6:00pm-8:00pm - Wednesday
I. Scrable
1. Lt. Col
2. Private
3. 4 star general
4. Captain
5. Sergeant
6. Captain
7. 5 star general
8. Flag
9. Lt. Col
10. Split
11. Sergeant
12. Spy
14. Flag
15. Spy
16. Private
17. Split
18. Sergeant
19. Colonel
20. Flag
Rank the officials. 1-15
1. 2
2. 3
3. 1
4. 4
5. 6
6. 15
7. 8
8. 11
9. 9
10. 13
11. 10
12. 7
13. 5
14. 14
15. 12
1. Stale Mate- Stalemate is another type of Draw in the game of Chess. This means that if a Stalemate
happens while playing a game, neither side wins or loses and the game ends in a Draw.
2. Pawn King Four- P-K4 means move a Pawn to the 4th rank in the King's file. N-Q-B3 means you move
your Knight to the third rank in the Queen's Bishop file. For a capture, you specify the piece taking, and
the piece to be taken.
3. Castling- To castle, simply move the king two spaces to the left or right, OR move the king on top of
the rook you want to castle with. The rook will jump across and to the other side of the king
4. Invasion- Invasion is a military inspired Chess variant played on a 84-spaces board. Game invented in
December 2001, it is an entry to the 84 Spaces contest. Invasion has an entry in D.B. Pritchard's "The
Classified Encyclopedia of Chess Variants" (2007).
5. Pass Pawn- It is a pawn with no opposing pawns to prevent it from advancing to the eighth rank ; i.e.
there are no opposing pawns in front of it on either the same file or adjacent files. A passed pawn is
sometimes colloquially called a passer.
6. Knights- Knights in chess have the ability to check and capture pieces like Rooks, King or Queen. And
even if they remain in the crowd of pawns or any other pieces. It can easily escape capture by hopping
over other pieces.
7. Check Mate- Checkmate, usually known as “Mate”, is a situation in the game of Chess where a
player’s King is threatened directly by another player’s piece (the King is in Check) and has no way to
defend him by escaping, capturing the threatening piece or blocking it with (the king or) another piece
so that it doesn’t reach the King.
8. Queen takes Bishop- The queen can move the same way a rook can, moving freely up and down on
any file and left and right on any rank. The queen can move like a rook. The queen can also move freely
on any diagonal like a bishop.
9. Chess Clock- A chess clock consists of two adjacent clocks with buttons to stop one clock while
starting the other, so that the two clocks never run simultaneously.
10. Offensive and Defensive strategy- Aggressive all the way, is the way. The best offense is the best
defense. Of course you have to be careful when attacking and not get mated or let your opponent gain a
huge material advantage.
True or False
1. True
2. True
3. False
4. True
5. True
6. True