IMSM - Assienment Question - II Sem 2021-22
IMSM - Assienment Question - II Sem 2021-22
IMSM - Assienment Question - II Sem 2021-22
Question Bank
Q. No: Question Bank CO BL MARKS
Explain the Constructional details of squirrel cage and wound rotor
1 1 1 1 10
Explain the production of Rotating Magnetic Field in 3-ϕ Induction
2 1 1 2 10
3 1 Explain the principle and operation of 3-ϕ Induction Motors. 1 2 10
4 (a) 1 Explain the Term slip of the Induction Motor. 1 2 2
A 4 pole 3-ϕ Induction Motor is wound for 4 poles and it is supply
for 50HZ. calculate (i) Synchronous speed (ii) the speed of the
4 (b) 1 1 2 8
motor when slip is 4% (iii) the rotor current frequency when the
motor runs at 600 RPM.
Explain the effect of slip on the following rotor parameters
5 1 (i) frequency (ii) Induced EMF (iii) current 1 2 10
(iv) power factor (v) reactance (vi) Impedance
6 1 Explain the power flow of 3-ϕ Induction Motor with neat diagram. 1 2 10
Derive the relation between rotor input power, rotor cupper loss
7 1 1 2 10
and gross mechanical power developed in 3-ϕ Induction Motor.
A 6 pole, 50HZ, 3- ϕ, induction motor running on full load
develops a useful torque of 150N-m at a rotor frequency of 1.5Hz.
8 1 Calculate the shaft power output. If the mechanical torque lost in 1 2 10
friction be 10 N-m, determine (a) rotor copper loss, (b) the input to
the motor, and (c) the efficiency. The total stator loss is 700W
Q. No: Question Bank CO BL MARKS
1(a) 2 Derive the expression for torque in an induction motor? 2 2 5
1(b) 2 Determine the condition for maximum torque? 2 2 5
Draw and explain slip-torque characteristics of 3-phase induction
2 2 2 2 10
Explain the effect of change in the rotor resistance on the torque-
3 (a) 2 2 2 5
slip characteristics.
The rotor of a 3-phase induction motor has per phase rotor
impedance of (0.04 + j 0.2) ohms. What external resistance must
3 (b) 2 2 2 5
be added in external circuit to make the maximum torque at
Develop an equivalent circuit for 3-phase induction motor with
4 2 2 2 10
neat diagrams.
Explain the procedure of circle diagram for 3-phase induction
5 2 2 2 10
6 2 Explain the starting methods of induction motor. 2 2 10
Explain the speed control methods of 3-phase induction motor on
7 2 2 2 10
stator side?
Explain the speed control methods of 3-phase induction motor on
8 2 2 2 10
rotor side?