5. BIGAMY- marrying someone when you are ready married to another person.
10. CHILD ABUSE- treating a child badly in a physical, emotional, or sexual way.
13. CYBERCRIME- doing something illegal over the internet or a computer system.
15. DRUNK DRIVING- driving with too much alcohol in your blood.
16. EMBEZZLEMENT- stealing large amounts of money that you are responsible for,
often over a period of time.
21. HIJACKING- taking control of a plane, train etc. by force often to meet political
22. HIT & RUN- not stopping to help a person hurt in an accident caused by you.
25. IDENTIFY THEFT- using someone else’s personal information for one’s own gain.
26. KIDNAPPING- taking someone away by force, often demanding money for their
safe return.
27. LIBEL- the act of making a false spoken statement that causes people to have a
bad opinion of someone.
28. LOOTING- taking things illegally and by force during a riot, war, etc.
29. LYNCHING- killing someone without legal process, often by hanging, often by an
angry mob.
39. ROBBERY- stealing large amounts of money with force or violence from a bank,
store, etc.
42. SMUGGLING- taking things secretly in or out of a place, country, jail, etc.
50. VOYEURISM- secretly watching naked people or sexual acts & getting sexually
1. ACTUS MI INVICTU REUS, NISI MENS FACIT REUM-(an act done by me against
my will is not my act.)
2. DURA LEX SED LEX-(the law may be harsh but it is the law.)
3. VERBA LEGIS NON EST DECEDENDUM-(from words of the law there can be no
10. ACTUS NON FACIT REUM, NISI MENS SIT REA-(the act cannot be criminal where
the mind is not criminal.)
17. PRO REO-(principle in criminal law which states that where the statute admits
of several interpretations, the one most favourable to the accused shall be