Test Unit 7

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Language Test 7A*

Grammar 7 Jim and Alan                  (help) me

1 Choose the correct options. paint my bedroom this weekend.
1 A Are you going to go 8                        (you / eat) that
camping this summer? banana or can I have it?
B Yes, we are / will. ___/10 marks
2 A Will she win the
competition? 3 Choose the correct options.
B Yes, she’ll win / she will. 1 I’ll be happy if I pass / will pass
3 A Are they going to go the exam!
abroad this year? 2 If Dad lends me the money, I’m /
B No, they don’t / aren’t. I’ll be able to buy an MP3 player.
4 A If I ask your brother, will 3 I’ll tell your parents if you do / are
he help me? doing that again.
B Yes, he will / helps. 4 If we miss the next bus, we
5 A Is she going to marry won’t / don’t get there in time.
Pablo? 5 She’ll be upset if you not / don’t
B No, she isn’t / won’t. send her a birthday card.
6 A Are you going to send 6 We’ll go for a walk if it stop /
any postcards from stops raining.
London? 7 If you go to the doctor, he give /
B No, I don’t / I’m not. he’ll give you some medicine.
7 A Will there be time for 8 We will celebrate if we win / will
coffee before the win the match tomorrow.
B No, there not / won’t. ___/8 marks

___/7 marks Vocabulary

4 Complete the text with the words
2 Complete the sentences with the in the box.
correct form of going to or will and charity collection
the verb in brackets. donation fund-raising
1 She                        (invite) all her petition volunteers
school friends to her birthday
party. Stop tigers dying and support our 1                 !
2 Let’s go to that new café. Maybe
We invite you to our 2                  event on
we                       (see) Marc there. Saturday at twelve in Jubilee Park.
3 I                        (watch) the comedy
on TV tonight. There will be lots of activities for children, a
4 ‘What do you think he barbecue, an information film and a chance to sign
                       (do) when he finds our 3                 . Entry is free, but there will be a
                  to support our important work to
out the truth?’ ‘I’m not sure, but I
protect tigers. Or you can make a 5                 
think he                        (be) upset.’ online by visiting our website.
5 If you eat all that chocolate, you
(feel) sick! We need 6                  to make Saturday’s event a
6 ‘Matthew                        (study) success, so please contact us. We need only a few
engineering in Manchester.’ ‘It’s a hours of your free time.
great city. I’m sure he
                       (enjoy) living there. ___/6 marks
5 Complete the dialogue with the 4 Paul never agrees      
words in the box. 5 She insisted      
6 Let’s protest      
banner demonstration
march placards
a on a name for their baby.
protest sit-in slogans
b about the subject. Do you?
Joyce Hi, Robert. Do you want c against the number of cars in our
to join our 1                  on city.
Tuesday? It will be a d with his brother.
                  against the e about me and my sister.
wind farm. f on booking a holiday abroad.
Robert Is there going to be a
                  through the ___/6 marks
town, or are you going to
have a 4                  ?
Joyce No, we’re going to stand Speaking
in Central Square and 8 Choose the correct options.
hang a big 5                  in Dialogue 1
front of the Town Hall. Beth Hi Roger! We’re going
Robert I don’t think I can come skateboarding. Why don’t
on Tuesday. you join us?
Joyce Well, maybe you can Roger I don’t 1know / think. I’m
help us to make some not very good at it.
                 . We’re all Beth Oh, come 2with / on! It’ll
going to hold one. Are be 3fun / funny. It’s
you any good at writing 4
good / better than
                 ? 5
watching / watch TV all
___/7 marks Roger But I’ll fall and people will
laugh at me.
Beth That’s 6rubbish / slogan!
6 Complete the sentences with the
You’ll be fine.
words in the box.
Roger OK. You 7win / can! I’ll
about for for in 8
do / come it.
of with
Dialogue 2
1 I apologise              my mistake. Dean What’s the problem,
2 He believes              you. Kathy?’
3 I hope              a better future. Kathy I’ve never played the
4 Do you argue              your sister? piano for the whole
5 We care             wild animals. school before, and I’m
6 She disapproves             her sons’ nervous.
behaviour. Dean But you’re a fantastic
player! I’m 9sure / know
___/6 marks you’ll be fine.
Kathy I suppose 10it / so.
7 Match the beginnings of the
sentences 1–6 with the endings a–f. ___/10 marks
1 My parents worry      
2 They still haven’t decided       Total: ___/60 marks
3 I don’t know anything      

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