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International Journal of Plant Breeding and Genetics ISSN 2756-3847 Vol. 7 (10), pp. 001-007, October, 2020.
Available online at www.internationalscholarsjournals.org © International Scholars Journals
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Full Length Research Paper

Phenotypic Diversity Studies of Coffee (Coffea

canephora Pierre ex. Froehn) Landrace Accessions
and an Accession from Germplasm Using
Morphological Markers
Baba Nitsa, M., 3Odiyi, A.C., 3Akinyele, B.O., 3Aiyelari, O.P., 1Dada, K. E., 3Fayeun, L.S.,
Anagbogu, C.F., 2Idrisu, M. and 2Ugioro, O.
Crop Improvement Division, Cocoa Research Institute of Nigeria, Ibadan
Agronomy Section, Cocoa Research Institute of Nigeria, Ibadan
Department of Crop, Soil and Pest Management, Federal University of Technology, Akure, Ondo, State, Nigeria.
Accepted 15 October, 2020

Six landrace accessions of robusta coffee and one accession from CRIN coffee germplasm were used for this study.
Ate-kekere (ATK), Shekoni (SEK), Iyamuye (IY1), Kabba bunu (KB3), Omu-Alagbede (OMA), Oranre (ORA1) were
farmer`s cultivars, while C105 is the accession from coffee germplasm. GPS was used to take coordinate of collection
areas. Experiments were conducted at two locations for two years 2018 to 2019, in randomized complete block
design, with three replicates. Data was collected on morphological traits: plant height, stem diameter, numbers of
branches, numbers of leafs, inter node length, leaf length and leaf width. All observations were recorded and
subjected to ANOVA using SAS package V. (9.1) and Minitab package V. (17). There were variations in all
morphological characters, with ATK (67.25) being the tallest among all the accessions. OMA (48.22) was observed to
be the shortest among other accessions. ATK had significant highest mean number of branches (15.83) and of leaves
(38.67) when compared to other accessions. Locations tend to have significant effect on the performance of
accessions. Plants at Ibadan show significant better performance in morphological traits than plants at Owena. Year
2019 revealed significant improvement in morphological traits as compared to 2018, but number of branches was not
different significantly. Dendrogram hierarchically grouped the accessions based on geographical area of collection
(North Central and Southwest), implies that morphological traits could be used to classify cultivars for
characterization based on area of core collection and for establishment of germplasm bank.

Key words: landrace robusta coffee, accessions, morphological markers, diversity studies and locations.


Coffea canephora is among the two commercially 2009), was said to have originated from Central to West
cultivated varieties of coffee in Nigeria (Adepoju et al., Africa (Nugussie and Dererse, 2007). According to
2017), as it constitute about 95% of coffee production in Tornincasa et al., (2010) and Davis et al., (2011), earlier
Nigeria while the remaining 5% comes from C. arabica. studies revealed that genus Coffea, has more than 100
(Anagbogu et al., 2019). Coffea canephora also known species and among all the species, C. arabia and C.
as Robusta coffee as it is being refer to (Tshilenge et al., canephora are the two economic important varieties
(Mishra and Slater, 2012 and Zamir 2014). Studies
carried out by Eghe et al., (2008), indicated that
cultivation of coffee started in Nigeria as far back as
Corresponding author email; bmohammed241@yahoo.com 1940`s to mid 1950`s. Findings by Lashermes et al., (2011),
Mishra and Slater, (2012) shows that about 125 million contributed to genetic erosion being faced over 100 years
people or more are in to cultivation of coffee worldwide ago (Negri, 2003; Hammer and Teklu, 2008). Information
which serve as a source of income to them. In Nigeria, on morphological characteristics of robusta coffee
cultivation of coffee is being done mainly by small scale accessions at juvenile stage in Nigeria is very scarce.
farmers and most of the planting materials are landrace Farmers identify their coffee landraces using traditional
cultivars. methods such as: leaf colour, weight of beans, and shape
The geographical spread of robusta coffee and its of fruits among others. In view of these, characterization
cultivation by many Nigeria farmers was due to its better of cultivated landraces accessions of robusta coffee
adaptability to diverse soil and climatic conditions (Maurin becomes necessary as well as their evaluation on the
et al., 2007), which contribute to variation in its field. The study aimed to ascertain the importance of
phenotypic traits (Tadesse Benti, 2017). In Nigeria, morphological trait for diversity studies and to provide
planting of landrace robusta coffee, is done through the basic information for exploring the potentials associated
use of seeds in spite of effort on vegetative and micro- with accessions of landrace robusta coffee. This is to give
vegetative propagation. Effort by plant breeders in an insight for conservation and crop improvement for the
developing high yielding varieties to meet the growing purpose of future classification and selection in Nigeria.
population demand do lead to genetic erosion of
landraces varieties and wild species of crop plants which MATERIALS and METHODS
constitute the major gene pool of genetic diversity.
Genetic diversity of natural coffee has been grouped into Landrace coffee accessions were collected from areas
three namely: landrace, wild species and developed with history of coffee cultivation. Seven landrace robusta
cultivars. coffee accessions were collected from North central and
Morphological traits such as plant height, stem diameter, Southwestern for this study, (Table 1). Out of seven
variation in charries sizes, shape, beans size, colour accessions, three accessions were from North central
among others, provide information regarding to diversity part of Nigeria, while four accessions were from
studies in coffee (Gichimu and Omondi, 2010b) as well Southwestern part of Nigeria of which One of them was
as other crops (Dah-Nouvlessounon et al., 2016). from coffee germplasm of Cocoa Research Institute of
However, species discrimination would be more Nigeria, Ibadan. The codes for the population used in this
informative if molecular evaluation is incorporated study were related to their collection site. The field
(Duminil and Di Michele, 2009), since it is a experiment ware carried out at the Cocoa Research
complementary tool to phenotypic markers and being a Institute of Nigeria, Ibadan, Oyo state and Owena
genetics and genomics based. Evaluations and substation of Cocoa Research Institute of Nigeria, Ondo
characterization of morphological traits are of important state. GPS was used to determine coordinate of the
for documentation in coffee breeding programs, as plant sample collection areas. Sampling methods was used for
breeders use this tool in selecting and discarding the collection to ensure representative of each collection
accessions that are of less interest (Teixeira et al., 2013). within a population as well as geographical patterns of
According to Gessese et al., (2015) use of morphological distribution. All the accessions collected were processed
markers is useful in coffee characterization, for diversity, using wet processing method and letter pre-germinated
as it distinguish variation based on external observable using saw dust as a germination media. Healthy and well
differences and potential for genetic improvement (Paul developed seedlings were transplanted into a polythen
et al., 2019). Many researchers have used morphological bag filled with moist top soil. The coffee seedlings were
diversity to determine the existence of diversity among transplanted into well prepared field. The experiment was
newly developed varieties with the existing commercial laid out in a Randomizes complete block design with
coffee genotypes (Gichimu and Omondi 2010b). three replicates and plants were spaced at 3M x 3M as
In spite of the economic important of coffee, the crop has suggested by Anim-Kwapong et al., (2010) and
numerous challenges, ranging from poor market outlet, maintained uniformly under rain fed.
(Sanusi et al., 2004), yield instability, slow growth, Data on morphological traits were collected and
abandoning of coffee farms for other crops recorded from three randomly selected coffee plants from
(Agbongiarhuoyi et al., 2006), non improvement on the each replicate representing each population on the trial.
existing cultivars, lack of proper method of classification The seven morphological traits evaluated were: plant
and genetic erosion and so forth (Hammer and Teklu, height PH (cm), stem diameter SD (cm), numbers of
2008). These challenges have led to low coffee branches NB (cm), number of leaves NL, internode
production in Nigeria (Willians, 2008). In addition, length IL (cm), leaf length LL (cm) and leaf width LW
according to Van de Wouw et al., (2010), challenges of (cm). Morphological traits collected from 2018 to 2019,
landraces or locally adapted varieties are due to its lower were based on descriptors for coffee in accordance with
yield, susceptibility to insect pest and disease attack, IPGRI (International Plant Genetic Resources Institute,
when compared to improve varieties. These has

Table 1. shows the accessions number, sources of collection, latitude, longitude and elevations.
Plants Accessions Source State Geographical Latitude longitude Elevation
1 ATK Ate-kekere Ondo South west N6.923 E3.442 163.63
2 SEK Shekoni Ondo South west N7.489 E5.638 1076.68
3 IY1 Iyamuye Kogi North central N7.793 E5.807 1595.50
4 KB3 Kabba bunu Kogi North central N7.824 E6.079 1385.77
5 C105 germplasm Ibadan South west N7.204 E 3.862 422.25
6 OMA Omu- Ogun South west N6.924 E3.448 268.50
7 ORA1 Oranre Kogi North central N7.864 E5.742 1746.89

1996). Data were subjected to analysis of variance The effect of locations and years is presented in Table 3.
(ANOVA) and cluster analysis, using SAS (Statistical The result indicates two locations that have significant
Analysis System) package (Version: 9.1) and Minitab effects on morphological traits of robusta coffee. Ibadan
package (Version: 17). shows significant better performance in all the traits
studied as compared to Owen location. Ibadan recorded
RESULTS tallest mean plant height (66.16), wider mean stem
diameter (1.13), number of branches (18.55), highest
Plant characteristics mean number of leaves (105.58) internode length (8.10),
leaf length (21.20) and leaf width (9.09).
Data on plants growth traits were shown in Table 2. The result shows year 2019 had significant effects on
Results indicated significant different (p≤0.05) in all the plants performance, than 2018 (Table 3). Tallest plant
growth traits observed (Table 2). Plant height varies height (84.35), wider stem diameter (1.44), highest
significantly among the landrace accessions. ATK was number of branches (15.81), number of leaves (84.17),
tallest having the highest mean of (67.25cm). SEK and internode length (8.87), leaf length (23.40) and leaf width
IY1 were similar to C105 followed by KB3 and ORAI (9.85) were significantly higher in year 2019, than year
although both were equally statistically similar. OMA1 2018.
presented the lowest height (48.22). For stem diameter, Where: Plant height (PH), Stem diameter (SD), Number
highest mean were observed in IY1, ATK and SEK which of branches (NB), Number of leave (NL), Internode length
were statistically similar, but they differ significantly from (IL), Leaf length (LL) and Leaf Width (LW).
the other four accessions. ATK and IY1 were similar The mean of square values of the interactions,
although both revealed highest number of branches accessions × year, accessions × locations and year ×
comparison to the others landraces. They were location is shown in Table 4. They revealed significant
immediately followed by SEK, KB3 and OMA that variation for all the traits studied at (p ≤0.05). Variability in
showed lowest mean number of branches than others. traits is a proof of existence of different accession within
ATK recorded highest numbers of leaves (38.67) that the population and could use as a factor for clustering in
was significantly different from other accessions. KB3 population.
and OMA were statistically similar with lowest number of Table 4: The mean of square value for accession,
branches which were significantly different from other accession × year, accession × location and year ×
accessions. ATK and C105 recorded highest mean location interactions component of variation for
internode length that were similar to ORA1. OMA quantitative traits of robusta coffee accessions grown at
recorded the least mean internode length. IY1 revealed two locations during 2017 and 2019 seasons.
longest mean leaf length (22.59). It was followed by ATK
and SEK which were statistically similar to ORA1. OMA CLUSTER ANALYSIS
recorded shortest leaf length (17.61) than other
accessions. IY1 and ATK revealed highest mean leaf Cluster analysis (Figure 1), shows the relationship among
width which was significantly not different from SEK. accessions of robusta coffee collected at different
OMA recorded narrowest leaf width (6.98) than other locations as shown in Table 1. The overall cluster
accessions. analysis grouped accessions into two major clusters
Means with the same letters are significantly not different based on geographical locations. Cluster group 1
Where: Plant height (PH), Stem diameter (SD), Number revealed KB3 and IY1 were closer than ORA1. Under
of branches (NB), Numbers of leave (NL), Internodes second grouping, SEK and OMA were most closely
length (IL), Leaf length (LL) and Leaf Width (LW) related than ATK and C105. Cluster group 1 were
Table 2. Effects of plants growth characters on the accessions.
Characters ATK SEK IY1 KB3 C105 OMA ORA1
PH (cm) 67.25a 61.92ab 61.63ab 56.39bc 58.92ab 48.22c 54.42bc
SD (cm) 1.12a 1.12a 1.16a 0.77b 0.81b 0.72b 0.82b
NB 15.83a 14.42ab 15.50a 10.67c 12.75abc 10.42c 11.50bc
NL 38.67a 27.78abc 36.33ab 16.75c 26.67abc 16.25c 18.33bc
IL(cm) 7.42a 6.61ab 6.93ab 6.81ab 7.49a 5.37b 7.13a
LL(cm) 22.03ab 22.18ab 22.59a 17.96c 19.63bc 17.61c 20.86ab
LW(cm) 9.18a 8.90a 9.39a 7.48bc 8.42ab 6.98c 8.53ab

Table 3. Effects of locations and years on the performance of coffee plants.

Characters Location Year
Ibadan Owena 2019 2018
PH (cm) 66.16a 50.62b 84.35a 32.44b
SD (cm) 1.13a 0.73b 1.44a 0.43b
NB 18.55a 10.79b 15.81a 13.52b
NL 105.58a 32.28b 84.17a 1.89b
IN (cm) 8.10a 5.54b 8.87a 4.77b
LL (cm) 21.20a 19.61b 23.40a 17.42b
LW (cm) 9.09a 7.73b 9.85a 6.97b
Means with the same letters are significantly not different.

Table 4. The mean of square value for accession, accession × year, accession × location and year × location interactions component
of variation for quantitative traits of robusta coffee accessions grown at two locations during 2017 and 2019 seasons.
Trait Accession Accession × year Accession × location year × location
Plant height 450.02** 158.29** 250.54** 3537.31**
Stem girth 0.44** 0.18** 0.16** 2.48**
Number of 68.92** 31.63** 31.72** 697.19**
Number of 6712.66** 1387.94** 4909.10** 20795.32**
Internode 6.15** 3.60** 6.59** 53.60**
Leaf length 50.29** 13.40** 16.06** 16.65**
Leaf width 9.47** 4.66** 3.84** 2.50**
** donated significant at the P≤0.05 level.

accession collected from North central part of Nigeria, DISCUSSION

while cluster group 2 comprises of accession collected
from Southwestern part of Nigeria. The distance among Morphological characters evaluation of cultivated
the seven population ranges from 0.00 to 1.00. Cluster 1 landrace species of robusta coffee and one accession
comprises of three accessions at a distance of 0.35 (KB3, from germplasm exhibit differences in all evaluated traits.
IY1and ORA1). Cluster 2 comprises of four accessions at Accession ATK showed highest numbers of leaves,
a distance of 0.30 (OMA, SEK, ATK and C105). In cluster branches and inter node length which contributed to the
analysis, minimum dissimilarities were observed between tallness observed compared to other accessions.
accessions ORA1 and KB3 they were closely followed by Accessions from OMA were observed to be the shortest
IYAI with moderate distance. Also OMA and SEK were among other accessions. This suggest that ATK, could
less dissimilar when compared to ATK and C105 is the posses the trait of tallness while OMA could be regarded
highest distance from OMA and SEK. as dwarf cultivar. IY1 was better than other accessions in

Figure 1. Dendrogram representation for hierarchical
clustering of data objects.

leaf length and stem diameter. C105 had the longest in coffee prefers warm temperature, as it does not perform
inter node length, but statistically similar with ATK and well in very high rain fall regimes. Damatta et al., (2006)
ORA1. This implies the existence of variability on reported optimal temperatures are required for coffee
morphological characters among collected accessions of performance and these changes as phonological stage
robusta coffee as reported by (Olika et al., 2011). The changes.
observed variations could also be used as a basis for As coffee plants grow from one season to the other, it
selection of the best accessions as suggested by continues to change from vegetative stage to
(Teixeira et al., 2013). reproductive stage. This was revealed in year 2019 as
Several studies had equally shown that the quantitative plants showed better performance in all morphological
characters could be used as a selection criterion for traits as compared to year 2018. As such characterization
improving the productivity of the crop since they of morphological traits becomes important, since genetic
contribute among others to the variability observed within diversity is based on the rate of species adaptive and the
coffee population in different areas (Gessese et al., response of species (Solomon, 2009). This means that
2015). selected accessions could be compared for estimation of
All accessions at Ibadan show better performance than variability and heritability as suggested by (Mishra et al.,
the ones at Owena. This shows that differences in 2006).
morphological characters at different environment Cluster analysis grouped accessions into geographical
indicate an improvement in growing condition of the areas of collection North central and Southwest revealing
plants at different environment (Ferráo et al., 2017). that most of robusta coffee cultivated by farmers within
Ibadan is savanna vegetation, with optimal rainfall these locations has an associate link of being from the
support better performance of coffee species and Owena same source of origin or being closely related. Cluster
is a tropical rainforest with high rainfall. The robusta grouping of accessions based on geographical location

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