Script Fro Moving Up

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Wilmar and Nina:    a pleasant morning to one and all.

it gives us immense pleasure to welcome

you all to the moving up ceremonies.

nina: we are grateful to be able to celebrate these years moving up ceremony, we want the
completers to remember it and mark it on their calendars for the years to come.

wilmar: even though we are still dealing with the threat of a covid -19 pandemic, it is a blessing
that we are here today to witness another milestone conquered by our learners.

nina: this is a much-awaited event in every student's life, as it gives returns to the efforts put by
the students throughout their academic endeavor. say goodbye to the comfortable walls of junior
high school/ kindergarten. get ready to the beat of senior high school and grade 1.

wilmar and nina: department of education region VII, Central Visayas Division of Cebu
Province, Bantayan First District, Sulangan Intgrated School Class of 2022, Moving Up
Ceremonies, with the theme: " K to 12 Graduates: Pursuing Dreams and Fostering Resilience in
the face of Adversity."

I. Processional

(Request everyone to please stand)

nina : guests, friends, ladies and gentlemen, with pride and honor, let us welcome the candidates
for Moving Up: Kindergarten and Grade 10, followed by the Faculty and Staff of Sulangan
Integrated School, Barangay Officials, PTA Officials , Administrators and Guests.

wilmar and nina: the Processional

wilmar : Let us show our deference by standing still for the prologue to be done by Precious
Nina A. Nepangue, to be followed by the Philippine National Anthem and Sugbo Hymn via

nina: To bless this momentous occasion, let us seek Divine Intervention may we call on Hannah
Kazia M. Moradas for the invocation.

VI. welcome remarks

wilmar and nina: you may now be seated. to set tone for today’s event, let us put our hands
together for Mariel C. Quijano Junior High School with High Honors.

VII. Message of DEPED Secretary Leonor Magtolis Briones

nina: at this juncture, let us be emboldened with the inspirational message from the DEPED
Secretary Leonor Magtolis Briones to be presented to us by _____________________________
VIII. presentation of learners moving up to the next level

wilmar: for the presentation of completers may we call in Sulangan Integrated School Principal
Mrs. Elisa E. Matulac.

wilmar: for the confirmation of the completers in behalf of Marilyn S. Andales Schools Division
Superintendent, may we call in Miss Chloe S. Garucha District Officer- in - Charge.

X. distribution of Certificates of Completion and Awarding of Honors

nina: after four years of hardwork and dedication, completers, it is about time to reward your
commitment towards education. Reap the fruits of your labor. Sulangan Integrated School
Principal Mrs. Elisa E. Matulac will lead the distribution of certificates. let's begin with Grade 10
Fuchsia, Adviser Mr. Anthony Necesario, the next candidates for moving up are from Grade 10
Hyacinth, Adviser Mrs. Marylear Ariola, the next set of completers will be from Grade 10 Iris,
Adviser Mr. Wilmar Layese, the next candidates for moving up are from Laelia, Adviser Ms,
Rachell Jumao-as.the next set of completers will be from Grade 10 Maple, Adviser Mrs. Relly
Ann Destura.    At this juncture, we will be awarding the students who walked an extra mile. we
have on stage Mrs. Elisa Matulac to lead the giving of medals to our exceptional students.

XI. Message of Gratitude

wilmar: Congratulations, completers! at this point, let us be all ears to Christian Jay Tanalgo as
he encapsulates everything junior high school life has to offer, a big hand for his words of

wilmar: may we now witness the pledge of loyalty to be done by, Nina Lyn D. Medallo
completer with honors.

XIII. moving up song

nina: let us all hear this year's moving up song I'm ready to go from the kindergarten completers

let us all cheer as we listen to Junior High School Completers Asa Raman Kana moving
up song.

XIV. Closing Message

wilmar: to conclude this Moving Up Ceremony let us all hear from Jahara B. Alolor with
High Honors. Thank you Jahara.

XV: Recessional:

wilmar and nina: Congratulations, Completers! indeed, Education is the golden key to unlock the
doors of opportunities. Ladies and gentlemen, the recessional!

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