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There are 23 consonants in the English language. The following chart contains the
information about how they are produced.

Consonant Spelling Observations

Like /b/ in Spanish, corresponding to
baby = /’beɪ.bi/
letter “b”, since it is a bilabial
job = /’ʤɒb/
consonant. “B” is silent in this words:
/b/ number = /’nʌm.bər/
“climb”, “tomb”, and “comb”.
verb = /’vɜ:rb/
Note: the letter “v” has its own
cabbage = /’kæ.bɪʤ/
phoneme /v/ , which is labiodental.
clean = /’kli:n/
In some words, “k” is silent, such as in
kind = /’kaɪnd/
“knee”, “knight”, and “know”. Not all
walk = /’wɔ:k/
/k/ words with “ch” have /k/ sound. For
back = /’bæk/
the spelling “qu”, the vowel sounds but
mechanic = /mə.’kæ.nɪk/
it is represented like this /kw/.
quick = /’kwɪk/
church = /’ʧɜ:rʧ/
cheese = /’ʧi:z/
march = /’ma:rʧ/ Like /ʧ/ in Spanish, but the letters “ch”
/ʧ/ which = /’wɪʧ/ can also sound like /k/ (“chemist”) or
future = /’fju:.ʧər/ like /ʃ/ (“chef”).
watch = /’wɒʧ/
kitchen = /’kɪ.ʧən/
door = /’dɔ:r/
good = /’gʊd/
/d/ is more occlusive than /d/ in
/d/ ready = /’re.di/
middle = /’mɪ.dəl/
address = /ə.’dres/
feel = /’fi:l/
leaf = /’li:f/
Same as /f/ in Spanish. “Ph” is most of
coffee = /’kɒ.fi:/
/f/ the times pronounced with the /f/
phone = /’fəʊn/
autograph = /’ɔ:.tə.gra:f/
laugh = /’la:f/
/g/ girl = /’gɜ:rl/ Like /g/ in Spanish as in the word
bag = /’bæg/ “gato”. Do not say /k/ instead of /g/ at
ago = /ə.’gəʊ/ the end of words.
egg = /’eg/
bigger = /’bɪ.gər/
Letter “h” is silent in Spanish. In
hello = /he.’ləʊ/
English, it has a specific sound, like
house = /’haʊs/
letter “j” in Spanish (/x/). Most of the
behind = /bɪ.’haɪnd/
/h/ words with “h” sound like /h/. Silent “h”
whole = /’həʊl/
in English are: “hour”, “honesty”,
who = /’hu:/
“honor”, and the “wh” word-questions ,
inhale = /ɪn.’heɪl/
except for “who”.
jam = /’ʤæm/
jeans = /’ʤi:ns/
All the words with “j” have this
general = /’ʤe.nə.rəl/
consonant. “Ge”, “Gi”, “dge” have this
/ʤ/ age = /’eɪʤ/
sound, too. It is like “ch” in Spanish /ʧ/,
large = /’la:rʤ/
but voiced, similar to “y” in Argentina.
judge = /’ʤʌʤ/
giraffe = /ʤɪ.’ra:f/
learn = /’lɜ:rn/ Like /l/ in Spanish, and like its
help = /’help/
allophone /ɩ/ in Spanish in the last
alone = /ə.’ləʊn/
/l/ phoneme of words. “L” is silent in
tall = /’tɔ:l/
yellow = /’je.ləʊ/ these words: “island”, “could”, “half”,
ankle = /’æŋ.kəl/ “talk”.
more = /’mɔ:r/
lemon = /’le.mən/
film = /’fɪlm/
/m/ Like /m/ in Spanish.
column = /’kɒ.ləm/
summer = /’sʌ.mər/
sometimes = /’sʌm.taɪmz/
now = /’naʊ/
son = /’sʌn/
contest = /’kɒn.test/ Like /n/ in Spanish. Only one
dinner = /’dɪ.nər/ allophone, see next entry.
sunny = /’sʌ.ni/
knife = /’naɪf/
sink = /’sɪŋk/
Before /k/ and /g/, like in Spanish.
tank = /’tæŋk/
Notice how in words that end in “ng”,
sing = /’sɪŋ/
/ŋ/ the /g/ sound is not necessary.
singer = /’sɪŋ.gər/
However, in a words like “stronger”
strong = /’strɒŋ/
and “singer”, the /g/ is pronounced.
angle = /’æŋ.gəl/
pen = /’pen/
push = /’pʊʃ/
Like /p/ in Spanish, but more
/p/ stop = /’stɒp/
happy = /’hæ.pi/
shopping = /’ʃɒ.pɪŋ/
/r/ red = /’red/ The English /r/ is more similar to /r/ in
room = /’ru:m/
Spanish, the multiple vibrant. After
sorry = /’sɒ.ri/
vowels, it sounds more like its official
very = /’ve.ri/
sound in the alphabet /ər/. In England,
wrap = /’ræp/
/r/ is usually omitted.
write = /’raɪt/
bus = /’bʌs/
Like /s/ in Spanish. The letter “x” can
sister = /’sɪs.tər/
be /ks/, but in some other times, it can
class = /’klæs/
be /gz/. The letter “s” between vowels,
city = /’sɪ.ti/
/s/ or at the end of a word but before a
pencil = /’pen.sɪl/
silent written letter, is pronounced /z/
place = /’pleɪs/
(voiced), such as in “poison”, “please”,
science = /’saɪəns/
and “busy”.
next = /’nekst/
tea = /’ti:/ Like /t/ in Spanish at the beginning
twenty = /’twen.ti/ and at the end of words. The letter /t/
water = /’wɔ:.tər/ in the middle can be very occlusive (in
list = /’lɪst/ England) or very soft (in America).
better = /’be.tər/ Double “t” is usually pronounced as /ɾ/
bottle = /’bɒ.təl/ in Spanish, the simple vibrant.
vain = /’veɪn/
travel = /’træ.vəl/ This consonant is occlusive,
/v/ every = /’e.və.ri/ labiodental and voiced. It always
have = /’hæv/ corresponds to the letter “v”.
leave = /’li:v/
wall = /’wɔ:l/
weather = /’we.ðər/
This sound is considered a consonant
always = /’ɔ:l.weɪz/
/w/ in English. Notice “gu” and “qu” when
swim = /’swɪm/
“u” is pronounced.
language = /’læŋ.gwɪʤ/
quiet = /’kwaɪət/
yes = /’jes/ The letter “y” is considered a
year = /’jɪər/ consonant, but its sound is mostly a
/j/ young = /’jɒŋ/ diphthong, as it always starts with /j/
yawn = /’jɔ:n/ = /i/. Please do not pronounced as the
yacht = /’jɒt/ consonant “y” in Spanish.
zoom = /’zu:m/
zebra = /’zi:.brə/
zero = /’zi:.rəʊ/ Like /s/ in Spanish, but voiced. It
/z/ jazz = /’ʤæz/ always corresponds to the letter “z”
scissors = /’sɪ.zərz/ and to some words with “s” or “ss”.
husband = /’hʌz.bənd/
easy = /i:.zi/
/ʃ/ shoe = /’ʃu:/ This voiceless consonant does not
cash = /’kæʃ/ exist in Spanish, only as a regional
ocean = /’əʊ.ʃən/ allophone in the north of Mexico. It
machine = /mə.’ʃi:n/
sounds as when you ask for silence in
delicious = /dɪ.’lɪ.ʃəs/
Spanish (shhhhh). It is usually
sugar = /’ʃʊ.gər/
connected with “sh”, but it
Russia = /rʌ.ʃə/
corresponds to many other letters.
nation = /’neɪ.ʃən/
This sound does not exist in Spanish.
vision = /’vɪ.ʓən/ It is exactly like /ʃ/, but voiced. It
usual = /’ju:.ʓuəl/ always corresponds to the letter “s”
Asia = /’eɪ.ʃə/ between vowels, though this spelling
conclusion = /kəŋ.’klu:.ʓən/ can be pronounced with other
think = /’θɪŋk/ This consonant sounds like “z” in
three = /’θri:/ Spain. In English, it only corresponds
/θ/ mouth = /’maʊθ/ to the letters “th”. However, not all
cathedral = /kə.’θi:.drəl/ words with “th” sound like /θ/. See
birthday = /’bɜ:rθ.deɪ/ next entry
they = /’ðeɪ/
The letters “th” can also be
these = /’ði:z/
pronounced with this consonant. It is
/ð/ that = /’ðət/
exactly as the allophone from /d/ (“d”
breathe = /’bri: ð/
suave) in Spanish: more fricative than
father = /fa:.ðər/
together = /tə.’ge.ðər/

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