CPC Mock 5-Q
CPC Mock 5-Q
CPC Mock 5-Q
Section 1
1. What parts of the body are examined during a sigmoidoscopy?
a. Rectum c. Portion of descending colon
b. Sigmoid colon d. All of the above
3. What procedure involves the destruction of kidney stones by directing shock waves
through liquid surrounding the patient?
a. Cystourethroscopy c. Lithotripsy
b. Transurethral resection d. Contact laser vaporization
6. Which term defines a swelling or mass of blood confined to an organ, tissue, or space
caused by a break in a blood vessel?
a. Hematuria c. Hematemesis
b. Hematoma d. Hemangioma
11. Which term describes an additional respiratory sound commonly referred to as wheezing?
a. Rale c. Rhonchus
b. Bruit d. Stridor
12. Which lung has three lobes?
a. Left lung b. Right lung
14. The nervous system can be grouped into what two major categories?
a. Parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems
b. Somatic and norepinephrine nervous systems
c. Efferent and peripheral nervous systems
d. Central and peripheral nervous systems
17. True or false: The pineal gland is found in the brain near the thalamus and produces the
hormone melatonin, which assists with sleep patterns.
a. True b. False
22. True or false: The musculoskeletal system includes all of the following: muscles, bones,
ligaments, tendons, joints, spinal cord, and cartilage.
a. True b. False
23. While at church, Fred was standing on a chair when he fell. He suffered a closed Colles’
fracture and contusions to his right cheek, right elbow, right hand, and left leg. What codes
would you report for this injury?
a. S00.83XA, S52.531XA, S52.539A, S80.11XA, W07.XXA , Y92.29
b. S52.539A, S00.83XA, S50.01XA, S60.221A, S80.12XA, W07.XXA, Y92.22
c. S52.531A, S00.83XA, S50.01XA, S60.221A, S80.12XA, W07.XXA, Y92.22
d. S00.83XA, S50.01XA, S52.539A, S80.11XA, W07.XXA , Y92.29
24. Dr. Lloyd, Bill’s family physician, preformed a physical on Bill in December. Dr. Lloyd
noted Bill had swollen glands, changes in blood tests and on chest x-ray, as well as the
patient’s report of general fatigue and weight loss. Bill was scheduled to see a specialist the
following week. Dr. Schapiro, the specialist, examined Bill, performed tests, and told him he
had metastatic malignant melanoma from the left lateral chest wall to the cervical lymph
nodes. Today, Bill started treatment with Dr. Schapiro directed to his lymph nodes. What are
the correct diagnoses codes for Dr. Schapiro’s treatment?
a. C79.89, C79.1 c. C79.1, D03.52
b. C77.0, C49 .3 d. C77.0, D03.59
25. Roger, a firefighter, was burned while fighting a forest fire. He is being treated in a burn
unit, with burns to 30% of his total body surface area. The burns are reported as third degree
to 25% of his body. The remaining 5% are first- and second-degree burns of the upper limb.
How should you report the diagnoses codes?
a.T31.32, T22.20XA, T22.10XA, X01.8XXA
b. T22.20XA. T31.31, X01.08XA
c. T31.32, T22.20XA, X01.8XXA
d. T31.31, T22.20XA, T22.10XA, X01.8XXA
26. Rosemary, a 52-year-old female, returned to her physician for treatment of glaucoma and
problems with peripheral angiopathy of her feet due to diabetes. She has had problems
controlling her diabetes and is insulin dependent. Which diagnosis codes best describe this
patient’s condition?
a.E10.39, E10.51, H40.9, Z79.4 c. E11.51, E11.39, H42, Z79.4
b. E08.39, E08.51, H42, Z79.4 d. E10.39, E08.51, H40.9, Z79.4
27. Karen, a 26-year-old healthy female, suffered a cardiac arrest with administration of
anesthetic during delivery. What are the correct diagnoses codes?
a.O74.2, I46.9 c. O74.4, I46.9
b. I46.9, O74.2 d. O74.9, I46.9
28. A patient is being treated for an infection from a deep laceration of the head that occurred
five weeks ago. The injury occurred during a motor vehicle accident . What codes would you
use to report this problem?
a. V89.2XXS, B94.9, S01.91XS
b. S01.91XS, B94.9, V89.9XXS
c.B94.9, S01.91XS, V89.2XXS
d. B94.9, S01.91XS, V89.9XXS
29. Thomas was seen in his primary care physician’s office for a chronic smoker’s cough.
Thomas currently smokes five packs of cigarettes per day but is trying to quit smoking.
Dr.Smith notes a chest x-ray reveals abnormal changes in his left lower lobe and
designates“rule out lung cancer” as a working diagnosis. How should Dr. Smith report the
diagnoses for this visit?
a. J41.0, F17.218, R91.8 c. C34.32, F17.218
b. C34.30, F17.211 d. J41.0, F17.211
30. Today, Dr. Arnold is treating Harry for a sprained ankle and foot. Harry injured himself
when he fell off a sidewalk curb at a local restaurant. Harry has HIV and is stable on his
current medications. How would Dr. Arnold report the diagnoses for this visit?
a. B20, S93.409A, S93.609A, W10.1XXA, Y92.511
b. S93.409A, S93.609A, B20, W10.1XXA, Y92.511
c. Z21, S93.409A, S93.609A, W10.1XXA, Y92.511
d. Z21, S93.409A, W10.1XXA, Y92.29
31. Dr. Nancy prescribed Ibuprofen for Ben’s back pain. He took this medication as
prescribed for two weeks. He started to have stomach pains and followed up with his doctor.
Dr.Nancy noted “gastritis due to the medication” during the follow-up visit. What
code(s)would be correct for the follow-up visit?
a. K29.70 c. T39.314XA
b. T39.315XA, K29.70 d. K29.70, T39.315XA
32. Sherri presents for her regularly scheduled chemotherapy and radiation treatment. She is
being treated for cancer in situ of the bladder wall. How would you list the diagnoses codes
for this visit?
a. D30.3, Z51.1, Z51.0 c.Z51.0, Z51.11, D09.0
b. C67.9, Z51.0 d. D09.0, Z51.11, Z51.0
33. Today, Daisy, a 72-year-old patient presents with chest pain due to an anterior wall
myocardial infarction that was treated 12 weeks ago. She started to have chest pain while
gardening and complains of a painful rash on her right leg due to contact with poison ivy.
How would the doctor list the diagnoses codes for this encounter?
a. R07.9, I22.0, L25.5 c. I25.2, R07.9, L23.7
b. I21.09, L25.5 d. I22.0, R07.9, L24.7
34. Amy receives her new prosthetic wrist disarticulation, molded socket with expandable
interface, flexible elbow hinges, triceps pad with an upper extremity addition, disconnected
locking wrist unit. How would the facility report the HCPCS Level II codes?
a. L6055, L6615 c. L6050, L6615
b. L6055, L6616 d. L6050, L6616
35. Bryce was burned on his left upper arm and requires a graft of nine sq. cm of tissue. He is
being treated with dermal and epidermal tissue substance of human origin, Apligraft. What
HCPCS Level II code should you report?
a. Q4101x 9 c. Q4106 x 7
b. J7330 d. Q4101 x 4
36. A 75-year-old patient with a history of malignant neoplasm of the lower gastrointestinal
trace presents for his follow-up colorectal cancer screening. Today, he has a colonoscopy.
What HCPCS Level II code describes this procedure?
a. G0104 c. G0120
b. G0105 d. G0121
37. Jose injured his eye while building a fence in his backyard. He sees his physician and is
told to keep his eye covered while it heals. The physician gave him five sterile eye pads.What
is the correct HCPCS Level II code for the eye pads?
a. A6411 c. A6410 x 5
b. A6411 x 5 d. A6410
38. What HCPCS Level II code would you report for an intramuscular administration of
Atropine 0.3 mg?
a. J0460 c. J0460 x 3
b. J0461 x 30 d. J0461
39. Stand-alone CPT codes have a full description; indented codes are listed under related
stand-alone codes. An indented code includes the portion of the stand-alone code description,
which precedes the semicolon. The semicolon is used in the CPT book to save space. Words
following the semicolon can specify which of the following?
a. Extent of the service, modifiers, specific anatomic site
b. Extent of the service, specific anatomic site, unlisted services
c. Extent of the service, specific anatomic site, alternative procedure
d. Unlisted services, alternative procedures, specific anatomic site
40. Physical status modifiers are appended to codes listed in which major section of the CPT
a. Evaluation and Management c. Surgery
b. Anesthesia d. Medicine
41. The term “intraservice time” has been measured in studies and is predictive of the work
associated to E/M services. Intraservice times are defined as face-to-face time for office and
other outpatient visits and as unit/floor time for hospital and other inpatient visits. What is
included in the intraservice time for an office and other outpatient visits?
a. Time in which the physician obtains a history, performs an examination, provides
patient counseling
b. Time in which the physician establishes/reviews the patient’s chart and
communicates with other professionals regarding the patient’s family
c. Postoperative discussions, working with physical therapy departments, and
d. Counseling/coordinating care that dominates more than 50% of the time with a
42. Panel tests in the Pathology and Laboratory section of the CPT book include all the
codeslisted with the panel description. When a panel is performed and additional
Pathology/laboratory tests are completed how should those additional tests be reported?
a. All tests are bundled when performed with a panel
b. Reporting additional tests is up-coding and could flag an audit that always leads to
financial penalties
c. Both a and b
d. The additional test should be reported separately in addition to the panel code
43. True or False: Moderate conscious sedation is included or “bundled” in codes listed in
Appendix G.
a. True b. False
44. A patient presents for an incision and drainage of a pilonidal cyst. What is the correct
code for these services?
a. 10060 c. 10080
b. 10061 d. 10081
45. Heather presents for removal of three benign sebaceous cysts. The first lesion excised
from her leg is three cm (which requires a four cm incision). The second lesion excised from
her abdomen is five cm (which required a 5.5 cm incision). The third lesion excised from her
scalp is 0.5 cm (which required a one cm incision). The physician performed intermediate
layered closure to the wound on her abdomen. The other wounds were repaired by simple
closure. What are the correct code(s) for these services?
a. 12032, 11406-59, 11403-59, 11420-59
b. 12032, 11406-51, 11403-51, 11420-51
c. 12032, 11406 x 2, 11402
d. 12032, 11406-51, 11403-59, 11420-59
46. A splinter is removed from the subcutaneous tissue of a patient’s index finger through an
incision made by the physician. The medical record states that this was a complicated
procedure. How should the physician code this procedure?
a. 10121 c. 11010
b. 10120 d. 11011
47. On January 31st, Barbara had a two cm malignant lesion excised from her left foot.
During a postoperative check-up on February 2nd, a residual tumor was noted at the margin
of the original excision and the margins were re-excised. The re-excision included a three cm
excised diameter. How would the same physician code the re-excision?
a. 11622, 11623-59 c. 11623-59
b. 11626 d. 11623-58
48. Dr. Smith completed an extensive debridement due to infected skin. The patient was an
18-year-old who was fully cooperative. The debridement included 13% of the total body
surface including portions of his abdominal wall. How would you code Dr. Smith’s services?
a. 11005, 11001-59 c. 11000, 11001
b. 11000, 11001-52 d. 11005
49. Dr. Faye, a dermatologist specializing in Moh’s, completed surgery on Howard’s right
thigh for an ill-defined skin cancer. Dr. Faye is acting as both the surgeon and pathologist for
this surgery. The surgery consisted of nine excised specimens prepared and examined during
stage one. Additionally, a total of seven excised specimens were prepared and examined
during stage two. How would you code Dr. Faye’s services?
a. 17311, 17312 x 6 c. 17313, 17314 x 6
b. 17313, 17314, 17315 x 1 d. 17311, 17312, 17315
50. A patient presents to the dermatologist’s office to have six benign foot lesions removed.
The dermatologist destroys these lesions by use of electrosurgery. How should the office
code these services?
a. 17000, 17003-59 c. 17000, 17003 x 5
b. 17004 d. 17000, 17003
51. Gavin, a 39-year-old male patient, underwent a mastectomy for gynecomastia. His
recovery was uneventful. What is the correct code to report the mastectomy?
a. 19300 c. 19307
b. 19302 d. None of the above
52. A diabetic patient presents to Dr. Willard’s office with a severe infection of the left great
toenail. The patient requires a complete simple avulsion of the left great toenail plate. During
the exam the patient is found to have infection of two additional toenails, which require
partial simple avulsion. Digital blocks were used for this procedure. How should you code
Dr. Willard’s services?
a. 11730, 11732 x 2, 01462 c. 11730 x 3, 01462
b. 11730-TA, 11732 x 2 d. 11720
53. True or false: The procedures used for skeletal and skin traction are the same.
a. True b. False
54. A surgeon performed a radical resection of both a malignant tumor from the soft tissue of
the scalp and a malignant tumor of the mandible. A bone graft was completed during the
same surgical session to the mandible. How would the surgeon code this procedure?
a. 21015, 21215-51, 21045-51 c. 61501, 21045, 21215
b. 21015, 21045-59, 21215-51 d. 61501, 21045-59, 21215-51
55. Dr. Rami, an orthopedic surgeon, removed prosthesis from Cindy’s left knee. Dr. Rami
inserted a spacer during the same surgery. How would you code for Dr. Rami’s services?
a. 27445-LT c. 27331
b. 27310 d. 27488-LT
56. During a postpartum check-up, Kayla told Dr. Terry, her OBGYN, about a recurrent lump
on her right wrist. Kayla has a history of ganglion cysts on both wrists. Dr. Terry refers Kayla
to Dr. Eagen, a general surgeon, who excises the cyst. How would you code Dr.Eagen’s
a. 25112-RT
b. 26160
c. 25111
d. All services are included in postpartum care and should not be reported separately
57. A patient has been diagnosed with Treacher-Collins Syndrome. A surgeon performs
LeFortII to reconstruct the midface by anterior intrusion. How would you code for the
surgeon’s services?
a. 21150-22 c. 21150
b. 21141 d. 21151
58. Bart’s jaw needs to be set back. He consults with Dr. Todd, an orthopedic surgeon, and is
scheduled for the recommended procedure. Dr. Todd reconstructs the mandibular rami by
sagittal split with internal rigid fixation. She uses a saw to cut the mandible bone along the
inside, top, and outside surfaces. Then, she uses osteotomes to pry the mandible bone apart
along cuts in the sagittal plane. Once separated, she moves the mandible into the desired
position and stabilized the bone with screws. She repairs a one cm incision site of the skin
and mucosa membranes with sutures. How would you code for Dr. Todd’s services?
a. 21196, 13131-51 c. 21196
b. 21195 d. 21196, 12001
59. What code(s) would be used to report the transfer of tendons to restore intrinsic function
on all four fingers on the left hand with layered closure?
a. 26498, 12041 c. 26498 x 4
b. 26492 d. 26498-LT
60. Judy noticed swelling in both her hips. She is referred to Dr. Roy, an orthopedic surgeon,
who performs a fasciotomy on both hips. Prior to surgery, Dr. Roy obtains the patient’s
permission to have a resident observe the surgery. What is the correct code for Dr. Roy’s
a. 27025 x 2 c. 27025
b. 27025-50 d. 27025-80
61. Zachery injured his back while playing tennis; his injury required surgery. He was taken
to the operating room where an orthopedic surgeon preformed an anterior osteotomy,
including diskectomy to three thoracic vertebral segments. Additionally, Zachery required a
structural bone graft obtained from a cadaver. How would you code this procedure?
a. 22222, 22226 x 2, 20931 c. 22216, 22212, 20938
b. 22226, 22222, 20931-51 d. 22212, 22216 x 2, 20938-51
62. A patient noticed a mass on his neck. He was referred to a general surgeon who
determined that the mass was a five cm soft tissue lipoma. The surgeon took the patient to the
operating room and removed the lipoma. The surgeon dictated in the operative report that the
procedure was deep. How would you code the surgeon’s services?
a. 21556 c. 21556, 15819-51
b. 21555 d. 21555, 15819-59
63. A bronchoscopy is
a. always a surgical procedure
b. always a diagnostic procedure
c. sometimes performed unilaterally or bilaterally
d. always performed bilaterally
64. Which code would be used to report a complete, primary, reshaping of the external nose
with elevation of the nasal tip?
a. 30450 c. 30400
b. 30410 d. None of the above
65. Riley suffers from recurrent sinus infections. He underwent the following procedure to
remove pus from the right sphenoid sinus. His physician entered the sphenoid sinus through
the sphenoethmoidal recess in the superior nasal cavity. A flexible cannula was inserted into
the opening and the right sinus was irrigated with saline solution. What is the correct code for
this procedure?
a. 31002-RT c. 31299
b. 31000-RT d. 31002-50
66. True or false: The following coding combination 31526, 69990 are correct if reported
a. True b. False
68. Mr. Garrett was seen by his cardiologist, Dr. Kelly. During the examination, Dr. Kelly
talked with Mr. Garret and his family about the need for a pacemaker and its benefits for Mr.
Garret’s condition. Mr. Garrett was scheduled for the procedure the following day. Dr. Kelly
inserted a permanent pacemaker, pulse generator, and placed a transvenous electrode in the
ventricle. What code indicates this service?
a. 33207 c. 33210
b. 33298 d. 33220
69. Polly had the battery changed for her single chamber permanent pulse generator, which
was inserted one year ago. This procedure was completed in the same session by the same
provider. How should the provider’s services be coded?
a. 33233, 33212-59 c. 33234, 33213-59
b. 33233, 33212-51 d. 33227
70. A physician performed an open biopsy of four deep cervical lymph nodes. How should
the office code this service?
a. 38510 x 4 c. 38510
b. 57500 d. 38500
73. Dr. Barns excised a four cm esophageal lesion with primary repair. To excise the lesion
Dr.Barns made an upper midline abdominal incision to access the esophagus. The surgical
site was closed with two layers of sutures. What code(s) indicate this service?
a. 43116, 21720 c. 43116, 69990
b. 43101, 11424-59, 12042-51 d. 43101
74. A patient presents with gastroesophageal reflux disease. To treat this disorder, the
surgeon performs a laparoscopic Nissen procedure. A diagnostic laparoscopy was completed
during the same session. What code(s) indicate this service?
a. 43280 c. 43324
b. 43289 d. 43280, 43324-52
75. A physician performs a V-excision of the lip with primary direct linear closure. This
procedure was completed to remove a lesion. What code(s) describe these services?
a. 40510, 40520-51 c. 40510, 40525-51
b. 40520 d. 40530
76. Sam, a healthy 32-year-old male, is scheduled for surgery. He has no systemic diseases,
doesn’t smoke, and regularly exercises. He is prepped and taken into the operating room. The
surgeon performs an endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography with endoscopic
retrograde insertion of nasobiliary drainage tube. Within the same operative session, the
surgeon also performs a sphincterotomy. How would you code this service?
a. 43267-P1 c. 43274, 43262-51
b. 43260, 43267-51, 43262-51 d. 43274
78. True or false: The following is an example of a correct code combination: The placement
of a nasogastric tube is reported with Evaluation and Management (E/M) critical care code.
a. True b. False
79. Garret is diagnosed with ulcerative colitis. He is referred to a surgeon, Dr. Brown. He
performs a continent ileostomy as treatment. What code(s) captures this service?
a. 44316 c. 44316, 44320-59
b. 44310 d. 44799
80. Jim presents to Dr. Martin’s office with severe abdominal pain. Dr. Martin has not made a
definitive diagnosis. He schedules Jim for diagnostic laparoscopy that same afternoon.
Dr.Martin begins the operation with a diagnostic laparoscopy. He notices Jim has a
vermiform appendix. Dr. Martin removes the appendix laparoscopically. The final diagnosis
is appendicitis. What code(s) capture these services?
a. 44950, 49320-51 c. 44970
b. 49320 d. 44970, 49320-51
81. Dr. Mist performed the following procedures on a patient: a flexible diagnostic
colonoscopy with collection of eight specimens by brushing in the morning. Later the same
day, the patient had a diagnostic upper gastrointestinal endoscopy (EGD), including the
esophagus, stomach, and the jejunum with transmural drainage of a pseudocyst. These
procedures were not staged or related and occurred during different sessions. What codes
capture these procedures?
a. 45380 x 8, 43240-58 c. 45378, 43240-59
b. 43239 x 8, 44388-59 d. 45355, 43235-59
82. Dean lost his teeth in an auto accident one year ago. He has had several facial surgeries to
restore his nasal function and rebuild the orbit of his eye and cheek. Currently, he is
scheduled for a posterior complex vestibuloplasty with muscle repositioning. What code(s)
capture the current procedure?
a. 40845 c. 40842, 40845
b. 40843-52 d. 40899
83. A physician inserts a catheter into a renal abscess under radiologic guidance. The
physician then drains the abscess. The procedure was performed at the hospital. How should
the physician’s services be coded?
a. 49405 c. 49405, 75989-26
b. 49405-26 d. 49405, 75989
84. Mary underwent a bilateral vulvecomy with removal of 92% of the vulvar area. She also
had an inguinofemoral lymphadenectomy during the same operative session. What code(s)
capture these services?
a. 56637-50 c. 56632
b. 56637 d. 56625, 38760
85. A physician performs laser vaporization of the prostate with a vasectomy. The patient had
some postoperative bleeding that was controlled at the time of the procedure. What code(s)
capture this service?
a. 52648 c. 52647-22
b. 52601, 52648-51 d. 52601, 52448-51, 54162-59
86. A patient had a percutaneous cryoabliaton of two renal tumors. What code captures this
a. 53889 c. 0135T
b. 50592 x 2 d. 50592-50
87. Cheryl is a 36-year-old established patient with Dr. Winn, an OBGYN. During Cheryl’s
annual physical examination, Dr. Winn noticed lesions on the perineum. After completing the
annual exam, Dr. Winn biopsies five lesions on the perineum. How should his office code the
service for the biopsy?
a. 56605, 56606 x 4 c. 56606, 56606-51
b. 99395, 56605, 56606 x 4 d. 99395, 56606, 56606-59
88. Mr. Bill has urinary incontinence. The urologist performs an anterior vesicourethropexy
to correct the incontinence. The physician documented that this was a complicated repair.
What code captures this service?
a. 51840 c. 53440
b. 51841 d. 53899
89. Dr. Joyce performs a bilateral corpora cavernosa-saphenous vein shunt. Select the correct
code(s) for this procedure.
a. 54420 c. 54420, 54420
b. 54420-50 d. 54430
90. True or false: A total abdominal hysterectomy and an oophorectomy performed within the
same surgical session should be reported separately.
a. True b. False
91. A surgeon performed a complete transurethral resection of the prostate. During this
surgical session, a meatotomy was also performed. What code(s) capture these services?
a. 52601, 53020-51 c. 53020
b. 52612 d. 52601
92. How would Dr. Jay report her services for an injection procedure for retrograde
urethrocystography with radiological supervision and interpretation? She completed this
procedure in a hospital surgical suite.
a. 51610 c. 51605, 74450-26
b. 51610, 74430-26 d. 51610, 74450-26
93. Mrs. Jones is pregnant with twins. She has been with the same obstetrician, Dr. Green, for
her entire pregnancy. Now, Mrs. Jones is ready to deliver. Dr. Green helps Mrs. Jones deliver
her twins vaginally. What are the correct codes for these services?
a. 59400, 59400-51 c. 59610-22
b. 59400-22 d. Both b and c
94. Todd was in a motorcycle accident. He suffered multiple fractures and lacerations. During
one surgical session, a surgeon elevated a depressed skull fracture. This procedure required
repair of the dura. What code(s) capture these services?
a. 62010 c. 62005
b. 62000 d. 62005, 6210
95. A physician obtains corneal tissue from an eye bank and sizes the tissue for transplant.
The physician then performs a lamellar keratoplasty. He removes the anterior layer of the
diseased cornea and replaces it with the prepared donor tissue. What are the correct codes for
these services?
a. 65710 c. 65426, 20926-62
b. 65755 d. 65710, 68371
96. A physician removed lens material for a cataract patient using an intracapsular technique
and injected saline to restore intraocular pressure. What code(s) correctly capture these
a. 66930 c. 66920, 66020
b. 66920 d. 66930, 66020
97. Fred, a 45-year-old patient, suffered a profound hearing loss due to an industrial accident
and had a cochlear device implanted without a mastoidectomy. The surgeon used an
operating microscope during this procedure. What are the correct code(s) for this service?
a. 69930, 0073T c. 69930, 69990
b. 69930-50 d. 69930, 69990-51
98. Mr. Keller had a six cm neoplastic lesion at the base of the anterior cranial fossa excised.
The lesion was not connected to the dura matter. Dr. Roberts, a neurosurgeon, excised the
lesion. Dr.Reed preformed an extradural craniofacial approach to the anterior cranial fossa
without orbital exenteration. What is the correct code for the excision procedure?
a. 61580, 61600-51 c. 61580
b. 61600, 61580-58 d. 61600
99. A physician repairs a retinal detachment by depressing a hot probe over the outer layer of
the eyeball to seal the choroid to the retina. A scleral buckle is placed around the eyeball to
support the healing scar. What code captures this service?
a. 67101 c. 67112
b. 67015 d. 67107
100. Today, Terri had a re-exploration procedure of the thoracic region of her spine. This
procedure is rarely preformed, but has FDA approval. Terri has signed extensive consent
forms and understands the risks involved. She and her surgeon believe this procedure might
offer her pain relief. What is the correct code for this service?
a. 64999 c. 63046
b. 63003-52 d. 63271
101. Two-year-old Bobby was running through the house with a Popsicle when he fell,
suffering a three cm partial thickness laceration to his left upper eyelid. This injury involved
the lid margin and tarsus. Bobby was taken to an emergency room by his parents and the
physician did a direct layered closure. How would you code the physician’s service?
a. 12052-E1 c. 67935-E1
b. 12002-LT d. 67930-E1
102. A physician excised multiple chalazions on bilateral eyelids. The procedure required
general anesthesia. At the same session, the physician excised another non-chalazion lesion
on the right eyelid, which required simple closure. What codes correctly capture the
surgeon’s services?
a. 67808, 67805-51, 67840-51 c. 67805-50, 67808-50, 67840-59
b. 67808-50, 67840-59 d. 67808, 67850-51, 67840-51, 11310-51
103. A patient under general anesthesia had a meatoplasty secondary to congenital atresia
with simultaneous tympanostomy. What code(s) correctly capture this service?
a. 69310, 69433-59 c. 69631
b. 69320, 69436-51 d. 69641, 69433
104. Dr. Todd, a primary care physician, examines Keith for a cough producing phlegm, a
low grade fever, and a headache. Keith has been a patient of Dr. Todd’s for several years.
Keith had knee surgery by an orthopedic surgeon less than a week ago. He was checked by
his orthopedic surgeon one day ago and is healing well from the procedure. His surgeon
suggested that he see his primary care physician regarding his other symptoms. Dr. Todd
documents an expanded problem-focused history and examination, decision-making of low
complexity, with a diagnosis of recurrent bronchitis. What code captures Dr. Todd’s service?
a. 99213-24 c. 99213-59
b. 99214 d. 99213
105. Mr. Fisher was referred by his internist to a surgeon’s office for a consultation regarding
hemorrhoids. The surgeon noted the request for consult in his medical record and sent a letter
back to the referring physician. The surgeon completed a detailed history, detailed
examination, and low decision-making. The surgeon recommended medical treatment and
prescribed two different ointments and an oral medication. He suggested re-evaluation if the
hemorrhoids caused Mr. Fisher problems in the future or if he continued to have active
symptoms. What code correctly captures the surgeon’s services?
a. 99243 c. 99203
b. 99241 d. 99214
106. Dr. Lyon was called to the critical care burn unit to see a 50-year-old patient who
suffered third-degree burns to 30% of her body. Dr. Lyon spent two hours and 40 minutes
with this patient, her family, and coordinating care with other specialists. He made several
phone calls from the unit on her behalf and consulted with the nursing staff. During this time,
Dr. Lyon provided ventilator management and gastric intubation. What codes correctly
capture Dr.Lyon’s services?
a. 43752, 94656, 99291 x 1, 99292 x 3 c. 99291 x 2, 99292 x 2
b. 99291 x 1, 99292 x 3 d. 43753, 94656-51, 99291 x 1, 99292 x 3
107. Edna, an 80-year-old patient, had a stroke with late effect hemiplegia to her dominant
side. She was transferred from the hospital to a nursing facility. Dr. George, an internist, is
called to see Edna and provides a multi-system examination, comprehensive history, and
reviews an extensive amount of data. She documents the high risk of complications due to
extensive medications and management of multiple systemic diseases. Dr. George talks with
the multidisciplinary rehabilitation team regarding Edna’s physical activities; including a plan
for physical therapy. What are the correct codes for Dr. George’s visit?
a. 99306, I69.351 c. 99305, I69.353
b. 99306, I69.359 d. 99306, I69.352
108. Alex moved back to the area after being out-of-state for six years. He returns as a patient
to Dr. Ben, his previous internist. Dr. Ben sees Alex in the office for an evaluation of his
asthma. Dr. Ben documents a detailed history, detailed examination, and decision-making of
low complexity. Several hours after Alex left the office he returns because he is having
difficulty breathing and has hives after using his new inhaler. Dr. Ben admits Alex to the
hospital. He dictates a comprehensive history, comprehensive examination, and high decision
making in the admission report. Additionally, Dr. Ben instructs his staff to fax a copy of his
office note to include in the hospital record for admission. What code(s) correctly capture
Dr.Ben’s service?
a. 99203 c. 99223
b. 99203, 99223 d. 99203-25, 99222
109. A healthy 22-year-old female is seen for her annual examination. She is new to this
clinic and this physician. She is taking no medication, has no family history of systemic
disease, and states that she is smoking but trying to stop. During her annual exam she asks the
physician to look at a mole on her upper right arm that has changed in appearance. The
physician works up the mole, taking an additional problem-focused history, problem focused
examination, and documenting straight-forward decision-making. The physician instructs her
to watch the mole carefully and report any further changes. What code(s) correctly capture
this encounter?
a. 99285 c. 99385, 99201-25
b. 99385-25, 99201 d. 99203
110. Two weeks ago Mrs. Randy, a 62-year-old insulin dependent diabetic, trimmed her
toenails and cut the skin around her right great toe. She tried to keep the wound clean and
applied over-the-counter antibiotic cream for several days before the pain and inflammation
was too severe to wear shoes. Today, Dr. French admitted Mrs. Randy to the hospital.
Dr.French requested a consult from Dr. Wells, a surgeon, regarding possible amputation of
the toe. Dr. Wells saw Mrs. Randy and provided a comprehensive history, comprehensive
examination, and moderate decision-making. Her documentation included the request for
consult and a written statement back to Dr. French. After the toe was amputated Mrs. Randy
healed without further complications and was discharged by Dr. French. It took Dr. French
more than an hour to complete the discharge visit. What code(s) correctly capture the
a. 99254-25, 28820 c. 99239 x 2
b. 99239 d. 99223
111. Donald’s family requested a consultation for a second opinion with Dr. Polson, an
oncologist. The family completed extensive research on the Internet and looked for an
opinion regarding a new type of lung cancer treatment. Donald’s current physician has
recommended a surgical and chemotherapy treatment approach to the metastasis of the lung.
Dr. Polson has not seen Donald in the past and evaluates him for throat and bilateral lung
lesions. Dr. Polson documented a comprehensive examination, comprehensive history, and
reviewed extensive management options, extensive data, and the high risk of complications
and mortality. Dr.Polson spends 90 minutes face-to-face with the patient, then an additional
45 minutes with the patient and his family explaining their options. What codes correctly
capture Dr. Polson’s services?
a. 99205, 99354 c. 99215, 99354-25
b. 99245, 99354 d. 99255-21
112. Lilly, a 36-year-old female, made an appointment to talk with her physician about
prevention of sexually transmitted diseases including HIV. She saw the same physician three
months ago for a complete physical. She is asymptomatic at this time but has engaged in
some high-risk behavior. During this visit, Lilly discussed diagnostic and laboratory test
results, family issues, substance abuse, and sexual practices. The visit lasted 30 minutes.
What code correctly captures this encounter?
a. This service is bundled with the next office visit
b. 99395
c. 99078
d. 99402
113. Dr. Parrish, a pediatrician, continues to follow Rachel, who is not critically ill but
requires intensive cardiac and respiratory monitoring, frequent checks of her vital signs,
nutritional adjustments, and oxygen monitoring. Rachel is 32-days-old with a current weight
of 3,200 grams. Dr. Parrish saw Rachel three separate times on Tuesday. What code correctly
captures Tuesday’s services?
a. 99294 c. 99471 x 3
b. 99480 d. 99300
114. True or false: Pediatric critical care patient transport includes chest x-rays, cardiac
output measurement, and insertion of a biventricular pacing device.
a. True b. False
119. A five-year-old patient lacerated his forehead. He presents to the emergency room with
his parents. It is determined that the patient will need multiple sutures to repair the wound.
The patient has Down’s syndrome and is unable to cooperate with the medial staff. His
parents consent to general anesthesia for the wound repair. After general anesthesia
intermediate sutures are completed to repair the six cm wound. What code(s) correctly
capture this service?
a. 00190-23 c. 12053, 00190
b. 12053-23 d. 00200-P1, 99100
120. Dr. Nicholas performed a diagnostic rigid esophagoscopy to a 72-year-old patient with
mild hypertension. This service was completed in Dr. Nicholas’s office. He administered
moderate conscious sedation. The intra-service time was 60 minutes. What code(s) capture
the physician’s services?
a. 43200, 99152, 99153 x 3 c. 43200-23
b. 43200-P2, 99100 d. 43200
121. A patient presents to the hospital with an embedded piece of wood in his left shoulder.
The patient stated that he was cutting down a tree when a limb fell and punctured his
shoulder. Dr. Weber, a surgeon, administered general anesthesia for removal of a foreign
body to a patient shoulder. What code captures the surgeon’s services?
a. 23330-22 c. 23330-47
b. 00450-P1 d. 00450-47
Radiology—Nine Questions
122. Dr. Jones owns the x-ray equipment in his office and serves as the employer to the
technologist. He ordered a three-view film of Paula’s zygomatic bone. He reviewed the films
and dictated a report while she was in the office. What code captures Dr. Jones’ services?
a. 70150-26 c. 70150-TC
b. 70150 d. 70150-52
123. Dr. White ordered an MRI of Jerry’s pelvis without contract. Jerry went to the local
outpatient imaging center for this study. The MRI was completed and read by a radiologist at
the imagining center. A complete report was sent back to Dr. White. What code captures the
radiology service?
a. 72196 c. 72195-26
b. 72195 d. 72198
124. Becky reported to her physician’s office after feeling a lump in her right breast. Dr.
Sarah had the results of Becky’s last screening mammography, which did not show any
changes. Dr.Sarah completed an exam and detected a lump in the right breast and abnormal
changes in the left breast. After a complete work-up Dr. Sarah ordered a bilateral diagnostic
mammography with computer aided detection. What code(s) correctly capture the
a. 77057, 77062 c. 77057, 77052
b. 77066 d. 77057
125. A 45-year-old female patient had abdominal pain for several days. She had a
hysterectomy one year ago with no complications. During her office visit she had a complete
pelvic ultrasound. What code correctly captures this ultrasound?
a. 76801 c. 76857
b. 76816 d. 75856
126. Mr. Fredrick is in his second phase of radiation treatment for stomach cancer. Today, he
reports to the cancer treatment facility for his regularly scheduled treatment. He is given
seven MeV to a single area that requires a single port and a simple block. How should the
facility report this service?
a. 77412 c. 77417
b. 77402 d. 77402-TC
127. Tiffany is pregnant with twins after a successful IVF treatment. She is in her first
trimester of pregnancy. Her physician completed a transabdominal follow-up ultrasound to
evaluate the fetal size of both babies and review a suspected abnormality from a previous
ultrasound. What code(s) correctly capture this service?
a. 76816, 76816-59 c. 76801, 76802 x 2
b. 76816 x 2 d. 76811, 76812
128. What code best describes a CT scan of the abdomen with oral contrast?
a. 74175 c. 74150
b. 74170 d. 74160
130. Which of the following statements are true regarding radiology services?
a. There is not a subsection for clinical treatment planning in the radiology section
b. Modifier -59 is never appended to codes in the 70000 series of codes
c. For spine examinations using computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging,
magnetic resonance angiography, “with contrast” includes intrathecal or intravascular
d. Special reports for radiology services never include complexity of symptoms, final
diagnosis, follow-up care, concurrent problems, pertinent physical findings, or
diagnostic and therapeutic procedures
Pathology/Lab—10 Questions
131. Dr. Bob verbally requested Dr. Heinz, a clinical pathologist, to provide a consultation
for one of his patients. Dr. Heinz provided a comprehensive consultation with review of the
patient’s history, medical records, and sent a written report back to Dr. Bob. Which code
correctly captures Dr. Heinz’s services?
a. 80502 c. 88323
b. 88321 d. 99255
132. Dr. Shaw performed an electrolyte panel on automated equipment in her office. The
tests she includes in this battery are sodium, potassium, chloride, carbon dioxide, and
glucagon tolerance test. How should she report these services?
a. 82374, 82435, 84132, 84295, 82946
b. 80051, 82946
c. 80051
d. 80053-52
133. A patient has been taking Digoxin, per his prescription, for several weeks. Two days ago
he ran out of his medicine and stopped. He knew he had an appointment with his physician
and decided to wait until his next checkup to get a new prescription. His physician ordered a
quantitative drug essay to check the therapeutic level of Digoxin still present in the patient’s
blood. What code correctly captures this service?
a. 80100 c. 80101
b. 80102 d. 80162
134. A patient presents to the hospital for a scheduled procedure to remove suspicious lesions
from the right side of her neck. The surgeon excised one lesion near the anterior portion of
the mandible, the second near the clavicle bone. A pathologist received two separately
labeled containers, container A-mandible, and container B-clavicle. The surgeon requests a
consult during surgery for immediate diagnosis. The pathologist examines each specimen,
taking two blocks from specimen A and three blocks from specimen B. Specimen A is further
processed into two frozen sections and B into five frozen sections. The blocks are examined
microscopically. What codes correctly capture the pathologist’s services?
a. 88331, 88332-26 x 2
b. 88331-26 x 2, 88332-26 x 3
c. 88331, 88332 x 7
d. 88329, 88331-47, 88332-26 x 2
135. Which CPT code describes a lab test for Prostate specific antigen (PSA); total?
a. 86316 c. 84153
b. 84154 d. 84152
136. A 22-year-old female presents in the emergency department in a coma. Her friends tell
the attending physician they were drinking and saw her take a couple of pills before she
passed out. She has a history of depression and anxiety and is being treated with prescription
medication. The physician orders a drug screen for alcohol, tricyclic antidepressants, opiates,
and barbiturates. The lab completes a single drug class screening for each analyte by means
of immunoassay methods. What code(s) correctly capture the lab services?
a. 80303 x 4 c. 80300 x 4
b. 80305 d. 80303 x 2
137. Which code range describes Bethesda System cytopathology?
a. 88160–88162 c. 88241–88143
b. 88199–88299 d. 88164–88167
138. Dr. Kim performed a fine needle aspiration of deep tissue under radiological guidance.
Two specimens were sent to the hospital laboratory for cytopathology evaluation to
determine adequacy of the specimens gathered. What code(s) correctly capture the lab
a. 88173 c. 88173, 88333-91
b. 88172 d. 88712 x 2, 88334-59
139. A breast biopsy was submitted for surgical pathology gross and microscopic evaluation
of the surgical margins. A comprehensive examination and report was completed on the
specimen. What code(s) correctly capture the laboratory services?
a. 88307 c. 88305
b. 88307, 88331, 88323-26 d. 88305, 88331, 88323-26
Medicine—10 Questions
141. The Medicine section of CPT has which of the following unlisted services or
a. 99499, 90779, 96999, 68899 c. 99199, 99499, 96999, 99600
b. 90779, 93799, 96999, 99600 d. 90749, 93799, 96999, 99600
142. Mr. North presented for his weekly therapeutic visit with his physician. During this visit
Mr. North had a comprehensive computer-based motion analysis study with videotaping and
3-D kinematicis, with dynamic plantar pressure measurements during walking. This study
was completed to assist with major therapeutic decision-making for continued gait training
and rehabilitation after a stroke. What code(s) should correctly capture this procedure?
a. 96001 c. 97116
b. 99214, 96000 d. 97116, 96001-59
143. Dr. Edit preformed a percutaneous left heart catheterization with injection procedures
for coronary angiography and left ventriculography. Dr. Edit also completed the imaging
supervision interpretation and report. This procedure was completed in a hospital setting.
How should Dr. Edit code his services?
a. 93458 c. 93458-26
b. 93452, 93454-26 d. 93452
144. Jeffery, a six-year-old established patient, was given a measles, mumps, rubella, and
varicella (MMRV) vaccination. This vaccination was completed the same day as his regularly
scheduled annual pediatric checkup. The physician completed all necessary paperwork and
examination for Jeffery. The physician provided face-to-face counseling with Jeffery’s
mother, while she was in the exam room with Jeffrey. The physician stayed in the exam room
during the vaccine administration to continue to answer questions. What codes correctly
capture the physician’s services?
a. 99393, 90710, 90460, 90461 c. 99393, 90710, 90460
b. 90707, 90460 d. 90710, 90461
145. Which services are included with hydration, therapeutic, prophylactic, and diagnostic
injections and infusions (excluding chemotherapy)?
a. Use of local anesthesia, IV start, access to indwelling IV, subcutaneous catheter
or port
b. Flush at conclusion of infusion
c. Standard tubing, syringes, and supplies
d. All of the above
146. A physician performed a spirometry graphic record, timed vital capacity, and expiratory
flow rate measurements with maximal voluntary ventilation. What code captures this service?
a. 94010 c. 94016
b. 94014 d. 94015
147. Joe, a 42-year-old construction worker, had hot packs applied to his knee and elbow and
ultrasound for 30 minutes. He is scheduled to have eight physical rehabilitation sessions to
help eliminate pain in his knee and elbow suffered when he fell from a ladder. This is his
second visit and reports some relief. What codes correctly capture these services?
a. 97010 x 2, 97035 c. 97014, 97035
b. 97010, 97035 x 2 d. 97010 x 2, 97035 x 2
148. Madison was attending a soccer camp when she complained of fatigue, dizziness, and a
headache. Her mother took her to Dr. Boyle’s office for a checkup that afternoon. Dr. Boyle
completed an expanded problem-focused history and examination, and then determined that
Madison was dehydrated. Madison received five hours of IV infusion. What codes capture
these services?
a. 96360, 96361 x 5 c. 96360, 96361 x 4
b. 96360, 96361 d. 99203, 96360 x 2, 96361 x 4
149. According to the CPT manual ophthalmology services are defined by which of the
following terms?
a. Intermediate, comprehensive, and special
b. Brief, intermediate, and extensive
c. Limited, intermediate, and advanced
d. Extensive, advanced, and enormous
150. A patient with known hearing loss in the left ear presents for an audiometry threshold
function test with speech recognition. Calibrated electronic equipment is used for this testing
procedure. What code(s) capture this procedure?
a. 92557-22, 69990 c. 92555-47
b. 92552-50, 69990 d. 92556-52