03.+Lulu+the+Lioness 1

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Name:_____________________________________ Date:_____________ Period:____________ 

Lulu the Lioness: A

Heroine’s Story  

Based on a true story of parentage, genetics, and

direct animal observations.

Directions​: ​Use the Canvas page “Lulu the Lioness: A Heroine’s Story” to
complete the activities and answer the questions..

Part 1:​ Use Data Set 1: Behavioral Observation Data on the Canvas page

to complete this section. Each number represents a lion. You are using

the observations to answer the questions below.

1. Summarize what ​seems​ to have happened in the pride during the period of observation. Give a general

summary of what it looks like happened.

It seems like 630 was living a “double life” between two prides, she

took her cubs to live with the other pride.

2. What ideas do you have about who fathered the cubs?

I believe that the father was 633.

a. What evidence supports this idea?

he is the only male mentioned in the


3. What ideas do you have about who mothered the cubs?

I believe 630 mothered the cubs.

a. What evidence supports this idea?

She took them to the other pride.


1. Based on evidence/observations, the mother of the cubs is __________________________.

2. Based on evidence/observations, the father of the cubs is ___________________________.

Part 2:​ Using the field notes from Data Set 1 and Geographical Observation Data Set 2, determine where

individuals were sighted. On the map below, label where each lion in the table below originated, then

drawing arrows for each to show where they traveled. Use a different color or symbol for each lion. If the

lion died or is no longer around, put a single line through its ID number. Be sure to fill in the key below the

map to show each lion’s color. Remember, the data tables on Canvas under the assignment page.

Example: Lion 628 was first identified in the Rietfontein Pride area. This lion did not move from Rietfontein

and still resides there. So, you put a dot or symbol representing lion 628 in the Rietfontein Pride area and

nothing else, because he didn’t migrate.


I reserve

1. Based on your map, what are three observations you see that you think are important?

The only lions in the Homob pride are the

Offspring of Lulu

2. Did this new data set change your hypotheses about the parents? Why or why not?

No nothing I found disproved my claim

3. How many lions moved from their origin?

Part 3:​ ​Use Data Set 3: Female Lion & Cub Genotype Data

to complete the table below.

1. Comparing the genotypes of the cubs with those

of the potential mothers, you will determine the mother

of each cub. When you come across an allele combination

for a gene in a cub that is not possible with the alleles

available from a mother, cross her out, she is no longer a

possibile mother for that cub. The process of elimination

will leave you with only one possible mother for each cub.

Write in the mother on the data table below.

2. Now that you have determined the mother for each cub, it is time to determine the father. To figure

out the alleles that the father must have, compare the cub’s genotype for a gene to the known

mother’s genotype for the same gene. Which allele did the cub get from its mother? The cub had to

get the other allele from its father. Write down the alleles that the dad must give each cub in the

spaces provided then compare those to the Father’s Genotype Data. Only one father will have the

required alleles for each cub. Write down the father for each cub in the data table below.



i s

628 668

B M up




M s


Now that you have determined the parents of the cubs, answer the questions below.

1. Who was the mother for each of the cubs?

a. 709:__________ 627
d. 712:____________

b. 710:__________
e. 713:____________

c. 711:__________

2. Who was the father for each of the cubs?

a. 709:__________ d. 712:____________

b. 710:__________
c. 711:__________
e. 713:____________

3. Originally, who did you think was the mother and father of the cubs?

I believed it was 630 and

4. Do any of the cubs have the same mother and father? Which ones?


89909,710 and

5. Does this data help to prove your initial hypothesis? Why or why not?

This disproves my hypothesis 630

did not mother of these Cubs

any with 633

Directions Part 4 : ​Lion Parentage Investigation. It is important to use ALL of the data from each section to

help you complete this last part.

1. What type of evidence that you used in the lab is the most important for determining parentage?


Genetic very little room for error

2. Was there any evidence that made you question your original hypotheses? Why or why not?

633 left the pride, so that made me question my hypothesis

that he was the father.

3. All of this data is from ACTUAL research going on in Africa. The researchers were surprised at the

parentage results. Why do you think this is?

Lulu took care of a lot of cubs that weren’t hers, which is unusual.

4. Describe why genetics is now required to study species like these lions?

Genetics helps con rm or deny hypotheses made from information

that hasn’t been con rmed.

5. Was Lulu (#630) the mother of all the cubs? Explain.

No, genetics proved that she only mothered 1


6. Was Lulu related to all the cubs? Explain.

Lulu may or may not be related to the other cubs, we only

have the cubs parents, not other relatives.

7. Why do you think Lulu (#630) left the pride with the cubs to begin with? What was the benefit of this?

Lulu may have left the pride because of the new males, they could’ve been

violent and she wanted to protect the cubs.

8. Do you think lions in this pride are related to lions in other prides? Why or why not?

They could be, they seem to mingle in between prides frequently.

Directions: ​The FINAL question: Please answer in paragraph form and be detailed using all data from this lab.
The final supporting question you saw throughout this lab activity asks why knowing parentage is important.
How could this knowledge help wild populations of endangered species? How could it also help with zoo
populations? After considering the discussions you had with your group to answer the questions above,
compose a well-written and thoughtful conclusion here.

Knowing the parentage of animals is important because it could help

understand the behaviors of certain species, as well as understanding genetic
mutations or illnesses that could be xed and prevent species from going
extinct. This study showed that lions show compassion for other, even if they
aren’t related.
















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