter-clockwise
direction). It appears that the argument will be the same as
in Questions 1 and 2 above if the challenge increases to an Academic Self-Concept and Performance
80-leaf F-shape. Yes, but there is a basic difference in the
How important is academic self-concept to performance?
required skills. Left turn and right turn are appropriate for
Lower academic self-concept leads to test anxiety, among
navigation in a city (for example, driving an automobile),
other negative consequences [14]. This is similar to the
where knowledge of landmarks (where to take a turn?) and
anxiety that is experienced when an individual with a
routes (what is the path from one landmark to the other?) is
low skill level is faced with a highly challenging task
critical. Moving in a particular map-wise direction requires
(Figure 1). Test anxiety can adversely affect performance.
a mental map or “survey knowledge” of the area. This
The control-value theory [15, 16] provides a cognition-
information is generally useful to rally-car drivers and off-
based explanation for the relationship between academic
route or lost travelers.
self-control and performance in educational settings. The
The order in which the three forms of knowledge
control-value theory posits two types of cognitions that
develop is quite universal: landmark knowledge, route
determine action control: control cognitions (for example,
knowledge, and map knowledge. Yet, there are important
academic self-concept) and value cognitions that create
differences in the way route knowledge and map knowl-
an interest in expressing emotions in educational settings.
edge develop. How does route knowledge differ from
Higher academic self-concept determines adaptive action-
survey knowledge?
control behaviors and positive learning emotions involving
‘Research suggests that the paths to the . . . two enjoyment, inter alia. Lower academic self-control triggers
forms of knowledge are different. The most maladaptive action-control behaviors, such as anxiety.
direct path to route knowledge is through To adopt and execute action-control behaviors, individu-
navigational practice . . . The most direct route als need to be consciously aware of, and accurately assess,
to survey knowledge is through map study. their academic self-concept. How accurate are individuals
However, there is some asymmetry between in their assessment of their own abilities? In a study,
the two kinds of training in that extensive Sharma [23] asked students a single question, “How many
navigation will also eventually develop fluent marks do you expect to get in today’s quiz?” under varying
survey knowledge, but extensive map study is amounts of information (four conditions). The conditions
less proficient in developing route knowledge were—B1: students knew the topics on which the questions
. . . ’ [29, p. 132]. in the quiz were based; B2: students read the question
paper; B3: students completed the quiz; and B4: the instruc-
Example 2: How much time do you typically spend in tor gave the correct answers to the class. Students faced
reading a novel? A novel typically contains 100,000 words. decreasing uncertainty (alternatively, an increase in the
Academic Pursuit and Performance Improvement 7

amount of information) as the condition moved from B1 behaviorally adaptive as compared to low performers,
to B4. In general, (a) students’ expected marks deviated and thus are able to handle the variability in task per-
by 10% or less of their actual marks, (b) the amount of formance (Smith et al.). Abstraction and elaboration are
deviation declined from condition B1 to B4, and (c) high time-consuming cognitive processes, whereas information
and low performers differed in the direction of expectation. transmission is quick (of course, assuming the memory
The high-achieving students, identified on two different does not fail). Thus, keener situation awareness and effec-
criteria, underestimated themselves (negative deviation of tive deployment of selective attention in the examination
expected marks from the actual marks), whereas the low- (performance in general) provide an edge to the high
achieving students showed over-expectations. The results performers.
were generally similar to the competence (B1 + B2) and
performance (B3 + B4) analyses. An implication of these RELATING THE ABOVE IDEAS TO
findings is that students are fairly accurate in their self- ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE
assessment and the assessment of their academic self-
perception (competence). A summary of the ideas presented earlier will provide a
In subsequent research, the high and low groups showed useful guide to academic performance improvement.
positive and negative expectations, respectively, for con- In the context of academic pursuit, performance means
ditions B1 and B3, but both groups had negative expec- “effective learning and performance in an examination.”
tations under condition B4 [24]. Surprisingly, both the Low academic self-concept sequentially leads to poor
groups revealed a high degree of confidence in their self- learning, weak performance in examinations, depression,
assessment (about 75% in conditions B1 and B3, which and finally a lack of motivation. If a student’s academic
increased to more than 90% in condition 4). The find- self-concept and self-assessment of performance are high
ings on self-assessment of performance and confidence in (more accurate), high perceived ability is intrinsically moti-
assessment, particularly getting closer to the actual marks vating, leads to strong performance, and culminates in
with increasing information [23, 24], support the notion happiness and a higher quality of life. An intrinsically
of the development of an academic self-concept through motivated individual does not seek external rewards;
interaction with the environment. action is its own reward. As the self-determination theory
Do the high- and low-performing students have differ- of motivation [18] suggests, intrinsic motivation serves
ent perceptions of their (the same, as in an examination three “innate, essential, and universal” needs: the desire
situation) environment and develop different learning and to feel competence, autonomy, and relatedness. To meet
performance styles? A learning style is “a predisposition the desire for competence, an individual seeks to control
on the part of the students to adopt a particular strat- the outcome and experience mastery. Any activity that
egy regardless of the specific demands of the learning attempts to meet extrinsic motivation (such as money,
task. . . simply a strategy that is used with some cross- social status, praise, and food) fails to meet the earlier
situational consistency” [19, p. 233]. In a class test in the discussed basic needs. Increasing skill levels and expo-
introductory psychology course that included two types sure to, and experience with, highly challenging situations
of questions, basic and applied, high performers not only improves performance and accuracy in self-assessment.
scored more marks than the low performers but also did Academic performance improvement requires a high
significantly better on basic questions as compared to academic self-concept, an emotionally positive environ-
applied questions [25]. The low performers did not show ment, working on challenging problems, continuous prac-
any difference in performance on basic and applied ques- tice, an optimal level of arousal, focus on the task (living
tions. Basic and applied questions involve two different in the present), time management, a well-defined order of
types of cognitive processing: information transmission learning, and a high reading speed. The effect of contin-
and abstraction/elaboration of information [6]. Basic ques- uous practice on learning is incremental [20, 21] and can
tions sought simple reproduction of material acquired be expressed as a power law that reflects the negatively
during the course, whereas applied questions required accelerated learning curve.
formulation of a problem on the basis of a given sce-
nario/situation (abstraction) and use of concepts/examples Routes to Academic Performance
to answer the related question (elaboration). Though each
student is likely to develop a learning style, it appears Figure 4 graphically shows that enjoyment, learning, and
that the high performers can use specific strategies to memory mediate the relationship between (a) academic
appropriately handle the differential in time pressure cre- self-concept and performance and (b) emotionally positive
ated by the basic and applied questions. It is possible environment and performance.
that high performers “employ a high degree of vari- As Figure 4 indicates, there are two routes to improv-
ability in cognitive strategies at the beginning of task ing performance: a central route that emerges from aca-
development [and] have greater learning and eventual demic self-concept and a peripheral route sourced from an
success in task performance” [28, p. 34]. They are more emotionally positive environment. The central route thus
8 Narendra K. Sharma

has only two blocks under control (obligated time can be

minimized, but not eliminated): paid time and leisure. An
effective allocation of time for these blocks of activities can
be useful in performance enhancement.
What could be a well-defined order of learning? A quick
answer is: “Know the alphas, betas, and thetas well before
they enter an equation; know the equation well before it
enters a theory; know the theory well before it is pitched
against other theories and models.” This answer is based
on the author’s recollection of conversations that happened
among fellow students during his postgraduate studies
in physics. Example 1 discussed earlier provides support
for this understanding: Learn the concepts well (landmark
knowledge), use the concepts in theories and models to
understand how the concepts relate to each other (route
Figure 4. The routes through which academic self-concept (a) knowledge), and compare the theory to other theories
and emotionally positive environment (b) influence academic (map knowledge).
performance. Simultaneous activation of the two routes (c) can We now go back to the question asked toward the end of
be more effective. Exercise 2 (section titled, “Two General Examples of Skill”):
Is the speed of reading 250 words per minute a good read-
ing speed for competitive examinations requiring perfor-
uses core competence based on abilities and practice. The
mance on multiple-choice objective-type questions under
peripheral route provides the necessary background that
time pressure? Can the reading speed be increased? Expert
facilitates the learning process. This distinction is similar
readers develop skills to sample longer word-strings in
to the distinction between cerebral activation that enhances
sentences and control eye movement (saccade, quick eye
thinking and memory processes and the activity in the
movement) to focus on keywords (fixations). That can
reticular activating system that provides the necessary
increase the reading speed to as high as 500 wpm (or
general background activation to register the incoming
even more) with comprehension. Practice can improve the
reading speed.
What creates an emotionally positive environment? The
teacher’s role is crucial in creating the classroom atmo-
sphere. Creating curiosity among the students through RESEARCH DIRECTIONS AND PRACTICAL
stories and questions, admiration and appreciation of stu- IMPLICATIONS
dents, raising students’ hope to generate positive expec-
tation, focusing on strength, and using humor through In this section, we indicate research directions and describe
examples and anecdotes are some effective and useful some implications for different stakeholders, in particular,
approaches to creating an emotionally positive environ- students, teachers, and parents. A practical implication is
ment. indicated for students by suggesting an exercise that they
The following quote suggests that to sustain interest and should regularly do to develop and assess their academic
continuity in work and be productive, it is important to self-construct.
take breaks.
Directions for Research
“All work and no play doesn’t just make Jill
and Jack dull, it kills the potential of discovery, The framework that provides the routes to academic per-
mastery, and openness to change and flexibil- formance (Figure 4) provides the basis for the following
ity and it hinders innovation and invention.” research hypotheses for the central route (Figure 4a) to
(Godfrey [9], accessed March 24, 2021) performance (H). H1: Academic self-concept is related
to performance. H2: The relationship between academic
Therefore, a work-life balance should be maintained. self-concept and performance is mediated by enjoyment
Since there is a limited time budget (24 hours in a day), and learning. H2 thus suggests a double mediation effect.
individuals can effectively manage their time by appro- Similar hypotheses can be developed for the relationship
priately interspersing work with leisure. The available 24 between emotional state and performance. The simultane-
hours can be divided into three broad areas: paid time ous activation of academic self-concept and environmental
(activities related to work; studies in the case of students); routes can be extended to include the interaction effect
obligated time (nondiscretionary activities, such as meet- to test the statement “Simultaneous activation of the two
ing biological needs and social responsibilities and com- routes (c) can be more effective” (Figure 4). H3: Academic
mitments); and leisure (discretionary time). An individual self-construct and emotions have an interactive effect on
Academic Pursuit and Performance Improvement 9

COWS Analysis Strength Opportunity are conditions in the environment that facilitate activities
S1 O1 and can be used to enhance academic performance. Chal-
S2 O2 lenges are any environmental forces or conditions that may
Weakness W1 S1W1: O1W1:
W2 S1W2: ߇ O1W2: ߉ not allow individuals to achieve their goals.
S2W1: O2W1: Cells 1–4 in Figure 5 can be used to summarize strate-
S2W2 O2W2: gies. For example, Cell 1 indicates the strategies based on
Challenge C1 S1C1: O1C1: strengths to handle weaknesses. Similarly, other cells can
C2 S1C2: ߈ O1C2: ߊ be completed. Prioritization of strategies can then help
S2C1: O2C1:
S2C2: O2C2:
with the order in which those strategies can be imple-
mented. Since strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and
Figure 5. Using strengths and opportunities to develop strategies
to handle weaknesses and threats. challenges change when new learning happens and envi-
ronmental changes take place, this exercise will be effective
if used with a manageable frequency. An evaluation of the
performance. The mediation effects can be added to the effectiveness of strategies before developing a new set of
hypothesis stating the interactive effect. The framework strategies can be used as a guide.
can be further extended by including some moderating
effects of socio-demographic and personality constructs.
These hypotheses can be tested through simultaneous
equation modeling.
Human performance is relevant to all domains of life. It
Empirical research on enjoyment and performance can
requires the development and continuous improvement of
be more effective with mixed research methods that
appropriate skills, a positive self-concept, an emotionally
involve the use of qualitative and quantitative methods.
positive environment, and feedback mechanisms. Individ-
The qualitative component can provide important inklings
uals have to invest time, energy, and effort to raise their
about the formation of academic self-construct, the ele-
skills to the level of mastery and proficiency required to
ments of an emotionally positive environment, and the role
handle challenges and enjoy the processes and activities
of different stakeholders that include peers, teachers, and
involved in achieving the required goals. Skill learning is
a continuous process that can be facilitated by continu-
ous self-evaluation. In particular, academic pursuit can be
DEVELOPING STRATEGIES TO IMPROVE made more enjoyable and rewarding in terms of improved
PERFORMANCE pursuit through frequent assessment of academic self-
Learning how to do self-assessment can contribute to aca-
demic self-perception and self-concept formation. Teachers REFERENCES
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