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TOPIC: How young people use social media to cope during the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Research Question: What coping strategies did young people employ when using social media?

Author/Year Coping Strategies Social Support Information Use The use of Social
during COVID-19 Media during Social Media
COVID 19 Identity
For many families, the COVID-
(Gao et al., 2020). 19 restrictions disrupted
Befort et al. (2013) household routines as educational
institutions switched to remote
learning, caregiver arrangements
changed, and people began
working differently (such as
working from home), with many
experiencing reduced working
hours or job loss.
Since COVID-19, many parents
and caregivers have reported an
increase in family connectedness.
The results of The Royal
Children's Hospital's National
Child Health Poll, a randomly
selected survey of adults (all of
whom were parents or caregivers
to children aged 0-17) conducted
between the 15th and 23rd of
June 2020, revealed that: The
majority (87%) had spent more
time together, three-quarters
(75%) had grown closer, and two-
fifths (42%) felt more connected
to their child since the pandemic
AUTHOR/YEAR Coping Strategies Social Support Information Use The use of Social
during COVID-19 Media during
(Lee et al., 2012). COVID-19 outbreak a People communicated
pandemic on March 1,
2020. Various spread
quickly during the
worldwide causing pandemic
lockdowns, social
distancing, and voluntary
Progression of the COVID
Kononenko et. -19 pandemic has caused The progression of the
a shift in the daily rhythm COVID-19 pandemic
Al., 2020 of life has caused a shift in
the daily rhythm of
life, encouraging
young people to
spend more time on
social media. 
Increasing time spent
on social media may
be detrimental to the
well-being of young

(Hamilton et al., In Amid physical

Press distancing practices
and uncertainty about
COVID-19, social
media may provide
young people with
critical access to
COVID-19 information
and resources, as well
as social connection,
identity exploration,
and creative
expression. Social
media can provide a
critical lifeline to a
supportive community
and resources for
understanding and
coping with COVID for
teens who are in an
unhealthy or unsafe

Jones, Rosalind1 The COVID-19 pandemic and

Mougouei, resulting social restrictions have
Davoud2 had a significant impact on the
Evans, Simon L. health, livelihoods, and well-
Dec2021, Vol. 3 Issue being of people all over the
5, p832-842. 11p world. The pandemic has been
linked to an increase in stress,
loneliness, and depression
symptoms, according to studies
Ngien and Jiang A recent survey of
(2021) young adults
conducted during the
pandemic discovered
that social media use
can reduce individual
stress by reducing
uncertainty and
fatalism through
information sharing
and mutual support.
Coping Strategies for
Reynolds, Ph.D., April young people during
2022 COVID-19 included: Social Media became
 Connecting to
the primary source of
others with
social connection for
similar interests.
young people who
 Learning about
were otherwise
new topics and
unable to socialize
with their friends. “In
 Building identity
this sense, social
 Encouraging
media benefitted
social and
young people by
political connecting them to
engagement their real-life social
 Learning about groups in a time of
others isolation. During the
pandemic, social
media became the
only way to stay in
touch with friends and
maintain a social circle
for many young

Verolien Cauberghe
April 2021

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