SKYCOM Recorder
SKYCOM Recorder
SKYCOM Recorder
Intelcan provides the latest technology in digitizing messages, originating from/to ATS communications environment,
such as RF sources, telephone lines, hot lines, intercom, etc.
and capturing events and actions in your command
Captured data from different sources is fully synchronized with
and control center. Replay and analysis of this recorded the Master GPS Clock for the airport’s control center via NTP,
authentic data (audio, video, IP, and other) gives IRIG-B configurable protocols of time and data synchronization.
you complete visibility of your operations. This makes for a highly dependable playback in accident and
incident investigations, search and rescue, air traffic control and
With our tools at hand, your organization gains immediate surveillance systems evaluation and training.
access to highly reliable recordings of critical information, High availability being a requirement in ATC applications, the
whether for security reasons, fact finding, incident investigation, system may be configured for full redundancy at the control center
training, or process improvement. thus guaranteeing continuity of service. Recorded data is also
Intelcan’s SKYCOM recording and playback solution perfectly stored simultaneously on both equipments.
answers ATC requirements, whether for an Area Control Should the primary equipment encounter any fault that compromises
Center, a Control Tower, or other facility by acquiring data from its operations, the standby equipment seamlessly takes over.
multiple sources.
It allows recording of: Data Capture
Analog & digital audio including E1, VoIP, The data capture function provides data acquisition capability
ISDN, and HF/VHF/UHF radio from the VCCS from various sources as well as time stamping and storage of
(Voice Communication and Control System) collected data to a specific target media. A provided easy-to-use
Radar data recording in accordance with user interface allows the control of the capture process with
ICAO’s recommendation (Annex 11, Ch. 6) capabilities such as start and stop.
Data recording via Ethernet or Serial
(example: meteorological information) Data Analysis
Video recording of workstations/PCs display The Data Analysis function provides the capability of viewing
and actions taken selected recorded data based on available advanced filtering
Video camera recoding (CCTV or IP) capabilities. Once recorded data is viewed it can be, edited,
Data recording of meteorological information reduced or exported to supported open standard format as well
as removable media.
Intelcan Technosystems Inc. 69 Auriga Drive, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K2E 7Z2 Tel: 1.613.228.1150 • Fax: 1.613.228.1149
Intelcan is an ISO 9001:2008 registered company © Copyright 2011