Sports Writing
Sports Writing
Sports Writing
Bolbok Integrated National High School
Let’s Play First.
Write the correct answer on
the comment section. You
have 10 seconds to answer .
He is now the leading
sixth man of year
candidate in the NBA
He is the first ever Filipino
baller to play in the Japane
se Basketball League or
B League as an import.
She is the winner of the recen
tly concluded Australian Open
Championship and currently
the World No. 1
Female tennis player.
He is the first Filipino
pole vaulter to qualify
in the Olympics
In what particular sports
did the Philippines win a
medal in the last
He is the first ever Filipino
boxer to win a medal in
the Olympics.
He is now one of the
world best chess player
the Philippines never
Winner of the game
shall be given a
special prize……..
Why Sports Writing?
Sports Journalism is one of the fastest gro
wing sections in the mainstream media. It
is also considered one of the most interes
ting forms of Journalism.
(Joel Orellana-Business Mirror)
Sports writing is considered as the
most popular form of journalistic
writing. It is where we can play
with words and we do not define
words literally, but how a certain
sports lingo is used in a particular
sports or game.
DUES of Sports Writing
D - Drama
U - Unpredictability
E - Excitement
S - Sensation
(Rex Arcadio A. San Diego)
Sports writing is considered as a
specialized form of writing
Sports + writing
Sports enthusiast mastery of
(former varsity or the language
Frustrated player)
When writing sports article,
consider these:
1. Verb Tenses (in the headline)
Beermen outlast Texters via huge
comeback, take 3-2 Series lead
Magnolia nilaklak ang Gin Kings
tsansa sa semis buhay pa
Remember: Never use verb in the
past tense in your headline.
Always use transitive verb in the
headline(in English).
2. Avoid double verbs in your headline,
especially in Filipino where the second
verb usually appears at the end of the
Barangay Dos at Cumba kinubra ang titulo sa MAS Summer Sports League
Hammer head is not always applicable
in any sports event. It is only done to
highlight a very significant achievement
of a player or a team. If the game is not
that significant, don't risk. Prefer the
headline which you are more
comfortable with and you are more
confident of winning.
Straight Sports Headlines
BolPin Warriors crash West District for its first win in 3 conferences
The curse is finally broken.