Library System UML Diagrams

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Library System UML Diagrams

Here are the UML Diagrams that completes Library System. Each of the UML Diagrams has a
major role in achieving a well-developed and functioning Library System.

Sequence Diagram for Library System

The Sequence Diagram for Library System represents the scenario and the messages that must
be passed between objects. This is done in order for the scenario’s functionality to be realized.
It’s an interaction diagram that shows how activities are carried out, including when and how
messages are sent.
The sequence diagram given shows 4 objects which are: the student, library server (computer),
account database, and book database. These objects were based on practical activities that
happens in library management. The sequence of messages then was plotted below the objects to
determine how the process is being performed.

Activity diagram for Library System

The Library System Activity Diagram is as one of the UML behavioral diagrams. It shows the
system’s behavior by presenting the flow of activities from one to another. The possible flow of
activities can be in order, split, or continuous.

Activity Diagram for Library System (Librarian) – This illustration shows the activities and
scenarios done when the librarian accesses the system. The actions and decisions included were
all emphasized here.
Library System Activity Diagram (for Students). This diagram now shows the series of
scenarios while using the Library System . It illustrates the activities or events done when the
system is in use. The system design is able to show you the functions for the student side.
Class Diagram for Library System
A Library System Class Diagram is a form of structural (UML) diagram that depicts the
structure of a system. This is designed by displaying the system’s classes, attributes, methods,
and relationships between classes.

Class diagrams reveal the class structure blueprint of Library System . It is used to model the
items that make up the system and depict their relationships. This is to define the function of an
object and the operation it provides.
Use Case Diagram for Library System
The Library System Use Case Diagram is a graphic summary of the software and user details.
It’s usually depicted as a graphical representation of the entities’ interactions.

The General Use Case Diagram of Library System contains the main use cases and users in
the system. These use cases will be elaborated in the following diagrams.

Library System General Use Case

The diagram shows the main use cases in Library management. The use cases are the User’s
information management, Book information management and updates, borrower’s management
and management of transaction records.

Use Case Diagram for Library System using Include and Extend (Manage User’s Information).
This diagram focuses mainly on the use case “Manage User’s Information”. It includes the sub-
processes which are pre-requisite to complete user’ information management.

Library System Use Case Diagram

The presented use case diagram explains the included processes when managing user’s
information. The processes with <<include>> indicator was the “Users New Information” and
“Checks and Saves the New Information”. That means they must be included in the main process
and the other process “Update Users Status” is only done when needed.

Use Case Diagram for Library System using Include and Extend (Manage and Update Book
Info). This diagram focuses on the use case “Manage and Update Book Information”. It includes
the sub-processes which are pre-requisite to complete Book’s information management and

Another presented use case diagram explains the included processes when managing and
updating book information. The processes with <<include>> indicator was the “Book’s New
Information” and “Checks and Saves the New Information”. That means they must be included
in the main process and the other process “Update Book Status” is only done when needed
Use Case Diagram for Library System using Include and Extend (Manage Borrowers
Information). This diagram focuses on the use cases “Manage Borrowers Information”. It
includes the sub-processes which are pre-requisite to complete Borrowers’ information
management and update.

Library System Use Case Diagram Borrower’s Info

Another presented use case diagram explains the included processes when managing and
updating borrower’s information. The processes with <<include>> indicator was the
“Borrower’s New Information” and “Checks and Saves the New Information”. That means they
must be included in the main process.
You can see that the next process is labeled <<extend>> because it is a conditional process. The
sub use case “Update Borrower’s Status” is only performed when needed. Then this process
invokes the must be done cases such as “Checking of Borrower’s Transaction” and “Recording
of Transaction”.
ER Diagram for Library System
The  Library System ER Diagram reveals the relationships between library entity sets in a
database. This displays the logical structure of databases. It is done by identifying entities,
their properties, and the interactions between them.

This diagram presents the Entities’ Relationship Model for Library System . It is used to
enlighten you with how the back end or the database of the project works. The tables are made to
meet the required specification of the system and provide much more specific details of each
entity within the system.

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