MUSIC 9 Quarter 3 Module 1 2

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MAPEH 9 (Music)
QUARTER 3. Week 1& 2


Department of Education. Cordillera Administrative Region

What I Need to Know
This module is intended for Grade 9 learners. It is designed to discuss the emphasis
on the music of the Romantic Period so that our young generations could be able to relate
from where their music of today came from and how important is music to one’s life.

The music of Romantic Period is somewhat similar to the music of Cordillera

especially when it comes to emotion, imagination, individualism and freedom of expression.

Learning Objectives

1. Identify the Romantic period composers and their musical works.

2. Discuss the characteristics of the music of Romantic period.
3. Appreciate the music of Romantic period.
4. Write a Cordilleran song that has similar characteristic to Romantic music.

What Is It
Romantic Period is described as cultural movement that stressed emotion,
imagination, individualism and freedom of expression. These characteristics are
evident in music, art, and literature of the era.

Romantic period features:

▪ Nationalism
▪ Emotions; variety of musical style; freedom of expression
▪ Use of more instruments
▪ Themes on nature, literature, history and feelings
▪ Music was used to tell stories and express ideas
▪ Use of folk songs and country music


Niccolo Paganini

He was born on October 27, 1782 in Genoa, Italy.

At age five, hismusical skills started with playing
mandolin but eventually

transferred his training to violin at age seven with different violin professors in Italy
because his violin teachers could not keep up his violin skills. This led him to adapt all
his teachers’ influences in playing violin. He became the world’s famous violin virtuoso.

Famous works:
▪ La Campanella
▪ 24 Caprices for solo violin, Op.6
▪ Concerto No.1 in Eb, Op.6
▪ 15 quartets for guitar and strings trio
▪ The Carnival of Venice

1. Frederic Chopin

He was born on March 1, 1810 in Zeazowa, Poland. He

was known as the “Poet of Piano” and was considered
world renowned pianist and composer. At age four, he
egun to play piano and composed Polonaise at age
seven. He studied piano at Warsaw Conservatory under
Wilhelm Wurfel, and his music influenced by polish folk
music. His compositions are exclusively for piano

He travelled to Europe giving concerts in Vienna,

Munich, Paris, and London where he met other
legendary composers such as Franz Liszt, Felix
Mendelssohn and Robert Schumann. During this time
he met and married the famous French writer George Sand, and became an
inspiration in Chopin’s life. His compositions express his love for Poland. In later part
of his life, he was diagnosed with pulmonary tuberculosis. He died on October 17,
1849 in Paris.

Famous Compositions:
▪ Fantasie in F minor, Op.49
▪ Revolutionary Etude
▪ Op. 10, No. 12
▪ 24 Perludes, Op. 28

Chopin is famous for the following:

▪ Ballade- a verse from usually consisting of three stanzas of eight or ten lines.
▪ Etude- a piece composed for the development of a specific point of

▪ Mazurka- a Polish dance in triple time signature
▪ Nocturne- an instrumental composition of a pensive, dreamy mood, for the
▪ Polonaise- A slow Polish dance in triple time that consists of a march or
▪ Prelude- a short piece of music that can be used as preface, and introduction
to another work or may stand on its own.
▪ Waltz- a German dance in triple meter.
▪ Impromptu- a short free-form musical composition usually for a solo
instrument, like the piano.
▪ Scherzo- a musical movement of playful character, typically in ABA form.
▪ Sonata- composition for one or more solo instruments usually consisting of
three or four independent movements varying in key, mood, and tempo.

2. Franz Liszt

Liszt is a composer who was born in the village Doborjan,

Hungary. He was known as the virtuoso pianist and the
busiest musicians during the Romantic period. At an early
age, he displayed remarkable talent and easily understood
sight reading where his father was his first teacher at the age
of six.

He dedicated himself in doing piano music. People

considered him as a generous composer by sharing both
time and money to the orphans, victims of disaster and
taught music to many students for free.
Famous Piano works:
▪ “La Campanella”
▪ “Liebestraume no.3”
▪ Liszt’s “Hungarian Rhapsodies” were originally written for solo piano, but
many were arranged for orchestra or other combinations of instruments. The
Hungarian Rhapsody no. 2 is the most popular and was the basis for the
“Tom and Jerry” cartoon called the “Cat Concerto”
▪ Un Sospiro
▪ Sonata in B Minor
▪ Arrangements of the 9 Beethoven Symphonies
▪ Transcriptions of Lieder by Schubert

Orchestral Composition
▪ Symphonic Poems (“Hamlet,” “Les Preludes”)

3. Robert Schumann

Robert Alexander Schumann is a composer and music critic

who was born in 1810 at Zwickau. He worked intensively
between music and words. He considered himself as the heir
to the original creative tradition of Beethoven and Schubert. In
1834, he founded musical journal, “Jornal Neue Zeitschrift fur
Musik” where he edited and wrote numerous works for his
publication. He wrote over 100 songs.

Piano works:

▪ “Abegg Variations”, Opus (1830)

▪ “Davidsbundlertanze” (“Dances of the Band of David”), Opus 6 (1837)
▪ “Carnaval”, Opus 9 (1835)- a portrait of a masked ball attended by his allies
and his beloved Clara
▪ “Phantasiestucke”, Opus 12 (1837)- a series of mood pieces
▪ “Kreisleriana”, Opus 16 (1838)- a fantasy on the mad Kapellmeister
▪ Kinderszenen, Opus 15- a poetic series of evocations of a child’s world.

Art Song:
▪ “Frauenliebe und Leben” (“A Woman’s Love and Life”)
▪ “Dichterliebe” (“A Poet’s Love”)

Orchestral music:
▪ “Piano Concerto in A Minor,” Opus 54
▪ “Overture,” Scherzo
▪ “Finale,” Opus 52 (a mini symphony)
▪ “Konzertstuck in F Major for Four Horns and Orchestra,” Opus 86

Program music is the unique feature of instrumental forms. It conveys images or
scenes, music that tells a short story without text or lyrics and imaginative ideas.

1. Hector Berlioz

A French Romantic composer who was born on December 11, 1803. At young age,
he learned to play guitar and flute but never became skilled in a specific musical
instrument. He assembled hundreds of musicians to produce a powerful sound. In

most of his compositions, he made tone color as the basic part
of his musical language.

Famous composition:

Symphonie Fantastique

2. Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky (Pyotr Ilyich Chaykowsky)

Born on May 7, 1840 in Votkinsk, Russia. He was known for

his ballet music. He studied law and became law clerk in St. Petersburg but rebelled
and studied music at the Conservatory, St. Petersburg.

As a big fan of Mozart, Tchaikovsky studied composition with

Anton Rubinstein, and moved to Moscow, and started teaching at
the new conservatory. He continued his music career in New
York and conducted his works and experienced deal of fame. His
fame peaked in the last ten years of his life and later died due to

Famous compositions:
▪ The Nutcracker
▪ Fatum
▪ 1812 Overture
▪ Romeo and Juliet
▪ Symphony No. 2
▪ Swan Lake
▪ Symphony No. 6 “Pathetique”
▪ Sleeping Beauty
▪ Piano Concerto No. 1

3. Camille Saint-Saens

He was born on October 9, 1835 in Paris. He started music and play

piano at the age of two. He begun composing piano piece at age
three through the help of his aunt by teaching him piano lessons when
he was two years old and afterward he began composing piano
pieces. He was considered as a composer who creates elegant
music, neat, and polished. He was also considered as the best pianist
of his time.

Best Known music:

▪ “Carnival of the Animals”

▪ “Danse Macabre”
▪ “Symphony no. 3”
▪ “The Swan”

▪ Over 300 works, unusually in all genres, including
o 3 operas ("Samson and Delilah” the only one remembered)
o 5 symphonies (best Known no. 3 the “Organ Symphony”)
o 3 concertos for violin and orchestra
o 5 concertos for piano and orchestra
o 2 concertos for cello and orchestra
o Organ music
o Numerous pieces for the piano
o Approximately 100 songs
o Chamber music
o Sacred music including a Requiem

What’s More
Complete the table below.

Name of Composer Musical Composition Famous Composition

(Violin, String, Piano, (give one only)
1 Camille Saint-Saens
2 Franz Liszt
3 Frederic Chopin
4 Hector Berlioz
5 Niccolo Paganini
6 Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky
7 Robert Schumann

What I Can Do
(Write your answers in your answer sheet)

1. Choose and write the lyrics of a folk song from your province that has a similar
characteristic to the music of Romantic era. (Examples: “Layad Nanlikatan” and “Bagbagto”
of Mountain Province, “Bangun Ka Ina” of Benguet, “Itetem” of Ifugao, “Dongdong-ay” of
Kalinga and Apayao, “Kullilipan” of Abra)
2. Reflect and /or say something about your chosen folk song.
3. Write the title of your favorite modern love song . To whom would you like to dedicate this
song and why?
4.What is your understanding about the music of the Romantic period?

Draw the following musical instruments
1. Violin
2. Piano

Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer in your
answer sheet.

_1. What musical period stressed the emotions and freedom of expression
which is very evident in music, art, and literature of its era?
A. Romantic C. Renaissance
B. Medieval D. Baroque
_2. Which among the choices is a composer of Romantic period who shifted
training from mandolin to violin at a young age.
A. Camille Saint-Saens C. Hector Berlioz
B. Franz Liszt D. Niccolo Paganini
_3. Why did Niccolo Paganini transferred from one teacher to another when
he was training to violin?
A. Because he was having difficulty to learn the skill.
B. Because his violin teachers are cruel.
C. Because his violin teachers could not keep up his violin skills.
D. Because he was not interested to learn violin.

_4. Which of the following is a composition of Franz Liszt?

A. Romeo and Juliet C. Hungarian Rhapsodies
B. Carnival of the Animals D. Carnaval
_5. Who was the composer of Romantic Period who was known as the
virtuoso pianist because of his exceptional skills in playing piano?
A. Camille Saint-Saens C. Niccolo Paganini
B. Franz Liszt D. Robert Schuman
_6. How old was Franz Liszt when his father taught him to play piano?
A. 6 C. 11
B. 7 D. 12
_7. A romantic composer who considered himself as a heir to the original
creative tradition of Beethoven and Schubert.
A. Hector Berlioz C. Peter Tchaikovsky
B. Niccolo Paganini D. Robert Schumann
_8. Which of the following instrumental form conveys images or scenes of
music that tells a short story without text or lyrics.

A. Violin and Strings Music C. Piano Music

B. Program Music D. Percussion

_9. Which among the following statement about Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky is

A. A former law clerk who rebelled and studied music.

B. A beggar who became rich because of his skills in music.
C. A generous musician who built music school for the poor.
D. A child who pursued music instead of martial arts.

_10. Who helped Camille Saint-Saens in playing and composing piano

pieces at young age?

A. His aunt C. His mother

B. His father D. His teacher
_11. He was the composer who learned to play guitar and flute but never
became skilled in a specific musical instrument.

A. Franz Liszt C. Hector Berlioz

B. Frederic Chopin D. Niccolo Paganini
_12. Who composed the famous composition, “Symphonie Fantastique”?

A. Camille Saint-Saens C. Niccolo Paganini

B. Hector Berlioz D. Robert Schumann
_13. Which of the following compositions is Robert Schumann’s work?

A. Danse Macabre C. La Campanella

B. Kreisleriana, Opus 16 D. Symphonic Poems
_14. What musical composition does Franz Liszt is famous of?

A. Violin Music C. Piano Music

B. String Music D. Program Music
_15. Which of the following is Peter Tchaikovsky’s composition?

A. Carnaval, Opus C. The Carnival of Venice

B. Danse Macabre D. Swan Lake

Class number______

What’s More
Complete the table below.

Name of Composer Musical Composition Famous Composition

(Violin, String, Piano, (give one only)
1 Camille Saint-Saens
2 Franz Liszt
3 Frederic Chopin
4 Hector Berlioz
5 Niccolo Paganini
6 Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky
7 Robert Schumann

1. ____ 11.____
2. ____ 12.____
3. ____ 13.____
4. ____ 14.____
5. ____ 15.____
6. ____
7. ____
8. ____
9. ____


1. Choose and write the lyrics of a folk song from your province that has
a similar characteristic to the music of Romantic era. (Examples: “Layad
Nanlikatan” and “Bagbagto” of Mountain Province, “Bangun Ka Ina” of
Benguet, “Itetem” of Ifugao, “Dongdong-ay” of Kalinga and Apayao,
“Kullilipan” of Abra)(20 pts)

2. Explain the meaning of your chosen folk song.(10 pts)


3. Write the title of your favorite modern love song . To whom would you
like to dedicate this song and why?(10 pts)


4. What is your understanding about the music of the Romantic
period?(10 pts)






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Parent’s Signature over printed name


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