DLP Extra On Formation of Elements

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region XII
Division of Cotabato
Kabacan, Cotabato
ABM 1- 7:00-8:00; HUMSS 1 -8:00-9:00
HUMSS 4- 11:00-12:00; TVL ICT1 -2:00-3:00


School: KABACAN NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Subject/Grade: Physical Science 12

Teacher: FE V. LIZARDO Teaching Date : ____________, 2017
Day: ___________________________

Learning Competency: Describe the ideas of the Ancient Greeks on the atom, S11/12PS-IIIa-b-5.
I. Learning Objectives:
Cognitive: 1. Describe the ideas of the Ancient Greeks on atoms.
Psychomotor: Illustrate a through a diagram how Ancient Greeks perceived atoms.
Affective: Relate the importance of how Ancient Greeks perceived atoms.
II. Subject Matter: Evolution of the Concept of Atomic Theory
A. Concepts: How the concept of the atom as perceived by the Ancient Greeks
B. Materials: Concept Charts, Pictures, Handouts, Crayons
C. References: 1.Curriculum Guide: Physical Science p. 1-2
An Introduction to Physical Science by James T. Shipman, et al p.70; Internet
D. Process Skills: Thinking, Listening, Interacting/Communicating, Analyzing, Illustrating
E. Value Integration: Cooperation & Patience
.III. Procedure/Learning Tasks
A. Engagement: (The teacher will show pictures of flame, earth, air, and water. )
B. Explore: The students will be asked to make diagrams how these things can be interrelated with each other. Each group has 10 minutes
to complete the task and one minute to present its output. The rubric below will be used to rate the group’s output.
Precision 8
Delivery 6
Teamwork/Behavior 4
Time 2
Total 20
C. Explanation: Reporting, Analysis, & Discussion. (15minutes)
D. Elaboration: Further discussion on ideas of the Ancient Greeks to f matter.
E. Evaluation: In a ¼ SOP, write the letters which correspond to your answers.
1. Which of the following elements of matter is dry and hard? a. Fire b. Earth c. Air d. Water
2. Who was the proponent of the idea that mater was indivisible, that matter primarily composed only of fire, earth, air , & water? a.
Democritus b. Empedocles c. Aristotle c. Dalton
3. How many years that the idea of the ancient Greeks on matter persisted as true ?
a. 2000 yrs b. 2200yrs c. 2800 yrs d. 3000yrs
4. Aside from the four primary elements that composed matter according to the ancient Greeks, Aristotle also added which of
the following element? a. Ether b. Ester c. Alcohol d. Vinegar
.5. Use a diagram to explain how the 4 primary elements are interrelated with each other.
IV. Assignment: Research and study about the idea of Democritus on atoms.
V. REMARKS _______________________________________________________________________
A.No. of students who earned 80% in the evaluation
B.No. of students needing additional activities for remediation who scored below 80%
C.Did the remediation work? No. of students who cope up w/ lesson
D.No. of students who continue to require remediation
E.Wlc of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work?
F.What difficulty I encounter w/c my principal can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized materials did I use to share w/ others?
Prepared by: Checked by:


Subject Teacher Assistant Principal I, SHS

NELIA A. VERSOLA, Ed.D. Date ______________

Principal III
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XII
Division of Cotabato
Kabacan, Cotabato
ABM 1- 7:00-8:00; HUMSS 1 -8:00-9:00
HUMSS 4- 11:00-12:00; TVL ICT1 -2:00-3:00


School: KABACAN NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Subject/Grade: Physical Science 12

Teacher: FE V. LIZARDO Teaching Date : _____________, 2017
Day: ___________________________

Learning Competency: Describe the ideas of the Ancient Greeks on elements, S11/12PS-IIIa-b-6.
.I. Learning Objectives:
Cognitive: 1. Describe the ideas of the Ancient Greeks on elements.
Psychomotor: Make a model of the ideas of the Ancient Greeks on elements.
Affective: Appreciate how the atomic theory developed.
II. Subject Matter: Evolution of the Concept of Atomic Theory
A. Concepts: How the concept of the atom and element evolved from Ancient Greek to the present
B. Materials: Concept Charts, Pictures, Handouts, Crayons
C. References: 1.Curriculum Guide: Physical Science p. 2
An Introduction to Physical Science by James T. Shipman, et al p.70; Internet
D. Process Skills: Thinking, Listening, Interacting/Communicating, Analyzing, Illustrating
E. Value Integration: Cooperation & Patience
.III. Procedure/Learning Tasks
A. Engagement: (The teacher will show a diagram on how the Ancient Greeks perceived the composition of matter).
B. Explore: The students will be asked to make diagrams on how a material can be divided into the very tiny particles that can no longer be
subdivided . Each group has 10 minutes to complete the task and one minute to present its output. The rubric below will be used to rate
the group’s output.
Precision 8
Delivery 6
Teamwork/Behavior 4
Time 2
Total 20
C. Explanation: Reporting, Analysis, & Discussion. (15minutes)
D. Elaboration: Further discussion on ideas of the Ancient Greeks on atoms, elements that led to the development of the atomic theory.
E. Evaluation: In a ¼ SOP, write the letters which correspond to your answers.
1. Who was the Greek philosopher who proposed that matter was composed very tiny particles that can not be subdivided into smaller
particles? water? a. Democritus b. Empedocles c. Aristotle c. Dalton
2.The word used to describe the smallest indestructible particle of matter which was __________.
a. atom b. atomos c. particled. atmos
3.The belief of the indestructible particle persisted for more than 2000 years because ___________.
b. early Greek philosophers like Aristotle greatly influenced the beliefs of things during their time.
c. early beliefs were intertwined with mysticisms and witchcraft.
d. the proponent was not able to prove his idea experimentally. d. All of the above
4-5.Discussion. (2pts) If you were living during the ancient Greece, whose idea would you believe, Aristotle’s on the 4 elements of matter
like fire, air, earth, & water or Democritus’ about the indestructible particles? Why?
IV. Assignment: Research and study about alchemy from any source.
V. REMARKS _______________________________________________________________________
A.No. of students who earned 80% in the evaluation
B.No. of students needing additional activities for remediation who scored below 80%
C.Did the remediation work? No. of students who cope up w/ lesson
D.No. of students who continue to require remediation
E.Wlc of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work?
F.What difficulty I encounter w/c my principal can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized materials did I use to share w/ others?
Prepared by: Checked by:


Subject Teacher Assistant Principal I, SHS

NELIA A. VERSOLA, Ed.D. Date ______________

Principal III
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XII
Division of Cotabato
Kabacan, Cotabato
ABM 1- 7:00-8:00; HUMSS 1 -8:00-9:00
HUMSS 4- 11:00-12:00; TVL ICT1 -2:00-3:00


School: KABACAN NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Subject/Grade: Physical Science 12

Teacher: FE V. LIZARDO Teaching Date : _____________, 2017
Day: ___________________________

Learning Competency: Describe the contributions of alchemists to the science of chemistry, S11/12PS-IIIb-7.
.I. Learning Objectives:
Cognitive: 1. Describe the contributions of alchemists to the science of chemistry.
Psychomotor: Draw sample of product of alchemy.
Affective: Appreciate how chemistry developed from alchemy.
II. Subject Matter: Evolution of the Concept of Atomic Theory
.A. Concepts: How the concept of the atom and element evolved from Ancient Greek to the present
B. Materials: Concept Charts, Pictures, Handouts, Crayons
C. References: 1.Curriculum Guide: Physical Science p. 2
An Introduction to Physical Science by James T. Shipman, et al p.70; Internet
D. Process Skills: Thinking, Listening, Interacting/Communicating, Analyzing, Illustrating
E. Value Integration: Cooperation & Patience
.III. Procedure/Learning Tasks
.A. Engagement: (The teacher will show a picture of alchemy in the ancient Greece.)
B. Explore: The students will be asked to draw products that undergone processes like rice wine, soy sauce, others. Each group
has 10 minutes to complete the task and one minute to present its output. The rubric below will be used to rate the group’s
Precision 8
Delivery 6
Teamwork/Behavior 4
Time 2
Total 20
C. Explanation: Reporting, Analysis, & Discussion. (15minutes)
D. Elaboration: Further discussion on ideas of the Ancient Greeks and alchemy.
E. Evaluation: In a ¼ SOP, write the letters which correspond to your answers.
1. What were the aims of alchemy during the ancient Greece?
a. Transform other metals to gold. c. Find solution for immortality
b. Find solution to stay young. D. All of the above
2. Is it true that (I) while the ultimate aims of alchemy were not successful, early alchemist continued their quest and (II) finally,
alchemy paved the way to the development of modern chemistry.
a. I is true but II is false b. I is false but II is true c. Both I & II are true d. Neither I nor II is true
3. How does alchemy differ from chemistry? Select the pairs of ideas about alchemy & chemistry from the given statements
I. Alchemy is combination of ancient chemistry, mysticism & witchcraft.
II. Chemistry is the study of matter, its properties, and changes during chemical reactions.
III. Chemistry is purely science. IV. Alchemy is also an art.
a. I & II b. II & III c. III & IVd. I & IV
.4-5. Discussion. (2pts) If you were to choose, which do you prefer more, to be a chemist or an alchemist? Why?
IV. Assignment: Research and study about the latest model of the atom.
V. REMARKS _______________________________________________________________________
A.No. of students who earned 80% in the evaluation
B.No. of students needing additional activities for remediation who scored below 80%
C.Did the remediation work? No. of students who cope up w/ lesson
D.No. of students who continue to require remediation
E.Wlc of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work?
F.What difficulty I encounter w/c my principal can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized materials did I use to share w/ others?
Prepared by: Checked by:


Subject Teacher Assistant Principal I, SHS

NELIA A. VERSOLA, Ed.D. Date ______________

Principal III
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XII
Division of Cotabato
Kabacan, Cotabato
ABM 1- 7:00-8:00; HUMSS 1 -8:00-9:00
HUMSS 4- 11:00-12:00; TVL ICT1 -2:00-3:00


School: KABACAN NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Subject/Grade: Physical Science 12

Teacher: FE V. LIZARDO Teaching Date : _____________, 2017
Day: ___________________________

Learning Competency: Point out the main ideas in the discovery of the structure of the atom and its subatomic particles. S11/12PS-IIIb-8
.I. Learning Objectives:
Cognitive: Describe the main ideas in the discovery of the structure of the atom and its subatomic components.
Psychomotor: Make diagrams/models of the structure of the atom.
Affective: Value the importance of the discovery of the structure of the atom and its subatomic particles.
II. Subject Matter: Evolution of the Concept of Atomic Theory
A. Concepts: How the concept of the atom and element evolved from Ancient Greek to the present
B. Materials: Concept Charts, Pictures, Handouts, Crayons
C. References: 1.Curriculum Guide: Physical Science p. 2
An Introduction to Physical Science by James T. Shipman, et al p.71-94; Internet
D. Process Skills: Thinking, Listening, Interacting/Communicating, Analyzing, Illustrating
E. Value Integration: Cooperation & Patience
.III. Procedure/Learning Tasks
A. Engagement: (The teacher will show pictures of some scientists who contributed much in the development of the atomic theory).
B. Explore: The students will be asked to make diagrams/models of the structure of the atom and its subatomic particles . Each group has
10 minutes to complete the task and one minute to present its output. The rubric below will be used to rate the group’s output.
Precision 8
Delivery 6
Teamwork/Behavior 4
Time 2
Total 20
C. Explanation: Reporting, Analysis, & Discussion. (15minutes)
D. Elaboration: Further discussion on the main ideas in the discovery of the structure of the atom and its subatomic particles.
E. Evaluation: In a ¼ SOP, write the letters which correspond to your answers.
Match Column A to column B for the scientists & their contributions to the development of the atomic theory.
Column A Column B
1. Empedocles a. He asserted that matter is composed of four primal elements: earth, air, fire, & water (450BC)
2. Democrtitus b. He formulated the atomic theory & proposed that the atom is like a solid ball (1808)
3. John Dalton c. He believed that matter is made up of small indestructible particles called atomos (400BC)
4. Dmitri Mendeleev d. He arranged the known elements in the periodic table based on atomic masses (1869)
5. Wilhemlm Rontgen e. He discovered x-rays (1895)
6. JJ Thomson f. He discovered that atoms are mostly empty space 7 proposed the planetary model (1910-11)
7. Ernest Rutherford g. He discovered electrons & suggested the “plum pudding” model for atoms (1904)
8. Niels Bohr h. Hedeveloped application of x-ray spectra to study atomic structure (1913)
9. Henry Moseley i. He created atomic model that shows electrons move in orbits, quantum model (1913)
10. James Chadwick j. He discovered the neutrons (1932).
k. He was a philosopher who influenced ancient people for 2,200 years to believe that matter is made up of
earth, air, fire, & water.
IV. Assignment: Bring your own periodic table tomorrow.
V. REMARKS _______________________________________________________________________
A.No. of students who earned 80% in the evaluation
B.No. of students needing additional activities for remediation who scored below 80%
C.Did the remediation work? No. of students who cope up w/ lesson
D.No. of students who continue to require remediation
E.Wlc of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work?
F.What difficulty I encounter w/c my principal can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized materials did I use to share w/ others?
Prepared by: Checked by:


Subject Teacher Assistant Principal I, SHS

NELIA A. VERSOLA, Ed.D. Date ______________

Principal III
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XII
Division of Cotabato
Kabacan, Cotabato
ABM 1- 7:00-8:00; HUMSS 1 -8:00-9:00
HUMSS 4- 11:00-12:00; TVL ICT1 -2:00-3:00


School: KABACAN NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Subject/Grade: Physical Science 12

Teacher: FE V. LIZARDO Teaching Date : _____________, 2017
Day: ___________________________

Learning Competency: Cite the contributions of J.J. Thomson, Ernest Rutherford, Henry Moseley, & Niels Bohr to the understanding of the structure
of the atom S11/12PS-IIIb-9.
.I. Learning Objectives:
Cognitive: Describe the contributions of scientists to the understanding of the structure of the atom.
Psychomotor: Make illustrations of the experiments done by scientists that led to the to our understanding of the structure of the atom.
Affective: Appreciate how are the contributions of scientists led to the development of the atomic theory.
II. Subject Matter: Evolution of the Concept of Atomic Theory
.A. Concepts: How the concept of the atom and element evolved from Ancient Greek to the present
B. Materials: Concept Charts, Pictures, Handouts, Crayons
C. References: 1.Curriculum Guide: Physical Science p. 2
An Introduction to Physical Science by James T. Shipman, et al p.71-94; Internet
D. Process Skills: Thinking, Listening, Interacting/Communicating, Analyzing, Illustrating
E. Value Integration: Cooperation & Patience
.III. Procedure/Learning Tasks
.A. Engagement: (The teacher will show pictures of contributions of scientists that led to the development of the atomic
B. Explore: The students will be asked to make diagrams on Dalton’s atomic model like a “billiard ball”, “plum pudding” model structure
of the atom by JJ Thomson, Rutherford’s planetary model of an atom. Each group has 10 minutes to complete the task and one
minute to present its output. The rubric below will be used to rate the group’s output.
Precision 8
Delivery 6
Teamwork/Behavior 4
Time 2
Total 20
C. Explanation: Reporting, Analysis, & Discussion. (15minutes)
D. Elaboration: Further discussion on the contributions of scientists in the development of the atomic theory.
E. Evaluation: In a 1WSOP, for 10points, draw the diagrams of the atomic models progressively from Dalton’s model down to the
quantum model of Niels Bohr. From the diagrams, describe how were subsequent discoveries of scientists led to the progression
of our understanding of the structure of atoms.
IV. Assignment: Bring your own periodic table tomorrow.
V. REMARKS _______________________________________________________________________
A.No. of students who earned 80% in the evaluation
B.No. of students needing additional activities for remediation who scored below 80%
C.Did the remediation work? No. of students who cope up w/ lesson
D.No. of students who continue to require remediation
E.Wlc of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work?
F.What difficulty I encounter w/c my principal can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized materials did I use to share w/ others?
Prepared by: Checked by:


Subject Teacher Assistant Principal I, SHS

NELIA A. VERSOLA, Ed.D. Date ______________

Principal III
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XII
Division of Cotabato
Kabacan, Cotabato
ABM 1- 7:00-8:00; HUMSS 1 -8:00-9:00
HUMSS 4- 11:00-12:00; TVL ICT1 -2:00-3:00


School: KABACAN NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Subject/Grade: Physical Science 12

Teacher: FE V. LIZARDO Teaching Date : ______________, 2017
Day: ___________________________

Learning Competency: Describe the nuclear model of the atom & the location of its major components (protons, neutrons, & electrons) S11/12PS-
IIIb-10; & explain how the concept of atomic number led to the synthesis of new elements in the laboratory. S11/12PS-IIIb-
.I. Learning Objectives:
Cognitive: 1. Describe the nuclear model of the atom & the location of its major components (protons, neutrons, & electrons).
.2. Explain how the concept of atomic number led to the synthesis of new elements in the laboratory.
Psychomotor: Make a model and label of the atom.
Affective: Relate patience to pursue new knowledge.
II. Subject Matter: Evolution of the Concept of Atomic Theory
A. Concepts: How atomic number led to the synthesis of new elements
B. Materials: Concept Charts, Pictures, Handouts, Crayons
C. References: 1.Curriculum Guide: Physical Science p. 2
An Introduction to Physical Science by James T. Shipman, et al p.71-94; Internet
D. Process Skills: Thinking, Listening, Interacting/Communicating, Analyzing, Illustrating
E. Value Integration: Cooperation & Patience
.III. Procedure/Learning Tasks
A. Engagement: (The teacher will show pictures/models of atoms.).
B. Explore: The students will be asked to make their own model/diagram of an atom. Each group has 15 minutes to complete the task and
one minute to present its output. The rubric below will be used to rate the group’s output.
Precision 8
Delivery 6
Teamwork/Behavior 4
Time 2
Total 20
C. Explanation: Reporting, Analysis, & Discussion. (15minutes)
D. Elaboration: Further discussion on the nuclear model of the atom & how the concept of atomic number led to the synthesis of new
elements in the laboratory.
E. Evaluation: In a ¼ SOP, write the letters which correspond to your answers.
1-5. Draw the & label the parts of the Niels Bohr model of the atom (5)
.6. if A is the atomic mass and Z is the atomic number of an element AX, what is the atomic mass & atomic number of calcium
Ca? a. 20, 40 b. 40, 20 c. 60, 100 d. 800,900
7. Who was the physicist who experimentally bombarded metals with electrons & produced varying frequencies (correlated to whole
numbers) of x-rays which he thought was due to the differences in the positive charge in the nucleus of the elements & later assigned
as the atomic number?
a. Henry Moseley b. Dmitri Mendeleev c. Wilhelm Rontgen d. Marie Curie
8. The gaps in the periodic table is thought by scientists that there are still undiscovered elements, hence, scientists tried to ____ a.
synthesize elements in the laboratory. b. discover elements. c. make nuclear reactions to form new elements.
d. All of the above.
IV. Assignment: Bring your own periodic table tomorrow.
V. REMARKS _______________________________________________________________________
A.No. of students who earned 80% in the evaluation
B.No. of students needing additional activities for remediation who scored below 80%
C.Did the remediation work? No. of students who cope up w/ lesson
D.No. of students who continue to require remediation
E.Wlc of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work?
F.What difficulty I encounter w/c my principal can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized materials did I use to share w/ others?
Prepared by: Checked by:


Subject Teacher Assistant Principal I, SHS

NELIA A. VERSOLA, Ed.D. Date ______________

Principal III
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XII
Division of Cotabato
Kabacan, Cotabato
ABM 1- 7:00-8:00; HUMSS 1 -8:00-9:00
HUMSS 4- 11:00-12:00; TVL ICT1 -2:00-3:00


School: KABACAN NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Subject/Grade: Physical Science 12

Teacher: FE V. LIZARDO Teaching Date : ______________, 2017
Day: ___________________________

Learning Competency: Cite the contribution of John Dalton toward the understanding of the concept of the chemical elements. S11/12PS-IIIc-13 &
explain how Dalton’s theory contributed to the discovery of other elements S11/12PS-IIIc-14.
.I. Learning Objectives:
Cognitive: 1. Cite the contribution of John Dalton toward the understanding of the concept of the chemical elements.
.2. Explain how Dalton’s theory contributed to the discovery of other elements.
Psychomotor: Draw the model of John Dalton of an atom.
Affective: Appreciate the simple beginning of the concept of atom.
II. Subject Matter: Evolution of the Concept of Atomic Theory
A. Concepts: How Dalton’s theory contributed to the discovery of other elements
B. Materials: Concept Charts, Pictures, Handouts, Crayons
C. References: 1.Curriculum Guide: Physical Science p. 3
An Introduction to Physical Science by James T. Shipman, et al p.134-135; Internet
D. Process Skills: Thinking, Listening, Interacting/Communicating, Analyzing, Illustrating
E. Value Integration: Cooperation & Patience
.III. Procedure/Learning Tasks
1. Engagement: (The teacher will ask students the atomic masses & atomic numbers of different elements using the periodic table). 3min.
2. Explore: The students will draw a model of the atom similar to how was it perceived by John Dalton. Each group has 10 min to complete
the task and one minute to present its output. The rubric below will be used to rate the group’s output.
Accuracy 8
Delivery 6
Teamwork/Behavior 4
Time 2
Total 20
3. Explanation: Reporting, Analysis, & Discussion. (10min)
4. Elaboration: Further discussion on John Daltons postulates contributed our understanding on atoms & elements (15min).
5. Evaluation: In a ¼ SOP, write the letter which corresponds to your answer. 7min.
6. In 1807, the beginning of the modern era of chemistry began by whom and what theory?
a. John Dalton and his atomic theory b. JJ Thomson & his atomic theory
.c. Niels Bohr & his planetary atom model d. Democritus with his belief of indestructible atomos.
7. In all cases, carbon combines with oxygen in a ratio of 1: 2 to form carbon dioxide. This principle follows which of the following? a. Law of
definite proportions b. Law of multiple proportions
c. Law of ratio of small whole number d. Law of conservation of mass & energy.
8. Before & after chemical reactions, no atoms are lost nor gained, they are only rearrange to form new substances. This illustrates what law?
a. Law of definite proportions b. Law of multiple proportions
c. Law of ratio of small whole number d. Law of conservation of mass & energy.
9. How was Dalton’s atomic theory contributed to the discovery of other elements?
a. More & more supporting evidence for Dalton’s concept of the atom accumulated.
b. Some modification of his original ideas occurred as new evidence arose.
c. Dalton’s atomic theory is the cornerstone of chemistry. All of the above
10. How was Dalton’s concept of an atom compared to? a. a billiard ball b. a metallic ball
d. a hollow metallic ball d. any kind of ball
IV. Assignment: Prepare for a summative test tomorrow.
V. REMARKS _______________________________________________________________________
A.No. of students who earned 80% in the evaluation
B.No. of students needing additional activities for remediation who scored below 80%
C.Did the remediation work? No. of students who cope up w/ lesson
D.No. of students who continue to require remediation
E.Wlc of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work?
F.What difficulty I encounter w/c my principal can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized materials did I use to share w/ others?
Prepared by: Checked by:


Subject Teacher Assistant Principal I, SHS

NELIA A. VERSOLA, Ed.D. Date ______________

Principal III
Evaluation: In a ¼ SOP, write the letters which correspond to your answers.
1. Which of the following elements of matter is dry and hard? a. Fire b. Earth c. Air d. Water
2. Who was the proponent of the idea that mater was indivisible, that matter primarily composed only of fire, earth, air , & water? a.
Democritus b. Empedocles c. Aristotle c. Dalton
3. How many years that the idea of the ancient Greeks on matter persisted as true ?
a. 2000 yrs b. 2200yrs c. 2800 yrs d. 3000yrs
4. Aside from the four primary elements that composed matter according to the ancient Greeks, Aristotle also added which of
the following element? a. Ether b. Ester c. Alcohol d. Vinegar
5.Use a diagram to explain how the 4 primary elements are interrelated with each other.

2. Who was the Greek philosopher who proposed that matter was composed very tiny particles that can not be subdivided into smaller
particles? water? a. Democritus b. Empedocles c. Aristotle c. Dalton
3. The word used to describe the smallest indestructible particle of matter which was __________.
a. atom b. atomos c. particled. atmos
4. The belief of the indestructible particle persisted for more than 2000 years because ___________.
a. early Greek philosophers like Aristotle greatly influenced the beliefs of things during their time.
b. early beliefs were intertwined with mysticisms and witchcraft.
c. the proponent was not able to prove his idea experimentally. d. All of the above
4-5. Discussion. (2pts) If you were living during the ancient Greece, whose idea would you believe, Aristotle’s on the 4 elements of matter
like fire, air, earth, & water or Democritus’ about the indestructible particles? Why?
F. Evaluation: In a ¼ SOP, write the letters which correspond to your answers.
3. What were the aims of alchemy during the ancient Greece?
a. Transform other metals to gold. c. Find solution for immortality
b. Find solution to stay young. D. All of the above
4. Is it true that (I) while the ultimate aims of alchemy were not successful, early alchemist continued their quest and (II) finally,
alchemy paved the way to the development of modern chemistry.
a. I is true but II is false b. I is false but II is true c. Both I & II are true d. Neither I nor II is true
3. How does alchemy differ from chemistry? Select the pairs of ideas about alchemy & chemistry from the given statements
J. Alchemy is combination of ancient chemistry, mysticism & witchcraft.
II. Chemistry is the study of matter, its properties, and changes during chemical reactions.
III. Chemistry is purely science. IV. Alchemy is also an art.
a. I & II b. II & III c. III & IVd. I & IV
.4-5. Discussion. (2pts) If you were to choose, which do you prefer more, to be a chemist or an alchemist? Why?
Match Column A to column B for the scientists & their contributions to the development of the atomic theory.
Column A Column B
11. Empedocles a. He asserted that matter is composed of four primal elements: earth, air, fire, & water (450BC)
12. Democrtitus b. He formulated the atomic theory & proposed that the atom is like a solid ball (1808)
13. John Dalton c. He believed that matter is made up of small indestructible particles called atomos (400BC)
14. Dmitri Mendeleev d. He arranged the known elements in the periodic table based on atomic masses (1869)
15. Wilhemlm Rontgen e. He discovered x-rays (1895)
16. JJ Thomson f. He discovered that atoms are mostly empty space 7 proposed the planetary model (1910-11)
17. Ernest Rutherford g. He discovered electrons & suggested the “plum pudding” model for atoms (1904)
18. Niels Bohr h. Hedeveloped application of x-ray spectra to study atomic structure (1913)
19. Henry Moseley i. He created atomic model that shows electrons move in orbits, quantum model (1913)
20. James Chadwick j. He discovered the neutrons (1932).
k. He was a philosopher who influenced ancient people for 2,200 years to believe that matter is made up of
earth, air, fire, & water.
F. Evaluation: In a ¼ SOP, write the letters which correspond to your answers.
1-5. Draw the & label the parts of the Niels Bohr model of the atom (5)
.6. if A is the atomic mass and Z is the atomic number of an element AX, what is the atomic mass & atomic number of calcium
Ca? a. 20, 40 b. 40, 20 c. 60, 100 d. 800,900
8. Who was the physicist who experimentally bombarded metals with electrons & produced varying frequencies (correlated to whole
numbers) of x-rays which he thought was due to the differences in the positive charge in the nucleus of the elements & later assigned
as the atomic number?
a. Henry Moseley b. Dmitri Mendeleev c. Wilhelm Rontgen d. Marie Curie
8. The gaps in the periodic table is thought by scientists that there are still undiscovered elements, hence, scientists tried to ____ a.
synthesize elements in the laboratory. b. discover elements. c. make nuclear reactions to form new elements.
d. All of the above.
A. Evaluation: In a ¼ SOP, write the letter which corresponds to your answer. 7min.
1. In 1807, the beginning of the modern era of chemistry began by whom and what theory?
b. John Dalton and his atomic theory b. JJ Thomson & his atomic theory
.c. Niels Bohr & his planetary atom model d. Democritus with his belief of indestructible atomos.
2. In all cases, carbon combines with oxygen in a ratio of 1: 2 to form carbon dioxide. This principle follows which of the following? a.
Law of definite proportions b. Law of multiple proportions
c. Law of ratio of small whole number d. Law of conservation of mass & energy.
3. Before & after chemical reactions, no atoms are lost nor gained, they are only rearrange to form new substances. This illustrates what
law? a. Law of definite proportions b. Law of multiple proportions
c. Law of ratio of small whole number d. Law of conservation of mass & energy.
4. How was Dalton’s atomic theory contributed to the discovery of other elements?
e. More & more supporting evidence for Dalton’s concept of the atom accumulated.
f. Some modification of his original ideas occurred as new evidence arose.
g. Dalton’s atomic theory is the cornerstone of chemistry. All of the above
5. How was Dalton’s concept of an atom compared to? a. a billiard ball b. a metallic ball
h. a hollow metallic ball d. any kind of ball

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