Policy Manual Lions Club
Policy Manual Lions Club
Policy Manual Lions Club
I Activities
II Board Committees
III Board of Directors
IV Club Supplies
V Clubs
VI Code of Ethics & Flag
VII Constitution & By-laws
VIII Convention
IX District Officers & Organizations
X Extension
XI Finance
XII International Office & Staff
XIII International Relations
XIV Leadership Development
XV Legal
XVI Lions Clubs International Foundation
XVII Magazine
XVIII Membership
XIX Officers, Present & Past
XX Public Relations
XXI Publications
XXII Speaker Engagements & Travel Rules
XXIII Youth Programs
2. The major service categories and adopted programs of Lions Clubs International shall
a. Community Services
(Citizenship, Cultural, Educational, Health, Public, Recreational, and Social Services)
Building Homes for the Blind and Disabled with Habitat for Humanity
Lions Crew at Work
c. Environmental Services
Lions Environmental Photo Contest
Lions Green Team
e. International Relations
International Club Twinning
Lions Day with the United Nations
3. Lions Clubs International shall provide information and organizational support for the
association’s major service categories and adopted programs. In addition to these
programs, Lions clubs and districts may conduct a broad range of service activities in
response to specific community and humanitarian needs, with support from the Lions
Clubs International Foundation (LCIF), as appropriate.
4. The association shall publish a list of adopted Lions service programs under the seven
major service categories named in Paragraph B.2. such projects shall be reviewed by the
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Service Activities Committee and recommended for board approval, as based on the
project’s fulfillment of the following criteria:
a. Exemplifies the “WE SERVE” motto and has relevance to Lions internationally
b. Meets an important community or humanitarian need
c. Achieves measurable outcomes benefiting service recipients
d. Provides hands-on involvement by Lions club members
e. Includes leadership roles for Lions
f. Promotes public awareness of the Lions service mission
g. Is sustainable.
The purpose of this major activity is to provide programs and assistance to aid blind and
visually impaired people and to work at eliminating preventable and reversible blindness
through the Lions SightFirst program.
The programs below complement the ones identified with SightFirst that address major
causes of preventable or reversible blindness, such as cataract, trachoma, onchocerciasis,
glaucoma and diabetic retinopathy.
a. Program Description:
The Lions Clubs International Eye Bank Program was adopted as an official program
of Lions Clubs International in March, 1984.
b. Scope:
(1) The board of directors of Lions Clubs International shall frame a standard policy
as amended from time to time.
(2) All activities, projects and programs of Lions Eye Banks shall be conducted in
harmony with policies of the International Board of Directors as revised from
time to time. Only the board of directors of Lions Clubs International shall have
the power to revise the Lions Clubs International Eye Bank Policy.
(3) Each Lions Eye Bank shall adopt bylaws and amendments, which shall be
consistent with the policy established by Lions Clubs International. Such bylaws
and revisions thereto shall be subject to the approval of the International Board
of Directors.
c. Program Objectives:
(1) To improve the public identity and image of Lions Eye Banking internationally;
to encourage, promote, improve, and extend Lions Eye Banking internationally
(1) The name of this program shall be The Lions Clubs International Eye Bank
Program and all Eye Banks recognized thereunder shall be known as Lions Eye
(2) The Lions name and/or emblem are registered trademarks of the association and
are the sole property of Lions Clubs International, and all ownership rights in and
all obligations with respect to protection and preservation thereof shall rest in
and is retained by Lions Clubs International.
(3) The term “Lions” shall be incorporated into all names referring to a Lions Eye
Bank. Furthermore, the Lions name and/or emblem shall be displayed
prominently on the premises, stationery, and publications of all Lions Eye Banks.
(4) Periodic visitations of Lions Eye Banks may be made by representatives of Lions
Clubs International to ensure proper display and use of the Lions name and/or
e. Control:
(1) The majority of the board of directors of each Lions Eye Bank shall be Lions
club members in good standing of Lions clubs in good standing with The
International Association of Lions Clubs.
(2) All Lions Eye Banks and Eye Bank personnel shall adhere to all medical and
educational standards as required by their respective governmental and medical
(3) Each Lions Eye Bank shall submit to Lions Clubs International prior to
September 15 of each year a report on its operations and activities including a list
of the Eye Bank’s board of directors and a copy of the current constitution and
by-laws. Repeated failure to comply with this requirement shall result in
revocation of the license to use the association’s name and emblem.
(1) A Lions Eye Bank shall be sponsored by a Lions club or district or multiple
district and shall be entitled to use the Lions name and/or emblem so long as it
operates within the policy established for the program.
(2) A Lions Eye Bank shall be recognized by Lions Clubs International and shall be
entitled to use the Lions name and/or emblem so long as it operates within the
policy established for the program and meets the criteria for use of the Lions
name and emblem.
(3) No limit shall be imposed on the number of Lions clubs, districts, or multiple
districts sponsoring an individual Lions Eye Bank.
(4) In areas where no Lions Eye Bank is in operation, Lions are encouraged to
support those Lions Eye Banks in other areas.
(5) Support of any Lions Eye Bank by Lions clubs or club members shall be strictly
on a voluntary basis.
g. Operation:
Lions Eye Banks shall establish a working relationship with an appropriate medical
facility for guidance and medical standards.
h. Insurance Coverage:
Each Lions Eye Bank shall carry insurance coverage including, but not limited to,
general liability, property damage, workers compensation and professional
malpractice insurance, as is appropriate to its operations. Such insurance shall be in
addition to the general liability coverage provided by the association.
(1) Lions Eye Banks are encouraged to submit newsworthy information to Lions
Clubs International for use in promoting the program and exchange of
information in the program.
(2) Lions Eye Banks shall be encouraged to share information with Lions Clubs
International and other Lions Eye Banks whenever such information will assist
in the attainment of program objectives.
Lions Clubs International shall annually observe the first week in December as Lions
Eye Bank Week for the purposes of awareness and member support of Lions Eye
Banks and corneal donation.
2. Vitamin A Deficiency: Lions clubs and districts shall be encouraged to participate with
international health organizations in programs aimed at reducing the incidence of
blindness caused by xerophthalmia (vitamin A deficiency).
a. Program Description
b. Scope
(1) The board of directors of Lions Clubs International shall frame a standard policy
with respect to the Lions Clubs International Eyeglass Recycling Program as
amended from time to time.
(2) All Lions Clubs International Eyeglass Recycling Program activities and projects
shall be conducted in harmony with policies of the International Board of
Directors as revised from time to time. Only the board of directors of Lions Clubs
International has the power to revise the Lions Clubs International Eyeglass
Recycling Program policy.
(3) Each Lions Eyeglass Recycling Center (LERC) shall adopt bylaws and
amendments, which are consistent with the policies established by Lions Clubs
International. Such bylaws and revisions thereto are subject to the approval of the
International Board of Directors.
c. Program Objectives
(1) The official name of the program shall be the Lions Clubs International Eyeglass
Recycling Program and all Lions sponsored eyeglass recycling centers shall be
known as Lions Eyeglass Recycling Centers.
(2) The Lions name and emblem are registered trademarks of the association and are
the sole property of Lions Clubs International. All ownership rights in the Lions
name and emblem, and all obligations with respect to protection and preservation
thereof, shall rest in, and is retained by, Lions Clubs International.
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(3) The term “Lions” shall be incorporated into all names referring to a Lions
Eyeglass Recycling Center. Furthermore, the Lions name and emblem, where
appropriate, shall be displayed prominently on the premises, official stationery,
eyeglass packaging, publications, and promotions of all Lions Eyeglass Recycling
e. Sponsorship
(1) Lions Eyeglass Recycling Centers (LERCs) shall be sponsored by Lions districts
and multiple districts, singly or jointly. No limit shall be imposed on the number
of districts or multiple districts sponsoring an individual LERC.
(2) Only one principal LERC may be established in each multiple district. The
principal LERC shall have the option to establish additional satellites as necessary
only within the principal LERC’s multiple district or single district. The principal
LERC in good standing shall establish an organizational structure with Lions as
members and representative of the Lions of the multiple district or single district
in which it is established. The approved LERC director, chief executive officer or
president of the board of directors of the LERC shall serve as ex-officio member
of the board of each multiple district satellite.
(3) In order for a Lions eyeglass recycling center to be officially recognized as a
LERC, it must meet the criteria to be established as a Lions foundation under the
LCI trademark policies and it must be in compliance with established board
policy as amended from time to time by the International Board of Directors.
(4) In areas where there is no LERC in operation, Lions are encouraged to support
centers in other areas.
f. LERC Compliance
Each approved LERC shall be required to comply with LCI board policy. In the event
a LERC fails to comply, LCI may take any or all of the following actions:
(1) LCI may revoke its recognition of the LERC as an official LCI eyeglass recycling
(2) LCI may deny the LERC requests for Lions Clubs International Foundation
(3) LCI may revoke the LERC’s license to use the Lions name and emblem in all its
3. Primary Health Care: Lions clubs shall be encouraged to carry out a primary health
care program and cooperate with established health care agencies to alleviate the
problems of hunger, poor health and disease in the world.
An appropriate award shall be provided annually to district governors for presentation within
the district to the Lions club that has been most outstanding in Sight Conservation and Work
with the Blind during the year.
An appropriate award shall be provided annually to district governors for presentation to the
district chairperson for achievement in fulfilling the requirements of the position.
Relevance: Proposals submitted by Lions club members shall have been adopted and
implemented by at least two multiple or single (not sub) districts. Proposals submitted by
Mission: A clear mission statement shall be provided for each proposed program. The
mission statement shall include measurable objectives by which the proposed program may
be evaluated. These objectives shall include interim benchmarks by which periodic progress
may be measured.
Term: The duration of the program shall be no more than three years following its approval,
unless extended by action of the International Board of Directors. The approved term shall
expire at the end of an association fiscal year.
Public: Proposals shall include a descriptive plan for promoting public relations awareness
of the program.
Leadership: All programs involving cooperation with other organizations shall include a
defined leadership role for Lions.
Reporting: A progress report on the operation of the program shall be presented annually to
the Service Activities Committee at the October/November board meeting.
(1) Outline and implement a plan of action for a district or multiple district.
(2) Increase Lions awareness of opportunities to reach out to young people in the
district or multiple district. Motivate by personal visit or newsletter a substantial
number of clubs (or districts) to participate in Lions Opportunities for Youth
2. Certificate of Merit
This certificate is for clubs, districts or multiple districts wishing to recognize individuals
for their efforts on behalf of youth. It will be available for purchase through the Club
Supplies and Distribution Division at International Headquarters.
This award shall be presented to young people by Lions clubs on behalf of Lions Clubs
International to recognize achievement in community service based on number of hours
1. Award description: This annual award recognizes one club within a district that has
been most active in organizing successful community cultural activities.
4. Criteria: Lions clubs considered for this award shall be judged for the success in
organizing community and cultural activities according to the following criteria:
c. Originality: This category challenges Lions clubs to develop cultural and community
activities that are fresh, new and exciting in ways that will draw community interest
and participation of members.
d. Outcomes: A Lions club’s cultural and community activities shall be developed and
organized to improve the quality of life in measurable ways.
e. Public relations: This category challenges Lions clubs to enhance their public image
by publicizing their cultural and community activities through the news media and
other avenues.
1. Program Description
The Lions Clubs International Hearing Aid Recycling Program (HARP) shall be
implemented solely in accordance with policy established from time to time by the board
of directors of Lions Clubs International.
2. Program Objectives
a. The official name of the program shall be the Lions Clubs International Hearing Aid
Recycling Program, and all Lions sponsored hearing aid centers shall be known as
Lions hearing aid centers.
b. The Lions name and emblem are registered trademarks of the association and are the
sole property of Lions Clubs International. All ownership rights in the Lions name
and emblem, and all obligations with respect to protection and preservation thereof,
shall rest in, and is retained by, Lions Clubs International.
c. The term “Lions” shall be incorporated into all names referring to a Lions hearing aid
center. Furthermore, the Lions name and emblem, where appropriate, shall be
displayed prominently on the premises, official stationery, hearing aid packaging,
publications, and promotions of all Lions hearing aid centers.
a. Lions hearing aid centers shall submit regular reports to Lions Clubs International on
quantities of hearing aids collected and of refurbished hearing aids provided to needy
b. Hearing aids shall be dispensed by hearing professionals in strict accordance with
local or national medical regulations.
c. Priority in supplying hearing aids shall be given to Lions projects or requests.
d. Hearing aids supplied to other humanitarian organizations shall be provided with the
stipulation that such hearing aids be distributed free of charge.
5. Sponsorship
a. Lions clubs, districts, multiple districts, foundations, singly or jointly, may sponsor
Lions hearing aid centers.
b. In areas where there is no Lions hearing aid center in operation, Lions are encouraged
to support a center of their choice in another location.
6. Insurance Coverage
Each Lions hearing aid center shall carry insurance coverage as is appropriate to its
operations. Such insurance shall be in addition to the general liability coverage provided
by the association.
a. Lions Clubs International shall promote the concept and expansion of hearing aid
b. Lions hearing aid centers shall be encouraged to create public awareness of Lions
involvement in hearing aid recycling and to submit newsworthy information to Lions
Clubs International for use in promoting the program.
c. Lions hearing aid centers shall be encouraged to share information with Lions
interested in becoming involved in hearing aid collection.
d. Lions hearing aid centers are encouraged to establish working relationships with local
hearing professionals or organizations, as appropriate.
2. Eligibility: The contest is open to all Lions from clubs in good standing. Specific
guidelines and contest rules will be posted on the LCI Web site.
3. Contest Award: Winners will receive a suitable award and have their photo displayed at
the annual Lions Clubs International Convention.
b. Eligibility: To receive this recognition, the District Lions Services for Children
Chairperson shall meet the following criteria:
b. Eligibility: To receive this recognition, the Multiple District Lions Services for
Children Chairperson shall meet the following criteria:
(1) Outline and implement a plan of action for the multiple district.
(2) Motivate a substantial number of districts to fulfill the mission of the Lions
Services for Children Program.
(3) Increase Lions awareness of the opportunities to assist children in need in the
multiple district through the Lions Services for Children Program.
(4) Submit a report to the council chairperson providing information on the
accomplishment of (1), (2) and (3) above.
An appropriate award shall be provided annually to district governors for presentation to the
district chairperson after fulfillment of criteria outlined in Exhibit A.
To encourage support for the Lions ALERT Program, a one-time banner patch award shall be
available to clubs, districts, and multiple districts that submit a comprehensive community-
wide emergency preparedness plan to Lions International Headquarters.
1. Objective – The purpose of the committee is to assist the Board of Directors in fulfilling
its oversight responsibility relating to:
a. A second year director who is a member of the Lions Clubs International Finance
and Headquarters Operation Committee;
b. A first year director who is a member of the Lions Clubs International Finance and
Headquarters Operation Committee;
c. Two current international directors or board appointees to be appointed by the
International President.
3. Duties - The audit committee shall assume the following responsibilities to accomplish
its charge:
a. Supervise the annual audit by an independent auditor and review such statements with
management and the independent auditor.
b. Review in consultation with management, at least annually, the qualifications,
performance and independence of the independent auditors. When deemed prudent,
the association will issue a Request for Proposal (RFP) from selected firms with
substantial experience auditing nonprofit organizations. Present its conclusions with
respect to the independent auditor to the Board.
c. Recommend to the Board of Directors the engagement of an independent internal
auditor to assist the committee in the examination and evaluation of the internal
controls. The qualifications, independence, and prior performance must be reviewed
and investigated prior to the recommendation.
d. Review annual financial statements, including any adjustments to those statements
recommended by the independent auditor, and any significant issues that arose in
connection with the preparation of those financial statements. The committee will
inform the Executive Committee and report to the Board of Directors any significant
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e. Review the financial reporting and accounting policies, significant changes in
accounting principles and regulations or in their application, and the key accounting
decisions affecting the financial statements, including alternatives to, and the
rationale for, the decisions made.
f. Review, as appropriate and in consultation with the independent auditor, accounting
policies, internal controls and procedures of the organization as well as management
responses to comments relating to those policies and procedures.
g. Review and investigate any matters pertaining to the integrity of management,
including conflicts of interest, or adherence to standards of business conduct as
required in the policies of the association and foundation. This should include regular
reviews of the compliance processes in general and the corporate governance process
in particular, including “whistle blower program” and document retention policy. In
connection with these reviews, the committee will meet, as deemed appropriate, with
the general counsel and other officers or employees.
h. Evaluate the business risks of the organization and plans to mitigate risk, including
requiring management to communicate its risk assessments to the committee.
i. Review the conflict-of-interest policy, recommending changes as needed, and
ensuring the organization’s compliance with its policy on at least an annual basis.
j. Meet as frequently as circumstances require, but at least twice annually, with the
independent auditor to discuss any issues arising from the audit committee’s
responsibilities. Two such meetings will be an audit planning meeting to adopt the
scope of the upcoming audit and a post-audit meeting to receive the results of the
k. The committee shall have authority to retain such outside counsel, experts and other
advisors, to investigate, when deemed necessary, potential or actual improprieties in
the organization’s operations in its sole discretion. The committee shall have
authority to approve related fees and retention terms.
l. The committee shall submit the minutes of all meetings to the Executive Committee
and Board of Directors after each committee meeting.
4. Meetings – The committee shall meet as often as necessary to perform its duties as
prescribed in this policy and generally before and after the scheduled annual audit. The
chairperson may call a meeting at any time, as he or she deems advisable. Other
committee members may request meetings through the chairperson of the committee.
Refer to section 3.j.
1. Objective – To see that the association’s constitutional provisions are upheld and
adhered to, to guide the board in constitutional interpretations and legal matters, to
recommend and advise the board concerning recommended constitutional changes.
3. Duties
a. Review all matters of constitutional and/or legal nature referred to it, including
insurance and trademarks, and make recommendations thereon, when deemed proper,
to the Executive Committee and the board of directors.
b. Prepare the form of constitutional amendments proposed by international board.
c. On constitutional and/or legal questions requiring interpretation rather than board
d. Approve form of policy manual changes proposed by other committees of the board.
4. Meetings
At such meetings, officers and directors from areas where questions have arisen are
requested to appear and present views.
b. Special meetings may be convened with approval of the president or the Executive
5. Reporting – The committee gives an official report at each board meeting concerning the
above matters.
2. Requisite – the committee should be familiar with all aspects of the international
convention, particularly as they pertain to: attendant board policy, convention budgeting,
existing contracts and commitments, basic format of a convention schedule of events,
convention hall and headquarters hotel requirements, established housing and
preregistration procedures as well as requirements/support of local Lions in a convention
a. Research and determine the feasibility, propriety, practicality and timeliness of all
components needed to ensure the success of the international convention.
b. Establish guidelines and procedures for the proper implementation and management
of approved plans for the international convention. Such guidelines and procedures
should be characterized by sensitivity to the diverse cultures and traditions of
international Lionism.
5. Reporting – At the time of each board meeting, the committee prepares and submits a
status report on the next international convention. Recommendations may also be
submitted affecting board policy concerning the international convention. Relevant
information concerning other future convention arrangements may also be submitted, as
determined by the committee.
2. Requisite – The committee should familiarize itself with details of district and club
administration, know the related policy and procedures as well as the regional differences
in culture, tradition, customs, social conditions, etc. among the Lions’ countries and
geographical areas.
3. Duties
a. Maintain continuous review of programs and procedures related to districts and clubs,
and plan special programs, as needed, to strengthen and fortify districts and clubs.
b. Review the rules for the Excellence Awards for district governors, region
chairpersons, zone chairpersons, and club presidents.
c. Review and recommend to the board redistricting proposals, single club transfers, and
club charter cancellations.
d. Review and supervise the association’s language operations.
4. Meeting – The committee meets at the site of the board meetings or as approved by the
international president.
1. Finance Function
b. Requisite – The committee must familiarize itself with the association’s finance and
accounting policies and procedures.
c. Duties
(1) Develop, prepare and present an annual operating budget that takes into account
all sources of revenue operating expenses, capital expenditures and investment
(2) Reviews quarterly forecasts of year end financials results that reflect known
events that may influence revenue or expenses.
(3) Reviews internal financial statements and other internal financial information
provided to the board of directors and/or executive officers.
(4) Reviews and advise the board of directors in respect to: investment policies;
appointment of investment advisors, performance of investments and, where
appropriate, significant investment transactions.
(5) Periodically reviews all financial policies.
(6) Annually reviews the total Clubs Supplies and Distribution operation and budget.
(7) Annually review the operation and budget of the Information Technology
(8) Annually review and approve the Form 990 prior to filing.
c. Duties
(1) Working with the administrative officers, review the overall headquarters
(2) Administer the Lions Clubs International Retirement Income Plan and the Lions
Clubs International 401(k) Savings Plan (retirement plans).
(3) Oversee the administration of the association’s conflict of interest policy.
(4) Salary administration including, adjustments in salary ranges.
3. Meetings – At the time and place of regular board meetings or as approved by the
international president or executive committee.
4. Reporting– The committee prepares a report of progress, plans and recommendations for
approval at each meeting of the board of directors.
1. Objective – To improve the quality of Lions leadership through systematic high quality
learning opportunities.
2. Requisite – The committee should familiarize itself with the body of knowledge of
leadership development, research, and publications.
3. Duties
4. Meetings – The committee meets at the site of the board meetings or as directed by the
2. Requisite – Study, review and gain working knowledge of all association operations –
past, current and prospective – at all levels.
3. Duties
a. Study, with staff research, long range issues referred to committee by committees of
the board.
b. Based on own studies and experiences, determine, within committee, new substantive
long-range problems, needs and desires of association, clubs, districts, etc.
c. Prepare Long Range Planning Report for each March/April board meeting.
d. Prepare general recommendations for study by specific standing board committees
and implementation of specific action items.
e. It is the responsibility of the Long Range Planning Committee to begin the process of
selecting Lions major service commitments. The process and criteria for such
selection shall include the following:
(1) Proposed projects must represent a challenge to the association, its directors and
clubs in meeting a significant need of mankind.
(2) Proposed projects are to be owned, controlled and administered by Lions Clubs
(3) Proposed projects are to be structured so that any collaborative efforts with non-
Lion organizations, institutions, consultants, etc., will not prove detrimental to but
will rather enhance the efforts and image of the association.
(4) Proposed projects are to be an outgrowth of research and conference with experts
inside and outside of Lionism.
(5) Proposed projects are to be such that substantially all areas of the world and
cultures within Lionism would choose to participate.
(6) Proposed projects are to provide for development of the desired relationship
between individual club activities and the larger collective service mission of
Lions, internationally.
(7) Proposed projects are to achieve measurable results within a given period of time.
(8) Proposed projects are to have a potential public relations benefit for the
association which is clearly identifiable and understood.
(9) Proposed projects should include a funding role for LCIF.
4. Meetings – Meetings of the Long Range Planning Committee may be held at such place
and at such time as shall be approved by the chairperson.
1. Objectives – To promote, in conjunction with the District and Club Service Committee,
the organization and chartering of new clubs, growth and development of membership
and to assist in the reorganization of weak and status-quo clubs. To see that all programs
are carried out in keeping with sound business practices and association policy, with
emphasis on the responsibilities of the sponsoring club and the Guiding Lion as they
relate to new clubs.
2. Requisite – Committee should familiarize itself with current extension programs and
practices and current membership procedures.
3. Duties
a. Study new countries for extension possibilities, giving consideration to the following:
(2) Whether sizes of clubs organized are too large or too small - and whether clubs
organized are of good quality.
(3) Whether results of our extension program are gained within the bounds of cost
(1) Study membership statistics and reports and recommends necessary changes to
improve the association’s program.
(2) Recommend awards and rules for all membership programs.
(3) Recommend ways and means of increasing strong membership growth and
development through promotion of club and district participation.
e. Study association’s long range membership proposals and reports its findings and
recommendations to board of directors.
5. Meeting – Meets at site of each board meeting and otherwise when approved by
1. Public Relations
b. Requisite – Committee must familiarize itself with the structure and procedures of
the Public Relations and Communications in the international office, as well as those
of any outside P.R. resources.
c. Duties
(1) Evaluate the programs of the Public Relations and Communications, confer with
the staff and lend its recommendations and counsel.
(2) Originate and suggest public relations ideas, projects and policies to the Executive
Committee and board of directors.
(3) Review major public relations proposals and submit same to Executive
Committee or board for approval.
(4) Evaluate ideas and opinions on public relations from individuals, clubs, district
officers, etc., and where deemed practicable, recommend their adaptation for use
by Lions Clubs International.
(5) Confer and cooperate with other board committees, the administrative officers
and staff, bringing to them the public relations viewpoints.
a. Objective – to ensure that the LION Magazine and publications area operates on
sound public relations and business principles, particularly keeping in mind its
purpose as a communications medium with our most important asset - the Lion
b. Requisite – The committee should understand the purpose and the responsibility of
the LION Magazine (in all editions) for conveying the story of Lionism, its activities,
its programs and its Lionistic messages to the membership.
c. Duties – Magazine
(1) As soon as possible after the convention, the committee should meet to become
thoroughly acquainted with procedures and methods of operation.
i. Familiarize itself with the rules and procedures governing the various
editions of the LION Magazine.
ii. Make recommendations to the Executive Committee or board on all matters
concerning the LION Magazine and its editions.
iii. Ensure that all board-adopted policies are carried out.
iv. Conduct readership surveys at such times as deemed necessary and
advisable by the board of directors.
v. Endeavor to gain working knowledge of board policies affecting committee
(3) Exercise due caution against imposition of personal likes, dislikes or prejudices or
suggestion of abrupt change in format or policy, without thorough study and
research with the board of directors.
3. Lions Information
4. Meetings – The committee meets at the site of board meetings and otherwise as directed
by the president.
1. Objective – To formulate and recommend for board approval policy governing all Lions
programs which provide services either in terms of manpower or financial support.
2. Requisite – The committee should familiarize itself with board policy statements on: 1)
environment, 2) cultural activities, 3) service to community, 4) individual well-being, 5)
international relations. It should be familiar with the association’s global programs, such
as the SightFirst Program as well as the Sight Conservation and Work with the Blind
Program, the Hearing and Speech Action and Work with the Deaf Program, the
Environmental Program, Leo Program, Lions International Youth Camp and Exchange
Program and International Relations programs (such as Lions Day with the United
Nations, Club Twinning and Lions Interclub).
3. Duties
a. The committee studies and recommends general directions for service activities
considered appropriate for clubs, districts or multiple districts.
b. The committee reviews the district chairpersons guides detailing programs for which
the committee is responsible.
c. The committee recommends general norms to be observed in promulgating and
administering these activity programs. Such norms should be characterized by
sensitivity to the diverse cultures and traditions of Lionism.
d. Before formally recommending the adoption of a new activity program, the
committee, through the resources of the Service Activities Division, will determine
the feasibility, propriety and timeliness of the proposed activity. If adopted by the
board, the staff will then recommend procedures for implementation of the program.
The committee, however, should determine whether or not a probationary period
should be established during which the new activity program will be observed and
analyzed by staff; and the results evaluated by the committee.
e. The committee supervises the following major service activities: Sight Conservation
and Work with the Blind; Hearing and Speech Action and Work with the Deaf;
Diabetes Program, Environmental Services; International Relations; Leo Clubs;
International Youth Exchange and Youth Camps, Lions Youth Outreach/ Lions Quest
and other service activities not assigned to specific committees of the board.
f. The committee may provide recommendations and/or advice to the Long Range
Planning Committee concerning programs suitable for adoption as a Lions Major
Service Commitment, and shall provide for implementation of such a program upon
approval by the International Board of Directors.
g. The committee reports to the board on the status of the association’s relationship with
international organizations and acts as liaison to international agencies as are
approved by the board.
h. The committee coordinates partnership agreements involving service activities in
conjunction with LCIF if the activities are funded.
5. Reporting – The committee prepares and submits a report on the status and progress of
service activities and recommends for approval by the board new concepts agreed to by
the committee.
a. Record:
All board meeting minutes shall be recorded by one or more court reporter or in some
other suitable manner.
b. Distribution:
The secretary shall distribute, by electronic or other suitable means, copies of the
complete minutes of the board meetings to members of the board, past officers
serving on committees of the board, immediate past international directors,
administrative officers, such division managers as are directed by the Executive
Committee and, upon request made each year, to any past international president
not serving on a board committee.
2. Reports:
a. Board Committees:
(1) If read, committee reports shall be read exactly in the manner they are filed with
the secretary;
(2) Reports shall be inserted in the printed minutes at the point where the minutes
show they were read; and
b. Administrative Officer:
(1) An administrative officer or his/her nominee shall submit at each meeting of the
Board of Directors a statement detailing the action being taken as a result of
resolutions passed at previous Board Meetings, a report on incomplete matters
and recommendations needing present board action and shall continue to report
on incomplete matters at subsequent board meetings until such time as finality of
the item has been reached.
3. Secret Ballot:
At meetings of the board of directors, the presiding officer shall order a written ballot on
any question upon the request or consent of one-third (1/3) of the entire number of
members, excluding executive officers, of the board.
4. Attendance – Non-Members:
At meetings of the board of directors, the president may invite guests such as past
international presidents, past international directors, members of the council of
governors, host committee members, local Lions, local dignitaries, spouses, companions,
and family members to attend the opening session of the board meeting as observers.
5. Policy Matters:
a. Procedure
The following procedure shall apply for determining matters of policy in board
reports and entering the same in the Board Policy Manual.
(i) Designate by name all matters of policy and list the same at the end of the
(ii) Clearly identify any policy as to which a change or rescission is sought and
indicate the language which is to replace it.
(3) General counsel is authorized and directed to make all additions or deletions in
the policy manual, necessitated in the future by reason of death, resignation,
retirement, termination of employment, promotion, hiring or other similar
employment factors affecting employees.
b. Distribution:
The Board Policy Manual shall be distributed by electronic or other suitable means to
all members of the International Board of Directors, all past presidents, past directors
and past district governors serving on board committees. Upon request, the policy
manual shall also be distributed by electronic or other suitable means to the past
international officer in every district who last served as an international president or
international director.
6. Forum Discussion:
A time shall be set aside at board meetings for an open forum discussion on topics such
as, but not limited to, Lion projects, headquarters operation problems, customs, traditions
and other similar pertinent subjects.
1. Minutes:
a. Record:
All formal discussions, proceedings and meetings of the Executive Committee shall
be recorded by reporter or in some other suitable manner and shall be promptly
transcribed verbatim and in their entirety and distributed as provided.
b. Distribution:
Minutes of meetings of the Executive Committee, prior to the time the same are
approved by the board, shall be distributed, by electronic or other suitable means, by
the secretary only to members of the board and committees of the board,
administrative officers and such division managers as the Executive Committee shall
Unless otherwise specified by the constitution or board policy, any subject which would
ordinarily be the concern of a standing committee of the board and can await a decision
by said committee, must be referred to that committee for action before implementation
by the Executive Committee or any other authorized authority.
The agenda for each regularly scheduled meeting of the Executive Committee shall be
distributed by electronic or other suitable means, sent by courier or mailed to all members
of the board of directors no less than twenty (20) days prior to said Executive Committee
The international president may assign specific responsibilities to the international directors
in the promotion of the presidential programs and goals.
1. Indoctrination:
2. Spouses/Companions – Interpreters
An interpreter shall be provided, as needed, for the duration of each board meeting for the
spouse or adult companion of officers, directors, and others serving on board committees.
1. Mailings:
With board approval a board committee may send a letter to all district governors.
Information may be inserted in the district governor’s newsletter if a committee so
At the post convention board meeting there shall be a meeting of each standing
committee of the International Board of Directors. The purpose of this meeting is to
discuss the operations, responsibilities and major areas that will be addressed by the
committee in the coming year. This committee meeting should be attended by all
committee members and the staff liaison assigned to the committee.
All board committees shall be required to distribute by electronic or other suitable means,
courier or mail to all board members a proposed agenda in the appropriate official
language and with a descriptive paragraph for each agenda item no less than twenty (20)
days prior to the board meetings.
“New” agenda items may be added to board agenda after the convening of the board
meeting only if approved by the international president.
The need, time, site and duration of an advance committee meeting shall be approved by
the international president in conjunction with the respective committee chairperson and
an administrative officer.
The international president shall have the right to appoint, with the approval of the
International Board of Directors, Trustees of the Lions Clubs International Foundation
who are members of said Executive Committee and who are not members of the
International Board of Directors or members serving on board committees as non-voting
advisors of standing committees of the International Association.
1. Committee Structure – Each president, by and with approval of his/her respective board
of directors, shall be encouraged to exercise his/her committee appointment power so that
it is accepted presidential appointment practice to compose the Long Range Planning
Committee of: immediate past international president; first and second vice presidents;
one second year director; one past international president; and one past international
director, with the international president serving as chairperson, and with the member
appointed from the past international president and past international director group to be
selected from Lions appointed to serve on committees of the board.
2. Board Committees – Each committee of the board shall include long range planning as
part of its agenda for each meeting of the board of directors.
a. Any long range recommendations, whether emanating from a committee of the board
or an individual officer or director or otherwise, shall first be referred to the Long
Range Planning Committee for study.
b. The Long Range Planning Committee shall secure an in-depth study of each such
subject by the appropriate members of the international office staff.
c. The Long Range Planning Committee shall include its recommendation on the
subject as part of the Long Range Planning Committee report to be made at any
meeting of the board of directors deemed appropriate by said committee.
d. Meetings of the Long Range Planning Committee may be held at such place and at
such time as shall be approved by the chairperson.
4. Committee Agenda Item – Each executive officer shall assure that each board
committee assigned to him, together with its staff liaison, shall prepare and include the
subject of long range planning as an item on the committee agenda for each meeting of
the board.
5. Staff Liaison – The senior executive administrator shall serve as staff liaison with the
Long Range Planning Committee.
6. Long Range Plan – The International Board of Directors shall adopt and update annually
a long range plan projected over a five to seven year period directed at humanitarian
needs which require the cooperation of the Lions of the world and which may be
recommended to Lions Clubs International Foundation for funding and grant
The Board of Directors shall adopt and regularly update a long-term strategic plan as a
means of achieving the full potential of Lions Clubs International as a vital community
service and humanitarian organization, now and in the future.
a. The plan shall provide clear direction for the association, future executive officers
and boards, and administrative operations.
b. The plan shall be flexible and adaptable to the association’s changing needs and
c. At each October/November board meeting, board committees shall report to the Long
Range Planning committee the status and progress of actions taken to complete each
objective fulfilling the plan’s strategic issues.
e. The review cycle of the plan’s strategic issues shall be every three years, with
objectives and outcomes updated annually.
1. Ad Hoc Committees
An ad hoc committee is a special committee appointed by the international president with
the approval of the International Board of Directors to study a specific matter of interest
to the association which (1) may not be within the jurisdiction of a standing committee,
or (2) requires study which cannot be performed by a standing committee because of the
time required for the study or the special expertise required of members of the ad hoc
A clear mission statement shall be developed for each ad hoc committee. The mission
statement shall include measurable objectives by which the committee’s performance
may be evaluated. These objectives shall include “interim” benchmarks by which
periodic progress may be measured.
The term of an ad hoc committee shall be no more than two years.
A budget status report shall be submitted to the International Board of Directors annually
at the October/November meeting.
The ad hoc committee shall report directly to the international president and a standing
committee of the International Board of Directors.
a. Description
These policies concern the planning requirements for New Program Initiatives and
shall be followed by appropriate committees of the board in designing and conducting
such programs. For the purpose of this policy, the term “New Program Initiatives”
refers to any new initiative of the association that meets one of the following: have a
financial requirement in excess of US$100,000; utilize significant staff and LCI
organizational resources; or actively involve or affect Lions in more than one multiple
district or country.
These shall include, but are not limited to, pilot programs that may be precursors to
major association initiatives, special initiatives or programs that respond to short-term
challenges and opportunities, and various other association developmental activities.
Excluded are training programs for Lion members, annual presidential thematic
programs, projects that are routinely administrative in nature, and programs otherwise
subject to planning, implementation and review process under another board policy.
b. Key Requirements
be consistent with the Mission Statement and the Strategic Plan of the association.
be more than one year in duration to allow for proper development,
implementation by Lions in the field, and operational assessment.
(2) The feasibility study may include either surveys or focus groups for assessing
member interest. Also, for any proposed new program that is intended to
eventually become an ongoing association program, a carefully planned pilot
project shall be carried out pursuant to policies on Pilot Programs as set forth in
the Board Policy Manual.
(3) As part of the assessment phase, the board committee overseeing the program’s
development shall also assess LCI staffing requirements and organizational
resources to ensure that any new initiative will not negatively affect, duplicate or
be redundant with other ongoing programs.
(5) The assessment phase, if limited to member surveys and feedback, may be
conducted with the consent of the board committee chairperson overseeing the
program area provided that funds are available within an existing budget.
However, if new funding is required, and in the case of formal Pilot Programs, a
plan and budget for the assessment phase shall be presented for board approval.
d. Implementation
(2) A statement of clearly defined objectives and goals, including criteria for
determining success and expected achievements of the program, shall be detailed
in the plan.
(4) A detailed budget setting out a range of funding required to successfully conduct
the program.
(6) A plan for a formal evaluation (indicating terms of reference or parameters for
objective assessment) at the mid-term and end of the program shall be included,
based on criteria for success determined at the outset.
e. Evaluation
(1) The appropriate board committee shall review at least once annually the general
progress and performance of the program including budgetary compliance.
(3) A final evaluation shall be conducted at the program’s conclusion (as provided in
paragraph 2.d.(6) above) and shall be submitted to the board to determine if the
program should be continued, revised or phased out.
3. Pilot Programs
A pilot program is a trial initiative implemented by a standing or ad hoc committee that
will serve as a prototype of an activity or project for adoption by the association. All pilot
programs shall require approval of the International Board of Directors before
A clear mission statement shall be prepared for each proposed pilot program. The mission
statement shall include measurable objectives by which the pilot program may be
evaluated. These objectives shall include “interim” benchmarks by which periodic
progress may be measured.
The term of a pilot program shall be no more than three years unless extended by
approval of the International Board of Directors. The duration of the extended term shall
be determined by the board and the approved term shall expire at the end of an
association fiscal year. In the event a pilot program is extended by the board, it is
A detailed budget shall be developed for the proposed pilot program. The budget must
include a statement of projected costs. If the pilot program will be implemented in a
particular constitutional area then all budgeted funds may be expended only in the
constitutional area(s) where the pilot program has been approved for operation;
expenditures in other constitutional areas will require the approval of the International
Board of Directors.
A budget status report shall be submitted to the International Board of Directors annually
at the October/November Board meeting.
A report on the operation of the pilot program shall be presented to the international
president and the responsible standing committee of the International Board of Directors
Effective for the term of office of the international president in 2007-2008 and thereafter,
the concept formerly known as the International President’s Program should be referred
to as the International President’s Theme. The selection of a presidential theme is
optional; and, in the event an international president wishes to announce a theme for his
or her presidential year, the following guidelines for such a theme will apply.
a. The presidential theme, intended for utilization within the association during the term
of office of the international president, shall be consistent with the Mission Statement
and Strategic Plan of the association, and may:
(1) Incorporate the vision, philosophy, leadership style or a particular call to action of
the international president.
(2) Include a logo, slogan, special branding or other thematic components as desired
by the international president.
(3) Include awards or special recognition utilizing the logo, slogan, special branding
or other thematic components of the international president, so long as such
awards or recognition are not duplicative or inconsistent with existing association
awards or recognition.
(5) Encourage Lions around the world to unite toward the achievement of a common
set of goals.
(1) Introduce any new operational programs or ad hoc field structures, or require the
significant expenditure of association resources.
c. A first vice president who wishes to utilize a theme during his or her presidential year
shall present a summary of the proposed theme for review by the Long Range
Planning Committee at its August or January meeting, with the international theme
then being made available to the first vice district governors on or after February 1 if
ready. A proposed budget for the presidential theme shall thereafter be submitted for
review by the Finance Committee and approval by the board.
2. The affiliation shall identify specific, mutually agreed upon service objectives to be
achieved within a period not to exceed three years, unless extended by action of the
International Board of Directors. The term of affiliation shall expire at the end of an
association fiscal year.
3. Proposals for alliances of an international scope that involve more than one country,
including a complete report on the service objectives and potential benefits of affiliation,
shall be referred to the appropriate committee of the International Board for review.
Study of the proposed alliance shall occur at the minimum of one board meeting prior to
any recommended resolution being made to effect such affiliation. Lions clubs and
districts are authorized to enter into an alliance so long as the alliance does not conflict
with the purposes of the association, compete with the activities, programs or existence of
the association or Lions Clubs International Foundation, and:
a. If the alliance involves a club and/or one district (single or sub), then approval of the
alliance is automatically granted to said club(s) and/or district.
b. If the alliance involves more than one sub-district and/or one multiple district, then
the alliance shall be approved by the respective multiple district council of governors.
6. Proposed alliances shall include a descriptive plan for promoting public awareness of the
relationship and its goals.
7. All alliances shall include a defined leadership role for Lions. In instances whereby an
international alliance involves an official appointment, the Lions Clubs International
President shall appoint annually a current or past international officer as a liaison to
represent the interests of Lions Clubs International in said international alliance. That
individual shall provide periodic reports on the status and progress of collaboration to the
International President and to the appropriate board committee.
9. Any alliance shall promote the LCI global image and shall include appropriate
recognition of LCI. (e.g., prominent use of the LCI emblem).
10. Monetary recovery of funds originally advanced by LCI may be considered when
2. Meetings: The Committee shall meet in person at the site of the annual International
Convention and by email, conference call, teleconference or web conference, as required,
or as otherwise approved by the International President.
3. Objective: To advise and assist the Board in the formulation and implementation of plans
to observe Lions Clubs International’s 100th Anniversary in 2017.
4. Requisite: The committee shall consider all aspects of the important anniversary
milestone and its public relations, service activity and membership development
implications, including media coverage, member motivation, historical documentation,
and international participation. Anniversary planning shall encompass not only the
event’s celebration, but also the association’s future prominence and influence.
A. The Club Supplies and Distribution Division shall ensure that operations are generating a net
profit after headquarters allocations.
C. The D3DS Club Banner, D110 District Governor Banner, and D150 Club Award Banner
shall be made available in the following fabric and color combinations.
1. Purple felt
Cord, Tassel - Gold
Border - Gold
Lettering - Maize felt (closely matches PMS 7406 Yellow in the rebranded LCI emblem)
LCI Emblem - D3DS & D110 - A41556 21" emblem; D150 - A43674 10.5" emblem.
Both emblems are the rebranded version PMS 287 Blue, PMS 7406 Yellow.
2. Blue felt
Cord, Tassel - Gold
Border - Gold
Lettering - Maize felt (closely matches PMS 7406 Yellow in the rebranded LCI emblem)
LCI Emblem - D3DS & D110 - A41556 21" emblem; D150 - A43674 10.5" emblem.
Both emblems are the rebranded version PMS 287 Blue, PMS 7406 Yellow.
b. Except as otherwise provided herein, to collect from each member minimum annual
dues to cover international and district (single, sub-and multiple) dues and such other
expenses as are necessary for club administration.
d. To conduct activities for the advancement of the civic, cultural, social or moral
welfare of the community and for the promotion of international understanding.
f. To report to the International Office the financial condition of the club upon request.
g. To elect officers, annually, not later than April 15, whose terms of office shall
commence on July 1 following their election.
i. To uphold, preserve and enhance the image of The International Association of Lions
k. To further the Lions Clubs International Purposes and Lions Code of Ethics.
l. To resolve all disputes arising at the club level according to the Club Dispute
Resolution Procedure determined by the International Board of Directors.
1. Good Standing
c. Which has:
(1) District (Single, Sub-and Multiple) dues and fees paid in full; and
(2) No unpaid balance of International dues and fees greater than U.S.$10; and
(3) No unpaid Lions Club International account balance greater than U.S.$50,
outstanding ninety (90) days or more.
Status quo is a temporary suspension of the charter, rights, privileges, and obligations of a Lions
club. The Senior Executive Administrator and divisions as designated by the Senior Executive
Administrator, acting on behalf of the International Board of Directors, has authority to place a
Lions club in status quo or release it from status quo. The objective of status quo is to stop the
activity of the club that is not fulfilling the obligations of a chartered club until the reason for
placement into status quo is resolved or the club is cancelled.
Failure to comply with the purposes of the association, or conduct unbecoming a Lions
club, such as, but not limited to, failure to solve club disputes or involvement in litigation
Failure to fulfill any obligations of a chartered Lions club, such as, but not limited to,
failure to hold club meetings regularly, or failure to submit the Monthly Membership
Report for three or more consecutive months;
The club is non-existing or fictitious
The club has asked to disband or participate in a club merger.
1. Failure to comply with the purposes of the association: When a club or its members
are reported to have committed a serious action such as, but not limited to, the filing of
litigation or failure to solve club disputes the club may be placed immediately in status
b. In order for a status quo club to regain the status of good standing, the club must:
(1) Correct the reason for which the club was placed in status quo
(2) Pay all outstanding balances in the district, multiple district and international
(3) Submit a completed Reactivation Report to report membership and leadership
changes if needed
(4) The recommendation to release a status quo club shall be made at any time of the
c. Cancellation: When the infraction is severe and club cancellation is in the best
interest of the association, a charter may be cancelled at the request of the Senior
Executive Director or his or her designee in consultation with the Legal Division.
2. Failure to fulfill any obligations of a chartered Lions club, which may include, but not
limited to, failure to hold club meetings regularly, failure to submit the Monthly
Membership Report for three months or more; failure to pay district or multiple district
dues or any other such obligation as noted in item A.1. of this chapter or as noted in the
International Constitution and By-Laws.
Requests for placement into status quo for failure to fulfill the obligations of a Lions Club
are made by the district governor with the approval of the first vice district governor and
the zone chairperson. Sufficient documentation demonstrating that the club is not in
compliance with the International Constitution and By-laws or Board Policy and the
actions taken by the DG Team to encourage compliance is required to be submitted along
with the request. Requests must be received 90 days or more prior to the district and/or
multiple district conventions. The club will be placed in status quo once there is
significant documentation that the club is not complying with the International
Constitution and By-Laws.
(1) When a Lions club is placed in status quo for failure to comply with the
obligations of a club, the District Governor Team or the Coordinating Lion, shall
start working with the club immediately toward its release from status quo. The
District Governor Team must keep the district governor informed about the
progress of the status quo clubs in the zone.
(2) If helpful, the district governor may assign a Certified Guiding Lion to help bring
the club back into good standing. The Certified Guiding Lion must have the
approval of both the club and the DG Team.
(3) The district governor or the Coordinating Lion must review the progress and
inform LCI headquarters in writing of the progress made or the recommendation
of cancellation.
c. In order for a status quo club to regain the status of good standing, the club must:
(1) Correct the reason for which the club was placed in status quo;
(2) Pay all outstanding balances in the district, multiple district and international
(3) Submit a completed Reactivation Report to report membership or leadership
changes if needed;
(4) The recommendation to release a status quo club shall be made at any time of the
(5) Once reinstated, the club will have the ability to revise the club membership roster
and officer records.
(1) Review of the monthly membership report and variances or patterns in member
gain or loss
(2) Gathering proof of club meetings and activities
(3) Verifying the payment of dues (district, multiple district, and international)
(4) Confirming the attendance at zone, region, and district functions
(5) Checking to see if multiple charter applications submitted at one time from one
b. If no response to the second written notification is received from the club within two
weeks, another written notification shall be sent to the district governor, first and
second vice district governors, and district extension chairperson to inform them that
the club will be placed in status quo and that the District and Club Service Committee
will review the information gathered and recommend further action by the board,
which may include:
c. Due to the length of time required for investigation, notifications of a club that is
believed to be fictitious should be received by the District and Club Administration
Division no later than 90 days prior to the district or multiple district convention.
d. The club will be placed in status quo upon receipt of sufficient documentation that the
club does not exist.
e. Cancellation: Clubs that are believed to be fictitious will be placed before the
International Board of Directors to determine if the club should be cancelled, remain
in status quo or regain good standing or active status.
The cancellation of a club may be rescinded within 12 months from the date of cancellation if the
reasons for canceling the club are resolved. All previous dues must be paid. The district governor
Effective March 4, 2014
Chapter V
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or the coordinating Lion must submit a Reactivation Report to rescind the charter cancellation.
Requests for reactivation that are received less than 90 days prior to a district or multiple district
convention may be held until the close of the convention.
Priority status clubs are clubs that need special attention but remain in active status with all of
the rights and responsibilities of an active Lions club. Clubs may be placed in priority status at
any time of the year. To place the club in priority status, the DG Team must indicate why
rebuilding is necessary and provide a plan outlining the rebuilding activities.
Each district can place up to five Lions clubs in priority status. Additional clubs may be placed in
priority status with the approval of the District and Club Service Committee.
The plan submitted in support of placing a club on priority status must be approved by the club,
the district governor, and the first vice district governor and then submitted to the District and
Club Administration Division. Measurable progress is required for a club to remain in priority
status. If measurable progress or a net increase in membership is not achieved within six months,
the club may lose its priority status.
Priority status allows members of the District Governor Team to make up to two additional club
visits (by the district governor or an approved member of the DG Team) to the club which are
funded by the existing district governor budget.
A priority club is considered an active club with all the rights and responsibilities of a chartered
Lions club and shall:
1. Assign a Guiding Lion to the club for two years and work closely with the district
leadership toward rebuilding the club. The Guiding Lion must have the approval of
both the club and the DG Team.
2. Hold meetings to discuss ways to improve club management, develop leadership and
increase membership.
3. Report the progress toward regaining the status of good standing to the district
leadership and the District and Club Administration Division.
4. Conduct service activities and fund-raising activities;
5. Participate in district, multiple district, or international functions or seminars, including
voting and endorsing or nominating a candidate for district, multiple district and
international office, sponsor a Lions club, or organize a Leo club.
6. Submit the Monthly Membership Report and other report forms;
Clubs in priority status must continue to pay dues and fulfill their responsibilities of a Lions Club
or may risk being placed in status quo and cancelled. A club is considered to have achieved
success when it has reached the goals set by the club when priority status was granted.
1. A Lions club may be placed in protective status when requested by the district governor
and the country or the area of the Lions club is experiencing:
2. A Lions club shall stay in protective status for the initial period of 90 days, plus
additional days if warranted.
3. A protective status club shall be allowed to function normally, based on the definition of
Lions club’s functions defined in the Board Policy Manual, but exempted from:
The club is released from protective status when the club is able to fully function, pay
outstanding district, multiple district and international accounts and submit a reactivation report.
The recommendation to release a status quo club shall be made at any time of the year; in cases
of extreme hardship, the International Board of Directors, at the request of the District and Club
Service Committee, may provide partial dues relief.
If newly organized Lions clubs are suspected to be non-operating and fictitious, the following
matters shall be reviewed immediately about clubs:
Also, the district governor, first and second vice district governors, concerned GMT Leader,
and international directors of the area shall be contacted to verify the existence of the clubs
and to solicit their comments.
At the same time, a written notification shall be sent to the clubs, by registered mail or some
other means which can prove the dispatch of the notifications, with copies to the individuals
mentioned above, to inform the club presidents that the status of their clubs is being reviewed
If no response to the second written notification is received from the clubs within three
weeks, another written notification shall be sent to the district governor, first and second vice
district governors, and district extension chairperson to inform them about the possibility of:
The district governors who approved the clubs may be disqualified for any and all future
awards issued by the association.
Placement of the clubs in status quo for subsequent cancellation according to established
Board Policy procedures
2. Status Quo
Status quo is a temporary suspension of the charter, rights, privileges, and obligations of
a Lions club.
There are two kinds of status quo: Regular status quo and protective status quo. The
senior executive administrator and divisions as designated by the senior executive
administrator, acting on behalf of the International Board of Directors, has authority to
place a Lions club in status quo or release it from status quo.
(1) Lions clubs may be placed in status quo for the following reasons:
ii. Failure to fulfill any obligations of a chartered Lions club, such as failure to
hold club meetings regularly, or failure to submit the Monthly Membership
Report for three or more consecutive months;
iv. Non-existing;
v. Disbanding;
ii. Hold meetings to discuss the future of the club and ways to regain the status
of good standing;
iii. Report the progress toward regaining the status of good standing to the district
leadership and the District and Club Administration Division.
iv. Make payments to clear the existing outstanding balance in the district,
multiple district and international accounts;
v. Recruit new members when needed for the purpose of releasing the club from
status quo;
vi. Elect or confirm club officers at the time of release from status quo.
vi. Submit the Monthly Membership Report and other report forms;
(1) A Lions club may be placed in protective status quo when the country or the area
of the Lions club is experiencing:
iv. Any other special circumstances which prevent a Lions club from functioning
Effective March 4, 2014
Chapter V
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(2) A Lions club shall stay in protective status quo for the initial period of 90 days,
plus 180 additional days if warranted.
(3) A protective status quo club shall be allowed to function normally, based on the
definition of Lions club’s functions defined in the Board Policy Manual, but
exempted from:
(1) The status quo recommendation shall be sent to headquarters no later than 90 days
prior to the district and/or multiple district convention.
(2) The recommendation to place a Lions club in status quo shall be signed by the
district governor and co-signed by the first vice district governor and zone
chairperson. In the case of un-districted clubs, the recommendation must be
signed by the Coordinating Lion and co-signed by the provisional zone/ region
chairperson, or one of the present or international directors of the constitutional
In order for a status quo club to regain the status of good standing, the club must:
(1) Correct the reason for which the Club was placed in status quo:
(2) Pay all outstanding balances in the district, multiple district and international
(3) Secure the minimum requirement of 10 members
(4) Submit a completed Reactivation Report to report membership or leadership
(5) The recommendation to release a status quo club shall be made at any time of the
Every effort should be made to assist status quo clubs before charter cancellation.
The following procedures are to be followed to give assistance and support to status
quo clubs:
(1) When a Lions club is placed in status quo, the District Governor Team or
Coordinating Lion shall start working with the club immediately toward its
release from status quo and assign a certified guiding Lion.
Effective March 4, 2014
Chapter V
Page 10
(2) The district governor or the Coordinating Lion must review the progress and, if
warranted, advise headquarters in writing to release the club from status quo by
submitting a completed Reactivation Report.
3. Charter Cancellation
a. Every effort must be made to return a status quo club to good standing. To remain in
status quo, an explanation of the rebuilding activities, approved by the district
governor and the first vice district governor, must be submitted to the District and
Club Administration Division within 30 days. Measurable progress is required to
remain in status quo status. If measurable progress is not made within six months, the
club will be submitted to the board and may be considered for cancelation at the next
Board meeting.
d. When the infraction is severe and such cancellation is in the best interest of the
association, a charter may be automatically cancelled for failure to comply with the
purposes of the association, conduct unbecoming a Lions club, failure to resolve club
disputes or failure to withdraw litigation involving Lions matters within the specified
time, by the recommendation of the Senior Executive Administrator or his designee
in consultation with the Legal Division.
e. The cancellation of the club may be rescinded within 12 months from the date of
cancellation if the reasons for canceling the club are resolved. The district governor or
the Coordinating Lion must submit a Reactivation Report to rescind the charter
f. Charter cancellation for reasons other than those described in items c. and d.
submitted to the International Board of Directors for approval.
The club excellence award was created to recognize Clubs that reach a standard of
excellence in membership growth, club management and service. Criteria is
This award is given to a Lion who was instrumental in rebuilding an existing club or
bringing a canceled or status quo club back to active and viable status.
b. The Lion nominated to receive the award must have played a key role in recruiting
new members to revitalize the club, in helping the club develop new activities, and in
ensuring that the club is guided and motivated as it rebuilds;
c. For a club not yet cancelled, suspended or in status quo, the award is conferred when
the Lion helps rebuild a club of less than 15 and the club achieves an active club
membership of 20 within the fiscal year. The club must be in good standing for 12
months, have initiated a new service project, filed monthly membership reports for 12
consecutive months and paid the club account in full to be conferred.
d. For a club that is already cancelled, suspended or in status quo, the award is conferred
after the club is reactivated and has a minimum of 20 members. The club must be in
good standing for 12 months, have initiated a new service project, filed monthly
membership reports for 12 consecutive months and paid the club account in full to be
Annual perfect attendance awards are available for purchase and can be issued to
members who have attended every regularly scheduled meeting of their club for twelve
consecutive months, making up any lost attendance in line with the attendance make-up
rules of the club. This period may begin with any given month. The design of this award
will be at the prerogative of the international president.
7. Individual Membership Data – Name, status, date joined, language, address, birth date
and occupation or profession.
8. Individual Club Data – Number, name, district, location, charter approval date, region,
zone, language, year-to-date adds, year-to-date drops, total members to date, size at
Effective March 4, 2014
Chapter V
Page 12
charter, whether metropolitan, urban, suburban or rural; whether organized by a
representative or by volunteer Lions; whether it meets in the morning, noon or evenings;
and whether it meets weekly or semi-monthly.
b. To cooperate with the sponsoring Lions club in carrying out its service programs and
11. The board of directors shall and hereby does withhold official recognition of any
proposed Lioness club entity other than local affiliate clubs.
12. Lioness clubs, as Lions club affiliate activities, will have the same program of
comprehensive general liability insurance available at no cost as is provided to Lions
For the merger of two or more Lions clubs to occur the following procedure is to be
13. The clubs considering a merger are to conduct a joint meeting to decide the following
b. Whether the name of the remaining club will be revised, and if so, determine an
appropriate name. The revised name is to be approved by the district cabinet and the
District and Club Administration Division of Lions Clubs International.
c. Whether the officers and committees of the remaining club will complete the term of
office or new officers will be elected after approval of the merger. If an election will
be conducted, set the location, date and time for the election and forward the results
to the district governor and international office.
Effective March 4, 2014
Chapter V
Page 13
d. Adopt a resolution selecting the location, date and time for the board and general
meetings of the remaining club after the merger is completed. Adopt a resolution for a
continuation of charter date of one resolution of the clubs.
14. The general membership of each club considering a merger must adopt a resolution in
support of the merger.
15. The club(s) agreeing to be cancelled must also complete the following additional phases
prior to the merge:
b. Transfer any funds remaining in the administration and activities accounts to the
appropriate accounts maintained by the remaining club.
d. File its closing Monthly Membership Report with the international office listing the
members transferring to the remaining club.
16. The club remaining forwards the following documents and materials to the District and
Club Administration Division at the international office.
c. A Monthly Membership Report listing as transfer members the members from the
merged club(s).
17. The merged club may receive a certificate of merger upon request.
18. When the name of the merged club is revised, the merged club may request that a charter
be issued in the new name of the merged club.
19. For a Lions club to change its name, the following information must be submitted to the
District and Club Administration Division, International Headquarters:
b. An expression of opinion letter from the district governor regarding the name change.
c. A letter signed by an authorized officer of each of the other clubs that abut the Lions
club requesting the name change consenting to the name change.
20. The new name of the club must comply with the requirements established in the Lions
Clubs International Constitution and Board Policy.
21. The club may request that a charter be issued in the new name.
22. The “Guiding Lion” program assists newly chartered clubs. Two experienced Lions shall
be selected from the sponsoring club or district to assist and provide guidance to the new
club. The guiding Lion may be selected from a Lions club other than the sponsoring club
only if the appointee is the best person for the new club. The guiding Lion cannot be a
member of the newly organized club nor the current district governor. This Lion is
provided with a Guiding Lion Pin during the charter ceremony to recognize his or her
23. The Extension and Membership Division shall record the guiding Lions based upon the
recommendations of the district governor, and the sponsoring club president as noted on
the Lions Club Charter Application.
24. The guiding Lion is appointed for a two year term beginning on the charter approval date
and shall not serve as a guiding Lion for more than two clubs at any point in time.
25. A training course for charter members in newly organized clubs shall be established and
administered by the guiding Lion with personnel being provided by the district and
sponsoring club.
26. Guiding Lions are encouraged to become certified by successfully passing the Certified
Guiding Lion Course. Certified guiding Lions qualify for the Certified Guiding Lion
Award upon completing the Certified Guiding Lion Course and serving successfully as
Guiding Lion for two years as outlined in the Certified Guiding Lion Program Manual.
The certified guiding Lion award shall be forwarded to the new club president for
appropriate presentation. The District and Club Administration Division shall verify
compliance with the guidelines and requirements for this award. The district governor
shall be responsible for implementing the program. If a replacement of the guiding Lion
becomes necessary, a successor shall be appointed under the same procedure.
27. To maintain certification, certified guiding Lions must retake the Certified Guiding Lion
Course every three years.
Effective March 4, 2014
Chapter V
Page 15
TO SEEK success and to demand all fair remuneration or profit as my just due, but to accept
no profit or success at the price of my own self-respect lost because of unfair advantage taken
or because of questionable acts on my part.
WHENEVER a doubt arises as to the right or ethics of my position of action towards others,
to resolve such doubt against myself.
TO HOLD friendship as an end and not a means. To hold that true friendship exists not on
account of the service performed by one to another, but that true friendship demands nothing
but accepts service in the spirit in which it is given.
TO AID others by giving my sympathy to those in distress, my aid to the weak, and my
substance to the needy.
TO BE CAREFUL with my criticism and liberal with my praise; to build up and not destroy.
the white background with gold fringe for indoor use and a gold border for outdoor use
with the emblem in the middle stating “Lions International” in proper proportions. (EC)
2. The Lions International Flag shall be sold by the Club Supplies and Distribution
BE IT RESOLVED, That the board of directors shall and hereby does adopt the Standard
Form Constitution and By-Laws, attached hereto as Exhibit A, as a recommended form
for single and sub-districts.
BE IT RESOLVED, That the board of directors shall and hereby does adopt the Standard
Form Club Constitution and By-Laws set forth in Exhibit B attached hereto as the
recommended form for all Lions clubs and decrees that the same, as amended from time
to time by the board, shall be and hereby is deemed to be the duly adopted constitution
and by-laws of each and every Lions club which shall fail to adopt a constitution and by-
laws of its own.
BE IT RESOLVED, That the board of directors shall and hereby does adopt the Standard
Form Multiple District Constitution and By-Laws set forth in Exhibit C attached hereto
as the recommended form for all multiple districts.
BE IT RESOLVED, That the board of directors shall and hereby does declare as policy
that with respect to any matter of district (single, sub or multiple) operation which is not
covered by the constitution and by-laws of the respective district (single, sub or multiple)
and is covered by the Standard Form (single or multiple district) constitution and by-
laws, that the provisions of the latter shall govern and control.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the board of directors shall and hereby does declare
as policy that with respect to any matter of club operations which is consistent with the
International Constitution and By-Laws and is not covered by the constitution and by-
laws of the respective club and is covered by the Standard Form Lions Club Constitution
and By-Laws that the provisions of the latter shall govern and control.
This organization shall be known as Lions District No. ____ hereinafter referred to as
(a) To provide an administrative structure with which to advance the Purposes of Lions
Clubs International in this district.
(b) To create and foster a spirit of understanding among the peoples of the world.
(c) To promote the principles of good government and good citizenship.
(d) To take an active interest in the civic, cultural, social and moral welfare of the
(e) To unite the members in the bonds of friendship, good fellowship and mutual
(f) To provide a forum for the open discussion of all matters of public interest; provided,
however, that partisan politics and sectarian religion shall not be debated by club
(g) To encourage service-minded people to serve their community without personal financial
reward, and to encourage efficiency and promote high ethical standards in commerce,
industry, professions, public works and private endeavors.
The members of this organization shall be all Lions clubs in this district chartered by Lions
Clubs International.
Section 1. EMBLEM. The emblem of this association and each chartered club shall be of a
design as follows:
Section 2. USE OF NAME AND EMBLEM. Use of the name, goodwill, emblem and other
logos of the association shall be according to the guidelines established from time to time in the
Section 3. COLORS. The colors of this association and of each chartered club shall be purple
and gold.
Section 4. SLOGAN. Its Slogan shall be: Liberty, Intelligence, Our Nation’s Safety.
The Standard Form District Constitution and By-Laws shall govern the district unless otherwise
amended so as not to conflict with the Multiple District and International Constitution & By-
Laws and policies of Lions Clubs International. Whenever there may exist a conflict or a
contradiction between the provisions set out in the district constitution and by-laws and the
multiple district constitution and by-laws then the multiple district constitution and by-laws shall
govern. Whenever there may exist a conflict or a contradiction between the provisions set out in
the district constitution and by-laws and the International Constitution and By-Laws, then the
International Constitution and By-Laws shall govern.
Officers and District Cabinet
Section 1. OFFICERS. The officers of this district shall be the district governor, the immediate
past district governor, the first and second vice district governors, the region chairpersons (if the
position is utilized during the district governor’s term), the zone chairpersons and a cabinet
secretary-treasurer or a cabinet secretary and a cabinet treasurer. Each such officer shall be a
member in good standing of a Lions club in good standing in the district.
Section 4. REMOVAL. Members of the District Cabinet other than the District Governor, First
Vice District Governor and Second Vice District Governor may be removed from office for
cause by the affirmative vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the entire number of the District Cabinet.
District Convention
Section 1. TIME AND PLACE. An annual convention of the district shall be held in each year
to conclude no less than thirty (30) days prior to the convening of the international convention at
a place selected by the delegates of a previous annual convention of the district and at a date and
time fixed by the district governor. A meeting of the registered delegates of the district in
attendance at the annual convention of the multiple district of which this district shall be a part
may constitute the annual convention of the district.
Section 2. CLUB DELEGATE FORMULA. Each chartered club in good standing in Lions
Clubs International and its district (single or sub- and multiple) shall be entitled in each annual
convention of its district (single or sub- and multiple) to one (1) delegate and one (1) alternate
for each ten (10) members, who have been enrolled for at least one year and a day in the club or
major fraction thereof, of said club as shown by the records of the international office on the first
day of the month last preceding that month during which the convention is held. The major
fraction referred to in this section shall be five (5) or more members. Each certified delegate
present in person shall be entitled to cast one (1) vote only for each office to be filled by, and one
(1) vote only on each question submitted to, the respective convention. Unless otherwise
specified herein, the affirmative vote of a majority of the delegates voting on any question shall
be the act of the convention. All eligible delegates must be members in good standing of a club
in good standing in this district. Delinquent dues may be paid and good standing acquired at any
time prior to the close of credential certification, as such closing time shall be established by the
rules of the respective convention.
District Dispute Resolution Procedure
Any Lions club in good standing within the association (the “complainant”) may file a
written request with the district governor or, in the event the complaint is directed against the
district governor, the immediate past district governor (a “complaint”), with a copy to the
Legal Division, asking that dispute resolution take place under this procedure. The
complaint must be filed within thirty (30) days after the complainant(s) knew or should have
known of the occurrence of the event upon which the complaint is based. The
complainant(s) must submit minutes signed by the club secretary certifying that a resolution
in support of filing the complaint has been adopted by a majority of the entire membership of
the club. A copy of the complaint shall be sent to the respondent(s).
A complaint filed under this procedure must be accompanied by a US$750.00 filing fee, or
its equivalent in the respective national currency, payable by each complainant to the district
(single or sub-) which shall be submitted to the district governor or, in the event the
complaint is directed against the district governor, the immediate past district governor, at the
time the complaint is filed. In the event the complaint is settled or withdrawn prior to a final
decision by the conciliators, US$100.00 shall be retained by the district (single or sub-) as an
C. Response to Complaint
The respondent(s) to the complaint may file a written response to the complaint with the
district governor or, in the event the complaint is directed against the district governor, the
immediate past district governor, with a copy to the Legal Division, within ten (10) days of
receiving notice of the complaint. A copy of the response shall be sent to the complainant(s).
D. Confidentiality
Once a complaint has been filed, communications between the complainant(s), respondent(s),
district governor or, in the event the complaint is directed against the district governor, the
immediate past district governor, and conciliators should be kept confidential to the extent
E. Selection of Conciliators
Within fifteen (15) days of filing the complaint, each party to the dispute shall select one (1)
neutral conciliator and the selected conciliators shall select one (1) neutral conciliator, who
will serve as chairperson. The selected conciliators’ decision relative to the selection of the
conciliator/chairperson shall be final and binding. All of the selected conciliators shall be
Lion leaders, preferably past district governors, who are currently members in good standing
of clubs in good standing in the district (single or sub-) in which the dispute arises, other than
a club which is a party to the dispute, and shall be impartial on the matter in dispute and
without loyalties to any party to the dispute. Upon completion of the selection process, the
conciliators shall be deemed appointed with all authority appropriate and necessary to resolve
or decide the dispute in accordance with this procedure.
In the event the selected conciliators cannot agree on the selection of the
conciliator/chairperson within the time frame noted above, then the selected conciliators shall
be automatically deemed to have resigned for administrative reasons and the parties must
Upon being appointed, the conciliators shall arrange a meeting of the parties for the purpose
of conciliating the dispute. The meeting shall be scheduled within thirty (30) days of the
appointment of the conciliators. The objective of the conciliators shall be to find a prompt
and amicable resolution to the dispute. If such conciliation efforts are unsuccessful, the
conciliators shall have the authority to issue their decision relative to the dispute. The
conciliators shall issue their decision in writing no later than thirty (30) days after the date on
which the initial meeting of the parties was held, and the decision shall be final and binding
on all parties. The written decision shall be signed by all the conciliators, with the dissent of
any conciliator properly noted, and a copy of the written decision shall be provided to all
parties, the district governor or, in the event the complaint is directed against the district
governor, the immediate past district governor, and, to the Legal Division of Lions Clubs
International. The decision of the conciliators must be consistent with any applicable
provisions of the International, Multiple District and District Constitutions and By-Laws and
policies of the International Board of Directors, and is subject to the authority of and further
review by the International Board of Directors at the sole discretion of the International
Board of Directors or its designee.
Failure to comply with the final and binding decision of the conciliators constitutes conduct
unbecoming a Lion and is subject to loss of membership privileges and/or charter
Section 3. NOTICE. No amendment shall be so reported or voted upon unless the same shall
have been published by regular post or electronic means to each club no less than thirty (30) days
prior to the convening date of the annual convention with notice that the same will be voted upon
at said convention.
Section 4. EFFECTIVE DATE. Each amendment shall take effect at the close of the convention
at which adopted unless otherwise specified in the amendment.
Nominations and Endorsement
Second Vice President and
International Director Nominees
(a) Deliver (by mail or in person) written notice of intention to seek such endorsement to the
district governor and if this is a sub-district of a multiple district to the multiple district
council secretary treasurer no less than 30 days prior to the convening date of the district
convention at which such question of endorsement is to be voted upon;
(b) Deliver with said notice of intention evidence of fulfillment of the qualifications for such
office set forth in the International Constitution and By-Laws.
Section 3. SECONDING SPEECH. Each such nominee for endorsement shall be entitled to one
seconding speech of no more than three (3) minutes in duration.
Section 4. VOTE. The vote on the question of endorsement shall be by secret written ballot,
unless there shall be only one nominee seeking the same, in which event a voice vote may be
District Nominations, Elections and Appointments
Section 4. BALLOT. The election shall be by secret written ballot, with the candidate or
candidates required to secure a majority of the votes cast by the delegates present and voting in
In order for a Lion to be eligible and qualified to be selected to fill a vacancy in the office of
district governor, he/she must:
(a) Be an Active Member in good standing of a chartered Lions club in good standing in
his/her single or sub-district.
(b) Have served or will have served at the time he/she takes office as district governor:
(i) As officer of a Lions club for a full term or major portion thereof; and
(ii) As a member of the district cabinet for two (2) full terms or major portion thereof.
(iii) With none of the above being accomplished concurrently.
It is encouraged that the first vice district governor fulfill his/her full term of office and other
qualified Lions be considered for filling a vacancy in the office of district governor.
(a) Be an active member in good standing in his/her respective region or zone; and
(b) Have served or will have served at the time of taking office as region or zone chairperson
as president of a Lions club for a full term or major portion thereof, and a member of the
board of directors of a Lions club for no less than two (2) additional years.
Duties of District Officers/Cabinet
Section 1. DISTRICT GOVERNOR. Under the general supervision of the International Board
of Directors, he/she shall represent the association in his/her district. In addition, he/she shall be
the chief administrative officer in his/her district and shall have direct supervision over the first
and second vice district governor, region chairpersons, the zone chairpersons, the cabinet
secretary-treasurer and such other cabinet members as may be provided for in this district
constitution and by-laws. His/her specific responsibilities shall be to:
(a) Administer and promote membership growth and new club development.
(b) Administer and promote leadership development at the club and district levels.
(c) Promote the Lions Clubs International Foundation and all service activities of the
(d) Preside, when present, over cabinet, convention and other district meetings. During any
period he/she is unable to so preside, the presiding officer at any such meeting shall be
the first or second vice district governor, but if he/she is not available, the district officer
chosen by the attending members shall preside.
Section 2. FIRST VICE DISTRICT GOVERNOR. The first vice district governor, subject to
the supervision and direction of the district governor, shall be the chief administrative assistant
and representative of the district governor. His/her specific responsibilities shall be, but not
limited, to:
a. Further the purposes of this association.
b. Perform such administrative duties assigned by the district governor.
c. Perform such other functions and acts required by the International Board of
d. Participate in the cabinet meetings, and conduct meetings in the absence of the district
governor, and participate in council meetings as appropriate.
e. Assist the district governor in the review of the strengths and weaknesses of the clubs
in the district, identifying the existing and potential weak clubs and establishing plans
to strengthen them.
f. Conduct club visitation as the representative of the district governor when requested
by the district governor.
g. Serve as the District Governor Team liaison between the District Global Membership
Team, working as an active member of the District Global Membership Team along
with the District Governor, Second Vice District Governor and other Global
Membership Team members to establish and implement a district-wide plan for
membership growth.
h. Work with the District Governor, Second Vice District Governor, and the Global
Leadership Team to develop and implement a district-wide plan for leadership
i. Work with the District Convention Committee and assist the committee to plan and
conduct the annual district convention and assist the district governor to organize and
promote other events within the district.
j. At the request of the district governor, supervise other district committees.
k. Participate in the planning of the next year including the district budget.
l. Familiarize himself/herself with the duties of the district governor so that, in the event
of a vacancy in the office of the district governor, he/she would be better prepared to
assume the duties and responsibilities of said office as the acting district governor
Effective March 4, 2014
Chapter VII
Page 13
until the vacancy is filled according to these by-laws and rules of procedure adopted
by the International Board of Directors.
Section 3. SECOND VICE DISTRICT GOVERNOR. The second vice district governor,
subject to the supervision and direction of the district governor, shall be an assistant in the
administration of the district, and representative of the district governor. His/her specific
responsibilities shall be, but not limited, to:
(a) Further the purposes of this association.
(b) Perform such administrative duties assigned by the district governor.
(c) Perform such other functions and acts required by the International Board of Directors.
(d) Participate in the cabinet meetings, and conduct meetings in the absence of the district
governor, and participate in council meetings as appropriate.
(e) Familiarize himself/herself with the health and status of the clubs in the district, review
the monthly financial report and assist the district governor and the first vice district
governor in identifying and strengthening the existing and potential weak clubs.
(f) Conduct club visitation, as the representative of the district governor, when requested by
the district governor.
(g) Assist the district governor and first vice district governor in planning and conducting the
annual district convention.
(h) Serve as the District Governor Team liaison between the District Global Leadership
Team, working as an active member of the District Global Leadership Team along with
the District Governor, First Vice District Governor and other Global Leadership Team
members to establish and implement a district-wide leadership development plan.
(i) Work with the District Governor, First Vice District Governor, and the Global
Membership Team to develop and implement a district-wide plan for membership
(j) Work with the District LCIF Coordinator and assist the committee to achieve the goals of
the year through regular distribution of LCIF information and materials to increase
understanding and support of LCIF.
(k) Work with the District Information Technology Committee and assist the committee to
promote the use of the association’s web site and the Internet among the clubs and
members to obtain information, file reports, purchase club supplies, etc.
(l) At the request of the district governor, supervise other district committees.
(m) Assist the district governor, first vice district governor, and the cabinet in planning of the
next year, including the district budget.
(n) Familiarize himself/herself with the duties of the district governor so that, in the event of
a vacancy in the offices of district governor and first vice district governor, he/she would
be better prepared to assume the duties and responsibilities of said offices as the acting
district governor or acting vice district governor until the vacancies are filled according to
these by-laws and rules of procedure adopted by the International Board of Directors.
Section 4. CABINET SECRETARY-TREASURER. He/ she shall act under the supervision of
the district governor. His/her specific responsibilities shall be to:
(a) Further the Purposes of this association;
(b) Perform such duties as are implied by the title of said office, including but not by way of
limitation, the following:
Section 5. REGION CHAIRPERSON (if the position is utilized during the district governor’s
term). The region chairperson subject to the supervision and direction of the district governor,
shall be the chief administrative officer in his/her region. His/her specific responsibilities should
be to:
(a) Further the Purposes of this association.
(b) Supervise the activities of the zone chairpersons in his/her region and such district
committee chairpersons as may be assigned to him/her by the district governor.
(c) In coordination with the District GMT Coordinator, play an active role in organizing new
clubs and in strengthening weak clubs.
(d) Visit a regular meeting of each club in his/her region at least once during his/her term of
office, reporting his/her findings to the district governor, District GMT Coordinator and
district GLT Coordinator.
(e) Visit a regular board of directors meeting of each club in his/her region at least once
during his/her term of office, reporting his/her findings to the district governor, district
GMT Coordinator and district GLT Coordinator.
(f) Endeavor to have every club in his/her region operating under a duly adopted club
constitution and bylaws.
In addition, the region chairperson shall perform such other functions and acts as may be
required by the International Board of Directors through a region chairperson‘s manual and other
Section 6. ZONE CHAIRPERSON. The zone chairperson, subject to the supervision and
direction of the district governor and/or region chairperson, shall be the chief administrative
officer in his/her zone. His/her specific responsibilities shall be to:
(a) Further the Purposes of this association.
(b) Serve as chairperson of the District Governor’s Advisory Committee in his/her zone and
as such chairperson to call regular meetings of said committee.
(c) Endeavor to include the District GMT Coordinator and the GLT Coordinator and the
District Governor Team as special guests to a District Governor’s Advisory Committee
meeting to discuss needs related to membership and leadership development and how
these teams and the District Governor Team may assist with membership and leadership
development within the zone.
(d) Make a report of each District Governor’s Advisory Committee meeting and send copies
within five (5) days thereafter to Lions Clubs International and to the district governor,
District GMT Coordinator and District GLT Coordinator and region chairperson.
(e) Promote the Club Excellence Process to the clubs within the zone and work in concert
with the District GMT Coordinator, the District GLT Coordinator and the District
Governor Team to implement the program within the zone.
(f) In coordination with the District GMT Coordinator, please an active role in organizing
new clubs and keep informed on the activities and well-being of all clubs in his/her zone.
(g) In coordination with the District GLT Coordinator, play an active role in supporting
leadership initiatives by informing Lions within the zone about leadership development
opportunities at the zone, district or multiple district.
(h) Represent each club in his/her zone in any problems with district, multiple district council
chairperson or Lions Clubs International.
(i) Supervise the progress of district, multiple district, and Lions Clubs International projects
in his/her zone.
(j) Endeavor to have every club within his/her zone operating under a duly adopted club
constitution and by-laws.
Section 8. SERGEANT-AT-ARMS. The Sergeant-at- Arms shall maintain order and decorum
at the respective conventions and meetings and perform such other duties as are incident to
District Committees
Section 3. DISTRICT CABINET COMMITTEES. The district governor may establish and
appoint such other committees and/or chairpersons as he/she deems necessary and appropriate
for the efficient operations of the district. Such committee chairpersons shall be deemed non-
voting members of the district cabinet.
Section 3. BUSINESS TRANSACTED BY MAIL. The district cabinet may transact business
by mail (including letters, electronic mail, facsimile transmission, or cable), provided that no
such action shall be effective until approved in writing by two-thirds (2/3) of the entire number
of the members of the district cabinet. Such action may be initiated by the district governor or
any three (3) officers of the district.
District Convention
Section 1. CONVENTION SITE SELECTION. The district governor shall receive invitations
in writing from places desiring to entertain the succeeding year(s) annual convention. All
invitations shall set forth such information as the district governor shall from time to time require
and shall be delivered to him/her no later than thirty (30) days prior to the convening date of the
convention at which the convention site shall be voted upon by the delegates of said
convention. Procedure to be followed in investigation of bids and in presentation of the same to
conventions, as well as action to be taken by a convention in the event no bids are acceptable to
or so received by the district governor shall be determined by the district governor.
Section 2. OFFICIAL CALL. The district governor shall issue an official printed call for the
annual district convention not less than thirty (30) days prior to the date fixed for holding the
same, stating the place, day and hour thereof.
Section 3. SITE CHANGE. The district cabinet shall retain, and have, power to change at any
time, for good reason, the convention site chosen by a previous district convention, provided that
the convention site shall be located within the district, and neither the district, officers of the
district nor any member of the district cabinet, shall incur any liability thereby to any club or
club member in the district. Notice of this site change shall be furnished in writing to each club
in the district no less than sixty (60) days prior to the convening date of the annual convention.
Section 4. OFFICERS. The members of the district cabinet shall be the officers of the annual
district convention.
Section 6. OFFICIAL REPORT. Within sixty (60) days after the close of each single and sub-
district convention, the cabinet secretary shall transmit one copy of the complete proceedings to
the international office. Upon written request from any club in the respective district a copy shall
be furnished to said club.
This tax shall be collected from the clubs by, and be remitted to, the cabinet secretary or cabinet-
treasurer (or secretary-treasurer), who shall deposit the monies so collected in a special account
in a bank or other depository chosen by the district governor. The fund so collected shall be used
exclusively for defraying expenses of district conventions and shall be expended only by district
checks drawn and signed by the cabinet treasurer and countersigned by the district governor.
Section 2. REMAINING FUNDS. In any fiscal year, any balance remaining in the convention
fund after payment of all convention administrative expenses in that year shall remain in said
convention fund and become available for future convention expenses and be treated as income
in any fiscal year in which expended or otherwise budgeted for payment of such expenses.
Section 3. FEE COLLECTION. Such fee as the district governor shall set may be collected,
under procedures set by the district governor, from each delegate, alternate, and guest attending
the district convention to defray the actual cost of convention meals and entertainment.
Section 1. DISTRICT REVENUE. To provide revenue for approved district projects and to
defray the administrative expenses of the district, an annual district administrative fund tax of
(set out value in national currency____________) is hereby levied upon each member of each
club in the district and shall be collected and paid in advance by each club in two (2) semi-annual
payments as follows: (value in national currency______________) per club member on
September tenth of each year to cover the semi-annual period July 1 to December 31; and (value
in national currency ____________) per club member on March tenth of each year, to cover the
semi-annual period January 1 to June 30, with billings of the same to be based upon the roster of
each club as of the first days of July and January, respectively. Said tax shall be paid to the
cabinet secretary or cabinet treasurer (or secretary-treasurer) by each club in the district, except
newly chartered and reorganized clubs, which shall collect and pay said tax on a pro-rata basis
from the first day of the second month following the date of their organization or reorganization,
as the case may be. Said tax shall be disbursed only for administrative expenses of the district
and only upon approval by the district governor’s cabinet. Disbursement therefrom shall be by
checks drawn and signed by the cabinet treasurer and countersigned by the district governor.
Section 2. REMAINING FUNDS. In any fiscal year, any balance remaining in the district
administrative fund after payment of all district administrative expenses in that year shall remain
in said district administrative fund and become available for future district administrative
expenses and be treated as income in any fiscal year in which expended or otherwise budgeted
for payment of such expenses.
Section 2. FINANCIAL OBLIGATIONS. The district governor and his/her cabinet shall not
incur obligations in any fiscal year which will effect an unbalanced budget or deficit in said
fiscal year.
Section 4. AUDIT OR REVIEW OF BOOKS. The district governor’s cabinet shall provide for
an annual or more frequent audit or review of the books and accounts of the cabinet secretary
and cabinet treasurer (or secretary or treasurer).
Section 6. FISCAL YEAR. The fiscal year of this district shall be from July 1st to June 30th.
Section 3. NOTICE. No amendment shall be so reported or voted upon unless the same shall
have been furnished in writing to each club no less than thirty (30) days prior to the convening
date of the annual convention with notice that the same will be voted upon at said convention.
Section 4. EFFECTIVE DATE. Each amendment shall take effect at the close of the convention
at which adopted unless otherwise specified in the amendment.
Rule 1. The district governor shall arrange the order of business for the district convention.
Except for registration and certification hours, which may not be changed, deviation from the
announced order of business shall be made only by consent of three-fourths (3/4) of the certified
delegates assembled at any session at which a quorum is present. A majority of those certified
delegates present in person at any session shall constitute a quorum.
Rule 2. Except as otherwise provided in the Lions Clubs International Constitution and By-
Laws, the District ____ Constitution and By-Laws, national custom and practice or these rules,
Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised shall govern all questions of order and procedure.
Rule 3.
(a) The credentials committee shall be composed of the district governor, as chairperson, the
cabinet secretary/treasurer and two other non-officers of the district appointed by the
district governor; provided, however, the district governor may designate any other
committee member as chairperson. The credentials committee’s primary responsibility
shall be to verify club delegate credentials. In carrying out this responsibility, the
credentials committee shall have the powers and shall perform the duties as established
by national custom and practice or as set forth in Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly
(b) The registration and certification of delegates shall occur on the day(s) of _______
between the hours of _____ and ______.
(c) The number of certified delegates shall be announced to the convention upon close of
certification and prior to the commencing of voting.
Rule 4.
(a) 60 days prior to the convening of the convention, the district governor, unless otherwise
provided, shall appoint, and designate the chairperson of, a nominations committee
consisting of three (3) members. It shall be the committee’s responsibility to review the
qualifications of each nominated candidate within 5 days prior to the election and rule on
the eligibility of the same.
(b) Candidate may withdraw from the contest at any time prior to the issuance of the final
report of the nominations committee.
Rule 6. Nominations for the offices of district governor, first and second vice district governor
and such other offices to be filled by the convention shall be limited to nominating/ seconding
speeches not to exceed _____ minute(s) for each nominee.
Rule 7.
(a) Prior to the convention, the district governor shall appoint, and designate the chairperson
of, an elections committee consisting of three (3) members. Each duly nominated
candidate shall also be entitled to designate one (1) observer through his/her club. The
observers may oversee election procedures only, but may not participate directly in the
committee’s decision making.
(b) The elections committee shall be responsible for preparation of elections materials, vote
tabulation, and resolving questions concerning the validity of individual ballots. The
committee’s decision shall be final and binding.
(c) The elections committee shall prepare a comprehensive report of the election results
containing the following components: date, time and place of election; specific voting
results by candidate; signature of each committee member and observer. The district
governor, council chairperson and all candidates shall be provided a copy of the
committee’s report.
Rule 8. Voting.
(a) Voting will take place at a predetermined location and time.
(b) To secure a ballot card, the delegate shall present his/her credential certificate to
(c) voting personnel for verification. Once verified, the delegate shall be issued a ballot.
(d) The voter shall indicate his/her vote by placing a mark in the appropriate location by the
name of the candidate of his/her choice. The mark must be placed in the proper location
to constitute a valid vote. Any ballot containing votes for more than the specified number
of offices to be filled in any section shall be declared invalid to that particular section.
(e) A majority vote shall be necessary to elect the district governor, first vice district
governor and second vice district governor. A majority is defined as a number more than
one-half of the total valid votes cast excluding blanks and abstentions. If a majority vote
is not received in the election of district governor, first vice district governor and second
vice district governor, a vacancy shall occur and Article IX, Section 6(d) of the
International By-Laws shall apply.
(f) A majority vote shall be necessary to elect all other candidates. In the event any one
candidate shall fail to receive the required number of votes to be elected, additional
balloting shall take place as outlined in this section until such time as one candidate
secures a majority vote.
Rule 1. In the event a vacancy arises in the office of district governor, it shall be the duty of the
immediate past district governor, or if not available, the most recent past district governor who is
available, upon notification from the international office, to convene a meeting of the district
governor, immediate past district governor, first and second vice district governors, the region
chairpersons, zone chairpersons and the secretary and treasurer or secretary-treasurer and all past
international presidents, past international directors and past district governors who are
members in good standing of a chartered Lions club in the district for the purpose of
recommending a Lion for appointment by the International Board of Directors.
Rule 2.Written invitations to this meeting shall be sent as soon as possible so that the meeting is
held within the required fifteen (15) days of receipt of notification. The immediate past district
governor, as the meeting’s chairperson, shall have the authority to select the meeting site, date
and time. However, he/she shall use his/her best efforts to select a centrally located meeting
venue, and schedule the meeting at a convenient date and time within the required fifteen (15)
Rule 4. Each Lion who is entitled to attend the meeting may make one nomination of his/her
choice from the floor.
Rule 5. Each such nominee shall be entitled to one seconding speech, only, in his/her behalf of
not more than three (3) minutes in duration, and may speak personally for five (5) additional
minutes. When each nominee has had an opportunity to present his/her remarks, the chairperson
shall declare the nominations closed. No additional nominations shall be accepted after the close
of nominations.
Rule 6. Voting.
(a) Voting will occur immediately after the close of nominations.
(b) Voting will be by written ballot unless a majority of the members attending the meeting
select another voting method.
(c) The member shall indicate his/her vote by writing the name of his/her choice on the
ballot. Any ballot containing votes for more than one nominee shall be declared invalid.
(d) A majority vote shall be necessary to recommend a member for appointment as district
governor. In the event any one candidate shall fail to receive the required number of votes
to be selected, additional balloting shall take place as outlined in this Rule 6 until such
time as one candidate secures a simple majority vote.
Rule 8. The International Board of Directors, pursuant to Article IX, Sections 6(a) and (d) of the
International By-Laws shall consider, but is not bound by, any recommendation resolved at the
special meeting. The International Board of Directors reserves the right to appoint the
recommendee or any club member as district governor for the (remainder of the) term.
1. The international office has advised the district to convene a special meeting to recommend a
member for appointment as district governor.
2. The immediate past district governor prepares invitations for the special meeting. Invitations
are to be sent to the district governor, immediate past district governor, first and second vice
district governors, the region chairpersons, zone chairpersons and the secretary and treasurer
or secretary-treasurer and all past international presidents, past international directors and
past district governors who are members in good standing of a chartered Lions club in the
district. The invitations should state the date, time and location for the meeting.
4. Nominations are made from the floor. Each nominee may speak for five (5) minutes, and
his/her seconder may speak for an additional three (3) minutes.
5. Voting begins immediately after nominations close. Voting is by written ballot unless a
majority of attendees select another voting method.
7. The chairperson forwards the meeting results at the conclusion of the meeting.
Rule 1. In the event a vacancy arises in the office of first or second vice district governor, the
district governor shall convene a meeting of the members of the existing cabinet as provided for
in the International Constitution and By-Laws and all past international officers who are
members in good standing of a chartered Lions club in good standing in the district. It shall be
the duty of the attendees at this meeting to appoint a qualified club member as first or second
vice district governor for the remainder of the term.
Rule 2. In filling said vacancy, it shall be the duty of the district governor, or if not available, the
most recent past district governor who is available, to send out written invitations to attend said
meeting and it shall also be his/her responsibility to preside as chairperson of the meeting. The
district governor, as the meeting’s chairperson, shall have the authority to select the meeting site,
date and time. However, he/she shall use his/her best efforts to select a centrally located meeting
venue, and schedule the meeting at a convenient date and time.
Rule 4. Each Lion who is entitled to attend the meeting may make one nomination of his/her
choice from the floor.
Rule 5. Each such nominee shall be entitled to one seconding speech, only, in his/her behalf of
not more than three (3) minutes in duration, and may speak personally for five (5) additional
minutes. When each nominee has had an opportunity to present his/her remarks, the chairperson
shall declare the nominations closed. No additional nominations shall be accepted after the close
of nominations.
Rule 6. Voting.
(a) Voting will occur immediately after the close of nominations.
(b) Voting will be by written ballot unless a majority of the members attending the meeting
select another voting method.
(c) The member shall indicate his/her vote by writing the name of his/her choice on the
ballot. Any ballot containing votes for more than one nominee shall be declared invalid.
(d) A majority vote shall be necessary to recommend a member for appointment as district
governor. In the event any one candidate shall fail to receive the required number of votes
to be selected, additional balloting shall take place as outlined in this Rule 6 until such
time as one candidate secures a simple majority vote.
Rule 7. At the conclusion of the meeting, but in no event more than seven (7) days after the
conclusion of the meeting, the chairperson will forward a written report of the voting results to
the international office together with evidence of invitations sent and attendance at the meeting.
This standard form is recommended for adoption by the Lions club as its official local club
Constitution and By-Laws.
Immediately upon adoption by the club, a permanent copy of this Constitution and By-Laws is to
be filed by the secretary in his/her record book.
This Standard Form Club Constitution and By-Laws, and all amendments thereto, shall be in full
force and effect and govern the operation of any Lions club that has not adopted its own
Constitution and By-Laws.
The International Board of Directors shall and hereby does declare as policy that with respect to
any matter of club operations which is consistent with the International Constitution and By-
Laws and is not covered by the constitution and by-laws of the respective club and is covered by
the Standard Form Lions Club Constitution and By-Laws that the provisions of the latter shall
govern and control.
The name of this organization shall be the Lions Club of _______________, chartered by, and
under the jurisdiction of the International Association of Lions Clubs.
Section 3. FORFEITURE OF MEMBERSHIP. Any member may be expelled from the club
for cause by a two-thirds vote of the entire board of directors. Upon removal from this club, any
and all right to use the name “LIONS,” the emblem and other insignia of this club and this
association shall be forfeited. This club shall remove members whose conduct has been deemed
a violation of the International Constitution and By-Laws and Board Policy and unbecoming a
Lion by the International Office or otherwise face charter cancellation.
Emblem, Colors, Slogan and Motto
Section 1. EMBLEM. The emblem of this association and each chartered club shall be of a
design as follows:
Section 3. COLORS. The colors of this association and of each chartered club shall be purple
and gold.
Section 4. SLOGAN. Its Slogan shall be: Liberty, Intelligence, Our Nation’s Safety.
The Standard Form Club Constitution and By-Laws shall govern the club unless otherwise
amended so as not to conflict with the district (single, sub- or multiple) and International
Constitution & By-Laws and policies of Lions Clubs International. Whenever there may exist a
conflict or a contradiction between the provisions set out in the club constitution and by-laws and
the district (single, sub- and multiple) constitution and by-laws, the respective district
constitution and by-laws shall govern. In addition, whenever there may exist a conflict or a
contradiction between the provisions set out in the club constitution and by-laws and the
international constitution and by-laws or board policy, the international constitution and by-laws
and board policy shall govern.
Club Size
A Lions club should strive to maintain 20 members; the numerical minimum membership
required to receive a charter.
Section 1. OFFICERS. The officers of this club shall be a president, immediate past president,
the vice president(s), secretary, treasurer, Lion tamer (optional), tail twister (optional),
membership chairperson and all other elected directors.
Section 2. REMOVAL. Any officer of this club may be removed from office for good cause by
two-thirds (2/3) vote of the entire club membership.
Board of Directors
Section 1. MEMBERS. The members of the board of directors shall be the president, immediate
past president, the vice president(s), secretary, treasurer, Lion tamer (optional), tail twister
Section 2. QUORUM. The presence in person of a majority of the directors shall constitute a
quorum at any meeting of the board of directors. Except as otherwise specifically provided, the
act of a majority of the directors present at any meeting of the board shall be the act and decision
of the entire board of directors.
Section 3. DUTIES AND POWERS. In addition to those duties and powers, express and
implied, set forth elsewhere in this constitution and by-laws, the board of directors shall have the
following duties and powers:
(a) It shall constitute the executive board of this club and be responsible for the execution,
through the club officers, of the policies approved by the club. All new business and
policy of this club shall be considered and shaped, first, by the board of directors for
presentation to and approval by the club members at a regular or special club meeting.
(b) It shall authorize all expenditures and shall not create any indebtedness beyond the
current income of this club, nor authorize disbursal of club funds for purposes
inconsistent with the business and policy authorized by the club membership.
(c) It shall have power to modify, override or rescind the action of any officer of this club.
(d) It shall have the books, accounts and operations of this club audited annually or, in its
discretion, more frequently and may require an accounting or have an audit made of the
handling of any club funds by any officer, committee or member of this club. Any
member of this club in good standing may inspect any such audit or accounting upon
request at a reasonable time and place.
(e) It shall appoint, on recommendation of the finance committee, a bank or banks for the
deposit of the funds of this club.
(f) It shall appoint the surety for the bonding of any officer of this club.
(g) It shall not authorize, nor permit, the expenditure, for any administrative purpose, of the
net income of projects or activities of this club by which funds are raised from the public.
(h) It shall submit all matters of new business and policy to the respective standing or special
club committee for study and recommendation to the board.
(i) It shall maintain at least two (2) separate funds governed by generally accepted
accounting practices. The first fund to record administrative monies such as dues, tail
twisting fines and other internally raised club funds. A second fund shall be established to
record activity or public funds raised by asking support from the public. Disbursement
from such funds shall be in strict compliance with Section (g) of this article.
Delegates to International and District Conventions
Club Dispute Resolution Procedure
All disputes arising between any member or members, or a former member or members, and the
club, or any officer on the board of the club, relative to membership, or the interpretation, breach
of, or application of the club’s constitution and by-laws, or the expulsion of any member from
the club, or any other internal Lions club matter whatsoever which cannot be satisfactorily
resolved through other means, shall be settled by dispute resolution. Except as otherwise
provided herein, any time limits specified in this procedure may be shortened or extended by the
district governor, conciliator or the International Board of Directors (or its designee) upon a
showing of good cause. All parties to any dispute subject to this procedure shall not pursue
administrative or judicial actions during this dispute resolution process.
Any party to the dispute may file a written request with the district governor (a “complaint”)
asking that dispute resolution take place. All requests for dispute resolution must be filed with
the district governor within thirty (30) days after the member knew or should have known of the
The respondent(s) to the complaint may file a written response to the complaint with the district
governor within ten (10) days of receiving notice of the complaint. A copy of the response shall
be sent to the complainant(s).
Once a complaint has been filed, communications between the complainant(s), respondent(s),
district governor and conciliator should be kept confidential to the extent possible.
Within fifteen (15) days of receipt of the complaint, the district governor shall appoint a neutral
conciliator to hear the dispute. The conciliator shall be a past district governor who is currently a
member in good standing of a club in good standing, in the district (single or sub-) in which the
dispute arises, other than the club which is a party to the dispute, and who is impartial on the
matter in dispute and without loyalties to any party to the dispute. The district governor shall
notify the parties, in writing, of the name of the appointed conciliator. In the event an appointed
conciliator is not acceptable to any party, the objecting party must submit a written statement to
the district governor team (district governor, first vice district governor and second vice district
governor) within ten (10) days of receiving the district governor’s notice of appointment
identifying all the reasons for such an objection. If no such objection is received, the conciliator
shall be deemed acceptable to all parties. If the district governor team determines by a majority
decision, in their sole discretion, that the party’s written objection statement sufficiently
demonstrates that the appointed conciliator lacks neutrality, the district governor team by a
majority decision shall appoint a substitute conciliator who is currently a member in good
standing of a club in good standing, in the district (single or sub-) in which the dispute arises,
other than the club which is a party to the dispute, or from an adjacent district, and who is
impartial on the matter in dispute and without loyalties to any party to the dispute. Otherwise,
If the district governor does not appoint a conciliator to hear the dispute within fifteen (15) days
of receipt of the complaint, the Legal Division will appoint a conciliator to hear the dispute. The
conciliator shall be a past district governor who is currently a member in good standing of a club
in good standing, in the district (single or sub-) in which the dispute arises, other than the club
which is a party to the dispute, and who is impartial on the matter in dispute and without
loyalties to any party to the dispute. The Legal Division shall notify the parties, in writing, of the
name of the appointed conciliator. In the event an appointed conciliator is not acceptable to any
party, the objecting party must submit a written statement to the Legal Division within ten (10)
days of receiving the Legal Division’s notice of appointment identifying all the reasons for such
an objection. If no such objection is received, the conciliator shall be deemed acceptable to all
parties. If the Legal Division determines, in their sole discretion, that the party’s written
objection statement sufficiently demonstrates that the appointed conciliator lacks neutrality, the
Legal Division shall appoint a substitute conciliator as provided above. Otherwise, the Legal
Division shall issue his or her denial of the objection(s) and confirm the appointment of the
original conciliator selected by the Legal Division, in writing, to all parties. The Legal
Division’s decision and appointment shall be determined within fifteen (15) days of receiving
any party’s written objection statement. Upon appointment, the conciliator shall have all
authority appropriate and necessary to resolve or decide the dispute in accordance with this
Upon being appointed, the conciliator shall arrange a meeting of the parties for the purpose of
conciliating the dispute. The meeting shall be scheduled within thirty (30) days of the
appointment of the conciliator. The objective of the conciliator shall be to find a prompt and
amicable resolution to the dispute. If such conciliation efforts are unsuccessful, the conciliator
shall have the authority to issue his or her decision relative to the dispute. The conciliator shall
issue the decision in writing no later than thirty (30) days after the date on which the initial
meeting of the parties was held, and the decision shall be final and binding on all parties. A copy
of the written decision shall be provided to all parties, the district governor and, upon request, to
the Legal Division of Lions Clubs International. The decision of the conciliator must be
consistent with any applicable provisions of the International, Multiple District and District
Constitutions and By-Laws and policies of the International Board of Directors, and is subject to
the authority of and further review by the International Board of Directors at the sole discretion
of the International Board of Directors or its designee.
Failure to comply with the final and binding decision of the conciliator constitutes conduct
unbecoming a Lion and is subject to loss of membership privileges and/or charter cancellation.
Section 1. BRANCH FORMATION. Clubs may form branches to permit the expansion of
Lionism into locations where and when circumstances do not support the formation of a charter
club. The branch shall meet as a subsidiary of the parent club and shall conduct service activities
in its community.
Section 2. MEMBERSHIP IN PARENT CLUB. The members of the branch shall be granted
membership in the parent club. Membership shall be in one of the categories listed in Article I of
the By-Laws.
Section 3. FUNDRAISING. Activity or public welfare monies raised by the branch by asking
for public support shall be held in a fund established to record such purpose. They shall be
distributed in the branch community unless otherwise specified. The board of directors of the
club branch may authorize the parent club treasurer to countersign checks.
Section 4. DESIGNATED BRANCH CLUB FUNDS. In the event of dissolution of the branch
club, any remaining branch club designated funds shall be returned to the parent club. In the
event the branch club is converted into a newly chartered club, any remaining funds designated
as branch club funds shall be transferred to the newly chartered club.
Section 5. DISSOLUTION. The branch may be disbanded by a majority vote of the entire club
membership of the parent club.
Club Funds
Section 1. PUBLIC (ACTIVITY) FUNDS. All funds raised from the public must be returned to
public use, including money accumulated from invested public funds. The only deductions that
may be made from the activity account are the direct operating expenses of the fundraising
activity. Money accumulated from interest must also be returned to public use.
(a) ACTIVE: A member entitled to all rights and privileges and subject to all obligations
which membership in a Lions club confers or implies. Without limiting such rights and
obligations, such rights shall include eligibility to seek, if otherwise qualified, any office
in this club, district or association and the right to vote on all matters requiring a vote of
the membership; and such obligations shall include regular attendance, prompt payment
of dues, participation in club activities and conduct reflecting a favorable image of this
Lions club in the community. As provided in the Family Membership Program criteria,
qualifying family members shall be Active Members and be entitled to all rights and
privileges thereof. As provided in the Student Member Program criteria, qualifying
student, former Leo and young adult members shall be Active Members and be entitled to
all rights and privileges thereof. This membership category shall be included in the club
delegate formula calculation.
(b) MEMBER-AT-LARGE: A member of this club who has moved from the community,
or because of health or other legitimate reason, is unable regularly to attend club
meetings and desires to retain membership in this club, and upon whom the board of
directors of this club desires to confer this status. This status shall be reviewed each six
months by the board of directors of this club. A Member-at-Large shall not be eligible to
hold office or to vote in district or international meetings or conventions, but shall pay
such dues as the local club may charge, which dues shall include district and international
dues. This membership category shall be included in the club delegate formula
(c) HONORARY: An individual, not a member of this Lions club, having performed
outstanding service for the community or this Lions club, upon whom this club desires to
confer special distinction. This club shall pay entrance fees and international and district
dues on such a member, who may attend meetings, but shall not be entitled to any
privileges of active membership. This membership category shall not be included in the
club delegate formula calculation.
(d) PRIVILEGED: A member of this club who has been a Lion fifteen or more years, who,
because of illness, infirmities, advanced age or other legitimate reason, as determined by
the board of directors of this club, must relinquish his/her active status. A Privileged
(e) LIFE MEMBER: Any member of this club who has maintained Active membership as a
Lion for 20 or more years and has rendered outstanding service to this club, his/her
community, or this association; or any member who is critically ill; or any member of this
club who has maintained such active membership for 15 or more years and is at least 70
years of age may be granted Life Membership in this club upon:
(1) recommendation of this club to the association,
(2) payment to the association of US$650.00, or its equivalent in the respective national
currency, by this club in lieu of all future dues to the association, and
(3) approval by the International Board of Directors.
A Life Member shall have all privileges of active membership so long as he/she fulfills
all obligations thereof. A Life Member who desires to relocate and receives an invitation
to join another Lions club shall automatically become a Life Member of said club.
Nothing herein shall prevent this club from charging a Life Member such dues as it shall
deem proper. Former Lioness members, who are now Active members of their Lions
clubs or who become Active members of a Lions club on or before June 30, 2007, may
apply all of their prior Lioness service toward Life membership eligibility. Lioness
members who become Active members of a Lions Club after June 30, 2007, will not be
eligible for Lioness service credit for the purposes of Life membership eligibility. This
membership category shall be included in the club delegate formula calculation.
(f) ASSOCIATE MEMBER: A member who holds his/her primary membership in another
Lions club but maintains a residence or is employed in the community served by this
club. This status may be conferred by the invitation of the board of directors and shall be
reviewed annually. The club shall not report an Associate Member on its Membership
and Activities Report.
An Associate Member may be eligible to vote on club matters, at meetings where he/she
is present in person, but may not represent the club as a delegate at district (single, sub-,
provisional and/or multiple) or international conventions. He/she shall not be eligible to
hold club, district or international office, nor district, multiple district or international
committee assignments through this club. International and district (single, sub-,
provisional and/or multiple) dues shall not be assessed on the Associate; PROVIDED,
however, nothing shall prevent this club from assessing an Associate such dues as it shall
deem proper. This membership category shall not be included in the club delegate
formula calculation.
(g) AFFILIATE MEMBER: A quality individual of the community who currently is not
able to fully participate as an Active member of the club but desires to support the club
An Affiliate Member may be eligible to vote on club matters at meetings where he/she is
present in person, but may not represent the club as a delegate at district (single, sub,
provisional, and/or multiple) or international conventions.
He/she shall not be eligible to hold club, district or international office, nor district,
multiple district or international committee assignment. An Affiliate Member shall be
required to pay district, international and such dues as the local club may charge. This
membership category shall be included in the club delegate formula calculation.
Section 2. GOOD STANDING. Any member who fails to pay any indebtedness due this club
within sixty (60) days after receipt of written notice from the secretary shall forfeit his/her good
standing and shall so remain until such indebtedness is paid in full. Only members in good
standing may exercise the voting privilege and hold office in this club.
Section 4. RESIGNATIONS. Any member may resign from this club, and said resignation shall
become effective upon acceptance by the board of directors. The board may withhold
acceptance, however, until all indebtedness has been paid and/or all club funds and property
have been returned. All right to the use of the name “LIONS,” the emblem and other insignia of
this club and the association cease when membership is terminated.
Section 6. TRANSFER MEMBERSHIP. This club may grant membership on a transfer basis
to one who has terminated or is terminating his/her membership in another Lions club, provided
that a member is in good standing at the time of transfer requested. If more than twelve (12)
months have elapsed between termination of his/her membership in another club and submittal
of completed transfer member form or current membership card, he/she may acquire
membership in this club only under the provisions of Article III, Section 2 of the Constitution.
Members that wish to transfer from this club to another club must submit a transfer form to be
completed by the Secretary. The Secretary is obligated to complete transfer form without delay
unless the board of directors is withholding acceptance of the member’s resignation and transfer
due to the member’s financial indebtedness to the club and/or failure to return any club funds or
Section 7. FAILURE TO PAY. The secretary shall submit to the board of directors the name of
any member who fails to pay any indebtedness due this club within 60 days after receipt from the
Section 8. ATTENDANCE. The club shall encourage regular attendance at club meetings and
activities. Where a member misses consecutive meetings or activities, the club will make every
effort to contact the member to encourage and promote regular attendance. Annual perfect
attendance awards are available to members who have attended every regularly scheduled
meeting of this club for any twelve consecutive months, otherwise making up any missed
meetings in accordance with the attendance make-up rules of the club, if any.
Elections and Filling Vacancies
The officers of this club, excluding the immediate past president, shall be elected as follows:
Section 1. ANNUAL ELECTION. Subject to the provisions of Sections 7 and 8 of this Article,
all officers, other than directors, shall be elected annually and shall take office on July 1st, and
shall hold office for one year from that date, or until their successors shall have been elected and
qualified. The Secretary shall promptly report the newly elected officers to the International
Office within 15 days of the election.
Section 2. DIRECTORS ELECTION. One-half of the directors shall be elected annually and
shall take office on the July 1st next following their election, and shall hold office for two (2)
years from that time, or until their successors shall have been elected and qualified, with the
exception that at the first election held after the adoption of this constitution and by-laws, one-
half of the directors shall be elected for two year terms and the other one-half of the directors
shall be elected for one year terms.
Section 3. ELIGIBILITY FOR OFFICE. No person shall be eligible to hold office in this club
unless he/she is an active member in good standing.
Section 7. BALLOT. The election shall be conducted by a secret written ballot by those present
and qualified to vote.
Section 8. VOTES REQUIRED. The officer candidate is required to secure a majority of the
votes cast by the club members present and voting in order to be declared elected; for purpose of
such election, a majority is defined as a number more than one-half of the total valid votes cast
excluding blanks and abstentions. If, on the first ballot, and subsequent ballots, no candidate
receives a majority, the candidate or tied candidates receiving the lowest number of votes shall
be eliminated and balloting shall continue until one candidate receives a majority. In case of a tie
on any ballot, balloting shall continue on the tied candidates until one is elected.
Section 9. NOMINEE UNABLE TO SERVE. If in the interim between the nomination meeting
and the election meeting any nominee is unable for any reason to serve in the office to which
he/she was nominated and for which office there was no other nominee, the nominating
committee shall submit, at the election meeting, names of additional nominees for that office.
Section 10. VACANCY. If the office of president or of any vice president shall become vacant
for any reason, the vice presidents shall advance in office, according to their rank. In the event
such provision for advancement shall fail to fill the office of president, or any office of vice
president, the board of directors shall thereon call a special election, giving each member in good
standing prior fourteen (14) calendar days notice of the time and place, which time and place
shall be determined by said board, and such office shall be filled at said election meeting.
In the event of a vacancy in any other office, the board of directors shall appoint a member to fill
the unexpired term.
In the event vacancies shall be of such number as to reduce the number of directors to less than
the number required for a quorum, the membership of the club shall have power to fill such
vacancies by an election held at any regular meeting of the club upon prior notice, and in the
manner, specified in Section 11 hereinafter. Such notice may be given by any remaining officer
or director, but if none, then by any member.
Section 1. PRESIDENT. He/she shall be the chief executive officer of this club; preside at all
meetings of the board of directors and this club; issue the call for regular meetings and special
meetings of the board of directors and the club; appoint the standing and special committees of
this club and cooperate with chairpersons to effect regular functioning and reporting of such
committees; see that regular elections are duly called, noticed and held; and cooperate with, and
be an active member of, the district governor’s advisory committee of the zone in which this club
is located.
Section 2. IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT. He/she and the other past presidents shall
officially greet members and their guests at club meetings and shall represent this club in
welcoming all new service-minded people in the community served by this club.
Section 3. VICE PRESIDENT(S). If the president is unable to perform the duties of his/her
office for any reason, the vice president next in rank shall occupy his/her position and perform
his/her duties with the same authority as the president. Each vice president shall, under the
direction of the president, oversee the functioning of such committees of this club as the
president shall designate.
Section 4. SECRETARY. He/she shall be under the supervision and direction of the president
and the board of directors and shall act as the liaison officer between the club and the district
(single, sub- and multiple) in which this club is located, and the association. In fulfillment of this,
he/she shall:
(a) Submit regular monthly and other reports to the international office of the association
containing such information as may be called for by the board of directors of this
association.Submit regular monthly and other reports to the international office of the
association on forms provided by the international headquarters containing such
information as may be called for by the board of directors of this association.
(b) Submit to the district governor’s cabinet such reports as it may require including copies
of regular membership and activities reports.
(c) Cooperate with and be an active member of the district governor’s advisory committee of
the zone in which the club is located.
(d) Have custody and keep and maintain general records of this club, including records of
minutes of club and board meetings; attendance; committee appointments; elections;
member information, addresses and telephone numbers of members; members club
(e) Arrange for issuance, in cooperation with the treasurer, quarterly or semi-annual
statements to each member for dues and other financial obligations owed to this club,
collect and turn the same over to the club treasurer and obtain a receipt.
(f) Give bond for the faithful discharge of his/her office in such sum and with such surety as
determined by the board of directors.
(g) Deliver, in a timely manner, at the conclusion of his/her term in office, the general
records of the club to his/her successor in office.
Section 7. LION TAMER (Optional). The Lion tamer shall have charge of and be responsible
for the property and paraphernalia of the club, including flags, banners, gong, gavel, song books
and button board. He/she shall put each in its proper place before each meeting and return the
same to the proper storage area after each meeting. He/she shall act as sergeant-at-arms at
meetings, see that those present are properly seated, and distribute bulletins, favors and literature
as required at club and board meetings. He/she shall give special attention to assure that each
Section 8. TAIL TWISTER (Optional). He/she shall promote harmony, good fellowship, life
and enthusiasm in the meetings through appropriate stunts and games and the judicious
imposition of fines on club members. There shall be no ruling from his/her decision in imposing
a fine, provided, however, that no fine shall exceed an amount fixed by the board of directors of
this club, and no member shall be fined more than twice at any one meeting. The tail twister
(optional) may not be fined except by the unanimous vote of all members present. All monies
collected by the tail twister (optional) shall be immediately turned over to the treasurer and a
receipt be given.
Section 3. REGULAR CLUB MEETINGS. Regular meetings of this club shall be held at times
and places recommended by the board of directors, and approved by the club. All meetings shall
begin and end, promptly, at the regular set times. Except as otherwise specifically provided in
this constitution and by-laws, notice of regular meetings shall be given in such manner as the
board of directors deems proper. (It is recommended that clubs meet at least twice each month.)
Section 4. SPECIAL CLUB MEETINGS. Special meetings of the club may be called by the
president, in his/her discretion, and shall be called by the president when requested by the board
of directors, at a time and place determined by the person or body requesting the same. Notice of
special meetings setting forth the purpose, time and place shall be published to each member of
this club, by regular post, electronic means or personal delivery, at least ten (10) days prior to the
date thereof.
Section 5. ANNUAL MEETING. An annual meeting of this club shall be held in conjunction
with the close of each Lions’ year at a time and place determined by the board of directors, at
which meeting the final reports of the retiring officers shall be read and newly elected officers
shall be installed.
Section 7. CHARTER ANNIVERSARY. A charter night anniversary meeting of this club may
be held each year, at which time special attention shall be devoted to the purposes and ethics of
Lionism, and the history of this club.
Section 8. QUORUM. The presence in person of a majority of the members in good standing
shall be necessary for a quorum at any meeting of this club. Except as otherwise specifically
provided, the act of a majority of the members present at any meeting shall be the act and
decision of the entire club.
Section 9. BUSINESS TRANSACTED BY MAIL. This club may transact business by mail
(including letters, electronic mail, facsimile transmission, or cable), provided that no such action
shall be effective until approved in writing by two-thirds (2/3) of the entire number of the club.
Such action may be initiated by the president or any three (3) members of said board.
Fees and Dues
Section 1. ENTRANCE FEE. Each new, reinstated and transfer member shall pay an entrance
fee of $________ which fee shall include the current association entrance fee and be collected
before such member is enrolled as a member of this club and before the secretary may report
such member to Lions Clubs International; provided, however, that the board of directors may
elect to waive all or any part of the club portion of said entrance fee as to any member granted
membership by transfer or reinstatement within twelve (12) months of termination of his/her
prior Lions club membership.
Section 2. ANNUAL DUES. Each member of this club shall pay the following indicated regular
annual dues which dues shall include an amount to cover current international and district (single
or sub- and multiple) dues (to defray the subscription price of LION Magazine, administrative
and annual convention costs of the association and similar district costs) and shall be paid in
advance at such times as the board of directors shall determine:
Active $ ______
Member-at-Large $ ______
Honorary $ ______
Privileged $ ______
Life $ ______
Associate $ ______
Affiliate $ _______
Branch Club Administration
Section 1. BRANCH CLUB OFFICERS. The members comprising the branch shall elect a
branch president, secretary and treasurer. These three individuals, along with the branch liaison
constitute the executive committee of the branch. The branch members shall elect a president
who shall serve on the parent club’s board of directors and be encouraged to attend general
and/or board meetings of the parent club to provide branch records and a report of planned
branch activities, a monthly financial report and coordinate efforts to encourage open discussion
and effective communication between the branch and parent club. Members of the branch are
encouraged to attend scheduled meetings of the parent club.
Section 2. LIAISON. The parent club shall designate a member of the parent club to oversee the
progress of the branch and provide assistance to the branch, when necessary. The member
serving in this capacity shall also serve as the fourth officer of the branch.
Section 3. VOTING ENTITLEMENT. The members of the branch may vote on activities of
the branch and are voting members of the parent club, when in attendance at meetings of the
parent club. Branch members shall be calculated in parent club meeting quorum requirements
only when present in person at the parent club meeting.
Section 4. FEES AND DUES. Each new, reinstated and transfer club branch member shall pay
an entrance fee of $_______ which fee shall include the current association entrance fee. Club
branches may charge an entrance fee separate from that of the parent club and branch members
are not required to pay the parent club entrance fee.
Each member of the branch shall pay the following indicated regular annual dues which dues
shall include an amount to cover current international and district (single or sub- and multiple)
dues (to defray the subscription price of LION Magazine, administrative and annual convention
costs of the association and similar district costs) and shall be paid in advance at such times as
the board of directors of the parent club shall determine:
Active $ ______
Member-at-Large $ ______
Honorary $ ______
Privileged $ ______
Life $ ______
Associate $ ______
Affiliate $ _______
The treasurer of the branch shall remit international and district (single or sub- and multiple)
dues to the parent club treasurer, and at the times, specified in the respective international and
Section 1. FISCAL YEAR. The fiscal year of this club shall be July 1 through June 30.
Section 3. PARTISAN POLITICS/RELIGION. This club shall not endorse or recommend any
candidate for public office, nor shall partisan politics or sectarian religion be debated by
members in meetings of this club.
Section 5. COMPENSATION. No officer shall receive any compensation for any service
rendered to this club in his/her official capacity with the exception of the secretary, whose
compensation, if any, shall be fixed by the board of directors.
Section 6. SOLICITATION OF FUNDS. No funds shall be solicited from the club during
meetings by any individual or individuals who are not members of the club. Any suggestion or
proposition made at any meeting of this club calling for the expenditure of money for other than
the regular obligations shall be referred to the appropriate committee or to the board of directors
for further review.
Section 2. NOTICE. No amendment shall be put to vote, unless written notice, stating the
proposed amendment shall have been published to the member through regular post or electronic
means, or delivered personally to each member of this club at least fourteen (14) calendar days
prior to the meeting at which the vote on the proposed amendment is to be taken.
Page 49
Chapter VII
Page 50
Chapter VII
John Smith
Sally Jones
Officers and Directors
(Board of Directors)
Administrative Committees
Constitution and By-Laws
Information Technology
Lions Information
Public Relations and Communications
Leadership Development
Activities Committees
Community Services
Disaster Preparedness & Relief
Environmental Services
Diabetes Awareness & Action
Hearing Preservation, Awareness & Action
Sight Preservation, Awareness & Action
International Relations
Lions Opportunities for Youth
Lions Services for Children
This organization shall be known as Lions Multiple District No. ____, hereinafter referred to as
“multiple district.”
The members of this organization shall be all Lions clubs in this multiple district chartered by
Lions Clubs International.
This multiple district shall consist of _________ sub-districts, with boundary lines as adopted by
a multiple district convention and approved by the International Board of Directors of Lions
Clubs International.
Emblem, Colors, Slogan and Motto
Section 1. EMBLEM. The emblem of this association and each chartered club shall be of a
design as follows:
Section 3. COLORS. The colors of this association and of each chartered club shall be purple
and gold.
Section 4. SLOGAN. Its Slogan shall be: Liberty, Intelligence, Our Nation’s Safety.
The Standard Form Multiple District Constitution and By-Laws shall govern the multiple district
unless otherwise amended so as not to conflict with the International Constitution & By-Laws
and policies of Lions Clubs International. Whenever there may exist a conflict or a contradiction
between the provisions set out in the multiple district constitution and by-laws and the
International Constitution and By-Laws, then the International Constitution and By-Laws shall
Officers and Council of Governors
Section 1. COMPOSITION. There shall be a Council of Governors composed of all the district
governors in the multiple district and shall also include one past district governor who shall serve
as council chairperson. The officers of this multiple district shall be the members of the Council
of Governors. Each member of the council of governors, including the council chairperson, shall
have one (1) vote on each question requiring action of the council of governors. The council
chairperson shall serve for a one-year term only and cannot serve in that capacity again. (Note:
Article II, Section 4 of the International By-Laws permits the multiple district, by provision in its
constitution and by-laws, to include certain other Lions as members of the Council of
Section 2. OFFICERS. The officers of the Council of Governors shall be a chairperson and
vice-chairperson, secretary and treasurer and such other officers as the Council of Governors
shall deem necessary, all of whom shall be elected annually by the Council of Governors.
Section 3. POWERS. Except where inconsistent with and contrary to the provisions of the
articles of incorporation and constitution and by-laws of Lions Clubs International, the powers
granted therein to the board of directors of said association, and the policies and acts of said
board of directors, the Council of Governors shall:
(a) Have jurisdiction and control over all officers and agents, when acting as such, of the
Council of Governors and all committees of the multiple district and multiple district
Section 4. REMOVAL. Members of the Council of Governors, other than a District Governor,
may be removed for cause by an affirmative vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the entire number of the
Council of Governors.
Article VII
Multiple District Convention
Section 1. TIME AND PLACE. An annual convention of this multiple district shall be held in
each year prior to the international convention at a place selected by the delegates of a previous
annual convention of this multiple district and at a date and time fixed by the Council of
Section 2. CLUB DELEGATE FORMULA. Each chartered club in good standing in Lions
Clubs International, and its district, and this multiple district shall be entitled in each convention
of this multiple district to one (1) delegate and one (1) alternate for each ten (10) members, who
have been enrolled for at least one year and a day in the club or major fraction thereof, of said
club as shown by the records of the international office on the first day of the month last
preceding that month during which the convention is held. The major fraction referred to in this
section shall be five (5) or more members. Each certified delegate present in person shall be
entitled to cast one (1) vote only for each office to be filled by, and one (1) vote only on each
question submitted to, the respective convention. Unless otherwise specified herein, the
affirmative vote of a majority of the delegates voting on any question shall be the act of the
convention. All eligible delegates must be members in good standing of a club in good standing
in this district.
Delinquent dues may be paid and good standing acquired at any time prior to the close of
credential certification, as such closing time shall be established by the rules of the respective
Multiple District Dispute Resolution Procedure
Any Lions club in good standing or sub-district within the association (the “complainant”)
may file a written request with the council chairperson or, in the event the complaint is
directed against the council chairperson, the council secretary or council treasurer (a
“complaint”), with a copy to the Legal Division, asking that dispute resolution take place
under this procedure. The complaint must be filed within thirty (30) days after the
complainant(s) knew or should have known of the occurrence of the event upon which the
complaint is based. The complainant(s) must submit minutes signed by the club or cabinet
secretary certifying that a resolution in support of filing the complaint has been adopted by a
majority of the entire membership of the club or district cabinet. A copy of the complaint
shall be sent to the respondent(s).
A complaint filed under this procedure must be accompanied by a US$750.00 filing fee, or
its equivalent in the respective national currency, payable by each complainant to the
multiple district which shall be submitted to the council chairperson or, in the event the
complaint is directed against the council chairperson, the council secretary or council
treasurer at the time the complaint is filed. In the event the complaint is settled or withdrawn
prior to a final decision by the conciliators, US$100.00 shall be retained by the multiple
district as an administrative fee and US$325.00 shall be refunded to the complainant and
C. Response to Complaint
The respondent(s) to the complaint may file a written response to the complaint with the
council chairperson or, in the event the complaint is directed against the council chairperson,
the council secretary or council treasurer, with a copy to the Legal Division, within ten (10)
days of receiving notice of the complaint. A copy of the response shall be sent to the
D. Confidentiality
Once a complaint has been filed, communications between the complainant(s), respondent(s),
council chairperson or, in the event the complaint is directed against the council chairperson,
the council secretary or council treasurer, and conciliators should be kept confidential to the
extent possible.
E. Selection of Conciliators
Within fifteen (15) days of filing the complaint, each party to the dispute shall select one (1)
neutral conciliator, who shall be a past district governor, preferably a past council
chairperson, who is currently a member in good standing of a club in good standing, other
than a club which is a party to the dispute, in the multiple district in which the dispute arises,
and shall be impartial on the matter in dispute and without loyalties to any party to the
dispute. The selected conciliators shall select one (1) neutral conciliator who will serve as
chairperson, and who shall be a past international director and is currently a member in good
standing of a club in good standing in the multiple district in which the dispute arises, other
than a club which is a party to the dispute, and shall be impartial on the matter in dispute and
without loyalties to any party to the dispute. In the event there is no neutral past international
director who may be selected from within the multiple district in which the dispute arises, the
selected conciliators may select one (1) neutral conciliator/chairperson who shall be a past
international director and is a member of a club in good standing outside the respective
multiple district. The selected conciliators’ decision relative to the selection of the
In the event the selected conciliators cannot agree on the selection of the
conciliator/chairperson within the time frame noted above days, then the selected conciliators
shall be automatically deemed to have resigned for administrative reasons and the parties
must select new conciliators (“the second team of selected conciliators”) who shall then
select one (1) neutral conciliator/chairperson in accordance with the selection procedures and
requirements described above. In the event the second team of selected conciliators cannot
agree on the selection of the conciliator/chairperson from within the multiple district in
which the dispute arises, the selected conciliators may select one (1) neutral
conciliator/chairperson who shall be a past international director and is a member of a club in
good standing outside the respective multiple district. In the event the second team of
selected conciliators cannot agree on the selection of the conciliator/chairperson from within
or outside the multiple district in which the dispute arises, then the past international director
who most recently served on the International Board of Directors from within the multiple
district in which the dispute arises or from an adjacent multiple district, whichever is closest
in proximity, shall be appointed as conciliator/chairperson. The time limits in this Section E
may not be shortened or extended by the multiple district council chairperson or, in the event
the complaint is directed against the council chairperson, the council secretary or council
treasurer or the conciliators.
Upon being appointed, the conciliators shall arrange a meeting of the parties for the purpose
of conciliating the dispute. The meeting shall be scheduled within thirty (30) days of the
appointment of the conciliators. The objective of the conciliators shall be to find a prompt
and amicable resolution to the dispute. If such conciliation efforts are unsuccessful, the
conciliators shall have the authority to issue their decision relative to the dispute. The
conciliators shall issue their decision in writing no later than thirty (30) days after the date on
which the initial meeting of the parties was held, and the decision shall be final and binding
on all parties.
The written decision shall be signed by all the conciliators, with the dissent of any conciliator
properly noted, and a copy of the written decision shall be provided to all parties, the
multiple district council chairperson or, in the event the complaint is directed against the
council chairperson, the council secretary or council treasurer, the multiple district council of
governors and to the Legal Division of Lions Clubs International. The decision of the
conciliators must be consistent with any applicable provisions of the International, Multiple
District and District Constitutions and By-Laws and policies of the International Board of
Directors, and is subject to the authority of and further review by the International Board of
Directors at the sole discretion of the International Board of Directors or its designee.
Section 3. NOTICE. No amendment shall be so reported or voted upon unless the same shall
have been published by regular post or electronic means to each club no less than thirty (30) days
prior to the convening date of the annual convention with notice that the same will be voted upon
at said convention.
Section 4. EFFECTIVE DATE. Each amendment shall take effect at the close of the convention
at which adopted unless otherwise specified in the amendment.
Nominations and Endorsement Second Vice
President and International Director Nominees
Section 3. SECONDING SPEECH. Each such nominee for endorsement shall be entitled to one
seconding speech of no more than three (3) minutes in duration.
Section 4. VOTE. The vote on the question of endorsement shall be by secret written ballot,
unless there shall be only one nominee seeking the same, in which event a voice vote may be
taken. The nominee receiving a majority of the votes cast shall be declared endorsed (elected) as
the candidate of the multiple district convention. In the event of a tie vote, or failure of one
nominee to receive the required majority, on any ballot, balloting shall continue with respect to
the two nominees only who received the largest number of votes on the previous ballot until one
receives the required majority of the votes cast.
Section 7. VALIDITY. No endorsement of any candidacy of any member of a Lions club in this
multiple district shall be valid unless and until the provisions of this Article have been met.
Appointment of Council Chairperson
The council chairperson, shall be appointed by the District Governors of the multiple district
provided that such chairperson shall be a past district governor when he/she takes office. The
council chairperson shall serve for a one-year term only and cannot serve in that capacity again.
A meeting of the district governors of the multiple district who will be in office during the term
of the council chairperson appointed shall be called following the multiple district annual
convention, but no later than 30 days following the closing of the International Convention for
the purpose of selecting a council chairperson. It shall be the duty of the attendees at this meeting
to appoint a club member in good standing in a club in good standing in the multiple district as
the council chairperson.
Duties of Multiple Council of Governors
and Committees
Multiple District Committees
Section 3. OTHER COUNCIL COMMITTEES. The Council of Governors may create and
appoint such other committees and positions as it deems necessary and appropriate for efficient
operation of the multiple district.
Section 1. COUNCIL MEETINGS. The Council of Governors shall hold a regular meeting
within sixty (60) days after the date on which the district governors officially take office, and
such other meetings as it deems advisable. The council chairperson, or the secretary at the
chairperson’s direction, shall issue a written call for each meeting of the Council of Governors,
with the time and place to be set out in the call and to be determined by the chairperson. The date
of any meeting save the first, which shall be set by the chairperson, shall be determined by the
Council of Governors.
Section 3. QUORUM. The personal presence of a majority of the Council of Governors shall
constitute a quorum at any meeting.
Multiple District Convention
Section 2. OFFICIAL CALL. The Council of Governors shall issue an official printed call for
the annual multiple district convention not less than thirty (30) days prior to the date fixed for
holding the same, stating the place, day and hour thereof.
Section 3. SITE CHANGE. The Council of Governors shall retain, and have, absolute power to
change at any time, for good reason, the convention site chosen by a multiple district convention,
provided that such convention site shall be located within the boundaries of the multiple district,
and neither the Council of Governors nor the multiple district nor any sub-district or sub-districts
Section 4. OFFICERS. The members of the Council of Governors shall be the officers of the
annual multiple district convention.
Section 8. OFFICIAL REPORT. Within sixty (60) days after the close of the multiple district
convention, an official report shall be forwarded to Lions Clubs International and each club in
the multiple district by the Council of Governors, or, at its direction, by the council secretary.
Multiple District Convention Fund
This tax shall be collected from the clubs in each sub-district by, and remitted to, the respective
cabinet secretary-treasurer, who shall deposit the monies so collected in a special account in a
Section 2. REMAINING FUNDS. In any fiscal year, any balance remaining in the convention
fund after payment of all convention administration expenses in that year shall remain in said
convention fund and become available for future convention expenses and be treated as income
in any fiscal year in which expended or made available solely for payment of such expenses.
Section 3. FEE COLLECTION. Such fee as the Council of Governors shall set may be
collected, under procedures set by the Council of Governors, from each delegate, alternate, and
guest attending the multiple district convention to defray the actual cost of convention meals and
Multiple District Administration Fund
Section 2. REMAINING FUNDS. In any fiscal year, any balance remaining in the multiple
district administrative fund after payment of all multiple district administration expenses in that
year shall remain in said administrative fund and become available for future multiple district
administrative expenses and be treated as income in any fiscal year in which expended or made
available solely for payment of such expenses.
Section 1. COMPENSATION. No officer shall receive any compensation for any service
rendered to this multiple district in his/her official capacity with the exception of the council
secretary-treasurer whose compensation, if any, shall be fixed by the Council of Governors.
Section 2. FISCAL YEAR. The fiscal year of this multiple district shall be from July 1st to June
Section 3. AUDIT OR REVIEW. The Council of Governors shall provide for an annual or
more frequent audit or review of the books and accounts of the multiple district.
Section 3. NOTICE. No amendment shall be so reported or voted upon unless the same shall
have been published by regular post or electronic means to each club no less than thirty (30) days
prior to the convening date of the annual convention with notice that the same will be voted upon
at said convention.
Section 4. EFFECTIVE DATE. Each amendment shall take effect at the close of the convention
at which adopted unless otherwise specified in the amendment.
Rule 1. The multiple district Council of Governors shall arrange the order of business for the
multiple district convention. Except for registration and certification hours, which may not be
changed, deviation from the announced order of business shall be made only by consent of three-
fourths (3/4) of the certified delegates assembled at any session at which a quorum is present. A
majority of those certified delegates present in person at any session shall constitute a quorum.
Rule 2. Except as otherwise provided in the Lions Clubs International Constitution and By-
Laws, the Multiple District ____ Constitution and By-Laws, national custom and practice or
these rules, Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised shall govern all questions of order and
Rule 3.
(a) The credentials committee shall be composed of the council chairperson, as chairperson,
the current district governors, first and second vice district governors and cabinet-
secretary treasurers. The credentials committee’s primary responsibility shall be to verify
club delegate credentials. In carrying out this responsibility, the credentials committee
shall have the powers and shall perform the duties as established by national custom and
practice or as set forth in Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised.
(b) The registration and certification of delegates shall occur on the day(s) of _______
between the hours of _____ and ______.
(c) The number of certified delegates shall be announced to the convention upon close of
certification and prior to the commencing of voting.
Rule 4.
(a) Sixty (60) days prior to the convening date of the convention, the council chairperson,
unless otherwise provided, shall appoint, and designate the chairperson of, a nominations
committee consisting of three (3) members. It shall be the committee’s responsibility to
review the qualifications of each nominated candidate within 5 days prior to the election
and rule on the eligibility of the same.
(b) Candidate may withdraw from the contest at any time prior to the issuance of the final
report of the nominations committee.
Rule 6.
(a) Prior to the convention, the council chairperson shall appoint, and designate the
chairperson of, an elections committee consisting of three (3) members. Each duly
nominated candidate shall also be entitled to designate one (1) observer through his/her
club. The observers may oversee election procedures only, but may not participate
directly in the committee’s decision making.
(b) The elections committee shall be responsible for preparation of elections materials, vote
tabulation, and resolving questions concerning the validity of individual ballots. The
committee’s decision shall be final and binding.
(c) The elections committee shall prepare a comprehensive report of the election results
containing the following components: date, time and place of election; specific voting
results by candidate; signature of each committee member and observer. The district
governor, council chairperson and all candidates shall be provided a copy of the
committee’s report.
Rule 7. Voting.
(a) Voting will take place at a predetermined location and time.
(b) To secure a ballot card, the delegate shall present his/her credential certificate to voting
personnel for verification. Once verified, the delegate shall be issued a ballot.
(c) The voter shall indicate his/her vote by placing a mark in the appropriate location by the
name of the candidate of his/her choice. The mark must be placed in the proper location
to constitute a valid vote. Any ballot containing votes for more than the specified number
of offices to be filled in any section shall be declared invalid to that particular section.
(d) A majority vote shall be necessary to endorse a Second Vice President and International
Director. If a majority vote on the question of endorsement is not received then the
nominee is not endorsed.
(e) A majority vote shall be necessary to elect all other candidates. In the event any one
candidate shall fail to receive the required number of votes to be elected, additional
balloting shall take place as outlined in this section until such time as one candidate
secures a majority vote.
Section 1. NAME. This organization shall be known as the LIONS INTERNATIONAL STAMP
CLUB, hereinafter referred to as LISC.
Section 2. PURPOSE. The purpose of this organization is to foster and develop the avocation of
stamp collecting among Lions, Lionesses, and Leos and their families, and to strengthen
International Lionism through International Goodwill.
Section 5. MEMBERSHIP CARDS. A membership card shall be issued to each member and
associate member upon payment of his/her dues. Such membership card shall indicate the date
membership began.
Section 5. COMPENSATION. No officer or Director other than the Secretary shall receive
compensation for services in the performance of the duties of his office, except reimbursement
for duly approved administrative expenses.
Section 1. ADMINISTRATIVE YEAR. The elected officers shall be duly elected and installed
at the annual meeting of this club. The officers shall assume the duties of their offices as of that
day and shall relinquish those duties at the next annual meeting following the election of the new
Section 2. FINANCIAL YEAR. The financial year shall be from July 1 to June 30 of the
following year. The Treasurer shall submit a temporary report at the annual meeting if held
before June 30. The Treasurer’s report shall be printed in the September issue of the Lions
Section 3. The LISC membership roster may not be used for any commercial use or financial
gain. It is for the exclusive use and reference by its members. This roster along with such other
reports as required shall be submitted to The International Association of Lions Clubs annually.
Section 1. Local Chapters of this club may be formed by District, or other geographical division,
or by local clubs by application to the Secretary and with the approval of the Board of Directors
of this club. Such local chapter may adopt a constitution and by-laws provided the chapter, its
activities, its constitution and by-laws do not conflict in any way with the constitution of Lions
Clubs International or of this club.
Section 3. All chapters are required to submit an Annual report to the Secretary for publication at
the annual general meeting.
Section 3. LISC SALES. Anything sold at the LISC booth during international conventions
must be (1) LISC material, either produced by LISC or acquired by LISC specifically for resale.
No sales may be made by anyone in the name of LISC or on behalf of LISC, except as
specifically authorized by LISC (as, for example, the Monarch’s Mart). Anyone wishing to sell
philatelic or other material to members of LISC may do so without any reference at all to LISC
and strictly at his own risk and cost; and without the use of LISC facilities.
In the event of discontinuance of the activities of the LISC, the Board of Directors shall instruct
the Treasurer to donate the entire treasury balance, after payment of all debts, to the Lions Clubs
International Foundation (LCIF).
Section 2. PURPOSE. The purpose of this organization is to foster and develop the avocation of
trading and collecting Lions “Trading” pins between Lions and Lions Clubs and, resultantly, to
further strengthen International Lionism through International goodwill.
Section 3. TRADING. Members will trade at conventions and by mail, but under no
circumstances will members buy or sell individual pins except as defined in Chapter XV,
Paragraph A.8. of the Board Policy Manual.
Section 2. MEMBERSHIP CARDS. An appropriate membership card will be issued each year
to each member as funds permit.
(a) PRESIDENT. The President shall have general supervisory powers over all matters
concerning the Club. He shall be an ex-officio member of all Committees. He will make
all appointments as may be necessary or authorized. He shall perform all the duties
delegated to him by this constitution. He shall preside at the annual meeting of the Club
and at any meeting of the Board of Directors, which may be convened during the interim
between annual meetings.
(b) VICE-PRESIDENT. The Vice-President shall assist the President in the conduct of the
Club’s business. He shall perform all the duties of the President in the President’s
absence or in the President’s inability to act, and shall perform such other duties as may
be assigned to him from time to time by the President.
(c) SECRETARY. The Secretary shall keep an accurate account and a timely and
permanent record of the meetings of the Club and of the Board of Directors. He shall
maintain a complete and up-to-date record of the membership of the Club. He shall
submit by mail to the officers of the Club and to the members of the Board of Directors
all matters required to be passed on to them and shall advise the President as to all
matters coming to his attention not otherwise herein provided for. Any and all funds
collected by him shall be promptly reported and submitted to the Treasurer of the Club
for deposit in the Club’s account.
(d) TREASURER. The Treasurer shall have general charge of all monies of the Club. He
shall make a quarterly report of the financial condition of the Club to the President and
Secretary and to Lions Clubs International. All monies shall be promptly deposited in a
bank account which may be designated by him but which shall be approved by the Board
of Directors. He shall pay all bills and obligations of the Club either with written
approval by the President or Secretary or directly if the expenditure was budgeted and
(e) DIRECTORS. The Board of Directors shall hold a meeting in connection with the
annual convention of the Trading Pin Club and at such other times and places as the
President, at his own discretion may or upon written request of three Board members,
shall designate. A quorum at any meeting of the Board of Directors shall consist of a
majority of the members of the Board of Directors and the act of a majority of the
members present at any duly constituted meeting of the Board of Directors shall
constitute the act of the Board.
The Board of Directors may take any action consistent with its powers under this
constitution without a meeting by a consent in writing signed by every member of
the Board of Directors.
(a) Nominating Committee. The Nominating Committee shall select a slate of Officers and
Directors to be elected and submit the slate to the Club Secretary 45 days before the
annual election. The Club Secretary will notify each Club member of this selected slate at
the time that the notice of the annual meeting is mailed, which shall be no later than 30
days before the meeting.
At the annual meeting, this slate of Officers and Directors shall be presented to the
members in attendance at the meeting. The chairman of this committee, or appointed
representative, after reading the slate shall move that those persons selected be placed in
nomination for the position as read.
(b) Convention Committee. This committee shall be responsible for the arrangement of the
Club’s activities during the Lions International Convention. It shall arrange for an
appropriate meeting place at which to hold the annual meeting and the election of
Officers and Directors.
(c) Editorial Committee. This committee shall be responsible for the publication of the
official Club Bulletins. It may also be assigned other tasks in the way of issuing news
concerning the Club and its activities, if so desired by the President or by the Board of
(d) Membership Badge Committee. This committee shall be responsible for the design and
procurement from Lions Clubs International of the Club Membership Badge which will
be made available to Club members. The badge design must receive written approval
from the Lions Clubs International Board and will be a permanent badge. The issuance of
a new badge will require Lions Clubs International Board approval.
(e) Ad Hoc Committees. Special Committees to perform special acts during the fiscal year
may be appointed by the President as deemed necessary.
Section 1. ADMINISTRATIVE YEAR. The elected Officers and Directors shall be duly
elected and installed at the Lions International Convention when the annual meeting of this Club
will be held. The Officers and Directors shall assume the duties of their respective offices as of
that day and shall relinquish those duties at the next annual meeting following the election of the
new Officers.
Section 2. FINANCIAL YEAR. The financial year shall be from July 1 of the current year to
June 30 of the following year. The Club Treasurer shall submit a detailed report for the year at
the annual meeting. This annual Treasurer’s report shall be furnished to Lions International and
printed in the first bulletin issued to Club members after the close of the Lions International
In the event of discontinuance of the activities of the Lions International Trading Pin Club, the
Board of Directors shall instruct the Treasurer of the Club to donate the entire treasury balance,
after full payment of all debts, to the Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF).
(July 1, 1987) (Sept. 7, 1988)
Section 2. PURPOSE. The purpose of this organization is to foster and develop the avocation of
coin collecting among Lions, Lionesses, and Leos and their families, and to strengthen
international Lionism through international goodwill.
Section 5. MEMBERSHIP CARDS. A membership card shall be issued to each member and
associate member upon payment of dues. Such membership card shall indicate the date
membership began.
(a) President. The President shall have general supervisory powers over all matters
concerning the club. He/she shall be an ex-officio member of all committees. He/she will
make all appointments provided for by this constitution and such other appointments as
may be necessary or authorized. He/she shall perform all the duties delegated to him/her
by this constitution. He/she shall preside at the annual meeting of the club or at any
meeting of the Board of Directors in the interim between annual meetings.
(b) Vice-Presidents. The First Vice-President, the Second Vice-President and the Third
Vice-President shall assist the President in the conduct of the club’s business. They shall,
in the order of their seniority, perform all the duties of the President in his/her absence or
inability to act, and shall perform such other duties as may be assigned to them from time
to time by the President.
(c) Secretary. The Secretary shall keep an accurate account and permanent record of the
meetings of the club and of the Board of Directors. The Secretary shall maintain a
complete record of the membership of the club. He/she shall submit by mail to the
officers of the club and the Board of Directors all the matters required to be passed on to
them and shall advise with the President as to all matters coming to his/her attention not
otherwise herein provided for. Any and all funds collected by the Secretary shall be
reported and submitted to the Treasurer of the club for deposit in the club’s account.
(d) Treasurer. The Treasurer shall have general charge of all monies of the club and shall
collect all dues. He/she shall make a quarterly report of the financial condition of the club
to the Secretary and the President. All monies shall be deposited in a bank which may be
designated by him/her but shall be approved by the Board of Directors. The Treasurer
shall pay all bills and obligations against the club either by written approval of the
President or Secretary or if the expense was budgeted and approved by a majority of the
members attending the annual meeting. The Treasurer shall, if required by the Board of
Directors, give bond in such sum as may be required by the Board.
(e) Directors. The Directors shall have full voting privileges on all matters requiring a vote
of the Board of Directors. They may also be assigned duties from time to time by the
(f) The President, with the aid and assistance of the other officers and directors, is
empowered to initiate, execute and administer all matters with respect to Lions
International Numismatists Club business between annual meetings.
Section 5. COMPENSATION. No officer or Director other than the Secretary shall receive
compensation for services in the performance of the duties of his office, except reimbursement
for duly approved administrative expenses.
(a) Nominating Committee. The nominating committee shall select a slate of officers to be
elected and submit them to the Secretary 30 days before the annual election. At the
annual meeting the slate of officers shall be presented to the members in attendance at the
(b) Membership and Promotion Committee. This committee shall submit plans or ideas
which shall promote the activities and membership of this club. It shall perform duties
which may be assigned to it by the President from time to time, such duties to be for the
development and promote the interests of coin collecting among Lions and their families.
(c) Medals Committee. This committee shall promote special medals in relation to the
activities of Lions Clubs International and of this club which will be of numismatic
interest to its members. They shall perform the duties of designing or selecting a design,
striking and arranging for the sales and distribution of such medals as directed by the
President. The committee should consult with the President as to the number of medals to
be struck, costs and other related problems.
(d) Convention Committee. This committee shall be responsible for the arrangement of the
club’s activities during the Lions Clubs International Convention. It shall arrange for a
booth at the convention center to display medals and provide information about L.I.N.C.
(e) Editorial Committee. This committee shall be responsible for the publication of official
club magazines and bulletins. They may also be assigned other tasks in the way of issuing
news concerning this club and its activities if so desired by the President or the Board of
Section 1. ADMINISTRATIVE YEAR. The elected officers shall be duly elected and installed
at the Lions Clubs International Convention and the annual meeting of this club. The officers
shall assume the duties of their offices as of that day and shall relinquish those duties at the next
annual meeting following the election of the new officers.
Section 2. FINANCIAL YEAR. The financial year shall be from July 1 to June 30 of the
following year. The Treasurer shall submit a temporary report at the annual meeting if held
before June 30. The Treasurer’s report shall be printed in the September issue of the Club
Section 1. Local Chapters of this club may be formed by State, District, or other geographical
division, or by local clubs by application to the Secretary and with the approval of the Board of
Directors of this club and Lions Clubs International. Such local chapter may adopt a constitution
and by-laws provided the chapter, its activities, its constitution and by-laws do not conflict in any
way with the constitution of Lions Clubs International or of this club.
Section 3. LINC SALES. Anything sold at the LINC booth during international conventions
must be LINC material, either produced by LINC or acquired by LINC specifically for resale.
No sales may be made by anyone in the name of LINC or on behalf of LINC, except as
specifically authorized by LINC. Anyone wishing to sell numismatic or other material to
members of LINC may do so without any reference at all to LINC and strictly at his/her own risk
and cost; and without the use of LINC facilities.
In the event of discontinuance of the activities of LINC, the Board of Directors shall instruct the
Treasurer to donate the entire treasury balance, after payment of all debts, to the Lions Clubs
International Foundation (LCIF).
Article I
Name and Object
Section 1. Name. This organization shall be known as the Lions Clubs International Internet
Article II
Section 1. Membership. Membership in this organization shall be open to any member in good
standing of a Lions club. Such membership to be authenticated by the secretary of the applicant’s
Section 2. Associate Members. Any member in good standing of a Lioness or Leo club may
become an associate member by verification of the sponsoring Lions club.
Article III
Officers and Board of Directors
Section 1. The elected officers of this organization shall be: president, a vice president, secretary,
treasurer and six (6) directors. The elected officers and directors shall also comprise the board of
Section 3. Three (3) directors shall be elected each year for a term of two years. During the
club’s first year of operation, three (3) directors shall be elected for a term of one year; and three
(3) directors shall be elected for a two year term.
Section 4.
(a) In the event of a vacancy arising in any office, the board of directors of this organization
may fill the same for the remainder of the term.
(b) Any officer may be removed for cause by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the board of
directors of this organization.
Section 5. The term of office for each officer shall commence upon installation at the annual
meeting and shall end at the election and installation of his/her successor.
Section 6. No officer or director shall receive any compensation for services in performance of
the duties of his/her office, except reimbursement for duly approved administrative expenses.
Section 7. No officer or director may serve more than two (2) consecutive terms in office.
Article IV
Duties of the Officers
Section 1. President. The president shall have general supervisory powers over matters
concerning this organization. He/she shall be an ex-officio member of all committees. He/she
shall preside at the annual meeting of the organization and at any meeting of the board of
directors as shall be convened.
Section 2. Vice President. The vice president shall assist the president in the operation of the
club. He/she shall perform all duties of the president in the president’s absence, and shall
perform such other duties as may be assigned to him/her from time to time by the president.
Section 3. Secretary. The secretary shall keep an accurate account and a permanent record of the
meetings of this organization. He/she shall maintain a complete record of the membership of the
Section 4. Treasurer. The treasurer shall have general charge of all monies of the organization
and shall collect all dues. He/she shall make quarterly reports of the financial condition of the
organization to the board of directors. All funds shall be deposited in financial institutions as
shall be designated by the board of directors. He/she shall pay all bills and obligations against the
club as authorized by the board of directors or as budgeted for in the annual budget. He/she
shall, if required by the board of directors, give bond in such sums as may be stipulated by the
Article V
Annual Meeting and Elections
Section 2. Election of Officers. The election of officers shall occur during the annual meeting
according to the following procedure:
(a) The nominating committee shall submit the names of candidates for the various offices to
be filled by election at the annual meeting. Additional nominations may also be made
from the floor. When no additional nominations are forthcoming, the president shall
declare nominations closed.
(b) The election shall be by ballot by those present and qualified to vote. A simple majority
vote shall be necessary to elect. In the event there is only one nominee, a voice vote may
be taken.
Article VI
Section 1. The following committees shall be appointed by the president as soon after the
election as possible:
(a) Nominating Committee. The nominating committee shall select a slate of officers and
directors to be elected. Its slate shall be submitted to the secretary no later than sixty (60)
days prior to the annual meeting. The secretary will notify each member of the nominees
at the time that the notice of the annual meeting is given.
(b) Membership and Promotion Committee. This committee shall submit plans or ideas
which shall promote the activities and membership of the club.
(c) Convention Committee. This committee shall be responsible for the arrangement of
activities during the annual meeting.
Article VII
Fiscal Year
The fiscal year of the organization shall be from July 1 to June 30 annually.
Section 1. No member of this organization shall use his/her membership as a means of furthering
any personal, political, commercial or other aspiration, nor shall the organization, as a whole,
take part in any movement not keeping with its objects.
Section 2. No funds shall be solicited from members of this organization or the community
except in strict accordance with Article XII, Section 4 of the Lions Clubs International
Constitution and By-Laws.
Section 3. Jurisdiction of The International Association of Lions Clubs. This constitution may be
amended by action of the board of directors of The International Association of Lions Clubs.
Any provision of this constitution that is, or is found by said board to be in conflict with the
Lions Clubs International Constitution and By-Laws or any policy of the International Board of
Directors shall be null and void and of no force and effect. All officers, directors, members,
operations and activities of Lions Clubs International Internet Club shall be subject to and under
the exclusive jurisdiction of the International Board of Directors.
Section 4. This constitution may be amended by action of the board of directors of The
International Association of Lions clubs or by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the club
members present at any annual meeting, provided said amendment is later ratified by action of
the International Board of Directors. Said amendment shall not take effect until the International
Board of Directors has ratified the same.
Article IX
In the event of discontinuance of the activities of this organization, the board of directors shall
instruct the treasurer of this organization to donate the entire treasury balance, after full payment
of all debts, to a recognized charity such as LCIF.
International Convention shall commence no earlier than the third Friday in June and no later
than the first Friday in July.
1. Primary Bid Requirements – A city’s bid for the international convention will not be
considered prior to receipt by the Convention Division of a letter of endorsement in
support of a bid for a specific year from the presiding council of governors of a multiple
district (or the cabinet of a single district, in the absence of a multiple district) wherein
the city is located. This endorsement may not be withdrawn. Following a convention site
selection, the host single district or multiple district will receive annual updated
information on the progress of arrangements for the convention, particularly as it will
involve the host Lions.
A commitment of a minimum of 5,000 acceptable guest rooms, of which 75% are within
a 10-mile radius and the remaining 25% are within a 15-mile radius by a convention
shuttle, to the major convention hall facilities; air conditioned, as deemed necessary,
suitable for double occupancy, under contract between each participating property and
Lions Clubs International, each with full private bath facilities, either existing or under
construction, (the latter to be completed and available for inspection two (2) years prior
to the convention dates.)
No increase in room rates will be made after May 1, two years prior to the year in which
the convention is held.
In addition, the convention hall facilities must include a minimum of 170,000 square
feet of suitable space with sufficient auxiliary meeting rooms for convention offices,
air conditioned, as deemed necessary, to accommodate convention services such as
registration, certification, voting, club supplies, information, etc. This space must be
available Thursday, preceding convention week through the Saturday of convention
week for a total of ten (10) days, with sufficient storage space, through the following
A firm statement on the total cost for use of the proposed convention hall facilities
must be included in the bid.
b. Acceptable facilities must be provided for the proper functioning of the district
governors-elect school and convention headquarters hotel.
c. Each bidding city will be inspected as warranted, at the expense of the city, by the
chairperson of the international convention committee and convention division staff
prior to the board meeting where a convention site will be selected. Determination
for the site inspection will be made after all of the convention bids have been received
and in consultation with the chairperson of the international convention committee.
d. The International Board of Directors shall not select a convention city more than five
(5) years in advance.
4. Bid Forms – All cities wishing to bid for the international convention must file with the
international office properly executed bid forms, supplied by Lions Clubs International,
covering all necessary facilities required by Lions Clubs International, including
individual hotel contracts, by November 15, of the year prior to the board meeting when
the convention city is to be selected. The bids will be heard and a decision made at the
March/April board meeting each year.
All bidding cities shall be afforded equal opportunity in written presentation and
consideration of bids.
6. Bid Review and Preparation – All bids submitted for convention sites shall be
reviewed, prior to their submission to a meeting of the International Board of Directors,
by the general counsel and Convention Division manager, to assure that all terms thereof,
are consistent with board policy and that all such bids (together with all exhibits, housing
agreements, letters of authority, lease forms and other legal documents necessary to legal
completion thereof) are in hand and in form sufficient for submission to said board
meeting. The general counsel and Convention Division manager, in cooperation with the
international convention chairperson, shall take all steps necessary and proper to effect,
consistent with board policy, legal completion of all terms of any such bid prior to said
board meeting.
Such bids shall include, without limitation, signed housing agreements, in form approved
by the association, committing room and public space accommodations in the number
and kind required by board policy. Any bid which shall include a commitment of rooms
yet to be constructed shall contain a written statement detailing construction time tables
on such accommodations.
In the preparation of this evaluation, if it is determined that any bid is not in form
sufficient for inclusion in such evaluation, within the time specified, the bid shall not be
considered, nor submitted to the members of the International Board of Directors.
7. Bids and Contracts – The general counsel shall be responsible to see that all convention
bids and housing contracts are executed by the association and returned to the appropriate
parties within 180 days after the selection of the respective site by the International Board
of Directors.
a. The vice president who will preside as president, accompanied by one adult
companion, the Convention Committee chairperson, the Convention Division
manager, and the Convention Services and Housing Department managers shall make
a complete reinspection of the city approximately two years prior to convention to
establish that suitable facilities are still available.
b. The vice president, accompanied by one adult companion, may make a visit to the site
of the convention at which he/she takes office of president approximately two years
in advance for the purpose of inspecting and recommending hotels/ facilities for the
district governors-elect seminar.
c. The president, accompanied by one adult companion may make a visit to the site of
the convention over which he/she will preside as president approximately one year in
10. Reinspection Report – The Convention Committee shall report the results of the
inspection at the board meeting immediately following such reinspection.
11. Details of convention city bids shall remain strictly confidential and not be disclosed to
other bidding cities.
1. Registration Fee
a. The board of directors interprets the language of Article II, Section 6 of the
International By-Laws to mean that payment of the convention registration fee is
required to attend any business session, official proceeding or convention activity
including entry into any merchandise or exhibit area, unless otherwise authorized by
the International Board of Directors’ Convention Committee or its designee.
b. The registration fee, which includes the convention activity coupons, shall be
established at the March/April meeting of the board of directors of the year which
precedes the convention.
c. Any child under 18 who wishes to secure an official convention badge, convention
program and/or attend any official convention event that requires proof of registration
will be required to pay the children’s fee approved by the board of directors for a
given convention.
b. The convention committee shall establish the individual room reservation cut-off
date. The cut-off date shall be determined no later than the closing session of the
March/April board meeting of the year preceding the convention.
c. Refunds of deposits for group room blocks consisting of 10 or more rooms shall be
allowed until May 1 of the convention year.
d. Refunds for pre-registrations cancelled shall be allowed until May 1 of the convention
e. A processing fee of US$5.00 will be charged for changes to each registration and/or
each housing request. A processing fee of US$5.00 will be charged for each
cancellation. A processing fee of US$5.00 will be withheld from each approved
refund for housing and/or each approved refund for registration. Special exceptions
for any of the above requests to be at the discretion of the International Convention
Committee Chairperson. This will be effective with the 2001 convention in
Housing requests received after these dates shall be assigned if rooms are available.
Appropriate notice of these deadlines shall be publicized in Lion Magazine and in
such additional newsletters and bulletins necessary to accomplish this purpose.
5. Housing Procedures – All hotel room reservation requests must be processed through
the Convention Division of Lions Clubs International. All reservations must be
individually filed by Lion name, address, and club name on the official forms designated
by Lions Clubs International. All hotel room reservations will be returned to individual
Lions, or to a party, duly authorized by a multiple district council or district cabinet to
coordinate group housing arrangements.
6. Headquarters Hotel – Hotel rooms in the international headquarters hotel shall be made
available to the following and their families:
a. The international family
b. Past international presidents
c. Past international directors
d. Headquarters staff
After rooms are assigned in the international headquarters hotel to those listed above,
housing may be allocated, as available, to the multiple districts of the:
a. International president
b. Immediate international past president
c. International first vice president
d. International second vice president
8. Reserve Housing for Each District Governor – District governors will be allocated
rooms at their district headquarters hotel if there is assignment of district headquarters.
This allotment of rooms will be held until the cut-off date for individual reservations.
District governors will be required to remit their room reservation deposit with their
official housing request.
2. Meal Functions – Ticket costs for meal functions shall be made on a basis that the entire
cost of the function will be covered in the tickets sold. Such functions are not to be
subsidized by Lions Clubs International.
3. Shows and Entertainment Review and Bid Proposal – Shows and entertainment
format, acts and special effects shall be reviewed by the Convention Committee before
finalization with show producers. Selection of producers through review of bid proposals
shall be the joint responsibility of the Convention Division and the Convention
4. Flag Ceremony
b. Except as the board of directors may from time to time otherwise determine, the flag
of the host country shall follow the flag of the country that gave the organization
birth, which will be preceded by the remainder of the flags in the inverse order in
which they entered Lionism.
5. Memorial Service – Only present and past executive officers and directors, who have
died since the previous convention, shall be named in the memorial service.
6. Parade Participation
a. The single or multiple district of the international president will lead the parade,
followed by the single or multiple district of the immediate past president, the first
vice president and the second vice president, respectively. The parade will continue
with international delegations wearing traditional costumes and carrying an
association approved flag. The parade order of march will alternate each year as
(1) M to A - then Z to N
(2) N to Z - then A to M
(3) A to Z
(4) Z to A
The host district will be last, unless it is the home of an executive officer.
b. Vehicles shall be provided for the international family in the following order:
Immediate Past President
First Vice President
Second Vice President
Past Presidents
c. Leos of the World shall be included in the parade order of march following the
International Family. Leos shall be allowed to carry the Leo flag.
d. Delegations may submit a request to the convention committee to modify the parade
order and march together with other international delegations no later than October 1
of the convention year.
e. Delegation participation in the parade shall be limited to Lions from countries and
geographical areas officially recognized by Lions Clubs International.
b. Shipment of Gifts – The Convention Division shall arrange for packing and shipping
of convention gifts for directors and past presidents. Lions Clubs International’s cost
of packing is borne by Lions Clubs International, while the Directors or Past
International Presidents are to pay all shipping charges.
3. Convention Awards
4. Activity Coupons/Tickets
Two activity coupons shall be provided without charge to each past international
director in attendance at the convention for use by him/her and one adult companion.
b. Two tickets for the past international presidents and past international directors
banquets at the international convention shall be furnished without charge to each
past international president and past international director in attendance for use by
him/her and one adult companion.
5. Housing
6. Official Banquets
a. General
(1) The international president shall appoint a chairperson for each banquet.
b. Arrangements
(1) Past International Presidents and Past International Directors Banquet: The
head table shall include the following Lions and their adult companions. The
immediate past international president, first vice president, banquet chairperson
and a past president or past director selected by the international president to
represent him/her.
(2) District Governors and Past District Governors Banquet: The head table shall
include the following Lions and their adult companions, the international
president, second vice president, banquet chairperson, administrative officers and
past district governors selected by the immediate past president and first vice
president to represent them. The international directors shall be seated in a
reserved area.
c. Procedures
1. Make-up of the Credentials Committee – The president shall appoint all members (a
constitutional requirement). It is recommended that the chairperson and vice chairperson
of this committee be selected by the president. Other members to be selected as follows:
2. Make-up of the Elections Committee – The president shall appoint the chairperson, the
vice chairperson, and three other members who under the direction of the chairperson,
shall supervise all phases of the election procedure from the point of the ballots being
placed in the ballot boxes and including the receipt and distribution of blank ballots and
a. Not less than five nor more than fifteen members to be selected by each candidate for
each executive officer position for which there is more than one candidate.
d. One member of the committee selected by each candidate for an executive officer
position shall be designated by the chairperson as observers. The observers, together
with the chairperson of the committee, shall also constitute a Judging Committee
(within the Elections Committee) to rule as to the legality of all questionable ballots.
All other members of the committee shall perform such duties as are assigned to them
by the chairperson and/or vice chairperson; provided, however, that one member
selected by each director candidate, as designated by the chairperson of the
committee, may also observe any phase of the counting procedure at any time.
It shall be the duty of those persons making the selections for appointment to this
committee to make sure that all such appointees accept their appointments and appear
for duty promptly as directed, and such appointees not so reporting for duty may be
replaced by the chairperson from among a list of alternate committee members
appointed by the president – such alternate committee members to be selected by the
president on as equitable a basis as practicable from the seven (7) geographical areas
of Lionism.
4. Elections Committee Voting Time – Members of the Elections Committee who have
been certified as voting delegates shall be permitted to vote prior to any other delegates in
order that they may report for their assigned duties as early as possible. Elections
Committee badges shall be accepted by the sergeants-at-arms for permitting advance
entry to the voting area.
b. Candidates for the office of international director, following their nomination for such
office by the chairperson of the Nominations Committee, shall be allowed not to
exceed two (2) minutes during which time they may speak to the delegates assembled
or, if they choose to do so, have someone speak in their behalf, or at their election
utilize said period for a combination of such purposes.
c. At the conclusion of the association’s business session during which nominations for
such offices are scheduled, candidates may remain in the convention hall,
immediately upon recess or adjournment, for a period of approximately thirty (30)
minutes during which time delegates may meet and talk with them. Candidates may
make themselves available in front of the stage at the front of the hall.
d. The Official Convention Program shall contain a statement at the end of this business
session schedule as follows:
Candidates for all offices who choose to do so will remain in the convention hall in
front of the stage, for a period of approximately thirty (30) minutes, where delegates
will have an opportunity to talk with them.
a. No candidate for the office of second vice president or international director shall be
permitted to speak at any official function of the international convention or District
Governors-elect Seminar.
International president
First vice president
Second vice president
Directors from Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Indonesia and the islands
of the South Pacific Ocean
Directors from South America, Central America, Mexico and Islands of the
Caribbean Sea
Directors from the United States of America and its affiliates, Bermuda and the
b. Credentials – Dates and times for operation of the credentials certification area will
be determined for a given convention by the International Board of Directors based
on recommendations from the Convention Committee. The following procedure will
be utilized in pre-certifying delegates and alternate delegates to the convention and in
confirming credentials at the convention.
iv. All Delegate/Alternate Delegate forms must be signed by the club president
or secretary or other duly authorized officer of such club. If other officers are
authorized to sign delegate and alternate delegate forms, a letter naming the
officer(s) and indicating the office(s) held, must be furnished for record,
signed by the club president and secretary.
The form must be signed by the club president or secretary, or other duly
authorized officer, of such club. The replacement delegate and replacement
alternate delegate must also sign this form. If no club officer is present, such form
may be signed by the district governor, district governor-elect or second vice
district governor of the district in which the club is located.
ii. Credential Card: The computer will prepare a two part credential card
indicating the club name and club identification number and delegate’s name.
These shall be numbered consecutively. Two signature lines will be included,
Line numbered “1” and Line numbered “2.” These copies will be a color
different from the original.
vi. Credentials personnel will print out delegate’s credential card (prepared by
the staff from names submitted by clubs by May 1) or alternate delegate’s
credential card or credential certificate, as the case may be, shall be prepared
by the credentials personnel. The delegate’s card number shall be entered in
the credential computer records.
vii. The delegate must sign the electronic signature pad on signature line “1.”
The delegate’s signature will be retained on the computer.
viii. Credentials personnel shall give the delegate copy of the credential card to
the delegate and the delegate must present such copy to the voting personnel
in order to secure a ballot. Credentials personnel shall star the top and bottom
sections of the alternate delegate’s credential certificate and give the bottom
section to the alternate delegate. The alternate delegate’s signature will be
retained on the computer.
ix. Credentials personnel shall file the original signed delegate’s credential card
and the top section of the starred alternate delegate’s credential certificate in
the “certified” file.
i. To replace a delegate and/or alternate delegate who has not been certified, the
replacement must present a duly signed replacement form.
iii. On the day of voting, a duly certified alternate delegate shall be allowed to
obtain a ballot(s) and vote in lieu of a duly certified delegate from the same
Lions club by presenting his/her copy of his/her alternate delegate credential
certificate together with the copy of the certified delegate’s credential card to
the voting personnel at which time the voting personnel will change name on
this card to the name of the certified alternate delegate, have alternate
delegate sign his/her name on signature line 2, certify his/her signature with
the signature of alternate delegate on file in the computer and otherwise
follow the foregoing procedure, except that the copy of the certified alternate
delegate’s credential certificate shall be retained by the voting personnel and
stapled to the certified delegate’s credential card and stamped “voted,” the
copy of which shall be returned to the Elections Committee. Alternate
delegates who were not certified cannot replace a certified delegate or
uncertified delegate.
Delegates and/or alternate delegates not precertified by the club and wishing
to be certified must, following registration, submit required identification and;
i. Present the completed delegate and/or alternate delegate form signed by the
club president or secretary, or other duly authorized officer of such club or, if
no such club officer is present, by the district governor, district governor-
elect or second vice governor of the district in which such club is located; or
c. Voting
In case of equipment or power failure or other significant event, the members of the
Credentials Committee and the Elections Committee chairperson and vice
chairperson in consultation with the Constitution and By-Laws Committee of the
International Board of Directors may, by the decision of a majority of its members,
implement a manual rather than computerized procedure to facilitate the timely
voting of delegates and alternate delegates. Said manual procedures shall be
consistent in principle with these rules and preserve the integrity of the voting
(1) Unless otherwise determined by action of the international board, voting will be
held between 7:00 am and 10:00 am on the final day of the convention.
(2) The use of voting machines in connection with elections and other matters
requiring a secret ballot is hereby authorized subject to a determination by the
Executive Committee that such use is feasible and practicable, the same to be
purchased or rented as may be determined by the Executive Committee.
(3) The voting area will use similar physical setup and personnel as are used for
certification of credentials, with supervision by the Credentials Committee. Each
voting station (language area) will be assigned a number for identification
purposes which shall be used on all records referring to said voting station.
(4) To secure a ballot (candidate ballot and constitution ballot), the delegate must
report to his/her appropriate language station (language area which will be easily
identifiable by a language sign).
(5) The delegate will present the duplicate signed copy of the credential card to the
voting personnel. The voting personnel will display the signature on the computer
screen and have the delegate sign on signature line “2.” The signature must be
(6) The voting personnel will stamp “voted” on the delegate credential card handed to
them by the delegate and retain the delegate stamped credential card for return to
the Elections Committee to secure additional ballots. The delegate will be given a
separate receipt as evidence that he/she has voted.
(8) The voter shall indicate his/her vote by filling in the broken arrow opposite the
name of the candidate of his/her choice and opposite the “yes” or “no” box
opposite the respective resolution of amendment. A filled in arrow must be placed
in the proper line to constitute a vote. Any ballot containing votes for more or less
than the specified number of offices to be filled in any section shall be declared
invalid as to that particular section.
When the delegate has completed voting on both sides of ballot, he/she shall place the
ballot in a secured “voted ballot” container. In the event a delegate spoils his/her
ballot, he/she may return the ballot to Elections Committee personnel, who shall
issue him/her a new ballot. Elections Committee personnel shall maintain all
spoiled ballots in a secured container.
(9) A duly certified alternate delegate shall be allowed to obtain a ballot and vote in
lieu of a duly certified delegate from the same Lions club by presenting his/her
copy of his/her alternate delegate credential certificate together with the copy of
the certified delegate’s credential card to the voting personnel at which time the
voting personnel will change name on this card to the name of the certified
alternate delegate, have alternate delegate sign his/her name on signature line 2
(original and duplicate), certify his/her signature with signature of alternate
delegate on file in the computer, and otherwise follow the foregoing procedure,
except that the copy of the certified alternate delegate’s credential certificate shall
be retained by voting personnel and stapled to the certified delegate’s credential
card and stamped “voted” on the copy, of which shall be returned to the Elections
Committee to secure ballots.
d. Voting Procedure – The Elections Committee will oversee the voting, count ballots,
conduct a thorough audit and prepare and present specified reports of the election
results. The chairperson of the Elections Committee shall call a meeting of his/her
entire committee at a time and place sufficiently prior to the opening of voting to
provide adequate instruction in the procedures to be followed.
The ballots for amendments to the International Constitution and By-Laws shall be
printed in all official languages of the association.
(2) The printer shall deliver the blank ballots to the Elections Committee chairperson
or vice chairperson at a designated time and place, determined by the Elections
Committee chairperson, who shall take responsibility therefore, check the
numerical sequence to determine that all ballots are accounted for, and will
distribute and collect ballots from the voting personnel. Blank ballots shall be
kept secured in locked containers at all times, except when removed for
distribution to voting personnel.
(3) The Elections Committee will initially provide each voting station (language area)
with two bundles of 50 ballots each.
(4) When the voting station (language area) has distributed 50 ballots in an official
language to certified delegates, the Elections Committee will replace the same
with 50 additional ballots and collect the 50 credential cards (marked “voted”)
collected in distributing the previous 50 ballots. The chairperson or vice
chairperson of the Elections Committee shall secure all such “voted” credential
cards in locked trunks as they are collected.
(5) The Elections Committee shall supervise all phases of the election procedures
from the point of the ballot being placed in the “voted ballot” containers and
including the receipt and distribution of blank ballots and the security of “voted
ballot” and “voted” credential cards and the counting of votes cast, in accordance
with the established procedures.
(6) Only the Elections Committee will have access to the secured “voted ballot”
(7) If a delegate reports to the voting area without the duplicate credential card, or
claims he/she lost or misplaced his/her credential card, he/she must go to “Lost
Credentials” area and must properly identify himself/herself. The voting
personnel will display the original credential card and have the delegate sign on
signature line “2.” When the signatures are verified, the voting personnel will
mark the computer, “duplicate lost” and “voted” and retain a reprinted credential
card for return to the Elections Committee to secure additional ballots.
(1) The Elections Committee will have complete control and responsibility for ballots
which have been voted.
(2) The Elections Committee may commence the counting of the ballots at such time
as the chairperson of the Elections Committee shall direct. The ballot count shall
be made by an optical scanner. Periodically during the conduct of the election, at
the direction and under the supervision of designated Elections Committee
personnel, voted ballot will be removed from the “voted ballot” container,
delivered to the personnel operating the optical scanner and processed through the
same. At the conclusion of the voting and such counting, all ballots which have
been so processed, together with all spoiled ballots, shall be turned over to the
appropriate Elections Committee personnel, the designated Elections Committee
personnel will then take the totals “printed out” by the ballot counter machine,
prepare the required reports and submit the same to the convention.
The Elections Committee shall audit the ballot count as many times as it deems
necessary to assure an accurate count and report.
(3) The Elections Committee chairperson shall designate one member of the
committee selected by each candidate for an executive officer position, to serve as
observers and together with the chairperson, shall constitute a Judging Committee
(within the Elections Committee) to rule as to the legality of all questionable
votes. All other members of the committee shall perform such duties as are
assigned to them by the chairperson and/or vice chairperson; provided, however,
that one member selected by each director candidate as designated by the
chairperson of the committee may also observe any phase of the counting
procedure at any time. It shall be the duty of those persons making the selections
for appointment to this committee to make sure that such appointees accept their
appointments and appear for duty promptly as directed, and such appointees not
so reporting for duty may be replaced by the chairperson from among a list of
alternate delegate committee members appointed by the president, such alternate
delegate committee members to be selected by the president on as equitable a
basis as practicable from the seven (7) geographical areas of Lionism.
(4) The Elections Committee will keep complete and accurate records of votes cast.
A separate record of all ballots declared to be invalid must be kept. All ballots
must be retained, both valid and invalid.
(5) No members of the Elections Committee shall be permitted to leave the counting
and tabulating area until all counting has been completed, except upon permission
of the chairperson or vice chairperson.
(6) The Elections Committee will make a complete and thorough audit of the number
of ballots cast and credential cards collected. They shall make a comparison and
(7) The Elections Committee will prepare and present a report of the results of the
elections at the final convention session for adoption by the delegates. Such
reports shall conform to requirements of the International Constitution and By-
(8) The Elections Committee shall submit the completed reports to the international
office along with all records of the election, such as ballots, credential cards,
credential book, tally sheets, etc.
(9) No bands or propaganda or election material shall be permitted in or near the area
where the voting takes place. Lions Clubs International employees may be
assigned as floor supervisors to assist the election committee in instructing
delegates on how to mark ballots, directing them to the ballot boxes and guiding
them to the exit area. The Information Technology Division Manager and his/her
assistant may assist in the operation and maintenance of the voting and ballot
counting machines.
(10) The vote on any proposed amendment to the International Constitution and By-
Laws shall be by printed ballot under the same rules as provided hereinabove for
election of officers. Voting on all questions other than election of association
officers and amendments to the International Constitution and By-Laws shall be
by such method as the presiding officer of the convention shall deem proper,
unless the assembled delegates shall otherwise provide.
(11) The current number of certified delegates, listed by state and country, shall be
posted in the credentials area each day.
(12) No candidate for international office may withdraw from the contest after the
Nominating Committee meeting.
(13) Election voting results shall be provided at the international convention to the
association’s executive officers, international directors, members serving on
board committees, past international presidents and to the newly elected
executive officers and international directors and unsuccessful international
candidates. In addition, a copy of the results of said election shall be made
available to any Lion upon request.
2. Reimbursement of Appointees
The association shall reimburse no more than five (5) of the following as designated by
the International President for their international convention expense, in line with
established Rules of Audit:
3. Reimbursement Procedures
3. Publicity and Notices of Seminars and Sessions – The Convention Division shall
properly publicize official sessions and seminars in applicable publications.
4. Suggestion Box – A suggestion box shall be utilized in an appropriate location where the
individual Lion can present ideas for consideration at the next annual convention.
1. Name Badges – The convention badge shall contain a medallion giving the year and
place of the convention.
2. Delegates – Delegate sticker shall show thereon the year of the convention.
3. Non-Lions – No Lions’ badges shall be provided for any group of non-Lions, unless
approval has been granted by the board of directors of the association.
5. Staff Badges – All headquarters staff at conventions shall wear a name badge attached
with an easily-identified ribbon that says “STAFF.”
2. All official exhibitors at the International Convention shall be permitted to conduct sales
in their designated booth space so long as the items do not include the Lions Clubs
International emblem and the association approves the items in advance.
The excellence awards were created to recognize District Governors, First Vice District
Governors, Second Vice District Governors, Region Chairpersons and Zone Clubs that reach
a standard of excellence in membership growth, club management and service. Criteria is
recommended by the District and Club Service Committee and approved by the International
Board of Directors.
1. Under the supervision of the district governor, each Lions club in the district may be
visited by district governor or other district officer once every year to facilitate successful
administration of the club. The visiting district officer must submit a District Governor’s
Meeting/Club Visitation Report for each visit.
a. Ensure the visited club is functioning within the rules and policies of the association
and conducting meaningful humanitarian service on a regular basis.
b. Convey the messages from international president, the board of directors, and the
d. Explore, together with club members, the future growth plan and improvement.
3. Visiting officers shall submit a visitation report within one month after a visitation is
4. The association shall reimburse expenses of the visiting district officer, approved by the
district governor.
1. Budget
The district governor will be provided a budget annually for district administration.
Annual budgets will be based on the average of the highest three (3) years of the last five
(5) years. The five years include the final approved budget for the immediate past district
governor as of March 31st, and actual expenses reimbursed for the four preceding district
Requested increases in allowable expenses for the current year will only be considered
based on geographical location of the district governor within the district, substantial club
growth or redistricting. All budget increase requests must be received by March 31st.
2. Submission of Claims
a. Official Form
Expense claims by a district officer other than the district governor must be signed by
the district governor and representative. The claims must comply with Rule No. 3.a.
below. Reimbursement will be on the same basis as the governor’s and payment
forwarded to the district governor for mailing to the representative.
c. Deadline
Claims must be submitted monthly, by the 20th of the following month (i.e. July
claims are due by August 20th). If claims are received more than 60120 days or later
after the deadline, they will not be considered or allowed. [Change to 60 days takes
effect July 1, 2014]
FY 2014-15
Month Claim Due Deadline for submission
a. Club Visits
In general, the district governor will be reimbursed for the expenses related to one
official annual visit to each club in the district. Visits cannot exceed one day’s
duration. To maximize the budget allocated for club visits, district governors are
encouraged to utilize technology to communicate with club officers, meet with club
officers during multiple club events and visit more than one club in any one day when
possible. The district governor may also delegate club visits to his/her vice governors,
region chairpersons or district cabinet members who may be located closer to the
club. While the district budget is limited, utilizing the budget effectively will afford
the district governor the ability to be reimbursed for attending district level meetings
outlined in paragraphs b., c. and d. of this section.
Reimbursement will not be made for club visits where roundtrip travel exceeds 600
miles (966 kilometers), unless more than one club is visited. In general, such visits
should be assigned to a representative. The only exceptions are (1) for a presentation
of charter to a new Lion clubs which also will be considered the one official annual
visit for the year, or (2) if advance written approval for a single club visitation is
received from the Finance Division.
In addition to the official annual visit, expenses will also be reimbursed in the
following circumstances:
(1) Visits to clubs in the process of organization, but not yet chartered not to
exceed two per prospective club.
(2) Charter presentations to new Lions clubs, 25th, 50th, and 75th charter
anniversaries to existing clubs.
(3) Visits to seriously weak clubs and clubs canceled during the past 12
months, provided advance written permission is received from the District
and Club Administration Division.
(4) Second visits to clubs in priority status and additional visits upon approval
from the District and Club Administration Division.
Reimbursement will be made for one day’s attendance at one sub-district club officers
orientation, held within the district, provided that the orientation is held within 60
days prior to or after the international convention. The district governor is only
reimbursed for travel expenses to the border of the district if the meeting is held
outside the single or sub-district.
Reimbursement will be made for attendance at four cabinet and/or district convention
meetings, held within the district, not to exceed two days and two nights each. The
district governor is only reimbursed for travel expenses to the border of the district if
the meetings are held outside the single or sub-district. Expenses related to the
planning, organization or promotion of district functions cannot be submitted for
reimbursement. [Highlighted changes take effect July 1, 2014]
Reimbursement will be made for attendance at GMT or GLT meetings, and Club
Excellence Process workshops held within the district, subject to availability of funds
in the annual budget authorized by the association for the district governor's budget.
The district governor is only reimbursed for travel expenses to the border of the
district if the district meeting is held outside the single or sub-district. Expenses
related to the planning, organization or promotion of district functions cannot be
submitted for reimbursement. [Highlighted changes take effect July 1, 2014]
District governors whose district is part of a multiple district may submit claims for
attendance to three multiple district hosted functions, held within the multiple district,
(i.e. council meeting, multiple district conferences, multiple district conventions, or
multiple district GMT, GLT, CEP meetings) not to exceed three days and three nights
each. Expenses related to the planning, organization or promotion of district or
multiple district functions cannot be submitted for reimbursement. The district
governor is only reimbursed for travel expenses to the border of the multiple district if
the multiple district meetings are held outside the multiple district. [Highlighted
changes take effect July 1, 2014]
In general, the district governor will be reimbursed for the expenses related to one
official annual visit to each Leo club in his/her district. Visits are optional and cannot
exceed one day’s duration. It is suggested that more than one Leo club be visited in
any one day and Leo club visits made in conjunction with Lions club visits. Expenses
will also be reimbursed in the following circumstances:
a. Automobile
The allowance for automobile is US$.41 per mile (US$.25 per kilometer), all
inclusive. If a car rental is used, reimbursement would be the US$.41 per mile or
US$.25 per kilometer, all inclusive.
b. Railroad
If rail travel is used, first class and Pullman (roomette) fare will be reimbursed,
provided that cancelled tickets are attached to the claim.
c. Transportation by Air
(1) Tickets must be economy round-trip airline ticket by the shortest and most
direct route.
(2) Use of personal aircraft or charter flight requires the advance approval of the
association. If the equivalent commercial fare cannot be established,
reimbursements will be on a basis of US$.41 per mile (US$.25 per kilometer).
d. Other
Taxi fare, shuttle buses, tolls, ferry, parking and other travel related expenses will be
reimbursed with proof of payment.
Reimbursement will be made for actual costs only, not to exceed US$75.00 per night.
The district governor should enter itemized hotel charges by date, and attach the
original itemized bill to the Travel Expense Claim. The itemized bill, in the district
governor’s name, must show payment and/or balance due of zero. Note that facsimile
and electronic copies may be acceptable and may be considered as original.
f. Meals
Reimbursement will be made for actual costs only, not to exceed US$25.00 per meal.
Such costs must be itemized on the expense report form and original itemized receipts
must be attached to the Travel Expense Claim. Note that facsimile and electronic
copies may be acceptable and may be considered as original. No alcoholic beverages
will be reimbursed.
g. Office Expenses
A monthly office allowance of US$20.00 plus US$1.00 per Lions club may be
claimed. The district governor must submit the District Governor Travel & Office
Expense Claim to request reimbursement. The number of Lions clubs in the district
will be fixed for the entire term based on the June 30th Cumulative Report.
1. Lions Clubs International will reimburse authorized travel expenses for district
governors-elect as follows:
a. All travelers are expected to follow the annual guidelines provided by Lions Clubs
International Travel Department when making travel arrangement.
b. One (1) economy round-trip airline ticket for the district governor-elect by the
shortest and most direct route for the approved travel dates only. Reimbursement for
one (1) economy roundtrip airline ticket for one eligible adult companion will be
provided based on actual cost not to exceed US$500.00. See D.3. and D.4 for
limitations on reimbursement.
c. Ticket reimbursement will be based upon the lowest logical standard or discounted
economy class fare for the period of travel. Reimbursement will be made upon the
submission of an expense claim and original receipts.
e. If mode of transportation is bus, train or boat/ferry, total expenses are not to exceed
1.5 the most reasonable available negotiated airfare by the shortest and most direct
route (as determined in Paragraph 1.b.) for the district governor-elect and one adult
companion. If no companion is attending, then only one airfare is reimbursed.
Reimbursement will be made upon the submission of an expense claim and original
a. Hotel room for nine (9) days up to maximum allowable amount to be set by the Board
of Directors each year.
b. Seven (7) days meal expense up to maximum allowable amount to be set by Board of
Directors each year.
3. The expense for the district governor-elect of a district below 35/1250 for over 2 years or
provisional district to attend the district governors-elect seminar and the international
convention will be reimbursed according to the policies established annually by the board
but not the expense of the companion, with an exception of provisional districts which
have been in the provisional designation more than 30 years.
4. Districts below 35/1250 for over 2 years and Provisional districts showing a net
membership gain in a full fiscal year will have the travel expenses for the adult
companion reimbursed as provided by policy for that year’s district governor to attend
the District Governors-Elect Seminar.
1. The territory of chartered Lions clubs shall be divided into districts and administrative
units as provided herein.
a. A single district is a defined territory in which the clubs may elect a district governor.
e. A provisional region is a defined territory consisting of nine (9) to sixteen (16) clubs
in an otherwise undistricted territory.
f. A provisional zone is a defined territory consisting of three (3) to eight (8) clubs in an
otherwise undistricted territory.
g. The titles “provisional district,” “single district,” and “sub-district,” and definitions
thereof, shall be and are used solely for purposes of clarity of intent and shall not be
considered as required titles for districts which they concern. For all other purposes of
the association, provisional districts, single districts, and sub-districts shall be referred
to and known simply as districts.
a. At the time three (3) to eight (8) Lions clubs have been chartered in any nation,
colony or territory that is otherwise undistricted, the international president, with the
concurrence of the board of directors, shall have the power to form such clubs into a
provisional zone. The delegates of the clubs which comprise said provisional zone
may elect a provisional zone chairperson.
b. When nine (9) to sixteen (16) Lions clubs have been chartered in any nation, colony
or territory that is otherwise undistricted, the international president, with the
concurrence of the board of directors, shall have the power to form such clubs into a
provisional region. The delegates of the clubs which comprise said provisional region
may elect a provisional region chairperson. The provisional region chairperson shall
divide the region into zones and shall appoint one zone chairperson for each zone in
the region.
1. When seventeen (17) or more Lions clubs have been chartered with a total of four
hundred fifty (450) Lions within the confines of a nation, colony or territory that has no
other districts, the international president, with the concurrence of the board of directors,
shall have the authority to form such clubs into a provisional district and to appoint a
district governor, where it appears to be in the best interests of the association, and of the
clubs to be involved in such provisional district.
The district governor so appointed shall form a cabinet of district officers of at least five
(5) members, in accordance with the International By-laws Article 8, Section 6 District
2. The effective date of a new provisional district is at the close of the International
Convention following its approval date.
3. The board of directors shall appoint the governor of a provisional district annually.
Provisional districts must submit the recommendation of a qualified Lion to serve as
district governor no later than March 1st of each year to the District and Club
Administration Division. It is recommended that provisional districts hold the annual
conventions prior to the March 1 due date so a recommendation can be made using the
district election process set forth in the International Constitution and By-Laws. In cases
when the convention cannot be held prior to March 1st, a special meeting may be called to
select a candidate to recommend to the board of directors. It is recommended that the
district promote the first vice district governor to the district governor elect position. A
vote of “no confidence” cannot take place at a special meeting. If the Lions who attend
the special meeting fail to recommend the first vice district governor as district governor
elect, then the district must hold a special meeting of the club delegates of the district to
recommend a district governor elect in accordance with the district governor election
process. The election process must meet the requirements as outlined in International By-
Laws Article IX District Convention and Elections and conducted in accordance with the
provision of the respective district constitution and bylaws. It should be further noted that
in all cases the outcome of the convention or the special election is only a
recommendation to the board and in all cases, the International board of directors will
make the final appointment. When the recommended Lion is not the district’s first vice
district governor, the district must submit a written explanation detailing the reason why
the first vice district governor was not recommended.
4. Upon reaching a minimum of 35 clubs and 1,250 members in active status as reported on
the association’s cumulative membership report ending June 30, the provisional district
will be recognized as a full district at the beginning of the following fiscal year.
Transitional districts are districts that are not provisional districts and have fewer than 35
active clubs or1,250 active members as reported on the association’s monthly cumulative
report. Transitional districts remain in transitional status until the district reaches 35 active
clubs and 1,250 active members.
A club may transfer from one district to an adjacent district and boundaries changed
accordingly without the necessity of following the formal redistricting procedures if such
transfer does not substantially change the existing district boundaries. The approvals of a
majority of the members of the club, the current district governors of the respective adjacent
districts, and the district governors’ cabinets of the respective adjacent districts are required.
Documents signifying the approvals are submitted to the international office for review and
The following policy shall apply with respect to each redistricting proposal submitted to the
board of directors pursuant to Article VIII, Section 3 of the International By-Laws:
1. All redistricting proposals must be submitted and filed with international office 60
days prior to the October board meeting.
2. The single or multiple district seeking approval shall submit the following:
3. When a proposal divides an existing sub-district, the name of one of the new sub-
districts shall be the same as that of the original sub-district, if circumstances so
4. All approved redistricting proposals shall take effect at the adjournment of the next
international convention. New districts are allowed to elect its governor and vice
governor for the following fiscal year.
6. Proposals that do not meet the requirements above or otherwise are deemed
incomplete will be returned to the applicant for reapplication at a later date.
Subsequent applications must meet the requirements noted above and include a
revised list of clubs and a certified copy of the minutes of the most recent respective
convention of the redistricting single district or sub district(s) as well as a certified
copy of the most recent multiple district minutes noting that the revised proposal was
approved. If reapplication occurs after 12 months of the initial application, the
application fee of US$500 is required for the new application.
Only a Lions club member may be appointed as a district GMT or GLT Coordinator. A
district GMT and GLT Coordinator shall be appointed for a three year term by the district
governor in consultation with the respective GMT and GLT Area Leader, GMT-MD and
GLT-MD Coordinators (where applicable), First Vice District Governor and Second Vice
District Governor, The following coordinator positions are officially approved and
recommended as outlined in section M. of this chapter.
2. District Chairperson
Any other tabs with the words “District Chairperson” shall be made available for
purchase from the Club Supplies and Distribution Division.
The first vice district governor, subject to the supervision and direction of the district
governor, shall be the chief administrative assistant and representative of the district
governor. His/her specific responsibilities shall be, but not limited, to:
a. Further the purposes of this association;
b. Perform such administrative duties assigned by the district governor;
c. Perform such other functions and acts required by the International Board of
d. Participate in the cabinet meetings, and conduct meetings in the absence of the
district governor, and participate in council meetings as appropriate;
e. Assist the district governor in the review of the strengths and weaknesses of the
clubs in the district, identifying the existing and potential weak clubs and
establishing plans to strengthen them;
f. Conduct club visitation as the representative of the district governor when
requested by the district governor;
g. Serve as the District Governor Team liaison between the District Global
Membership Team, working as an active member of the District Global
Membership Team along with the District Governor, Second Vice District
Governor and other Global Membership Team members to establish and
implement a district-wide plan for membership growth;
h. Work with the District Governor, Second Vice District Governor, and the Global
Leadership Team to develop and implement a district-wide plan for leadership
i. Work with the District Convention Committee and assist the committee to plan
and conduct the annual district convention and assist the district governor to
organize and promote other events within the district;
j. At the request of the district governor, supervise other district committees;
k. Participate in the planning of the next year including the district budget;
l. Familiarize himself/herself with the duties of the district governor so that, in the
event of a vacancy in the office of the district governor, he/she would be better
The second vice district governor, subject to the supervision and direction of the district
governor, shall be an assistant in the administration of the district, and representative of
the district governor. His/her specific responsibilities shall be, but not limited, to:
a. Further the purposes of this association;
b. Perform such administrative duties assigned by the district governor;
c. Perform such other functions and acts required by the International Board of
d. Participate in the cabinet meetings, and conduct meetings in the absence of the
district governor, and the first vice district governor and participate in council
meetings as appropriate;
e. Familiarize himself/herself with the health and status of the clubs in the district,
review the monthly financial report and assist the district governor and the first
vice district governor in identifying and strengthening the existing and potential
weak clubs;
g. Conduct club visitation, as the representative of the district governor, when
requested by the district governor;
h. Assist the district governor and first vice district governor in planning and
conducting the annual district convention;
i. Serve as the District Governor Team liaison between the District Global
Leadership Team, working as an active member of the District Global Leadership
Team along with the District Governor, First Vice District Governor and other
Global Leadership Team members to establish and implement a district-wide
leadership development plan:
j. Work with the District Governor, First Vice District Governor, and the Global
Membership Team to develop and implement a district-wide plan for membership
k. Work with the District Information Technology Committee and assist the
committee to promote the use of the association’s web site and the Internet among
the clubs and members to obtain information, file reports, purchase club supplies,
l. At the request of the district governor, supervise other district committees;
m. Assist the district governor, first vice district governor, and the cabinet in
planning of the next year, including the district budget;
n. Familiarize himself/herself with the duties of the district governor so that, in the
event of a vacancy in the offices of district governor and first vice district
governor, he/she would be better prepared toassume the duties and responsibilities
of said offices as the acting district governor or acting vice district governor until
the vacancies are filled according to these by-laws and rules of procedure adopted
by the International Board of Directors.
1. Lapel Pins
2. Decals
Decals are to be furnished free of charge to both current and past district governors.
1. Lists of membership of Lions clubs shall be issued on labels or magnetic media only to
districts (single, sub-, provisional or multiple) for use within their respective districts
when those making the request agree to pay the cost for preparing such lists. A written
statement should be presented by the district governor, or in a case of a multiple district,
the chairperson of the council of governors, stating the purpose of the lists and that the
lists shall not be used for political activity or commercial purpose. The respective district
(single, sub-, provisional or multiple) shall be assessed a US$5,000.00 penalty in the
event the labels or magnetic media are used in an improper manner or are duplicated
without authorization. Preparation of this information on magnetic media shall be limited
to the equipment available at the international headquarters.
2. Listing – No request for a list of district governors-elect shall be honored until such time
as the list is complete and ready for general distribution as vital information.
The requests shall include an agreement to pay the costs in preparing the list and a
statement of the purpose for which the list will be used. Specifically, the list shall not be
used for fundraising, political activity, nor functions with related outside business
Only a Lions club member may be appointed as multiple district GMT or GLT
coordinator. For multiple districts assigned to a GMT/GLT area or special area
comprised of 2 or more multiple districts, a multiple district GMT and GLT coordinator
shall be appointed for a three year term by the council of governors in consultation with
the respective GMT area leader or the respective GLT area leader and the council
For multiple districts assigned to a GMT/GLT area or special area comprised of less than
2 multiple districts, no multiple district GMT and GLT coordinator shall be appointed.
The following coordinator positions are officially approved and recommended as outlined
in Paragraph O. of this chapter.
Only a Lions club member may be appointed as a multiple district GMT or GLT
Coordinator. A multiple district GMT and GLT Coordinator shall be appointed for a three
year term by the council of governors in consultation with the respective Global
Membership Area Leader or the respective Global Leadership Area Leader and the
Council Chairperson. The following coordinator positions are officially approved and
recommended as outlined in section M. of this chapter.
Only a Lions club member may be appointed as a multiple district or district chairperson.
The council of governors shall appoint multiple district chairpersons. The following
multiple district chairpersons are officially approved and recommended:
1. Purpose
The Global Membership Team (GMT) and Global Leadership Team (GLT) operate as
interdependent, parallel structures to expand membership growth and enhance leadership
development. The objective of the GMT is to expand membership and club growth and
maximize club success. The objective of the GLT is to identify and cultivate effective
leaders through active training and leadership development initiatives.
Both the GMT and GLT work in coordination with the District Governor Team at the
district level, and the Council Chairperson and Council of Governors at the multiple
district level. The integrated efforts of the GMT, GLT and multiple district and district
leaders focus on effectively addressing regional growth and development needs while
building our membership base and improving club health, and enhancing the quality of
our leadership at all levels of the association.
a. International Level: The GMT and GLT structures are connected and coordinated at
the international level by an Executive Council. The GMT/GLT Executive Council is
c. Area Level: Up to 41 Area Leaders worldwide each for the GMT and GLT. GMT
and GLT have the same number of Area Leaders assigned to the same geographic
territory structure. In specific areas, one qualified Lion may serve as both the GLT
and GMT representative. Special Area Advisors may be added to support efforts in
remote or unique geographic regions. The Area Leaders representing both the GMT
and GLT interact continuously to effectively address area needs. GMT and GLT
Area Leaders are appointed by the International President, in consultation with the
First Vice President and the Second Vice President and GMT/GLT Constitutional
Area Leaders for a three year term, subject to annual review and confirmation of
appointment or removal based on performance.
e. Single District Level: Each single district has a GMT (GMT-D) and GLT (GLT-D),
each comprised of a GMT-D Coordinator or GLT-D Coordinator, and the District
Governor Team, Region Chairpersons (where applicable) and Zone Chairpersons,
with the First Vice District Governor serving as the primary GMT liaison to the
District Governor Team, and the Second Vice District Governor serving as the
primary GLT liaison to the District Governor Team. Other qualified Lions may be
added as necessary. The GMT-D and the GLT-D work in a cooperative manner.
Information related to the specific composition of the GMT-D is outlined in Chapter
X (Extension), paragraph K. of the Board Policy Manual.
When a new GMT/GLT three year term begins, the District Governor Team, in
consultation with the respective GMT and GLT Area Leader, is responsible for
appointing GMT-D and GLT-D members, including the GMT-D and GLT-D
Coordinators and other team members, for a three year term, subject to annual review
and confirmation of appointment or removal based on performance by the
International President. The District Governor Team, in consultation with the
respective GMT and GLT Area Leader, is responsible for appointing GMT-D and
GLT-D members when vacancies exist for the remainder of that term, subject to
annual review and confirmation of appointment or removal based on performance by
the International President.
f. Sub-District Level: Each sub-district has a GMT (GMT-D) and GLT (GLT-D), each
comprised of a GMT-D Coordinator or GLT-D Coordinator, and the District
Governor Team, Region Chairpersons (where applicable) and Zone Chairpersons,
with the First Vice District Governor serving as the primary GMT liaison to the
District Governor Team, and the Second Vice District Governor serving as the
primary GLT liaison to the District Governor Team. Other qualified Lions may be
added as necessary. The GMT-D and the GLT-D work in a cooperative manner.
Information related to the specific composition of the GMT-D is outlined in Chapter
X (Extension), paragraph K. of the Board Policy Manual.
When a new GMT/GLT three year term begins, the District Governor Team, in
consultation with the respective GMT and GLT Area Leader, and GMT-MD and
GLT-MD Coordinators (where applicable), is responsible for appointing GMT-D and
g. Vacancies and Reappointments: Given the need for continuity in order to maximize
results, GMT and GLT members (with the exception of the Joint Operations
Committee) are appointed for a three year term subject to annual review and
confirmation of appointment or removal based on performance by the International
President. Changes in GMT and/or GLT members should only be considered when
performance is below expectations and deemed unsatisfactory.
Reasons substantiating the appointment of a new GMT and/or GLT member shall be
detailed and submitted in writing to the Extension and Membership Division for
GMT or Leadership Division for GLT at LCI Headquarters, along with a written
action plan for orienting the GMT or and/or GLT new member.
GMT and GLT members may be reappointed for additional three year terms provided
that performance meets expectations, and ability and commitment to fulfill position
requirements supports such action.
3. Duties
The following summarizes the general duties of the GMT and GLT. Detailed
information related to the specific responsibilities of the GMT and GLT at the multiple
district, single district and sub-district levels appears in the position description for each
GMT and GLT position.
a. GMT
b. GLT
The name badges provided by the association shall have the Lions emblem, white
background, black lettering, and yellow, green or blue trimming line. International
president’s and adult companion’s badges may differ in color. The word “spouse,” “wife,”
“husband,” “son,” “daughter,” “partner,” or “partner in service,” or another appropriate term
may be substituted for “adult companion.”
a. International President
Rectangular-shape, horizontal, 3” x 2”, two blue diagonal stripes at the upper left-
hand corner (adult companion: same, except 2-3/4” x 1-3/4”)
e. District Governors
Oval shape, horizontal, 3” x 2” (adult companion: same)
g. Past District Governors (Provided free of charge only when completing the term as
district governor) Rectangular-shape, vertical, 2” x 3”(adult companion: same)
i. Other Staff
Rectangular-shape, horizontal, 2-3/4” x 1-3/4” (adult companion: none)
d. Badges of the adult companions of club or district officers shall have a green
trimming line. If requested, a Lions title in abbreviation can be added to the name as
DG, PDG, CC, PCC, ID, PID, IP, PIP. Also, if requested “Lion” can be added to the
1. Application
Application for a Lions club charter may be made to the association by any group, club or
assembly which has been duly organized and has elected officers. Such application,
signed by not less than such number of members as the International Board of Directors
shall require, shall be made, on forms provided, to the International Office of the
association and shall be accompanied by such charter fees as the International Board of
Directors shall determine. Upon approval thereof by said board, a charter, signed by the
president and secretary of the association shall be issued to such club. A Lions club shall
be considered chartered when its charter has been officially issued. The acceptance of
charter by a Lions club shall be ratification of, and agreement on its part to be bound by,
the constitution and by-laws of the association and a submission by said Lions club to
have its relationship with this association interpreted and governed by the constitution
and by-laws according to the laws in effect, from time to time, in the state of
incorporation of The International Association of Lions Clubs.
2. Documentation
No proposed club shall be issued a charter, entered upon the record of Lions Clubs
International or be officially recognized until the day the following items are received at
the International Headquarters in Oak Brook, Illinois, USA and approved by the
international board or its designee:
(1) No district, sub-district or club shall impose any charter fees in addition to those
specified in the Lions Clubs International constitution or authorized by board
(2) In countries other than the United States and Canada, a duplicate deposit slip from
a recognized banking institution of that country showing the funds credited to the
account of Lions Clubs International will fulfill the requirement of funds having
been received by Lions Clubs International.
All members joining a Lions club before charter night will be considered charter
members, provided the charter night is held within 90 days after the charter approval
date. All club charters will be closed, if not closed prior thereto, upon the expiration of
said 90 day period.
4. Club Sponsor
a. Every new club must be sponsored by a club, zone, region, district cabinet, or a
district committee as provided by the multiple district constitution and by-laws. The
new club sponsor shall be provided for from within the boundaries of the district in
which the club is located. The new club sponsor shall be thoroughly indoctrinated in
its responsibilities. A sponsoring club may be assisted by one or more co-sponsoring
clubs, as authorized by the district governor of the club location. The co-sponsoring
club may come from another district. In club extension in new countries, the
coordinating Lion shall assist.
b. The first club in a new geographical area shall be sponsored by a Lions club and/or its
district. Each additional club may be sponsored by Lions clubs from the initial
sponsoring district, as well as by Lions clubs from another district with the stipulation
that said sponsoring clubs acknowledge their full responsibility for sponsorship,
including assignment of qualified Guiding Lions, until the undistricted area is formed
into a provisional district. Under special circumstances, as determined by the board of
directors or the members of the Executive Committee, the sponsoring club may be
designated from an undistricted territory.
The criteria for the approval of a new club under these special circumstances shall be
any of:
(1) When no other existing districted Lions club is in close geographical proximity to
the proposed club.
(2) When no other districted club will act as sponsor, because of the implied financial
responsibility attached to such sponsorship.
(3) When members of a proposed sponsoring club have strong personal ties to the
proposed club and potential members.
(4) When financial subsidies from a sponsoring undistricted club may be the only
way to advance Lions membership in that area, because districted clubs are
unable to, or refuse to, advance Lionism. This is limited to charter fees only.
c. An embroidered Lions emblem surrounded by the words “New Club Sponsor,” which
may be mounted on the official club banner, will be presented to the sponsoring club.
a. A proposed Lions club must be known by the actual name of the “municipality” or its
equivalent governmental subdivision in which it is located. The term “municipality”
is construed to mean the city, town, village, prefecture, county or similar officially
named governmental unit. If the proposed club is not located within a municipality, it
must be known by the name of the most appropriate and locally identifiable official
governmental unit in which it is located.
c. The term “Host Club” shall be a title of prestige and recognition of the parent club in
the municipality. It shall carry no other special priority, benefits or privileges.
d. Lions clubs shall not be named after living individuals except those individuals who
have served in the position as president of Lions Clubs International.
f. The term “Leo” may be added as a distinguishing designation to the name of a Lions
6. Club Boundaries
The boundaries of the club shall be the boundaries of the municipality or equivalent
governmental subdivision in which the club is located, or within the boundary of a single,
sub, or provisional district within the jurisdiction of the district governor, with approval
of the district cabinet as provided by the multiple district and/or district constitution and
by-laws, where the club is located.
The date the charter application is approved will be the charter approval date. This date
will appear on the club charter and on the official association records.
a. The president and the secretary of Lions Clubs International shall sign all charters for
new clubs. The sponsoring club or district cabinet’s or district committee’s name will
also be shown.
b. Charters for new clubs shall be sent directly to the district governor or coordinating
Lion. An approved charter for an undistricted club shall be sent to the president of the
new club.
9. Dues
Charter member dues begin the first of the month following the date upon which the
member’s name was reported to the sponsoring club, coordinating Lion and Lions Clubs
International. The new Lions club will be billed for dues shortly after its charter is closed.
A district that charters ten or more new clubs in a fiscal year must provide verification
that the new clubs will be supported for long-term growth and therefore shall be required
to 1) submit a detailed plan outlining the support that the new club will receive; 2)
provide payment of one-half the annual International dues when the charter applications
are submitted; 3) have the charter applications certified by both the district governor and
the first vice district governor; 4) through December 31 of each fiscal year, when the First
Vice District Governor approval is not received, a charter application over the tenth, that
the GMT Area Leader approval may be substituted; and 5) each charter application will
require approval from the Membership Development Committee.
Clubs may form branches to permit the expansion of Lionism into locations where and when
circumstances do not support the formation of a charter club. The branch would meet as a
subsidiary with a branch president, secretary and treasurer serving as elected officers. These
three individuals, along with the branch liaison, make up the executive committee of the
branch. Offices held in a club branch are not eligible toward the qualifications required to run
for district office.
Club branches must follow the club name guidelines for new Lions clubs set forth in Board
The members of the branch would be encouraged to meet two or more times each month.
The members of the branch shall vote on activities of the branch as well as be voting
members of the parent club, when in attendance.
The branch members shall elect a president who shall serve on the parent clubs board of
directors and would be encouraged to attend general and/or board meetings of the parent club
to provide a report of planned branch activities, a monthly financial report and coordinate
efforts to encourage open discussion and effective communication between the branch and
the parent club. Members of the branch are encouraged to attend scheduled meetings of the
parent club. The parent club shall designate a member of the parent club as the branch liaison
to oversee the progress of the branch and provide ongoing assistance. This individual would
serve as the fourth officer of the club branch.
International, Multiple District and District dues are collected and paid by the parent club.
Members are added, deleted and recorded on the Monthly Membership Report of the parent
Branches must be located in the same district (single or sub-) as the parent club.
Branches may be formed in communities not currently served by a Lions club or in areas
served by clubs, with the written permission of the clubs that serve the community. A
community shall be defined as an interacting population of various individuals in a common
The parent club must notify the district governor of the formation of the proposed branch.
A branch may be dissolved by a majority vote of the entire membership of the parent club.
The members of the branch would remain active members of the parent club. Lions Clubs
International must also receive written notice from the parent club officers that the branch
was dissolved.
2) By a District Governor: The district governor may request that the International
Board of Directors review the development of a branch.
It is the intent of Lions Clubs International to encourage the development of new Lions
Clubs. However, it is recognized that in very limited instances circumstances may exist that
may have adverse impact and/or limit formation of a new club. The following rules of
procedure shall apply for hearing complaints concerning the proposed charter of a new Lions
A complaint will not be considered if the club was formed through an Lions Clubs
International extension initiative, new club development program or for reasons that do not
comply with International Board policy as determined by the Membership & New Club
Operations Department in consultation with the Legal division. The reasons may include, but
are not limited to the following: 1. Territorial Disputes – no club may claim exclusive rights
to a specific territory; 2. Name Restrictions – no club may protest the name of a new club,
unless the name does not comply with current board policy; 3. Boundary Restriction – no
club may restrict the territory of a new club; 4. Approval Restrictions – it is intended that
existing clubs encourage and mentor new Lions club, but they are not required to approve a
new club.
Document Distribution Guidelines: The party/parties to the complaint shall deliver all
documents and related copies to the manager, Membership & New Club Operations, for
distribution to the members of the Membership Development Committee and the
International Board of Directors. The party/parties to the complaint process shall not
distribute documents directly to individual directors, or to parties other than those listed in
this procedure.
1. Complaint
a. May be filed only by an established club whose charter area is directly affected (i.e.,
the proposed boundaries are within the boundaries of the protesting club) or by the
district governor of the district where the proposed club is to be chartered. A
complaint may not be filed by an individual member.
By a Club:
The written complaint must be approved at a general membership meeting of the club
and must first be filed with the district governor and the council chairperson with a
copy to the manager, Membership & New Club Operations, prior to the approval of
the club’s charter. If the district governor and/or the council chairperson cannot
resolve the problem within ten (10) days from the date the complaint is received by
the Membership & New Club Operations, the governor and/or the council chairperson
shall send their recommended solution to the Membership & New Club Operations.
b. A complaint, signed by a club officer or district governor, stating the reasons for the
protest and demonstrating why the proposed club will not be viable or will adversely
affect a present club’s existence must be received by mail, E-mail, fax, or other
writing at the International Headquarters prior to the proposed new club’s charter
e. Copy of the complaint must be forwarded by complainant at the same time and by the
same method of communication to the council chairperson, district governor,
manager, Membership & New Club Operations, and/or party/parties complained of.
Upon receipt of any such complaint, the manager, Membership & New Club
Operations, where feasible, may furnish by airmail a copy of the complaint to said
party/parties. In no event shall this relieve the complainant of his/her responsibility.
Verification of forwarding the complaint to the party/parties by the complaining party
shall be produced upon request.
2. Response:
Response to the complaint must originate from party/parties immediately involved only
and shall conform to the format provided in Section C below and be received in its
original form by mail, E-mail, or by courier service at the international office within at
least thirty (30) days after receipt of complaint.
a. The letter of complaint shall not exceed five (5) pages in length and shall be signed
by a club officer or the district governor. No request to exceed these page limits will
be granted. Exclusive of page limitations; a single cover page must contain from the
top of the page: (a) the district number; (b) the name, address, e-mail address and fax
number of the complaining party; (c) name, address, e-mail address and fax number
of the proposed new club; and (d) proposed new club charter date.
The International Board of Directors shall not be required to consider any complaint
or response to said complaint not received in accordance with the above stated
procedures or requirements.
Documentation for denied charters will be returned to the listed president of the
proposed new club. Charter applications may be resubmitted for approval at another
time when circumstances may change.
All protest information must be received by the Membership & New Club Operations
at least 15 days prior to the scheduled board meeting in order to be considered at that
board meeting.
It is important to note that any club that is received that does not have an official
protest filed with Lions Clubs International may be granted a charter.
4. After July 1 of each fiscal year, pending charters dated before May 1 of the previous
fiscal year will be sent to and must be reviewed by the current district governor. The
district governor shall either request a check from LCI and then return the pending
charter fees to the charter members of the pending club or elect to donate the pending
charter fees to LCIF on behalf of the district.
After July 1 of each fiscal year, pending charters dated after May 1 of the previous fiscal
year will be sent to the current district governor to either approve or disapprove. If the
district governor approves the club, all requested information and/or fees must be
received by the Membership Programs and New Clubs Marketing Department by August
31, at which time the club will be chartered. If the pending club does not move to newly
chartered status by August 31, the district governor must request a check from LCI and
then return the pending charter fees to the charter members of the pending club or donate
the pending charter fees to LCIF and the club will be closed. The LCI staff, in
consultation with the GMT Area Leader, will determine where the check is to be sent.
a. The following extension awards may be earned by individual Lions. There will be 15
awards of the same design, divided into three levels as follows:
(1) For organizing one Lions club – Extension Award Level 1 (with a blue insert)
(2) For organizing two Lions clubs – Extension Award Level 2 (with a blue insert)
(3) For organizing three Lions club – Extension Award Level 3 (with a blue insert)
(4) For organizing four Lions clubs – Extension Award Level 4 (with a blue insert)
(5) For organizing five Lions clubs – Extension Award Level 5 (with a blue insert)
(6) For organizing ten Lions clubs – Extension Award Level 6 (with a purple insert)
(7) For organizing fifteen Lions clubs – Extension Award Level 7 (with a purple insert)
(8) For organizing twenty Lions clubs – Extension Award Level 8 (with a purple insert)
(9) For organizing twenty-five Lions clubs – Extension Award Level 9 (with a purple
(10) For organizing thirty Lions clubs – Extension Award Level 10 (with a purple insert)
(11) For organizing forty Lions clubs – Extension Award Level 11 (with a gold insert)
(12) For organizing fifty Lions clubs – Extension Award Level 12 (with a gold insert)
(13) For organizing seventy-five Lions clubs – Extension Award Level 13 (with a gold
(14) For organizing one hundred Lions clubs – Extension Award Level 14 (with a gold
(15) For organizing one hundred fifty Lions clubs – Extension Award Level 15 (with a
gold insert)
Lions earning the award on or after July 1, 2013 shall receive the revised awards. They shall
not be presented retroactively.
a. No more than two extension awards shall be given for the organization of any club.
Said awards will be presented to the two Lions making the greatest contribution
toward the organization effort as determined by the district governor. Extension
award recipients cannot be from the club being organized unless they are active
transfer members or former members of Lions clubs or Lioness clubs. Selections shall
be reported to the international office by the district governor. In districts without a
district governor, the organizer(s) named on the application for Lions club charter
will determine the recipients of the extension award.
b. Extension awards shall be sent to the governor for presentation along with the club
charter. Extension awards shall be presented after a club has been chartered for a year
and a day. The extension award will be sent to the district governor for presentation
to club organizer(s).
Effective March 4, 2014
Chapter X
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c. A maximum time limit of six months after the charter approval date of a new club
shall be allowed for the request of an extension award.
e. A personal letter from the president of the association shall be sent to every Lion who
organizes a new club.
Each district showing a 5% net increase in clubs will qualify the GMT District
Coordinator to receive an appropriate award.
1. The following criteria shall be satisfied before a proposed club in any new country or
geographical area is submitted to the international board for charter approval.
a. The goals and purposes of Lions Clubs International can be accomplished under local
government structures.
b. Residents and citizens of a new country/ geographical area are free to join and
participate meaningfully in local Lions clubs.
c. Proposed Lions clubs and districts may operate under Lions Clubs International
Constitution and By-Laws.
i. A Guiding Lion shall be appointed prior to the formation of any club to insure that all
prospective members are fully aware of the responsibilities of being a Lion. This
Guiding Lion shall submit a report prior to the formation of any club, and periodic
reports after chartering of a new club, to monitor its progress.
j. In addition to the Guiding Lion overseeing the formation of the new club, a past
international president or past international director from the area, should visit the
club site and speak with all involved in the formation of this club. The past officer
should then submit a letter regarding his/her findings. The past officer should follow
up with the club after it is chartered and report back to the board on the club’s
k. Prior to the establishment of a new country, the sponsoring club of any proposed new
club shall submit a letter explaining their plan for assisting the new club, and plans to
give proper orientation. It is the responsibility of the sponsoring club to do so.
l. The club itself shall write a letter outlining the commitment being made by the
members of the proposed club, i.e., payment of dues, conduct fundraising activities,
and plans to assist those less fortunate.
m. The sponsoring club shall not pay the dues of the club it has sponsored. From the
moment a club submits an application for charter, all financial responsibilities shall
be handled by the members of the prospective club.
2. Written evidence that the criteria has been met shall be sent to the Extension and
Membership Division at International Headquarters.
3. At the time the new club charter is approved, the international board shall determine
whether or not the new country shall be part of a provisional zone, region or district or
remain undistricted.
1. Purpose
The Coordinating Lion Program shall assist in the overall development of Lionism in
undistricted countries, provisional districts, transitional districts, and districts with long-
term district governor vacancies.
2. Selection
After at least two Lions clubs are chartered in an undistricted area, and there is a strong
possibility for organization of more clubs in the near future, or the International Board of
Directors deems additional support is needed for a district as mentioned above, a
Coordinating Lion shall be selected and appointed by the board for the term of one year
or less. Reappointment shall be permissible with the board’s consent.
3. Qualifications
a. Lions club member in good standing over 10 years;
b. One year of experience each as:
Club president
Zone chairperson;
c. Familiar with the people, culture, life of the assigned country or district ;
d. Ability to speak the language of the assigned country or district preferable.
e. Other valid experience may be substituted for the above mentioned qualifications.
4. Responsibilities
a. Render support and assistance to theclubs and members in the area;
b. Ensure that the clubs are functioning properly and conducting meaningful service
activities on a regular basis;
c. Conduct orientation meetings to increase members’ knowledge about Lionism
d. Encourage and assist organization of new clubs;
e. Work closely with other Lions and International Officers involved;
f. Any other tasks and duties assigned by the board.
g. Act in the capacity of a District Governor when a vacancy exists in the district
governor position or permission is granted by the International Board of Directors.
5. Reporting
Report to the District and Club Service Committee of the board no less than 3 times a
year through the District and Club Administration Division at Headquarters.
6. Reimbursement
The expenses of Coordinating Lions shall be reimbursed up to US $4,500 per year
according to the established Rules of Audit. Coordinating Lions who assist areas with
district governor vacancies will be able to utilize the district governors’ budget according
to the established Rules of Audit with care given to limit expenses so that if a
replacement is appointed funds will be remaining to allow the newly appointed district
governor to carry out the business of the district.
1. Objective – To promote the organization and chartering of new clubs and the long-term
growth and development of membership in China. To ensure that all such activities are in
accordance with the Association’s Constitutions and By-Laws and Board Policy and with
the proper approval of the government of the People’s Republic of China.
2. Requisite – The committee should be familiar with the Association’s Constitutions and
By-Laws and Board Policy, the history of diplomatic relations with China, and the
current membership and extension programs of the Association within China.
3. Duties
a. Full-time managers in the field operations shall be paid salaries which, under the
employment, economic, social and salary conditions of the respective country or
countries in which they serve (which conditions shall include but not be limited to
currency equivalents, the type of service performed, comparative standard of living,
and local employee benefits) shall afford them economic and salary status equivalent
to that of department manager I and II positions in the international office.
b. Accidental death and dismemberment insurance shall be obtained for our full and
part-time managers in the field in the amount of $100,000 each.
The normal Rules of Audit will apply with the following additions.
a. Presentations of Claims
(1) Full-time
Only those expenses incurred while away from home are to be charged to the
association. Expenses are to be rendered on the official forms and sent to the
headquarters office each week.
(2) Part-time
Those expenses incurred while away from home in accordance with the Rules
of Audit are to be charged to the association. Expenses, if any, are to be
rendered on the official forms and sent to the headquarters office each month.
b. Automobile Transportation
c. Special Trips
1. Purpose
The purpose of the Global Membership Team (GMT) is to provide a global structure for
membership development which is continuous, focused, and integrated. The Global
Membership Team - together with the Global Leadership Team - will work in a highly
interdependent manner from the international level, to the constitutional area level, the
regional levels, and to the district level for the benefit and success of the club.
3. Structure and Appointments - Refer to Chapter IX for Multiple District and District
Coordinator information.
The Multiple District GMT Coordinator will develop two teams of three to four Lions
each that will support the district Membership & New Club Growth Team and the Club
Success Team. These multiple district teams are appointed for a three year term, and
appointed by the Council of Governors in consultation with GMT Multiple District
Coordinator (where applicable) and GMT Area Leader. These appointments are renewable
annually or removable by the International President.
The District GMT Coordinator will develop two teams of three to four Lions each that
will be the Membership & New Club Growth Team and the Club Success Team. The
Membership & New Club Growth Team and the Club Success Team are appointed for a
three year term, and appointed by the DG Team in consultation with the Multiple District
GMT Coordinator (where applicable) and the District GMT Coordinator. These
appointments are renewable annually or removable by the International President. The
Zone Chairpersons (Region Chairperson where applicable) appointed by the District
Governor each year will also serve on both the Membership & New Club Growth Team
and the Club Success Team.
The Single District GMT Coordinator will develop two teams of three to four Lions each
that will be the Membership & New Club Growth Team and the Club Success Team.
These two teams are appointed for a three year term, and appointed by the DG Team in
consultation with the GMT Area Leader and the District GMT Coordinator. These
appointments are renewable annually or removable by the International President. The
Effective March 4, 2014
Chapter X
Page 15
Zone Chairpersons (Region Chairperson where applicable) appointed by the District
Governor each year will also serve on both the Membership & New Club Growth Team
and the Club Success Team.
The International Family and Women Coordinator will work with the International GMT
and GLT Coordinators and support special women’s and family committees, at the
direction of the international president, and district and multiple district specialists.
4. GMT Responsibilities
The GMT develops and implements membership goals and action plans based on area
opportunities, needs, and existing programs and strategies. Goals and action plans are
based on the review and analysis of current and historical membership data, and
consideration of future opportunities. Communication of goals and plans at the multiple
district, district and club levels should be emphasized to encourage membership growth
and member development. Detailed information related to specific GMT responsibilities
appears in the position descriptions for the GMT-MD coordinator and GMT-D
II. Canada
Saint Pierre and Miquelon, Territorial Collectivity of
III. South America, Central America, Mexico & Islands of the Caribbean Sea
Antigua and Barbuda
Argentina Republic
Bolivia, Republic of
IV. Europe
Aland Islands
Albania, Republic of
Andorra, Principality of
Armenia, Republic of
Austria, Republic of
Belgium, Kingdom of
VII. Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Indonesia & The Islands of the
South Pacific Ocean
c. The letter of petition for transfer must be accompanied by the reason(s) for the
transfer, and a certified copy of the minutes of the official meeting during which the
proposal was reviewed and approved by the sub districts and multiple district of said
country (ies).
f. The constitutional area change, when approved by the board of directors, will take
effect at the adjournment of the following international convention.
Investment decisions of the association shall be based upon board approved investment
policy statements for the General Fund and the Emergency Reserve Fund. These investment
policy statements shall follow conventional formats used in the industry and shall comply
with the association’s Constitution and By-Laws at all times. These investment policy
statements shall be maintained in the Treasurer’s office and shall be reviewed by the Finance
and Headquarters Operation Committee annually and updated as needed.
Approvals required for making investment decisions, other than those stated in the
investment policy statements, are as follows:
2. Approvals (Expenditures)
a. Contracts for unique items or services, which do not lend themselves to competitive
bidding and when the total financial obligation is more than US$200,000 and less
than US$400,000; provided that contracts for proprietary licenses or maintenance and
a. Contracts for unique items or services, which do not lend themselves to competitive
bidding and when the total financial obligation is more than US$400,000; provided
that contracts for proprietary licenses or maintenance and service agreements,
necessary for operation of the association, shall be approved by the Senior Executive
b. Contracts for consultant services, when arrived at through a Request for Quote (RFQ)
or sole source, if they exceed US$250,000.
3. Bank Accounts
Any of the Authorized Persons named below shall be and hereby are authorized and
empowered, to designate in each country, in accordance with local banking regulations,
in which Lions Clubs are or may be established, the following on behalf of The
International Association of Lions Clubs:
a. Open and close deposit accounts, sign account agreements, and sign contracts for
deposit-related and other services.
b. Sign and authorize checks, drafts, withdrawal slips, and any other orders for the
payment of money, whether by paper, electronic, or any other means.
c. Execute online banking agreements on behalf of Lions Clubs International.
1. Accounting System
The financial records of the International Association of Lions Clubs are maintained in
accordance with US Generally Accepted Accounting Policies (GAAP) as well as local
and federal rules and regulations. The preparation of financial statements in conformity
with GAAP requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the
reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and
liabilities at the date of the financial statements, and the reported amounts of revenues
Lions Clubs International and Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCI and LCIF)
support Internal Audit as an independent appraisal function to examine and evaluate the
LCI and LCIF’s activities as a service to management. The objective of internal audit is
to assist the Audit Committee in the effective discharge of their responsibilities.
a. LCI and LCIF will identify critical processes within their areas every three years. The
results of this assessment will form the basis of a three year internal audit plan. The
Audit Committee must approve any changes to this internal audit plan. The Audit
Committee will review and approve the budget and staffing necessary to perform the
internal audits.
b. Each critical process would be evaluated based on financial impact, impact to clubs
and districts, and regulatory compliance. A rating scale of one (1) to five (5), with
five being the most critical, will be utilized with an overall score assigned to each
c. The Audit Committee is responsible for determining which processes are reviewed
annually based on the processes with the highest impacts to the association. The
number of processes reviewed during a fiscal year would consider internal resources,
as well as budget for external resources.
d. Staff is responsible for process mapping, including identifying all of the steps,
evaluating control points and identifying initial operational improvements.
e. The independent auditor will review the critical processes and related documentation
prepared by staff. The review may be included within the scope of the audit of the
financial statements, or an agreed-upon procedures engagement.
f. A written audit report will be prepared and issued by the independent auditor
following the conclusion of each review and will be addressed and distributed to the
Audit Committee and the Senior Executive Administrator. The final report should
include significant findings and recommendations, where appropriate. The manager
of the activity or department receiving the report will respond to any
recommendations and the responses will be included in the finalized report. Staff will
be responsible for responding in a timely manner to any recommendations.
4. The Club Supplies and Distribution budget shall be charged with an allocation of
Headquarters costs as approved by the Board in each annual budget.
Any club that has been approved for a payment plan by the Finance Division will not be
suspended, so long as it continues to fulfill its obligation per the approved payment plan.
1. Budget Preparation
b. At the March/April board meeting, the division managers shall present the proposed
expense budgets for their divisions to the Committee.
c. The Finance and Headquarters Operation Committee will review five-year budgeted
projections annually at the final regular board meetingOctober/November Board
Meeting. The five-year projections will assume a stable membership base. The
Finance and Headquarters Operation shall make a recommendation to the Long
d. The Committee shall present a proposed final budget to the board for review at the
board meeting prior to the international convention. In the event anticipated revenues
are insufficient to fund estimated expenditures, the Finance & Headquarters
Operation Committee will review a projected cash flow based on the budget. If cash
and cash equivalents are insufficient to meet the shortfall, further funds may be
available subject to the Association General Fund Reserves/ Annual Spending Policy,
as attached as Exhibit A.
e. The Treasurer shall provide a copy of the proposed final budget to each member of
the international board at least two weeks prior to the date of the board meeting at
which such proposed budget is to be considered.
f. The Treasurer shall provide a copy of the preliminary budget and quarterly forecasts
to the Finance and Headquarters Operation Committee at least two weeks prior to the
date of the board meeting at which such preliminary and/or forecasts will be
considered. The financials will be presented in an annual and the most recent
quarterly report.
a. The board shall approve at the October/ November and March/April board meetings a
forecast of full year results based on actual to date and projections through year-end.
This forecast will reflect expenses equal to or less than revenues. The Committee
shall submit a recommended full year forecast for review at the January Executive
Committee meeting.
b. All proposals to the board that have an impact on the forecast shall be reviewed with
the Finance and Headquarters Operation Committee. All proposals shall include:
1. Projected costs for the current fiscal year as well as the subsequent two
2. Provide a brief description of impact on division’s strategic initiatives and
goals and objectives.
c. The Finance and Headquarters Operations Committee will review a forecast of the
association’s cash flow for the current fiscal year at each board meeting. In the event
the cash flow projection is negative, the Finance and Headquarters Operation
Committee will recommend spending controls for approval by the board.
The second vice president shall submit to the board of directors for approval at the
March/ April board meeting a detailed budget for the two regular meetings of the board,
the time and place of which are to be called by him/her.
Capital assets generally include property, plant and equipment assets having an estimated
useful life of at least two (2) years following date of acquisition and a cost of at least
BE IT RESOLVED, That the Senior Executive Administrator and the Treasurer of The
International Association of Lions Clubs jointly shall be and hereby are authorized and
empowered to transfer funds from Association accounts representing dues and other
payments to the Association, to the Lions Clubs International Foundation account and,
FURTHER, that the Senior Executive Administrator and the Treasurer of the Association
shall be and hereby are authorized and directed to take all steps and execute all
documents necessary and proper to carry out this Resolution.
3. Blocked Funds
Approval is granted to take all the necessary efforts to transfer blocked funds into
currencies needed by The International Association of Lions Clubs.
Financial statements shall be prepared in such a way to properly reflect the potential loss
of untransferable funds. The specific countries and amounts are to be determined by the
Finance Division.
Payments will be made in the currency of the domicile of the individual, except when the
best interest of the Association requires otherwise.
6. Exchange Rates
The rates of exchange on which Lions Clubs make payments shall be adjusted when
necessary, to conform with provisions of the International Constitution and By-Laws.
Constitutionally, payment of obligations to the Association by Clubs, Districts and Club
members shall be made at the association’s respective currency equivalent in effect at the
time of payment.
Establish spending guidelines to maintain sufficient reserves in the General Fund while supporting current
Maximum annual spending from the General Fund investments will be equal to the net investment income plus a
five-year weighted average of capital appreciation (amount not to be less than zero), subject to the maintenance of a
minimum reserve requirement.
Minimum Reserve Requirement – Amounts included in General Fund investments include six months of current
year projected expenses, plus unfunded obligations for pension, post-retirement benefits, general liabilities, plus
target budget for the centennial celebration accrued on a straight line basis through fiscal year 2015-2016.
Six months of current year projected operating expenses – 50% of forecast operating expenses as provided in the
approved quarterly forecast.
Unfunded obligations for pension, post-retirement benefits, and general liabilities – Book value of accrued
pension, post-retirement benefits and general liabilities as reported in the December financials.
Centennial Celebration Target Budget – Centennial celebration budget as reported to the board in the approved
Net Investment Income – Interest plus dividends, less related expenses as reported on a calendar year basis.
Capital Appreciation – Realized and unrealized appreciation on General Fund Investments as reported on a
calendar year basis.
The sum total of the above will be divided by 15 to determine the amount of the capital appreciation.
The Finance and Headquarters Operation Committee will review the proposed budget cash flow at the March/April
board meeting. In the event that the amount projected is a use of cash, the committee will determine if the
maximum annual expenditures from the General Fund investments as calculated above will provide the necessary
cash to support operations and unfunded obligations. If necessary the committee will request a revised budget be
presented at the June board meeting that includes no more than the maximum annual expenditures from the General
Fund investments to support the final approved budget.
LCI administers salary administration programs in each country in compliance with their
laws and/or customs. The salary administration program recognizes performance, ability,
local market rates and, where appropriate, longevity. The percentage of adjustments made to
the salary structure and salary increase budget will be reported to the Executive Committee
and the Finance and Headquarters Operation Committee. These adjustments will be in
accordance with each country’s local labor laws and existing labor market rates.
1. When appropriate to a country’s customs, a job description shall be written and a salary
range established for each position of employment in the association.
2. Salary surveys shall be conducted at least annually to assure the salary ranges and salary
increase budget figures used by the association are comparable to salaries paid by
existing labor market. The salary budget figures shall be reviewed and approved by the
Finance and Headquarters Operation Committee at the March/April board meeting.
Appropriate adjustments to salary ranges shall be reported to the Finance and
Headquarters Operation Committee.
3. Managers are responsible for instituting the process of performance review and, if
merited, salary increases. A performance review shall be conducted for all employees at
least annually. No salary increases shall be processed without a performance review. In
the case of the administrative officers, a performance review shall be conducted annually
by the Executive Committee.
4. Salary increases shall be subject to approval by management, the treasurer, and the senior
executive administrator. A budget figure for salary increases for division managers shall
require the approval of the Executive Committee of the International Board of Directors.
Salary increases and/or bonuses for administrative officers shall be determined
individually by the Executive Committee.
Board Meetings and Conventions – A maximum of two workdays off may be given, in the
discretion of the senior executive administrator, in recognition of extra services performed by
personnel at board meetings and conventions. The senior executive administrator and the
president, jointly, shall also have the authority to authorize additional time off in exceptional
circumstances, not to exceed two days, for a total of ten days per year.
The hiring and dismissing of division managers will be done by the senior executive
administrator in consultation with the international president and executive committee. The
senior executive administrator shall have the full authority to hire and dismiss all other LCI
staff in accordance with local labor laws and customs.
The board of directors shall and hereby does direct the administrative officers to take all
steps necessary to place the association, as an employer, in compliance with the labor and
social benefit laws of countries where it has employees.
Division manager’s air transportation shall be business class when scheduled flying time
exceeds ten hours, not including time on the ground for connecting flights. The senior
executive administrator shall have authority to approve business class fares for other staff
members when job duties, excessive scheduled flying time, or other circumstances, in the
opinion of the senior executive administrator, would warrant such approval.
3. Mileage Allowance
All employees of Lions Clubs International, who are authorized to use their car or cars on
Lions Clubs International business, shall be paid a reasonable mileage allowance in
accordance to the customary practice of their respective countries.
All employee expense claims shall be submitted at least monthly. If an advance has been
issued, repayment shall be settled no later than thirty days after the trip has been
Lions Clubs International may provide a group insurance plan for employees in accordance
with their local labor laws and customs.
Lions Clubs International may provide a retirement income plan for employees in
accordance with the customs and/or laws of their country. Benefits and provisions of the
plan for U.S. employees are detailed in the master plan document and amendments,
which have been approved by the International Board of Directors.
2. Retirement Plans
The Finance and Headquarters Operation Committee has responsibility for the overall
administration of the LCI Retirement Income Plan and the LCI 401(k) Savings Plan
(retirement plans). The duties and responsibilities are described in Exhibit E.
All U.S. and non-U.S. LCI full-time employees will be given paid time off (i.e. vacation,
holidays, sick leave, bereavement leave, etc.) in accordance with local labor laws and
customs as administered by the Human Resources Department. Any significant changes
would be reviewed with the Finance and Headquarters Operation Committee.
U.S. LCI employees may be eligible to participate in a 401K savings plan. Non-U.S. LCI
employees will receive benefits in accordance with their local labor laws and customs.
LCI employees will be given service recognition awards after 5 years and at 5-year
intervals thereafter.
With the exception of staff necessary to operate services required before 8:00 am or after
4:30 pm as approved by the senior executive administrator, the headquarters office hours
of business shall be 8:00 am to 4:30 pm CST.
Lions Clubs International shall have a program whereby U.S. employees hereafter shall
have the opportunity to attend job-related seminars and schools with full reimbursement,
subject to rules and procedures hereinafter (see EXHIBIT A).
In-house and external seminars and workshops may be presented based on association
needs as determined by management subject to rules and procedures hereinafter (see
5. Employment of Relatives
With regards to U.S. LCI employees, it is Lions Clubs International’s policy not to hire
the relatives of any current employee for any full-time position within the organization.
Additionally, the relatives of any current employee may not be employed in a part-time
position in the same department. For the purposes of this policy, “relatives” are defined to
include spouses, children, parents, siblings, grandparents, grandchildren, or
corresponding in-law or “step” relation.
In the event that an employee becomes related to another employee during their
employment with the association, the employees must notify the Human Resources
Department with as much advance notice as possible. In such a situation, Lions Clubs
International will not permit related employees to work in the same department and will
not allow any employee to be supervised by a relative at any level in the direct chain of
command. In order to avoid any actual or potential conflicts of interest or favoritism,
Lions Clubs International may, at the discretion of its management: (a) require one or
both of the related employees to transfer to a position in another department, if an
alternate position is available and the employee is qualified for that position, or (b)
require one or both of the related employees to resign from their employment with the
association. Lions Clubs International does not guarantee that alternate positions will be
available for employees who become related during their employment with the
4. Speaking Assignments
Except in extraordinary circumstances approved by the president and senior executive,
international headquarters staff shall not be assigned as speakers representing Lions
Clubs International at Club, District or Multiple District functions.
Annual limit to individual US$1300 (effective July 1, 2006) including US$650 (effective July 1, 2006), including
reimbursement fees and materials, but not travel fees and materials, but not travel
Reimbursement agreement 100% for passing grade 100% for passing grade
0% for failing grade 0% for failing grade
Approval Sequence
Budget Control and Record Human Resources Department Human Resources Department
Approval or non-approval of For Department Managers and Other For All Non-Exempt Staff:
individual request for participation Non-Management Exempt Staff:
Approval Sequence:
Budget Control and Record Human Resources Department Human Resources Department
Keeping Department
Approval or non-approval of For Department Managers and Other For All Non-Exempt Staff:
individual request for participation Non-Management Exempt Staff:
Ours is a business of service, and the manner in which the service is rendered is fully as important as the service
itself. Our members, the International Board, officers, co-workers and communities expect honest and ethical
conduct from each of us every day. No act or request on the part of the members, officers and the clubs within our
association to whom and for whom we render services can justify the breach of this guideline. Honest and ethical
conduct is defined by four core values that serve as the foundation for our Ethical Conduct Code:
Integrity – Lions Clubs insists on the highest standards of personal and professional integrity. We must all make
every possible effort to safeguard the association’s assets. We must also comply with all association policies and
applicable laws.
Accountability – Lions Clubs expects all employees to honor the commitments made on behalf of the association
and take individual responsibility for all actions and outcomes. We have a zero tolerance policy for ethical
Teamwork – Lions Clubs seeks to maintain a work environment that encourages innovation, creativity and positive
results through teamwork. We must all practice leadership to train, inspire and promote full participation and career
development for all employees. We encourage open and effective communication and interaction.
Excellence – Lions Clubs is dedicated to fair treatment, mutual respect, diversity and trust. We must challenge each
other to improve our services, our processes and ourselves. We must strive together to serve our membership and
help the association achieve its goals.
Your job here begins with understanding of Lions Clubs’ core values and Ethical Conduct Code; however, your role
in the association demands an ongoing vigilance to maintain these standards of honest and ethical conduct.
Additionally, this handbook contains other policies that are part of Lions Clubs’ Ethical Conduct Code, such as:
Employment Policy, Anti-Discrimination Guidelines, Alcohol & Drug Guidelines, PC Hardware/Software
Guidelines, Internal E-Mail Policy, Disciplinary Policy, Conflict of Interest Policy, Fraud Policy, Gifts Policy,
(other policies and policies contained in the Management Personnel Policy Manual). If any ethical or legal
compliance issue arises that raises a question in your mind, you have a responsibility to bring that issue to the
attention of management. As set forth in Lions Clubs’ Conflict Resolution Procedure, you should bring ethical or
legal compliance issues to the attention of your immediate supervisor, your Department Manager, your Division
Manager, or the Human Resources Department. You may also bring any ethical or legal compliance issues to the
attention of the Administrative Officers (the Senior Executive Administrator, Executive Administrator,
Treasurer, or Secretary) or the Legal Division.
Lions Clubs’ Ethical Conduct Code, along with the policies contained in this handbook provide a guide to help you
understand what is expected from you and to help you make good decisions. Please join us in continuing Lions
Clubs’ tradition of honest and ethical practices in serving millions of people in need.
Lions Clubs International considers acts of fraud, misrepresentation or any other form of dishonesty
committed by its employees to be reprehensible and such conduct will subject offending employees to strict
disciplinary actions, up to and including termination of employment and possible civil and/or criminal
action. While no list can identify all forms of fraud or dishonesty, some examples include submitting false
expense reports, falsifying time sheets, association records, association financial reports or other association
documents, abuse of sick time, theft, forging or altering checks, misappropriating association assets or
funds, misusing association property and unauthorized handling or reporting of transactions. These are just a
few examples. If you experience or witness any activities you think may be fraudulent, you have a
responsibility to bring those activities to the attention of management. As set forth in Lions Clubs’ Conflict
Resolution Procedure, you should bring fraud or legal compliance issues to the attention of your immediate
supervisor, your Department Manager, your Division Manager, or the Human Resources Department. You
may also bring any fraud or legal compliance issues to the attention of the Administrative Officers (the Senior
Executive Administrator, Executive Administrator, Treasurer, or Secretary) or the Legal
The following applies to the oversight of The Retirement Income Plan for Employees of the International Association of
Lions Clubs and The International Association of Lions Clubs 401(k) Savings Plan (i.e. retirement plans).
Oversee the retirement plans administration and management of assets. This responsibility includes
the following:
Ensure compliance with all Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) fiduciary requirements
Periodically review the plan’s investment policy statement to ensure their appropriateness
Retirement plans administrative duties. The Finance & Headquarters Operation Committee delegates the day-
to-day administrative duties of each plan to the Administrative Officers to ensure the plans are being
administered in accordance with the terms and conditions of the plan documents.
Finance & Headquarters Operation Committee Duties and Responsibilities Pension Plan:
Approve any recommendation to change vendors / providers / fund managers / investment consultants, etc.
Retirement plans administrative duties. The Finance & Headquarters Operation Committee delegates the day-
to-day administrative duties of each plan to the Administrative Officers to ensure the plans are being
administered in accordance with the terms and conditions of the plan documents.
401(k) Plan:
Ensure compliance with the Department of Labor regulations under code Section 404(c), which defines
the employer’s and participant’s responsibilities and liabilities
Approve any recommendation to change vendors / providers / fund managers / investment consultants, etc.
The Administrative Officers in conjunction with Human Resources staff will be responsible for the
Evaluate and select investment managers within the Investment Policy Statement Guidelines.
Qualified Domestic Relations Order Claims and Appeals coordination with vendors/
outside counsel
Employee communication/education
Internal Revenue Service, Department of Labor, and Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation reporting
Initiate and execute routine plan amendments necessary to keep the plan document in compliance with
government regulations (i.e. Pension Protection Act of 2006, Economic Growth & Tax Relief &
Reconciliation Act of 2001, etc.) as advised by Human Resources Department and/or legal counsel
Review performance of investment managers and investment funds quarterly and report results to the
Finance & Headquarters Operation Committee at least quarterly
The Administrative Officers are authorized to sign routine documents relative to the The Retirement Income
Plan for Employees of the International Association of Lions Clubs and The International Association of
Lions Clubs 401(k) Savings Plan on behalf of Lions Clubs International.
Article 71 of the Charter of the United Nations states, “The Economic and Social Council
may make suitable arrangements for consultation with nongovernmental organizations which
are concerned with matters within its competence. Such arrangements may be made with
international organizations.”
Lions took a leading role in activities during the UN Charter Conference at San Francisco in
1945. Since 1947, Lions Clubs International has been one of the nongovernmental
organizations holding consultative status to the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). It
is incorrect, however, to say that Lions have consultative status to the UN in general.
The Economic and Social Council, one of the main bodies of the United Nations, is
concerned primarily with advancing the welfare of all human beings. It is the Security
Council of the UN that has direct responsibility for the first purpose of the United Nations,
“To maintain international peace and security...” Lions Clubs International has no
relationship with the Security Council. It is not the policy of Lions Clubs International to
endorse particular resolutions or actions of the United Nations taken to further the first stated
purpose of the UN, “To maintain international peace and security.”
With regard to the second and third stated purposes of the United Nations, “To develop
friendly relations among nations...” and “To achieve international cooperation in solving
international problems of an economic, social, cultural, or humanitarian character...”
comparison is invited to the first Object of Lions Clubs International: “To create and foster a
spirit of understanding among the peoples of the world.”
Lions Clubs International supports the United Nations idea of a world at peace. Lions
membership is encouraged to be informed, to support, and to promulgate information about
the UN, its humanitarian objectives, and the work of its agencies – especially in public
observations of United Nations Day on October 24 each year.
The following criteria shall be used as the basis for establishing the continuing affiliation
with international organizations:
1. Affiliation be considered only with those international organizations that can provide
guidance, direction, and mutual cooperation in implementing specific projects related to
the following basic areas:
2. A complete report on the benefits of such an affiliation and the nature of the cooperative
endeavors be presented to the board for consideration and discussion at least one board
meeting prior to any action taken to effect such affiliation.
4. Once established, the relationship shall be reviewed periodically by the appropriate board
committee, along with a recommendation to continue or discontinue the relationship.
1. Vocational Assistance
The District and Club Administration Division will compile a list in which each district
governor-elect will be twinned with another district governor-elect for the ensuing year.
They will meet at an international luncheon held in conjunction with the district
governors-elect school. In addition, these district governors-elect twins will be seated at
an “international table,” at which representatives from as many different countries as
possible will be seated.
4. District Twinning
BE IT RESOLVED, That to promote “Lions Day with the United Nations,” Lions clubs
be encouraged to hold meetings with representatives of U.N. agencies on the same day as
the international president of our association meets with the secretary-general of the U.N.
The official representative(s) to the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations
as appointed annually by the International President shall chair and coordinate the
program of the annual Lions Day with the United Nations held in New York.
Requests for money, materials or services received by headquarters from Lions clubs or
districts and individuals shall be channeled through their respective district governors. The
district governor is in a more favorable position to evaluate such requests, and to advise as to
resources available in the district or a nearby area. He/she should use discretion but may
forward the request to an appropriate district governor of his/her own or another country.
Such undertakings must be done in the spirit of joint projects by the Lions, and the requesting
Lions club or district must indicate how they will participate in the project.
The following pledge is recommended for Lions use during sponsoring ceremonies:
I pledge allegiance to my country and to the cause of peace throughout the world.
1. Objective:
To encourage the involvement of every Lions club in activities which further the first
Object “To create and foster a spirit of understanding among the peoples of the world.”
3. Awards to Clubs
Lions clubs donating US$500 or more through LCIF for the UNICEF School-in-a-Box
program shall receive a Lions/UNICEF School-in-a-Box banner patch award. Lions clubs
making repeat donations of US$500 or more through LCIF for the UNICEF School-in-a-
Box program in subsequent years shall receive a chevron patch award.
1. Mission Statement
On behalf of the board, our mission is to improve the quality of Lions leadership.
2. Goals
d. Develop programs that are on the cutting edge of learning opportunity and technology
f. Inspire and motivate Lions to seek out and assume leadership responsibilities at all
levels of the Association
3. Program Objectives
a. To expand and make more effective the association’s humanitarian services and to
expand and strengthen the association’s fellowship by improving the quality of Lions
leadership through systematic, accessible, high quality learning opportunities.
d. To continually develop Lions who are able to design, organize, promote, and conduct
effective leadership development programs.
c. Program dates, locations and overall evaluations shall be reported by the Leadership
Committee to the International Board of Directors.
5. Operating Policies
a. Expense Reimbursements
Lions Clubs International will pay specific expenses and/or reimburse participants as
approved within each program, in accordance with the Rules of Audit.
b. Official Languages
All leadership development materials will be produced in the Association’s official
languages. Participants in leadership development events will receive training in one
of the Association’s official languages.
1. Single and sub districts shall conduct a club officers orientation program annually prior to
July 1 according to the policy and procedures established by the International Board of
1. Multiple districts, either individually or jointly, shall conduct an orientation program prior
to the International District Governors-Elect Seminar for the incoming district governors
and/or vice district governors according to the policy and procedures established by the
International Board of Directors. The GLT-MD is to coordinate the seminar in
consultation with the respective GLT area leader and the council of governors. For those
multiple districts assigned to a GMT/GLT area or special area comprised of less than 2
multiple districts that do not have a multiple district GLT coordinator, the respective GLT
area leader or GLT special area advisor will coordinate the seminar in consultation with
the council of governors.
2. The Association shall provide multiple districts access to the District Governor Team
Manual in the appropriate Lions Clubs International official language.
2. The seminar faculty appointments shall be subject to the approval of the Executive
Committee during the August Executive Committee Meeting preceding the respective
District Governors-Elect Seminar. Subsequent revisions to the faculty team shall be
subject to the approval of the Executive Committee.
3. The seminar plan, including the schedule, curriculum, and budget shall be subject to the
approval of the International Board of Directors.
4. The Leadership Division shall be responsible for the design and development of the Vice
District Governors/District Governors-Elect Training Program curriculum including the
District Governors-Elect Seminar, in consultation with the incoming international
president and/or his/her designate, to prepare the first vice district governors/governors-
elect for their term as district governor. The following topic areas are to be included:
Goal Setting
Team Management
Communication Skills
Managerial/Administrative Skills
LCI Resources
An orientation program for adult companions of district governors-elect shall be
included in the District Governors-Elect Seminar program.
5. The second vice president shall select a Lion to serve as District Governors-Elect Seminar
chairperson for the year in which the individual serves as the first vice president.
a. Served as a District Governors-Elect Seminar group leader during the 10 years prior
to the year in which the individual will serve as chairperson or present similar
experience in LCI-sponsored training programs or equivalent multiple district or
higher level training events.
b. Completed a term as district governor
c. Ability to speak and understand English
d. Ability to effectively use the Internet, LCI website and electronic mail
7. The District Governors-Elect Seminar chairperson shall serve as vice chairperson during
the year immediately preceding the seminar which he/she will chair.
8. The Association shall reimburse the expenses for the District Governors-Elect Seminar’s
incoming president, chairperson and vice chairperson according to established Rules of
Audit, in the following situations:
a. Incoming President
(1) A site inspection one year prior to the location where the incoming president’s
seminar is being conducted transportation, lodging, meals for incoming president
and one adult companion.
b. Chairperson
(1) One site inspection to the site of the District Governors-Elect Seminar that will
occur during the chairperson’s term as seminar chairperson -transportation,
lodging, meals.
(2) The seminar itself - transportation, lodging, meals - for chairperson and one adult
(3) Two trips to headquarters for a combined maximum of three nights and four days.
(4) Any additional trips to the seminar site or headquarters require the approval of the
international president.
c. Vice Chairperson
(1) One trip to headquarters for a maximum of two nights and three days.
(2) The seminar itself transportation, lodging, meals for vice chairperson and one
adult companion.
9. The second vice president, in consultation with his or her selected District Governors-
Elect Seminar chairperson and the Leadership Division Manager shall select Lions to
serve as group leaders for the year in which the individual serves as first vice president.
10. Qualified candidates for the position of District Governors-Elect Seminar Group Leader
shall meet the following requirements:
b. Not served as District Governors-Elect Seminar group leader for the five consecutive
years prior to the year in which the individual will serve as group leader
f. Ability to effectively use the Internet, LCI website and electronic mail
h. Not endorsed and certified for international office from the beginning of the term as
District Governors-Elect Seminar group leader through the seminar for which the
individual serves as group leader.
11. Faculty
a. The Association shall pay faculty members not covered under any other Rules of
Audit, ten (10) days hotel and meals. When traveling to the District Governors-Elect
Seminar and flying time for round trip travel exceeds ten hours, not including time on
the ground for connecting flights, travelers are allowed one day of rest at the site of
the seminar. One night hotel and meal expenses for a rest day will be reimbursed. A
day of rest is not authorized for return trip home.
b. All travelers are expected to follow the annual guidelines provided by Lions Clubs
International Travel Department when making travel arrangement.
c. One (1) economy roundtrip airline ticket for faculty member by the shortest and most
direct route for the approved travel dates only. Reimbursement for one (1) economy
roundtrip airline ticket for one adult companion not to exceed US$500.00. Final
airfare reimbursement will be a based on actual costs and original receipts.
1. The international president shall hold a preliminary orientation session for first year
directors following the international convention.
a. The purpose of the Advanced (Senior) Lions Leadership Institute is to provide Lions
an opportunity to enhance critical skills in preparation for leadership responsibilities
at the zone, region and district levels.
b. Qualified candidates for Advanced (Senior) Lions Leadership Institutes are Lions
who have completed a successful term as club president, but have not yet attained the
position of first vice district governor. Current club presidents may be considered on a
space available basis.
d. All faculty members are expected to adhere to established Advanced (Senior) Lions
Leadership Institute curriculum.
An administrative officer shall have the power to waive the fee when there are
circumstances that, in the officer’s opinion, warrant cancellation of the charge.
f. Lions Clubs International will pay for each participant’s meals and lodging during the
actual days of the institute. Additionally, upon approval to attend the institute, a non-
refundable participation fee of US$95.00 will be required to offset these costs.
Participants are responsible to pay for their own transportation and related travel
expenses to and from the institute. All participants must stay at the designated
institute facility and must attend all institute sessions and organized meals.
a. The purpose of the Faculty Development Institute is to increase the number of quality
instructors within Lions Clubs International while enhancing the skills of experienced
Lions faculty.
b. Qualified candidates for Faculty Development Institutes are Lions with some
experience in training and a keen interest in contributing as faculty to high quality
c. Lions participating in this four-day course will be required to conduct a training event
within 6 (six) months of the institute, in order to be considered a graduate of the
Faculty Development Institute program.
An administrative officer shall have the power to waive the fee when there are
circumstances that, in the officer’s opinion, warrant cancellation of the charge.
g. Lions Clubs International will pay for each participant’s meals and lodging during the
actual days of the institute. Additionally, upon approval to attend the institute, a non-
refundable participation fee of US$95.00 will be required to offset these costs.
Participants are responsible to pay for their own transportation and related travel
expenses to and from the institute. All participants must stay at the designated
institute facility and must attend all institute sessions and organized meals.
a. The purpose of the Emerging Lions Leadership Institute is to build the skills of Lions
members for leadership opportunities at the club level, including the position of club
b. Qualified candidates for Emerging Lions Leadership Institutes are Lions in good
standing who have successfully served on a club committee and who have not yet
attained the level of club president. Charter club presidents are also eligible for this
An administrative officer shall have the power to waive the fee when there are
circumstances that, in the officer’s opinion, warrant cancellation of the charge.
f. Lions Clubs International will pay for each participant’s meals and lodging during the
actual days of the institute. Additionally, upon approval to attend the institute, a non-
refundable participation fee of US$95.00 will be required to offset these costs.
Participants are responsible to pay for their own transportation and related travel
expenses to and from the institute. All participants must stay at the designated
institute facility and must attend all institute sessions and organized meals.
a. The Regional Lions Leadership Institute is a grant program allowing multiple districts
to apply for funding to support leadership institutes at the multiple district level.
Applications from single and sub district will be considered only if Regional Lions
Leadership Institute funding remains available.
b. A maximum of one Regional Lions Leadership Institute will be allowed per multiple
district per year. Additional institutes will be considered only based on geographic
need and only if Regional Lions Leadership Institute funds remain available.
d. The funding applicant must provide funds equal to 50% of the total cost of the Regional
Lions Leadership Institute from non Lions Clubs International sources.
e. Application Procedure
(2) Upon approval, the Leadership Division will issue a Regional Lions Leadership
Institute Agreement (contract), which must be reviewed, signed, and returned to
the Leadership Division within 60 days to secure funding. In the event that an
agreement is not received by the Leadership Division within the specified
timeframe, reserved funds will be released and made available to other applicants.
f. Approved applicants will receive a partial payment in the amount of 50% of the reserved
amount of funds prior to the institute. The balance due will be determined by actual
eligible expenses incurred, not to exceed the total amount reserved, and will be paid only
upon receipt of all required documents and receipts. The total amount of reimbursement
may not exceed 50% of the total cost of the Regional Lions Leadership Institute.
g. The Leadership Division shall provide curriculum and guidelines to maximize the quality
of each Regional Lions Leadership Institute.
h. The multiple (or single or sub) district is responsible for its Regional Lions leadership
Institute. While Lions Clubs International provides funding and curriculum support, it is
not liable for multiple (or single or sub) district operations and/or any expenses
associated with the Regional Lions Leadership Institute.
a. Purpose
Operating in collaboration with the Global Membership Team (GMT), the purpose of the
Global Leadership Team (GLT) is to identify and cultivate effective leaders through
active training and leadership development initiatives.
(1) Multiple District Level: Each multiple district assigned to a GMT/GLT area or
special area comprised of 2 or more multiple districts has a GLT (GLT-MD),
comprised of a GLT-MD Coordinator, the Council Chairperson, and up to three
additional qualified Lions with expertise in leadership development. Multiple
districts assigned to a GMT/GLT area or special area comprised of less than 2
multiple district do not have a multiple district GLT coordinator. In this case, the
respective GLT area leader or special area advisor will fulfill related
responsibilities at the multiple district level. The GLT-MD works in a
cooperative manner with the GMT-MD.
d. When a new GMT/GLT three year term begins, the Council of Governors, in consultation
with the respective GLT Area Leader and Council Chairperson, is responsible for
appointing GLT-MD members, including the GLT-MD Coordinator (where applicable)
and others, for a three year term, subject to annual review and confirmation of
appointment or removal based on performance by the International President.
(1) Single District Level: Each single district has a GLT (GLT-D), comprised of a
GLT-D Coordinator, the District Governor Team, Region Chairpersons (where
applicable) and Zone Chairpersons, with the Second Vice District Governor
serving as the primary GLT liaison to the District Governor Team. Other qualified
Lions may be added as necessary. The GLT-D works in a cooperative manner
with the GMT-D.
e. When a new GMT/GLT three year term begins, the District Governor Team, in
consultation with the respective GLT Area Leader, is responsible for appointing GLT-D
members, including the GLT-D Coordinator and others, for a three year term, subject to
annual review and confirmation of appointment or removal based on performance by the
International President.
(1) Sub-District Level: Each single district has a GLT (GLT-D), comprised of a
GLT-D Coordinator, the District Governor Team, Region Chairpersons (where
applicable) and Zone Chairpersons, with the Second Vice District Governor
serving as the primary GLT liaison to the District Governor Team. Other qualified
Lions may be added as necessary. The GLT-D works in a cooperative manner
with the GMT-D.
f. When a new GMT/GLT three year term begins, the District Governor Team, in
consultation with the respective GLT Area Leader and GLT-MD Coordinator (where
applicable), is responsible for appointing GLT-D members, including the GLT-D
g. GLT Responsibilities
The GLT encourages the identification and development of leaders while providing
relevant training, education, mentoring and motivation to maximize effectiveness.
Detailed information related to specific GLT responsibilities appears in the position
descriptions for the GLT-MD coordinator and GLT-D coordinator.
b. Emblem Of Association. The emblem of this association and each chartered club
shall be of a design as set forth below. Each club shall only use the official emblem
of the association without alternation.
d. LEO, LIONESS or Other Official Association Programs: Lions clubs and districts
are automatically granted permission and license to use the association trademarks in
connection with sponsorship of Leo Clubs, Lioness Clubs, Official Contests, Youth
Camps or other official association programs in accordance with the policies
governing such programs, so long as said trademarks are not used on any item to be
sold or otherwise available from the Club Supplies and Distribution Division or
official licensees.
e. Duty to Enforce and Report Unauthorized Use. All association officers, board
appointees, council chairpersons and vice district governors have a duty to agree to
abide by and encourage enforcement of the association trademark policies, report any
and all unauthorized use of the association trademarks to the Legal Division, and
acknowledge such duty in writing annually to the Legal Division.
a. Printed Material. Lions members, clubs and districts are automatically granted
permission and license to use the association trademarks on printed material
reasonably related to club and district operations and promotion, (such as letterhead,
business cards, envelopes and brochures), so long as such items are not to be sold.
b. Digital Media Authorization. Lions members, clubs and districts may use the
association trademarks on their respective websites, in social media or other digital
media applications, and as part of domain names and personal email addresses,
provided that, all such use of the association trademarks are in accordance with the
policies and procedures adopted from time to time by the International Board of
Directors and such use clearly identifies the member, club or district to ensure that
Lions Clubs International is not identified as the source of content.
a. Use of Items Bearing the Association Trademarks. Lions members, clubs and
districts are authorized to use, purchase and sell items bearing the association
trademarks obtained through the Club Supplies and Distribution Division and official
licensees. For items not available through the Club Supplies and Distribution Division
and official licensees, Lions clubs and districts are authorized to use, purchase,
manufacture, distribute or sell items bearing the association trademarks as provided
(1) Automatic Permission and License For Apparel Items (Excluding Vests):
For all apparel items excluding vests, Lions members and districts are
automatically granted permission and license to use, purchase, sell,
manufacture or distribute items bearing the association trademarks when the
total number of each individual item does not exceed thirty (30) in one fiscal
year, and clubs are automatically granted permission and license to use,
purchase, sell, manufacture or distribute items bearing the association
trademarks when the total number of each individual item does not exceed
thirty (30) or a total of one (1) per club member, whichever is greater, in one
fiscal year. For purposes of this section, apparel items are defined as clothing
such as caps, shirts and ties that one would wear to cover, protect or decorate
your body.
(2) All Other Items Requiring Approval: For all vests, apparel items exceeding
thirty (30) in one fiscal year, and all other items not otherwise identified,
Lions members, clubs and districts which desire to use, purchase, sell,
manufacture or distribute items bearing the association trademarks, must
obtain approval from and pay such license fees and/or royalty payments as
determined by the Club Supplies and Distribution Division or the Legal
(1) Lions clubs and districts are authorized to use the association trademarks in
connection with the name and/or emblem of a sponsor of a club and/or district
project as provided below, so long as the club or district name is clearly
identified in all such use and such use does not conflict with the purposes of
ii. If the sponsor or project involves more than one sub-district and/or one
multiple district, then the sponsor shall be approved by the respective
multiple district council of governors.
iii. If the sponsor or project involves more than one multiple district, then
the sponsor shall be approved by each respective multiple district
council of governors and the Legal Division.
(2) An authorized Lions club and/or district sponsor may use the association
trademarks on any written communication or promotional material, so long as
use is done in accordance with the policies adopted from time to time by the
International Board of Directors and meets the following requirements:
i. The name of Lions club and/or district responsible for the sponsorship
of such project is clearly identified along with the association
ii. Any use of the association trademarks are subject to the scope and
duration of the Lions club or district project; and
iii. Upon the termination of the Lions club and/or district authorized
sponsorship, authorization to use the association trademarks shall
automatically terminate.
(1) The non-dues revenue programs or services shall not compete or otherwise
conflict with an existing program, sponsored by the association, except as
authorized by the International Board of Directors. Permission will be granted
to use the association trademarks in connection with the sponsorship of said
programs only where a similar program is not currently in existence.
(3) In order to receive authorization to use the association trademarks, the sponsor
must agree to review all solicitation materials, including any website content,
to ensure that the same are consistent with general standards of quality and
content and the applicable trademark policies of the International Board of
Directors. Before solicitation begins, all material including proposed website
design, must be submitted to the Legal Division for approval.
(4) The sponsor must be clearly identified on the proposed solicitation materials
and any other item on which the association trademarks will be printed or
otherwise affixed, including, if applicable, credit cards.
(5) The sponsor and the non-dues revenue program vendor agree to pay a royalty
of 10% of the lesser of the gross revenue or net profit received by the sponsor
from the vendor as a royalty for use of the association trademarks. The
Finance Division will communicate with each licensed sponsor at least
annually to determine royalty owing to the association. Each sponsor is
encouraged to reserve the right to inspect all relevant records and
documentation of the vendor to verify the accuracy of the royalty.
(6) The International Board of Directors reserves the right to revoke the license to
use the association trademarks upon giving notification to the sponsor and, if
known, any vendor. If appropriate and feasible, any such revocation would
take into consideration sponsor and vendor contract obligations. In the event
the license is revoked, the vendor is required to immediately cease and desist
from using the association trademarks.
(7) The sponsor and the non-dues revenue vendor shall use the mailing lists
provided by the association for program solicitation purposes only and shall
not duplicate or use such mailing lists, for any other purpose whatsoever. If
the sponsor and/or non-dues revenue vendor use or make available the
association mailing lists for any purpose other than the program, the
association reserves the right to immediately revoke authorization to use the
association trademarks. Such revocation will be effective immediately upon
issuance of the notification to the offending party. A penalty of US$5000.00
shall be assessed against the sponsor and/or non-dues revenue vendor who
uses or makes available the mailing lists for any improper purposes or
duplicates such lists without authorization.
(1) A sample of the brochure or similar literature, which must include the
following disclaimer: “The International Association of Lions Clubs as well as
the Lions district (single, sub- and multiple) shall not be responsible for losses
(2) Include a community, city, district, state, geographic area or other local
designation in the name of a foundation;
(3) Not conflict with or cause confusion with Lions Clubs International or Lions
Clubs International Foundation; and
(1) At least a majority of its board of directors are Lions club members in good
(5) Mandatory dues are not assessed against members of the foundation.
e. Annual Filing Requirements. The foundation must annually submit its current
governing documents along with a list of its current officers to the Legal Division.
f. Use of Association Trademarks. Approved foundations must use the Lions name
and emblem prominently in its name and operations, including literature, promotional
materials and activities. Use of the association trademarks must be in accordance
with the policies adopted from time to time by the International Board of Directors.
The trademarks shall not be used on any item to be sold or otherwise available from
the Club Supplies and Distribution Division and official licensees.
7. OFFICIAL LICENSEES. The Club Supplies and Distribution Division may initiate
agreements with manufacturers or other vendors throughout the world to provide Lions
members, Lions clubs and districts with items bearing the association trademarks. The
terms under such license agreements shall be determined by the Club Supplies and
Distribution Division and shall include license fees and/or royalty payments on all items
a. Definition of a Convention Trading Pin. A convention trading pin is a pin bearing the
association’s registered trademarks which:
(5) Is fitted on the back side with a single clutch, multiple clutch, safety pin,
straight pin or screw-back attachment;
(6) Does not designate or relate to any office on any Lions entity;
(9) Is not a jewelry item or piece that is in the same class as an item available in
the Lions Official Supply Catalog or special sales promotion brochures or
flyers published from time to time by the association’s Club Supplies and
Distribution Division.
ii. Lions Convention Trading Pins may be obtained solely from Club
Supplies and/or an official licensee authorized to manufacture, sell and
distribute trading pins.
b. Continued Violation by Lions Members, Clubs and/or Districts. In the event that
the association receives sufficient evidence that a Lions member, club or district
continues to violate the association trademark policies after receiving proper notice,
the association may take any or all of the following actions:
(3) Appropriate legal action may be taken to enforce the association’s trademark
1. General Policy on Funds Raised from Lions Clubs Activities. Funds raised from the
public must be used for the benefit of the public and community in which the Lions Clubs
serve. The International Constitution and By-Laws and Articles of Incorporation (the
“governing documents”) provide that chartered Lions clubs shall be not-for-profit of the
individual club or its individual members. Consequently, no part of the net earnings of
funds raised from the public shall benefit any individual Lions member, or other private
individual or entity. These policies are intended to provide guidance for clubs to meet the
purposes of the International Association of Lions Clubs. Key in determining the proper
use of funds is considering transparency to the public and developing trust from the
community in which the Lions operate. How Lions use funds must meet the legal and tax
requirements for the local jurisdiction in which they operate.
a. Definition of Public/Activity Funds. Funds raised from the public are the net
earnings of income raised from activities open to the public, public contributions,
bequests and money accumulated from invested public funds.
3. Lions Property. A percentage of the net proceeds from funds raised through the use of
property owned by Lions clubs and districts may be used toward the operating and
maintenance expenses of the property under the following guidelines.
a. Property Used for Public Purposes. Expenses for operating and maintaining the
property may be paid from public funds to support the use of the property for the
b. Property Used for Administrative Purposes. Expenses for operating and maintaining
the property must be paid from administrative funds if the use is for the benefit of the
c. Mixed Use of Property. When Lions property is used for both public and
administrative purposes, then a pro-rata percentage of the expenses may be paid from
public funds related to the percentage of use of the property by the public. For
example, a Lions Club House that is used 20% of the time for the public may use
public funds to offset 20% of the expenses of maintaining and operating the property.
10. Interpretation of the Phrase “Good Moral Character and Good Reputation in
His/Her Community”
BE IT RESOLVED, That, the phrase “good moral character and good reputation in
his/her community” as used in Article VIII, Section 2 of the International Constitution is
intended to apply to present Lions clubs members as well as prospective Lions clubs
13. Use of Funds Transferred from the Emergency Reserve Fund to the General Fund
pursuant to the cap on the Emergency Reserve Fund to 70% of the association’s prior
year’s total expense and future income earned there from, may be used to pay all
authorized association expenses, including but not limited to, publication and distribution
of Lion Magazine.
b. The term of validity of endorsement does not begin until a candidate is eligible to be
elected. In the event a candidate is not eligible to be elected at a particular
international convention, then that particular convention is not counted as one (1) of
the two (2) succeeding international conventions under the term of validity. For
example, specific circumstances under which endorsed candidates are not eligible to
be elected include, but are not limited to, the following:
15. Interpretation of the Phrase “Members who have been enrolled for at least one year
and a day in the club”
BE IT RESOLVED, That the phrase “members who have been enrolled for at least one
year and a day in the club,” as the phrase appears in the International Constitution and
By-Laws, shall be interpreted to mean the following:
a. A transferee shall be counted as a member for the purpose of calculating the delegate
entitlement of the club if the transferee has been a member of receiving transfer club
for at least one year and one day.
b. A reinstated member shall be counted as a member of that club for the purpose of
calculating the club’s delegate entitlement provided that the reinstated member has
been a member of that club for an aggregate period or periods of not less than one
year and a day.
d. Clubs being released from status quo will have their delegate quota based on the
number of members enrolled in the club for at least one year and one day at the time
of being released from status quo. Provided, however, a club being released from
status quo will be entitled to a minimum of one delegate and one alternate delegate.
16. Interpretation of First and Second Vice District Governor Qualifications as the
Qualifications Concern an Equivalency Between Lions and Lioness Club Offices
BE IT RESOLVED, That it is recognized and unchanged that Article IX, Sections 6(b)(1)
and 6(c)(1) of the International By-Laws provides a first and second vice district
governor candidate shall: “Be an active member in good standing of a chartered Lions
club in good standing in his/her single or sub-district” and effective with the adjournment
of the 2002 International Convention for the limited purpose of interpreting the
qualifications for district position of first and second vice district governor, service as a
club president or as a member of the board of directors of a Lioness club shall be
construed as equivalent to serving as club president or as a member of the board of
directors of a Lions club.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That Lions club members may; therefore, apply service
as Lioness club president or as a member of the board of directors of a Lioness club
toward fulfilling the election qualifications for first and second vice district governor.
17. Interpretation of the Phrase “Shall have Completed His/Her Term, by Election or
Appointment, as International Director.”
20. Interpretation of the Notice Requirements for the Official Convention Call and
Notice of Amendments.
BE IT RESOLVED, That the publication of the Official Convention Call and Notice of
Amendments as required under Article XI, Section 2 of the International Constitution and
Article VI, Section 2 and Article XIII, Section 2 of the International By-Laws are deemed
to be sufficiently met by the following: (a) publishing these notices in English in the
official headquarters edition of Lion Magazine within the time frame required and
submitting these notices to all other official editions of Lion Magazine in the appropriate
languages for publication as soon as received or at the time specified in accordance with
Chapter XVII of the Board Policy Manual; (b) publishing these notices on the
association’s website in all official languages within the time frame required; and (c)
sending an email message regarding the availability of these notices on the association’s
website in all official languages to an officer in each club for which the association has
received an email address.
OPINION: Yes. The International Constitution grants multiple districts the right of
representation at the international level. Inherent in this right is the right to finance efforts
necessary to gain such representation. Therefore, it is implied that such funds may be
raised from the membership of the respective multiple district. Said levy must be made in
accordance with provisions contained in the multiple district constitution for a dues
3. Liquor License
No Lions club may obtain a liquor license in its name where the primary purpose of the
license is the sale of liquor to the public.
a. The individual Lion member and his/her club shall be advised of the violation and
instructed to discontinue the said violation;
b. If the individual Lions club member does not comply with the directive of the
international board, his/her club shall be instructed to terminate his/her Lions club
c. If the individual’s club does not remove the Lion from its membership rolls within
thirty (30) days of notification, the club shall be placed in status quo.
6. Ballot Retention
The association shall retain all original international convention ballot cards, whether
voted or blank, until sixty (60) days after the adjournment of the international convention
immediately following the close of the convention where the election occurred. At that
time if it is determined that an election challenge has not been filed, or resolution of a
challenge timely made, the ballot cards will be destroyed without keeping a permanent
record of such cards.
7. Meetings by Video/Teleconference
The international president may authorize the convening of any regular and special
meeting(s) of the international board of directors by a video/teleconferencing format.
Voting during video/teleconferencing meetings shall be conducted by ballot, cast by
electronic or other suitable means. Request for secret ballots shall be according to the
procedure set out in Chapter III, Paragraph A.3. of the International Board Policy
An “International Trading Pin Club” may be organized provided, however, that no such club
shall commence operation until its basic documents have been submitted to, and approved
by, the International Board of Directors.
1. Stamp clubs for Lions only may be established in any club or district (single, sub or
multiple) provided the same is approved by the respective club or district (single, sub or
multiple) and a working relationship is established with the Lions Clubs International
Stamp Club.
The general counsel shall advise any Lions club so inquiring that participation in employee
insurance programs carried by the association shall be limited to employees of the
No contract committing the association shall be executed on behalf of or bind the association
unless the same shall have been reviewed and approved in accordance with the association’s
Purchasing Policy. Funds to cover such contracts must be provided in the budget approved
by the board of directors.
For a period of two (2) years after the expiration of his or her term of office or appointment,
the association shall not enter, nor become, nor be a party to, any contract or transaction of
any kind, in which any officer, director, past international president, past international
director or international board appointee of the association, or any business or entity of any
kind in which such officer, director, past international president, past international director or
international board appointee has a controlling stock or other interest, may or shall realize
any direct or indirect financial benefit.
1. All Constitutional Complaints Other Than District Governor/First and Second Vice
District Governor Election Challenges
A Complaint may be filed only by a Lions club or district (single, sub and multiple) in
good standing within the association. Said Complaint must be presented in writing to the
district (single or sub),with a copy to the Legal Division, in which the club is located
within thirty (30) days after the Complainant knew or should have known of the
occurrence of the event upon which the Complaint is based. The written Complaint
should describe the nature of the issues and the requested remedy. The district governor
or his designee shall thereafter provide a copy of the Complaint to the person against
whom the Complaint requests a remedy, hereinafter referred to as the Respondent, and
also to the international association, shall invite the Respondent to conciliate, and shall
within thirty (30) days of receiving the Complaint review the Complaint and attempt to
resolve the Complaint. The Complaint and all matters relating to the Complaint will be
deemed waived if the Complainant refuses to conciliate. The district shall utilize its best
efforts to conciliate the Complaint. If such conciliation is unsuccessful, the district
shall notify the Complainant, the Respondent, and the Legal Division in writing of the
status of the unsuccessful conciliation and provide the Complainant and the international
association a Notice of Failure of Conciliation.
Within ten (10) days of receipt of the district’s Notice of Failure of Conciliation, the
Complainant, if it wishes to pursue said complaint, must file a written Complaint Notice
with the multiple district, with a copy to the Legal Division, in which the club is located.
The Complaint Notice shall explain the factual basis of the Complaint, the surrounding
circumstances, and the remedy that the Complainant requests. The Complainant shall
If either the Complainant or Respondent is not satisfied with the Multiple District
Decision, within thirty (30) days of its receipt of the Multiple District Decision, it shall
file an appeal notice with the international association describing the nature of the issues
and the requested remedy. The party against whom the remedy is requested and
international association shall be provided a copy of the Appeal Notice.
Said Appeal shall be processed in accordance with the following Rules of Procedure:
a. Within thirty (30) days of the receipt of the Appeal Notice, the international
association shall arrange a fact finding conference between the Complainant and the
Respondent. The conference shall be conducted by the international association’s
senior executive administrator or such other staff members of the international
association that the senior executive administrator shall designate. If the Respondent is
the senior executive administrator, the Appeal Notice shall be presented to any
executive officer of the international association who shall thereafter conduct the fact
finding conference. During that conference the senior executive administrator or his
designee will attempt, if possible, to resolve the issues raised by the Appeal Notice. If
within fifteen (15) days thereafter, the senior executive administrator or his designees
are not able to otherwise resolve the issues raised by the Appeal Notice to the
satisfaction of either the Complainant or Respondent, the Complainant, Respondent,
and the Legal Division shall be provided a Notice of Failure to Resolve Appeal
The Review and Conciliation Committee shall be the Constitution and By-Laws
Committee of the International Board of Directors. The committee may add, within
forty-five (45) days of its receipt of Notice of Failure to Resolve Appeal Notice, up to
two (2) additional members in good standing of a Lions club, if in the committee’s
opinion members with special expertise are necessary to conciliate the matter. The
members of the Review and Conciliation Committee shall designate a chairman who
shall coordinate the committee’s functions, including developing and fixing agendas
and scheduling sessions for the committee, maintaining order, developing
recommendations, assigning roles to panel members, resolving procedural issues,
explaining settlement options, determining the suitability and number of witnesses,
and addressing any other concerns of either the Complainant or Respondent.
Within thirty (30) days of the selection of the Review and Conciliation Committee,
the Review and Conciliation Committee shall notify the Complainant, Respondent,
and the international association of(a) the time, date and location when the Review
and Conciliation Committee will meet; (b) the names and titles of the five committee
members; (c) the opportunity for the Complainant and Respondent to present its case
at that meeting, including (1) the opportunity to be represented by counsel at its
expense; (2) the opportunity to discover documents and information prior to the
meeting; (3) the opportunity to present written documents as evidence; (4) the
opportunity to present oral testimony by witnesses; (5)the opportunity to orally argue
its case during the meeting; (6) the opportunity to submit written arguments prior to
and at the close of the Review and Conciliation Committee meeting; and (7) the
opportunity to submit written arguments replying to written arguments submitted by
the opposing party.
The Review and Conciliation Committee shall review the facts and circumstances
pertaining to the Appeal Notice and may, at its discretion, call its own witnesses at
the meeting and request documents and information.
Within sixty (60) days after the conclusion of the Review and Conciliation
Committee meeting and the receipt of all written arguments by the Complainant and
Respondent, the Review and Conciliation Committee shall issue a written Review and
Conciliation Committee Decision. The Review and Conciliation Committee may
affirm, reverse or modify the Multiple District Decision; may describe what
appropriate action is warranted; may decide that compensation for damages or
affirmative relief is warranted; and may decide that either the Complainant or
Respondent should pay the reasonable attorney’s fees and costs the other party
incurred in prosecuting or defending the Complaint, Multiple District Decision, or
Appeal Notice. The Review and Conciliation Committee’s Decision may not exceed
the issues raised in the Appeal Notice. A copy of the Review and Conciliation
Committee Decision shall be provided the Complainant, the Respondent, and the
international association.
If either the Complainant or Respondent is not satisfied with the Review and
Conciliation Committee Decision, it shall, within thirty (30) days of receipt of that
Decision, file with the international association a Request to Review requesting that
the association’s International Board of Directors review the Review and Conciliation
Committee Decision. The Complainant and the Respondent shall, within forty-five
(45) days thereafter, simultaneously provide forty-five copies (45) of any additional
written argument or documents to the association’s International Board of Directors.
Provided that said request to review is received at the international office at least
thirty (30) days prior to the date of the next regularly scheduled meeting, the
association’s International Board of Directors shall there after review the Review and
Conciliation Committee’s Decision and all additional written arguments or
documents either the Complainant or Respondent has provided and, within sixty (60)
days of its meeting, issue an International Board of Directors’ Decision. In the event
that said request is not received at least thirty (30) days prior to the next regularly
scheduled meeting, the international board reserves the right to hear the matter at a
subsequent meeting. The International Board of Directors’ Decision will be final and
binding on the Complainant and Respondent.
(1) The International Board of Directors reserves the right to expedite this
procedure, including the elimination of one or more complaint step(s), upon a
showing of good cause. Within the time allowed for filing a Complaint or
Appeal at any Complaint Step provided under this procedure, any
Complainant or Respondent may submit a written request to the Legal
Division of the international association for approval to eliminate one or more
complaint step(s), providing all reasons for such request, which shall be
reviewed by and decided in the sole discretion of the Chairperson of the
Constitution and By-Laws Committee of the International Board of Directors.
(2) Any time limits specified in this procedure may be shortened or extended
upon a showing of good cause by the assigned decision maker at the specified
Complaint Step stage.
(4) The Complainant and Respondent shall not pursue administrative or judicial
actions during the complaint process.
(5) Prior to the meeting of the Review and Conciliation Committee, each party
will be given a reasonable opportunity to review the documents submitted by
the other party and submit additional documents. All documents that will be
presented as evidence must be submitted to the Review and Conciliation
Committee at least ten (10) days in advance of the Review and Conciliation
Committee meeting.
2. District Governor and First and Second Vice District Governor Election Complaints
The following rules of procedure shall apply for hearing constitutional complaints
concerning district governor/first and second vice district governor elections
Document Distribution Guidelines: The party/parties to the complaint shall deliver all
documents and related copies to the Legal Division at the International Office for
distribution to the members of the Constitution and By-Laws Committee and the
International Board of Directors. The party/parties to the complaint process shall not
distribute documents directly to individual Directors or Executive Officers.
(1) May be filed only by the unsuccessful candidate seeking election to the office
of district governor/first or second vice district governor at the district election
being contested.
(2) The initial notice of complaint, stating the reasons for the protest, must be
received by fax, e-mail or other writing at the International Office within five
(5) business days of said election. PROVIDED, however, that formal
complaint documents shall be submitted, in original form which shall conform
to the format provided in Part E, by mail or courier service only within five
(5) business days of the filing of the initial notice of complaint.
(6) Copy of the complaint and any supporting documentation must be forwarded
by complainant at the same time and by the same method of communication
to the party/parties complained of. Upon receipt of any such complaint, the
b. Response
(2) The response shall include a copy of the official minutes of the convention
where the election was conducted, and copies of any applicable district
constitution and by-laws and convention election rules and/or voting
requirements. The minutes shall include a report of the district convention
election procedures and voting results, and shall be certified as to accuracy by
the district governor and district cabinet secretary. The Legal Division may
require additional documents in response to the complaint. Such documents
shall be submitted within the time permitted as set by the Legal Division,
which shall be no less than 10 days from date of request.
(3) Copy of the response and any supporting documentation must be forwarded
by the responding party at the same time and by the same method of
communication to the respondent. Upon receipt of any such response, the
Legal Division, where feasible, may furnish a copy of the response to said
party/parties. In no event shall this relieve the complainant of his/her
responsibility. Verification of forwarding the response to the complainant
shall be produced with the filing of the response. Failure to provide
verification may result in the response being returned as non-compliant or
being denied.
c. Reply to Response
(1) A reply to the response may be filed by the complaining party and must be
received by mail or by courier service at the International Office within five
(5) business days after receipt of the response. A reply shall be limited to five
(5) pages in accordance with the format requirements provided in Part E
herein. No additional documents will be accepted. The reply should address
(2) Copy of the reply must be forwarded by complainant at the same time and by
the same method of communication to the party/parties complained of. Upon
receipt of any such reply, the Legal Division, where feasible, may furnish a
copy of the reply to said party/parties. In no event shall this relieve the
complainant of his/her responsibility. Verification of forwarding the reply to
the party/parties complained of shall be produced with the filing of the reply.
Failure to provide verification may result in the reply being returned as non-
compliant or being denied.
The Legal Division may consider that any response or input from anyone other than a
party to the complaint as peripheral and/or non-complying and may be returned
and/or acknowledged as such.
(1) The original complaint shall contain the following parts in the order listed: (a)
statement of facts necessary to the understanding of the complaint, stated
accurately and fairly; (b) argument containing the contentions of the
party/parties and reasons therefore; (c) a short conclusion stating the relief
(2) The text of every document including any appendix shall appear in 12 point or
larger type (pica type, 10 pitch if typewritten). Footnotes shall appear in 9
point or larger type (elite type, 12 pitch if typewritten). Documents may not be
reduced or typeface condensed to increase content of document.
Photographically reduced documents shall not be considered and shall be
returned to the sender. Every document shall be produced on opaque paper 8
½ by 11 inches, or A/4, double spaced with three fourths (3/4) inch margin on
all sides and shall be stapled or bound at the upper left hand corner.
Documents may be printed on one side of the page only.
(3) The complaint and response shall not exceed ten (10) pages with five (5)
optional pages of support documentation, and the reply to the response shall
not exceed five (5) pages and no additional documentation will accepted.
Each page shall be numbered sequentially as part of the total page limit (for
example, page one of ten, page two of ten). Requests to exceed these page
limits, or otherwise provide additional supporting documents, will be denied.
Exclusive of page limitations, a single cover page must contain from the top
of the page: (a) the district number; (b) the name, address, e-mail address and
fax number of the complaining party; (c) name, address, e-mail address and
(4) At the close of the document submitted, the original signature of the party
submitting the document shall appear directly below the following statement:
“I hereby agree that the decision of the International Board of Directors shall
be final and binding.” In addition, each page of the document shall be initialed
by the submitting party.
(5) The Legal Division shall not accept for consideration any document that is not
in compliance with these guidelines but shall return it indicating to the party
any failure to comply. The document, however, shall be deemed timely filed
provided that a proper document is substituted promptly. The International
Board of Directors, through the Constitution and By-Laws Committee, may
refuse to consider any resubmitted document not filed in accordance with
these guidelines. The International Board of Directors shall not be required to
consider any complaint, response to said complaint, or reply to the response,
which is not received in accordance with the above stated procedures or
requirements. By filing a complaint, response or reply, the parties to the
complaint agree to submit the matter for consideration by the International
Board of Directors and further agree to abide by any and all decisions of said
Board. The decision of the International Board of Directors shall be final and
The parties involved in a District Governor election complaint are not eligible to
attend the Lions Clubs International District Governor Elect Seminar until the
International Board of Directors adopts the election results for the district in which
the complaint has arisen and declares that such results have become effective, or
unless otherwise approved by the incoming International President. Each district
(single, sub or multiple) may determine what district level training the parties to the
complaint may attend to prepare for the upcoming fiscal year pending the outcome of
the complaint.
Any Lions club in good standing within the association (the “complainant”) may file
a written request with the district governor or, in the event the complaint is directed
against the district governor, the immediate past district governor (a “complaint”),
with a copy to the Legal Division, asking that dispute resolution take place under this
procedure. The complaint must be filed within thirty (30) days after the
complainant(s) knew or should have known of the occurrence of the event upon
which the complaint is based. The complainant(s) must submit minutes signed by the
club secretary certifying that a resolution in support of filing the complaint has been
adopted by a majority of the entire membership of the club. A copy of the complaint
shall be sent to the respondent(s).
The respondent(s) to the complaint may file a written response to the complaint with
the district governor or, in the event the complaint is directed against the district
governor, the immediate past district governor, with a copy to the Legal Division,
within ten (10) days of receiving notice of the complaint. A copy of the response
shall be sent to the complainant(s).
D. Confidentiality
E. Selection of Conciliators
Within fifteen (15) days of filing the complaint, each party to the dispute shall select
one (1) neutral conciliator and the selected conciliators shall select one (1) neutral
conciliator, who will serve as chairperson. The selected conciliators’ decision
relative to the selection of the conciliator/chairperson shall be final and binding. All
of the selected conciliators shall be Lion leaders, preferably past district governors,
who are currently members in good standing of clubs in good standing in the district
(single or sub-) in which the dispute arises, other than a club which is a party to the
dispute, and shall be impartial on the matter in dispute and without loyalties to any
party to the dispute. Upon completion of the selection process, the conciliators shall
be deemed appointed with all authority appropriate and necessary to resolve or decide
the dispute in accordance with this procedure.
In the event the selected conciliators cannot agree on the selection of the
conciliator/chairperson within the time frame noted above, then the selected
conciliators shall be automatically deemed to have resigned for administrative reasons
and the parties must select new conciliators (“the second team of selected
conciliators”) who shall then select one (1) neutral conciliator/chairperson in
accordance with the selection procedures and requirements described above. In the
event the second team of selected conciliators cannot agree on the selection of the
conciliator/chairperson from within the district (single or sub-) in which the dispute
arises, the selected conciliators may select one (1) neutral conciliator/chairperson who
is a member of a club in good standing outside the respective district (single or sub-).
In the event the second team of selected conciliators cannot agree on the selection of
the conciliator/chairperson from within or outside the district (single or sub-) in which
the dispute arises, then the past international director who most recently served on the
International Board of Directors from within the district (single or sub-) in which the
dispute arises or from an adjacent district (single or sub-), whichever is closest in
proximity, shall be appointed as conciliator/chairperson. The time limits in this
Section E may not be shortened or extended by the district governor or, in the event
Upon being appointed, the conciliators shall arrange a meeting of the parties for the
purpose of conciliating the dispute. The meeting shall be scheduled within thirty (30)
days of the appointment of the conciliators. The objective of the conciliators shall be
to find a prompt and amicable resolution to the dispute. If such conciliation efforts
are unsuccessful, the conciliators shall have the authority to issue their decision
relative to the dispute. The conciliators shall issue their decision in writing no later
than thirty (30) days after the date on which the initial meeting of the parties was
held, and the decision shall be final and binding on all parties. The written decision
shall be signed by all the conciliators, with the dissent of any conciliator properly
noted, and a copy of the written decision shall be provided to all parties, the district
governor or, in the event the complaint is directed against the district governor, the
immediate past district governor, and, to the Legal Division of Lions Clubs
International. The decision of the conciliators must be consistent with any applicable
provisions of the International, Multiple District and District Constitutions and By-
Laws and policies of the International Board of Directors, and is subject to the
authority of and further review by the International Board of Directors at the sole
discretion of the International Board of Directors or its designee.
Failure to comply with the final and binding decision of the conciliators constitutes
conduct unbecoming a Lion and is subject to loss of membership privileges and/or
charter cancellation.
Upon receipt of a petition for intervention signed by three (3) current or past international
officers who are members in good standing of clubs in good standing in the district, but
who are not members of the same club as the district governor or past international
officer complained of, and when deemed advisable, the Executive Committee of the
International Board of Directors may appoint a mediator within 30 days of the petition
under the following terms and conditions:
a. The basis of the petition against a district governor arose after the beginning of the
district governor’s term, but no later than six (6) months after his/her term begins:
b. There is no pending litigation filed in a court over substantially the same issues raised
in the petition concerning the same district governor or past international officer.
e. The mediator will call a meeting of the complaining parties and the party complained
of and such other Lions as the mediator deems appropriate within ten (10) days,
unless extended by the mediator for not more than an additional twenty (20) days, of
being appointed by the Executive Committee and attempt to resolve the complaint;
g. The mediator shall file a confidential written report to the Executive Committee
within forty five (45) days after being appointed whether or not a resolution of the
dispute is reached;
h. Upon the receipt of the report from the mediator, if a resolution was not achieved, the
Executive Committee may take whatever action it deems appropriate including the
recommendation for appropriate sanctions (and in the case of a district governor up to
and including a request for his/her resignation or recommendation for consideration
of removal from office.)
Any Lions club in good standing or sub-district within the association (the
“complainant”) may file a written request with the council chairperson or, in the event
the complaint is directed against the council chairperson, the council secretary or
council treasurer (a “complaint”), with a copy to the Legal Division, asking that
dispute resolution take place under this procedure. The complaint must be filed
within thirty (30) days after the complainant(s) knew or should have known of the
occurrence of the event upon which the complaint is based. The complainant(s) must
submit minutes signed by the club or cabinet secretary certifying that a resolution in
support of filing the complaint has been adopted by a majority of the entire
membership of the club or district cabinet. A copy of the complaint shall be sent to
the respondent(s).
C. Response to Complaint
The respondent(s) to the complaint may file a written response to the complaint with
the council chairperson or, in the event the complaint is directed against the council
chairperson, the council secretary or council treasurer, with a copy to the Legal
Division, within ten (10) days of receiving notice of the complaint. A copy of the
response shall be sent to the complainant(s).
E. Selection of Conciliators
Within fifteen (15) days of filing the complaint, each party to the dispute shall select
one (1) neutral conciliator, who shall be a past district governor, preferably a past
council chairperson, who is currently a member in good standing of a club in good
standing, other than a club which is a party to the dispute, in the multiple district in
which the dispute arises, and shall be impartial on the matter in dispute and without
loyalties to any party to the dispute. The selected conciliators shall select one (1)
neutral conciliator who will serve as chairperson, and who shall be a past
international director and is currently a member in good standing of a club in good
standing in the multiple district in which the dispute arises, other than a club which is
a party to the dispute, and shall be impartial on the matter in dispute and without
loyalties to any party to the dispute. In the event there is no neutral past international
director who may be selected from within the multiple district in which the dispute
arises, the selected conciliators may select one (1) neutral conciliator/chairperson who
shall be a past international director and is a member of a club in good standing
outside the respective multiple district. The selected conciliators’ decision relative to
the selection of the conciliator/chairperson shall be final and binding. Upon
completion of the selection process, the conciliators shall be deemed appointed with
all authority appropriate and necessary to resolve or decide the dispute in accordance
with this procedure.
In the event the selected conciliators cannot agree on the selection of the
conciliator/chairperson within the time frame noted above, then the selected
conciliators shall be automatically deemed to have resigned for administrative reasons
and the parties must select new conciliators (“the second team of selected
conciliators”) who shall then select one (1) neutral conciliator/chairperson in
accordance with the selection procedures and requirements described above. In the
event the second team of selected conciliators cannot agree on the selection of the
conciliator/chairperson from within the multiple district in which the dispute arises,
the selected conciliators may select one (1) neutral conciliator/chairperson who shall
be a past international director and is a member of a club in good standing outside the
respective multiple district. In the event the second team of selected conciliators
cannot agree on the selection of the conciliator/chairperson from within or outside the
multiple district in which the dispute arises, then the past international director who
most recently served on the International Board of Directors from within the multiple
district in which the dispute arises or from an adjacent multiple district, whichever is
closest in proximity, shall be appointed as conciliator/chairperson. The time limits in
this Section E may not be shortened or extended by the multiple district council
Upon being appointed, the conciliators shall arrange a meeting of the parties for the
purpose of conciliating the dispute. The meeting shall be scheduled within thirty (30)
days of the appointment of the conciliators. The objective of the conciliators shall be
to find a prompt and amicable resolution to the dispute. If such conciliation efforts
are unsuccessful, the conciliators shall have the authority to issue their decision
relative to the dispute. The conciliators shall issue their decision in writing no later
than thirty (30) days after the date on which the initial meeting of the parties was
held, and the decision shall be final and binding on all parties.
The written decision shall be signed by all the conciliators, with the dissent of any
conciliator properly noted, and a copy of the written decision shall be provided to all
parties, the multiple district council chairperson or, in the event the complaint is
directed against the council chairperson, the council secretary or council treasurer, the
multiple district council of governors and to the Legal Division of Lions Clubs
International. The decision of the conciliators must be consistent with any applicable
provisions of the International, Multiple District and District Constitutions and By-
Laws and policies of the International Board of Directors, and is subject to the
authority of and further review by the International Board of Directors at the sole
discretion of the International Board of Directors or its designee.
Failure to comply with the final and binding decision of the conciliators constitutes
conduct unbecoming a Lion and is subject to loss of membership privileges and/or
charter cancellation.
BE IT RESOLVED, That the words “Lions International” where they appear on printed
material of the international association be changed to read “Lions Clubs International.”
1. Initiation of Litigation
The association’s general counsel shall prepare for inclusion in the administrative
officers’ report to the board a summary showing the current status of litigation involving
the association. Any change in the status of litigation shall be reported in the
administrative officers’ report to the board.
1. Personally appear before the Nominating Committee of the international convention and
announce his/her intention to withdraw his/her candidacy; or
2. Deliver to the Nominating Committee of the international convention a letter stating that
he/she is withdrawing as a candidate for international office. Said letter of withdrawal
will be considered at the meeting of the Nominating Committee of the international
Effective November 2005, The International Association of Lions Clubs (“Lions Clubs
International”) authorizes CT Corporation to serve as the association’s registered agent for all
states and countries in which the association must have a registered agent.
Information detailing and emphasizing the principal areas of the statutory and common law
duties and responsibilities of corporate officers and directors shall be included in the
International Director – Service Through Leadership booklet distributed annually to members
of the International Board of Directors. The text of this information shall be in the form
attached as Exhibit B.
The International Board of Directors hereby prohibits all officers, directors and employees of
the association from accepting gifts of any kind from both the commercial licensees of the
association as well as those who seek to become such licensees.
The officers, board, management and staff of the International Association of Lions Clubs
(“the association”) recognize a shared responsibility to ensure that they conduct themselves
in an unbiased manner and serve the goals of the Lions of the world. It is the responsibility
of the association to guard against conflicts of interest, which might compromise the integrity
and objectivity of the association’s operations.
1. Purpose
The purpose of the conflicts of interest policy is to protect the association’s interests
when it is contemplating entering into a transaction or arrangement that might benefit the
private interests of an officer, director, manager, or staff of the association. This policy is
intended to supplement, but not replace, any applicable state laws governing conflicts of
interest applicable to nonprofit and charitable corporations.
2. Definitions
a. Interested Person
Any officer, director, or member of a committee with board delegated powers that
have a direct or indirect financial interest is an interested person.
b. Financial Interest
A person has a financial interest if the person has, directly or indirectly, through
business, investment or family:
(1) An ownership or investment interest in any entity with which the association
has a transaction or arrangement,
Compensation includes direct and indirect remuneration as well as gifts or favors that
are substantial in nature. A financial interest is not necessarily a conflict of interest
unless deemed so by the board or appropriate committee.
3. Procedures
a. Duty to Disclose
In connection with any actual or possible conflicts of interest, an interested person
must disclose the existence of his or her financial interest and must be given the
opportunity to disclose all material facts to the directors and members of committees
with board delegated powers considering the proposed transaction or arrangement.
(3) After exercising due diligence, the board or committee shall determine
whether the association can obtain a more advantageous transaction or
arrangement with reasonable efforts from a person or entity that would not
give rise to a conflict of interest.
(1) If the board or committee has reasonable cause to believe that a member has
failed to disclose actual or possible conflicts of interest, it shall inform the
member of the basis for such belief and afford the member an opportunity to
explain the alleged failure to disclose.
(2) If, after hearing the response of the member and making such further
investigation as may be warranted in the circumstances, the board or
committee determines that the member has in fact failed to disclose an actual
or possible conflict of interest, it shall take appropriate disciplinary and
corrective action.
4. Records of Proceedings
The minutes of the board and all committees with board-delegated powers shall contain:
a. The names of the persons who disclosed or otherwise were found to have a financial
interest in connection with an actual or possible conflict of interest, the nature of the
financial interest, any action taken to determine whether a conflict of interest was
present, and the board’s or committee’s decision as to whether a conflict of interest in
fact existed.
b. The names of the persons who were present for discussions and votes relating to the
transaction or arrangement, the content of the discussion, including any alternatives to
the proposed transaction or arrangement, and a record of any votes taken in
connection therewith.
6. Annual Statements
Each officer, director, and member of a committee with board-delegated powers shall
annually sign a statement, which affirms that such person:
a. Has received a copy of the conflicts of interest policy,
b. Has read and understands the policy,
c. Has agreed to comply with the policy, and
d. Understands that the association is a not for profit corporation and that in order to
maintain its federal tax exemption it must engage primarily in activities which
accomplish one or more of its tax-exempt purposes.
(Name of Sponsoring Club or District)
The name, goodwill, emblem and other insignia of this association and Lions clubs chartered
thereunder may not be used, published or distributed by any Lions club, Lions club member or any
Lions district or by any entity (legal or natural, in corporate or any other form) organized and/or
controlled by any Lions club, Lions club member or members or any Lions district for any purpose
except those expressly authorized by the provisions of the constitution or by policies of the
International Board of Directors; and no other individual or entity (legal or natural, incorporated or
any other form) may use the name, goodwill, emblem and other insignia of the association and Lions
clubs chartered thereunder without such written consent and license as shall be required by the
International Board of Directors.
(D) Describe how approval is given by clubs and/or districts (attach copy of
(3) How much, generally, of funds raised in one year are disbursed in same year?
(F) What type information is furnished to participating members and/or clubs concerning
operation of activities? ____________________________
(G) Describe in detail nature of participation by clubs (other than contribution or raising
of funds), i.e., what other details in actual operation are handled by clubs.
(H) Describe all insurance coverage, in addition to the Lions General Liability Insurance
Program, that is in effect or will be obtained for this project (such as directors and
officers liability, fiduciary, fraud/theft, excess umbrella, property, workers
compensation, etc.). _________________________
(A) If any club or club member chooses to refrain from participating, either originally
or by withdrawal, will it or he or she incur any pressure or disadvantage of any
kind within district or club (or area)? If answer is "yes," please give details.
III. Purpose
State the purpose of the project/foundation and type of persons or institutions, etc. to be
IV. Duration
(B) How long has activity been in operation prior to this application? ________
It is generally accepted that the Directors and Officers of a corporation occupy a fiduciary relationship to the corporation. The
Illinois courts have declared that "A fiduciary relationship automatically exists between a corporation and its Directors and Officers."
The fiduciary relationship requires that Directors act in good faith on all occasions and give their conscientious care and best
judgment to their tasks.
A Director usually meets his/her duties to the corporation when he/she performs his/her duties in good faith and in a manner he/she
reasonably believes to be in the best interest of the corporation. Illinois courts will not usually interfere with the Directors'
management of the corporation in the absence of fraud and illegal conduct or impose liability on him/her because of erroneous
judgment when the same is exercised in good faith.
The statutory duties and authority of the corporate officers are rather broad and not specifically defined in the Illinois General
Not-For-Profit Corporation Act. Generally, the officers have such authority and duties as are provided in the By-Laws or determined by
the Board as long as they are not inconsistent with the By-Laws.
An officer derives his/her express authority from statutes, the Articles of Incorporation, or the corporation's Constitution and
By-Laws or Resolutions of the Board of Directors. For example, the By-Laws might enumerate the various officers and define their
respective authority.
Actual Authority other than express authority is usually referred to as "implied" or "inherent" authority. An officer may derive
implied authority based on the inherent powers of his/her office.
Modem Illinois Case Law tends to establish a rebuttable presumption that the President has authority to act on behalf of the
corporation in the ordinary course of corporate affairs (day-to-day business). Where the President is in fact General Manager, he/she has the
implied authority inherent to the office of the General Manager. The General Manager has implied authority to make any contract or
to do any other act appropriate in the ordinary business of the corporation. The fact that a person is permitted to act as General Manager
is sufficient to clothe him/her with such implied authority. The International President, therefore, must always be cognizant of the fact that
there is a legal presumption that he/she possesses such implied authority and must conduct his/her actions with the idea that the same may be
binding upon the Association.
The Vice-Presidents, unlike the President, have no inherent powers other than to act when the President is unavailable
because of death, illness or other incapacity.
Apparent Authority, sometimes referred to as Ostensible Authority, exists when the corporation holds out that an officer or agent
possesses certain authority and a third person in good faith believes that such authority exists. In such a case, the corporation and
possibly such third person are estopped from denying such authority. In summary, where there is Apparent Authority the absence of
Actual Authority, express or implied, is immaterial. The relationship stressed is that between the corporation and the person transacting
business with its purported agent.
Considering the association's accountability to its membership and the public, the International Board of Directors adopts the
following policy and procedures with respect to disclosure requirements concerning transactions and rela tionships that may involve
potential conflict of interest.
Each officer, director and employee shall avoid situations where their personal interest could conflict with, or appear to
conflict with, the interest of the association.
The use of association assets for any unlawful or improper purpose is strictly prohibited.
No false entries are to be made in the books for any reasons, and no employee shall engage in any arrangement that results
in such prohibited act.
No payments are to be approved or made with the intention that any part is to be used for any purpose other than that
described in the supporting documents.
Any employee who knows of any unrecorded asset or any prohibited act must promptly report it to the management of the
This policy requires the annual submission from association board members, key management personnel, and
employees in sensitive positions, of a statement certifying their compliance with the policy.
The association's Finance and Headquarters Operation Committee is responsible for review and enforcement of this policy. Staff
disclosure statements will initially be reviewed and evaluated by the senior executive administrator. Upon completion of this
review, the senior executive administrator will forward his findings to members of the Finance and Headquarters Operation
Committee for final analysis and action.
This policy shall be construed to also apply to the Lions Clubs International Foundation trustees and employees.
Ours is an association of service, and the manner in which the service is rendered is fully as important as the service itself. Our
members, the Executive Officers, the International Directors, the Board Appointees, the Administrative Officers, the
International Office staff and our communities expect honest and ethical conduct from each of you every day. No act or request
on the part of Lions clubs and their members, officers, board of directors or staff within our association with whom, or the
community for whom, we render services can justify the breach of this guideline. Honest and ethical conduct is defined by four
core values that serve as the foundation for our Ethical Standards:
Integrity – Lions Clubs International insists on the highest standards of personal and professional integrity. We must all make
every possible effort to safeguard the association’s assets. We must also comply with all association policies and applicable
Accountability – Lions Clubs International expects all past and current Executive Officers, International Directors, and Board
Appointees to honor commitments as authorized and made on behalf of the association and take individual responsibility for all
actions and outcomes. It has no tolerance for ethical violations.
Teamwork – Lions Clubs International seeks to maintain a service environment that encourages innovation, creativity and
positive results through teamwork. We must all practice leadership to train, inspire and promote full participation and individual
development for all Lions. We encourage open and effective communication and interaction.
Excellence – Lions Clubs International is dedicated to fair treatment, mutual respect, diversity and trust. We must challenge each
other to improve our services, our processes and ourselves. We must strive together to serve our membership and communities
and help the association achieve its goals.
Your responsibilities begin with understanding of the core values and Ethical Standards of Lions Clubs International. Your role
in the association demands an ongoing vigilance to maintain these standards of honest and ethical conduct. The International
Board Policy Manual highlights areas that concern Lions Clubs International Ethical Standards, including our Mission Statement
(Ch.I.A.), Code of Ethics (Ch.VI.1.A.), Anti-Discrimination Guidelines for Service Activities and Membership (Ch.I.M. and
Ch.XVIII.G. respectively), Obligations of a Chartered Club (Ch.V.A.), Use of Publicly Raised Funds (Ch.XV.G.1.), Rules of
Audit (Ch.IX.B.,Ch.XXII.C.), Conflict of Interest (Ch.XV.L.), Solicitation (Ch.XV.A.2.f), and Privacy Policy (Ch.XV.Exh.D.).
The International Constitution and By-Laws and the International Director booklet also provide additional guidance in the areas
of ethical standards and conduct. In many instances, ethical standards intersect legal requirements. If an ethical or legal
compliance issue arises that raises a question in your mind, you have a responsibility to bring that issue to the attention of the
appropriate International Board committee or International Office division (for example, the Finance and Headquarters Operation
Committee reviews Conflict of Interest issues; the Constitution and By-Laws Committee and/or Legal Division review Legal
issues). You may also bring ethical or legal concerns to the attention of the Executive Officers or the Administrative Officers of
the association.
The core values of the Ethical Standards of Lions Clubs International, along with the policies of the International Board of
Directors, provide a guide and framework to help you understand what is expected from you and to help you make good
decisions. As they are not all inclusive, your good and best judgment is essential in doing the “right” and ethical thing. Please
join us in continuing Lions Clubs’ tradition of honest and ethical practices in serving millions of people in need.
Ours is an association of service, and the manner in which the service is rendered is fully as important as the service itself. Our
members, your Council of Governors, the International Board of Directors, the Executive Officers, the Administrative Officers,
the International Office staff and our communities expect honest and ethical conduct from each of you every day. No act or
request on the part of Lions clubs and their members, officers, board of directors or staff within our association with whom, or
the community for whom, we render services can justify the breach of this guideline. Honest and ethical conduct is defined by
four core values that serve as the foundation for our Ethical Standards:
Integrity – Lions Clubs International insists on the highest standards of personal and professional integrity. We must all make
every possible effort to safeguard the association’s assets. We must also comply with all association policies and applicable
Accountability – Lions Clubs International expects all Council Chairpersons to honor commitments as authorized and made on
behalf of the association and take individual responsibility for all actions and outcomes. It has no tolerance for ethical violations.
Teamwork – Lions Clubs International seeks to maintain a service environment that encourages innovation, creativity and
positive results through teamwork. We must all practice leadership to train, inspire and promote full participation and individual
development for all Lions. We encourage open and effective communication and interaction.
Excellence – Lions Clubs International is dedicated to fair treatment, mutual respect, diversity and trust. We must challenge each
other to improve our services, our processes and ourselves. We must strive together to serve our membership and communities
and help the association achieve its goals.
Your responsibilities begin with understanding of the core values and Ethical Standards of Lions Clubs International. Your role
in the association demands an ongoing vigilance to maintain these standards of honest and ethical conduct. Lions Clubs
International has adopted several policy statements that concern the association’s Ethical Standards, such as our Mission
Statement, Code of Ethics, Anti-Discrimination Guidelines for Service Activities and Membership, Obligations of a Chartered
Club, Use of Publicly Raised Funds, Rules of Audit, Conflict of Interest, Solicitation, and Privacy. The International
Constitution and By-Laws, the Council Chairperson Manual and the International Board Policy Manual provide information
about these policy statements and additional guidance in the areas of ethical standards and conduct. In many instances, ethical
standards intersect legal requirements. If an ethical or legal compliance issue arises that raises a question in your mind, you have
a responsibility to bring that issue to the attention of the appropriate International Board committee or International Office
division (for example, the Finance and Headquarters Operation Committee reviews Conflict of Interest issues; the Constitution
and By-Laws Committee and/or Legal Division review Legal issues). You may also bring ethical or legal concerns to the
attention of the International Board of Directors, the Executive Officers, or the Administrative Officers of the association.
The core values of the Ethical Standards of Lions Clubs International, along with the policies of the International Board of
Directors, provide a guide and framework to help you understand what is expected from you and to help you make good
decisions. As they are not all inclusive, your good and best judgment is essential in doing the “right” and ethical thing. Please
join us in continuing Lions Clubs’ tradition of honest and ethical practices in serving millions of people in need.
Ours is an association of service, and the manner in which the service is rendered is fully as important as the service itself. Our
members, your fellow District Governors, the International Board of Directors, the Executive Officers, the Administrative
Officers, the International Office staff and our communities expect honest and ethical conduct from each of you every day. No
act or request on the part of Lions clubs and their members, officers, board of directors or staff within our association with whom,
or the community for whom, we render services can justify the breach of this guideline. Honest and ethical conduct is defined by
four core values that serve as the foundation for our Ethical Standards:
Integrity – Lions Clubs International insists on the highest standards of personal and professional integrity. We must all make
every possible effort to safeguard the association’s assets. We must also comply with all association policies and applicable
Accountability – Lions Clubs International expects all District Governors to honor commitments as authorized and made on
behalf of the association and take individual responsibility for all actions and outcomes. It has no tolerance for ethical violations.
Teamwork – Lions Clubs International seeks to maintain a service environment that encourages innovation, creativity and
positive results through teamwork. We must all practice leadership to train, inspire and promote full participation and individual
development for all Lions. We encourage open and effective communication and interaction.
Excellence – Lions Clubs International is dedicated to fair treatment, mutual respect, diversity and trust. We must challenge each
other to improve our services, our processes and ourselves. We must strive together to serve our membership and communities
and help the association achieve its goals.
Your responsibilities begin with understanding of the core values and Ethical Standards of Lions Clubs International. Your role
in the association demands an ongoing vigilance to maintain these standards of honest and ethical conduct. Lions Clubs
International has adopted several policy statements that concern the association’s Ethical Standards, such as our Mission
Statement, Code of Ethics, Anti-Discrimination Guidelines for Service Activities and Membership, Obligations of a Chartered
Club, Use of Publicly Raised Funds, Rules of Audit, Conflict of Interest, Solicitation, and Privacy. The International
Constitution and By-Laws, the District Governor Manual and the International Board Policy Manual provide information about
these policy statements and additional guidance in the areas of ethical standards and conduct. In many instances, ethical
standards intersect legal requirements. If an ethical or legal compliance issue arises that raises a question in your mind, you have
a responsibility to bring that issue to the attention of the appropriate International Board committee or International Office
division (for example, the Finance and Headquarters Operation Committee reviews Conflict of Interest issues; the Constitution
and By-Laws Committee and/or Legal Division review Legal issues). You may also bring ethical or legal concerns to the
attention of the International Board of Directors, the Executive Officers, or the Administrative Officers of the association.
The core values of the Ethical Standards of Lions Clubs International, along with the policies of the International Board of
Directors, provide a guide and framework to help you understand what is expected from you and to help you make good
decisions. As they are not all inclusive, your good and best judgment is essential in doing the “right” and ethical thing. Please
join us in continuing Lions Clubs’ tradition of honest and ethical practices in serving millions of people in need.
Ours is an association of service, and the manner in which the service is rendered is fully as important as the service itself. Our
members, your fellow club officers, your District Governor, the International Board of Directors, the Executive Officers, the
Administrative Officers, the International Office staff and our communities expect honest and ethical conduct from each of you
every day. No act or request on the part of Lions clubs and their members, officers, board of directors or staff within our
association with whom, or the community for whom, we render services can justify the breach of this guideline. Honest and
ethical conduct is defined by four core values that serve as the foundation for our Ethical Standards:
Integrity – Lions Clubs International insists on the highest standards of personal and professional integrity. We must all make
every possible effort to safeguard the association’s assets. We must also comply with all association policies and applicable
Accountability – Lions Clubs International expects all club officers to honor commitments as authorized and made on behalf of
the association and take individual responsibility for all actions and outcomes. It has no tolerance for ethical violations.
Teamwork – Lions Clubs International seeks to maintain a service environment that encourages innovation, creativity and
positive results through teamwork. We must all practice leadership to train, inspire and promote full participation and individual
development for all Lions. We encourage open and effective communication and interaction.
Excellence – Lions Clubs International is dedicated to fair treatment, mutual respect, diversity and trust. We must challenge each
other to improve our services, our processes and ourselves. We must strive together to serve our membership and communities
and help the association achieve its goals.
Your responsibilities begin with understanding of the core values and Ethical Standards of Lions Clubs International. Your role
in the association demands an ongoing vigilance to maintain these standards of honest and ethical conduct. Lions Clubs
International has adopted several policy statements that concern the association’s Ethical Standards, such as our Mission
Statement, Code of Ethics, Anti-Discrimination Guidelines for Service Activities and Membership, Obligations of a Chartered
Club, Use of Publicly Raised Funds, Rules of Audit, Conflict of Interest, Solicitation, and Privacy. The International
Constitution and By-Laws, the Club Officer Manual and the International Board Policy Manual provide information about these
policy statements and additional guidance in the areas of ethical standards and conduct. In many instances, ethical standards
intersect legal requirements. If an ethical or legal compliance issue arises that raises a question in your mind, you have a
responsibility to bring that issue to the attention of the appropriate International Board committee or International Office division
(for example, the Finance and Headquarters Operation Committee reviews Conflict of Interest issues; the Constitution and By-
Laws Committee and/or Legal Division review Legal issues). You may also bring ethical or legal concerns to the attention of
your District Governor, the International Board of Directors, the Executive Officers, or the Administrative Officers of the
The core values of the Ethical Standards of Lions Clubs International, along with the policies of the International Board of
Directors, provide a guide and framework to help you understand what is expected from you and to help you make good
decisions. As they are not all inclusive, your good and best judgment is essential in doing the “right” and ethical thing. Please
join us in continuing Lions Clubs’ tradition of honest and ethical practices in serving millions of people in need.
Lions Clubs International recognizes the importance of protecting the private information of our members. LCI collects
personal information about Lions Club members and Leo Club members to facilitate communications with and between our
members. This information is to be used solely to further its Purposes including that “to unite the clubs in bonds of friendship
good fellowship and mutual understanding” and to conduct its necessary operational activities including:
Lions Clubs International protects personal information by using password-protected areas and by restricting access to such
information. It is important that you protect your password.
Any payment information collected is protected by software during transmission, which encrypts all of your personal
information so that it can be safeguarded over Internet channels. We reveal only a limited part of your credit card number when
confirming an order.
The official directory is not available on the Internet without a password, but a club locator with club officer contact
information is available. The club locator is designed so that it cannot be used as a commercial mailing list and Lions/Leo Club
members should ensure it is not used for that purpose.
Privacy Recommendations for Lions/Leo Clubs, Districts, Multiple Districts and Foundations
Your Lions/Leo Club, District, Multiple District and/or Foundation should consider your privacy practices and follow
similar guidelines when using the personal information of members, donors, recipients of your humanitarian assistance, or that of
other individuals obtained in the course of conducting your activities. You should consider obtaining written permission before
disclosing any personal information including names, addresses, email addresses, telephone numbers, medical information,
financial information, etc. You should also be cautious when posting any personal information on the Internet or sharing email
addresses with third parties. Please be aware that LOCAL LAWS MAY GOVERN THIS ISSUE and these laws vary widely
from country to country, so you should seek advice from a local expert for more information before any personal information is
If you have any concerns or questions about these policies, please contact Lions Clubs International at (630) 571-5466, ext.
360 or legal@lionsclubs.org.
b. The foundation’s mission is to support the efforts of Lions clubs around the world in
serving their local communities and the world community through humanitarian
service, major disaster relief and vocational assistance programs.
b. Voting Members – The members of the board of trustees of this corporation, as from
time to time constituted, shall, by virtue of such positions, be voting members of this
corporation, and shall comprise the entire voting membership thereof. Any person
who ceases to hold such a position shall cease, thereon, to be a voting member of this
The district governors of Lions Clubs International, during their term of office, shall
be non-voting trustees of the Lions Clubs International Foundation.
3. Board Of Trustees
The board of trustees shall be composed of all voting members of the board of directors
of Lions Clubs International and shall include two (2) additional Lions selected from the
past officers of said association, one (1) of whom shall be a past president of said
association. These two additional members shall be appointed by the president of LCI,
with the consent of the LCIF board of trustees and shall be voting members of said board
of trustees.
Each appointed trustee shall serve until the close of the next annual meeting of members
of the foundation following the appointment or until that successor shall have been
appointed and qualified, whichever shall first occur. Past officers may be reappointed but
cannot serve more than two (2) consecutive one-year terms.
Effective March 4, 2014
Chapter XVI
Page 1
4. Officers
c. Assistant Treasurer – The LCIF Financial Analyst shall be the assistant treasurer of
5. Committees
a. Executive Committee. The chairperson of the foundation, the first vice president and
the second vice president of The International Association of Lions Clubs, and eight
(8) additional Lions of which two (2) shall be serving in the second year of a term as
director of the association, two (2) shall be serving in the first year of a term as
director of the association, two (2) shall be appointed trustees of the foundation, said
six (6) members to be appointed by the president of said association, and two (2)
members of the LCIF steering committee of which one (1) shall be the chairperson of
the steering committee and one (1) shall be the vice chairperson of the steering
committee, shall be the executive committee of the board of trustees, by and with the
approval of said board of trustees, which committee may act for and on behalf of the
board of trustees only when the members of said board are not together in one
location or assembled in session. No board action shall be altered, amended or
rescinded by the executive committee. The presence of six (6) members of said
committee shall constitute a quorum at any meeting thereof. The act of a majority of
such members shall be the act of the committee. Said committee may transact
business by telephone conference call or mail (including letters, electronic mail,
facsimile transmission, cable or other electronic means) provided six (6) members
participate therein, and the vote of a majority of the members participating shall be
considered the act of the committee. The executive committee shall meet immediately
before each regular or special meeting of the board of trustees, and also during such
board meetings as may be necessary, to prepare recommendations for consideration
and action by the board of trustees.
e. Other Committees. The chairperson shall appoint, with the approval of the board of
trustees, such other committees, as may be necessary for the transaction of the
business of the foundation.
b. All foundation grant programs and grant awards shall meet one or more of LCIF’s
major objectives – humanitarian service, major disaster relief, and vocational
assistance programs. The development of the foundation’s grant making initiatives,
including setting of criteria and funding parameters, shall be guided and approved by
the LCIF trustees. All individual grant awards above $10,000, except for all
Designated Grants, as well as Major Catastrophe Grants of up to $250,000, require
approval of the LCIF trustees or designated subcommittee(s) or advisory committees
as duly authorized.
Staff, with approval of the LCIF chairperson, shall conduct site visits to selected grant
funded projects to ascertain progress and verify appropriate use of awarded grant monies.
Trustee members may also be called upon to make monitoring visits with approval of the
LCIF chairperson. As deemed necessary, larger sale project and program evaluations may
be undertaken by the foundation using staff, consultants and trustee members as required.
The annual budget for monitoring and evaluation activities shall be equivalent to a
maximum of two (2) percent of grant awards from the prior fiscal year.
A written guideline that authorizes the funding of humanitarian grant programs on a
fiscal year basis.
To maximize donations in order to meet the current funding needs of grant programs and
foundation expenses, within or below industry standards, while maintaining longevity of
the endowment in order to meet future needs of the foundation.
Maximum annual funds available for humanitarian grants will be equal to:
50% of the most recent fiscal year restricted donations in the categories of
disaster relief, humanitarian needs, sight programs and youth programs
Plus 80% of the weighted average value of unrestricted donations over the last
three years
The spending policy will be reviewed a minimum of every three years by the LCIF
Executive Committee, with final approval by the LCIF Board of Trustees. The review
LCIF staff will maintain records of grant approvals and the amount available. This will
be reported at each LCIF Executive Committee meeting and at other intervals upon
In accordance with Chapter XV, Paragraph A.2.f., of the Board Policy Manual the
International Board of Directors does hereby authorize the international president to
solicit funds or aid or anything of material or commercial value from any and all Lions
clubs and/or Lions districts but only in connection with a specific disaster relief appeal
that has been approved by the LCIF Chairperson.
1. Overview
2. Administration
LCIF, through the Lions Quest Department, will be responsible for the administration and
management of Lions Quest programs. LCIF may contract a third party provider to offer
fulfillment services for materials orders by customers for the Lions Quest program.
Consultants also may be retained to provide marketing, technical support or program
development services at the discretion of the LCIF Division Manager and the LCIF
Through the Lions Quest program, LCIF will receive program revenue. This revenue
shall be used to pay for the programmatic and administrative expenses for the Lions
Quest program, which will be kept separate from other administrative expenses of the
The Lions Quest budget will be maintained separately from the LCIF general budget but
will follow the same process of approval, forecasting, and review.
1. Administration
The administrative operations of the foundation are subject to compliance with the LCIF
Articles of Incorporation, By-Laws and Policy Manual.
a. In accordance with Chapter XV, Paragraph A.2.f., of the Board Policy Manual, the
International Board of Directors does hereby authorize Lions Clubs International
Foundation to solicit, for its lawful corporate purposes, funds or aid or anything of
material or commercial value from any and all Lions clubs, member or members,
and/or Lions districts (single, sub and/or multiple).
b. Although local Lions organizations are encouraged to solicit corporate and foundation
sources for local service initiatives, it is necessary that they contact the LCIF
Development Department before soliciting the corporate headquarters of a
multinational corporation or foundation to ensure coordination of efforts and avoid
any action that may negate potential major gifts for LCIF.
c. LCIF development staff in conjunction with the LCIF trustees may actively solicit
contributions from corporations, foundations, governmental bodies and the general
public. The foundation, trustees and staff will exercise their authority in regard to the
established policies, constitution and by-laws and procedures of the foundation as
they relate to the protection of its name and emblem.
a. With approval of the board of trustees, the foundation may conduct from time to time
major fundraising campaigns soliciting gifts and pledges from Lions and other
funding sources in support of major humanitarian initiatives of LCIF as defined under
paragraph ‘b’ below. The gifts and donations resulting from said campaigns,
including investment income derived from said funds, shall be restricted to the
program and purpose for which they were raised.
c. Approval of the LCIF board of trustees is required to authorize any major fund raising
campaign. The primary body responsible for planning major campaigns is the LCIF
Executive Committee or duly authorized subcommittee(s). Before planning
commences, the LCIF Executive Committee shall consult with the LCI Long Range
Planning Committee to ensure a proposed campaign does not conflict with the current
long-range service initiatives of LCI. Considering that Lions members also have
financial responsibilities to LCI, and given that a campaign may place extra demands
on headquarter operations, the timing of any campaign shall take into account
revenue constraints being faced by LCI that could negatively impact a campaign.
d. The LCIF Board of Trustees shall -authorize the planning steps for a campaign that
shall include the following activities in this order: 1) a feasibility study conducted by
staff or hired consultant to assess Lions members’ receptivity to a campaign, the
potential fundraising goal, and external considerations such as global financial
markets that may impact a campaign; 2) the development of a case statement (i.e., a
document outlining the purpose for which funds will be raised and expected results);
and 3) an operating plan and budget addressing all major issues required for a
successful campaign including, but not limited to, required staffing, a time frame for
campaign completion and for each major phase, the type and manner of fundraising
strategies and campaign recognitions to be employed, and composition of any
leadership committees formed to help carryout a campaign. The LCIF Executive
Committee shall be responsible for overseeing the above planning documents and
planning phases as authorized by the board of trustees.
e. Since the foundation must also continue to fund its regular grant making activities
during a campaign, provisions shall be made to ensure sufficient grant budget
reserves are set aside to fund regular grant making activity during the active period of
a campaign when unrestricted donations tend to significantly decline.
f. Given the complexity of major campaigns, the use of outside consultants with special
expertise in larger capital campaigns shall be encouraged, especially for the phases
involving the feasibility study and development of case statement materials.
The LCIF Development Department with guidance from the LCIF trustees shall maintain
and regularly review a comprehensive gift acceptance policy concerning contributions
derived from wills, estates and bequests, annuities and trusts, stocks and real estate, as
well as acceptance of in-kind donations.
b. The affiliation shall identify specific, mutually agreed upon objectives to be achieved
within a period not to exceed three years, unless extended by action of the LCIF
Executive Committee. The term of affiliation shall expire at the end of the LCIF
fiscal year.
c. Proposals for partnerships, including a complete report on the objectives and potential
benefits of affiliation, shall be referred to the LCIF Executive Committee. Proposed
partnerships shall bedelivered to LCIF Executive Committeemembers with other
materials threeweeks prior to the next meeting.
d. The LCIF Executive Committee shall review said partnership at least annually at the
October/November meeting.
e. As part of the proposal for partnership, a budget shall be prepared and submitted
detailing projected costs, need for administrative staff and any other funding
requirements. If the affiliation is approved, a budget status report shall be submitted
annually at the October/November meeting.
f. Proposed partnerships shall include a descriptive plan for promoting public awareness
of the relationship and its goals.
h. Any partnership or alliance shall promote the LCIF global image and shall include
appropriate recognition of LCIF (e.g., prominent use of the LCIF emblem).
E. Rules of Audit
The following general rules and regulations apply to expense accounts submitted, in
connection with official foundation travel, as appropriate, by Lions serving by
appointment on the LCIF Executive Committee, LCIF Steering Committee, LCIF
Multiple District and District Coordinators, select members of the SightFirst Advisory
Committee and Lions Quest Advisory Committee, and other Lions leaders representing
(1) To obtain reimbursement for foundation related travel expenses the traveler
must submit a signed official expense claim form.
(2) Original receipts are required for expenses of US$25 or greater, unless
otherwise required by local regulations.
(3) Travel itinerary, proof of payment and any other documentation provided by
the carrier are required for reimbursement.
The travel, lodgings and associated expense claims of LCIF Executive Committee
members not also serving on committees of Lions Clubs International Board of Directors,
and their adult companion, who attend an LCIF Executive Committee meeting shall be
audited, and due reimbursement made in accordance with the following rules:
a. Transportation:
(2) Automobile Travel: The standard mileage reimbursement rate is US$.41 per
mile (US$.25 per kilometer), which takes into account actual automobile
expenses such as fuel, repairs, replacements, tires, depreciation, insurance, etc.
A traveler may drive when convenient and it is the least costly transportation
available. The cost of meals, lodging, parking, mileage, tolls, taxis, ferries and
transportation costs incurred while in transit may be reimbursed, if such costs
do not exceed the cost of round trip airfare, based on the authorized class of
service. Advance approval should be obtained to ensure reimbursement of
(3) Rental Cars: A vehicle may be rented when renting would be more
advantageous to the foundation than other means of commercial
transportation, such as using a taxi. Advance reservations should be made
whenever possible and a compact or economy model requested. The traveler
is responsible for obtaining the best available rate commensurate with the
requirements of the trip. On rental vehicles used in the continental United
States, the traveler should obtain the additional collision damage waiver. Such
costs shall not exceed the cost of round trip airfare, based on the authorized
class of service.
(4) Other Forms of Travel: Rail or bus transportation may be used when
convenient and it is the least costly transportation available. Advance approval
should be obtained to ensure reimbursement of expenditures. Taxicabs will be
reimbursed for actual expenses incurred, including tips.
b. Hotel: Appointees and their adult companion are eligible for a double room.
Reasonable laundry, dry cleaning, pressing expenses, maid tips and internet usage
may be reimbursed.
c. Meals: Reimbursement will be made for the actual amount spent by the appointee and
adult companion, excluding alcoholic beverages. The cost of each meal is to be listed
on the appropriate provided association form. Itemized receipts shall be required for
all meal expenses.
d. Personal Expenses: Should the foundation pay for expenses that are personal to a
Lion serving by appointment on the LCIF Executive Committee and their adult
companion, the Lion shall be billed. Payment shall be deducted against any
outstanding expense claims. In the event the traveler does not have outstanding
claims, a bill for the personal expenses will be issued.
(2) Meeting Dates: Expenses for Lions serving by appointment on the LCIF
Executive Committee will be paid en route and for hotels and meals beginning
the day before the meeting is to start and terminating on the day after the
meeting ends, consistent with reasonable convenience and the right to remain
for the delivery of the LCIF Chairperson’s report to the International Board of
Directors. It is further understood that the member’s expenses at the LCIF
Executive Committee meeting held in conjunction with the International
Convention shall begin the day before the LCIF Executive Committee
meeting is to start and terminate on the day after the annual membership
meeting ends.
(3) Canceled Tickets and Hotel Receipts: Claims for transportation (except for
auto) and hotel cannot be paid unless claims are accompanied by canceled
transportation tickets and proof of payment (canceled check or credit card
receipt) and hotel receipts.
(5) Insurance: LCIF Executive Committee members not also serving on board
committees are to be furnished coverage of US$100,000 each of accidental
death and dismemberment insurance.
3. LCIF Steering Committee, LCIF Multiple District and District Coordinators, SightFirst
Advisory Committee members, Lions Quest Advisory Committee members, and other
Lions leaders traveling on foundation business at LCIF’s request: The same Rules of
Audit that apply to Lions serving by appointment on the LCIF Executive Committee
(Chapter XVI, Paragraph E of the Board Policy Manual) shall apply to the LCIF Steering
b. Insurance: Coverage, as outlined in 2.e.(5) above, does not apply to the LCIF
Steering Committee, LCIF Multiple District and District Coordinators, SightFirst
Advisory Committee members, Lions Quest Advisory Committee members and other
Lions leaders traveling on foundation business at LCIF’s request.
4. Authorization for Travel: The LCIF chairperson may authorize travel on behalf of LCIF,
as well as his own travel, provided such travel is in accordance with these Rules of Audit
and the expense is covered within the LCIF budget. The LCIF chairperson shall
coordinate such travel so as not to conflict with the travel of the president of Lions Clubs
1. The board of trustees of Lions Clubs International Foundation authorizes the acceptance
of donations restricted for the purpose of endowment. These funds may be restricted only
to activities normally conducted by Lions Clubs International or funded by Lions Clubs
International Foundation. Such activities would include those listed in Chapter I,
Activities of the Association of the Board Policy Manual for Lions Clubs International.
2. The principal of endowment gifts will be maintained in perpetuity or until such time or
such occurrence as specified or agreed to in writing by both the donor and the foundation
at the time of the gift.
3. Revenue from endowment gifts shall be used for the unrestricted purposes of the
foundation unless otherwise specified at the time of the gift and fall within the purview of
the normal and generally accepted activities of the foundation.
4. Restrictions and procedures for the acceptance of non-cash gifts for the purpose of
funding the endowment portion of the foundation will be the same as for the acceptance
of unrestricted non-cash gifts to the foundation.
5. For the purpose of investments, endowment funds may be commingled with other
restricted funds but not with the general purpose funds of the foundation under the
direction of the standard investment policies and practices of the foundation.
a. Income of “named accounts” within the foundation that were given for a specific
program of the foundation and/or the association may be diverted for other programs
by action of the board should the original program for which the gifts were restricted
no longer be offered by the foundation or the association to the general public or its
b. All “named accounts” which restricted income to be used for a specific purpose other
than the generally established board-approved endowed funds have a “life” of ten
years after the last contribution to the named fund. After that time, the principal can
be transferred to the foundation’s unrestricted fund and the income from the fund will
be used for the general purposes of the charity which may or may not include the
original program toward which the gift was restricted.
7. All “named” accounts will be permanently listed in the foundation’s annual report unless
the accounts ceased to exist due to the passage of specific time or the occurrence of a
specific event as restricted or agreed to by the donor at the time of the gift.
9. A combined gift valued at or greater than US$100,000 made in unison directly from the
individual donors and not from clubs, districts and multiple districts or solicited from the
public at large can be restricted as a “named account.” Two or more individual donors
may act in unison to be restricted a “named account” even though their individual gifts
are less than US$100,000.
10. Any endowment gift of less than US$100,000, and any endowment gift regardless of size,
which the donor does not wish to be restricted as a “named account” shall be placed in
the appropriate general endowment fund corresponding with the identified activity of the
11. Donors to the endowment program of the foundation are to be encouraged to restrict
revenue from their gifts to the restricted activities as approved by the board.
12. A donor wishing to make an endowment gift with revenue restricted to a specific
program or purpose is to be encouraged to include a clause allowing the board of trustees
to redirect such revenue if the original program or purpose ceases to exist.
13. Endowment gifts, the revenue of which is to be restricted to the current ongoing grant
programs of the foundation, that do not have a redirection clause, may be accepted by the
senior executive administrator, the division manager and the manager of the development
department, if, in their collective opinion, the size of the gift and the probable duration of
the program warrant such action.
15. The primary but not sole source of the foundation endowment funds should be received
through cash gifts of the estate, as planned gifts - assisted with professional advice, non-
cash gifts, or from wills, trusts, legacies or insurance policies.
16. The purpose of these funds is to strengthen the financial reserves of the foundation,
thereby assuring the orderly continuation of services which the foundation supports.
Designation of current forms of operational support to the foundation as endowment gifts
is to be strongly discouraged.
17. Subject to the conditions above, endowment gifts may be accepted in the name of the
foundation by any two of the following: the senior executive administrator, the Lions
Clubs International Foundation division manager or the Development Department
manager,; or, either the senior executive administrator, the Lions Clubs International
Foundation division manager, or the Development Department manager in conjunction
with the member(s) of the board of trustees.
1. Bank Accounts
BE IT RESOLVED, That any of the Authorized Persons named below shall be and
hereby are authorized and empowered, to designate in each country in which Lions Clubs
are or may be established, the following on behalf of the Lions Clubs International
a. Open and close deposit accounts, sign account agreements, and sign contracts for
deposit-related and other services.
b. Sign and authorize checks, drafts, withdrawal slips, and any other orders for the
payment of money, whether by paper, electronic, or any other means.
2. Authorized Persons
The names and genuine signatures, manual or facsimile, of the authorized persons are as
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That any two said officers of this Foundation may
delegate in writing any part or all of the authority granted in the foregoing paragraph to
such other officers or employees of the Foundation as they in their sole and absolute
discretion may deem advisable from time to time.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, this resolution shall be in full force and effect and
binding upon this Foundation until it shall have been repealed and until written notice of
such repeal shall have been delivered to The Northern Trust Company at its office in the
City of Chicago, Illinois.
2. Investment decisions of the Foundation shall be based upon the board approved
investment policy statement for the General Fund, SightFirst II Funds and the Planned
Giving funds. The investment policy statement shall follow conventional formats used in
the industry and shall comply with the Foundation’s Bylaws (Article XI) at all times.
This investment policy statement shall be maintained in Division Manager’s office and
reviewed by the Executive Committee annually and updated as needed.
Approvals required for making investment decisions, other than those stated in the
investment policy statement, are as follows:
1. Accounting System
1. The primary purpose of official editions of the LION Magazine shall be to provide useful
information regarding the association’s policies and activities to individual Lions,
motivate members to higher levels of service and showcase association programs to non-
members. In addition to mandated editorial procedures, official editions are also
encouraged to reflect aspects of the association’s brand within their respective editions as
and when possible.
2. The Editor-in-Chief, who shall be the association’s senior executive administrator, shall
be responsible for the general supervision of the LION Magazine.
3. The official Lions emblem and the words “We Serve” shall be printed on the masthead or
contents page of each issue.
4. Editors of official editions are required to print the following materials as soon as
received from or at the time specified by the International News Exchange.
c. LCIF In Action.
f. Short biographies and photographs of candidates for second vice president, provided
they arrive in time for printing prior to the international convention. Materials
provided cannot include information regarding affiliation with other organizations.
h. Such other material as may be directed by the International News Exchange or editor-
6. The official photograph of the international president and his or her spouse shall be
printed on the cover of all official editions no sooner than July nor later than September
of the president’s term.
7. Official editions of the magazine may not be used for political purposes. No one may
serve as editor or on the magazine committee of any edition who has announced his or
her candidacy for any of the following offices: district governor, vice district governor,
council chairperson, international director, or international executive officer; has been
certified to run for these offices; or is serving in one of them, either by election or
appointment. Further, no member of the immediate family (mother, father, spouse,
siblings, children and in-laws) of an announced or certified candidate may serve as an
editor or member of a magazine committee. A candidate is considered announced when
endorsed by his or her club or district (single, sub or multiple, whatever the case may be).
Disputes arising out of this policy shall be referred to the Executive Committee of the
International Board of Directors for decision.
8. Editors of official editions may not use the magazine to espouse policies contrary to those
of the International Board of Directors, multiple district council of governors, or the
district cabinet. Opinions of members may be published as letters or articles, provided it
is made clear that their opinions do not necessarily reflect the official positions of the
9. Obituaries as written by the International News Exchange shall be published with photo
by all editions upon the death of a past international president or current member of the
International Board of Directors. An appropriate obituary shall also be published upon
the death of past international directors.
10. If received, membership applications for the Lions International Trading Pin and Stamp
Clubs shall be printed once a year in the Headquarters editions of the magazine and sent
as optional material to all other editions.
11. Official editions shall be encouraged to provide space to promote area forums in their
readership area. At their discretion, they may charge for printing registration forms.
12. Editors of official editions shall be encouraged from time to time to provide especially
interesting or significant articles from their areas to the International New Exchange for
distribution to other editions.
14. Official editions are required to publish at least six times per year.
15. The association’s emblem shall appear on the front cover of all official editions.
16. Updated numbers of Melvin Jones Fellows shall be published in a conspicuous manner
three times per year.
1. The following are recognized as official editions: Australia and Papua New Guinea,
Austria, Bangladesh, Belgium, Britain-Ireland, Brazil, Canada (Multiple District A),
Canada (Multiple District U), MD 300 Taiwan, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany,
Greece, Headquarters (English and Spanish), Hong Kong, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Italy,
Japan, Korea, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Pakistan, Portugal, Sweden,
Switzerland, Thailand and Turkey.
2. Provided they comply with all relevant policies, official editions shall be paid US$6.00
per member, per year. Payment shall be made on a bi-monthly basis, unless other
arrangements are made with the association’s treasurer. Payments will be computed
based upon the average membership for the two months, to be determined by adding the
membership at the beginning of the first month to the membership at the end of the
second month, then dividing by two. The rate of exchange to be used for bi-monthly
payment will be computed by adding the established Lions’ rate for the two months, then
dividing by two. The following financial reports must be received in order to receive
a. A semi-annual accounting showing income and expense for the period July 1 –
December 31, is due no later than March 31, and for the period January 1 – June 30,
is due not later than September 30, utilizing the form displayed as Exhibit A. of this
b. A form shall be sent once each year to the magazine committee, on which they will
list the name, title, and full address of the person to whom payments should be sent.
c. Editions that do not comply with the editorial and administrative policies will receive
a letter of reprimand outlining areas of deficiencies. Failure to make required
changes to fall within compliance will result in suspension. Financial allowance will
be withheld for each issue that is not in compliance.
4. Dues revenue that supports official editions of the magazine may not be used for any
other purpose. Surpluses can be held in reserve to apply against future deficits, or be used
for other purposes, such as public relations endeavors, provided expenditures are
approved in advance by the Senior Executive Administrator/Editor-In-Chief. Requisite
receipts and invoices must be submitted within 30 days of expenditure.
5. Aside from materials sent routinely by the International News Exchange, official editions
must pay for any special materials or services requested from International Headquarters,
including, but not limited to, mailing labels, color separations or art work. Such charges
may be waived at the discretion of the manager of the Public Relations and
Communications Division.
6. Mailing lists used to circulate the magazine may not be used for purposes other than to
mail official publications without the express permission of the editor-in-chief.
7. Official editions may levy additional dues to support magazine operations, provided that
such dues are approved by the Lions in the magazine’s circulation area at recognized
8. Application may be made for official edition status if there are 5,000 Lions reading the
same language in the area, with the understanding that the International Board of
Directors has full discretion in granting official edition status.
9. The Headquarters editions (English and Spanish) shall be supervised by the senior
executive administrator and the manager of the Public Relations and Communications
10. Other official editions of Lion Magazine shall be supervised by a magazine committee
constituted as follows, unless a committee structure already exists that has been approved
by the Lions in the circulation area and the manager of the Public Relations and
Communications Division:
a. If serving a single district only, the committee shall consist of three members
appointed by the district governor. Any international director then serving from the
district shall be an ex officio member of the committee.
b. If serving a multiple district, the committee shall consist of three members appointed
by the council chairperson. No two members may come from any one sub-district,
except when the multiple district consists of only two sub-districts. In such a case, the
two sub-districts will alternate in having two members. If the multiple district has
more than three sub-districts, representation on the committee must rotate among the
sub-districts so that all are represented on an equal basis. Any international director
c. If serving more than one multiple district, each multiple district council chairperson
shall appoint one member to the magazine committee. If the magazine serves only
two multiple districts, then the multiple districts shall alternate in appointing two
members of the committee, so that the committee shall consist of three members. Any
international director then serving from the multiple districts shall be an ex-officio
member of the committee.
g. Vacancies on magazine committees shall be filled subject to the same conditions and
restrictions as apply to original appointments.
11. Except for editors for the headquarters English and Spanish editions, editors of official
editions shall be appointed by the respective magazine committee or council of
governors, or elected. Editors terms must be for a minimum of one year, and a maximum
of three years. Editors may be reappointed.
12. Magazine committees are responsible for insuring that the policies of the International
Board of Directors, as set forth in this chapter of the Board Policy Manual; and directives
of the editor-in-chief and International News Exchange, are fully complied with.
13. The editor-in-chief shall be responsible for monitoring the performance of all editions as
to content and administration. A review shall be made of all editions on or about January
1 and July 1 for compliance with board policy. If the editor-in-chief is not satisfied that
all deficiencies have been corrected within 90 days from the date of notification, he/she
shall report to the International Board of Directors through the Public Relations
Committee. Unless a compelling reason exists for not doing so, that committee shall
recommend withdrawal of official language status.
14. Editors of official editions shall be required to produce each edition to a standard and
quality at least sufficient to present a high quality image of the association to its
members, and to the public. The required standard and quality for each official edition
shall be specified by the editor-in-chief from time to time. In deciding such standard and
quality, the editor-in-chief shall use the headquarters edition as a benchmark, but in doing
so, he/she shall have regard to the local costs and conditions applying, and to the number
of members served by each such edition.
16. Magazine committees shall from time to time, but in no case longer than once every three
years, seek competitive bids from at least three qualified publishers, printers, mailing
services or any major provider of services not provided to the edition by a Lion or Lions
on a completely volunteer basis, if received.
17. Editors of official editions of Lion Magazine who provide printing or other services to the
edition they edit must fully disclose their financial or immediate family member’s interest
in such companies or entities and must otherwise fully comply with established bidding
1. Those authorized to use the Lions Clubs Fund Raising Activity Seal may use the seal in
their advertising.
2. Advertisers may use the word “Lions” in their advertisements provided such use does not
imply endorsement.
3. Revenues and expenses related to advertising sales must be shown clearly on all financial
reports, and revenues must be used to lower costs and/or improve the quality of the
1. Each member is entitled to receive one edition of the LION Magazine in return for
payment of magazine dues. Lions who wish to receive other editions must apply directly
to those editions and pay the subscription fee that applies.
3. Only entire clubs, by member vote, can change the editions of the magazine they receive.
All members must receive the same edition. To change, the club must write the editors of
both editions (the one currently received, and the one the club wishes to receive), with a
copy to the circulation manager at International Headquarters clearly indicating the
effective date of the change. Ninety days advance notice is required for any change.
India is the exception to this policy. Since both the English and Hindi versions are
printed in India, and India maintains their own membership roster, individuals within
4. Districts (single and sub) and multiple districts may also change the edition they receive,
but only after a favorable vote at the respective district (single or sub) or multiple district
convention. A copy of the resolution shall be sent to both the editor of the edition
currently received and the editor of the edition the delegates have voted to receive. A
copy of the resolution and both letters shall be sent to the circulation manager at
International Headquarters, clearly indicating the effective date of the change. Ninety
days advance notice is required for any change.
7. A first class or airmail copy of the Headquarters editions of the magazine shall be sent to
all district governors or council chairpersons who would normally receive those editions.
8. Official representatives of the association to the United Nations shall receive five copies
of the Headquarters English edition for distribution at UN Headquarters.
9. All official editions of the magazine shall provide a complimentary subscription to the
international president during his or her term of office.
10. Official editions must send two copies of each issue by airmail as soon as printed to the
manager of the Public Relations and Communications Division at International
Local US
Currency Dollars
Contribution due from LCI for the quarter ending
Contribution due from LCI for the quarter ending
Translation reimbursement
Other income (describe)
Total income from Lions Clubs International
Photographs, etc.
Postage and distribution costs
Editorial fees and expenses
Wages and salaries
Staff pensions, etc. __ _______
Staff expenses __ ________
Office costs ________ ________
Management committee expenses
Advertising commissions, etc.
Translation costs
Other expenditures (describe)
B - Total Expenditures
I certify that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the above Income and Expenditure account correctly shows the financial
results of the edition of LION Magazine stated above, for the period stated above.
Signed _______________________, Editor Date
Please mail to: Public Relations Department, Lions Clubs International, 300 W. 22ND Street, Oak Brook, Illinois, USA 60523-8842 or
fax to: 630-571-1685
1. Charter Monarch and Monarch Milestone Chevrons will be awarded each year on the
following membership anniversaries: 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75
and over.
2. The Charter Monarch and Monarch Milestone Chevrons will be automatically distributed
to the district governors each August for presentation to the Lions in the district at an
appropriate time and place, such as a district convention or other celebration.
3. Lost or replacement Charter Monarch and Monarch Milestone Chevron Awards may be
purchased through the LCI Club Supplies Department.
4. Former Lionesses, choosing to become Lions, can retain their Lioness service years as
part of their Lions record. Such Lioness service may date back to 1975, the official
approval year of the program. The Lioness Conversion Historical Record Form is used
for this purpose.
1. Honorary Membership
a. The total number of Honorary Memberships shall not exceed 5% of the total active
membership of the club; any fraction shall permit one additional Honorary Member.
b. As a guide, the minimum age limit for Honorary Membership shall be established at
thirty years.
2. Life Membership
a. All applications for Life Membership shall be reviewed and qualifications confirmed
by the international office for approval.
b. Life Members approved after July 1, 1980 will receive, in addition to the silver card,
one Life Member tab without cost. Additional tabs can be purchased.
d. Life Membership may be revoked by order of the board of directors when due cause
is shown.
a. Active: A member entitled to all rights and privileges and subject to all obligations
which membership in a Lions club confers or implies. Without limiting such rights
and obligations, such rights shall include eligibility to seek, if otherwise qualified,
any office in this club, district or association and the right to vote on all matters
requiring a vote of the membership; and such obligation shall include regular
attendance, prompt payment of dues, participation in club activities and conduct
reflecting a favorable image of this Lions club in the community. As provided in the
Family Membership Program criteria, qualifying family members shall be Active
Members and be entitled to all rights and privileges thereof. As provided in the
Student Member Program criteria, qualifying student, former Leo and young adult
members shall be Active Members and be entitled to all rights and privileges thereof.
This membership category shall be included in the club delegate formula calculation.
b. Member-at-Large: A member of this club who has moved from the community, or
because of health or other legitimate reason, is unable regularly to attend club
meetings and desires to retain membership in this club, and upon whom the board of
directors of this club desires to confer this status. The status shall be reviewed each
six months by the board of directors of this club. A Member-at-Large shall not be
eligible to hold office or to vote in district or international meetings or conventions,
but shall pay such dues as the local club may charge, which dues shall include district
and international dues. This membership category shall be included in the club
delegate formula calculation.
d. Privileged: A member of this club who has been a Lion fifteen or more years, who,
because of illness, infirmities, advanced age or other legitimate reason, as determined
by the board of directors of this club, must relinquish his/her active status. A
Privileged Member shall pay such dues as the local club may charge, which dues
shall include district and international dues. He/she shall have the right to vote and be
entitled to all other privileges of membership except the right to hold club, district or
international office. This membership category shall be included in the club delegate
formula calculation.
e. Life Member: Any member of this club who has maintained Active membership as a
Lion for 20 or more years and has rendered outstanding service to this club, his/her
community, or this association; or any member who is critically ill; or any member of
this club who has maintained such active membership for 15 or more years and is at
least 70 years of age; may be granted Life Membership in this club upon:
(2) payment to the association of $650.00, or its equivalent in the respective national
currency, by this club in lieu of all future dues to the association, and
Nothing herein shall prevent this club from charging a Life Member such dues as it
shall deem proper.
A Life Member shall have all privileges of active membership so long as he/she
fulfills all obligations thereof.
A Life Member who desires to relocate and receives an invitation to join another
Lions club shall automatically become a Life Member of said club.
Former Lioness members, who are now Active members of their Lions club or who
become Active members of a Lions club on or before June 30, 2007, may apply all of
their prior Lioness service toward Life membership eligibility. Lioness members who
become Active members of a Lions club after June 30, 2007, will not be eligible for
Lioness service credit for the purposes of Life membership eligibility.
This membership category shall be included in the club delegate formula calculation.
g. Affiliate Member: A quality individual of the community who currently is not able
to fully participate as an Active member of the club but desires to support the club
and its community service initiatives and be affiliated with the club. This status may
be conferred by the invitation of the club’s board of directors.
He/she shall not be eligible to hold club, district or international office, nor district,
multiple district or international committee assignment. An Affiliate Member shall be
required to pay district, international and such dues as the local club may charge. This
membership category shall be included in the club delegate formula calculation.
Page 5
Chapter XVIII
Page 6
Chapter XVIII
1. The Family Membership Program provides families with the opportunity to join a Lions
club, upon invitation, under a special family dues concession. The program is designed
for either existing members who wish to invite other family members to join their club
and for clubs that wish to expand their community service by involving more families
from the community they serve, subject to the provisions and regulations as described
2. For the purpose of this program, the eligibility definition for ‘family’ shall be as follows:
A family includes all members living in the same household related by birth, marriage or
other legal relationship. Common household family members include parents, children,
spouses, aunts and uncles, cousins, grandparents, in-laws and other legal dependents.
3. The Family Membership Program is open to family members who are (1) eligible for
Lions membership, (2) currently in or joining the same club and (3) living in the same
household. New family members must be invited and approved by the clubs board of
directors. Family membership is limited to five qualifying family members per
household, and new clubs must have a minimum of ten full paying members. Same-
household residency is not required for members under age 26 if they are pursuing higher
education or serving in their country’s military.
4. The first family member (head of household) pays full international dues (as well as any
applicable club, district or multiple district dues), and up to four qualifying family
members pay half international dues. Life Members qualify as the full paying first
member. All family members pay the one-time entrance fee and shall be Active Members
with all rights and privileges. The designated head of household is not eligible for other
dues discount programs.
5. To qualify for the family membership dues rate, existing qualifying family members shall
be certified and reported as family members by the May 31 and November 30 deadline
dates in order to be billed at the discounted family rate for that upcoming respective
semi-annual dues billing. Subsequent family members, up to a limit of four more, who
meet the Family Membership Program qualifications, shall be required to pay one half
the normal international dues. When reporting new family unit members to Lions Clubs
International, the Family Unit Certification Form shall be submitted at the same time as
the Monthly Membership Report listing the new member, or certification shall be
completed at the time a member is added online. Lions Clubs International will not issue
credits to clubs that complete certification after the new member has been added; in these
cases, the family unit billing rate will take effect with the next semi-annual dues billing.
6. In the case of newly chartered clubs, family unit certification shall be completed on the
Report of Charter Members form, including for transfer members. A minimum of 10
members who are paying full dues is required when utilizing the Family Membership
Program to charter a new club.
8. No credits will be issued to clubs that change a Lions join date in order to receive the
family dues rate.
9. To verify same household residency and other eligibility requirements, the club secretary
shall complete certification for each family unit and provide a certification key code
indicating the type of supporting documentation he/she reviewed for determining the
family members meet the eligibility requirements. The application shall be completed
using MyLCI, or submitted in paper form for clubs reporting member additions using the
hard copy Monthly Membership Report.
10. Clubs that add more than 10 family members in a month shall be required to provide
additional documentation to LCI confirming their eligibility for family membership, and
such members will not be added to the association’s membership records until such
documents have been reviewed.
11. Family member units, under the Family Membership Program, shall receive only one
copy of LION Magazine.
12. Family members shall be subject to the year-and-a-day rule with respect to the club
delegate formula provision.
13. Clubs determined by the association to be misapplying the Family Membership Program
or misusing it to affect voting delegate strength may be required to pay full dues for all
family members in the club to the point at which the misuse was found to occur.
Furthermore, the association retains the right to prohibit such clubs from adding family
members under the Family Membership Program for a period of two years after the
1. The Student Member Program provides students with the opportunity to join any Lions
club, including campus clubs, upon invitation, under a special student dues concession.
The program is designed for Campus Lions clubs and for clubs that wish to expand their
humanitarian service by involving more students from the community they serve, subject
to the provisions and regulations as described below.
2. The Student Member Program is open to students between the age of legal majority in the
jurisdiction in which they reside and through the age of 30. For the purpose of this
3. Students members, who meet the qualifications as outlined in paragraph 2 above, shall be
required to pay one half of the normal international dues and be exempt of any entrance
fees. Once a student meets this qualification, the student shall continue to receive the
concession until graduation, notification of student status change or once the student
reaches age 31, whichever comes first. It should be further recommended that districts
and multiple districts consider either exempting or lowering their dues for student
members as deemed appropriate. All qualifying student members shall be Active
Members with all rights and privileges.
5. In the case of Campus Lions clubs, student members shall receive an extended billing
adjustment period for the semi-annual billings in order to accommodate the typical school
schedule. Campus Lions clubs have through April 15 for the January per capita billing
and through October 15 for the July per capita billing to amend the club roster. Lions
Clubs International will give credits to clubs for roster adjustments submitted within this
time period.
7. The Leo to Lion Program provides an easy transition for graduating Leos. Current and
former Leos, who have been a Leo for at least a year and a day and are between the age
of legal majority in the jurisdiction in which they reside and through the age of 30, shall
be required to pay one half of the normal international dues and be exempt of any
entrance fees. A member who meets the initial Leo to Lion requirements shall continue
to qualify for the Leo to Lion Program until the member reaches the age of 31.
8. Additionally, in the event that a group of current or former Leos apply to charter a new
club with other like-minded young adults, all new club members between the age of legal
majority in the jurisdiction in which they reside and through the age of 30 qualify for the
Leo to Lion Program under the provision that at least 10 new club members are former
Leos who have been a Leo for at least a year and a day. Members over the age of 30
shall qualify for membership in the club, but do not qualify for the Leo to Lion Program.
10. In the case of a newly chartered campus club, or a club with a majority of student
members, each charter member who qualifies for the Student Member Program is
required to prepay one year International dues at the student member rate at the time of
charter. Such fees shall be submitted with the charter application.
11. Existing members must be listed as a Leo or former Leo in their membership history in
order to update their member type to Leo Lion. To receive former Leo status as an
existing member, the Leo to Lion Certification and Years of Service Transfer Form (LL-
2) must be submitted to Lions Clubs International.
The Executive Committee shall use its discretion in granting continuous membership in cases
in which a political situation is involved in a country.
2. The entrance fee for former and existing Leo club members presenting a copy of the Leo
Completion of Service Certificate shall be waived.
3. The charter fee for former and existing Leo club members presenting a copy of the Leo
Completion of Service Certificate shall be waived.
1. Effective July 1, 2002, Membership Key Awards will be earned for a total of new
members sponsored, who have met the requirements for eligibility, in the following
Keys will be issued automatically, 13 months after the date the new member was reported
on the Monthly Membership Report, to the sponsor listed on the report. These keys will
only be issued after July 1, 2002 and will not be issued retroactively.
Each key will comport with its specific design as approved by the board and will, as
appropriate, bear the number of sponsored members appropriate for said key.
All keys will be made to be worn on the lapel.
All Membership Keys, beginning at the 25 – member key level will be accompanied by a
medallion matching the key in design but proportionally larger. The medallion will be
made to be worn suspended from a ribbon.
Awards resembling the official Membership Key Awards of Lions Clubs International
may not be used by any Lions clubs or districts.
2. Eligibility
a. A new member must remain a Lion for one year and a day before the name may be
used as credit toward a Key.
b. The name of the new member and the sponsor must be reported on the Monthly
Membership Report of the club, with the sponsor’s member number and club number.
c. No sponsor shall receive more than one key of the same type.
The Cumulative Membership and Club Summary Report shall contain both club and charter
member data and membership data uniformly ending on the last day of each calendar month
and culminating on June 30 of each calendar year.
The administrative officers of The International Association of Lions Clubs shall be the
senior executive administrator, executive administrator, secretary and treasurer.
1. Effective May 6, 2013, Peter Lynch shall assume the title, responsibilities and duties of
Senior Executive Administrator of The International Association of Lions Clubs.
The Executive Committee shall and is hereby empowered to fix by contract the duties,
term of office and compensation of Peter Lynch.
2. Effective May 6, 2013, Scott Drumheller shall assume the title, responsibilities and duties
of Executive Administrator, General Counsel & Secretary of The International
Association of Lions Clubs.
The Executive Committee shall and is hereby empowered to fix by contract the duties,
term of office and compensation of Scott Drumheller.
1. Effective April 1, 2014, Scott Drumheller shall assume the title, responsibilities and
duties of Executive Administrator & Secretary of The International Association of Lions
The Executive Committee shall and is hereby empowered to fix by contract the duties,
term of office and compensation of Scott Drumheller.
23. Effective July 1, 2005, Maryellen Skerik shall assume the title, responsibilities and duties
of the treasurer of The International Association of Lions Clubs.
Lions who have served the association as officers shall be recognized, officially, by the
following titles:
The title “Secretary-General” shall be retired in commemoration of the founder and late
Secretary-General Melvin Jones, for his long and useful service to the association and
Mail for the officers, directors and past presidents will be combined and sent out once a week
with the exception of letters requiring a decision, etc., which will be mailed as previously.
The past officers who are not current members of the association shall be dropped from the
mailing list.
3. Mailing lists of present and past officers shall be made available to all bona fide
candidates at cost. The mailing list will be in the form of able-stick or Cheshire labels.
Candidates shall be notified of their availability.
4. Able-stick labels for all club presidents shall be furnished to candidates for the office of
second vice president, upon request, with the respective candidate to pay the association’s
cost in supplying the same.
1. In the event of the death of any member of the board of directors or their spouse, or any
past international president or their spouse, notification shall be given by letter, e-mail or
telefax to all members of the Board of Directors and Past International Presidents.
Notification shall be given by letter, e-mail or telefax where appropriate to all Past
International Directors of the Association.
2. The president shall designate an official representative of the association to attend the
funeral of any such officer or past international president.
1. The Public Relations and Communications Division shall produce and make available,
either on the association’s official website or through club supplies, the Club Public
Relations Chairperson’s Guide and the District Public Relations Chairperson’s Guide as
2. An updated list of films and slide presentations shall be published and made available to
Lions clubs and districts upon request.
2. Current Officer and Director Biographies. Prior to the international convention, official
biographies on file shall be sent to all officers and directors who will be continuing in
office for their review and possible changes. After the updated biography is prepared, the
previous biography shall be removed from the file and destroyed.
a. A black and white and a color portrait suitable for general publicity purposes.
c. An 8 x 10 head and shoulders color portrait for hanging in the Past Presidents’
Gallery at International Headquarters.
5. National Anthems. The Public Relations and Communications Division shall maintain a
cassette-tape file of the national anthems of all officers and directors.
6. International Visitors Kit. Upon request from the Travel and Administrative Services
Department or the host Lions, the Public Relations and Communications Division shall
send an International Visitors Kit to the host Lions as an aid to publicizing an
international speaker’s visit. It shall include the following materials: three copies of the
speaker’s biography; three photographs; an official protocol manual; the speaker’s
national anthem tape, if different from the host country; table-top flag with stand of the
speaker’s country, if different from the host country; suggestions for obtaining local
publicity; and including a letter asking the host Lions to encourage the visitor to speak on
and/or answer questions related to youth programs.
7. Publicity Materials for Past Officers and Directors. Every five years, the Public Relations
and Communications Division shall send a copy of their file biography and photograph to
all past international officers and directors. At their option, they may update either the
biography or photograph or both. The Public Relations and Communications Division
will file the new material, but will make copies only to respond to specific requests.
1. The Public Relations and Communications Division shall produce videos and slide
presentations on relevant subjects and make them available through the Club Supplies
Catalog at the lowest possible price.
The Public Relations and Communications Division shall supervise the following contests,
with judging at the international convention under rules established by the Public Relations
Committee. Winners will be announced at the final convention session and their names
printed in a subsequent issue of Lion Magazine.
The official protocol of The International Association of Lions Clubs shall be as shown in
Exhibit B.
1. Lion Awards
This award shall not be given posthumously, except in cases where such person was
designated to receive such award prior to death.
2. Lion/Non-Lion Awards
b. Lion Medal of Honor. This award shall be awarded posthumously, at the discretion
of the international president. No more than 15 medals shall be awarded per Lion
year. Lions and non-Lions who have distinguished themselves through extraordinary
humanitarian effort, as determined by the international president, are eligible. This
award will not be given to individuals who have received the Ambassador of
Goodwill. The award shall consist of a gold plated medal medallion, with an interior
lapis blue border, and gold outside border, descending from a blue chest ribbon. The
medallion will consist of a laurel wreath surrounding the interior, the official Lion
logo affixed top center, the words “medal of honor” directly below the logo and Latin
inscription “honor super omnia” bottom center. The president shall present the award
in person (whenever possible) to the next-of-kin, but may delegate the presentation to
an appropriate representative of Lions Clubs International if conditions make it
impossible to present it in person. Nominations may be made by Lions only. All
nominations shall be submitted on a form to be provided upon request.
d. Head of State Medal. This award may be given at the discretion of the international
president to national heads of state or heads of government in recognition of the
government’s support of Lionism, to encourage further cooperation, and to establish
rapport at the time of the president’s visit. The award shall consist of a medal
featuring a globe on a blue cross with red chest and neck ribbons, and an appropriate
certificate over the president’s signature. The award can be given only once to an
individual incumbent. Complete records of awards given shall be maintained at Lions
Clubs International headquarters. The president shall present the award in person
whenever possible, but may delegate presentation to one of the vice presidents in
special circumstances.
e. Medal of Distinction. This award may be given at the discretion of the international
president to prime minister (when they are not head of state), governors or other
persons designated by the president to have similar status. The award shall consist of
a medal featuring a crossed wreath design with the Latin word “Amicitia” under a
Lions emblem with a purple and gold chest, as well as neck ribbon, accompanied by
an appropriate certificate over the president’s signature. Complete records of awards
given shall be maintained at Lions Clubs International headquarters. The president
shall present the award in person whenever possible, but may delegate presentation to
one of the other executive officers in special circumstances.
g. International Order of the Lion. This award may be given at the discretion of the
international president to distinguished lay people for achievements in the humanities,
science and religion. The award shall consist of a medal featuring clasped hands over
crossed wreaths and jeweled Lions emblem with a purple and gold chest ribbon,
accompanied by an appropriate letter over the president’s signature. Complete records
of awards given shall be maintained at Lions Clubs International headquarters.
Except with respect to an award made to a Lion in connection with a Lion activity, no
Lions club, or group of Lions clubs, or district (single, sub or multiple) may grant any
award, national or international in scope, except upon written approval of the award and
the recipient by the board of directors or its designee. All certificates, awards,
membership cards, etc., are to be prepared for the signature of the international president;
and shall be translated into the appropriate language, where feasible. No Lion, Lioness or
Leo award, either by presentation by the association or by sale through Club Supplies and
Distribution Division, shall be introduced without approval of the board of directors.
2. All contest winners are announced at the Lions II. International Website Contest
International Convention and published in LION Awards: First place certificateplaque
Magazine. Two honorable mention certificates
3. Entries become property of Lions Clubs Inter- 1. The contest is open to all Lions clubs, districts and
national Headquarters and cannot be returned. Lions multiple districts. The above listed awards will be
Clubs International may use entries in any way presented in each category.
deemed suitable.
All clubs, districts and multiple districts must
4. The Public Relations and Communications Division include the URL address of their website on the
at International Headquarters mails awards to all Official Contest Registration Form.
winners by September 1 following the Lions
International Convention. 2. Entries must be mailed to the Public Relations and
Communications Division at International Head-
5. The decisions of the judges are final. quarters to arrive by May 1 of the year in which
they’ll be judged at the Lions International Con-
I. International Newsletter (Bulletin) Contest vention. Official entry form must accompany entry.
Awards: First place certificateplaque
Four honorable mention certificates 3. Websites will be judged for quality of content and
1. The contest is open to all Lions clubs and districts.
(Not multiple districts.) The above listed awards
will be presented in each category.
City State/Province
Phone: Fax:
Lions Clubs International, Public Relations and Communications Division, 300 W 22ND STREET, OAK BROOK, IL
60523-8842 USA • www.lionsclubs.org
The following is the official protocol policy of The Explanation of notes used above:
International Association of Lions Clubs. Only the
principal speaker is required to acknowledge all dignitaries (a) When more than one is present, they shall be
present. recognized according to the Roman alphabetic
order of the first letter of their fully used family
A. Order of Precedence name. If the first letter is the same, go to the
second letter, and so on. If the last names are
Lions shall be recognized in the following order: identical, the same process should be followed
with the first given name; if these are the same,
1. International President then the middle name. In the unlikely event that
2. Immediate Past International President the two names are identical, the one with the
3. International Vice Presidents longest association membership shall be given
(according to rank) precedence.
4. Past International Presidents (b)
5. International Directors (a) (b) When more than one is present, the one who
(Board Appointees) */** served most recently is given precedence, and so
6. Past International Directors (c) on.
7. Regional LCIF Coordinators
8. Area GMT/GLT Leaders (c) When more than one is present, precedence
9. Chairperson, Council of Governors (a) should be the same as for Past International
10. District Governors Presidents (see (b) above). In the event more than
11. Association Senior Executive Administrator one Past International Director who served during
12. Association Executive Administrator the same term is present, then the criteria
13. Association Secretary specified for (a) should be used.
14. Association Treasurer
15. Past Council Chairperson (a) General Comments: When a Lion holds more
16. Immediate Past District Governor (a) than one title, he or she shall be recognized for
17. Multiple District Chairpersons and Coordinators the highest one. In areas that have positions in
(including LCIF, GMT and GLT) addition to those listed above, they should be
18. First Vice District Governor recognized in accordance with local customs,
19. Second Vice District Governor provided that elective officers always have
20. Past District Governor (a) precedence over appointive ones. It is
21. Multiple District Secretaries (Volunteer) (a) recommended that Melvin Jones Fellows be
22. Multiple District Treasurers (Volunteer) (a) recognized as a group. In introducing speakers,
23. District Secretaries (a) their status as Fellows should be mentioned.
24. District Treasurers (a)
25. Region Chairperson (a) B. Non-Lion Dignitaries
26. Zone Chairperson (a)
27. District Chairperson and Coordinators (including Non-Lion dignitaries should be given precedence in
LCIF Coordinators) and GMT/GLT Team accordance with local protocol and/or custom, keeping
Leaders (a) in mind that if the non-Lion is the principal speaker,
28. Club Presidents (a) then he or she should be seated directly to the right of
29. Immediate Past Club Presidents (a) the chairperson (see next page).
30. Club Secretaries (a)
31. Club Treasurers (a) C. Head Table Seating
32. Past Club Presidents (a)
33. Multiple District Secretaries (staff) (a) The presiding officer or meeting chairperson must
34. Multiple District Treasurers (staff) (a) always be seated at the most central seat at the table
when there is no central podium, shown as seat
* Appointees by the International President to number one in the following diagram (figure 1). The
committees of the International Board of Directors and principal speaker would occupy seat number two, then
the LCIF Executive Committee shall be introduced other Lion dignitaries in accordance with the general
and otherwise recognized before Lions who have held order of precedence.
the same office. During introductions, their
appointment shall be mentioned.
The board of directors shall have exclusive jurisdiction, control and supervision over all
official publications of this association.
All publications material approved by the international board shall carry the designation
“Official Publication of Lions Clubs International.”
The administrative officers are authorized to modify, if necessary, various printed material
used by the association provided that such modifications are not contrary to policies adopted
by the board of directors.
Unless otherwise provided by the board, all new printed items – or major modifications to
established printed items — shall be considered and approved, first, by the committee of the
board responsible for them.
All divisions at International Headquarters are required to do a full review of all publications
and forms under their control no later than February 1, each year, and report the number of
publications discontinued, revised or consolidated since the last review to the Public
Relations Committee at the March/April board meeting.
All printed items issued to individual Lions shall be in any one of the official languages, as
requested by the respective country through its council of governors.
A systematic inventory of all printed items shall be maintained at the headquarters office.
1. Lions Clubs International shall pay only for the printing of official publications, or
publications approved by the international president or senior executive administrator.
2. The senior executive administrator may authorize, but not to exceed US$500 per
language per fiscal year in total, the printing of official languages, provided that the
request for reimbursement be accompanied by a sample or samples of the publication or
publications printed.
3. A multiple district or a district which is not part of a multiple district may request the
board’s approval for one-time-only financial assistance, not to exceed US$5,000, for
translation, publication, and distribution of Lions information materials in an unofficial
language by submitting a proposed plan and budget. If approved, reimbursement will be
made upon submission of the translated and published materials within one year after the
board’s approval.
The board will approve proposals up to US$25,000 per year. Precedence should be given
to the constitutions and by-laws (club, district and international) and to newly formed
provisional districts.
b. There shall be more than 725 active clubs using the language as the primary means of
Official languages existing as of June 1, 1981 shall not be affected by these requirements
regardless of the number of clubs and the members using the language.
3. Failure to support the monetary policies of the association by the majority of members
using an official language may result in removing it from official language status.
4. All main publications shall be checked for proper language translations by qualified
people in the respective countries.
The designation “USA” together with the listing of each state in the USA, shall appear on all
address listings (except with respect to mailings which are wholly within the USA),
identification badges and convention standards.
Listing of club officers and other data for directory purposes is to be submitted on the special
form provided. The forms are to be mailed directly to the secretary of each club, with ten
copies to each district governor. Postmark deadline for mailing this form to the international
office is April 30.
1. Distribution Of Directory
In view of the cost factor involved in the preparation and mailing of the directories, they
shall be sent to executive officers and international directors, present and past, and others
serving on the board, and two copies shall be sent to the current district governors at no
charge. Multiple district council chairpersons and multiple district offices shall each
receive one copy at no charge. If the council chairperson is a current district governor,
that person will receive only two copies of the directory. Clubs may obtain copies of the
directory upon request at cost plus shipping.
2. Directories shall be sent to past district governors, region chairpersons and zone
chairpersons upon request only.
The Lions Clubs International Directory shall include the names, of all spouses of
officers and directors, district governors, past presidents and past international directors,
multiple district secretaries and international staff representatives; also, where possible,
the name and address (and spouse’s name) of the chairperson of the council of governors
of each multiple district where names thereof have been received prior to the time the
directory goes to press.
4. The names and addresses of the editors of the official LION Magazines shall be included
in the International Directory.
5. In the Official Directory, in addition to the countries, the state or province shall be shown
for all clubs of countries reporting this information on the PU-101 form.
6. One page of the International Directory may be devoted to the headquarters staff, such
page to contain the names and pictures of administrative officers and the names of
division managers.
8. The “Extension of Lionism” section of the International Directory shall indicate the club
with the longest continuous history in each state or country. In those cases where the club
listed is not the first club chartered, the name of the first club chartered shall be indicated
in a footnote.
1. The Lions Clubs International Vital Information shall include the names of all spouses of
officers and directors, board appointees, district governors, past presidents and past
international directors, multiple district secretaries and international staff representatives;
also, where possible, the name and address (and spouse’s name) of the chairperson of the
council of governors of each multiple district where names thereof have been received
prior to the time the Vital goes to press.
2. Names and titles of administrative officers and division managers shall be included in the
booklet Vital information.
3. Phone/fax/e-mail numbers for current officers, directors, and district governors shall be
listed in Vital information.
5. Past international presidents and past international directors shall receive all LCIF report
mailings; and copies of Vital Information and the International Constitution and By-Laws
1. Listing of the names of administrative officers after names of the directors on letterheads
is approved.
2. Special stationery, with gold emblem shall be provided for officers and past international
presidents only.
3. Staff shall produce stationery for all members of the International Board of Directors,
including appointees, in our own print shop or furnish negatives of a uniform design.
3. In those countries and/or areas where the section of the President’s Book under the
heading “tail twister” is objectionable, this section may be removed upon authorized
request, approved by the international director and the council of governors of the
geographical area involved.
1. Listing of the names of administrative officers after the board in the constitution and by-
laws is approved.
3. Official materials, including the constitution and by-laws, both standard form and
international may be printed in Brazil, Japan and India; the international office shall
prepare printers negatives in Oak Brook and the printer in those countries shall simply
print from them without any alterations whatsoever.
In all Lions publications, individual clubs shall be encouraged to list existing telephone
numbers of the club office or meeting place in the local directory.
No messages, articles, greetings and the like shall be furnished by any employee of the
association for use in magazines, bulletins, papers or publications of any type, except with
the permission of the Executive Committee.
Mailing of information affecting the operation of clubs, districts and field operations to club
presidents and district governors shall also be mailed to multiple district secretaries, multiple
district council chairpersons, international officers, directors and past international
presidents. Such mailing shall continue to past international directors for a period of five
years following their term of office and also to the two most recent past international
directors in every district eligible to represent Lions Clubs International at district and
multiple district functions.
Information on fundraising activities shall be collected, researched, and compiled for a new
Lions Clubs International Fund Raising Booklet. This booklet should contain ideas for
fundraising activities from representative clubs and districts and should eventually be made
available in all official languages of Lionism.
A copy of the IR/YE Directory shall be provided to every board member, in addition to the
international relations and youth exchange chairpersons.
The following guidelines shall be followed for official Lions Clubs International publications
and program materials. All documents should:
Be written from an international perspective and reflect the principles embodied in the
Lions Objects, Mission and Code of Ethics
Use clear, standard, literal language; avoid jargon, slang, figures of speech,
colloquialisms and idioms, which may be commonplace to some but unfamiliar to other
speakers of a language
Be balanced and representative in the use of citations and examples, using statistics,
references and illustrations from different countries
Consider cultural implications in the use of graphics and other types of pictorial designs
Avoid terms such as “foreign,” “overseas” and “non-US” when the reference is to Lions
in other countries.
This policy applies to current members of the international board, past international presidents,
past international directors and eligible past district governors, who incur travel expenses paid by
Lions Clubs International.
Each district (single, sub- and multiple) shall be allowed one official speaker for its
convention or similar district-wide function. In the event sub-district conventions are
held in conjunction with the multiple district convention, only one official speaker is
authorized. A single or a multiple district, inclusive of all its sub-districts, may extend
an invitation to one executive officer per year. Special circumstances, which require
visitation by more than one executive officer, may be authorized with the approval
from the international president.
The official speaker shall reside within the respective constitutional area.
Assignments outside the constitutional area may be allowed subject to approval of the
international president and within the respective speaker’s mileage budget.
Speakers elected from and residing in the USA or its affiliates, Bermuda, Bahamas or
Canada, shall be permitted to travel in both constitutional areas.
Transportation cost for official speaking engagements will be charged to the
speaker’s mileage budget.
a. Invitation Procedure
ii. Other Executive Officers: The immediate past international president and
the international vice presidents may travel to authorized meetings and
Effective March 4, 2014
Chapter XXII
Page 1
other Lions functions within the limits of their respective constitutional
areas. Travel to a Lions function outside of their respective constitutional
areas should be within their respective budget and is subject to advance
review and approval of the international president.
iv. Any past international president or past international director or, if none
available, then,
(2) Upon request, the Travel Department shall provide a list of eligible speakers who
are available, subject to the above order of precedence.
(3) A speaker request form must be completed and given to the Travel Department at
least sixty (60) days prior to the meeting. This sixty (60) day requirement shall be
waived for substitute speakers and for the second vice president and first year
directors for functions occurring in July, August and September.
(4) Once the speaker selection is made, the Travel Department shall confirm the
speaker’s acceptance of the invitation.
(5) Districts are encouraged to hold conventions Friday through Sunday to reduce
travel expenses.
(6) The Travel Department shall send an acknowledgement of all invitations received
to the individual initiating the invitation and the speaker.
b. Speaker Responsibilities
The host council as part of the official visit shall arrange a discussion meeting
between the speaker and district leaders. The purpose of this meeting shall be:
All official speakers for whom Lions Clubs International provides reimbursement
of travel expenses are required to submit a visitation form. The visitation form
shall include specific comments on strengths and weaknesses as well as areas of
special concern within the respective single, sub- or multiple districts.
A completed visitation form must be included with your expense claim for
reimbursement. No reimbursement will be made without such report.
c. District Obligations
The host district shall be responsible for payment of hotel, meals and local
transportation expenses for the official speaker. Districts failing to meet these
obligations shall be ineligible for future speakers until such debts are paid.
In the event that the speaker is eligible for a day of rest, hotel and meals will be
reimbursed as provided under Rules of Audit.
d. Mileage Budget
(1) International directors shall receive a 40,000-mile budget per fiscal year for
attendance at authorized meetings outside of their single or multiple district. The
international president may approve an additional 10,000 miles in special
circumstances. For large geographical areas, the international president may
authorize an additional 20,000 miles.
(3) Past international directors shall receive a 10,000-mile budget per fiscal year for
attendance at authorized meetings outside of their single or multiple district. For
special circumstances the international president shall have the authority to
approve up to 5,000 additional miles.
(4) In the event that a past district governor is the speaker the association will
reimburse based on actual cost incurred.
e. Incidental Costs
Travelers will be reimbursed for reasonable incidental travel costs, such as laundry,
telephone, tips, valet service, and meals. Such costs must be itemized on the expense
report form and receipts must be attached when applicable or when the cost is greater
than US$25, unless otherwise required by local regulations.
f. Gift Allowance
a. Authorization
No prior authorization from the international office is necessary to accept a speaking
engagement within the single or multiple districts from which the speaker was elected
and residing in. The cost of attending a district function will be charged against the
b. Eligible Speakers
Speakers shall be invited to (single, sub- or multiple) speaking assignments within
their district according to the following order of precedence:
i. The two most recent past international directors elected from the multiple
district shall be eligible to accept invitations for events held within their
district. For multiple districts comprising large geographical areas, the
international president may approve additional past international directors
for eligibility.
ii. Multiple districts with membership in excess of 20,000 (as of the previous
April 30th Cumulative Report) shall have the three most recent past
international directors as eligible speakers.
iii. Multiple districts with membership in excess of 30,000 (as of the previous
April 30th Cumulative Report) shall have the four most recent past
international directors as eligible speakers.
iv. Multiple districts with membership in excess of 40,000 (as of the previous
April 30th Cumulative Report) shall have the five most recent past
international directors as eligible speakers.
v. In the event an eligible past international director does not use his in-
district budget in any given year, any other past international director from
the same multiple district, not currently eligible to receive a budget, may
apply on an annual basis to International Headquarters to assume that
budget. Any such application must be accompanied by a letter of
approval, signed by the past international director who is relinquishing his
budget and any intermediate past international directors. If any such
approval is withheld, the International President at his discretion may
authorize the application for budget reassignment for his presidential year.
1. Area forums shall be recognized by Lions Clubs International for the purposes of:
3. Forum conduct and operation, including, but not restricted to, planning, agenda, and
program content, is the responsibility of the elected members of the board of directors
from the constitutional area in which the forum is to be held. These board members may
delegate the forum operation to such committee(s) as are necessary, but shall be
responsible to see that the purpose of the board policy are carried out. If more than one
first-year international director is serving from the constitutional area in which the forum
is to be held, the international president shall appoint a first-year international director to
serve on the planning committee. In the event there is no first-year international director
from the constitutional area in which the forum is to be held, the international president
may appoint any past international director from the constitutional area in which the
forum is to be held. Any irregularities should be reported to the Executive Committee of
Lions Clubs International so that action may be taken to carry out the intent of this
policy. The appointee shall perform the liaison duties listed below:
a. The appointee shall be the liaison between the headquarters staff and the forum
chairperson. Requests for meeting space or time to make a presentation should be sent
to the liaison for approval by the forum committee.
b. The appointee shall be the liaison between the directors from his constitutional area
and the forum committee. He shall keep the directors informed in writing on the
details of the forum, including any requests for their participation.
c. The appointee shall provide to the Forum Planning Committee the Lions Clubs
International Protocol as outlined in Chapter XX Board Policy Manual to ensure all
items are addressed.
d. Each forum should have a mission statement and the appointee should work with the
forum chairperson to update as necessary.
e. The appointee will work with the staff in the Travel Department of Lions Clubs
International to ensure all available information is received for the visit of the
officers, directors and board appointees. The appointee also should ensure the staff
has the dates for all future forums when available to allow the officers to plan their
travel for future years as well.
f. The appointee shall make a written report to the board during the board meeting
immediately following the forum. The report should be a synopsis of the events of the
forum and what role the officers and directors from that area had in the forum. A
4. All forums shall be financially self-supporting and any deficiency shall be the sole
responsibility of said forum. Each forum shall have the authority to collect registration
fees in an appropriate amount.
5. All Lions in the constitutional area in which the forum is to be held shall be invited to
6. The forums shall be held in a place where all members of Lions clubs in the
constitutional area may freely register and have their districts and countries recognized.
7. The president of Lions Clubs International shall be invited. The respective forum shall
provide for the following for the international president or his designee:
8. A Lion of the president’s choice shall present the program and goals of the international
president at each forum.
9. The forum shall provide a one bedroom suite and meals for the international president or
his designee. Meals and accommodations will be reimbursed by the association and
charged to the international president’s travel budget.
10. The immediate past international president and first vice president may attend all area
forums. The second vice president may attend his/her own area forum. Meals and
accommodations will be reimbursed by the association and charged to the officer’s travel
11. Forums may be organized to include Lions from an adjacent constitutional area.
12. Where multiple districts exist with clubs in two constitutional areas, and one of the
constitutional areas does not have a forum, then all Lions from those multiple districts
shall be entitled to attend the adjacent forum as full participants.
b. collect dues. However, each forum shall have the authority to collect registration fees
in an appropriate amount;
14. Area forums shall involve no expense to Lions Clubs International, except travel related
expenses will be provided for international directors, past international presidents, board
appointees and presidential appointee (and accompanying adult companion) from the
constitutional area in which the forum is held.
Reimbursement rules for international directors, past international presidents and eligible
past international directors:
1. Each international director, past international president and eligible past international
director shall be allowed expense reimbursement for association related needs, including
district or multiple district activity. Annual budgets will be based on the following:
a. International directors will be allowed US$2,200 plus US$.15 per member as reported
on the April 30th Cumulative Report from the preceding year, within their single or
multiple district with a minimum of US$3,200 and a maximum of US$6,200.
c. Eligible past international directors will be allowed US$.12 per member as reported
on the April 30th Cumulative Report from the preceding year, within their single or
multiple district with a minimum of US$900 and a maximum of US$3,000. See
paragraph A.2.b.(2) for a description of eligible past international directors.
Under unusual circumstances, the international president may designate special assignments
and such expenses charged against the special assignment budget. The president-elect will
submit a special assignment budget each June. The Finance and Headquarters Operation
FY 2013-14
Month Claim Due Deadline for submission
(1) To obtain reimbursement for association related travel expenses the traveler
must submit an official association expense claim form.
(2) Original receipts are required for expenses of US$25 or greater, unless
otherwise required by local regulations.
(3) A completed visitation form must be included with your expense claim for
reimbursement related to official speaking assignments.
(4) Your travel itinerary, proof of payment and any other documentation provided
by the carrier are required for reimbursement.
b. Transportation by Air
Travel arrangements should be made through the association’s preferred travel agent.
In the event the association does not have a local travel agent, the traveler must obtain
approval from the Travel Department prior to ticketing any fare in excess of
US$1,000. Airfare less than US$1,000 should be booked at the lowest logical
standard or discounted fare by the most direct route for the authorized class of service
and period of travel. No more than two executive officers or two administrative
officers shall travel on the same flight.
d. Automobile Travel
The standard mileage reimbursement rate is US$.41 per mile (US$.25 per kilometer),
which takes into account all actual automobile expenses such as fuel, repairs,
replacements, tires, depreciation, insurance, etc.
A traveler may drive when convenient and it is the least costly transportation
available. The cost of meals, lodging, parking, mileage, tolls, taxis, ferries and
transportation costs incurred while in transit may be reimbursed, if such costs do not
exceed the cost of round trip airfare, based on the authorized class of service.
Advance approval should be obtained to ensure reimbursement of expenditures.
e. Rental Cars
h. Hotel
The cost of a double room shall be reimbursed when paid for by international
directors, past international presidents and eligible past international directors.
International directors and past international presidents shall be reimbursed the cost
of a one-bedroom suite at his own single or multiple district convention.
i. Meals
Reimbursement will be made for the actual amount spent, excluding alcoholic
beverages. The cost of each meal is to be listed on the appropriate provided
association form. For meals where reimbursement is requested for guests, their names
are to be listed on the expense claim form or on the attach receipt. Itemize receipts
shall be required for all meal expenses.
j. Personal Expenses
Should the association pay for expenses that are personal to an officer, international
directors, past international presidents, eligible past international directors and others
serving on the board by appointment, the Lion shall be billed. Payment shall be
deducted against any outstanding expense claims. In the event the traveler does not
have outstanding claims, a bill for the personal expenses will be issued. All personal
expenses are to be paid within 30 days of the date billed.
(1) Transportation
Airport Tax
Train fare
Bus fare
Car Rental
(3) Forums
Transportation will be provided only for international directors, past
international presidents and board appointees (and accompanying adult
companion) from the constitutional area in which the forum is held.
(4) Other
Bank fees
Visa charges
Passport photographs
Excess baggage
Hospitality books
Meeting room rentals
Audio/visual rental
Telephone & fax
Office supplies
Printed matter (stationary, business cards, & copies)
1. Medical
The association provides each director with travel medical insurance which provides
protection during travel on Lions business when the board member is outside of his
country of residence. A summary description of the plan coverage and additional
information is available from the Legal Division.
Each newly elected international director shall be reimbursed for the expense of travel and
lodging in accordance with the Rules of Audit, for a visit to the international headquarters in
Oak Brook, Illinois, USA, for orientation purposes. Such visit shall, where possible, be made
in connection with some other authorized travel and prior to the October/November board
meeting. The international president shall approve the duration of the visit and any related
travel and lodging expense reimbursement
2. Travel will be reimbursed according to the Rules of Audit if the adult companion is
present at scheduled Lions Clubs International functions and events. Reimbursement will
not be provided if the adult companion does not attend scheduled functions and events.
To promote service activities among the youth of the community which will develop the
individual qualities of Leadership, Experience and Opportunity. To unite its members in
friendship, fellowship and mutual understanding.
B. The entire operation of this club shall be guided and supervised by the Lions Club of.
Such guidance and supervision shall be exercised in one of the following ways, the
choice to be a joint decision of the sponsoring Lions club(s) and the Leo club.
1. The presence of one or more members of the sponsoring Lions club at every meeting
of the Leo club or its board of directors; or
2. By a monthly joint meeting of three representatives of each club, to discuss mutual
interests and plans, and to review actions taken by the Leo club and/or its board of
directors. In the event of disagreement between the representatives, the ultimate
decision shall rest with the sponsoring Lions club; or
3. By submitting for approval within 15 days by Leo club officers a specific report or
copy of minutes of any meeting held to the sponsoring club secretary or authorized
delegate or representative. The sponsoring club then has the prerogative to call for a
meeting between three representatives of the Leo club and three representatives of the
sponsoring club to discuss items of mutual interest or plans. In the event of
disagreement between the representatives the ultimate decision shall rest with the
sponsoring Lions club.
C. If the operation of this club shall depend, in any way, upon the cooperation of any school
officials, then all school policies and regulations as interpreted by such officials shall be
faithfully observed by this Leo club and its members.
Effective March 4, 2014
Chapter XXIII
A. Subject to the provisions of Article III, this club shall plan and implement, with its own
manpower, service projects within its community. Full responsibility for such projects
shall rest in this club except where the same is shared in a joint project with another Leo
club or other organization.
B. Projects shall be financed with funds raised by this club, provided, however, that no
funds shall be solicited from any individual, business or organization in the community
without giving something of value in return therefore.
1. Solicit or accept more than occasional financial assistance from the Lions Club of
___________ or any member thereof;
2. Solicit financial assistance from any non-sponsoring Lions club;
3. Solicit financial assistance from any other Leo club.
D. No portion of the net income resulting from any financial program in which funds are
raised from the public shall be used directly or indirectly to benefit this club or any
member thereof.
A. Membership shall be granted in a Leo club to any person who possesses good character,
who shall be deemed eligible by the Leo club committee of the sponsoring Lions club or
clubs. Wherever the male gender or pronoun presently appears in the Standard Leo Club
Constitution and Bylaws, it shall be interpreted to mean both male and female persons.
1. Active: A member entitled to all rights and privileges and subject to all obligations
which membership in a Leo club confers or implies. Without limiting such rights and
obligations, such rights shall include eligibility to seek, if otherwise qualified, any
office in the Leo club and in the Leo district or multiple district of which the club
may form part and right to vote on all matters requiring a vote of the membership;
and such obligations shall include regular attendance, prompt payment of dues;
participation in Leo club activities, and conduct reflecting a favorable image of the
Leo club in the community.
2. Member-at-Large: A member of this Leo club who has moved from the community,
or because of health or other legitimate reason, is unable regularly to attend Leo club
meetings and desires to retain membership in the Leo club, and upon whom the board
3. Alpha membership: A member of the Leo club who is 12 years of age to 18 years of
4. Omega membership: A member of the Leo club who is 18 years of age to 30 years
of age.
C. Termination: Membership in this Leo club shall cease and terminate automatically
1. Reaching an age one year greater than the maximum age limit.
2. Termination of existence of this Leo club as provided in Article XV.
3. Vote therefore of no less than two-thirds (2/3) of all members in good standing.
D. Transfer Membership: This Leo club may grant membership on a transfer basis to a
Leo who has terminated or is terminating membership in another Leo club, provided that:
1. A letter for transfer of membership is received by the new Leo club, with a copy to
the sponsoring Lions club secretary, from the Lions club sponsoring the former Leo
club, within six months following the date of termination of membership in the
former club;
2. such termination was in good standing; and
3. the age of the transferring member falls within the established age range applying to
the new Leo club.
If more than six months have elapsed between termination of membership in a Leo club
and application for transfer to another Leo club, an applicant may acquire membership in
this Leo club only under the provisions of Section A of this Article V.
E. Each Leo club shall declare itself as either an Alpha Leo club or an Omega Leo club by
reporting to the Youth Programs Department at International Headquarters.
A. Club Meetings:
1. Regular business meetings of this Leo club shall be held no less than twice in each
month, and preferably once in each week, at time and places set forth in the bylaws.
2. The club president may at any time call, or upon written request to him/her by no less
than ten (10) members in good standing, a special meeting of the club. Such call may
be given verbally or in writing, but it shall be given to each member in good standing
1. Regular business meetings of the board of directors shall be held at times and places
as provided in the bylaws but in no event less than once each month.
2. The president may at any time call, and upon the written request of any members of
the board shall call, a special meeting of the board. Such call may be given verbally
or in writing but it shall be given to every member thereof, and shall designate a time
and place convenient to such members and the purpose of such meeting. Such notice,
if written, shall be considered as given when deposited in the mails and addressed to
the member at his/her address shown on the club records at the time of mailing.
3. The presence in person of the president or vice-president and any three (3) other
members of the board shall be necessary for a quorum at any regular or special
meeting of the board.
4. Any member of this Leo club in good standing shall have the right to attend any
regular or special meeting of the board of directors, but no such member may speak at
any board meeting except by consent of the board.
A. The officers of this Leo club shall be a president, vice-president, secretary and treasurer
and such other officer(s) as may be provided in the bylaws. Officers shall be members in
good standing and shall serve for a term of one (1) year or until their successors have
been elected and qualified. No member may hold two (2) offices simultaneously.
B. The president may not succeed himself in re-election after having served one full term of
C. Unless specifically provided otherwise in this constitution, the duties of the officers shall
be those assigned to their respective offices under Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly
Board of Directors
B. The board of directors, through the club officers, shall be responsible for the execution of
the policies approved by the club. All new business and policy of this club shall be
considered and shaped, first, by the board of directors for presentation to and approval by
the club members at a regular or special club meeting.
C. The board of directors shall have general control over all committees and officers, may
override the decision or action of any officer, and for good cause, may declare any office
vacant and appoint a member in good standing to fill any unexpired term thereof.
D. The board of directors shall present an annual report of its operations to the club
membership and to the sponsoring Lions club.
Elections of officers and directors shall be held at times and in accordance with procedures
deemed proper by the _______________________________Committee of the Lions Club of
__________, but in on election shall a vote greater than a simple majority of the votes cast be
necessary for election.
The bylaws shall provide for finance, project and such other standing committees as may be
deemed necessary for administration of the club. The president, with the approval of the
board, may appoint such special committees as he/she deems necessary from time to time.
Fees and Dues
A. This club shall charge such additional fees and dues as the Lions Club of ___ shall deem
proper to meet administrative costs of the Leo club, including the amount of any annual
payment due Lions Clubs International by the sponsoring Lions club, which amount may
be reimbursed by the Leo club to the sponsoring Lions club.
B. Any member who shall owe this club any monetary obligation at the time of any vote at
any regular or special meeting, or at any other time at which the question of good
standing is raised, shall automatically forfeit the privilege of voting by virtue thereof and
be considered for all purposes as not in good standing so long as said obligations remain
By accepting membership herein, each member of this club thereby agrees to uphold and be
bound by the provisions of the constitution and bylaws of this club.
The board of directors of this club shall present, and the members in good standing of this
club shall adopt, such bylaws as are deemed necessary to the efficient operation of this club;
provided, however, that all such bylaws shall be consistent with the provisions of this
constitution. Any bylaws, or amendments thereto or repeal thereof, which shall contravene
any provision of this constitution shall be null and void and of no effect.
A. The emblem of the Leo Club International Program and Leo clubs shall be two lion heads
facing outwards from each other divided by a vertical bar with the letters L E O from top
to bottom.
B. The emblem of Leos Clubs International shall be preserved for the exclusive use and
benefit of Leo club members. Each member of this club shall be entitled to wear or
otherwise display the same in a dignified and appropriate manner during the period of
his/her membership. A member shall relinquish such entitlement upon termination of
his/her membership or termination of this club.
A. This Leo club shall cease to exist upon the first to occur of the following:
B. By virtue of termination, provided in Section A, all rights and privileges relating to the
Leo name and Leo emblem shall thereon be relinquished and surrendered by this club and
its members, individually and collectively.
This constitution may be amended only by action of the board of directors of Lions Clubs
International and all amendments when adopted shall automatically amend and become
provisions of this constitution.
The fiscal year of this club shall run from July 1 to June 30.
A. Election of officers and directors of this club shall be held annually prior to
_____________. Those elected shall take office on July 1 following their election.
B. Nominations of officers shall be made either in writing or from the floor. Candidates
shall be voted upon at the regular meeting following the meeting at which nominations
are made. Voting shall be by secret ballot. Those candidates receiving a majority of the
votes cast by the members present and in good standing shall be elected.
Fee and Dues
A. The president, with the approval of the board of directors, shall appoint the following
standing committees:
1. Finance. This committee shall be responsible for determining ways and means of
financing any and all club operations and projects.
B. No committee composed solely of members of this club shall take any action to effect its
plans until the same have been approved by a majority of the votes cast at a duly
constituted club meeting.
A. These bylaws may be amended at any regular or special meeting of this club, but only
upon the affirmative vote of a majority of all members in good standing, provided: (1)
notice of the respective amendment or amendments and the meeting at which such
amending vote is to be taken is given at least fourteen (14)days prior thereto at a regular
meeting at which a quorum is present, and (2) such amendment or amendments is
approved by the Lions Club of _____________________.
B. Any provision of these bylaws which conflicts with the constitution of this club shall be
null and void and of no force or effect.
a. to make available to Lions clubs an activity whereby they may serve the needs of
youths in their respective areas;
c. to promote service activities among the youth of the community to develop the
individual qualities of LEADERSHIP, EXPERIENCE AND OPPORTUNITY, and to
unite its members in friendship, fellowship and mutual understanding.
a. The name of the Youth Program shall be Leo Club International Program and all
clubs recognized thereunder shall be known as Leo clubs.
b. The emblem of the Leo Club International Program and Leo clubs shall be two lion
heads facing outwards from each other divided by a vertical bar with the letters L E O
from top to bottom.
c. The Leo name and emblem are the sole property of Lions Clubs International, and all
authority for and obligation with respect to protection and preservation thereof shall
rest in and is retained by Lions Clubs International.
d. Leo clubs shall adopt names chosen, or approved by the sponsoring Lions club or
e. At the initiating club’s option, the title “Castores” may be inserted after the title
“Leo” in the Leo club’s formal identification, provided that:
(2) all Leo clubs exercising this option observe and adhere to the standard Leo
Club Constitution and all the rules and regulations of the Leo Club Program;
(3) all such clubs are considered bona fide and fully certified clubs within the Leo
Club Program.
4. Jurisdiction: The board of directors of Lions Clubs International shall have and does
hereby retain all authority, control and supervision over all aspects of the Leo Club
International Program, including but not by way of limitation, establishment and
implementation of constitutional, organization, procedural and all other operating
requirements of said program and methods for enforcement of the same.
5. Constitution:
a. The board of directors of Lions Clubs International shall frame, and all Leo clubs
shall adopt and be governed by a Standard Leo Club Constitution.
c. Each Leo club may adopt by-laws which shall be consistent with the Standard Leo
Club Constitution and with policy established by Lions Clubs International. These by-
laws and any subsequent amendments shall be subject to the approval of the
sponsoring Lions clubs.
6. Sponsorship:
c. The sponsoring Lions club is responsible for the organization, supervision and
guidance of the Leo club, which club shall be certified and recognized by Lions Clubs
International so long as it operates within the policies established by Lions Clubs
d. Where the Leo club is school-connected, guidance and supervision by the sponsoring
Lions club shall be exercised in full cooperation with the school authorities, and be
subject to the same regulations and policies established by the school authorities for
all student organizations and extracurricular activities of the school.
e. Each Leo club shall be sponsored by the Lions club whose territorial limits include,
wholly or partially, the district area of the school and/or schools, from which the
members are drawn. Written authority may be granted by the board of directors of
Lions Clubs International to organized a Leo club outside the territorial limits of the
sponsoring Lions club.
f. Two or more Lions clubs may jointly sponsor a Leo club upon written approval of the
Lions district governor and/or International Board of Directors where it is shown that
the best interest of the district will be served. Membership is open to the entire
territorial limits of all jointly sponsoring Lions clubs. Artificial divisions of single
student bodies will be avoided. All sponsoring Lions clubs will have equal
representation on the Advisory Committee. However, only one Lions club must be
designated for liaison with the Lions Clubs International Headquarters, billings, etc.
g. Leo clubs may draw their memberships from student populations or from the
community at large, including employed individuals and professionals in training.
h. The sponsoring Lions club is encouraged to appoint the Leo club advisor as a
member of the club’s board of directors.
7. Operating Procedures
c. Thereafter, on the first day of July each year, the sponsoring Lions club shall send
remittance to cover the annual payment due to Lions Clubs International. Likewise,
the Leo club secretary, under the supervision of the Leo club advisor, shall submit to
the international office an up-to-date membership report which includes Leo officers
and members (with a copy to the sponsoring Lions club and the district Leo club
chairperson), on or before the first day of July each year. The annual membership
report form shall be mailed from the international office to the sponsoring Lions club
president for distribution to the Leo club advisor and the Leo club secretary. It is the
responsibility of the sponsoring Lions club president to ensure that the report is
completed and submitted to the international office by the deadline date specified.
d. The Leo club may, through the sponsoring Lions club, secure for its Leo club
members various items bearing the Leo club emblem from LCI Club Supplies. Such
purchases may be shipped and billed to the Lions club’s account or paid via one of
the payment methods offered by LCI Club Supplies. Reimbursement to the Lions
club may be made by the Leo club members through its regular procedure for
handling such administrative funds.
e. District and multiple district Leo club chairpersons shall prepare an annual report on
Leo district or multiple district organizations in their areas respectively and submit it
to the international office no later than July 1 of each fiscal year. This report where
appropriate shall list the Leo clubs constituting the approved Leo district or multiple
district and specify the names of the duly elected Leo district and multiple district
officers. The report form shall be mailed from the international office to district
governors and appropriate multiple district council chairpersons. It shall be the
responsibility of the district governor and the council chairpersons where appropriate
to ensure that the report is completed and submitted by the deadline date specified.
g. International Club Twinning shall be adopted as an activity of the Leo Club Program.
h. The position of multiple district Leo club chairperson shall be recommended in those
multiple districts where the Leo club program exists.
i. The Leo Club Certificate of Organization shall show the endorsements of the
international president, secretary of the association and the president of the
sponsoring Lions club.
8. Finances
b. Each Lions club sponsoring a Leo club shall receive a flat annual billing of
US$100.00. Payment of this levy may be made in US dollars or its equivalent in the
respective national currency.
c. The Leo club levy may be paid from the sponsoring Lions club’s undesignated
activity account.
d. Credit for a terminated Leo club shall be given only if a signed Leo Club Termination
Form from the sponsoring Lions club, addressed to the Youth Programs Department
at International Headquarters, is received by October 31. Credit shall be given only
for the current fiscal year.
e. No part of the expenses of the Leo club officers or meetings of Leo clubs or groups of
Leo clubs shall be paid by Lions Clubs International. However, when an International
Leo Forum is authorized by the board, the necessary budget for incidental expenses
such as promotion, visual aids, luncheon, etc., may be provided.
g. It is the responsibility of the Leo club’s membership to raise the funds necessary to
carry out the program of the club.
h. Lions club(s) sponsoring Leo club(s) should not contribute more than occasional or
incidental financial assistance to such Leo clubs.
i. Leo clubs shall not make solicitations for financial assistance from Lions clubs or
from other Leo clubs.
j. Leo clubs shall not solicit individuals, businesses or organizations in their respective
communities for any purpose, without giving something of value in return.
k. Any dues or assessments on the membership of any Leo club should be nominal and
should be only for the purpose of covering the cost of administering the club;
generally speaking, funds for activities and projects undertaken by Leo clubs should
be raised by such clubs apart from such dues or assessments.
l. Lions clubs and Lions district conventions inviting members of Leo clubs to
participate in the programs of such clubs and conventions and/or conferences shall
subscribe to sufficient accident insurance to protect the Lions club or district
convention against any possible legal or moral obligation.
m. An organization fee in the amount of US$100.00 shall be required for all new Leo
clubs and billed to the sponsoring Lions club. The fee may be paid from either the
Lions club’s administrative account or from the Lions club’s undesignated activity
9. Sanctions
a. A member of a Leo club shall relinquish all rights and privileges pertaining to
membership therein, including the right to wear and display the Leo club emblem
He/she reaches an age one year greater than the maximum age limit, or
(1) In instances where a sponsoring Lions club is considering cancelling its Leo
club, the matter shall be brought before the Lions club’s membership at a
regular meeting. If a simple majority of the members in good standing vote to
terminate sponsorship of the Leo club, the Lions club shall submit a Leo Club
Termination Form to the Youth Programs Department at International
Headquarters. After receipt of the termination form, the international office
shall then process cancellation of the Leo club.
(2) A minimum of 30 days prior to the sponsoring Lions club vote to determine if
its sponsored Leo club will be cancelled, the district governor shall be
informed by an officer of the sponsoring Lions club in writing of the club’s
intent to cancel the Leo club.
When a Lions club wishes to cancel its Leo club without the agreement of the
Leo club members, the Lions club shall give the Leo club ninety (90) days’
notice along with a written report listing reasons for cancellation. A copy of
this report shall be sent to the following officers:
(d) Leo district president or associate district Leo club chairperson (if any)
c. The International Board of Directors, as a matter of policy, shall not allow any
individual or organization, except Lions Clubs International, to circularize Leo clubs
for any purpose.
d. A Leo club whose sponsoring Lions club has been cancelled shall have a 180 day
grace period in which to find a new sponsoring Lions club and avoid termination.
10. Awards.
a. Attendance awards shall be designed for Leos to be presented to the Leos by the
sponsoring Lions club. The same shall be a catalog item to be purchased by the
sponsoring club.
b. The present attendance tab which is sold by the Club Supplies and Distribution
Division for use with regular Lions lapel buttons shall also be sold to the Lions clubs
to be given to Leo members and used with Leo club lapel pins.
c. Leo Extension Award Certificates, signed by the Lions Clubs International president,
shall be issued, one to the president and one to the advisor from the sponsoring Lions
club, upon reporting of each new Leo club.
(1) Eligibility: Each district shall be allowed to nominate one Leo club for the
award each year. The nomination must be made by the district governor and
endorsed by the district Leo club chairperson.
(2) Application form: An application form for this award will be mailed to each
district governor. This form is to be completed by the district governor and
endorsed by the district Leo club chairperson. It should be submitted along
with a detailed written report of the nominated Leo club.
(3) Criteria: Leo clubs considered for this award shall be judged for excellence
in the following categories:
(d) Public relations: This category challenges Leo clubs to enhance their
public image by publicizing their activities through the news media and
other avenues.
(4) Deadline: A detailed written report along with the completed application
form must be received by the international office (300 22nd Street, Oak
Brook, Illinois 60523-8842 USA) no later than August 15 immediately
following the close of the fiscal year for which the application is submitted.
(5) Use of reports: The information provided in the reports of nominated Leo
clubs will be considered for publication in Lion Magazine and Leo program
publications. Photographs and slides submitted will be retained by the
international office as part of the formal application.
(6) Type of Award: An embroidered banner patch and chevron, bearing the
fiscal year for which the award is granted, will be sent to the current
(1) The 100% Leo Club President’s Award shall be presented by Lions Clubs
International to all qualified Leo club presidents. The requirements shall be:
(a) The Leo club shall comply with the Standard Leo Club Constitution and
the policies of the International Board of Directors, and shall refrain from
any action encouraging unauthorized use of the name, good will, emblem,
and other insignias of the association.
(b) The Leo club shall show a net increase in active membership for the fiscal
year. (Net increase is not affected by transferred, deceased, or at-large
The Leo club president must have personally sponsored one or more new
members into the Leo club prior to the end of the fiscal year.
(c) The Leo club must have conducted at least one major service activity. This
may be a joint community project with the sponsoring Lions club.
(d) The Leo club must have conducted at least one major fundraising project
with substantial membership participation. This may be a joint community
project with the sponsoring Lions club.
(e) New club officers must have been reported to the international office on
the Annual Membership Report or reasonable facsimile by July 1.
(f) The Leo club president must certify that all new members have been
properly indoctrinated and assigned to a working activity or service
(g) The Leo club president must have been recommended by the Leo club
advisor to the sponsoring Lions club president who shall certify the Leo
club president has met all the requirements therefore.
(2) Founding presidents of Leo clubs certified during the first six months of the
fiscal year shall be eligible.
This award shall be presented by Lions Clubs International to Leo clubs which have
achieved the fifth and tenth anniversaries, and anniversaries in multiples of five
thereafter, of their certification by the international office. To be eligible Leo clubs
must have been in continuous existence since the time of their certification. Leo
clubs, which had been terminated and were later reorganized shall qualify as of their
most recent certification date.
(1) The Leo club must have complied with the Standard Leo Club Constitution
and the policies of Lions Clubs International and shall have refrained from
any action encouraging unauthorized use of the name, good will, emblem, or
insignias of the association.
(c) regularly attended Leo club meetings, fostered a healthy rapport and
communication between the Leos and the sponsoring Lions club, and kept
Lions club members informed on the status and progress of the Leo club
through regular reports.
(d) actively assisted the Leo club in conducting major service and fundraising
(e) demonstrated ability to listen to young people, identify their needs and
interests, and given constructive advice and encouragement.
(1) Eligibility: To be eligible a Lion must have served as the officially appointed
district or multiple district Leo club chairperson during the immediate past
fiscal year.
(2) Award Criteria: To earn this award, the nominee must meet criteria in each
of the following categories:
(a) Extension: There must be a net increase of at least one (1) Leo club in the
district at the end of the fiscal year. If the candidate is a multiple district
chairperson, there must be a net increase of at least two (2) Leo clubs in
the multiple district. To count for the net increase, new Leo clubs must be
officially certified by the international office no later than June 30 of the
fiscal year for which the Lion is nominated.
(c) District Leo Activities: The candidate must have either served
successfully as a liaison with a Leo district or Leo multiple district council
or organized meetings, activities, or contests among the Leo clubs within a
district or multiple district where no Leo council has been established.
(e) Promotion: The candidate must have accomplished one of the following:
visited at least five (5) different Lions clubs to promote the Leo club
conducted a Leo seminar or forum at the district (or multiple district)
conducted a “Leo Week” in the district (or multiple district) to
promote awareness of Leo clubs.
Award Criteria: To earn this award, the Leo district president must meet the
following requirements:
(2) The Leo district president, in collaboration with the district Leo chairperson,
shall have provided a leadership training seminar or program for Leo club
officers in the district.
(3) The names of newly elected presidents of all Leo clubs in the district must be
reported to the international office by May 15. Form Leo-72 or a reasonable
facsimile should be used.
(4) The Leo district president must have promoted at least one major service
activity or one fundraising project involving participation of a majority of the
Leo clubs in the district.
(5) The district Leo conference, as prescribed by the Standard Leo District
Constitution, shall be held and reported to the international office. A report of
all other Leo meetings of a district wide nature shall likewise be made.
(6) The Leo district president shall have accomplished one of the following:
Award Criteria: To earn this award, the Leo multiple district president must meet
the following requirements:
(1) The Leo multiple district president and the Leo multiple district council shall
have complied with the Standard Leo Multiple District Constitution and the
policies of the International Board of Directors, and shall have refrained from
any action encouraging unauthorized use of the name, goodwill, emblem, and
other insignia of the association.
(2) The Leo multiple district president, in collaboration with the multiple district
Leo chairperson, shall have provided a leadership training seminar or program
for Leo club officers in the multiple district.
(4) The Leo multiple district president must have promoted at least one major
service activity or one fundraising project involving participation of a majority
of the Leo clubs in the multiple district.
(5) The multiple district Leo conference, as prescribed by the Standard Leo
Multiple District Constitution, shall be held and reported to the international
office. A report of all other Leo meetings of a multiple district wide nature
shall likewise be made.
(6) The Leo multiple district president shall have accomplished one of the
(1) Eligibility
The award shall be available to any current Leo club member who:
(b) meets membership age requirements as provided in the Standard Leo Club
Constitution and Bylaws;
(2) Criteria
(3) Nominations
(b) A single district that is not part of a multiple district may annually
nominate no more than one Leo from an officially certified Leo club in
good standing sponsored by a Lions club within the district. The
nomination must be submitted on the official application form for the
award. The application form must be signed by the district governor in
office during the fiscal year in which the nomination is made.
(4) Deadline
(5) Award
The award shall consist of a medal and neck ribbon featuring the official Leo
colors (maroon and gold). The medal shall bear the Leo emblem and the
inscription, “Leo of the Year,” on the face. The back of the medal shall be
engraved with the recipient’s name and the year the award is given. A
congratulatory certificate from the international president will accompany the
(6) Recognition
(1) District Level: District governors, district Leo club chairpersons, and Leo
district presidents who achieve a net gain of at least three new Leo clubs in
their district by June 30 will receive a Leo Club Extension Certificate.
(2) Multiple District Level: Council chairpersons, multiple district Leo club
chairpersons, and Leo multiple district presidents who achieve a net gain of at
least five new Leo clubs in their multiple district by June 30 will receive a Leo
Club Extension Certificate.
(1) District Level: District Leo club chairpersons and Leo district presidents of
the ten districts with the highest net growth of new Leo clubs during a Lions
fiscal year will receive the gold top Ten Leo Club Extension lapel pin.
(2) Multiple District Level: Multiple district Leo club chairpersons and Leo
multiple district presidents who supported the Leo club extension efforts of a
Top Ten District will also each receive a lapel pin.
Upon verification of eligibility, a banner patch featuring both the Leo club and Lions
club logos and the words “Serving Together” shall be issued to the Leo club and its
Lions club sponsor for successful completion of joint projects and other types of
activities supporting Leo-Lion collaboration.
Lions Clubs International shall present this award to Lions clubs that have achieved
the fifth anniversary of its sponsorship of a Leo club, and sponsorship anniversaries in
multiples of five years thereafter. To be eligible, Lions clubs must have continuously
sponsored the Leo club since the Leo club’s certification date or since the Lions
club’s sponsorship date of the Leo club, whichever is greater.
An International Leo Forum may be held from time to time in conjunction with the
annual Lions International Convention.
a. For purposes of publicizing, promoting, and organizing Leo clubs within their
districts, the governors are requested to appoint District Leo Advisory Committees,
chosen from the Lion leaders, deputy district governors, zone persons, past district
governors, and officers of sponsoring Lions clubs. The district governor and district
officers serve to advise and assist Lions and Leo clubs, but their authority shall be
confined to district matters only. This policy will also apply to the council of
governors with respect to multiple district matters.
b. Wherever two or more Leo clubs are conveniently located, they should be encouraged
to hold interclub meetings with representatives of the District Leo Advisory
Committee present. When circumstances permit, district wide meetings made be held.
c. All meetings shall be arranged at a minimum cost and within the financial means of
those participating. No expense of the Leo district organization or its officers shall be
paid by Lions Clubs International.
d. All Leo meetings or conferences held beyond multiple district boundaries shall be
held either in conjunction with an official Lions event or under the joint sponsorship
and jurisdiction of the appropriate Lions districts or multiple districts.
The term of office for the district and multiple district Leo club chairperson shall be
three years, assuming continuing fulfillment of responsibilities, and shall be subject to
the approval of the subsequent district governors or council of governors and the
council chairperson’s signature, respectively.
a. Absence from a regular meeting of a Leo club may be made up within the time limit
of 13 days prior to and 13 days following the date of the meeting missed in any one of
the following ways:
(4) Attendance at any meeting scheduled or sponsored by the member’s own club,
including club fundraising and service activities;
c. A member who is forced to miss meetings as a result of military service, jury duty, or
other statutory requirements, shall be given attendance credit for meetings missed. In
each case the club board of directors shall decide if credit should be given for the
missed meetings.
d. Any Leo who finds it necessary or is assigned to perform occupational duties for an
extended period of time in a place from which he/she cannot readily attend a Leo club
meeting may, at the discretion of his/her club, be granted credit for meetings missed.
e. Responsibility shall be placed on the Leo club secretary to verify the member has
fulfilled attendance requirements.
14. Leo Completion of Service Certificate and Leo Years of Service Transfer
In October 1996, the International Board of Directors approved a special certificate that
can be given to any Leo in good standing, who terminates membership in a Leo club, for
any reason. The purpose of the certificate is to recognize a Leo’s service to the Leo club
and community. To request a Leo Completion of Service Certificate, the Leo to Lion
Certification and Years of Service Transfer Form must be submitted to Lions Clubs
Effective September 1, 1997, former Leo club members may include their Leo years of
active service in their Lions club membership histories. To receive credit for Leo years
of active service, the Leo to Lion Certification and Years of Service Transfer Form must
be submitted to Lions Clubs International. Current and former Leos must have been a
The purpose of the Leo Club Program Advisory Panel is to provide Leos and Lions with
an opportunity to represent their respective constituents in matters which affect the Leo
Club Program. The panel acts in an advisory capacity with Lions Clubs International as it
evaluates issues related to the program. Items which impact the program shall be
presented to the Lions Clubs International Board of Directors for consideration and final
approval. The panel will be on-going until determined otherwise by the Board of
a. Composition
The panel shall be comprised of two Lions and two Leosthe following from each
constitutional area and the Continent of Africa: Two Lions; two Omega Leos and two
Alpha Leos. Each year, including the first, 1 one Lion, 1 Alpha Leo and one1 Omega
Leo from each constitutional area and the Continent of Africa will be selected.
Panelists will serve a two-year term.
b. Qualifications
(1) Leos
(b) Candidates shall meet the Leo Club Program age requirements outlined in
the Board Policy Manual.
(c) Candidates who are Omega Leos shall also be one of the following:
(d) Candidates who are Alpha Leos shall also be one of the following:
(2) Lions
c. Nominations
(31) Leos
(b) Current and past district (single district or sub-district) Leo officers shall
be nominated by the current district Leo chairperson (if applicable) and
approved by the current district governor. If no district Leo chairperson
has been appointed, then the candidate may be nominated and approved by
the current district governor. Single districts and sub-districts may
nominate only one LeoAlpha candidate and one Omega candidate per
fiscal year.
(c) Current and past Leo club officerspresidents shall be nominated by their
Leo club advisor and sponsoring Lions club president, and then approved
by the current district governor. Only one Leo club officerpresident per
single district or sub-district may be nominated each fiscal year.
(2) Lions
(a) Current and past multiple district Leo chairpersons shall be nominated and
approved by the current council chairperson. Multiple districts may
nominate only one candidate per fiscal year.
(b) Current and past district Leo chairpersons shall be nominated and
approved by the current district governor. Single districts and sub-districts
may nominate only one candidate per fiscal year.
d. Selection Process
(1) Nominations shall be submitted each fiscal year via official nomination form,
with required signatures, to the Youth Programs Department at International
Headquarters by the deadline indicated on the official nomination form in use
for the fiscal year in which the candidate is being nominated. July 15 of each
fiscal year.
(2) The Youth Programs Department shall review and compile the nomination
forms and present them to the Service Activities Committee each fiscal year
for final panel member selection at the October-November board meeting. In
addition, the Service Activities Committee will select one Lion, one Alpha
Leo, and one OmegaLeo from eachper constitutional area and the Continent of
Africa as alternates, in the event a member of the panel is unable to complete
the two-year term.
To provide an administrative structure with which to advance the purposes and objects of the
Leo club program in this district.
District Organization
When six or more Leo clubs are sponsored by Lions clubs in a Lions district (single or sub)
and recognized by The International Association of Lions Clubs, the district governor of the
said Lions district (single or sub) may approve the formation of a corresponding Leo district.
The territorial boundaries of the Leo district shall coincide with the boundaries of the
respective Lions district (single or sub).
SECTION B—Membership
1. The members of this organization shall be all officially recognized Leo clubs sponsored
by Lions clubs in said Lions district (single or sub)
2. Whenever the male gender or pronoun presently appears in the Standard Leo District
Constitution and Bylaws, it shall be interpreted to mean both male and female persons.
An election for the office of Leo district president shall be held at each annual Leo
district conference.
(2) Have served as president of a Leo club for a full term of the association’s fiscal
year or major portion thereof.
b. Election:
(1) Nominations:
(2) Election
The election of the Leo district president shall be by secret ballot, the following
provisions applying thereto:
(a) In the event there are only two (2) nominees, the nominee obtaining the
majority of votes cast shall be declared elected. In the event of a tie, voting
shall continue until one nominee receives such majority.
(b) In the event there are three (3) or more nominees, the one receiving a majority
of the votes cast shall be declared elected. If no nominee receives such
majority on the first ballot, then balloting shall continue until one nominee
receives such majority, provided that the nominee receiving the least number
of votes on any ballot shall be dropped from the succeeding ballot.
An annual election for the office of Leo district vice president shall be held at each
district conference. The qualifications for said office and the procedure for nomination
and election thereto shall be the same as prescribed for the office of Leo district
3. Dual Nominations
A Leo may be nominated and elected to the offices of district president and district vice
president at the same district conference, but may not serve in both offices at the same
time. Such nominee’s elimination in balloting for one such office shall not prohibit
inclusion on the ballot for the other office. If elected to both, such nominee must thereon
refuse one such office and balloting shall continue anew with respect to all other
nominees for the office refused.
4. Vacancies
In the event a vacancy shall occur in the office of Leo district president, the Leo district
vice president shall automatically advance to and fill said office. In the event the Leo
district vice president refuses to serve in the office of Leo district president for any
reason, the district Leo club chairperson shall fill the vacancy created by such refusal by
appointment for the unexpired term.
The Leo district president shall appoint, by the time office is taken, a Leo district
secretary and a Leo district treasurer and such other district officers as may be desired by
a Leo district conference or by the Leo district council from time to time and as approved
by the Lions district council of governors.
There shall be a Leo district council composed of the Leo district president, the district
vice president, the Leo district secretary, the Leo district treasurer, the presidents of each
Leo club in the district (or a delegated representative from each club), and such other Leo
district officers as may be appointed by the Leo district president. Each Leo council
officer shall have one vote. The Lion appointed as district Leo club chairperson shall
serve as an advisory, non-voting member.
Besides serving as an advisory, non-voting member of the Leo district council, the
district Leo club chairperson shall also serve as the official liaison between the Lions
district cabinet and the Leo district council. He shall report to the Lions district cabinet all
resolutions of the Leo district conference.
Leo District Conference
A. A Leo district conference shall be held annually with the approval of the Lions district
cabinet. If this Leo district is a part of a Leo multiple district, such conference shall be
held not less than 30 days prior to the Leo multiple district conference.
B. The location of the annual Leo district conference shall be determined by a previous
annual Leo district conference. The date and time of the Leo district conference shall be
determined by the current Leo district council. A committee appointed by the Leo district
council shall plan the Leo district conference in cooperation with the district Leo club
C. Each recognized Leo club in good standing in the district shall be entitled to one voting
delegate for each ten members of the club in good standing or major fraction thereof. The
major fraction referred to in this section shall be five or more members. Delinquent dues
may be paid and good standing acquired at any time prior to the close of credential
certification, as such closing time shall be established by the rules of the respective
conference. A vote may be cast only by a delegate present in person at the time of voting
and no delegate may cast more than one vote on any question.
D. A majority of the delegates present in person at any session shall constitute a quorum.
E. A simple majority vote of delegates present in person at a session shall be sufficient for
the adoption or rejection of any resolution before the conference. All action by a Leo
district conference shall be subject to countermanding and rejection by action of the
Lions district cabinet or by action of said International Board of Directors, alone, in either
of which events such action shall be null and void and of no force and effect.
Leo District Funds
A. To provide revenue to defray the administrative expenses of this Leo district, an annual
per capita tax of ____________ shall be levied upon each member of each club in the
Leo district, subject to the approval of the Lions district cabinet.
All taxes so levied and collected shall be administered through a Leo district
administration fund. Expenditures therefrom shall be for such items only as are approved
by the Leo district council, which council shall not incur any financial liability in excess
of funds realized in the fiscal year in which it serves.
B. A banking account shall be opened for the purpose of receiving monies and all checks
and negotiable instruments drawn thereon shall be signed by the Leo district secretary
and countersigned by a designee of the district governor.
C. The Leo district council shall provide for an annual audit of the Leo district accounts by
an auditor appointed by the Leo district council. Audited balance sheets and income and
expenditure accounts for the previous fiscal year shall be submitted at each annual district
conference, and to the Lions district council of governors.
D. Any undeposited Leo district administration fund collections remaining at the end of each
fiscal year shall be turned over forthwith to the incoming Leo district president’s council
by the person or persons holding the same, and such collections together with any Leo
district administration fund account balances then remaining shall be considered as funds
realized by the incoming Leo district council.
Only the titles designated in this constitution may be used by Leo district officers.
The Leo district council shall present, and Leo district conference shall adopt, such bylaws as
are deemed necessary to the efficient operation of said Leo district provided, however, that
all such bylaws shall be consistent with the provisions of this constitution and shall be
approved by the Lions district cabinet, and shall be approved by the board of directors of
Lions Clubs International or its designee. Any bylaws or amendments thereto, which shall
contravene any provision of this constitution or action of said board of directors or its
designee shall be null and void and of no effect.
A. This Leo district shall cease to exist upon the first to occur of the following:
B. By virtue of this termination, provided in Section A, all rights and privileges relating to
the use of the Leo name and the Leo emblem on a district level shall thereon be
relinquished and surrendered by the members of said district, individually or collectively.
All monies on deposit to the credit of said Leo district shall be remitted to the Lions
district council of governors.
This constitution may be amended only by action of the Board of Directors of Lions Clubs
International and all amendments when so adopted shall automatically amend and become
provisions of this constitution.
The fiscal year of this Leo district shall run from July 1 to June 30.
Standard Leo
Multiple District Constitution
To provide an administrative structure with which to advance the purposes and objects of the
Leo Club Program in this multiple district.
Multiple District Organization
When ten or more Leo clubs, with a cumulative membership of one hundred or more Leos
are sponsored by Lions clubs in a Lions multiple district and recognized by The International
Association of Lions Clubs, the council of governors of the said multiple district may
approve the formation of a corresponding Leo multiple district. The territorial boundaries of
the Leo multiple district shall coincide with the boundaries of the respective Lions multiple
SECTION B—Membership
The members of this organization shall be all officially recognized Leo clubs sponsored by
Lions clubs in said multiple district.
An election for the office of Leo multiple district president shall be held at each annual
Leo multiple district conference.
(b) Election:
(1) Nominations:
(2) Election
The election of the Leo multiple district president shall be by secret ballot, the
following provisions applying thereto:
a) In the event there are only two (2) nominees, the nominee obtaining the
majority of votes cast shall be declared elected. In the event of a tie, voting
shall continue until one nominee receives such majority.
b) In the event there are three (3) or more nominees, the one receiving a majority
of the votes cast shall be declared elected. If no nominee receives such
majority on the first ballot, then balloting shall continue until one nominee
c) In the event there is but one (1) nominee, then by majority vote the printed
ballot rule may be suspended and a unanimous voice vote may be cast in favor
of the said single nominee.
An annual election for the office of Leo multiple district vice president shall be held at
each multiple district conference. The qualifications for said office and the procedure for
nomination and election thereto shall be the same as prescribed for the office of Leo
multiple district president.
3. Dual Nominations
A Leo may be nominated and elected to the offices of multiple district president and
multiple district vice president at the same multiple district conference, but may not serve
in both offices at the same time. Such nominee’s elimination in balloting for one such
office shall not prohibit inclusion on the ballot for the other office. If elected to both, such
nominee must thereon refuse one such office and balloting shall continue anew with
respect to all other nominees for the office refused.
4. Vacancies
In the event a vacancy shall occur in the office of Leo multiple district president, the Leo
multiple district vice president shall automatically advance to and fill said office. In the
event the Leo multiple district vice president refuses to serve in the office of president for
any reason, the multiple district Leo club chairperson or the designee of the multiple
district council of governors shall fill the vacancy created by such refusal by appointment
for the unexpired term.
The Leo multiple district president shall appoint, by the time office is taken, a Leo
multiple district secretary and a Leo multiple district treasurer and such other multiple
district officers as may be desired by a Leo multiple district conference or by the Leo
multiple district council from time to time and as approved by the Lions multiple district
council of governors.
There shall be a Leo multiple district council composed of the Leo multiple district
president, the multiple district vice president, the multiple district secretary, the multiple
district treasurer, all Leo district presidents and such other Leo multiple district officers
as may be appointed by the Leo multiple district president and as approved by the Lions
Besides serving on the Leo multiple district council, the multiple district Leo club
chairperson shall also serve as the official liaison between the Lions council of governors
and the Leo multiple district council. He/she shall report to the Lions council of
governors all resolutions of the Leo multiple district conference.
1. Meetings of the Leo multiple district council shall be held at least twice annually at times
and places fixed by the Leo multiple district president and approved by a majority of the
members of the council and provided that one of such meetings shall be held at the time
of the Leo multiple district conference.
2. Quorum and Vote: The attendance of a majority of the voting members of the council
shall constitute a quorum for any meeting thereof.
Except where inconsistent with and contrary to the provisions of the Articles of Incorporation
and Constitution and Bylaws of The International Association of Lions Clubs, the Lions
Multiple District Constitution and Bylaws, the powers granted therein to the board of
directors of said association and the policies and acts of said board of directors, the Leo
multiple district council shall:
1. Have jurisdiction and control over all officers and agents, when acting as such, of the Leo
multiple district council and all committees of the Leo multiple district and multiple
district conference;
2. Have management and control over the property, business and funds of the Leo multiple
3. Have jurisdiction, control and supervision over all phases of the Leo multiple district
conference and all other meetings of said district;
4. Have original jurisdiction, when authorized under policy of said international board and
under rules of procedure prescribed by said board, to hear and rule upon any complaint of
a constitutional nature raised by any Leo sub-district, any Leo club, or any member of a
5. Have control and management of all budgetary matters of the Leo multiple district and
committees of the Leo multiple district and Leo multiple district conference. All
transactions shall be subject to approval of the Lions multiple district council of
governors, and no obligation may be approved or made which shall effect an unbalanced
budget or deficit in any fiscal year.
Leo Multiple District Conference
A. A Leo multiple district conference shall be held annually. The location of this conference
shall be as determined by a previous annual Leo multiple district conference. The date
and time of the conference shall be determined by the current Leo multiple district
council with the approval of the Lions multiple district council.
B. Each recognized Leo club in good standing in the Leo multiple district shall be entitled to
one voting delegate for each ten members of the club in good standing or major fraction
thereof. The major fraction referred to in this section shall be five or more members.
Delinquent dues may be paid and good standing acquired at any time prior to the close of
credential certification, as such closing time shall be established by the rules of the
respective conference. A vote may be cast only by a delegate present in person at the time
of voting and no delegate may cast more than one vote on any question.
C. A majority of the delegates present in person at any session shall constitute a quorum.
D. A simple majority vote of delegates present in person at a session shall be sufficient for
the adoption or rejection of any resolution before the conference. All action by a Leo
multiple district conference shall be subject to countermanding and rejection by action of
the Lions council of governors or by action of said International Board of Directors,
alone, in either of which events such action shall be null and void and of no force and
Leo Multiple District Funds
A. To provide revenue to defray the administrative expenses of this Leo multiple district, an
annual per capita tax of ____________ shall be levied upon each member of each club in
the Leo multiple district, subject to the approval of the Lions multiple district council of
The levy shall be collected and paid in advance by each Leo club to the Leo multiple
district secretary. The frequency and dates for such payments shall be determined by the
respective Leo multiple district conference.
B. A banking account shall be opened for the purpose of receiving monies and all checks
and negotiable instruments drawn thereon shall be signed by the Leo multiple district
secretary and countersigned by a designee of the Lions council of governors.
C. The Leo multiple district council shall provide for an annual audit of the Leo multiple
district accounts by an auditor appointed by the Leo multiple district council. Audited
balance sheets and income and expenditure accounts for the previous fiscal year shall be
submitted at each annual Leo multiple district conference, and to the Lions multiple
district council of governors.
D. Any undeposited Leo multiple district administration fund collections remaining at the
end of each fiscal year shall be turned over forthwith to the incoming Leo multiple
district council by the person or persons holding the same, and such collections together
with any multiple district administration fund account balances then remaining shall be
considered as funds realized by the incoming Leo multiple district council.
Only the titles designated in this constitution may be used by Leo multiple district officers.
The Leo multiple district council shall present, and Leo multiple conference shall adopt, such
bylaws as are deemed necessary to the efficient operation of said Leo multiple district
provided, however, that all such bylaws shall be consistent with the provisions of this
constitution, shall be endorsed by the Lions multiple district council of governors, and shall
be approved by the board of directors of Lions Clubs International or its designee. Any
bylaws or amendments thereto, which shall contravene any provision of this constitution or
action of said board of directors or its designee shall be null and void and of no effect.
A. This Leo multiple district shall cease to exist upon the first to occur of the following:
B. By virtue of this termination, provided in Section A, all rights and privileges relating to
the use of the Leo name and the Leo emblem on a multiple district level shall thereon be
relinquished and surrendered by the members of said multiple district, individually or
collectively. All monies on deposit to the credit of said Leo multiple district shall be
remitted to the Lions multiple district council of governors.
This constitution may be amended only by action of the Board of Directors of Lions Clubs
International and all amendments when so adopted shall automatically amend and become
provisions of this constitution.
The fiscal year of this Leo multiple district shall run from July 1 to June 30.
The Youth Exchange Program was authorized by the Lions Clubs International Board of
Directors in early 1961, for the purpose of furthering the first Object of Lionism:
“To create and foster a spirit of understanding among the peoples of the world.”
The objectives of the program are:
a. To bring young people into contact with youth and adults of other countries;
These objectives apply to the participating youth, the sponsor and host Lions clubs, and
the host families. All participating parties shall conduct the program and themselves so as
to preclude any element of personal profit or gain.
2. Operating Procedures
(2) Initial communications between an interested sponsor club and host club will
be through the district youth camp and exchange program chairperson or
multiple district chairperson, as appropriate. If name and address are
unknown, this communication will be sent to the respective district governor.
(4) It will be the duty of the host club to advise in the first communication the
detail of the program that will be conducted during the youth exchange visit.
(5) Each youth applicant shall include with his application a personal letter of
introduction to the prospective host family, containing information on his:
The letter shall be written in the language agreed upon as the language of
communication for the exchange.
(6) The host family shall include, with its application to participate in the
program, a letter of introduction which shall be communicated by the host
Lions to the exchange visitor and his Lions sponsors at the time of the youth’s
acceptance. The letter shall be written in the language agreed upon as the
language of communication for the exchange.
(1) Time: All applicants shall be thoroughly screened by the sponsor Lions club
prior to acceptance.
(2) Lions Club Member’s Children: Unless so stated by the host country or
district, such relationship shall not disqualify applicant.
(a) Age: Applicant should be from 15 through 21 years (unless variations can
be specified conscientiously by the host country or district on grounds of
its culture and customs).
(c) Education: Applicant’s performance (or record) and special studies shall
be considered.
(g) Health: This does not mean that handicapped youth or those with special
needs should be disqualified. However, such factors must be stated clearly
(h) Appearance: May well be a more serious matter to the people and cultures
of his/her host country than of his/her own. The youth should be as
understanding in this matter as he/she expects others to be. The photo
requested will help prospective hosts identify him upon arrival.
(j) Each host club may require adherence to rules in addition to those set forth
in this policy.
(k) Each youth exchange visitor must give evidence of his/her desire to take
part in a youth exchange visit and furnish a signed statement that he or she
and his or her parents or guardians are familiar with the rules of the
program, and agree to abide by said rules and the objectives and purposes
of the program.
(l) Travel Quotas, Host Family Availability: The sponsoring Lions are not to
accept applicants solely in order to fill group travel quotas or host family
(m) Admission Requirement: The sponsoring Lions are not to admit applicants
into the program, or make travel arrangements for them, until host families
have been arranged.
(1) Potential host families are to be screened by the host Lions club. Insofar as
possible, the host family should be a Lion member’s family. Potential host
families should be willing to have their home and family situation reviewed in
the light of the following:
(a) Age: The family should be in contact with youth of the approximate age of
the youth visitor. Children in the host family are desirable but not a
(b) Compatibility: Character traits and attitudes of the host family and its
members to be considered are: understanding, interest, and ability to
communicate and deal wisely with youth, open-mindedness and tolerance.
(2) Travel Quotas: Hosting Lions are not to select host families simply to fulfill a
(1) Receiving a youth exchange visitor is an activity and the responsibility of the
host Lions club. These responsibilities include arrangements for the youth’s
arrival and departure, his/her welfare, and his/her social and cultural
entertainment throughout the visit.
(2) In the case of problems or incompatibility between host family and youth,
appropriate host club officers must be prepared tactfully to arrange transfer of
the youth to another qualified host family (for this reason it is advised that one
or more alternate families be available).
(3) If an extreme problem cannot be solved after all reasonable efforts have been
made locally, it may be necessary to contact the visiting youth’s parents, or in
some cases, the sponsor club or district officers. If the decision is reached to
return the youth to his/her home, whoever may be at fault, arrangements are to
be made by the appropriate host club officers.
(4) In the host family’s home, the visiting youth is to be treated as a member of
the family. This relationship may be quite different from his/her own home
and family, but should be kept natural for the hosts. Learning customs and
lifestyles is an objective of the exchange.
(3) The youth visitor shall be made aware that he/she is bound by the laws of the
host country. This is especially important in areas of possession of weapons,
alcoholic beverages, use or possession of narcotics, and all sections of the
juvenile code of that country.
f. Travel Arrangements
(1) All travel arrangements and the cost of all travel for youth exchange visitors,
from home to the host community and return, shall be the responsibility of the
sponsoring Lions clubs.
(3) Lions Clubs International Headquarters shall not plan nor be responsible for
travel arrangements.
(4) Dates of the visit and travel shall be agreed upon at least six weeks in advance
by sponsoring and host Lions. The schedule and means of travel shall be
communicated as soon as arranged.
(5) All changes of plans shall be mutually agreed upon if at all possible. Last
minute unavoidable changes shall be communicated at once to the host Lions
club and the host family. Where one youth is substituted in place of another,
he/she shall be as well screened and qualified as the original applicant.
(6) Whenever youth exchange visitors are combined into substantial groups, they
shall travel under responsible leadership. Complete travel expenses plus
accommodations and internal expenses within the host country for persons
requested by sponsoring Lions to act as group leaders shall be the
responsibility of the sponsoring Lions.
g. Insurance
(1) It is the responsibility of the sponsoring Lions club to verify or assure that the
applicant has adequate medical, life, personal property and liability insurance
to cover any and all contingencies during the entire duration of the exchange
visit, including all travel time. Information on the amount of coverage
considered necessary shall be obtained from the hosting Lions and/or
competent insurance representatives.
(3) Sponsoring Lions clubs shall secure release of liability and hold harmless
agreements executed by each youth exchange visitor and his or her parents or
guardians (if a minor).
(4) The host Lions shall have the option of requiring any inbound exchange youth
to subscribe, at his/her own expense, to medical, life, personal property,
liability, or other type of insurance, as deemed appropriate by the host Lions,
to cover the duration of the exchange visit, regardless of whether said youth is
already insured under a policy issued in the youth’s home country.
h. Financial Arrangements
(a) All costs related to travel of the exchange visitor, from his/her home to
his/her host community and return, shall be the responsibility of the
sponsoring Lions club. They may be paid by the club, from district funds
if available, by the youth and/or his/her family, or some combination of
these sources.
(b) Costs related to travel include actual fares, insurance, airport service fees,
customs duties, and any layover or overnight costs en route.
(a) All costs related to board and lodging, and hosting of the youth shall be
the responsibility of the host Lions club.
Each youth shall have personal funds of approximately US$75.00 per week
for incidentals, minor medical costs, souvenirs, or possible social activities not
planned by the hosts.
i. Emergency Situations
Responsibility for the exchange youth is assumed by sponsoring Lions during travel,
and by host Lions during his stay in their country and community.
Emergency situations have been extremely few; nevertheless, they do occur. The
following distinctions are made with respect to areas of responsibility.
(1) Unexpected Visitors: No Lions club can be held responsible for extending
hospitality or furthering travel arrangements for unexpected visitors,
individually or in groups.
(3) Accident or Illness: Illness of an exchange visitor will require the attention of
the host family and the host Lions club. In case of serious illness or accident,
every effort should be made to contact the youth’s parents immediately, and to
provide them with diagnosis and recommendations determined by a doctor.
All youth must have in their possession written parental or guardian
permission for any necessary medical or surgical treatment.
(4) Incompatibility: If relations between host family and the visiting youth
become extremely difficult, the matter should be handled tactfully by the host
Lions. In extreme situations, it may become necessary to arrange for the return
of the youth to his/her home.
(5) Replacement Host Family: If an assigned host family withdraws from the
program after a commitment has been made to host an exchange visitor, it
shall be the obligation of the host Lions to provide for a qualified replacement
host family. The host Lions shall make every effort to avoid canceling an
exchange visit.
If expenses are advanced by host Lions to meet any such emergency or other
unexpected and necessary action, they may report the same to the parents and
sponsoring Lions, detailing the amount of expense, or suggested portion thereof,
which they feel should be reimbursed. All involved parties should then endeavor to
resolve the reimbursement question in the spirit of complete fairness, understanding
and goodwill.
a. For applicants for whom hosts cannot be located and for longer term study programs,
Lions Clubs International endorses and recommends the programs of American Field
Service International Scholarships, the Experiment in International Living, and Youth
for Understanding.
(1) wherever feasible, to continue the Youth Camp and Exchange Program
chairperson in office, and
(2) when a change is made, to have complete records transferred by the
chairperson to his successor.
g. In districts or multiple districts where youth exchange programs extend beyond the
end of the fiscal year, the youth camp and exchange program chairperson or
committee may be permitted by the new district governor or multiple district council
of governors, as appropriate, to supervise the successful completion of youth
exchanges which had been arranged before June 30.
h. To certify that the district’s youth exchange program will comply with board-
approved policies, standards, and regulations, the district governor shall complete an
Annual District Youth Exchange Certification Form by August 15 each year.
Certified Lions Youth Exchange programs and reported district and multiple district
youth camp and exchange program chairpersons shall be posted on the Lions Web
site and in the official Youth Exchange Program Directory.
a. The Top Ten Youth Camp and Exchange Program Chairpersons Award shall be
granted according to the following rules:
(2) “Top Ten” youth camp and exchange program exchange chairpersons will not
be selected by the Youth Programs Committee until the following
March/April board meeting.
(3) Following are guidelines for information to be included in the above report:
(6) Where the candidate is a club member in a multiple district, the nomination
must be made by the multiple district council of governors. If the candidate is
a club member in a single district (i.e., a district which is not part of a multiple
district), the nomination must be made by the district governor.
(7) Each single district (i.e., a district which is not part of a multiple district) is
limited to one nomination each year. Each multiple district having from two
(2) to fourteen (14) sub-districts is limited to one nomination each year.
Multiple districts with fifteen (15) or more sub-districts are allowed a
maximum of two (2) nominations each year.
(8) Nominations shall be made and submitted by the multiple district council of
governors (or district governor of a single district) in office during the year in
which the awards will be issued, that is, immediately following completion of
the nominated chairperson’s term.
b. The Top Ten Youth Camp and Exchange Program Chair-person Award shall be
presented to each winner at a suitable, prestigious occasion by the highest ranking
Lion officer available.
a. Each district youth camp and exchange program chairperson or multiple district youth
camp and exchange chairperson, if appointed, shall prepare an annual report on youth
exchanges in his/her respective district or multiple district and submit it to the
international office no later than November 15 of each fiscal year. The report form
shall be mailed from the international office to district governors and multiple district
council chairpersons, where appropriate, for distribution to the respective youth camp
and exchange program chairpersons. It shall be the responsibility of the district
governor and the council chairperson, where appropriate, to ensure that the report is
completed and submitted by the deadline date specified.
b. The annual Youth Exchange Report shall contain the following information:
(1) Number of boys and girls hosted in youth exchanges and international youth
camps or centers.
(2) Number of Lions clubs participating in the program within the district or
multiple district.
(3) Number of host families participating within the district or multiple district.
(4) Number of boys and girls sponsored in youth exchanges and international
youth camps or center.
(5) Countries involved in the program.
It is expressly prohibited to use the Youth Exchange Program, its contacts or functions,
for political purposes.
a. The International Youth Camp Program was authorized in 1974, for the purpose of
furthering Lions Clubs International’s first Object:
“To create and foster a spirit of understanding among peoples of the world.”
(1) To bring young people of different countries into meaningful contact with
each other;
c. A Lions Clubs International Youth Camp shall not be conducted for the purpose of
tourism. All participating parties shall conduct the program and themselves so as to
preclude any element of personal profit or gain.
d. To qualify for the designation “Lions International Youth Camp,” a camping activity
(1) Use the name “Lions” in its official title in compliance with policy
requirements established by the International Board of Directors.
2. Operating Procedures
a. Camp Sponsorship
(1) A Lions club, district, or multiple district, whether singly or jointly, may
sponsor and organize an international youth camp.
(2) Camp sponsors in making arrangements for a camp should coordinate with the
district or multiple district youth camp and exchange program chairperson
where one has been appointed.
b. Promotion
(1) The promotion of each camp will be handled by its camp committee in
conjunction with the district or multiple district youth camp and exchange
program chairperson. The district or multiple district youth camp and
exchange program chairperson should report the scheduled dates and location
of the camp; the name, address, telephone and fax numbers and E-mail
address of the camp director; the official languages of the camp; and the
(2) Addresses of district and multiple district youth camp and exchange program
chairpersons shall be made available on the association’s official Web site and
by the international office to chairpersons of international youth camps for the
purpose of announcing and promoting camp programs.
c. Program
(1) The details and theme of the camp program are the responsibilities of the
camp organizers, whether Lions clubs, districts or multiple districts. The
theme of the camp program may relate to Lions activities.
(2) Although the particular format of the camp may, for example, include travel,
focus on a cultural heritage, or be structured for the handicapped, every
international youth camp may include such activities as:
(d) Discussions on pertinent issues among camp participants and with Lion
leaders, as well as business, education, and government representatives;
(e) Presentations about the camp’s host country through lectures, tours,
seminars or other camp activities.
(f) Educational presentations by campers about their own country and culture.
(4) Camp activities and presentations should encourage an open discussion and
debate of world events and issues, while avoiding the promotion of political or
nationalistic positions.
d. Communications
(1) Camp organizers shall keep all concerned parties fully informed, including
camp applicants and their parents or guardians, youth camp and exchange
(3) If a stay with a host family is planned in conjunction with the camp, the name
and address of the family are to be communicated to the youth participant, his
parents or guardians, and the sponsoring district youth camp and exchange
program chairperson well in advance of the youth’s departure from home to
the camp.
e. Youth Protection
Host Lions shall operate their camp programs in compliance with local laws
governing youth protection.
a. Each youth camp applicant must be sponsored or endorsed by a Lions club, regardless
of whether the club will assist in financial arrangements or not. The application must
be endorsed by the district and multiple district youth camp and exchange
chairperson(s), where applicable. In areas where there is not an appointed youth camp
and exchange chairperson, the district governor or council chairperson shall sign. In
undistricted areas or where youth camps and exchange are not organized at the
district or multiple district level, the signature of the Lions club president will suffice.
c. Each applicant shall be personally interviewed by the sponsoring Lions club before an
application is submitted to the international camp director or committee.
e. Each camp committee will determine criteria for camp participants based on the
(1) Age: Each camp may set its own age range. It is, however, recommended that
the age range of youths at a given camp generally span no more than three
years and exclude youths younger than 16 or older than 22 years of age.
(2) Education: The applicant’s school records and special studies shall be
considered. Applicants should have a sincere desire to broaden their education
through international experience.
(5) Health: Lions Clubs International encourages young people with disabilities to
apply for participation in youth camp programs. Every reasonable effort will
be made to accommodate disabilities so that the youth may benefit from the
experience provided by the camp. Lions clubs and districts may sponsor camp
programs specifically for youth with special conditions, such as diabetes, or
physical handicaps. Applicants with disabilities may be eligible to participate
in other international camp programs, provided they meet the requirements
established for the particular program. At the time of application, the youth
must explain any special needs or conditions that would substantially limit his
or her participation in the activities of the camp or exchange. Such conditions
must be brought to the attention of the camp committee at the time application
is made. Particular medical conditions, allergies to certain foods or medicines,
a regular or potential need for medication, and specific requisites of hygiene
or diet dictated by religious obligations are to be communicated to the camp
(7) Appearance: The camp committee may specify dress codes or standards of
appearance in keeping with the requirements of the camp and the cultural
norms of the host country.
g. Camp organizers shall determine whether children of Lions club members are eligible
to participate. Eligibility shall be announced in the camp’s promotional materials.
i. International youth camps are not to accept applicants solely in order to fill quotas, to
meet host family availability, or to promote tourism.
j. Campers may be required to adhere to rules in addition to those set forth in this
4. Camp Leadership
a. Camp leadership includes Lions who, together with the camp committee, plan and
promote the camp, as well as professional youth workers who have experience
relevant to the nature of the camp.
5. Orientation
a. All camp participants, young and adult, shall strive as ambassadors of goodwill to
create and foster a spirit of understanding among peoples of the world.
b. The sponsoring Lions shall provide all participants with information pertaining to
government regulations concerning passports, visas, inoculations, and customs
6. Travel Arrangements
a. All travel arrangements for youth camp participants from home to the camp and
return shall be the responsibility of the sponsoring Lions.
b. Group travel shall be arranged only to further the objectives of the program. Group
travel shall not be planned to fill quotas or promote tourism. Charter flights, if
utilized, shall be arranged only with well established airlines with excellent
international experience.
c. Lions Clubs International Headquarters shall not plan nor be responsible for travel
g. Extended personal travel by youth camp participants or leaves of absence from the
camp, even if to visit close friends or relatives, are not allowed unless permission in
writing has been obtained at least one month in advance from each of the following
parties: parents or guardians of the youth, sponsoring Lions clubs, sponsoring district
youth camp and exchange program chairperson, host district youth camp and
exchange chairperson, camp director, host Lions club, host family (if applicable).
7. Financial Arrangements
a. Sponsoring Lions
(1) All costs related to travel of the youth camp participant from his or her home
to the camp and return shall be the responsibility of the sponsoring Lions club.
These costs may be paid by the club, from district funds if available, by the
(2) Costs related to travel include actual round trip fares, insurance, airport
service fees, customs duties and any layover or overnight costs incurred en
(3) All youths attending the camp must have prepaid return tickets with
reservations, as well as necessary passports, visas and required health
(4) The youth’s parents or guardians shall be informed of their responsibility for
any unexpected or emergency costs requiring immediate payment by the
hosting Lions.
b. Host Lions
(1) All costs related to board and lodging at the camp and to hosting of the youth
while attending the camp shall be the responsibility of the host Lions.
(2) Costs related to the camp will vary according to the program planned, travel
involved, campsite selected, and other factors, but should be kept to a
reasonable minimum. Methods of financing international youth camps may
(e) Reasonable fees for special cultural and educational activities that are part
of the camp experience.
(3) Since host families, where involved, provide room and board, the host Lions
should pay or reimburse any planned expenses incurred by such families
during the visit of the participating youth. Each host family shall meet with
the host Lions to reach an agreement on those planned expenses, which the
host Lions will reimburse. These planned expenses may include local
transportation for such activities as sightseeing, fees for visitors’ attractions or
entertainment events, restaurant meals, etc.
d. Lions Clubs International headquarters shall not be responsible for any financial
a. Sponsoring Lions
(1) It is the responsibility of the sponsoring Lions to verify and ensure that the
applicant has sufficient travel and accident insurance to cover any and all
contingencies during travel from the home country to the camp and return.
(2) The sponsoring Lions shall verify that the youth has sufficient medical
insurance to cover expenses resulting from illness or hospitalization during the
camp stay. Costs of this insurance protection may be borne by the youth, his
or her parents or guardians, the sponsoring Lions or a combination of these or
other sources as agreed upon. Sponsoring Lions shall furnish the camp
organizers with satisfactory proof of such insurance coverage for the youth
with the application.
(3) The sponsoring Lions shall secure release of liability and hold harmless
agreements executed by each youth applicant and, if a minor, from the youth’s
parents or guardians. Sponsoring Lions shall furnish the camp organizers with
satisfactory proof of such indemnity with the final application.
b. Host Lions
(1) It is the responsibility of the host Lions or camp organizers to verify or ensure
that the camp applicant has sufficient accident, life, personal property, health
and liability insurance to cover any and all contingencies during travel to and
from the camp and attendance at the camp. Costs of such insurance coverage
may be reimbursed to the camp organizers through camp fees, if any.
a. The sponsoring Lions assume responsibility for the youth during travel to and from
the camp. The host Lions are responsible while the youth is staying in the host
country and is at the camp.
d. Accident or Illness: Any illness or accident involving a camper shall require the
prompt attention of the camp director and local Lion officers. In the event of serious
illness or accident, every effort shall be made to contact the youth’s parents or
guardians immediately to provide them with complete information, including a
doctor’s diagnosis and recommended treatment. All youth participants must have
included in their application written permission from parents or guardians for any
necessary medical or surgical treatment in the event parents or guardians cannot be
reached during an emergency. Each camp is required to make arrangements for
medical care and to have a licensed physician available.
e. Disciplinary Action: Each camp shall reserve the right to terminate the youth’s
participation in the camp for reasons of misconduct. In the event of disciplinary
action resulting in expulsion of the camper, the parents or guardians of the youth shall
be advised of this action and shall assume responsibility for any expense involved.
f. In the event that immediate payments have to be made for the youth concerning
unexpected, substantial costs, the youth’s parents or guardians and the sponsoring
Lions club shall be informed immediately and agreement reached as to how these
costs will be covered.
This policy shall also apply in instances where an international youth camp is combined
with family hosting.
1. The Youth Programs Department of the headquarters will act as a clearing house for:
d. promotion and implementation of the “Top Ten Youth Camp and Exchange Program
Chairpersons Award” annually.
It is the responsibility of the sponsor and/or host Lions to verify or ensure that youth
programs, including but not limited to Leo Clubs and Districts, Youth Exchange and
International Youth Camps, shall be operated in compliance with governing laws and with
appropriate insurance coverage in effect.