Cardholder Dispute Form ENG
Cardholder Dispute Form ENG
Cardholder Dispute Form ENG
5 5 7 6 * * * * 0 2 2 2 5 6 1 2
x x x x x x x x x x x x 0 0 1 0
I hereby dispute the below mentioned transaction(s) [Please tick relevant box(es)]
I do not recognize the above transaction(s). please provide the details of the transaction(s).
✔ I never participated/ authorised the above transaction(s) and all cards issued to my accounts are presently in my possession.
The amount of transaction is incorrect. I was charged AED I should have been charge AED
(enclosed is the copy of my charge slip).
Only one sale was authorized by me but the account was debited more than once.
I have settled the charge directly with the Merchant Establishment through Cash/ Cheque/ Other (Circle one & Specify)
(Enclosed is the copy of the RECEIPT issued by the Merchant Establishment evidencing direct settlement).
The above transaction relates to goods/ services with I order in but not yet received. (Enclosed is a copy of my correspondence
with the Merchant enquiring about the delivery of goods/ services).
I returned the merchandise against the above charge (Enclosed is a copy of postal/ courier receipt evidencing return of my letter/email to the Merchant
Establishment & Cancellation confirmation from the Merchant Establishment).
I cancelled the subscription/membership/policy (circle one) against the above charge on date (enclosed is a copy of my letter/email to the Merchant
Establishment & Cancellation confirmation from the Merchant Establishment).
The goods that I purchase is not describes (enclosed is a copy of my letter/email to the Merchant Establishment)
The Merchant did not process Credit/ Refund as agreed (enclosed is a copy of credit slip/ refund document).
I cancelled the reservation on date and the cancelation code given is
I tried to withdraw through ATM. However, I did not received cash.
I tried to withdraw AED from ATM, but received only AED from the ATM.
Others (please specify)
“I authorise First Abu Dhabi Bank PJSC to debit my card/account with a dispute handling fee of AED 100/- with 5% VAT applicable for each transaction proved valid by merchant.
Further I also endorse that I share stand by the truth of this statement of subsequent legal inquiries by the Law enforcement authorities (if any). I also understand that investigation
by the Bank might take up to 180 days to resolve and the bank reserves the right to reverse any interim credit given in this regard. I authorise you to disclose to the police, court, Visa
or MasterCard, details of any of the disputed transactions carried out on my account in order to allow them to pursue their investigations. I understand that any statements made by
me may be. used in court or as part of litigation proceedings”. For transaction processed on lost/stolen cards before the incident was reported to Bank, Cardholder will be held liable.
Cardholder Signature:
FAB Customer Service 600525500 (Within UAE) or +971 2 681 1511 (outside UAE) | Email: 1/1
E-Dirham customer service : 600 500 201 (within UAE) or +971 2 4996 125 (outside UAE)