Horizontal Vertical
Horizontal Vertical
Horizontal Vertical
Grade 12 – Jordan
Amount Amount
2012 2013 Increase/(Decrease) Percentage 2013 2014 Increase/(Decrease) Percentage
Current assets P15, 623.0 P18, 384.0 P2, 761 15.02% P18, 384.0 P24, 012 P5, 628 23.44%
Property, Plant
& Equipment P11, 059.0 P11, 772.0 P713.0 6.05% P11, 772.0 P13, 363 P1, 591 11.90%
Investments P3, 139.0 P3, 353.0 P214 6.38% P3, 353.0 P3, 410 P57.0 1.67%
Other Assets P11, 947 P12, 517 P570 4.55% P12, 517 P13, 324 P807 6.06%
Total Assets P41, 768 P46, 026 P4, 258 9.25% P46, 026 P54, 118 P8, 092 14.95%
Liabilities &
Stockholders’ Equity
Current Liabilities P16, 621 P15, 619 (P1, 002) (6.41%) P15, 619 P19, 091 P3, 472 18.19%
Debt P855 P4, 063 P3, 208 78.96 % P4, 063 P716 (P3, 347) (467.46%)
Other Liabilities P2, 561 P2, 984 P423 14.18% P2, 984 P6, 234 P3, 250 52.13%
Total Liabilities P20, 037 P22, 666 P2, 629 11.60% P22, 666 P26, 041 P3, 375 13%
Capital stocks P1, 047 P1,051 P4.0 0.38% P1, 051 P1, 064 P13.0 1.22%
Paid-in Capital P3, 284 P3, 640 P356 9.78% P3, 640 P4, 452 P812 18.24%
Earnings P17, 871 P19, 017 P1, 146 6.03% P19, 017 P22, 646 P3, 629 16.03%
Other Equity
Accounts P471 P347 (P124) 35.74% P347 P84 (P263) 313.10%
Total Liabilities
& Equity P41, 768 P46, 027 P4, 259 9.25% P46, 027 P54, 119 P8092 14.95%
Vertical Analysis of a Balance Sheet:
Condensed Balanced Sheets
December 31
2012, 2013, & 2014
Property, Plant
& Equipment P11, 059 26.48% P11, 772 25.57% P13, 363 24.69%
Investments P3, 139 7.52% P3, 353 7.29% P3, 410 6.30%
Other Assets P11, 947 28.60% P12, 517 27.20% P13, 324 24.62%
Total Assets P41, 768 100.0% P46, 026 100.0% P54, 118 100.0%
Liabilities &
Stockholders’ Equity
Current Liabilities P16, 621 39.79% P15, 619 33.94% P19, 091 35.28%
Debt P855 2.05% P4, 063 8.83% P716 1.32%
Other Liabilities P2, 561 6.13% P2, 984 6.48% P6, 234 11.52%
Equity P21, 731 52.03% P23, 361 50.76% P28, 078 51.88%
Total Liabilities
& Stockholders’ P41, 768 100.0% P46, 026 100.0% P54, 118 100.0%
Horizontal Analysis of Income Statement:
Condensed Income Statement
December 31
During, 2013, & 2014
Amount Amount
2012 2013 Increase/(Decrease) Percentage 2013 2014 Increase/(Decrease) Percentage
Net Sales P71, 059 P80, 283 P9, 224 11.50% P80, 283 P90, 671 P10, 388 11.51%
Cost of
Sales/Service P58, 435 P65, 285 P6, 850 10.49% P65, 285 P73, 728 P8, 443 11.45%
Gross profit P12, 624 P14, 998 P2, 354 15.70% P14, 998 P16, 943 P1, 945 11.48%
Expenses P8, 279 P9, 067 P788 8.69% P9, 067 P10, 806 P1, 739 16.09%
Income P567 P431 (P136) (31.56%) P431 P748 P317 42.38%
Expenses P51 P116 P65 56.03% P116 P126 P7 5.56%
Tax P1, 149 P1, 523 P374 24.57% P1, 523 P1, 271 (P252) 19.83%
Net Income P3, 712 P4, 723 P1, 011 21.41% P4, 723 P5, 488 P765 13.94%
Vertical Analysis of Income Statement:
Condensed Income Statement
December 31
2012, 2013, & 2014
Sales P71, 059 100% P80, 283 100% P90, 671 100%
Cost of
Sales/Service P58, 435 82.23% P65, 285 81.32% P73, 728 81.31%
Expenses P8, 279 11.65% P9, 067 11.29% P10, 806 11.92%
Income P567 0.80% P431 0.54% P748 0.83%
Expenses P51 0.07% P116 0.14% P126 0.14%
Tax P1, 149 1.62% P1, 523 1.90% P1, 271 1.40%
Net Income P3, 712 5.22% P4, 723 5.88% P5, 488 6%