Company Sick Leave Policy

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<Company Name>

HR Policy

Sick Leave Policy
Policy Effective Date: <DD/MM/YY>

No part of this documentation may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic
or mechanical, including photocopying or recording, for any purpose without express written permission of
the CEO of <Company Name Here>.
© 2021, <Company Name Here>. All Rights Reserved

Revision History
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Table Of Contents
1. Objective 4
2. Scope and Applicability 4
3. Definition/Glossary 4
4. Policy / Process 5
4.1. Definition 5
4.2. How does Sick Leave work 5
4.3. Procedure 5
5. Special Circumstance and Exception 6
6. Non-compliance and Consequence 6

The Sick Leave Policy at <Company Name Here> aims to reinforce the
organization’s commitment towards health and well being for all employees. The
objective of the Sick Leave policy is to provide standard guidelines for smooth
administration of the policy and also to be in compliance with the Labour laws of
2.Scope and Applicability
This policy applies to all employees of <Company Name Here>.

Sick leave can be availed by an employee in case of illness. It forms a part of the
annual leave quotas provided to all employees at the beginning of the year.

<Company Name> reserves the right to approve, reject, cancel or postpone any Sick
Leave based on the proof provided.
This policy is owned by <Name of the Person> and reachable @ <Contact Number>
and <email address>


Term / Abbreviation Definition / Expansion

4.Policy / Process

4.1. Definition
An employee may apply for sick leave in the event of their inability to attend to
work or perform their duties due to illness. <Company Name Here> provides [N
days per month] of paid sick leave. These leaves are in addition to the other
types of leaves as prescribed under HR Leave policies.
√ Sick Leave can be taken for minimum of 0.5 to maximum of [n days]
√ There is no sick leave carry-forward or encashment.
√ At the end of the calendar year, any unavailed sick leave will lapse
√ For all sick leaves in excess of [n days], a medical certificate needs to be
submitted to HR.
√ Sick Leave  can be appended with Earned Leave in case of emergencies
or extended sickness. Employees must obtain the approval of their
respective Managers.
√ For new joinees & resigned employees, sick leaves will be prorated
appropriately as per their date of joining or last working date, as the case
may be.

4.2. How does Sick Leave work

Employees can take sick leave when they need to:
√ Recover from sudden illness
√ Recover from accidents / injuries
√ Receive psychological care or counselling, when necessary
Employees who want to attend routine healthcare (e.g. doctor’s / dentist’s
appointments) should use their other leaves.

4.3. Procedure
When employees want to use their sick leave, they should notify their supervisor
as soon as possible either through call or email. They should also inform the
supervisor for how long they’ll be absent (if possible) or report daily for every day
of sick leave.
Under certain circumstances, employees might need to submit a physician’s note
or other medical certification and/or complete a sick leave form. Those
circumstances include, but are not limited to:
● Being absent for more than [n days] on sick leave.
● Cases when a pattern arises (e.g. employees plead sick at a specific time
each week.)

5.Special Circumstance and Exception

Any deviation to this policy has to be approved by HR. Any changes to the policy
has to be approved by Legal and Compliance.

6.Non-compliance and Consequence

Non-compliance to or misuse of this policy will lead to disciplinary action by HR,
including up to termination of employment contract.
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