MS Site and Fence

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Zuluf Temporary Facilities

Reference No: LI-0-887-TF9 Civil Works Rev: 00

Document Title: Method Statement For Site Preparation Gates & Fencing Works

Document Number: V-3200-TF9-A-1017


Civil Works

Reference No.: LI-0-887-TF9



Site Preparation Gates & Fencing Works

This document has been prepared by Attiq Ur Rehman Contracting Company for JGC
It contains information that is Confidential and such information is intended to be for the exclusive use of the individual or entity named above.
It shall be neither shown to third parties nor used for purposes other than those for which it has been disclosed.

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Zuluf Temporary Facilities
Reference No: LI-0-887-TF9 Civil Works Rev: 00

Document Title: Method Statement For Site Preparation Gates & Fencing Works

Document Number: V-3200-TF9-A-1017


1. OBJECTIVE.......................................................................................................... 3
2. SCOPE.................................................................................................................. 3
3. DEFINITION.......................................................................................................... 3
4. STANDARDS, CODES AND SPECIFICAITONS:..................................................3
4.1. ASTM STANDARDS.............................................................................................3
5. RESPONSIBILITIES:............................................................................................4
5.1. PROJECT MANAGER:.........................................................................................4
5.2. QUALITY CONTROL INSPECTOR:.....................................................................4
5.3. HSE SUPERVISOR:.............................................................................................4
6. METHODS:........................................................................................................... 4
6.1. INITIAL................................................................................................................. 4
6.1.1. SURVEY:.............................................................................................................. 4
6.1.2. DATA ANALYSIS..................................................................................................5
6.1.3. PREPARATION OF CONSTRUCTION AREA......................................................5
6.1.4. MOBILIZATION....................................................................................................5
6.1.5. SUPPLY OF MATERIALS:...................................................................................5
6.2. SITE PREPARATION...........................................................................................5
6.2.1. BACKFILLING......................................................................................................5
6.2.2. TESTING.............................................................................................................. 6
6.3.1. BORES:................................................................................................................ 6
6.3.2. CONCRETE......................................................................................................... 7
6.3.3. ERECTION OF FENCE........................................................................................8
6.3.4. BRACING............................................................................................................. 8
6.3.5. INSTALLING FABRICS........................................................................................8
7. QUALITY CONTROL.......................................................................................…10
7.1. TESTING & INSPECTION AGENCY:.................................................................10
7.2. INSPECTORS....................................................................................................10
8. RECORDS:.........................................................................................................10
9. HSE PLAN........................................................................................................ 10
10. ATTACHMENTS………………………………………………………………………...10

This document has been prepared by Attiq Ur Rehman Contracting Company for JGC
It contains information that is Confidential and such information is intended to be for the exclusive use of the individual or entity named above.
It shall be neither shown to third parties nor used for purposes other than those for which it has been disclosed.

Page 2 of 11
Zuluf Temporary Facilities
Reference No: LI-0-887-TF9 Civil Works Rev: 00

Document Title: Method Statement For Site Preparation Gates & Fencing Works

Document Number: V-3200-TF9-A-1017


To ensure that Contractor is in compliance with the project’s specification requirements and
acceptable to the Client.


Scope of this document is to define the general Method of Execution of Site Preparation, Gates
& Fencing Works at Zulf Project Saudi Arabia.


Client: Saudi Aramco.

Contractor: JGC



ASTM A121 Standard Specification for Metallic-Coated Carbon Steel Barbed


ASTM A641 Standard Specification for Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) Carbon

Steel Wire

ASTM A853 Standard Specification for Steel Wire, Carbon, for General Use

ASTM F1043 Standard Specification for Strength and Protective Coatings on

Steel Industrial Chain Link Fence Framework

ASTM F1910 Standard Specification for Long Barbed Tape

Obstacles ASTM F1911 Standard Practice for Installation of

Barbed Tape

This document has been prepared by Attiq Ur Rehman Contracting Company for JGC
It contains information that is Confidential and such information is intended to be for the exclusive use of the individual or entity named above.
It shall be neither shown to third parties nor used for purposes other than those for which it has been disclosed.

Page 3 of 11
Zuluf Temporary Facilities
Reference No: LI-0-887-TF9 Civil Works Rev: 00

Document Title: Method Statement For Site Preparation Gates & Fencing Works

Document Number: V-3200-TF9-A-1017

ASTM F2453 Standard Specification for Welded Wire Mesh Fence Fabric

ASTM F2781 - 10 Standard Practices for Testing Forced Entry, Ballistic

and Low Impact Resistance of Security Fence Systems

ASTM F567 Standard Practice for Installation of Chain-Link

Fence ASTM F626 Standard Specification for Fence Fittings

ASTM F668 Standard Specification for Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) and Other
Organic Polymer-Coated Steel Chain-Link Fence Fabric
ASTM F934 Standard Specification for Standard Colors for Polymer-Coated
Chain Link Fence Materials

ASTM American Society for Testing & Material

PIP CVS02100 Site Preparation, Excavation and Backfill Specification

CSSP Contractor Site Safety Program
PTW Permit to Work Procedure



Ensure compliance by all personnel involved to this procedure. Arrange for all
required resources (manpower, equipment & materials) and ensure that any
and all contractual obligations are satisfactorily complied with and delivered on


Verify/check/monitor compliance to this procedure, Client’s Specifications, IFC

Drawings and Industry Codes by implementation of Inspection Checklist and
accordingly prepare/submit RFI’s.


Check/review procedure, personnel and equipment and ensures compliance to

all safety requirements. Identify & check work areas for any unsafe conditions.
This document has been prepared by Attiq Ur Rehman Contracting Company for JGC
Coordinate with Project Manager and Supervisors to ensure work is carried out
It contains information that is Confidential and such information is intended to be for the exclusive use of the individual or entity named above.
It shall be neither shown toin accordance
third with
parties nor used for thisother
purposes procedure and
than those for whichthe
it hasProject Safety Plan.
been disclosed.

Page 4 of 11
Zuluf Temporary Facilities
Reference No: LI-0-887-TF9 Civil Works Rev: 00

Document Title: Method Statement For Site Preparation Gates & Fencing Works

Document Number: V-3200-TF9-A-1017


This procedure describes the actual steps to be taken and outlined the activities
required to implement this procedure. Contractor will be responsible to complete the
job with finishing and free of any defect.


Following are the steps taken initially before the job starts. The necessary
initials are discussed below.

6.1.1. SURVEY:

A survey shall be conducted and set out all needed survey points and
elevations as per the layout drawing. This survey will help us in
providing the actual set of data which will reflect the forthcoming work
front. The site shall be sufficiently cleared of obstructions. This clearing
shall consist of the removal of all stumps, brush, rocks, trees, or other
obstructions that will interfere the fence work.


Data analysis is the core step in any project. Data, collected from the
initial survey, consists of elevation, co-ordinates and/or pictures that
provide us some factual figures which allow us to plan the work
methodology, quantities of work and quotation after a mutual
understanding with the client.


Before executing the job, preparation of construction area is carried out

by the contractor. Preparation of construction area consists of planning
road divergent (if needed), staking of material, fulfilling the client’s
requirement regarding safety. As-built drawing shall be obtained to
confirm the locations of any underground utilities/tie-in. Necessary
signage and materials shall be made available at site by contractor
before mobilization of any work force. Activities like road divergent,
area for staking of material and area for the disposal of debris
This document has been prepared by Attiq Ur Rehman Contracting Company for JGC
(produced from excavation and demolition) will be conducted prior to
It contains information that is Confidential and such information is intended to be for the exclusive use of the individual or entity named above.
It shall be neither shown to third partiesclient
nor usedapproval.
for purposes other than those for which it has been disclosed.

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Zuluf Temporary Facilities
Reference No: LI-0-887-TF9 Civil Works Rev: 00
Document Title: Method Statement For Site Preparation Gates & Fencing Works

Document Number: V-3200-TF9-A-1017


Construction shall be in accordance with IFC drawings, project

specifications and relevant standards therein. Right after the contract
award, our task force team consisting of the key personal lead by a
Project Manager, will be formed and ready to be deployed to the site.


Materials shall be procured after Client’s approval. All materials shall be

stored and handled in such a manner that will prevent damage or
deterioration. Prior to the use of materials, the contractor shall furnish
manufacturer’s certified test reports to the contractor for those materials
proposed for use during construction. The certified test reports shall
include a statement that the materials meet the specification



 Cutting the area cut up to required level and fills that material in other areas
layer by layer.
 General fill material is used as a backfilling Material.

 General fill material layer shall be compacted to at least 90% Proctor Value.

 Marl layer shall be compacted to at least 95% Proctor Value.

 Site preparation of areas to receive backfill shall be done as follows:

a) Prior to commencement of backfilling, the debris shall be removed.

b) Proof-rolled; crossing the area repeatedly and methodically with a

heavy (10-ton min. weight) rubber-tired or steel wheel roller.

c) After achieving the desired level of sub-grade, we can go for layer of

marl as per client instruction.
This document has been prepared by Attiq Ur Rehman Contracting Company for JGC
It contains information that is Confidential and such information is intended to be for the exclusive use of the individual or entity named above.
d) After compaction, for FDT, third party shall be called by contractor for
It shall be neither shown to third parties nor used for purposes other than those for which it has been disclosed.

Page 6 of 11
Zuluf Temporary Facilities
Reference No: LI-0-887-TF9 Civil Works Rev: 00
Document Title: Method Statement For Site Preparation Gates & Fencing Works

Document Number: V-3200-TF9-A-1017


6.2.2. TESTING

 Gradation, density and moisture content control tests shall be performed at

the following minimum frequencies:

a) On standard sieve analysis (ASTM D 422 or ASTM D 1140) and one

Modified Proctor Test per ASTM D 1557 with corresponding Proctor
curve performed for each type of fill material or where there is a change
in the type or the source of material.

b) In-place density and moisture content of soils shall be determined by

nuclear method per ASTM D 2992.

c) Acceptance testing of in-place and moisture content (field density

testing) on compacted fill will be performed at the following rate:

 General fill – one tests every 1000 m² of each lift.


6.3.1. BORES:

After preparation and mobilization of construction area, bore holes by

Skid- Loader (with Auger) shall be carried out.

6.3.2. CONCRETE:

The batching plant shall produce the concrete in accordance with the
specific design mix applicable as per project specifications.

The laboratory In-charge shall be responsible for determining the

correct amount of water to be added keeping in view the moisture
content of coarse and fine aggregates and workability requirements as
per project specification.

The batch plant supervisor shall be responsible for checking that all
“wash water” has been removed from the delivery truck drum before
This document has been prepared by Attiq Ur Rehman Contracting Company for JGC
It contains information that is Confidential and suchnew ingredients
information is intended toof
for the exclusive use of the individual or entity named above.
It shall be neither shown to third parties nor used for purposes other than those for which it has been disclosed.

Page 7 of 11
Zuluf Temporary Facilities
Reference No: LI-0-887-TF9 Civil Works Rev: 00
Document Title: Method Statement For Site Preparation Gates & Fencing Works

Document Number: V-3200-TF9-A-1017

After loading fresh ingredients of concrete, the drum revolutions

required to produce uniform concrete shall be set.

The batch plant inspector/Quality Control engineer shall perform the

slump test and keep a complete record of each truck of concrete.

Calibration and inspection of the equipment, batching plant shall be

carried out.

Use horns for movement of concrete trucks.

During hot weather the batching plant supervisor shall take all
necessary instructions to ensure that the temperature of the mixed
concrete does not exceed specified temperature or 35OC.

These measures shall include, but not be limited to, shading of

aggregates, spraying water on aggregates, linking the mixing water to a
chiller unit, chilling the mix ingredients with ice and when ice is used in
the mix, maintain the correct amount of water required.

Re-tempering of concrete or mortar, which has partially hardened, shall

not be permitted

The characteristic strength of the concrete placed in the formwork shall

be determined for 7 days and 28 days by the compressive strength
testing of test cylinders/cubes as per project specifications.

On each day when concrete is poured a minimum of six tests

cylinders/cubes shall be produced from the same batch and for every
100 m3 thereafter or as per specifications.
Keep a complete record of specimen of test concrete with location and
date of placement, proportion of mix blend and type of cement etc.


Fence poles shall be installed as per the survey level provided.

This document has been prepared by Attiq Ur Rehman Contracting Company for JGC
Packaging and marking of the material shall provide ease of handling,
It contains information that is Confidential and such information is intended to be for the exclusive use of the individual or entity named above.
It shall be neither shown to third partiesstorage, and identification.
nor used for purposes other than those forAfter
which it the installation
has been disclosed. of poles on each pit, it
Page 8 of 11
Zuluf Temporary Facilities
Reference No: LI-0-887-TF9 Civil Works Rev: 00
Document Title: Method Statement For Site Preparation Gates & Fencing Works

Document Number: V-3200-TF9-A-1017

shall be concreted to provide additional support at the bottom of the


The bottom of the fabric is not less than 1 inch or more than 3 inches
above the finished ground line. All posts shall be set plumb, true to line
and grade. Terminal posts, defined as end, corner, pull or gate posts,
shall be set in concrete. The concrete footing shall be a uniform
thickness around the post and shall have a cone or dome shaped top.

6.3.4. BRACING

All corner, end, pull, and gate posts shall be braced as per
specification. Pull posts shall be used at sharp breaks in vertical grade
or at approximate 500’ centers on straight runs or as directed by the


Fabric shall be securely attached to end, corner, top, pull and gate
posts in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations. The fabric
shall be attached to the tension wire with hog rings spaced as per
specification. The fabric shall be attached to line posts with wire ties or
bands spaced in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations. All
fabric shall be taut before attaching to line posts or tension wire.

At locations of small natural swales or drainage ditches and where it is

not practical to have the fence conform to the general contour of the
ground surface, longer posts may be used, and multiple strands of
barbed wire stretched thereon to span the opening below the fence.
The vertical clearance between strands of barbed wire shall be 6
inches or less.

Each length of chain-link fabric or barbed wire shall be tightly rolled and
firmly tied. Each role shall carry a tag showing, as applicable to the
product, the length, kind of base metal, type of coating, specified wire
size, mesh size, design (style), height or width of fabric, and the
producer name, brand or trademark of the manufacturer.
At the option of the Contractor, line posts may be driven or placed in
This document has been prepared by Attiq dugUror drilled
Rehman holesCompany
Contracting and set in concrete. If the contractor elects to drive
for JGC
It contains information that is Confidential and such information is intended to be for the exclusive use of the individual or entity named above.
It shall be neither shown to third partiesline posts,
nor used the other
for purposes posts shallfor which
than those be of the
it has beenlength
disclosed. and driven to the depth

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Zuluf Temporary Facilities
Reference No: LI-0-887-TF9 Civil Works Rev: 00
Document Title: Method Statement For Site Preparation Gates & Fencing Works

Document Number: V-3200-TF9-A-1017

shown on the plans. If posts cannot be driven to the correct depth, the
posts shall be removed and placed in dug or drilled holes and set in
concrete footings. Post damaged during installation shall be removed
and replaced at the contractor’s expense.



For both field and laboratory tests & inspection, a competent Third-Party
Testing Agency with qualified Inspector and/or Technician shall be retained to
perform the inspection and tests required in determining and verifying
compliance of the work with the requirements of project specification. Both the
testing agency and inspector/technician shall be pre-qualified prior to
mobilization in site.


Adequate number of qualified inspectors shall be provided to monitor the

works and ensure compliance with the project specifications, codes and
standards applicable thereto. They will also be in responsible in planning and
performing inspections and tests in a timely manner and in establishing and
maintaining daily inspection log, prepare and maintain records of all field and
relevant laboratory tests being performed, provide weekly look-ahead of testing
plans and personnel requirement and reporting of non-compliances observed
on the jobsite.


All records attesting to conformity to the procedure, relevant standards and resulting
work, shall be maintained and revalidation performed as necessary, by the Project’s
QC Department.


9.1.Conditions and precautions listed in the project specifications shall be followed

as minimum.
9.2.Approved WPR with valid cards as applicable (JGC Internal or Relevant
Applicable) according to JGC Approved Work Permit Receiver and Saudi
This document has been Aramco
preparedApproved WPR
by Attiq Ur Rehman if Required.
Contracting Company for JGC
It contains information that is Confidential and such information is intended to be for the exclusive use of the individual or entity named above.
It shall be neither Alltopersonnel
shown third parties norinvolved in the
used for purposes project
other than thoseshall beit has
for which inducted on the safety, health and
been disclosed.

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Zuluf Temporary Facilities
Reference No: LI-0-887-TF9 Civil Works Rev: 00
Document Title: Method Statement For Site Preparation Gates & Fencing Works

Document Number: V-3200-TF9-A-1017

environmental issues associated with the work. Safety toolbox meeting shall be
conducted every day to remind the workers about safety concerns. All workers
shall be advised to report any accident or injury to supervisor.
9.4.All workers shall be educated under good environmental management

9.5.Only trained personnel with relevant experience and approved shall be allowed
to handle machinery.
9.6.All personnel shall ensure that all tools and equipment machinery are inspected
and in good condition, safe to use to avoid any untoward incidents.
9.7.Appropriate safety signboards, barriers and lighting and other safeguards shall
be provided as required by the nature of and location of the works. All operations
shall be carried out in accordance with the safety requirements.
9.8.All field personnel shall be provided and use PPE like safety shoes, helmets,
safety glasses, dust masks, etc. as required. Safety Manager/Safety Supervisor
will ensure that all safety equipment’s are provided to the workers.
9.9.All activities as required shall comply Saudi Aramco Construction Safety Manual
with respect to approved Job Safety Analysis (JSA).
9.10. Heat Stress Plan, includes (Heat Stress Monitoring Checklist, Heat stress
Monitoring device & Flagging System) to be implemented at site.
Job Safety Analysis Attached

This document has been prepared by Attiq Ur Rehman Contracting Company for JGC
It contains information that is Confidential and such information is intended to be for the exclusive use of the individual or entity named above.
It shall be neither shown to third parties nor used for purposes other than those for which it has been disclosed.

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