Dental Biomimetics

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International Journal of Applied Dental Sciences 2020; 6(1): 31-34

ISSN Print: 2394-7489

ISSN Online: 2394-7497
IJADS 2020; 6(1): 31-34 Biomimetic materials: A realm in the field of
© 2020 IJADS
restorative dentistry and endodontics: A review
Received: 26-11-2019
Accepted: 28-12-2019
Fathima Farhana, K Harish S Shetty, Sree Gowri and Nishi Jayasheelan
Fathima Farhana
Post Graduate Student, Abstract
Department of Conservative Traditional approaches to treat damaged and decayed teeth require more aggressive preparation to place a
Dentistry and Endodontics, “strong”, stiff restoration. The emphasis is on the strength of the restoration, but no attention is placed
Yenepoya Dental College, into the function and biomechanics of the restored tooth. By ignoring this critical aspect, it is no surprise
Yenepoya Deemed to be that complications such as tooth fracture occur more frequently and future treatment becomes more
University, Deralakatte,
aggressive and invasive. So begins the restorative dental cycle in which the teeth are ultimately lost from
Mangalore, Karnataka, India
successive treatments. With Biomimetic dentistry, only the damage and decay is removed from the teeth,
K Harish S Shetty and the final restoration is bonded to the remaining healthy natural tooth structure.
MDS Head of the Department,
Department of Conservative Keywords: Biomimetics, biomimetic materials, glass ionomer cement, bioceramics, MTA, emdogain
Dentistry and Endodontics,
Yenepoya Dental College, Introduction
Yenepoya Deemed to be The process of taking inspiration from nature for manmade design has been described as
University, Deralakatte,
Mangalore, Karnataka, India
“biomimicry or biomimetics”. Biomimicry (from bios, meaning life, and mimesis, meaning to
imitate) involves studying nature’s most successful developments and then imitating these
Sree Gowri designs to create new materials [1]. Wright brothers pointed to soaring birds as their inspiration
Reader, Department of for the first aircraft steering mechanisms [2]. Biomimetic design is a design that, fully or
Conservative Dentistry and partially, imitates or evokes some biological phenomenon [3]. During the past few decades, a
Endodontics, Yenepoya Dental
College, Yenepoya Deemed to be
number of men made materials and devices partially mimicking the natural ones have been
University, Deralakatte, introduced for implantation into humans. The first artificial heart valve was implanted by
Mangalore, Karnataka, India Hufnagel in 1952, and the first artificial hip replacement was performed by Charney in 1954
. The main disadvantage with traditional biomaterials used in the medical, biotechnological,
Nishi Jayasheelan and pharmaceutical field is that they lack the ability to integrate with biological systems
Senior Lecturer, Department of
Conservative Dentistry and
through a cellular pathway. This may lead to failure of the material. Hence the current focus is
Endodontics, Yenepoya Dental on developing a biomaterial which suitably performs the functions of the biological molecule
College, Yenepoya Deemed to be that needs to be replaced [5, 6]. In dentistry there is no one biomaterial that has the same,
University, Deralakatte, mechanical, physical and optical properties as tooth structure (i.e., dentin, enamel, and
Mangalore, Karnataka, India cementum) and possesses the physiological characteristics of intact teeth in function [7, 8]. By
using biomimetic therapeutic approaches, dental professionals can improve and become closer
to natural biological structures and their function. There are two major perspectives to which
the term “biomimetic” is applied; a purist perspective that focuses on recreating biological
tissues and a descriptive perspective that focuses on using materials that result in a mimicked
biological effect [9]. Although different, both share a common goal of mimicking biology in
restoration. A biomimetic material should match the part of the tooth that it’s replacing in
several ways, including the modulus of elasticity and function of the respective areas (e.g.,
pulp, dentin, enamel, dentinoenamel junction) [10].

Corresponding Author: Biomimetic dentistry

Fathima Farhana
Post Graduate Student,
Bio-mimetic Dentistry is the art and science of restoring damaged teeth with restorations that
Department of Conservative mimic natural teeth in appearance, function, and strength [11]. It is conservative- by only
Dentistry and Endodontics, replacing what is damaged, and strong- by replicating nature’s original design [11]. The two
Yenepoya Dental College, foundational principles of this approach are: Treat Teeth Early and Use Proper Techniques.
Yenepoya Deemed to be Treating weakened teeth earlier, allows us to preserve the healthy enamel, thus providing a
University, Deralakatte,
better foundation for the Biomimetic bonding. Early intervention is key to less-invasive
Mangalore, Karnataka, India
treatment! [9]. Proper Biomimetic bonding techniques save your tooth by, Removing old
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International Journal of Applied Dental Sciences

bacteria and infection, Sealing out new infection & bacteria, Ceramicrete: It is a new generation calcium based material,
Eliminating sensitivity, Restoring natural strength and which has hydroxyl-apatite in powder and cerium oxide
function. radioopaque fillers. It is biocompatible and radio-opaque and
release calcium and phosphate ions during setting. Its sealing
Biomimetics in restorative dentistry ability is higher compared to a Super EBA and Pro-Root
The goal of Biomimetics in Restorative Dentistry is to return MTA when used as root end filling material. Immersion of the
all of the prepared dental tissues to full function by the set ceramicrete material in a Phosphate containing fluid
creation of a hard tissue bond that allows functional stresses (PCF), lead to formation of Di-calcium phosphate dihydrate
to pass through the tooth, drawing the entire crown into the (DPCD) or hydroxyl-apatite on the surface. Ceramicrete
final functional biologic and esthetic results [9, 10]. One more shows bioactivity. Setting time-150 min. It has immediate ph
important aspect of biomimetic dentistry needs to be 2.2 which increases with time
addressed as; less dentistry is the best dentistry; or even say
no dentistry is the best dentistry. Bonded porcelain Generex A [15, 16]: It is a calcium silicate based material, used
restorations are recommended to treat the most perilous for root end filling. It has good handling properties compared
situation (non vital or fractured teeth) thus avoiding the use of to WMTA in acidic form it has superior washout resistance
intraradicular parts or full coverage crowns [9]. than WMTA.

Biomimetic materials in restorative dentistry Generex B [15, 16]: It is new calcium silicate based material
A bio-mimetic material should match the part of the tooth that used as root canal sealer. It has flow of 29mm, that allows it
it's replacing in several ways, including the modulus of enter into complex root canal system. Working time-65 min.
elasticity and function of the respective areas (e.g. pulp, It has film thickness of 32 micron.
dentin, enamel, dentino-enamel junction) [9]. Calcium
hydroxide, Glass ionomer cements, Nanocomposite, Mineral Capasio: It is a new calcium silicate based material
Trioxide Aggregate, Biodentine, Bioaggregate, Bioactive composed of bismuth oxide, dental glass, polyvinyl acetate,
glass, Calcium enriched mixture, Casein phosphopeptide calcium- alumino silicate. It is used for root end filling in
amorphous calcium phosphate[CPP-ACP], Octacalcium endodontics and penetrate dental tubule. It forms calcium
phosphate, Calcium phosphate material, Platlet rich fibrin, hydroxide and hydroxyapatite on seting. It may be used as a
Emdogain. Generex, Capasio, Quickset permanent dentine substitute as its mechanical properties are
similar to dentin. When used as base, composite placement
Glass Ionomer cement [6, 9, 10]: Its a Bio-mimetic material, should be delayed for more than 2 weeks to allow complete
Bonds chemically to tooth structure. It releases fluorides and maturation of material.
decrease secondary caries. It has coefficient of thermal
expansion near to natural tooth Doxadent [6, 15]: It is calcium- aluminate based cement which
react with water containing lithium salts to forms katoite and
Self-healing composites [12-14]: Self healing composite gibbsite. It is inorganic and nonmetallic in nature. It is
contain resin filled microcapsules. If a crack occurs in the available as powder liquid component. Has alkaline ph. It is a
epoxy composite material, the microcapsules rupture near the hard material with low wear resistance. It is as strong as GIC
crack and release the resin. The resin fills the crack and reacts but less than composite.
with a Grubbs catalyst dispersed in the epoxy composite,
resulting in a polymerization of the resin and crack repair. Ceramir [6, 28]: It is also a calcium aluminate based material,
used for permanent cementation of FPD, gold inlay, only, all
Calcium Hydroxide [6]: Introduced to dentistry by Hermann. zirconia, all alumina crown. It forms hydroxyapatite when
It has a pH of approximately 12.5. It has antibacterial comes in contact with inorganic phosphate of saliva and
properties and the ability to induce tertiary dentin formation. shows good gingival response when used as luting agent

MTA [6, 15, 16]: It is a calcium silicate based hydrophilic Hydroxyapatite [15]: It is non restorable calcium phosphate
material developed by Torabinejad. It has ph value range 10- material. It is osteoconductive in nature and has composition
12.5 and forms calcium hydroxide and hydroxy-apetite like similar to bone. It bond to bone. As, it has low mechanical
crystals on setting in presence of phosphate containing properties so not used in load bearing area. It is used in bone
solution. It causes periodontal ligament attachment, grafting, as a filler in composite resins. Hydroxyapatite has
cementum growth, and dentinal bridge formation. It show been for endodontic treatment including pulp capping, repair
good adhesion to dentin. It has low solubility than calcium of perforation, apical barrier formation, and repair of
hydroxide and no tunnel defects are seen when used in vital periapical defects. Jean et al. suggested that the degree of
pulp therapy. mineralization of reparative dentin formation obtained with
tricalcium-phosphate hydroxyapatite was quicker and thicker
TheraCal [6, 15]: It is a light cured resin material having when compared with that produced by calcium hydroxide.
calcium silicate filler particles. As compared to Pro Root
MTA and Dycal, it has low solubility and high calcium Calcium phosphate cement [6, 15]: It is moldable viscous, self
release. setting material discovered by Brown and Chowin in 1980. It
forms hydroxyapetite on setting and has alkaline ph. It has
Nano-WMTA [15]: Introduced by Saghiri et al. It has small setting time of 20 min. It has compressive strength
particle size than MTA and has zeolite and strontium, di comparable to trabecular bone [11-12MPa] It is inexpensive
sodium hydrogen phosphate in its composition. It shows less and has good handling properties.
solubility in acidic ph and high push out bond strength as
compared to WMTA
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International Journal of Applied Dental Sciences

ACP Technology [Enamelon, Enamel Care] [15]: The ACP Root [9].
technology was developed by Dr. Ming S. Tung in1999. It is a
two-phase delivery system consisting of calcium sulfate and MTA Endosequence Root Repair Material (ERRM) putty,
di-potassium phosphate. When two salts are mixd, ACP forms ERRM paste RRM putty fast set (FS) and iroot FS
which dissolve in saliva and help in remineralisation of tooth. Endosequence root repair material (ERRM) (Brasseler USA,
Eg. Enamelon, Enamel Care toothpaste. Savannah, GA) delivered as a premixed mouldable putty
(iRoot BP Plus) or as a preloaded paste in a syringe with
Tricalcium phosphate [15]: Tri-calcium phosphate materials delivery tips for intracanal placement. It contains calcium
act as osteo-conductive materials, permits growth of bone on phosphate monobasic, calcium silicates, zirconium oxide and
their surface or into pores, It is biocompatible material and tantalum oxide. Inside dentinal tubules, ERRM forms tag-like
useful for inducing hard tissue formation, It has been used as structures [9, 15]. The RRMs allows gingival fibroblasts to grow
capping agent, cleft-palate, apical barrier, apexification, on their surface. RRMs are premixed, single component
vertical bone defect, and implants coating. It also has been materials which is ready to use from the syringe or a tiny
used as tooth remineralising agent. It has poor mechanical screw-cap box and does not requires mixing, thus
properties and shows fast and uncontrollable rate of differentiating it from MTA, bio aggregate and bio dentin.
resorption. RRM putty fast set (FS) has the initial setting time of 20 min.
iRoot FS (Brasseler USA, Savannah, GA) is iRoot series
Bioactive glass [17, 18]: It was first developed by Hench in material with improved handling properties and shorter
1969.these glasses are able to bind with bone and tissue and setting time [9, 15].
induce osteogenesis. These have different families and
different composition. These can be used as bone graft and in Bioceramic Sealers
management of dentin hypersensitivity and implant coating. Endosequence BC sealer (Brasseler USA, Savannah, GA) or
Eg45S5 iRoot SP root canal sealer (Innovative Bioceramix Inc.,
Vancouver, BC, Canada) is premixed bioceramic endodontic
Emdogain [15, 17]: It is enamel matrix derivative containing sealer containing tricalcium silicate, zirconium oxide,
product. Enamel matrix derivative protein are secreted by dicalcium silicate, calcium phosphate monobasic, colloidal
Hertwig epithelial root Sheth and induces the periodontal silica, calcium silicates and calcium hydroxide. The iRoot SP
tissue formation. Emdogain mimic these processes of tooth possesses high pH, hydrophilicity, and active calcium
development. Emdogain also contain non collagen proteins hydroxide release.
like Ameloblastin, tuftelin, enamelin and growth factor, bone
morphogenic protein. It is used in replantation cases to Other bioceramic sealers: bio root rcs (septodont), gutta
decrease external root resorption, It has been used for flow bio seal [9, 15].
pulpotomy, vital pulp therapy as it induces reparative dentin
formation. Bioceramic Gutta-Percha
These are Gutta-Percha cones impregnated and coated with
Platlet rich fibrin membrane [15, 19-21]: It is flexible, elastic bioceramic nanoparticles and are verified with laser for tip
membrane first developed by Choukaron et al. in France. It and taper accuracy. Such cones with BC sealers allows “three-
contain Platelets, growth factors and fibrin which enhances dimensional” bonded obturation [9, 15].
the wound healing.
Biomimetic principles applied to cosmetic dentistry [9] Biomimetics is the study of the formation, structure, or
Biomimetic dentistry is based on the philosophy that the function of biologically produced substances and materials
intact tooth in its ideal hues and shades and, more and biological mechanisms and processes especially for the
importantly, its Intracoronal anatomy, mechanics and location purpose of synthesizing similar products by artificial
in the arch, is the guide to reconstruction and the determinant mechanisms which mimic natural ones. And material
of success [9]. This approach is conservative and biologically fabricated by biomimetic technique based on natural process
sound and in sharp contrast to the porcelain-fused-to-metal found in biological system is called a biomimetic material.
technique in which the metal casting with its high elastic The practice of dentistry has grown by leap and bounds in the
modulus makes the underlying dentin hypofunctional [9]. past few decades. Replacement of diseased or lost tooth
structure with biocompatible restorative materials is currently
Biomimetics in endodontics the order of today. But each of these procedures does have
Minimally invasive Biomimetic Endodontics which new their own limitations and drawbacks. Regeneration of the lost
technology, is photon-induced Photo acoustic streaming tooth structure rather than replacement during treatment will
(PIPS) [9]. Reciprocating handpieces and sonic devices were ensure better prognosis and higher rate of success. Hence the
introduced with the idea of saving precious tooth structure, future in dentistry would involve the use of such biomimetic
but further studies are needed [9]. materials which could successfully replace lost dentine,
cementum and even the pulp tissue. Efforts are on through
Materials in endodontics [9] tissue engineering to create a biological tooth substitute that
MTA Fillapex (angelus solutions odonatological, Londrina, could completely replace the lost tooth structure. Biomimetic
PR, Brazil) is a calcium silicate-based bio ceramic sealer, materials and methods will revolutionize the future of
created with an attempt to incorporate physical and chemical dentistry with the synergistic confluence of advances in
properties of a resin-based root canal sealer and the biological signalling pathways underlying morphogenesis and lineage of
properties of MTA stem/progenitor cells.
MTA plus (Avalon biomed Inc., Bradenton, FL, USA) is a
fine powder root canal sealer with composition similar to Pro
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