DBMS CompSysEss
DBMS CompSysEss
DBMS CompSysEss
• For example: When you visit any website, they might store you IP address, that is
data, in return they might add a cookie in your browser, marking you that you visited
the website, that is data, your name, it's data, your age, it's data.
• Like, based on the cookie data saved on user's browser, if a website can analyze that
generally men of age 20-25 visit us more, that is information, derived from the data
• It's Complexity
• Except MySQL, which is open source, licensed
DBMSs are generally costly.
• They are large in size.
◼ Hardware –
the physical computer system that allows physical access to data.
◼ Software –
the actual program that allows users to access, maintain, and update
physical data.
◼ Data – stored physically on the storage devices
◼ Users –
End users - Normal user and DBA (Database Administrator)
Application programs
◼ Procedures –
a set of rules that should be clearly defined and followed by the users.
19-09-2019 19cse101 Computer Essentials Unit-II 14
Database Schema
• A database table is a collection of rows and columns that is used to organize information
about a single topic or object. Each row within a table corresponds to a single record and
contains several different attributes that describe the row.
• A database table is the most common and simplest form of data storage in a relational
• Entity
• Object comprised of various pieces of data.
• Attribute
• Piece of information (data) that describes an
◼ An unary operation.
◼ Insert a new tuple into the relation.
◼ An unary operation.
◼ Delete a tuple defined by a criterion from the relation.
◼ An unary operation.
◼ Changes the value of some attributes of a tuple.
◼ An unary operation.
◼ It is applied to one single relation and creates another
◼ The tuples in the resulting relation are a subset of the tuples
in the original relation.
◼ Use some criteria to select