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*Local lines, Airflow schema, Lay out LAYOUT of the PASSENGER twin-fuselage AIRPLANE FOR LOCAL

LINES (2016-11-01) V. G. Gusev in Научный вестник МГТУ ГА, Iss 212, Pp 105-111 (2016)


*The article shows the peculiarities and disadvantages of the classical single-fuselage configuration
aircraft for local lines. It also provides an overview of the twin-fuselage configuration aircraft. A version
of the twin-fuselage passenger aircraft is offered and the ground of its advantages is given.

Lėktuvo LAK-X sparno sujungimo viršutinės dalies oro srauto aptekėjimo gerinimas ; Improvement of an
upper airflow separation on a wing-fuselage intersection of the LAK-X light airplane (1998) Bronius
Merkys, Eduardas Lasauskas in Aviacija: mokslo darbai : Nr. 3: skirtas aviacijos konstruktoriaus , lakūno,
brigados generolo, Lietuvos karo aviacijos viršininko Antano

- http://vgtu.lvb.lt/VGTU:ELABAPDB3617643&prefLang=en_US

The experimental way of testing (using tufts technique) and improvement (using Vortex generators) of
an upper airflow separation on a wing-fuselage intersection of the LAK-X light two place composite
airplane is described. Number of an airflow schemes under different flight conditions are presented.
Optimal place and number of Vortex generators are proposed.

*Flow over a glider canopy (2014) A. S. Jonker, J. J. Bosman, E. H. Mathews, L. Liebenberg in The Aero-
nautical Journal ; volume 118, issue 1204, page 669-682 ; ISSN 0001-9240 2059-6464


Abstract In order to minimise drag, the front part of most modern glider fuselages is shaped so that
laminar flow is preserved to a position close to the wing-to-fuselage junction. Experimental
investigations on a full-scale JS1 competition glider however revealed that the laminar boundary layer in
fact trips to turbulent flow at the fuselage-to-canopy junction position, increasing drag. This is possibly
due to ventilation air leaking from the cockpit to the fuselage surface through the canopy seal, or that
the gap is merely too large and therefore trips the boundary layer to turbulent flow. The effect of air
leaking from the fuselage-to-canopy gap as well as the size of the gap was thus investigated with the use
of computational fluid dynamics.It was found that if air was leaking through this gap the boundary layer
would be tripped from laminar to turbulent flow. It was also found that the width of the canopy-to-
fuselage gap plays a significant role in the preservation of laminar flow. If the gap is less than 1mm wide,
the attached boundary layer is able to negotiate the gap without being tripped to turbulent flow, while if
the gap is 3mm and wider, it will be tripped from laminar to turbulent flow. The work shows that
aerodynamic drag on a glider can be significantly minimised by completely sealing the fuselage-to-
canopy gap and by ensuring a seal gap-width of less than 1mm.

*CFD-based time-domain aeroelastic simulations of a twin-fudelage aircraft (2022)

Xinjiang Wang, Ziqiang Liu, Li Guo, Jinan Lv, Chen Ji

Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology ; ISSN 1748-8842 1748-8842

[doi]: https://dx.doi.org/10.1108/aeat-08-2021-0261

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to introduce a novel method to study the flutter coupling
mechanism of the twin-fuselage aircraft, which is becoming a popular transportation vehicle recently.
Design/methodology/approach A new method of flutter mode indicator is proposed based on the
principle of work and power, which is realized through energy accumulation of generalized force work
on generalized coordinates, based on which flutter coupling mechanism of the twin-fuselage aircraft is
studied using ground vibration test and computational fluid dynamics/computational solid dynamics
method. Findings Verification of the proposed flutter mode indicator is provided, by which the flutter
mechanism of the twin fuselage is found as the horizontal tail’s torsion coupled with its bending effect
and the “frequency drifting” phenomenon of twin-fuselage aircraft is explained logically, highlighting the
proposed method in this paper. Originality/value This paper proposed a new method of flutter mode
indicator, which has advantages in flutter modes indexes reliability, clear physical meaning and results
normalization. This study found the flutter coupling mechanism of twin-fuselage aircraft, which has
important guiding significance to the development of twin-fuselage aircraft.

*The double-fuselage layout: A preliminary case study of a possible way of reducing the development
costs for new high-capacity aircraft (2000)

S Chiesa, M Di Sciuva, P Maggiore Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal
of Aerospace Engineering ; volume 214, issue 2, page 85-95 ; ISSN 0954-4100 2041-3025

[doi]: https://dx.doi.org/10.1243/0954410001531836

The double-fuselage layout, sometimes proposed in the past, is considered to be an alternative (by
utilizing a great number of components of an existing aircraft) to a new aircraft (with the traditional
layout) of about twice the size of the existing aircraft. The development cost reduction is attractive if the
technical performance of the double-fuselage is comparable with that of the hypothetical new aircraft.
The first aim of the present work is to sketch a double-fuselage layout with similar values of wing
loading, thrust-weight ratio and aspect ratio to the reference new aircraft of increased size. On the basis
of this sketch, some other topics are discussed, such as the landing gear and tail surface configurations,
ground operations, etc. Particular attention has to be paid to structural problems related to the double-
fuselage layout, especially the different modes of stress in structural elements of the original aircraft.

*Wing Fuselage Lug Attachment Bracket ... (2022)

R S Harish, K Veda Abhishek, Harish U V, Tharundeep K, G. Sakthivel, N Raghukiran

[doi]: https://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6383528

Topology optimization has become an effective tool for light-weight and performance design, especially
in the aeronautics and aerospace industry. It has proved to meet the requirement to produce intricate
parts that are more robust and lightweight. This technology has proved costeffectiveness, improved
payload capacity, and increased fuel economy in the aerospace sector, and enabled structural
components to deliver the same or enhanced performance while using less material. Among the aircraft,
the fuselage and the wings are important structural components. Wing fuselage lug attachment bracket
is the connecting element that connects the wings and the fuselage.Catastrophic failure of the bracket
may sometimes lead to the separation of the aircraft structure. This work is focused on modelling, shape
optimization, and analysis of an aircraft wing-fuselage lug attachment bracket. The methodology
involves modelling and shape optimization of the bracket using different sets of materials. Finite
elemental modelling ...

*Detailed design of a lattice composite fuselage structure by a mixed optimization method (2016) D. Liu,
H. Lohse-Buschl, V. Toropov, C. Huhne, U. Armani

[link]: https://ueaeprints.uea.ac.uk/id/eprint/56158/

In this paper, a procedure for designing a lattice fuselage barrel has been developed and it comprises
three stages: first, topology optimization of an aircraft fuselage barrel has been performed with respect
to weight and structural performance to obtain the conceptual design. The interpretation of the optimal
result is given to demonstrate the development of this new lattice airframe concept for the fuselage
barrel. Subsequently, parametric optimization of the lattice aircraft fuselage barrel has been carried out
using Genetic Algorithms on metamodels generated with Genetic Programming from a 101-point
optimal Latin hypercube design of experiments. The optimal design has been achieved in terms of
weight savings subject to stability, global stiffness and strain requirements and then was verified by the
fine mesh finite element simulation of the lattice fuselage barrel. Finally, a practical design of the
composite skin complying with the aircraft industry lay-up rules has been presented. It is concluded that
the mixed optimization method, combining topology optimization with the global metamodel-based
approach, has allowed to solve the problem with sufficient accuracy as well as provided the designers
with a wealth of information on the structural behaviour of the novel anisogrid composite fuselage

*Topology Optimization of Aircraft Fuselage Structure (2013-05-22)

Muniyasamy Kalanchiam, Baskar Mannai

[link]: https://zenodo.org/record/1073625

Topology Optimization is a defined as the method of determining optimal distribution of material for the
assumed design space with functionality, loads and boundary conditions [1]. Topology optimization can
be used to optimize shape for the purposes of weight reduction, minimizing material requirements or
selecting cost effective materials [2]. Topology optimization has been implemented through the use of
finite element methods for the analysis, and optimization techniques based on the method of moving
asymptotes, genetic algorithms, optimality criteria method, level sets and topological derivatives.Case
study of Typical "Fuselage design" is considered for this paper to explain the benefits of Topology
Optimization in the design cycle. A cylindrical shell is assumed as the design space and aerospace
standard pay loads were applied on the fuselage with wing attachments as constraints. Then topological
optimization is done using Finite Element (FE) based software. This optimization results in the structural
concept design which satisfies all the design constraints using minimum material.

*Metamodels for Composite Lattice Fuselage Design (2016) D. Liu, X. Zhou, V. Toropov

[link]: http://curve.coventry.ac.uk/open/items/0f1ad47c-b8ab-4d4c-b172-e4dc40462a43/1

This paper presents a novel design of an anisogrid composite aircraft fuselage by a global metamodel-
based optimization approach. A 101-point design of numerical experiments (DOE) has been developed
to generate a set of individual fuselage barrel designs and these designs have further been analyzed by
the finite element (FE) method. Using these training data, global metamodels of all structural responses
of interest have been built as explicit expressions of the design variables using a Genetic Programming
approach. Finally, the parametric optimization of the fuselage barrel by genetic algorithm (GA) has been
performed to obtain the best design configuration in terms of weight savings subject to stability, global
stiffness and strain requirements.

*Optimal Design of a Typical Fuselage Cross Section for a Certain Type of Civil Aircraft (2020)

Zhenwei Zhang

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering ; volume 926, issue 1, page 012027 ; ISSN
1757-8981 1757-899X

[doi]: https://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1757-899x/926/1/012027

Abstract Optimal design of a typical fuselage cross section for civil aircraft is one of the most important
aspects of overall aircraft design. In this paper, a typical cross section of a certain type of civil aircraft
(referred to as model A) is taken as an example and compared with a similar model B of strength
calculation and analysis of deformation, bending moment, stress and other structural bearing efficiency.
The principle of the difference is explored and the principle of engineering design of a typical fuselage
cross section is summarized. Then the design of the original cross section is optimized by integrating
structural load-bearing efficiency, space arrangement and other factors. Strength evaluation is also
carried out. Finally, the optimization plan of a typical fuselage cross section of model A is given.

*Topology optimization of a novel fuselage structure in the conceptual design phase (2018)

Dianzi Liu, Chuanwei Zhang, Z. Wan, Z. Du

Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology ; volume 90, issue 9, page 1385-1393 ; ISSN 1748-8842

[doi]: https://dx.doi.org/10.1108/aeat-04-2017-0100
Purpose In recent years, innovative aircraft designs have been investigated by researchers to address
the environmental and economic issues for the purpose of green aviation. To keep air transport
competitive and safe, it is necessary to maximize design efficiencies of the aircrafts in terms of weight
and cost. The purpose of this paper is to focus on the research which has led to the development of a
novel lattice fuselage design of a forward-swept wing aircraft in the conceptual phase by topology
optimization technique.Design/methodology/approach In this paper, the fuselage structure is modelled
with two different types of elements – 1D beam and 2D shell – for the validation purpose. Then, the
finite element analysis coupled with topology optimization is performed to determine the structural
layouts indicating the efficient distributed reinforcements. Following that, the optimal fuselage designs
are obtained by comparison of the results of 1D and 2D models. Findings The topological results reveal
the need for horizontal stiffeners to be concentrated near the upper and lower extremities of the
fuselage cross section and a lattice pattern of criss-cross stiffeners should be well-placed along the sides
of the fuselage and near the regions of window locations. The slight influence of windows on the
optimal reinforcement layout is observed. To form clear criss-cross stiffeners, modelling the fuselage
with 1D beam elements is suggested, whereas the less computational time is required for the
optimization of the fuselage modelled using 2D shell elements. Originality/value The authors propose a
novel lattice fuselage design in use of topology optimization technique as a powerful design tool. Two
types of structural elements are examined to obtain the clear reinforcement detailing, which is also in
agreement with the design of the DLR (German Aerospace Center) demonstrator.The optimal lattice
layout of the stiffeners is distinctive to the conventional semi-monocoque fuselage design and this
definitely provides

*Control system designing for correcting wing–fuselage assembly deformation of a large aircraft (2017)

Qiang Fang, Weidong Chen, Anan Zhao, Changxi Deng, Shaohua Fei

Assembly Automation ; volume 37, issue 1, page 22-33 ; ISSN 0144-5154

[doi]: https://dx.doi.org/10.1108/aa-01-2016-006

Purpose In aircraft wing–fuselage assembly, the distributed multi-point support layout of positioners
causes fuselage to deform under gravity load, leading to assembly difficulty and assembly stress. This
paper aims to propose a hybrid force position control method to balance aerodynamic shape accuracy
and deformation of assembly area, thereby correcting assembly deformation and reducing assembly
stress. Design/methodology/approach Force and position control axes of positioners are selected based
on screw theory and ellipsoid method. The position-control axes follow the posture trajectory to align
the fuselage posture. To exert force on the fuselage and correct the deformations, the force-control
axes follow the contact force derived by using orthogonal experiments and partial least squares
regression (PLSR). Finite element simulation and one-dimension deformation correction experiment are
conducted to verify the validity of this method. Findings Simulation results indicate that hybrid force
position control method can correct assembly deformation and improve the wing–fuselage assembly
quality significantly. Experiment on specimen verifies the effect of this method indirectly.
Originality/value The proposed method gives a solution to solve the deformation problem during aircraft
wing-fuselage assembly, thereby reducing assembly stress and improving assembly quality.

*A framework of measurement assisted assembly for wing-fuselage alignment based on key

measurement characteristics (2015)

Zhehan Chen, Fuzhou Du, Xiaoqing Tang, Xi Zhang

[link]: http://opus.bath.ac.uk/46429/

Wide employments of large scale digital metrologies have promoted the development of digital aircraft
assembly technologies, which are changing traditional processes of wing-fuselage alignment to high
precision and more efficient digital alignment based on measurement assisted assembly (MAA). MAA is
a systematic technique and relies on the integration of digital measurement with assembly process,
which is not only the integration of operations, but also data fusion and propagation from product
design, through digital inspection to components assembly. In order to direct and support the
applications of advanced approaches in MAA for wing-fuselage alignment, a novel framework of
measurement assisted assembly methodology is proposed to realise the process integration and data
fusion based on key measurement characteristics (KMCs). Firstly,definition, classification and
mathematical model of KMCs are presented; then, the framework is constructed on the basis of
integrated process model, measurement data model and data process kernel. Finally, a case of wing-
fuselage alignment simulation is carried out to illuminate the application of measurement assisted
assembly technique with the framework.

*Research on automatic assembly technology for final assembly of helicopter fuselage (2019)

Q D Xiao, L A Zhang, L Gan, T Cheng

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering ; volume 638, issue 1, page 012009 ; ISSN
1757-8981 1757-899X

[doi]: https://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1757-899x/638/1/012009

Abstract The helicopter fuselage has the characteristics of compact structure space, complex
coordination relationship and weak rigidity, etc. It is difficult to control the accuracy of the desired
shape. According to the high precision and quality requirement of final assembly for helicopter fuselage,
the application status of automatic assembly technology in aviation manufacturing was analyzed. Then
the difficulties of automatic assembly technology for fuselage final assembly were also discussed. In this
paper, an automatic assembly system for the final assembly of helicopter fuselage was designed, and
relevant key technologies of the assembly system mentioned above were proposed. The designed
system have the functions of automatic positioning, clamping, measuring, drilling, feeding and blind
fastener riveting for fuselage components, which can improve the assembly quality and efficiency of
helicopter fuselage during the final assembly process.

*Effect of positioning errors of frames on fuselage panel assembly deformation (2016)

Weimiao Yan, Yunbo Bi, Mingjie Qiao

Advances in Mechanical Engineering ; volume 8, issue 5, page 168781401665056 ; ISSN 1687-8140 1687-

[doi]: https://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1687814016650566

In aircraft assembly, frames are usually used as the skeleton shape benchmarks of a fuselage panel to
locate other parts accurately, thereby coordinating the relative position relationships between each
part. In order to guarantee the assembly quality, a methodology for analyzing the effect of positioning
errors of frames on fuselage panel assembly deformation is proposed. A finite element model of the
fuselage panel is established first and then a mathematical model for representing the assembly
deformation is derived. To contain more assembly deformation information, the optimal measurement
point placement method is adopted to extract a set of finite element nodes as the measurement point
locations from a large candidate set. Meanwhile, the mathematical relationship between the position
errors of measurement points and the positioning errors of frames is also determined, which is then
combined with the Monte Carlo simulation and the grey relational analysis to quantitatively analyze the
impacts of the positioning error(s) generated by single or multiple frames on fuselage panel assembly

*Study on a twin-fuselage transport airplane model in a low speed wind tunnel (2021)

V I Chernousov, A A Krutov, E A Pigusov

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering ; volume 1024, issue 1, page 012035 ; ISSN
1757-8981 1757-899X

[doi]: https://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1757-899x/1024/1/012035

Abstract This paper presents the results of experimental studies of the twin-fuselage transport airplane
model at the cruising configuration in the T-102 TsAGI low-speed wind tunnel. The researched twin-
fuselage transport airplane is a tri-engine transport aircraft intended for transportation of cargo
weighted up to 40 tons at a distance up to 3000 km with speed 700-740 km/h. The aerodynamic
configuration has the two fuselages distributed under high-wing, and a “TT” – shaped tail. The research
purpose was the determination of the aerodynamic characteristics of the twin-fuselage transport
airplane model without engine nacelles and assessment of the twin-fuselage layout impact on control
surfaces efficiency. The effect of installing an external cryogenic fuel tank under the wing between the
fuselages of the model was considered too.

*A Coupled Helicopter Rotor/Fuselage Dynamics Model Using Finite Element Multi-body (2016-01-01)
Cheng Qi-you, Zhu Yan, Feng Zhi-zhuang, Chen Quan-long

MATEC Web of Conferences, Vol 77, p 01016 (2016)

[doi]: https://doi.org/10.1051/matecconf/20167701016

To develop a coupled rotor/flexible fuselage model for vibration reduction studies, the equation of
coupled rotor-fuselage is set up based on the theory of multi-body dynamics, and the dynamic analysis
model is established with the software MSC.ADMAS and MSC.NASTRAN. The frequencies and vibration
acceleration responses of the system are calculated with the model of coupled rotor-fuselage, and the
results are compared with those of uncoupled modeling method. Analysis results showed that
compared with uncoupled model, the dynamic characteristic obtained by the model of coupled rotor-
fuselage are some different. The intrinsic frequency of rotor is increased with the increase of rotational
velocities. The results also show that the flying speed has obvious influence on the vibration acceleration
responses of the fuselage. The vibration acceleration response in the vertical direction is much higher at
the low speed and high speed flight conditions.

*Finite element analysis (FEA) modeling on adhesive joint for composite fuselage model (2011)

Faizal Mustapha, Wei Sim Ng, Ali Shahrjerdi

[link]: http://psasir.upm.edu.my/23085/

In this paper, a finite element modeling via ABAQUS/Explicit simulation on a novel fabrication miniature
composite fuselage structure is presented. The fuselage structure is modeled as a continuum composite
layup that consisted of a woven C-glass fiber/epoxy 200 g/m 2 composite laminated [90 8] with the
orthotropic elastic material properties and adhesively bonded butt joint. The adhesively bonded joint
progression is modeled using cohesive elements technology. For the purpose of FEA modeling, an
experiment of double cantilever beam (DCB) according to ASTM standard D5528 is performed to
determine the adhesive mode-I critical toughness. The mode-I interlaminar fracture toughness data (G I)
are calculated and compared by four different methods according to the ASTM standard: BT, beam
theory, MBT, modified beam theory, CC, compliance calibration method and MCC, modified compliance
calibration method. The results indicate that ABAQUS/Explicit is able to reproduce satisfactory adhesive
joint behavior using cohesive elements and collapse modes under crushing process.

*Jason Jonkman, Gregory Hayman, Rafael Mudafort, Rick Damiani, Fabian Wendt

[doi]: https://dx.doi.org/10.11578/dc.20210607.3

KiteFAST is a simulator for airborne wind energy systems based on NREL's OpenFAST whole turbine
simulator. KiteFAST is a multi-physics engineering tool for modeling the coupled aero-servo-elastic
dynamics of airborne wind energy systems i.e. a wind-energy kite. The engineering model is like NREL's
OpenFAST tool for land-based or offshore horizontal-axis wind turbines atop towers, in that KiteFAST
models the important physical phenomena and system couplings, including the wind/aerodynamic
excitation and full-system dynamics response (fuselage, wings, tail, stabilizers, pylons, nacelles, rotors,
tether, ground station, control surfaces, and controller) under both normal (for fatigue) and extreme
(for ultimate) loading conditions. The configuration of the wind-energy kite is assumed to have one
fuselage; two wings (starboard, port) attached to the fuselage; one vertical stabilizer attached the
fuselage; two horizontal stabilizers (starboard, port) attached to the vertical stabilizer; one or more
pylons per ...

*Unmanned Aerial Vehichle Wing Fuselage Junction Optimalisation with Finite Element Method (2019)

Máté Kondor, Gergely Dezső

[link]: http://real.mtak.hu/146574/

Nowadays one of the main lines of development in aerial craft is the design and construction of
unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV’s). Within this wide topic, development of ultralight (UL) aircrafts is
especially popular because of their versatility and relative low cost. My task was to design the shape of
an airplane wing-fuselage junction, which will be classified as an ultralight and unmanned aerial vehicle.
The most optimal wing-fuselage junction is made with the Ansys sim-ulating program, including model
calculations. Based on the calculations and results, solutions can be recommended. With CAD geometry
models, first stage of testing of the aircraft with 3D printed models, is prepared.

*fects of rotor-fuselage aerodynamic interaction (2015)

I. Goulos

The Aeronautical Journal ; volume 119, issue 1214, page 433-478 ; ISSN 0001-9240 2059-6464

[doi]: https://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0001924000010563

Abstract This paper presents a mathematical approach for the simulation of rotor-fuselage aerodynamic
interaction in helicopter aeroelasticity and flight dynamics applications. A Lagrangian method is utilised
for the numerical analysis of rotating blades with nonuniform structural properties. A matrix/vector-
based formulation is developed for the treatment of elastic blade kinematics in the time-domain. The
combined method is coupled with a finite-state induced flow model, an unsteady blade element
aerodynamics model, and a dynamic wake distortion model. A three-dimensional, steady-state,
potential flow, source-panel method is employed for the prediction of induced flow perturbations in the
vicinity of the fuselage due to its presence in the free-stream and within the rotor wake.The combined
rotor-fuselage model is implemented in a nonlinear flight dynamics simulation code. The integrated
approach is deployed to investigate the effects of rotor-fuselage aerodynamic interaction on trim
performance, stability and control derivatives, oscillatory structural blade loads, and nonlinear control
response for a hingeless rotor helicopter modelled after the Eurocopter Bo105. Good agreement is
shown between flow-field predictions and experimental measurements for a scaled-down isolated
fuselage model. The proposed numerical approach is shown to be suitable for real-time flight dynamics
applications with simultaneous prediction of structural blade loads, including the effects of rotor-
fuselage aerodynamic interaction.

*The Theoretical Research for the Rotor/Fuselage Unsteady Aerodynamic Interaction Problem (2016-09-

Liu Dawei, Xin Ji, Huang Jun

Journal of Aerospace Technology and Management v.8 n.3 2016

[link]: http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S2175-91462016000300281

ABSTRACT Based on coupled unsteady panel/free-wake method, a universal analysis model was
established, which provides a good prediction for the rotor/fuselage unsteady aerodynamic interaction.
Considering the deficiencies of the traditional time-marching rotor free-wake algorithms, notably on
stability and efficiency, the CB3D algorithm with 3rd-order accuracy is proposed. For solving the problem
that part of the wake vortices may penetrate the fuselage, a “material line” rectification method with
3rd-order accuracy is proposed. An analysis for the model accuracy was then conducted to validate the
accuracy of the new model, and a comparison against the available experimental data is performed. The
simulated results show a good agreement with these experimental data. With the new model, several
simulations are conducted for the typical rotor/fuselage aerodynamic interaction, and the results are

A Realistic 3D Non-Stationary Channel Model for UAV-to-Vehicle Communications Incorporating

Fuselage Posture ... (2022)

Boyu Hua, Tongtong Zhou, Qiuming Zhu, Kai Mao, Junwei Bao, Weizhi Zhong, Naeem Ahmed

[doi]: https://dx.doi.org/10.48550/arxiv.2209.08800

Considering the unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) three-dimensional (3D) posture, a novel 3D non-
stationary geometry-based stochastic model (GBSM) is proposed for multiple-input multiple-output
(MIMO) UAV-to-vehicle (U2V) channels. It consists of a line-of-sight (LoS) and non-line-of-sight (NLoS)
components. The factor of fuselage posture is considered by introducing a time-variant 3D posture
matrix. Some important statistical properties, i.e. the temporal autocorrelation function (ACF) and
spatial cross correlation function (CCF), are derived and investigated. Simulation results show that the
fuselage posture has significant impact on the U2V channel characteristic and aggravate the non-
stationarity. The agreements between analytical, simulated, and measured results verify the correctness
of proposed model and derivations. Moreover, it is demonstrated that the proposed model is also
compatible to the existing GBSM without considering fuselage posture. ... : 12 pages, 8 figures,

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