10.01 GENERAL:
This specification covers the general requirements for soil exploration, site grading, design,
fabrication, supply and construction of civil, structural steel and architectural works for
substation and staff quarters including setting out and survey work.
The Contractor shall perform the works to meet the requirements of this specification, the
attached bid drawings and the relevant articles in this contract Document.
All equipment, materials, fabrication, galvanizing, erection and tests under these
Specifications shall conform to the Indian Standard Specifications as amended till date of
issue of invitation of Bid. In absence thereof, the work shall be executed according to the best
prevailing State or Central Public Works Department Practice or as per relevant
International Standards, codes, manuals and specifications or to equivalent applicable
international standards, manuals and Specifications established and approved in the country of
manufacturer and approved as equal by the Employer/Engineer.
If the Contractor for any reasons/purposes equivalents to or deviates from the above
standards, the Contractor shall state the exact nature of the change, the reason for making the
change and shall submit complete specifications of the materials.
The following codes and standards as amended till the date of issue of invitation of bid are to
be followed in the design of the architectural, Civil and structural works for sub-stations.
The scope of all civil and structural works shall include preparation of design, detailing,
fabrication, galvanizing, supply of all materials, labour, plant and equipment, fixtures,
fitting, erection and all temporary and permanent works necessary for the satisfactory
completion of the job in respect of the major item of work listed below for each Sub-
station as per requirement:
Site survey and setting out, assessment of condition and requirements and collection of
necessary site data.
Land development
Fire Fighting Reservoir & pump house as per electrical Technical Specification &
N.B. However, item of work to be executed in respect of the substation would be as per
the indicative schedule of works.
The Contractor shall submit to Engineer a graphical work schedule with an explanatory report
before starting of the construction job. The work schedule and any amendments to it during
the construction period will require Engineer's approval. LOT items are firm, unless there is
additional scope of work required to be taken up by written confirmation from WBSETCL.
The Contractor shall submit detailed design calculations of all civil works (excluding steel
structural (lattice) work within 400kV, 220kV, 132kV, 33kV switchyard) as required.
All drawing shall be submitted in proper sequence as would be approved by WBSETCL.
The Contractor shall perform detailed design for each structure described in article 10.02 on
the basis of the design criteria and codes and regulations of Indian Standards. Prior to
proceeding with the design work, design condition or design values which shall include
allowable stresses, safety factors, load conditions and applicable standards shall be
approved by the Employer/Contractor.
The Contractor shall submit to Engineer corresponding detailed design calculation sheets, bill
of materials, construction methods and construction schedules etc for approval of
construction drawing of each structure. In case of any subsequent modification of detailed
design of civil structural/architectural work, the Contractor shall promptly inform
Employer/Engineer of such modification and shall submit modified drawings to Engineer for
approval. All design calculation along with drawings will be sent back to contractor on its
approval keeping each of the copies duly with WBSETCL.
Separate drawings shall be prepared and submitted for architectural, Civil, Structural &
foundation works for building, structures and equipment pertaining to each Sub-station.
All drawings to be furnished by the Contractor shall be in standard size of sheets with
maximum size being A0. Drawings shall contain the following particulars in the title block at
lower right hand corner in and addition to the name of Sub-station contractors’ name, title,
drawing number and date, consultant's name and signature, revision no. etc.
a. Client : West Bengal State Electricity Transmission co. Ltd.
b. Project Title : Transmission System Packages
A blank space of size 100 mm x 100 mm. shall be provided for the Engineer's approval stamp
and provision shall also be made by way of a block for details of revisions to be recorded. The
drawing shall be marked with subsequent revision no. & date of revision every time the
drawing is revised.
Approval of such detailed drawings by the Engineer shall not relieve the contractor of his
responsibility for correctness nor of any of his obligations to meet the other requirements of
the contract. The contractor shall be fully responsible for the safety of the building and the
structures from design, construction and erection points of view even after the approval of the
drawings are communicated by the Engineer. The contractor shall take all necessary
precaution for the safeguard of all existing structures during execution of the contract. The
contractor shall also make good all damages, if cropped up, within contract period
including the risk liability period at his risk and expense. In all cases, the new structures, must
match with the existing structures, for an extension Substation.
The drawing bearing the Engineer's approval or drawings corrected in accordance with the
comments of the Engineer shall be deemed to be contract drawings and variation therefore
may not be made without the Engineer's consent.
The design and drawings approved and used for the work under the scope of this contract shall
be deemed to be the sole property of the “WBSETCL” and the “WBSETCL” reserves the
right to use the same in its’ any other project(s) without any further reference to the contractor
and without any additional charges for such reuse.
Six sets of "As built drawings" duly certified by site engineer(s) of WBSETCL and Project
Manager of contractor conveniently bounded along with one set of reproducible copy shall be
supplied by the contractor within a period of 30 days of completion of the work at site and CD
containing all such drawings (.DWG format) shall be supplied by the contractor within a
period of 30 days of completion of the work to Engineering Department.
The contractor shall conduct topographical Survey and furnish Survey drawings of entire
Sub-station land showing exact boundaries and spot levels dividing entire land area in
10Mx10M grids.
Master Grid pillars are to be constructed at four corners of substation land, for fixing the two
right angled base lines. On the basis of them, other grid lines are to be marked out.
A considerable portion of different sub-stations areas are either low lying or filled up land.
The Contractor shall carry out land development work up to the required formation ground
level (F.G.L.) for entire sub-station area within the property line including colony and
approach road as per approved drawings and as directed by the engineer.
F.G.L. of each sub-station shall be finalized considering the level of the nearest State High
Way and/or with respect to the existing plinth level of nearby Govt. utilities e.g. School,
College or other similar permanent structure and H.F.L at that area whichever is higher or as
mentioned in the schedule of works. However the same will be finalized at site as per
direction of EIC.
For extension Sub–Station, F.G.L. shall be at par with the existing Sub-Station unless
otherwise mentioned.
The plot area shall be cleared of trees, plants, logs stumps, bush, vegetation, grass weeds,
roots, rubbish, slush etc. and all other objectionable matter prior to commencements of land
development work.
The contractors shall carry out land development work up to the required formation ground
level (FGL) for sub-station as per approved drawing and as directed by the engineer in charge.
Filling, whenever required, shall be carried out with earth / fly ash in layers not exceeding 250
mm in thickness by approved compaction equipments such as Dozers and Graders followed
by 08-10 ton Power roller etc. before the next layer is deposited. Where mechanical
compaction is not possible such as in pond/ditches, manual compaction is to be done in layers
not exceeding 150 mm thick with the same rate as of the schedule of the work. In case of
filling with fly ash, after ensuring the compaction of the same 600mm thick earth cushioning
is to be provided as top layer and 1000mm cushioning is to be provided at sides.
The existing ground bed is to be properly levelled with 08-10 ton power roller prior to taking
of pre-work level of ground profile.
In case of filling by earth, at every layer of 250 mm thickness, the compaction is to be ensured
such that 100 Cum of loose filling becomes ≤ 80 Cum of compacted fill with 6 nos of 08-10
ton power roller pass or as directed by the engineer-in-charge to achieve compaction as
mentioned. There will no consideration for any settlement / depression in ground / pre- work
level owing any reason what so ever in the volume computation.
The heaped earth/fly ash/debris if any, lying inside the sub-station area (bounded by the
property line), shall have to be re-used / removed as per instruction of site-in-charge.
The final surface shall be trimmed and levelled to correct profile as required. Dismantled
materials, if any obtained from dismantling of existing structures, shall have to removed from
the site by the agency in phases during course of work, so that site remains free from all sorts
of debris before commissioning.
The Contractor shall prior to execution of geotechnical investigation work submit a list of
names of at least five investigating agencies of repute to whom the geotechnical
investigation work would be sublet and plan the investigating work including test items,
quantities, applicable standards, test procedure and schedule of work for the approval of the
Engineer. The Contractor shall perform the investigating work according to approved plan
and details of test. Report on test results including various data collected during
investigating work and placed to the Engineer for approval.
The geotechnical investigation for assessing bearing capacity and settlement characteristic of
soil determining shrinkage and swelling properties, suitable type, size of foundation and
foundation levels for structures, equipments, tower, control building and staff quarters shall
include sinking of minimum 5 (three) nos. for GIS/AIS of 150 mm diameter of bore holes of
minimum 20 M. depth or up to refusal strata whichever is earlier for the sub station. However
Soil sample is to be collected & reports for soil properties to be submitted at least up to 5 m
beyond the level of the termination of pile. The bore hole shall be located in the following
specific areas:
1. Two at Transformer locations.
2. Two at Colony/different take-off structure foundation locations.
3. One in the Control Room Building/Integrated Building area.
However, the number of bore holes in other locations and minimum depth of boring for Sub-
station is to be finalized in consultation with WBSETCL. The boreholes shall be backfilled by
the Contractor after completion of investigation work.
Soil report should contain shallow foundation as well as pile foundation data & must be
certified by geotechnical consultant. Soil sample to be collected in presence of the WBSETCL
The entire work shall be carried out as per relevant Indian Standard Specification.
Every undisturbed Sample (UDS) and disturbed sample (DS) collected from the boreholes
shall include but not limited to the following series of tests only.
Tests : Applicable to
Natural moisture content : UDS
Atterberg limit : UDS & DS
weight : UDS
Specific gravity determination : UDS &
DS Unconfined compression test : UDS
The contractor shall perform Electro logging and detailed exploratory boring work for
drinking water supply required for entire sub-station and colony areas to ascertain the depth of
permanent and potable water bearing strata. The requirement of drinking water for various
types of new sub-stations is as follows:
e. The bituminous road to the colony area and serving the colony area shall be of 4.0 m
f. The road type and thickness etc. of all the above roads shall be as per Road Layout
drawing and the design shall be as per load requirement.
g. Connecting pavements :
Pavements connecting bituminous road with staff quarters, pump houses and other
structures, if and where required shall be 2 M (minimum) wide, 100 mm thick PCC (1:3:6)
over single layer B.F.S. placed on 300 mm thick sand filling with removal of earth along
the pavement with necessary chillchaling, levelling & dressing to match with Road and
Bldg front levels. The same shall be executed as per requirement at site.
Necessary protection for retention of sand by suitable wall shall have to be made.
Construction joints are to be provided at 4.5m interval.
h. Decorative Paver Blocks need be used wherever necessary to cover the exposed
surfaces as per instruction of Engineer in Charge.
However, the entire road shall be executed as per detailed Road Layout drawing of the sub-
station to be decided during detail engineering and as per actual requirement at site.
10.07.01 BOX-CUTTING:
After the earth work in cutting and the earth work in embankments have been done
properly upto the final road level with gradient and camber as per drawings and proper
consolidation of the filling is completed, earth work in box cutting shall be taken in hand.
The box cutting shall be done in such a way that width of cutting is exactly the clear distance
between the edging blocks. The depth of cutting shall be the total thickness of soling,
metalling etc. The formation shall have the same profile and the camber as per drawings and
If by mistake the box-cutting is made more than required, the Contractor shall made up the
extra depth by metal consolidation, at his own cost.
After the box-cutting is completed, the formation shall be rolled with power roller,
maintaining proper gradient and camber, care shall be taken to avoid excessive rolling of the
If after rolling the formation is higher than required, the excess earth shall be removed by
carefully cutting & dressing and the formation shall be rolled as specified above. In case after
rolling the formation is depressed below the required level, the Contractor shall continue the
process of filling and rolling as above till the correct levels is attained.
Precast Concrete (1:2:4) edging blocks shall be of size 500(L) x 500(W) x 100(Th.).
After rolling of the box-cutting trenches, the finished depth of cutting shall be minimum and
just sufficient to insert the precast edging blocks. The clear width between the inside faces, of
the edging blocks shall be exactly the same as shown on drawing. The inside faces shall be in
plumb and the gap between the blocks shall not be more than 10 mm. The edging blocks shall
be thoroughly packed with a mixture of local earth and moorum at the outside face.
If, after consolidation of stone metal, any portion of the edging is found to be out of the
lines & level, the Contractor shall take out the blocks and relay the same as required.
However, for R.C.C road, edging blocks are not required. Necessary shoulders are to be
provided on both side of road.
10.07.03 SOLING:
The soling shall be done with rough laterite-boulders/stone boulders or Jhama Brick bats as
approved by the Engineer. The soling materials shall be tough and it shall not flake or crumble
when being rolled with power roller. Soling thickness shall not be less than 75 mm or shall not
be more than the depth of soling as specified in drawings.
The soling shall be laid on its narrowest side closely on the formation, so that minimum voids
are left between the adjacent blocks. The filling of bigger voids shall be done by wedging in
smaller pieces of stone with hand hammer. The smaller void shall be filled up with blinding
materials. The blinding materials shall be sufficient to fill up all voids and produce an even
surface after rolling. Excess use of blinding materials shall be avoided.
The rolling should be done with power roller in such a way that the whole soling gives a
compact base without any voids. If voids are not filled up further blinding materials shall be
added. The rolling shall be continued till there is no settlement or voids and surface is truce
and even. The finished soling shall have the correct thickness, gradient and camber as
specified in drawing/direction.
If the Engineer finds that the soling done is not up to the specification, the whole soling over
the defective portion shall be taken out, re-laid and compacted with a power roller as specified
above by the contractor.
N.P.3 class precast concrete pipes of required diameter as per I.S.458 shall be supplied and
laid in positions in lines and levels under the approach road. Such pipes shall have to be laid
over 150mm wide and 75mm thick P.C.C (1:3:6) across the length of the pipe. Jointing of
pipes and collars in cement concrete (1:2:4) etc. complete shall be done as per I.S.783 and as
approved by the Engineer. The pipes shall have adequate strength to resist the anticipated
traffic load. Minimum depth of well compacted earth cushioning over pipe culvert shall be
1.00 M.
The Coarse aggregate grades shall be either crushed or broken stone and over burnt (jhama)
brick aggregates as approved by Engineer in charge of approved size, grading and quality. The
material shall be of close, tough, durable and shall not flake or crush under pressure. The
material shall be of high density, and shall not preferably absorb when immersed in water for
24 hours, more than 1% of own weight. In general, unless otherwise specified the material
shall conform to the standard laid down by the "Indian Road Congress" regarding toughness,
abrasion co-efficient of hardness, alternation loss and cementation values. The Grading
requirement of Coarse aggregates is given below.
Grading Size range Sieve Percent by Compacted
designation weight passing thickness.
the sieve.
1. 90mm to 45mm 125mm 100 The compacted
90mm 90-100 thickness of each
63mm 25-60 layer 100 mm.
45mm 0-15
22.4mm 0-5
2. 63mm to 45mm 90mm 100 The compacted
63mm 90-100 thickness of each
53mm 25-75 layer 75 mm.
45mm 0-15
22.4mm 0-5
3. 53mm to 63mm 100 The compacted
22.4mm 53mm 95-100 thickness of each
45mm 65-90 layer 75 mm.
22.4mm 0-10
11.2mm 0-5
Screenings to fill voids in the coarse aggregate shall generally consist of the same material as
the coarse aggregate.
Approved quality Binding materials shall be used for water bound macadam as a filler
The coarse aggregate shall be laid to camber & profile in such a way that the total thickness of
loose metal over soling is not less than 150 mm if required to make the consolidated thickness
to 100 mm after rolling. While spreading the metal proper profile and camber shall be
maintained and checked with templates at every 10 M.
After metal have been laid and dressed as above, metals shall be rolled dry with a 10 Ton road
Roller until well compacted and there is no appreciable movement of the stone or no
appreciable wave in front of the advancing roller and no lines of roller are left on the surface.
Excessive dry rolling should also be avoided.
When the desired degree of compaction has been obtained by dry rolling, screening of
approved chipping 12 mm down in size should be spread uniformly over the surface by
brooming and this should be pushed into the interstices by rolling successive layers of
evenness observed shall be rectified by removing stone up to a depth 50 to 75mm refilling the
same hand packing and rerolling. No watering should be done till this process is complete.
The amount of screening used should not be less than 10 litres per one sq.m.of road surface.
Premix carpet:
Minimum thickness of bituminous premix carpet shall be 40mm in 2(two) layers are to be
provided with following specification:
The existing surface is to be examined with a template and straight edge and all deviations
from the correct profile and grades are corrected by the reconditioning. The existing surface is
also examined for the minimum depth of base and metalling necessary to carry the traffic load.
The surface then to be cleared entirely by means of wire brushes, bristle brooms and safe
brooms so as to expose a clean metal surface with the sundry materials in the joints remove to
a depth of 12 to 6 mm without loosening the stones.
A seal coat with hot matrix and pre-coated stone chips on newly laid black-top surface shall be
applied after thorough cleaning. 6 mm down stone chips, fully precoating the same with
matrix (tar or asphalt) @ 70 Kg per cum. of stone chips, shall be applied
@ 0.90 cum. per 100 sq.m. of area over the cleaned surface. The surface shall be
thoroughly consolidated with power roller.
Tack Coat:
This work shall consist of application of a single coat of low viscosity liquid bituminous
material to an existing road surface preparatory to another bituminous construction over it.
The normal range of spraying temperature for a bituminous emulsion shall be 20°C-70°C.
for cutback bitumen of grade RC 70/MC 70, the temperature range shall be 50°C-80°C.
Traffic shall be allowed after four days from the day of application of seal coat or as approved
by the site Engineer of WBSETCL.
A layer of Reinforced Concrete is to be provided over P.C.C laid on WBM in line with
clause no. 10.07.05 to 10.07.07 as per approved drawing and in line with relevant Indian
standard. Expansion joints of 15mm at every 30m length or as per approved drawing are to
be provided. The expansion gaps are to be filled with filler material (approved grade of
bitumen or equivalent).
The contractor shall design and construct RCC box culvert with wing walls or RCC bridge at
approach to Sub-station and other locations within Sub-station e.g. Road at crossing drain and
cable Trench etc. as required for conveying the heaviest equipment to and from the
Sub-station. The culvert shall provide adequate waterway to cater entire monsoon flow of the
existing natural drain/road side borrow pit. The culvert shall be designed suitably for Class A
or 70R loading whichever causes worst effect. At the entry point of the Sub-Station the width
of the culvert shall be designed in such a manner to accommodate transition curve of radius
9R/12R as per requirement, approved by the Engineer. C.C (1:2:4) apron of average thickness
150 mm and 1200 mm wide shall be provided over single brick flat soling , at both side of R.C
culvert at invert level (between two wing walls).The minimum width of culvert shall be
7M/8M/8.5M for 132KV/220KV/400KV voltage class. 250thk. 600high wheel guard (RCC)
on both end to be provided. Generally foundation bottom to be kept at least 750mm below Bed
level of drain/nala.
62.5mm thick wearing course (1:1.5:3) to be provided at the top of culvert. Necessary weep
holes including bats packing (200x200x300mm length) should be provided.
If the excavation is done to a depth greater than that shown on the drawing, due to
contractor's fault, the excess depth shall be filled upto the required level with C.C. not leaner
than 1:4:8.
Excavation shall not be carried out below the foundation level of the adjacent buildings until
necessary protection works e.g. under pinning, shoring etc. are done as per instructions
of Engineer. Cost of such protection work shall be borne by the contractor.
The contractor shall maintain dry working condition inside excavation pit for placement of
shuttering, reinforcement and concreting etc. below subsoil water level. All excavations shall
be kept free of water and slush. The contractor shall remove by pumping or by other means,
approved by the Engineer, any water inclusive of rain water and subsoil water accumulated in
excavation pit / trench until the construction of foundation structure and back filling are
complete in all respect. Sumps made for dewatering must be kept clear of the foundations.
Foundations at higher depths shall be completed before execution of the shallow depth
If the foundation of shallow depth falls on the back filling area of higher depth foundation, the
said back filling upto the bottom of the shallow depth foundation shall be done with medium
coarse sand.
10.09.01 MATERIALS:
All materials shall conform to the relevant Indian Standards Specification (latest revision).
10.09.02 DESIGN:
Sub-station fencing shall be of galvanized steel chain links 1.9 M height conforming to
IS:2721 over 600 mm height brick masonry wall thus making an overall height of 2.50 M
from F.G.L. Two coats weather coat paint over a coat of primer are to be applied over the
plastered surface.
All galvanized steel chain link fabric shall be of 8G with nominal mesh size of 75x75 mm and
shall be fixed on M.S. angle frame with M.S. angle or flats of suitable size with bolts and nuts.
The said fencing shall be placed on brick masonry wall 600 mm high above ground level. The
fencing shall be strutted by suitable M.S. angle struts on R.C.C. pillars at required intervals to
correct line and level. Grouting of posts and struts shall be done with R.C.C. (M-20) of
approved block size.
Strained wire fencing with ‘C’- clip shall be constructed when necessary in accordance with
specifications to be approved by the Engineer. Horizontal GI Tension Wire of 4mm Dia with
Turn Buckle @800 mm c/c shall be provided. Horizontal MS Flat 50X6 shall be provided at
both end of fencing at top and bottom portion and Fence post also to be welded with MS Flat
50X6 on both side, Fence Posts shall be of C.C. (1:2:4) and Stay Posts shall be of R.C.C. of
grade M-20 and line wires shall be plain wires of 4 mm dia.Spacing of Fence post shall be @
2.5m. Stay post @ 25.0m shall be provided and should be provided adjacent to every corner. PROTECTIONS
All stone boulders to be used in this work shall be of good quality, hard, uniform in size and
shape as far as practicable and dressed properly by hammering and chiseling. It shall be free
from dust, clay and other foreign materials. If so directed by the Engineer-in-Charge the
contractor shall have to arrange for washing of these materials at his cost.
Mortar for C.R.M work shall be of proportion (1:4). It shall be mixed dry until an uniform
colour is obtained and then wetted to proper consistency for use. The mortar shall have to be
consumed within one hour of its mixing. Any mortar that shows a tendency to become dry
shall be rewetted and remixed after adding extra cement (which will be at the cost of the
All stoned shall be wetted before use. The works shall be carried up truly plumb and to the
specified batter as per approved drawings and direction of the Engineer-in-Charge. Every stone
shall be carefully fitted to the adjacent stone so as to form neat close joints. The bond shall be
obtained by fitting in closely the adjacent stone and by using the bond stone. Face stone shall
extend and bond well into the backing and this shall be arranged to break the joints as far as
practicable as well as to avoid long vertical lines of joints. Chips shall not be used below the
bottom stones to bring these up to the level of the face stones. The masonry in a structure shall
be carried regularly. Where the masonry of one part has to be delayed the executed work shall
be racked back at angles not steeper than 45º.
For C.R.M. work the mortar shall be spread on full width for suitable length of the lower
course. Each stone of the upper course shall be laid to project over the one below both at the
end and at the side, then pressed into the mortar and shoved into final position to embed the
stone and fill its inside face with mortar and the masonry be carried on for the different layers
in the same manner. Levelling up at required finished level as directed by the
Boulder pitching work by providing and laying 300mm thick Boulder pitching to sloped edges
of mound with 100 to150mm size Boulders and gaps to be filled with cement sand mortar 1:4.
Suitable Staircases (if required) for movement at suitable locations & toe wall for necessary
protection work as per approved drawing.
The spoils as a result of excavation shall be disposed off by the contractor at any lead and lifts
along the hill slopes evenly by spreading in such a way that the same does not obstruct the line
of flow of jhoras or seepage water. In case of benches where part excavation and part filling
will be involved, the surplus spoils after filling shall also be disposed off by the contractor in
the same manner as above.
No extra charge shall be admissible for removal of the slipped earth in the pit when once
excavated. Shoring and shuttering as approved by the authorized representative of the
purchaser shall be provided by the contractor when soil condition is so bad that there is
likelihood of accident due to the falling of earth. If sand boiling or quick sand condition is
encountered during excavation of foundation pit, the contractor shall take full precaution and
adopt suitable method of construction to complete the foundation at no extra cost to the
Where rock is encountered the holes for tower footing shall preferably be drilled, but where
blasting is to be restored to as an economy measure, shall be done with the utmost care to
minimize the use of concrete for filling up the blasted area. Necessary precaution for handling
and use of blasting materials shall be taken by the contractor as per provisions of Indian
Explosives Manual/Acts. In cases where unnecessarily large quantities are excavated /blasted
resulting in placement of large volume of concrete, payment for concrete shall be limited to
the calculated design volume and balance cost shall be on the contractor’s account.
The contractor shall supply the blasting material and be responsible for its proper storing and
use, following relevant rules and regulation of representative authority.
Gates for boundary wall and switchyard fencing shall be of M.S. construction of size 8
M x2.5M (for 400 KV s/s) / 6.5 M/6.5Mx 2.5 M (for 220 & 132 KV s/s) high or as in
price schedule, as per requirement, with a well arranged framework to ensure stiffness
and rigidity combined with light weight.
i. Gate at Main Entrance of sub-station shall be Elec. Motor/manually operated.
ii) Gate at Main Entrance (if manually operated), switch-yard and colony area
shall be two leaved open-able type gate hung from R.C.C. pillars on both
sides and gate leaf shall run on a track at ground level and shall be suitably
supported against toppling when in the closed position. Suitable tracks /
guides shall be provided with rollers to ensure smooth travel and shall be
operated manually.
The operating mechanism and fixtures shall be sturdy, capable of smooth
and rattle free travel of gate with a minimum of effort and shall be easy to
maintain. The gate shall be provided with suitable locking device. Name
and voltage class of sub-stn.shall be boldly indicated on the gate.
iii) Sliding gate (Manually/Motor operated): The entrance gate shall be manually
/motor operated, single/double leaved gate as per approved design unless
otherwise specified.
All entrance gates shall be covered with 3mm. thick M.S. sheet. Provision of
wicked gate along with Peep opening of size 100mmX100mm is to be
provided suitably. Suitable arrangement for lighting arrangement on RCC
pillar to be provided.
Gates for boundary wall and switchyard fencing shall be of M.S. construction of size 8 M
x2.5M (for 400 KV s/s) / 6.5 M/6.5Mx 2.5 M (for 220 & 132 KV s/s) high or as in price
schedule, as per requirement, with a well arranged framework to ensure stiffness and rigidity
combined with light weight.
iv) Gate shall be manually operated.
v.Gate at switch-yard and colony area shall be two leaved open-able type gate
hung from R.C.C. pillars (450x450) on both sides and gate leaf shall run on a track
at ground level and shall be suitably supported against toppling when in the closed
position. Suitable tracks / guides with rollers shall be provided to ensure smooth
travel and shall be operated manually. The operating mechanism and fixtures shall
be sturdy, capable of smooth and rattle free travel of gate with a minimum of effort
and shall be easy to maintain.
The gate shall be provided with suitable locking device. Name and voltage class of
sub-stn.shall be boldly indicated on the gate.
Concrete work shall mean and include all and every concrete work for the civil work. The
contractor shall perform the concrete work in strict conformity to IS: 456/2000 and as directed
by Engineer and shall inform Engineer at least 24 hours in advance from the time of scheduled
The concrete shall be composed of cement, fine aggregate, coarse aggregate, water and
admixtures as specified. All materials shall be well mixed and brought to the proper
M 15 350 32
M 20 250 30
The detail mix. Proportions shall be submitted to Engineer for approval to secure concrete of
the proper consistency and to adjust for any variation in the moisture content or grading of the
aggregate as they enter the mixer. Addition of water to compensate for stiffening of the
concrete before placing will not be permitted. Uniformity in concrete consistency from batch
to batch will be required.
10.10.02 CEMENT:
Generally cement shall be ordinary portland Cement conforming to IS:269, IS: 8112, IS:
12269 or portland slag cement conforming to IS:455, or Portland Pozzolana Cement
conforming to IS:1489. In special cases, rapid hardening Portland cement, low heat cement
etc. may be permitted by the Engineer.The brands of Cement to be used at site are to be
approved by Engineer-in-Charge.
Fine aggregate shall conform to IS : 383 and shall be natural sand or manufactured sand. It
shall consist of clean, hard, dense and durable rock particles, free from injurious amounts of
dust, silt, stone powder, pieces of thin stone, alkali, organic matter and other impurities.
The fine aggregate as batched shall be well graded and when tested shall conform to the
following limits:
According to IS:383, the fine aggregate (i.e. sand) is graded into four zones. A fine
aggregate whose grading falls outside the limits of any particular grading zone or sieves other
than 600 micron I.S. Sieve, is regarded as failing within the grading zone provided the total of
the excess on the other four sieves is not greater than 5%. Sand of Zones 1 to 3 may be used for
concrete work. Zone 4 sand should not be used except in special mixes.
10.10.05 ADMIXTURE:
The contractor shall use admixture in order to improve the quality of concrete or mortar such
as workability and water tightness in Water retaining structures, foundation bolt grouting,
DPC etc. as per manufacturer's instructions only with the approval of Engineer. The admixture
shall conform to IS: 9103.
10.10.06 WATER:
Water used for both mixing and curing shall be clean and free from injurious materials such as
oil, acids, alkalies, salts, organic materials or other substances that may be deleterious to
concrete and steel. Potable water is generally satisfactory.
The contractor shall place all the reinforcement bars in the concrete structures as shown on the
approved drawings and directed by the Employer/Engineer.
The reinforcement bars used for concrete structure shall be plain and deformed bars and shall
conform to IS: 432 and IS: 1786. All bars shall be of tested quality. The brands of steel
reinforcement to be used at site are to be approved by Engineer-in-Charge.
Reinforcement bars shall be accurately placed and special care shall be exercised to prevent the
reinforcement bars from being displaced during the placement of concrete. Intersecting points
and splices of the reinforcement bars shall be fixed by using black annealed wires, the diameter
of which shall be more than 1.626 mm. The reinforcement bars in structures shall be placed and
Forms shall be used (including steel forms wherever necessary) to confine and shape the
concrete to the required dimensions, levels, grade etc. lines and as directed by
Employer/Engineer. Forms shall have sufficient strength to withstand the pressure resulting
from placing and vibrating of the concrete, and shall be maintained rigidly in positions. Forms
shall be sufficiently tight to prevent loss of cement slurry from the concrete. Each form shall
be so prepared that each section may be removed individually without injuring the concrete.
All supports and scaffolds should be manufactured from structural steel/tubular steel
except when permitted otherwise by the Engineer.
Faces of formwork coming in contact with concrete shall be cleaned and two coats of mould
oil or any other insoluble, nonstaining approved material applied before fixing reinforcement.
The form work shall be such as to ensure a smooth uniform surface free from honeycombs,
air-bubbles, bulges and other blemishes.
The forms shall be removed at the following minimum times after concrete has been placed as
per provision laid down in I.S. 456 - 2000.
Side form of column, beam and wall : 2 days.
Supporting form slabs excluding beams : 14 days.
Supporting form of beams and arches : 21 days.
Whenever required the form work shall be left for longer period than the period mentioned
Before reuse, all forms shall be thoroughly scraped, cleaned, nails/bolts removed, holes
suitably plugged, joints repaired and warped lumber resized to the satisfaction of Engineer.
Contractor shall equip himself with enough shuttering to complete the job in time.
The contractor shall be responsible for the safe removal of the formwork and any work
showing signs of damage through premature removal of form work shall be rejected and
entirely reconstructed.
Prior to placing concrete, the contractor shall submit to Engineer for approval the mix.
proportion, the characteristics of each of the materials of concrete, the concrete placing
schedule, placing equipment and method of execution of work. No concrete shall be placed
until all formwork, treatment of surface, placing of reinforcement and other parts to be
embedded have been inspected and approved by the Engineer.
Concrete shall be transported from the mixer to the formwork as rapidly as possible to avoid
segregation and loss of any ingredient. The concrete which has remained more than 30
minutes after being discharged from the mixer and/or in which slump loss exceeds 3.0 cm. as
it is delivered to the site for placing shall be disposed off at the place designated by Engineer.
All such waste concrete shall be at the contractor's account. Concrete shall be placed with a
vertical drop not greater than 1.0 m except where suitable equipment is provided to prevent
segregation or where specifically authorized.
Concrete which has segregated during transportation shall be remixed.
After the surface of unformed construction joint has been cleaned and the placing of concrete
has been approved by Engineer in accordance with the provisions of the preceding
sub-articles, surface of unformed construction joint shall be covered with a layer of mortar
approximately 1.5 cm. thick. The contractor shall place concrete upon the fresh mortar before
it begins to set.
When it is necessary to deposit concrete under water 10% more cement required than that for
the same mix placed in dry.
Concrete shall be deposited in all cases, as nearly as practicable, directly in its final position
and shall not be caused to flow such that will permit lateral movement or cause segregation of
the coarse aggregate, mortar or water from the concrete mass.
Immediately after placing, every layer of concrete shall be consolidated to the maximum
practicable density so that it fits snugly against all surfaces of reinforcement bars and
embedded fixtures and against all corners of the forms. Consolidation of concrete shall be
done by electric or pneumatic power-driven, immersion type vibrators or other approved
means. Over vibration and under vibration shall be avoided.
Variation in alignment, grade and dimensions of the structures from the established
alignment, grade and dimensions shall be remedied or removed and replaced by the
contractor as per approved drawings and direction of Engineer.
Concreting shall be carried out continuously up to construction joints, the position and
arrangement of which shall be predetermined in the drawing.
When work has to be resumed on a surface which has hardened such surface shall be
roughened. It shall be cleaned, thoroughly wetted and covered with a 12 mm layer of mortar
composed of cement and sand in the same proportion as that of cement and sand in concrete
mix. This 12 mm layer of mortar shall be freshly mixed and placed immediately before
pouring of fresh concrete.
When the concrete has not fully hardened, all latence shall be removed by scrubbing the
surface with wire brush, care being taken to avoid dislodgment of particles of aggregate. The
surface shall be thoroughly wetted and all free water removed.
The surface shall then be coated with neat cement. The first layer of fresh concrete on this
surface shall not exceed 150 mm in thickness, and shall be well rammed against formwork,
particular attention being paid to corners and close stops.
The contractor shall repair at his own expense the imperfections of concrete surfaces and the
irregularities which do not meet the specified dimensions. Repairing work shall be performed
and completed within 24 hours up to the satisfaction of EIC after the removal of forms as per
standard practice.
Newly placed concrete shall be protected by approved means from rain, sun and wind.
Concrete placed below ground level shall be protected against contamination from falling
earth during and after placing.
As soon as concrete has hardened sufficiently, it shall be covered either with sand, hessian,
canvas or similar materials and kept continuously wet for at least 14 (fourteen) days after final
setting. Curing by continuously sprinkling of water may also be allowed with adequate
arrangements made by the contractor.
10.10.15 TESTS:
The contractor shall make all necessary tests for determining the mix proportions of each type
of concrete, including tests of aggregates, so as to produce the concrete specified in Item
'Composition of Concrete'.
In order to control the quality of concrete to be placed, the contractor shall perform the
following tests.
A slump test will be made from each of the first three batches mixed each day. An additional
slump test will be made for each additional 40 cubic meters of concrete placed in any one day.
Slump will be determined in accordance with IS:1199.
Two sets of three concrete compression test cubes 150 mm x 150 mm x 150 mm each will be
made every day when concrete is placed. One set of each group will be tested at an age of 7
days and the other set will be tested at an age of 28 days.
Samples from fresh concrete shall be taken as per IS: 1199 and cubes shall be made, cured and
stored and tested in accordance with IS:516. The test strength of the sample shall be the
average of the strength of three specimens. The individual variation should not be more than
+/- 15 percent of the average.
The Contractor shall buy the RMC from approved manufacturer. The Contractor in
association with the manufacturer will make a suggested trial mix correct water cement ratio,
slump and workability. To verify this, the test cubes from the concrete used should be made
and tested. The tests results will determine the cement content and water ratio that produces
the required strength. If the test result satisfies the WBSETCL this mix design shall be
followed throughout the work for RMC work, until and unless there is variation in shape and
size of coarse aggregate, fineness of the fine aggregate, cleanliness moisture content etc. the
design mix as per stipulated strength of concrete mentioned in this technical specification
shall be approved by the Engineer in Charge.
The manufacturer will also ensure that transit mix truck will discharge concrete with slump
designated for the job. The time period between the discharge and placement in position
should also be worked out and got approved.
Regular mandatory tests on the consistency and workability of the concrete after
transferring from transit mix trucks at job site shall be done to achieve the specified
compressive strength of concrete.
Regular cube tests in the multiple of six (three for 7 days and three for 28 days
respectively) are to be carried out as per IS: 456 (latest edition) and the works to be carried out
as per stipulations laid in IS codes and clearance by WBSETCL shall be deemed as final in
this regard.
The contractor shall assume full responsibility for supply, fabrication and detailing, if required
of the steel structures and for their satisfactory performance. All detail drawings for 33kV 132
kV, 220 kV & 400 kV sub-station shall be supplied to the successful bidder by the
Employer/Engineer. However, the contractor shall have to submit the construction drawings to
the Engineer/Employer solely prepared on the basis of these supplied drawings. Equipment
Structure drawings, supplied by the employer, shall have to be modified to suit to the approved
GA drawing. of the equipments and sectional elevation drawing of switch-yard and to be
submitted to Engineer for approval. For Equipment support Structure the minimum size of Leg
members shall be 65X65X6 and Bracing members shall be 45X45X5 Angle sections. In the
event of substitution of M.S. sections by higher sections, no extra cost implication will be
entertained. The back to back distance of the equipment support structure shall not be less than
300/350/400 mm for 132/220/400KV. However, the back to back distance for 132KV/220KV
cable sealing end shall be at least 350mm/400mm. Mounting details shall be in line with
approved G.A of the Equipment.
However, successful bidder may use M.S. pipe for all equipment support structures. The same is
to be designed by the successful bidder. Both design and drawing are to be submitted to
Engineering department for approval. Soft copies (.DWG) of structural drawings are to be
submitted to the Engineering department after completion of proto inspection physically/virtual
for all structures.
10.11.01 MATERIALS:
All Steel Materials to be used in construction within the purview of the specification shall
comply with:
IS: 2062 - Structural Steel (Grade-A) (fusion welding quality) and manufactured by Prime
Rollers e.g. SAIL/TISCO/IISCO/RINL or approved re-rollers. In case of MS sections/MS
flat/MS electrode not manufactured by prime rollers or such sections are not available with
prime rollers the same is to be procured from approved conversion agents. In such case, prior
approval is to be obtained by the contractor.
A list (at least three nos.) of bonafide fabricators (preferably having approval of PGCIL or
any state power utility) shall be furnished to the Engineer for according approval.
WBSETCL reserves the right to inspect the factory premises of the fabricators prior to
accord approval.
All electrodes to be used under the contract shall comply with any of the following Indian
Standard Specifications as may be applicable.
i. IS: 814: Covered electrodes for metal arc welding of Structural Steel.
ii) IS: 815:Classification and coding of covered electrodes for metal arc welding of mild
steel and low alloy high tensile steel.
iii) IS: 144: Covered electrodes for the metal arc welding of high tensile structural steel.
All bolts and nuts shall be of grade 5.6/4.8HRH and shall conform to the requirements of IS:
6639 and IS: 1367 and galvanizing quality shall be as per IS: 1367. All bolts and nuts shall be
of minimum diameter of 16 mm unless otherwise stated. All mild steel for bolts and nuts
when tested in accordance with the following Indian Standard specification shall have a
tensile strength of not less than 44 Kg/Sq.mm. and a minimum elongation of 23 percent on a
gauge length of 5.6 A, where `A' is the cross sectional area of the test specimen -
Self weight of structures plus the weight of equipment including impact load and load from
conductors, insulators etc. as applicable for the design of foundations for different
sub-station structures.
Generally, live loads shall be considered in accordance with I S 875. The loads listed
hereunder are minimum loads specific mentioned areas related to other civil works.
ii) Roof (office portion of Control building, if single storied): 300 Kg/Sq.m.
iii) Floors
(Control-office portion & other buildings.): 300 Kg/ Sq.m.
iv. Floors (Control Room, SCADA & Relay, Battery & PLCC Room
if not at Gr.Floor) : 750 Kg/ Sq.m.
a) GIS/Control Room/PLCC/SCADA/Relay Room:
33KV Switchgear/ACDB/DCDB/Battery room. 160 Kg/Sqm.
Wind load on structures, trusses, equipments conductor, insulator etc. shall be assessed as per
IS802:(part-I)1995 with wind pressure of heavy zone for strung type structures and
IS875-2015 with basic wind speed of 50 m/sec for all equipment structures. Any other codal
criteria associated with costal region are also to be complied.
The lateral forces shall be established in accordance with recommendation of IS1893. The
basic horizontal Seismic coefficient shall be adopted as per the above code. The lateral forces
shall be established in accordance with recommendation of IS1893. The basic horizontal
Seismic coefficient shall be adopted as per the above code. Response Reduction factor is to
be considered as R-3 (Table 7 of IS 1893:2002) during design unless otherwise advised.
During Seismic weight calculation, 100% Live Load is to be considered for GIS/Control
Room/Relay/Battery Room etc. For office/Toilet portion 50% is to be considered and for roof
25% of Live Load is to be considered.
For the design of the steel structures & foundations, simultaneous application of loads should
be assumed such as to produce the maximum stress in any member for the worst combination
of loads.
a. BOLTS :
Splicing shall be avoided unless the length of a member exceeds 6.0 m or so. The member of
splices shall be limited to a practical minimum. No credit shall be allowed for bearing on
abutting areas. Lap joints in leg members shall be preferred to butt joints.
Step bolts shall be of 16 mm diameter and shall have round or hexagonal head. Each step bolt
shall be provided with two hexagonal nuts. The minimum bolt length and length of unthreaded
portion shall be 180 and 125 mm respectively. Step bolts shall not be used as connection bolts.
The step bolts shall be spaced alternately on the inner gauge line on each face of the angle
about 40 cm centers. They shall be furnished for one leg of each steel structure column
from its base elevation.
c. U – BOLTS:
U-Bolts shall be suitable furnished or steel structures to suspend or terminate insulator
strings or ground wire assemblies. Size of U- bolt shall withstand all loads acting on it.
Bill of material shall give the mark no, size, length and weight of each member and the
total weights of steel structures. It shall also include the number of bolts, nuts and
washers per structure. Payment for structures, equipment support structures, LM shall be
guided by approved B.O.M. Bolts and nuts as required for fixing of equipments in position
will not be included in the B.O.M of the respective equipment support structures.
The quality control procedure shall cover but not be limited to the following items of work:
ii) Bolts, nuts & Washers : Manufacturer's certificate, dimension check, material testing.
iii) Electrodes : Manufacturer's certificate, thickness and quality of flux coating.
iv) Welds : Inspection, X-ray, ultrasonic test, magnetic particle tests as required.
v) Paints : Manufacturer's certificate, physical inspection reports.
vi) Galvanizing : Tests in accordance with IS: 2633 - Method of testing uniformity of
coating on zinc coated articles and IS: 2629 Recommended practice for hot-dip galvanizing of
iron and steel. Raw zinc & samples collected from bath shall be tested at third party laboratory
approved by WBSETCL & as per direction of the Engineer.
The contractor shall submit a detailed material inspection plan on the basis of various IS codes
& standard practices in respect of structural fabrication, galvanization, bolts, nuts, anchor bolts
etc much prior to commencement of the job.
All workmanship shall be equal to the best practice in modern structural shop and shall
conform to the provisions of IS: 800 / IS: 802.
Rolled materials before being laid off or worked, must be clean free from sharp kinks, bends,
or twists and straight within the tolerances allowed by IS:1852. If straightening is necessary it
may be done by mechanical means or by the application of a limited amount of localised heat
not exceeding 600o C.
Cutting shall be affected by shearing, cropping or sawing. Use of mechanically controlled Gas
Cutting Torch may be permitted for mild steel provided special care is taken to leave
sufficient metal to be removed by machining, so that all metal that has been hardened by flame
is removed. To determine the effective size of members cut by gas, 3 mm shall be deducted
from each cut edge.
The erection clearance for cleated ends of members connecting steel to steel shall
preferably be not greater than 2 mm at each end. The erection clearance at ends of beams
without cleats shall not be more than 3 mm at each end, but where for practical reasons greater
clearance is necessary, suitably designed clearance shall be provided.
All members shall consist of rolled steel sections.
Holes for bolts shall not be more than 1.5 mm larger than the diameter of the bolt passing
through them unless otherwise stated.
All members shall be cut to jig and all holes shall be punched and drilled to jig. All parts shall
be carefully cut and holes accurately located after the members are assembled and tightly
clamped or bolted together.
Drifting or rimming of holes shall not be allowed. Holes for bolts shall not be formed by gas
cutting process.
Punching of holes will not be permitted for M.S. members upto 8 mm thick and in no case
shall a hole be punched where the thickness of the material exceed the diameter of the
punched hole.
Minimum bolt spacing and distances from edges of members shall in accordance with the
provisions in the relevant Indian Standard Specification.
Built members shall, when finished, be true and free from all kinds of twists and open joints
and the material shall not be defective or strained in anyway.
All bolts shall be galvanized including the threaded portion except the foundation bolts for
which galvanizing work shall be done for a length of 100mm (min) to 175mm (max) measured
from the tip of the treaded portion. The threads of all bolts shall be cleared of smelter by
spinning or brushing. A die shall not be used for cleaning the threads unless specially approved
by the Engineer. All nuts shall be galvanized with the exception of the threads which shall be
oiled. In case of foundation bolts the same shall be galvanised excepting the length of
Bolts and nuts shall be placed in such a way so that they are accessible by means of an
ordinary spanner.
Foundation bolts shall be fitted with washer plates or anchor angles and flats, nuts etc. and
shall be manufactured from mild or special steel.
Washers shall be tapered or otherwise suitably shaped, where necessary to give the heads and
nuts of bolts a satisfactory bearing. The threaded portion of each bolt shall project out through
the nut at least by 3 mm. In all cases the bolt shall be provided with a washer of sufficient
thickness under the nut. In addition to the normal washer, one spring washer or lock nut shall
be provided for each bolt for connections subjected to vibrating forces or otherwise as may be
specified in the drawings.
The thickness of spring washer shall be 3.5 mm for bolt diameter 16 mm and 4 mm for bolt
diameter 20 mm.
After fabrication has been completed and accepted, all materials shall be cleared off rust,
loose scale, dirt, oil grease and other foreign substances.
Galvanizing for structural mild steel products shall meet the requirements of IS:4759. All
holes in materials shall be free of excess spelter after galvanizing.
Galvanizing for fasteners shall meet the requirements of IS: 1367. The spring washers shall be
electro galvanized as per IS: 1573.
Finished materials shall be dipped into the solution of dichromate after galvanizing for white
rust protection during transportation.
All galvanizing shall be uniform and of standard quality. Quantity of zinc shall meet the
requirement of IS: 209.
Mass of Zinc Coating: Mass of Zinc coating for all structure shall be of 110 (+/-5) micron.
All plates and shapes which have been warped by the galvanizing process shall be
straightened by being rerolled or pressed. The materials shall not be hammered or otherwise
straightened in a manner that will injure the protective coating. If, in the opinion of
Employer / Engineer the material has been forcibly bent or warped in the process of
galvanizing of fabrication, such defects shall be cause for rejection.
Materials on which galvanizing has been damaged shall be acid stripped and regalvanized,
unless, in the opinion of Engineer, the damage is local and can be repaired by zinc spraying or
by applying a coating of galvanizing repair compound. Where regalvanizing is required, any
members which become damaged after having been dipped twice shall be rejected.
One of each type of steel structures shall be assembled in the shop to such an extent as to
ensure proper field erection in order to facilitate inspection by the Engineer.
The following shop tests shall be performed with relevant provisions of I.S.Codes:
a. General Inspection
b. Material test.
c. Assembly test.
d. Galvanizing test.
The contractor shall furnish four certified copies of reports of all tests to the Engineer.
R.C.C. foundations of 132/33 KV, 31.5 MVA transformers & below shall be designed and
constructed in such a way so that same can be utilized for installation of 50 MVA
transformers in future. Few minimum design parameters for transformers are provided below
for guidance:
a) Rail Gauge = 1676 mm.
b) Eccentricity in all two directions = 50 mm.
The oil soak pit and oil/water sump shall also be designed and constructed for the above
transformers/reactor as per requirement.
Following minimum values shall be used while designing foundations:
i) Transformer weight (i/c Oil) : 95MT
ii) Minimum base slab thickness of footings : 300 mm
iii) Minimum main bar dia.for foundation : 10 mm TOR
iv) Minimum bar dia. for columns: 12 mm TOR with binder spacing
limited to 175mm c/c.
v) Clear cover to: Main bars in base slab : 50 mm
Main bars in columns : 40 mm
Main bars of beams : 25 mm
Minimum reinforcement for base slab shall be 0.2 percent of cross sectional area, depth to be
considered as effective depth and where beam slab mechanism will be deployed 0.12 percent
of gross cross sectional area shall be considered.
vi) Plinth height for structures & equipment’s foundation shall as follows unless other
a.400 kV – 350 mm
b.220 kV – 300 mm
c.132 kV & 33 kV – 250 mm
vii) If weak soil strata are encountered within 4M below EGL, pile foundation is to be adapted
for design of Transformer foundation.
Horizontal Shear Moment
Longitudinal Longitudinal
Verti Transverse Direction Transverse Moment
Sl Type Directions Moment
N of Longitud Transv Longitud Transv Longitud Transv Longitud Transv
o Tower inal erse inal erse inal erse inal erse
Wind Wind Wind Wind Wind Wind Wind Wind
1 8973 11268 6132 4200 9092 166230 108032 44940 96452
2 7134 9344 5166 259 3886 137000 88036 5362 43524
3 2C1 6000 11836 8400 0 2838 117758 89880 0 20486
4 2C2 3350 6450 4200 0 2000 62746 45900 0 13404
5 2C3 2620 4058 2100 0 1618 37800 23262 0 10642
Horizontal Shear
Vertical Moment (Kg-M)
Sl. (Kg)
Structure loads
No. Along Across
(Kg) Along bay Across bay
bay bay
1 Wave Trap 1100 3870 800
i)H.C.B.Isolator(1-ph) 2700 7600 1780
ii)PantoIso.(1-ph) 1575 7900 1350
3 Bus Support 825 5150 1015
4 Circuit Breaker
5 C. T. 2235 7800 1530
6 P.T. 1470 4450 1160
7 L. A. 1030 6650 1450
8 C.C/C.V.T. 1360 3565 950
9 combination)
1.Uplift/down thrust due to moment shall be computed with the base dimensions shown in Bid
2.Columns in foundation shall be checked in compression with bending and uplift with bending also.
3.Above loads & moments etc. shall be multiplied by an overload Factor of 1.1 while computing
design values.
4. Foundations for single phase structures shall be designed in both directions i.e. along bay and
across bay with loads shown in the aforesaid table.
5. If weak soil strata are encountered within 3M below EGL, pile foundation is to be adapted for
design of Tower/LM/Transformer/Reactor foundation.
Any doubt in regards to design loads, moments etc. and about its applicability to any particular structure
shall be limited to tendering authority prior to submission of bid. No claim whatsoever on this account
will be entertained during execution of work.
10.13.02 DETAILS:
Detail design calculations for each type of foundation shall be submitted for approval of
Engineer. Such details shall show the following requirements.
i. Detailed calculation of loads acting on foundation under different loading conditions.
ii) Calculated safety factor for each type of stability and other conditions.
iii) Maximum stresses in concrete and in steel reinforcement at any critical section.
Details of each type of foundation submitted for Employer's/ Engineer's approval shall be as
shown on the approved design drawings and shall conform to the requirements described
hereafter. No change shall be made without the written approval of Employer/Engineer.
The detail drawings shall include but not limited to the following:
i. Detail dimensions of foundation.
ii) Details of setting dimensions of foundation.
iii) Details of placing of all reinforcing steel which shall conform to the Building Code
Requirements for Reinforced Concrete (IS:456) and the Manual of Standard Practice
for Detailing Reinforced Concrete Structure unless otherwise specified herein.
iv) Details of type size and length of each reinforcing steel including schedule of bar
bending to be submitted to the Engineer at site
The information given in the bore logs and soil investigation report, is given in good faith and
owner will not be responsible for any discrepancy or inaccuracies therein and shall not
entertain any claim whatsoever for the contractor on this account.
Nothing contained in this contract document or these specifications shall relieve the
contractor from the responsibility of obtaining the approval from the WBSETCL for the pile
installation and testing procedure to be followed by him.
During the execution of the works should any error or ambiguity appear in any of the contract
documents the contractor shall not proceed with the work before obtaining instructions/
clarifications from the WBSETCL.
The cast in situ bored piles shall be formed with in the ground by excavating or boring a hole
within it to specified depths as shown or called for in the drawings or as directed by the
WBSETCL at site, with or without the use of a temporary casing ( as may be required to keep
the hole stabilized) and filling the same with plain or reinforced concrete as specified therein.
The cast in situ bored piles shall be formed with in the ground by excavating or boring a hole
within it to specified depths as shown or called for in the drawings or as directed by the
WBSETCL at site, with or without the use of a temporary casing ( as may be required to keep
the hole stabilized) and filling the same with plain or reinforced concrete as specified therein.
The full depth of the bore hole may be lined with the approved Bentonite suspension of
adequate specific gravity may be used for the full depth as the boring proceeds, to prevent the
sides of the bore holes from collapsing.
The report on Geo-technical investigation carried out at the proposed site may be referred to
plan the piling process and other technical requirements.
The equipment, plants and accessories would depend upon the type of bored cast in situ piles
chosen for a job after giving due consideration to the sub soil strata, ground water condition,
manner of operation and the required penetration therein.
Boring operation shall be done by percussion or rotary type rigs with direct mud circulation
or reverse mud circulation method to bring the cuttings out. In soft layers and loosed sands,
bailers and chisel method, if used, should used with caution to avoid the effect of suction.
The size of the cutting tools should not be less than the diameter of the pile by more than 75
mm. Drilling mud should be used for stabilizing the size of the bore holes where stabilizing is
not done by casing.
Standard Augur boring without proper stabilization of bore hole by drilling mud or casing
should not be used for bored piling work. DIAMETER OF THE PILES
For partly lined bored cast in situ piles using drilling mud of suitable consistency and the
nominal diameter shall be the inside diameter of the guide liners, (temporary or
permanent). The contractor may however be required to demonstrate to the WBSETCL, if so
called by him, that the diameter of the bore hole of its full length is not less than the nominal
diameter specified and this may be done by lowering a guide ring having a diameter equal to
the nominal diameter of the pile in to the bore hole before concreting the pile or lowering the
reinforcement cage.
Piles shall be installed as accurately as possible as per the design and drawing and a deviation
of 1.5% in alignment of vertical piles should not be exceeded.
Piles less than 600 mm in diameter should not deviate more than 75mm or D/10, whichever is
less from there designated positions at the working level. In the case of single pile under as
column the positional deviation should not be more than 75mm or D/6, whichever is less.
Unless otherwise stated herein all aspects of the concrete works including materials,
specifications, preliminary mix design, workmanship and inspection testing stipulated in
specification of “plain and reinforced concrete” shall apply. Concrete shall be of grade M25 or in
line with the latest Indian standards.
Cement shall be ordinary Portland cement conforming IS 8112, IS 12269 unless specified
Concrete, for piles cast in situ shall have sufficient slump (125 to 175mm) to give it a self
compacting consistency. The water cement ratio including the water contained in the
aggregates shall be limited to 0.55 unless otherwise stipulated. Plasticising agents may be used
by the contractor to improve the workability but the WBSETCL shall be furnished with proof that
the proposed plasticizing agent has no adverse effects on the hardened concrete or
One set of test cubes (6 nos.) should be taken for each pile for testing strength of the concrete.
Three of the six cubes constituting one test shall be tested on the 7th day from casting the cubes
and the remaining three cubes shall be tested on the 28th day after casting.
The WBSETCL reserves the right to reject any pile of deficient concrete strength. Such
rejected piles shall be replaced by the contractor at his own cost who shall also bear the additional
cost of widening the pile caps resulting from the grouping of the piles as a result of replacement of
WBSETCL also reserves the right to order change in the mix design and/ or water cement ratio to
obtain the specified strength of workability.
A. All reinforcement for use in the piles shafts shall be as per drawing, dully tested from
manufacturers end successfully and be assembled and tied and / or welded together and made
up into cages sufficiently rigid to withstand handling without damage and distortion.
Drilling mud corresponding to basic properties given under Appendix –A under Clause – 4.3 of
IS: 2911 (Part I / Sec 2) shall be used to keep the sides of the bore holes established. Mud shall
have THIXOTROPHIC properties i.e. gel forming property. The drilling mud shall have such
properties as to permit the formation of Filter cake on the sides of the bore holes, the thickness of
which would depend on the nature of the subsoil deposit. Sodium based Bentonite have ideal
properties for use as drilling mud.
Fresh Sodium based Bentonite shall have :
The liquid limit more than 300 percent when tested in accordance with IS: 2720 (Part V) and less
than 450 percent. The PH of 5% suspended between 8 & 11.5 the free water standing after 24
hours of 10% suspended of 100 cc be only a thin veil of water. Sand content of Bentonite powder
to be not more than 7%. The marsh viscosity of 5% suspension to be around 30 to 35sec. The 10
minute gel strength of fresh 5% bentonite to be between 10 to 75 kg/sq.m. The specific gravity of
the suspension not to be less than 1.12.
During the boring operations the fresh suspension gets contaminated with bored spoil and
gradually becomes heavy. This contaminated bentonite may be reused depending upon the
manner of boring, type of strata encountered and the specific gravity of the contaminated
bentonite. It is essential to check the specific gravity of the bentonite in the bore hole before
concreting. The contaminated bentonite may be collected in a suitable receptacle and allow the
heavier particles to settle and the slurry washed before reuse.
The drilling muds shall be suitably disposed off without causing any nuisance to the
surrounding area in a manner approved by the EIC.
Boring may be done by direct mud circulation, reverse mud circulation or by bailer using drilling
mud to stabilize the bore hole from collapsing.
A protective steel casing of suitable length both above the ground and below it shall be installed
for protection of personnel and to prevent cavities and displacement of the earth and for retention
of the surface water. CONCRETING
Concreting of boreholes shall start as quick as possible after its completion. Should a bore hole be
left un-concreted for more than two hours, it shall again be cleaned thoroughly before placing of
concrete. The concrete shall be freshly mixed and poured in sufficient quantities in the casing so
that during the withdrawal, a sufficient head of concrete is maintained to prevent the inflow of soil
and subsoil water.
The entire depth of the pile shall be concreted in one operation without stoppage.
Exposed portions of piles shall be cured for at least 10 days from the date of casting.
When installing the piles in groups, sufficient time shall be allowed for freshly poured concrete in
pile to set before installing adjacent piles. The EIC in consultation with the contractor shall
determine the installation sequence and time schedule to ensure that freshly concreted piles in a
group with in 0.5 m of each other however not be constructed before a lapse of 2 days after the
installation of the pervious pile.
All care shall be taken to prevent formation of voids in the piles by pockets of air trapped within.
Particular attention shall be paid to this during the withdrawal of casing. The volume of
concrete placed in the pile shall be checked with the theoretical volume of the pile, and any
shortfall in the actual volume concreted shall be reported to the EIC.
After the boring has been flushed and approved and with the reinforcement in place, the pile shaft
shall be concreted by the Tremie pipe. It should however be ensured that concrete entering the
tremie pipe shall not get mixed up with the slurry, as described above for lined bored piles. Before
concreting the bore shall be flushed once again with bentonite slurry through the tremie pipe to
ensure that the bottom is cleaned after placing the reinforcement. The tremie pipe shall always be
maintained a minimum 2 to 2.5 m inside the concrete.
1.5% of the total number or minimum two piles shall be subjected to non-destructive load tests to
1.50 times the design load (i.e. estimated safe carrying capacity of pile).
In case 1.5% of the total number of piles exceeds 2 (two), number of pile to be tested shall be
rounded up to next higher whole number, if it is a fraction.
Before any load test to be performed the proposed setup and the load frames shall be got approved
from EIC.
Settlement shall be recorded with minimum 2 (two) dial gauges for single pile and 4 (four) dial
gauges of 0.01 mm sensitive for groups each positioned at equal distance around the piles and
normally held by datum bars resting on immovable supports at a distance of 3D (subject to
minimum of 1.5 m) from edge of the pile.
The test load shall be applied in equal increments of one – fifth of the estimated safe load or as
directed by EIC. Alternate loading and unloading at each load increment shall be performed and
the elastic and plastic settlements recorded.
Each stage of loading or unloading shall be maintained till the rate of movement of the pile top is
not more than 0.02 mm per hour.
The contractor shall supply to the WBSETCL with a record in writing of all observations made
during the load test together with the graphically representative curves as mentioned in clause 9.1
&9.2 of IS: 2911 (Part IV, latest edition).
Acceptance criteria
Piles shall satisfy the following requirements:-
i. The total settlement for the test load shall not exceed 12 mm.
ii) The net (residual) settlement after the test load is removed shall not exceed 6
iii) The general behavior of the pile during the test shall be proper.
The pile which fails to satisfy the above requirements shall be rejected and another pile tested in
lieu. The rejected pile shall be replaced or rectified with prior approval of Engineer in-charge at
the contractor’s risk and cost.
If second pile tested also fails, the rejection of part or the entire lot and rectification measures to be
done at Contractor’s risk and cost, shall be upto the satisfaction of Engineer in-charge. Voids
resulting from rejected borings or extraction of the piles or casings shall be filled with gravel or
sand unless other piles are installed in such voids at the cost of Contractor. GENERAL
Pumping and bailing out of water, shoring, strutting etc. if required shall be done by the contractor
at his own cost.
All piles shall be concreted to a level 150mm to 450 mm above the specified pile cut off elevation
which shall be 7.5 cm above the bottom of the pile cap. For piles cast by tremie method, in
bentonite established bore holes, this level of concreting above pile cut off level shall be not less
than 600 mm. Before casting the pile cap, this excess concrete shall be cut off up to pile cut off
elevation. In case sound concrete is not met with at such elevation the piles shall be cut of such
elevation where sound concrete is met.
Daily site records shall be maintained by the Contractors for the installation of piles against each
Rig. All the necessary data shall be recorded for checking as and when required. One copy of data
sheet shall be retained by the contractor and other copy shall be submitted to Engineer in-charge
for records.
Thickness of Pile cap shall be at least 1.5 times of pile dia or as required to ensure cl.no.5.12.2 of
IS:2911 (Part I/ Sec1)-1979.
The contractor shall provide control building and furnish the indoor facilities in accordance with
the requirements specified herein and in the accompanied bid drawings.
Where the control building is to be constructed as an extension of the existing control building,
the same shall be placed by the side of the existing control room and shall be connected by
dismantling the common existing brick wall of the existing Control room, without endangering
the safety of the structures. The Contractor shall ensure smooth functioning of day to day work
during execution of the extension job.
The control room will be having adequate area and will accommodate all control panels along
with specified numbers of future control & relay panels as per approved layout, D.C. & A.C.
Distribution boards and battery charger panel etc. Apart from control room the battery room,
PLCC room, Conference room, stair and toilet block etc. shall be provided as per approved
layout drawing and requirement.
Control panels &equipments shall be laid in control room keeping adequate clearance &
sufficient space for movement & maintenance. Minimum clearance from Bback of the panel
upto peripherial wall shall be 1200mm or as per approved electrical GA drawing.
Clearance between two adjacent panels will be decided during detailed engineering. For
control at first floor, continuous cut out in floor slab is to be provided to facilitated entry of
Power Cable/ Control Cable. The Cut-out is to be covered by chequered plate as per
approved drawing and requirement complete.
The planning of control building shall be made in such a way that the entire switchyard is made
clearly visible from the control room for better supervision and control.
Generally, live loads shall be considered in accordance with IS:875. The design live load for
floor, stairs and balconies of control building shall be as per cl. No.10.11.02 (Live load).
Internal walls & Ceiling shall be of two coats of Plastic Emulsion paint over one coat of cement
primer on plastered surface with 1.5mm thick white cement based wall putty of approved
make and brand. On external surface approved brand (Weather Shield, Weather Coat etc.) over
one coat of cement base primer.
Floor finish shall be as follows:
a)Vitrified tiles (600x600x10) flooring for all rooms including stair case and corridor, Control
room, SCADA room & Relay room, PLCC and conference room except battery room, store.
b.Artificial stone flooring with 150mm high skirting consisting of 25mm thick concrete (1:2:4)
with 6mm thick cement punning for Store Room only.
c.150x150 acid and alkali proof tiles 20mm in floor and 20mm in dado with1500mm high in
battery room only for use of Plante Battery.
Vitrified tiles flooring with 1500 mm dado in battery room for use of VRLA battery.
d. 300mmx300mmx 6mm thick coloured Ceramic (Anti skid) tiles with 1500mm high dado for
e. For further details of Finish in Control Bldg.refer Cl.no 10.14.05,06 & 08.); Overhead
P.V.C.(P4 international or equivalent) water tank of 2 nos each having 1500 litres capacity shall
be provided for Control Room Building.
The work will also include sanitary, plumbing, Cable trench, Cable hangers, partition walls, false
ceiling, flooring, Stainless steel staircase railing, wall/ceiling finishing work, painting job,
plinth protection, surface drain, septic tank, soak pit, illumination, internal electrification, A.C.
& ventilation work and all other architectural and civil item of works required for completion and
successful commissioning of the control building on turn-key basis.
Generally 1000mm wide plinth protection work with 75mm. thick C.C. (1:3:6) over one layer of
B.F.S. with peripheral drain (at least of 250mm thick 1:4 brick work unless otherwise specified)
to be provided around each Building finished with chequered tiles. Necessary cover slabs are to
be provided over peripheral drain at the entrance locations or as per requirement at site.
For Remodelling of Existing Control Building for Extension the following shall
be taken care of:
1.. Exterior portion should match the architectural façade of existing one as far as
2. Exterior portion will be given the same coat of paint with same shade.
3. Interior walls & ceilings should be given the same treatment in line with extended
4.. Floor of extended portion of Control Room should match with the existing one.
5.. Existing Control building shall be connected with the extended portion by dismantling
walls, windows, chajjas or doors of existing part as required.
portion of control room, PLCC room & conference room as per requirement.
The column shall be designed for most critical conditions of dead loads, imposed loads,
equipment loads, crane load, wind load, seismic load and temperature loads. In addition, loads and
forces developed due to differential settlement shall also be considered. Maximum spacing of
column shall be 5M. Minimum Roof Slab Thickness shall be taken as 150 mm (min.)
Suitable expansion joints shall be provided in the longitudinal direction wherever necessary with
provision of twin columns.
All plastered areas, concrete elements and ceiling shall be painted twice, internal surfaces with
plastic emulsion paint & external surfaces with protective & decorative textured exterior high class
mat finish, composed of special thermoplastic resin containing fine crystalline additives derived
from granite (weather coat etc.) paint.
A coat of approved primer shall be used before applying paints.
Floors of toilets shall be finished with colour decorative first quality Ceramic tiles(Anti skid)with
suitable border. All other floors including Stair, Corridor etc. shall be finished with vitrified tile
flooring excepting GIS & 33 KV switch gear room which shall have a highly smooth, dust free and
abrasion proof surface finish with continuous floor cut out for entry of power & control cables. The
cut-out are to be covered by chequered plate as per approved drawing and requirement
complete. The floor finish shall withstand without any damage due to the loads caused by heavy
equipments and to be finished with IPS with metallic hardener(50mm thick cement concrete
flooring with cement hardener topping under layer 38mm thick cement concrete 1:2:4(1 Cement:2
Coarse Sand: 4 Graded stone aggregate 20mm nominal size),and top layer 12mm thick cement
hardener consisting of mix 1:2 (1 Cement hardener mix : 2 graded stone aggregate 6mm nominal
size) by volume, hardening compound mixed @ 2 litres per 50kg of cement or as per manufacturers
specification.). The top surface shall be finished with a coat of epoxy paint (in line with the
manufacturer specification) of approved colour as per direction of the EIC.
Cable Spreader Rooms shall be finished with Artificial stone flooring with 150mm high skirting
consisting of 25mm thick concrete(1:2:4) with 6mm thick cement punning. Common finishing
items in AIS Control building and Integrated building shall have same specification as detailed
above. The entrance of the Cable spreader room shall preferably of “TATA PRAVESH” make or
equivalent steel door. All railings shall be of stainless steel as per approved drawing.
Decorative Paver Blocks to be used at the exposed portions of Ground Floor and wherever
necessary as per direction of Engineer in charge for surface finishing.
For further details of Finish in respect of Integrated Bldg.refer Cl. no 10.14.05, 06 & 08. However
the height of the fixed glass window shall not be more than 2000mm with at least four divisions and
thickness of the glass should be 5mm. 75thk. 300mm width brick coping to be provided all around
of fixed glass with suitable structural arrangement.
The requirements for heat transitions shall be designed keeping in mind the atmospheric
conditions. Necessary provision for exhaust fan is to be provided.
The approximate dimensions of the rooms of the integrated building are given in the tender drawing
shall not be minimized further. Height of the floors shall be as per the specification of the
manufacturer of the GIS equipments. The dimensions given in Tender Drawing are for reference
only and may vary according to the requirements of the equipments to be installed inside. The
bidder shall finalize the dimensions according to the requirements to the equipment offered by them
providing enough space & access for erection, operation and maintenance. Provision for cable
trench shall be kept at ground floor as per requirement.
The building shall be equipped with an Electrically Operated Overhead Travelling Crane
including a crane Runway with Hook at a suitable height from top of the finished floor as per
electrical requirement. Head clearance (1800mm.) above the crane top level to the bottom of the
Roof beam shall be provided.
The capacity of the crane shall be adequate enough for loading & unloading the GIS equipment.
Access gates with metal shutter and access doors shall be provided in the building. Those entrances
shall be provided with chajja.
The height and width of the access gate shall be so designed to enter the trailer loaded with the
switchgear components in the building and to lift up the components by EOT crane.
Exhaust measures like smoke vents for the whole interior shall be provided as per requirement.
The control room will be having adequate area and will accommodate all control panels along with
specified numbers of future control & relay panels as per approved layout. Apart from control room
the battery room, PLCC room, ACDB room (for 220 KV), stair and toilet block etc. shall be
provided as per approved layout drawing and requirement.
Control panels &equipments shall be laid in control room keeping adequate clearance &
sufficient space for movement & maintenance. Minimum clearance from wall at the back of panel
will be 1200mmor in line with the approved electrical GA drawing. Clearance between two
adjacent panels will be decided during detailed engineering.
The planning of integrated building shall be made in such a way that the entire switchyard is made
clearly visible from the control room for better supervision and control.
The control room, conference room and PLCC room as per requirement shall be air conditioned by
installing suitable air conditioners. Exhaust fans of approved capacity shall be installed in battery
room, cable spreader rooms and toilets of control building and integrated building.
The work will also include sanitary, plumbing, Cable trench, Cable hangers, partition walls, false
ceiling, flooring, decorative Stainless Steel stair railing, wall/ceiling finishing work, painting
job, plinth protection, surface drain, septic tank, soak pit, illumination, internal electrification,
A.C. & ventilation work and all other architectural and civil item of works required for completion
and successful commissioning of the Integrated building on turn-key basis.
For fire escape staircase is to be covered with RCC slab/PUF panel as per approved drawing.
A suitable slope ramp to be provided for handling of equipments with 150 mm RCC cover slab over
compacted medium coarse sand filling. The top shall be finished with metallic hardener.
Overhead P.V.C. water tank (P4 international or equivalent) of 2 nos. each having 1000 litre
capacity with interconnection facility shall be provided for Integrated Building. A separate
structure to be constructed for placement of overhead tank.
Emergency exit door from 33kV Switchgear room and GIS hall to be ensured by vendor.
Generally 1000mm wide plinth protection work with 75mm. thick C.C. (1:3:6) over one layer of
B.F.S. with peripheral drain (at least of 250mm thick 1:4 brick work unless otherwise specified)
to be provided around each Building finished with chequered tiles. Necessary cover slabs are to
be provided over peripheral drain at the entrance locations or as per requirement at site.
Codal criteria for design of GIS/Control Room are to be complied with the regulations in respect
of costal regional zone.
The GIS building shall be of pre-engineered steel structure with the provision of pressurized
ventilation. GIS building consists of GIS Hall, unloading platform etc. A corridor having
minimum width of 1500 mm shall be provided all around GIS to facilitate maintenance of
equipments. Material specification and other details for construction of Pre-engineered steel
building shall be as described in subsequent paragraphs.
The base plate of steel columns shall be mounted on the RCC foundation by means of
foundation bolts. In order to facilitate inspection and maintenance, the structures shall be
provided with climbing devices. The built up frame shall be applied with a priming coat of red
oxide zinc chromate primmer before taken out of workshop. Separate fire escape door is to be
provided in the GIS Hall.
Walkway of width not less than 1.0m shall be provided at gantry girder level on the two longer side
of GIS hall along with climbing arrangement to facilitate maintenance of crane with a clear
headway height of minimum1.8m above crane girder level. All steel work shall be painted with
Material Specification
Primary members fabricated from plates and sections with minimum yield strength of 345Mpa or
to suit design by continuous welding.
Secondary members for Purlins and Grits shall conform to the physical specification of ASTM
A570 (Grade 50) or equivalent IS Standards having a minimum yield strength of 345MPa.
Rod / ANGLE bracing shall conform to the physical specification IS 2062 of minimum 245Mpa
Yield Strength.
All hot rolled sections shall conform to the physical specifications IS 2062. All other
miscellaneous secondary members shall have minimum yield strength of 250MPa.
Primary structural framing shall include the transverse rigid frames, columns, corner columns,
end wall wind columns and crane gantry girders and Frames at Rolling shutters & Door
Secondary structural framing shall include the purlins, girts, eave struts, wind bracing, flange
bracing, base angles, clips, flashings and other miscellaneous structural parts. Suitable wind
bracings sag rods to be reckoned while designing the structure.
Purlins should be of Pre Galvanised steel of 345Mpa having a coating thickness of 275 gsm.
50mm thick puff (density 40kg/cu.m.) sandwiched panels shall be provided. These panels shall be
made of puff insulation sandwiched between two number SMP coated galvalume steel sheets.
These sheets shall be made out of 0.5mm thick high tensile steel having min. yield strength of 345
Mpa. conforming to ASTM- A446. Galvalume sheets shall conform to AZ 150 of AS 1397 or
ASTM 792 with hot dip metallic coating of 55% Al and 45% Zn alloy having total coating mass
of minimum 150gms/sq.m inclusive of both sides. Total coat thickness (TCT) of sheets shall be
minimum 0.55mm with base metal thickness.
Wall Panels
Wall panel material specifications shall be same as roof panels.
Solid or closed cell closures matching the profiles of the panel shall be installed along the eaves,
rake and other locations specified on drawings.
Flashing and / or trim shall be furnished at the rake, corners, eaves, and framed openings and
wherever necessary to provide weather tightness and finished appearance. Colour shall be
matching with the colour of wall. Material shall be 26 gauge thick conforming to the physical
specifications of sheeting.
50mm thick puff (density 40kg/cu.m.) sandwiched panels shall be provided.
Other external finishes shall be as per specification/finishing schedule of control room
Generally 1000mm wide plinth protection work with 75mm. thick C.C. (1:3:6) over one layer of
B.F.S. with peripheral drain (at least of 250mm thick 1:4 brick work unless otherwise specified)
to be provided around each Building finished with chequered tiles. Necessary cover slabs are to
be provided over peripheral drain at the entrance locations or as per requirement at site.
For Collapsible Gate with (20x10x2)mm vertical channel 100mm center to center in fully
stretched position (20x5)mm flats as collapsible bracing properly riveted and washered including
38mm steel rollers, with adjustable ‘tee’ at top and bottom as guide rail including locking
Aluminium sections for fabricating doors, windows, partitions etc. shall be extruded sections
conforming to IS:1948 and 1949 and of Standard thickness and approved make (HINDALCO &
JINDAL). Doors, frames, mullions, transom etc. shall be anodized in a bath of sulphuric acid
to provide a clear coating of minimum 20 micron thickness. The anodized material shall then be
sealed by immersing in boiling water for 15 minutes. A protective transparent coating shall be
applied to the sections at shop.
WBSETCL Page - 59/95 Sub-station Civil Tech. Specs
Hardware and fixtures shall be of adequate strength and of best quality and from approved
All coupling mullions, transoms, frames, etc. in contact with adjacent steel other members shall be
bedded in mastic cement and caulking done properly as per drawing and instruction of the Engineer.
All windows shall be outside glazed, fixed with putty or metal glazing beads as shown on the
drawings. Aluminium glazing beads shall be snap fit type without visible screws and shall be of
sizes to accommodate thickness of glazing. Glazing beads shall be cut with mired corners. Glazing
clips, fixing devices etc. shall be supplied in adequate number.
Floor spring (HD), handle, EPDM gasket, weathering gasket, wool pile Locks, fasteners, etc, shall
engage positively, and key shall be non-interchangeable
Before bulk supply, the contractor shall submit to the Engineer samples of each type of
fabricated / manufactured items for approval. The samples shall be retained by the Engineer for
comparison of bulk supply and returned to the contractor towards the end for final incorporation in
the job.
Cutting to concrete or masonry shall be made good and all abrasions to shop paint shall be touched
up with paint of same quality as shop paint.
Glass and glazing for doors, windows, sashes, ventilators, fixed louvers, partitions etc. shall be
plain glass except as otherwise specified and shall be of uniform refractive index and free from
flaws, unevenness, stain or bubbles etc.
Glazing shall be carefully done in accordance with IS: 3348 and IS: 1083.
Clear glass shall be flat, drawn sheet glass and shall be at least 4 mm thick in steel windows& 5mm
thick float glass (IS2835-1987) for aluminum windows. Float glass for doors shall be minimum 6
mm thick.
Putty used for fixing glass shall be well mixed and spread out neatly to make an even surface.
After completion of glazing work, the contractor shall remove all dirt; stains, excess putty etc. clean
the glass panes and leave the work in perfectly acceptable condition. All broken, cracked or
damaged glass shall be replaced by new one, by the Contractor within the stipulated period or till
formal handing over of the installation.
All window openings shall be fitted with M.S grill(18kg/m2 ) unless otherwise specified.
The scope of work under this contract includes design, supply, installation, protection guarantees,
testing and maintenance up to the defects liability period of structural glazing, openable panels,
glass doors and fixed glazing.
The works under the section includes all labour, materials, equipments and services as required for
the engineering, preparation of shop drawings, testing, fabrication, assembly, delivery
anchorage, installation, protection and water proofing of the structural glazing openable panels,
glass doors and fixed glazing system. The materials, works etc. shall be as per relevant IS codes and
PWD specification and overall direction of WBSETCL.
Openable panels where indicated inclusive of all accessories, fittings etc. All caulking, sealing and
flashing including sealing at junction with roof water proofing and exterior wall, raised kerbs and in
window surrounds. Sealant within and around the perimeter of all work under this section.
Separators, neoprene/ EPDM and silicon gaskets, trims, etc. inserts in concrete anchor fasteners etc.
for the anchorage of all works under this section is subject to the approval of WBSETCL.
Materials and workmanship shall comply with the latest edition of the following standards as
follows (but not limited to this list of standards)
ANSI Z 97.1.84 Safety glazing materials used in buildings
ASTM C 1036-90 Specification for float glass
ASTM C 1048-90 Specification for heat treated float glass
ASTM C 864-90 Specification for compression seal gaskets
ASTM C 1115-89 Specification for silicon rubber gaskets
ASTM C 920-87 Specification for sealants
ASTM C 509-90 Specification for sealing materials
GTA specification No. 89-1-6 Specification for environment durability for
heat strengthened spandrel glass with
applied opacifiers.
BSCP 118 Structural use of Aluminium.
In general the contractor may follow any international standards subject to his satisfying
WBSETCL that these specifications are equivalent to latest specifications issued by ASTM, ISO,
and AAMA, BSS & SSIR or equivalent Indian standard as approved by WBSETCL.
The contractor’s responsibilities include but are not necessarily limited to the following items:
The contractor shall provide and install all supplementary parts necessary to complete all items
generally implied in the drawings and in the specification though not specifically shown or
These shall include providing, assembly and erection of all sections and anchor assemblies to meet
the performance and furnishing and installation of all inserts, fasteners, clips bracing and frame
work as required for the proper anchorage of structural glazing system elements to the structure.
The contractor shall prepared shop drawings by necessary modification, if any to the preliminary
drawings and two copies of all shop drawings along with the plan and method to execute the job
mentioning the brand materials, other accessories to be used for the work shall be submitted to
WBSETCL for review and approval.
The front seal structural glazing system is semi unitized system. In this specially designed extruded
aluminium mullions are fixed to the building structure by means of SS brackets of angles of
required size and length with necessary aluminium packing for true alignment, suitable chinch
anchor bolts of required length shall be provided for fixing the brackets. On to this mullion, the
transoms are fixed by means of pre-positioned angle cleats. After installing the grid work of mullion
and transom, the entire frame work is aligned in perfect line, level and plumb. Drainage chamber,
pressure equalization system and openable panel shall be provided.
Frame work consists of specially designed mullions. Selection of mullion will depend upon the
floor to floor height, distance between two mullions, wind pressure and other required structural
stabilities. Transoms shall be attached to this mullion by means of aluminium angle cleats of
required sections. The material shall be of reputed manufacturer as approved by WBSETCL.
Extruded section sample before anodisation shall be produced to WBSETCL for approval.
The type, size, alloy and quantity and spacing of all fasteners and anchoring devices shall be as
required for the specified performance standards. The material shall be of reputed manufacturer, as
approved by WBSETCL.
These are factory made glazed panels of approved make (as of WBSETCL) which are brought to
site of work and are bolted on the pre-fixed grid work of mullions and transoms. The entire safety
and principle of structural glazing depends on these panels, in which the glass is bonded to the
aluminium frames by means of structural silicone sealant.
All sealant applications must be clearly designated on the applicable shop drawing details and
reference to a master sealant schedule specifying materials special instructions and applicable
For structural glazing, minimum 6 mm thick grey, tinted heat strengthened glass shall be used for
spandrel areas and 24 mm thick insulated glass with 6 mm thick reflective toughened glass +12 mm
air gap +6 mm thick clear toughened glass for other areas. The colour of the glass shall be as per the
design of The WBSETCL. Prior to bringing the materials in bulk, sample approval shall be done by
WBSETCL. Material shall be of reputed manufacturer and approved by WBSETCL.
Gaskets and seals shall be extruded EPDM of approved quality, compatible with substrates, finishes
and other components they are in contact with. All gaskets exposed directly on the exterior face
shall be silicon gaskets.
The Contractor shall provide full guarantee for structural glazing and other works carried out by
them in this contract which shall include:
Against non-failing of glasses
Sturdiness of the system
Against water penetration
Against air infiltration
Smooth operation of the doors.
Rolling shutters shall be made in accordance with IS:6248 from tested bright cold rolled,
annealed M.S. strips, not less than 0.9mm thick for shutters up to 4.5 M wide and Not less than 2.25
mm thick for shutters 5.5 M wide and above, machine rolled at 7.5 mm rolling centers, interlocking
with each other. The profile will be such as to prevent excessive deflection under specified wind
Rolling grills shall be constructed out of 6 mm rods at 35mm Centers running horizontally flexible
connected with vertical links spaced not more than 200 mm centers. Alternatively, rolling grills
shall be made from perforated spots of approved design reinforced with 6mm dia rods.
Guides shall be of such depth as to retain the shutter under specified wind pressure.
Shafts shall be of steel pipe of sufficient size to carry the torsional load with a maximum deflection
of 1/360th of span. Grease packed ball bearings or bushing shall be provided for smooth trouble free
Hoods shall be formed of not less than 20 gauge steel suitably reinforced to prevent sag.
Locks shall be slide bolt and hasp, or cylinder lock operable from one or both sides.
Operating chains shall be of tested quality, heavily galvanized and with all ends rounded to assure
smooth operations and hand protection.
Rolling shutters/grills shall be easily operable by one person with speed of operation at about 1.3
meters per second. In general, manually operated shutters shall be push pull type for operating up to
9 sq. meter in area. Electrical motor operated Rolling shutters shall be provided wherever required.
Shutters shall be painted with one coat of zinc chromate primer at shop and subsequently two coats
of painting as necessary.
After installation of the shutters, the contractor shall test the performance of the shutter in
presence of the Engineer. All control and locking devices shall give fault free performance.
Chajja at opening for Rolling Shutter shall be placed at 500mm above the bottom of lintel
over the opening to accommodate the hood of the Rolling shutter at outside face of the wall.
Fly ash bricks (compressive strength 70 to100 Kg/cm2) as per IS: 13757 (latest revision) are
to be used in all masonry filler walls if the location of the proposed Sub-Station is within
100KM radius of nearest Thermal Power Plant,unless compelled by non availability which
need be authenticated by the Engineer in Charge before changing over to clay bricks.
Clay bricks for masonry work shall be of first class (compressive strength = 100 Kg/cm2
minimum) well burnt, of uniform size, shape and colour free from crackles, flows or nodules
of free lime and emit clear ringing sound when struck. Fractured surface shall show uniform
texture free from grits, lumps, holes etc. Water absorption after 24 hours immersion shall not
20. by weight. The bricks shall show no efflorescence after soaking in water and drying in
shade and shall in general conform to the requirements IS: 1077.
The mortar shall be prepared by mixing cement and coarse sand in the specified proportion as
stated in the drawings or as instructed by the Engineer. Water shall be clear, free from organic
matters, acids, or soluble salts and other deleterious substances in accordance with IS
specifications. Generally, mortars in the proportion 1:6 (1 cement and 6 sand) shall be used in
brick masonry works in superstructure and substructure, unless otherwise specified in
the drawings or instructed by the Engineer. Internal partition walls of 125 mm and 75 mm
thick brick walls shall be laid with cement sand mortar in the proportion 1:4 and 1:3
respectively with chicken wire mesh in every third layer.
In case of Retaining walls used below the FGL of Boundary Walls to retain the filling of earth
up to FGL,(1:4) mortar shall be used.
All joints between bricks shall be kept uniformly 10 mm thick and shall be fully filled with mortar.
All brick shall be laid in English bond with frog on top except for the layer just below D.P.C. and in
accordance with IS: 2212.
25mm thick D.P.C. with cement concrete (1:1.5:3) and admixture of water proofing compound with
graded stone aggregate 10mm nominal size and painting the top surface with a coat of bitumen of
required grade.
The brick walls shall be truly vertical and all courses shall be truly horizontal.
Masonry shall be cured by keeping it wet for seven days from the date of laying. In dry weather at
the end of days work top surface of masonry shall be kept by ponding.
10.14.04 PLASTERING:
Generally, brick walls shall be cement plastered with mortar in the proportion 1:6 (1 cement and
6 sand) The thickness of cement plaster on the inside and outside surfaces of brick wall shall be 19
mm and 12 mm respectively. Ceiling of the roof shall be plastered with 6 mm thick cement sand
mortar in the proportion (1:4) unless otherwise specified in the drawings or instructed by the
Plaster, when more than 12 mm thick, shall be applied in two coats a base coat followed by the
finishing coat. The base coat shall be allowed to dry and shrink before applying the second coat of
The finished wall surface shall be true to plumb and the contractor shall make up any irregularity in
the brickwork with plaster.
Before plastering all the mortar joints shall be raked out to a depth of at least 12 mm. The exposed
brick surface and the joints shall be thoroughly cleaned and washed with clean water and should be
kept wet for at least 12 hours before commencement of plastering.
The plastering shall be started from top and worked downwards and ensure even thickness and true
surface. All corners, edges and junctions shall be neatly finished.
All drips, grooves, mouldings and cornices as shown on drawing or instructed by the Engineer shall
be done with special care to maintain true lines, levels and profiles.
After plastering work is completed, all debris shall be removed and the area left clear.
All plastered surfaces after laying, shall be watered, for a minimum period of seven days and shall
be protected from excessive heat and sunlight by suitable approved means. Moistening shall
commence as soon as the plaster has hardened sufficiently and not susceptible to damage.
10.14.05 FINISH:
Wherever any special treatment to the plastered surface is indicated, the work shall be done exactly
as shown on the drawings, to the entire satisfaction of the Engineer regarding the texture, colour and
Wherever punning is indicated, the interior plaster shall be finished rough. Otherwise, the interior
plaster shall generally be finished to a smooth surface. The interior surface shall generally be
finished with a wooden float.
Plastered surfaces, where an even smooth surface is specified, wall putty shall be done.
Materials for wall putty shall be from approved manufacturers and approved by the Engineer. The
thickness of the punning shall be 1.5 mm and shall be applied by skilled workmen. The finish shall
be smooth, even and free from undulation, cracks etc.
All types of flooring, skirting, dado and similar locations, the base surface to receive the finish shall
be adequately roughened by chipping, raking out joints and cleaning thoroughly all dirts, grease etc.
with water and hard brush.
Artificial stone flooring shall be laid in panels of shape and size as directed. The casting of panels
will be so programmed as to prevent bonding on the freshly laid panel with adjacent panels. Suitable
grading where required shall be provided in the flooring for drainage of water, as directed by the
Engineer. The artificial stone flooring shall be 25 mm thick concrete in (1:2:4) cement: sand : stones
chips (6-10 mm) including a skidding of 6.0 mm with cement neatly toweled and finished.
Cast-in-situ Terrazzo flooring shall consist of an under-bed and a topping laid over an already laid
and matured concrete base. Unless otherwise specified the total thickness of the finish shall be
minimum 40 mm for horizontal and 25 mm for vertical surface of which topping shall not be less
than 12 mm. While the topping shall be of uniform thickness, the under bed may vary in thickness to
provide necessary slopes. The under bed shall be made with a mix of 1 part cement,
1 and 1/2 parts coarse sand and 3 parts stone chips (10 mm down) by volume. For vertical surface,
the mix shall consist of 1 part cement to 3 parts sand by volume. The mix for topping shall be
composed of cement colour pigment, marble dust and marble chips proportions of the ingredients
shall be such as to produce the terrazzo of colour, texture and pattern approved by the Engineer.
The cement shall be white or grey or a mixture of the two to which the pigment shall be added to
achieve the desired colour. To 3 parts of this mixture 1 part marble powder by volume shall be
added and thoroughly mixed dry. To 1 part of this mix 1 to 1 and 1/2 parts of marble chips by
volume shall be added and thoroughly mix dry again. Water shall be added to the mixture to make it
workable but not too wet.
Dividing strips made of aluminum or glass covering the total depth of underbed plus topping shall
be used for forming the panels. The panels shall not be more than 1.5 sq.m. in area of which
no side shall be more than 1.2 m long. For exposed locations the maximum area of a panel shall be
2 sq.m., The panel shall be laid in alternate bays or chequered board pattern. After 12 to 18 hrs. of
laying the surface shall be cured by allowing water to sand on the surface by covering with wet sack
for four days.
Grinding and polishing shall be done when the surface has sufficiently hardened as per standard
For Marble flooring, every marble stone shall be cut to the required size and shape. The top surface
shall be fine chisel dressed to remove all waviness. The sides and top surface of slabs shall be
machine rubbed or table rubbed with coarse sand before paving. The thickness of the slab shall be as
specified in the description of the item. Base concrete or the R.C.C slab on which the slabs are to be
laid shall be 20 mm and the thickness at any place under the slab shall not be less than 12 mm.
This item relates to the furnishing of materials and installation of ceramic tiles in flooring, dado, etc.
Tiles shall conform to IS 15622 & workmanship shall be as per IS 1443.
The ceramic tiles shall be of high quality of approved manufacturer as specified by WBSETCL. No
chipped, cracked, crazed or warped tiles shall be used. Glazed rounded corners and cups (convex or
concave) shall be provided at corner of walls, edge, junctions of floor and dado etc., if so specified.
The mortar shall be in proportion 1:4 (cement: sand).
The surface to be covered shall be plastered rough to a thickness of 12mm. fix 12mm size stone
chips (5 nos. one in each corner and one in the middle of each tile wit adhesive viz., Araldite of
equivalent for keying action) or with approved chemical of reputed brand and the tiles shall be
soaked in water for at least two hours prior to fixing at site. A thin layer of cement paste shall be
buttered on the back of the tile and on the site after which the tile shall be pressed and tapped home
taking care that the corner tiles are perfectly matching. After the backing coat has set the tile joints
shall be grouted with neat, white cement with necessary pigment. All surplus slurry that remains on
the surface shall be carefully wiped off before it sets. Care shall be taken to ensure that the finished
surface is absolutely plumb and to proper levels without any profusions, waviness of zig zag. Joints
between tiles shall be uniform is straight level lines. After completion
of the entire work or part of it the surface shall be cleared of all stains, cement etc. by washing with
Oxalic Acid (1:10) or any other approved compound.
The dado work shall be done only after fixing the tiles/ slabs on the floor. The approved glazed tile
before laying shall be soaked in water for least two hours. Tiles shall be fixed when the cushioning
mortar is steel plastic and before it gets very stiff.
The back of the tiles shall be cover with this layer of the cement mortar 1:3 using fine sand (table
–III, zone IV, IS 383-1963), and the edge of the tile smeared with neat white cement slurry. The tile
shall be then pressed in the mortar and gently tapped against the wall with a wooded mallet. The
fixing shall be done from bottom of wall upwards without any hollows in the bed of joints. Each tile
shall be as close as possible to one adjoining. The tiles jointed with white cement slurry. Any
thickness difference in the thickness of tiles shall be arranged out in cushioning mortar so that all
tiles faces are in one vertical plane. The joints between the tiles shall not exceed 1.0mm in width and
they shall be uniform.
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After fixing the dado / skirting etc. they shall be kept continuously wet for 7 days.
After the tiles have been laid in a room or the day fixing work is completed, the surplus cement
grout that may have come out of the joints shall be cleaned off before it sets. After the complete
curing, the dado or skirting over shall be washed thoroughly clean. In case of flooring, once the
floor has set, the floor shall be carefully washed clean and dried. When dry, the floor shall be
covered with oil free dry sawdust. It shall be removed only after completion of the construction
work and just before the floor is used.
The joints shall be cleaned off with wire brush to a depth of 3 mm and all dust and loose mortar
removed. Joints shall be then flush pointed with white cement and floor kept wet for 7 days and then
cleaned. Finished floor shall not sound hollow when tapped with a wooden mallet.
Glazed tiles shall be of total thickness between 20 mm and 25 mm including the under bed. The tiles
shall be of approved earthenware, covered with glazed white or coloured, of 300 mm x 200 mm
nominal sizes and 6 mm thickness unless otherwise specified and shall conform to IS: 777. The mix
for under bed shall consist of 1 part cement and 3 parts coarse sand by weight mixed with sufficient
water. The joints shall be cleaned and flush pointed with white cement and cured for 7 days by
keeping it wet. The surface shall be thoroughly cleaned with soap.
Acid and alkali proof tiles up to the height of 1500 mm over floor level to be provided in the battery
room of control building shall be of best indigenousmanufacturer and having minimum thickness of
25 mm for floor and 20 mm for skirting and shall have the adequate chemical resistant properties.
The tiles shall have straight edges, uniform thickness, plain surface, uniform non-fading colour and
textures and shall be approved by the engineer. Usually the chemical resistant tiles shall not absorb
water more than 2% by weight. The tiles shall have minimum compression strength of 700
Kg/sq.cm. The surface shall be abrasion resistant and durable. Acid and Alkali proof paint as per
approved specification is to be applied over a cast of primer on bare plastered wall.
The mortar used for setting or for under bed the tiles shall be durable and strong. The setting and
fixing shall be done according to the manufacturer's specification.
Kota stone shall be of selected quality, hard, sound, dense and homogeneous in texture free form
cracks, decays, weathering and flaws. They shall be hand or machine cut and shall be of
approved colour of even shade as far as permissible. The stones having yellowish strips, dent, black
patch and broken edges shall not to be used. The slabs shall conform to the sizes of 600 mm X 600
mm or as required and shall be laid to pattern as directed. The edges will be perfect vertical and in
right angled to each other. Minimum thickness of slabs hall be 20 mm and the minimum thickness
of floor finish including bedding mortar shall be 40 mm or specified in the relevant items of BOQ
and PWD and IS specification. The floor surface to be tiled shall be closely picked or hacked and
thoroughly watered and cleaned. Mortar for bedding shall be 1 part of cement, 4 parts of sand with a
layer of neat cement slurry. The stone slabs shall be laid on this bedding immediately and as each
stone is laid it shall be taped with a wooden mallet and set. Flush joints shall not exceed 1 mm thick
and shall be as per pattern indicated by WBSETCL. The joint shall be set closed with white cement,
stone dust, adhesive and admixture of pigment matching the shade of Kota stone. After the work has
set, the surface shall be machine polished to the satisfaction of WBSETCL. The final polished
surface shall than be washed of all dirt, mortar, etc. by using Oxalic Acid and handed over in a neat
condition. Measurement will be taken on finished dimensions. Before the start of Kota laying work,
approval should be taken from WBSETCL on sample work and the approved samples shall be kept
at site for ready reference. For dado, 120mm high, 300m wide and 20mm thick Kota shall be fixed
in wall, raised from plastered surface matched with floor joints or as directed by WBSETCL.Kota
stone shall be used in fire escape stair also.
All timber shall be best quality seasoned Sal, Gamari wood free from large or loose knots, cracks or
other defects. Timber shall be treated with approved wood-preservative before use. Before
starting the carpenter's work, the Contractor shall have the rough timber approved by the site
Engineer of WBSETCL.
Plywood shall be standard waterproof quality or with veneered decorative surface. Unless
specifically permitted otherwise the adhesive used in plywood shall be phenol-formal-dehyde resin
of BWR grade conforming to IS:848.
Flush doors of approved thickness of deluxe decorative quality conforming to IS: 2202 consisting of
top, bottom rail and side styles of well seasoned timbers 65mm wide each and the entire frame fitted
with 27.5mm wide battens places both ways in order to make the door of solid core and internal
lipping with teak, mahogany or rose wood approved decorative veneer faces and hardwood
edges. The core for solid core doors shall be of block board or wood particle board. Manufacturer's
literature and test certificates shall be submitted for the approval of the Engineer. Adhesive used
shall be phenol formaldehyde of BWR grade, conforming to IS:848.
Panel door shall be of sal wood frame and gamari wood rail and styles & factory made panel wood
panels and shall conform to relevant IS code.
Fixing of frame and partitions shall generally be done with 40 mm x 6 mm x 300/200 mm long M.S.
holdfasts bifurcated at end and grouted with 1:2:4 cement concrete.
Carpentry and joinery work hall be done as per relevant I.S. Code details shown on drawings and as
directed by the Engineer. All carpentry work shall have first class workmanship to give a neat
All carpentry work after finishing shall be sand papered smooth. An approved prime coat paint shall
be given after inspection of the Engineer to all surfaces other than those which shall be subsequently
polished or covered with laminated plastic sheet.
Paint used in the work shall be ready-mixed oil bound synthetic enamel paint of highest grade
product of well-known approved manufacturer. The paint shall be brought to site in original sealed
containers, bearing brand name, manufacturer's name and colour shade, with labels intact and seals
unbroken. Under no circumstances, shall the paint be diluted with turpentine or linseed oil or
otherwise. All material shall be subject to inspection and analysis and approved by the Engineer. All
prime coats shall be compatible to the material of the surface to be finished as well as to the
finishing coats to be applied. Surfaces such as plastered surface, concrete, masonry, misc. steel
materials should be wire brushed, sand-papered clean and free from oil, grease, efflorescence,
foreign loose materials to receive the approved paint.
All colour shall be as per painting schedule and tinting and matching shall be done to the
satisfaction of the Engineer in such cases, where samples are required, they shall be executed in
advance with the specified materials for the approval of the Engineer.
White washing shall be done from pure shell lime or fat lime, or a mixture of both as instructed by
the Engineer and shall conform to IS:712. Samples of lime shall be submitted to the Engineer for
approval and lime as per approved sample shall be brought to site in unslaked condition. After
slaking, it shall be allowed to remain in a tank of water for two days and then stirred up
with a pole, until it attains the consistency of thin cream. 100 gms.of gum to 6 liters of white
wash water and a little quantity of indigo or synthetic ultramarine blue shall be added to the lime.
The surface shall be cleared of all loose materials and dirt. All holes and irregularities of the surface
shall be filled up with lime putty and shall be allowed to dry up before application of the lime
One coat of whitewash shall consist of one stroke from top downwards, another from bottom
upwards over the first stroke and another from left to right before the previous one dries up. Second
coat and third coat shall be applied similarly. In case the Engineer feels that more coats are required
the contractor shall do so without any extra cost to the owner. No brush marks shall show on the
finished surface.
Colour washing shall have a primer of white wash and shall be of shade as approved by the
Engineer-in-Charge, sufficient quantity of colour wash enough for complete job shall be
prepared in one operation to avoid any difference in shade.
Oil bound washable distemper shall be applied after surface is primed with an alkali resistant primer
and followed by minimum two coats of oil bound washable distemper all as per manufacturer's
instruction and to the satisfaction of the Engineer.
Two coats of protective and decorative texture exterior high class matt finish composed of special
thermoplastic resin containing fine crystalline additives derived from granite (weather coat etc.)
paint for outside wall of approved quality as per manufacturers specification and as per direction of
Engineer in Charge to be applied over a coat of exterior primer as required by manufacturer’s
Applying two coats of acrylic emulsion paint Luxury quality of approved make over a coat of
cement based primer for interior surface.
Two coats of protective paint for chemical and weather resistance shall be applied for battery room.
For all Painting work the Manufacturer’s guide line /manual shall be consulted.
Water proofing with a coat of polymer modified waterproofing slurry (SIKA TOP SEAL-107 or
109 hi) on roof before laying 25 mm thick Roof tiles, laid over cement screed concrete (1:2:4)
with 6 mm down stone chips of average thickness of 40 mm and with proper slope.
The surface of roof shall be roughened and thoroughly cleaned with wire brush and water. Oil
patches, if any, shall be removed with detergent. The surface shall be dried thorough and swept
Exposed surface of roof of building to be treated for water proofing by the polymer modified
waterproofing slurry application shall be thoroughly cleaned and the same to be applied as specified
by the manufacturer prior to taking up screed concerting grading plaster on roof. The material shall
not have any adverse effect on the surface on which it is applied and must stick to it uniformly to
make a strong durable bond. It shall not be affected by short duration from fire, sun, and light traffic.
The application shall be resistant to growth of fungus and proof against saltpeter action.
If desired by the Engineer, a sample shall be prepared in advance and tested for water proof-ness for
48 hours under 300 mm depth of standing water. The Contractor shall arrange the
demonstration by providing materials and labours for the application.
The under bed shall not be laid under direct hot sun and shall be kept in shade immediately after
laying so as to avoid quick loss of water from the mix and separation from the roof surface. The
under-bed shall be cured under water for at least 7 days.
The under-bed shall be laid to provide an ultimate run off gradient not less than 1 in 100 and as
directed by the Engineer. Under-bed shall usually be composed of cement concrete, as stated above.
The under-bed shall be finished to receive the laying of roof tiles.
of tiles and then setting close the precast tiles, finishing up the joints with silicon sealant of
approved quality including providing 150 mm high skirting with the same tiles flushed with the
inside surface of parapet wall finishing the mouth of rain water pipes curving etc. as necessary
complete as per direction of the Engineer.
Suspension system shall consist of the grid supporting the ceiling panels, air conditioning pipes,
intermediate runner supports for the grid if any and hangers, wall angles etc., required to suspend
the grid or the runners from structural works, slabs and beams.
All members of the suspension system shall be of sufficient strength and rigidity to carry the ceiling
boards in a true and level plane without exceeding a deflection of 1/360th of span.
All joints in ceiling panels shall run straight and cross joint shall be at perfect right angles. Angle
moulds where shown on drawings shall be securely fixed to walls.
All drilling on structural concrete and installation of suitable anchoring device for installation
including welding of the suspension system shall be done as per requirement.
All M.S. sections used for supports etc. shall be given two coats of synthetic enamel paint over a
coat of red lead primer.
Aluminium grid ceiling system shall be of approved make. Aluminium tees as intermediate
members and aluminium channels / angles as end pieces will be assembled in the form of grid. Size
of tees, cross tees and channels etc. shall be as shown on drawings. Main runners shall be hung by
M.S. flats, angles, rods etc. at maximum 1.2 meters centers. Extra hangers shall be provided at
lighting fixtures those are to be supported from the ceiling system. Turn buckles shall be provided
with M.S. rods for adjustment in levels.
Ceiling panels shall be of decorative, humidity resistant, fire resistant, sound and thermal
insulation, white texture Gypsum Boards manufactured by reputed approved manufacturer,
samples of which shall be submitted for Engineer's approval.
Cut outs in the ceiling for light fixtures, air conditioning diffusers etc. shall be provided as shown on
Finished ceiling shall be at the correct plane and present a pleasing and uniform appearance, free
from sags, warps, disfigured or damaged board.
Prior to delivery of ceiling components, drawings of the complete suspended coiling system shall be
submitted to the Engineer for approval. Drawings shall furnish the following information :
The contractor shall have to submit the design drawing of the water supply system to
building / Integrated Building and other utilities for approval and execute the same as
The water supply system shall consist of sinking deep tube wells and allied water
distribution system from the tube well to residential and other buildings, store-shed,
control building / Integrated Building etc. The sewage disposal system shall consist of
drainage from control and other buildings including necessary fixtures and waste
treatment unit like septic tank, soak pit etc. All design, drawings, materials, devices,
appliances, fixtures etc. shall be submitted to Engineer for approval before fixing.
ii) The work includes verticality test, water sample test, washing and developing
tube-well with air compressor pump and test for yield etc. complete.
iii) Supply, fitting, fixing of 100 mm dia. brass strainer of leading brand and
approved quality having a minimum length of 18.2 mtrs., cutter piece, G.I. Pipes
and all types of specials as required for successful commissioning of the tube-well
and pump.
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iv) Packing the annular space between the outside of the tube-well pipes, strainer and the
bore with pea sized screened gravel of approved quality and size for most of the bored
length excepting the top 10 to 15 mtrs. which shall be filled with clay of impervious
vi) G.I. pipes for deep tube well shall be of heavy duty. In the event of use of PVC
pipe (approved Brand) as per site requirement, necessary price adjustment shall be made.
b. Construction of a suitable R.C.C. overhead reservoir with necessary inlet and outlet
arrangements as per requirement including wash outlet.
c. Delivery piping from medium type G.I. from R.C.C. overhead reservoir to individual
overhead storage tanks placed on the roof of control building, stores, security barrack and
residential buildings etc. with necessary bends, tees and other fitting etc. complete.
d. Distribution mains from respective pumps to buildings with necessary valves, fittings etc.
complete where provision of R.C.C. overhead reservoirs has not been made.
f. All waste and vent piping, with connections to each fixture and piece of equipment
requiring a waste connection.
g. All building water supply piping (internal) as required including connection to each
fixture and piece of equipment requiring water.
k. Separate waste water treatment unit for various buildings including septic tank, soak pit
etc. complete including disposal arrangement.
The water supply system to the buildings covers service pipes and the necessary connecting pipes,
fittings, control valves individual overhead PVC Tanks or RCC tank (as per requirement) and all
appurtenances in or adjacent to building.
All materials, fittings, valves, stop cocks, taps and other appliances shall be of best quality
conforming to the relevant Indian Standard and shall be procured from approved manufacturer to be
decided by the Engineer.
All pipeline shall be laid true to line, plumb and level and as per approved drawing. Care shall be
taken to avoid chances of airlock and water hammer.
Underground piping (medium or heavy type of approved make) shall be laid at such a depth that it is
not likely to be damaged by traffic or other loads. The size and depth of the trench shall be approved
by the Engineer. Backfilling shall be done with selected fine earth in 150 mm layers and carefully
Where desired by the Engineer or shown on the drawings, the pipes shall be concealed in masonry
or concrete of the structure.
All pipes medium or heavy type of approved make shall be seamless and of best quality
galvanized iron conforming to the relevant Indian Standard. All fittings, hangers, supports, straps,
clamps etc. shall be of approved quality.
Threads shall be cut with sharp tools and before jointing all scales shall be removed from pipes by
suitable means. Before jointing the threads shall be treated with approved pipe jointing compound.
G.I. pipes shall be given a coat of zinc chromate primer and two coats of best quality synthetic
enamel paint as approved by the Engineer All brackets, supports, clamps etc. after installation shall
be painted with two coats of synthetic enamel paint. Underground and concealed pipes shall be
painted with two coats of approved bituminous paint.
Layout and route shall be marked in place and approved by the Engineer before actual laying starts.
Route marking shall be provided with route marker at suitable interval as per direction of Engineer
in charge.
All pipes, fittings and appliances shall be inspected before laying and shall be sounded to disclose
cracks. Any defective item shall be clearly marked as rejected and forthwith removed from the site.
After laying and jointing, the service pipes shall be slowly and carefully charged with water
allowing all air to escape to avoid chances of air lock and water hammer.
The service pipe shall then be inspected under working conditions of pressure and flow. When all
draw off taps are closed, the service pipes shall be absolutely water-tight. All piping, fittings and
appliances shall be checked for satisfactory support and protection from damage, corrosion etc.
The contractor shall have to submit design & drawing of the waste water system as part of the total
drainage scheme for approval and execute the work as required.
Drainage and sanitation covers the total layout and construction of drains for roof water, surface
water and waste water from Bathroom, kitchen etc. and sewage together with all fittings and
fixtures and inclusive of ancillary works, such as connections, manholes and inspection chambers
used within the building and from the building to the connection to a sewer main or to septic tanks,
soak pits and chlorination chamber, if so required.
All pipelines, fittings and fixtures shall be installed leak proof as per drawings or as directed by the
Engineer. Correctness of lines, plumb, orientation, symmetry and levels shall be strictly ensured.
The connections shall be such as to prevent any splashing or splitting or emission of foul odour and
Soil, waste and drain pipes, traps and fittings for underground work shall be heavy duty
stoneware/cast iron soil pipe as shown on drawings and as per instruction of the Engineer. Soil,
waste, vent and drain pipes, and fittings above ground shall be of heavy cast iron/UPVC as
approved by the Engineer. Vent pipes shall be covered on top with a cowl made of C.I/UPVC.
The cast iron pipes and fittings shall be effectively protected against corrosion by painting two coats
of approved anti corrosive paints.
Underground pipes may be supported on suitable concrete or brick supports so that there is no
undue strain at the joints or on the pipes. Pipes shall be secured to the supports by approved means.
For vertical runs each pipe shall hang freely on its brackets fixed just below the socket. Suitable
spacer blocks shall be provided against the vertical surface to which the pipe is fixed.
Every joint in the cast iron pipe line shall be made with a gasket of hemp or yarn, and pure soft lead
properly caulked so as to preserve the continuity of the drain without obstruction. All connections
shall be made perfectly water tight. All bends junctions shall be supplied with watertight cleanout.
Rain water pipes shall be of C.I./UPVC of I.S. quality and of the size as specified on drawings. All
rain water pipes shall have suitable gratings at the inlet opening at roof and floor shall be well
secured and supported by adequately strong brackets. Where desired by the Engineer the rain water
pipes may have to be installed in chases cut in the structure.
Rain water pipes(for CI Pipe/UPVC) shall be painted outside with two coats of anti corrosive paints
over a coat of primer as approved by the Engineer.
Roof and floor drains and yard gullies shall be installed, if required by cutting into the structure and
grouted with 1:2:4 cement concrete. All gutters shall be provided with removable C.I. gratings.
Manholes and inspection chambers shall be provided at suitable distances as per standard
practice and as directed by the Engineer.
Manholes shall be provided with medium duty C.I. covers of 32kg weight (size-600 mm x 450 mm).
The covers shall have close fittings so as to prevent gases from coming out.
Septic tanks (R.C.C/(1:4) Brick Work) and soak pits shall be designed to have capacity as follows:
a. AIS Control Room Building. : 50 users
b. GIS Integrated building : 15 users.
c.C -type quarter (single/Double unit) :15/50 users.
d. Dormitory (six units) :50 users. (Each bldg.)
e. Store-shed : 15 users
f) Store-shed with office : : 15 users
g) Security Barrack: :15 users
h) C -type quarter cum dormitory. : 50 users.
i) B-type quarter (six units) :50 users. (Each bldg.)
The septic tank shall be tested for water tightness. It shall be filled up with water and allowed to
soak for 24 hours. Next day it is again filled up by compensating the losses if any and allowed to
stand again for 24 hours and loss of level recorded. The fall shall not be more than 15 mm.
All fixtures and fittings shall be connected by water tight joints. No dripping shall be accepted.
All Sanitary fixtures and fittings shall be of approved I.S. quality and type manufactured by well
known manufacturers. All items brought to site must bear identification marks of the type of the
manufacture. After the fixtures are brought to site, the contractor shall arrange for their
inspection by the Engineer and only after approval, the fixtures shall be installed. All broken,
damaged and rejected fixtures shall be removed from the site within two days after inspections.
a. Raised type European water closet shall include glazed vitreous china basin with siphon,
open front solid plastic seat and plastic cover, low level glazed stoneware flushing cistern with
valve less fittings, supply connections and necessary fittings. All fittings shall be chromium
plated. Colour of basin, cistern seat and cover shall be approved by the Engineer.
b. Squatting type water closet shall include glazed vitreous china pan with foot rests and
low level PVC flushing cistern of approved make with valve fittings, supply connection
and necessary fittings.
Urinals shall consist of wall type glazed vitreous china urinals, cast iron automatic flushing cistern
complete with supply connections, flush pipe, connecting pipes, gratings, traps and all other
necessary fittings. Two or three urinals located together may be served by one cistern of adequate
capacity including laying of white vitreous chinaware (600x150mm) half round channel. All
fittings shall be chrome plated.
Wash basin shall be glazed vitreous china, flat back wall hung by cast iron brackets and complete
with pattern with cold water brass faucet with nylon washers, waste chain, waste washers, flexible
waste pipes with traps, perforated waste complete with necessary fittings. All fittings including
faucet shall be chromium plated.
Glass shelves shall consist of 6 mm thick clear glass of size 600 mm x 125 mm with guard rails, wall
mounted with brackets. All brackets & guard rails etc. shall be chromium plated.
Towel rails shall be chromium plated 20 mm diameter and 600 mm long with brackets. The
brackets, screws etc. shall be chromium plated.
Soap holder shall be chromium plated wall mounted with brass plated screws.
Liquid soap dispenser shall be round and easily revolving with removable threaded nozzle. The
body, bracket for wall mounting shall be chromium plated.
All plumbing fittings and fixtures shall be installed by skilled workers and shall be perfect in level,
plumb, plane, location and symmetry. All items shall be securely anchored to walls and floors. All
cuttings in walls and floors shall be made good by the Contractor.
Cable trenches shall be constructed in accordance with the detailed drawings to be developed by the
contractor and approved by the Engineer.
The cable trenches shall be of reinforced concrete of grade M-30 unless otherwise directed by the
Engineer. All concrete work shall conform to IS: 456 – 2000.
Cable trenches shall be cast in lengths not greater than 35 M with alternative lengths cast at one
time. Joints between succeeding lengths shall be sealed with continuous P.V.C. water barriers of
approved variety to the satisfaction of the Engineer.
At road crossing R.C.C. box culvert type cable Trench shall be provided.
Cable trenches shall be provided with appropriate slope (1:500 along length) to facilitate drainage.
On completion the trenches shall be thoroughly cleaned.
Height of wall of the switchyard cable trench excluding cover slab shall be 225mm above FGL. An
arrangement is suggested to be provided to arrest ingress of outdoor cable trench water into indoor
cable trench.
Thickness of chequered plate shall be 8mm. 2-ISMC 100 (back to back) or above is to be used for
fixing Panels on cable trench. For fixing chequered plate 2-ISMC 75 (back to back) is to be used.
The contractor shall submit detailed drawings of trench cover slab and details of supporting steel
works at trench inter-section along with details of design calculations for approval of the
Engineer. Trench cover slabs shall be designed for live load of 1 T/Sq.m. However, the thickness of
slab shall be preferably 100 mm. or as per actual requirement. The cover slab shall have proper
lifting arrangement. This arrangement shall not in any way obstruct free movement over the trench.
In the event of cables laid in HDPE pipes, the Pipes should conform IS-14333, IS- 4984-1995
including its latest revision. Proper arrangement for jointing with RCC cable trench is to be ensured
& necessary inspection pits at suitable intervals are to be provided.
The contractor shall submit the design drawing for approval and execute the work of storm drainage
system including the bath room and other waste water (excepting the WC waste water system).
Storm water drainage system shall be designed in two parts :
Main drains shall be designed as a net work covering total storm and cable trench water of the
substation, quarters and entire open area. Attempts shall be made to convert existing construction
drains, if any, into main drain as far as practicable. Auxiliary/branch drains shall collect
discharge from various buildings and then be connected to main drain at suitable location. In
addition, catch water pits and underground pipe lines shall be provided at required intervals to
connect the same to the main drain. R.C.C. pipe culverts/box culverts shall be provided to carry
drainage at road and cable trench crossings. Underground storm water piping shall be limited to
required areas where surface drainage are not desirable or practicable from other functional point
of view. Drainage slope for open drain1:750 & for hume pipe arrangement 1:300 along length to
be maintained. Inspection pit of suitable size to be provided for hume pipe drain @ 15m interval.
The drainage system shall be designed for precipitation intensity of 50 mm per hour (maximum
hourly intensity of rainfall).
All flow will be by gravity with a flow velocity of 0.6 to 1.0 meter/sec.
Co-efficient of run off will be 0.5 except for roads and paved areas where it will be 0.9. The waste
water from Bath, Wash Basin & Kitchen shall be disposed to surface drains and waste water from
Toilet & W.C shall be disposed to Septic tank and soak pit.
The storm water drainage from switchyard and utility area is to be terminated to a out fall structure
at a suitable approved location, with an adequate drop, outside sub-station premises and with a
dispersal structure (drain, culvert etc.), if so required.
Necessary cover slabs are to be provided over peripheral drain at the entrance locations or as
per requirement at site.
The contractor shall design and construct rail-cum-road for 400KV, 220 KV & 132 KV sub-
stations within the switchyard for transport of transformers & reactor as per the tender drawings
and subsequent approved drawings. Rail-cum-road shall be of RCC preferably with jacking and
winching pads as required. It shall be of length measured from the edges of transformers or reactor
foundations, extending 4 (four) meter minimum or as per requirement beyond the outer road edge
running orthogonally for movement of the transformer or reactor. For 132KV Sub-Station rail cum
road shall be placed over 1000mm medium coarse sand filling with confinement. For
160MVA/315MVA Tr./ Reactor rail cum road is to be designed following the same philosophy of
Transformer/Reactor design. However the same shall be finalized during detailed engineering.
The contractor shall also supply and deliver all materials required for the construction of the rail-
For 132/33 KV, 220/132KV, 400/220KV sub-stations, the contractor shall design and construct
transformer/reactor soak pit and oil/water sump on the basis of design parameters of such
individual transformers/reactor to be obtained from concerned manufacturer duly approved by the
The contractor shall supply, install and commission suitable sump pump of adequate capacity
(Minimum 2HP ), to be provided in consultation with Site Authority/EIC, for pumping out oil/water
from the sump.
The contractor shall design and construct a drainage sump cum pump house (as per requirement),
supply and install a suitable pump of adequate capacity (Minimum 2HP ), to be provided in
consultation with Site Authority/EIC, for efficient draining out of entire storm water from the
switchyard & water coming from the nearby drainage system. Construction of sump cum pump
house and supply & installation of sump pump are no longer required if gravity flow is feasible for
disposal of storm water to outside drainage outfall.
One of the deep tube well pump house shall be of 4 sq.m. Floor area to accommodate operating
switch, electrical panel etc. & other shall be accommodated in the pump house inside Colony as per
requirement. Relevant BIS shall be followed during design of Sump.
The contractor shall design and construct 1.8 M high compound wall around entire residential
colony area as per approved drawing. The compound wall shall be of R.C.C. of grade M-30 and 250
thick brick work (1:4) with cement and sand plastering (1:4) having thickness of 19 mm and 12 mm
on the external and internal side respectively. Expansion joints shall be provided at an interval of
21 M for straight run or at suitable junctions of the compound wall. Depth of foundation
shall be minimum 1 M from the original ground level for the land where no filling is required.
Wall shall be finished with two coats of Weather coat or equivalent over a coat of primer. Two
coats of synthetic enamel paint of approved make over one coat of primer shall be provided on
steel surfaces. Spacing of R.C.C. columns shall be restricted to 3 M. Lateral load in wall/column
due to earth fill shall be considered during design.
The colony area will have 4.50 m size MS Gates of approved design on its wall. A wicket gate of 1.2
m width shall be provided separately matching with the height of the compound wall.
The contractor shall plan, design and construct various types of residential and other buildings at
specified Sub-stations as mentioned in the bid schedule.
The indicative outline plan drawings as attached in these documents are for bidding only. The
contractor shall, on the basis of drawing and this full specification made part of the document,
prepare detailed architectural, structural and foundation drawings and designs including all
facilities and submit to the Engineer for approval.
The contractor shall furnish front, rear and side elevations accommodating all requirements of all
types of buildings for approval of the Engineer. The contractor shall provide residential and other
buildings and furnish the indoor facilities in accordance with the requirements specified herein and
in the accompanied bid-drawings.
The residential and other buildings shall mean and include the building structure with
foundations, indoor works and facilities such as masonry and carpentry, doors, windows, water
supply and sanitary facilities, painting and all other civil works as specified for control building.
The internal electrification of buildings shall be done as per approved drawing and specification.
Generally, design live loads shall be considered in accordance with IS:875 unless otherwise
All building structures shall be of R.C.C. frame work and R.C.C. flat roof slab generally, if not
specified otherwise.
Self weight of buildings shall be computed in accordance with IS:1911. Wind load on buildings
shall be considered in accordance with IS:875. Seismic analysis shall be done as per IS: 1893
adopting basic horizontal seismic co-efficient for the relevant zone.
No omission or ambiguities in the drawing or in the specifications will relieve the contractor from
responsibility for adequate designs and materials or completeness of the work.
The Contractor shall design and construct the following types of residential buildings as
mentioned below which may vary to suit the requirement of individual sub-station:
a.‘C’ type; single storied : i) 400 KV s/s – Double unit with provision for double
residential building storied shall be kept.
ii) 220 KV & 132 KV s/s – Each building consisting
of single unit with provision
for double storey.
b.Three storied family dormitory : Each building consisting of six units.
c.Three storied family B-type quarter : Each building consisting of six units.
The foundation for C- type building at 400, 220 & 132 KV sub-station shall only be designed for
future provision of construction of one additional storey. All architectural and structural drawings
including reinforcement detailing will be provided by Engg.Dept, WBSETCL. However
foundation design is to be done by the agency on the basis of column loads at founding level as
provided by WBSETCL. Soil parameters are to be obtained from soil testing data.
The contractor shall design and construct two types of covered sheds of specified area as
mentioned in the bid schedule:
Truss of required span shall be made of M.S. tubes conforming to IS: 1161/1239. All structural
welding shall be conforming to IS:816.
The bay to bay distance between trusses shall be 3.6 M to 4.0 M. Ties at various level shall be
provided as required.
External walls including gable ends shall be 250 mm thick brick work (4:1) plastered on both sides
(19 mm thick and 12 mm thick).
Roof sheetings shall be corrugated galvanized iron sheet 22 gauge thick and shall be fitted and fixed
with 10 mm diameter `J' or `L' hook bolts and limpet and bitumen washers etc. The roof sheeting
shall have a projection of 450 mm (min.) from the wall face.
The steel rolling shutter of size 3 M x 2.7 M and a collapsible gate of adequate size both manually
operated with suitable locking arrangement shall be provided as stipulated in the concerned bid
The flooring, in general, shall be 38 mm thick grey artificial stone flooring C.C.(1:2:4) over 100
mm thick C.C. (1:3:6) and 75 mm thick brick flat soling. A layer of polythene sheet of approved
quality shall be laid over the soling before placing of concrete. The flooring of workshop and garage
shall be provided with 13 mm thick Ironite topping to be laid over 25 mm thick C.C.(1:2:4)
as per specifications stipulated in the concerned bid drawing.
The inside of the store sheds shall be finished with 3 coats of colour washing and the outside
painting shall be weather coat (2 Coat) or equivalent over a coat of primer.
Adequate Nos. of wooden doors, windows and ventilators shall be provided for proper lighting and
ventilation in the store sheds & office building as per approved drawing.
A toilet unit comprising of one W.C. (Orrisa type), one urinal (430 x 350 x 260 mm size) and one
wash basin (550 x 400 mm size) with water supply arrangement. A separate R.C. roof shall be
provided over the toilet block; One no. approved quality PVC water tank of 500 liters capacity shall
be suitably accommodated over the slab including necessary pipe connections, fitting,
fixtures etc. for supply of water to toilet block. Provision of a separate wash basin with
arrangement of water supply shall also be made at a location to be decided by the Engineer.
The contractor shall prepare detailed architectural and structural drawings on the basis of
indicative drawings and specifications for approval of the Engineer.
Peripheral walls shall be of height 1.0m above FFL.Walls shall be 250 mm thick brick work (4:1)
plastered on both sides (19 mm thick and 12 mm thick).
The inside of the store sheds shall be finished with 3 coats of colour washing and the outside
painting shall be of weather coat (2 coat) or equivalent over one coat of primer.
The flooring, in general, shall be 38 mm thick grey artificial stone flooring C.C. (1:2:4) over 100
mm thick C.C. (1:3:6) and 75 mm thick brick flat soling. A layer of polythene sheet of approved
quality shall be laid over the soling before placing of concrete.
v) 4T5 2400
vi) Beam/Girder: 3200
2) Wave Trap 725
3) Isolator 3-Phase 2000
4) Pantograph Isolator 1-Phase 350
5) Bus Support /P.I. 1Φ 275
6) CT 210
7) PT 250
8) LA 200
9) CVT 200
10) LM (47m high) 6500
i) 3 – Phase
ii) 1 – Phase 1100
4) Tandem
5) Bus Support 985
6) CT 250
7) PT 180
8) LA 190
9) CVT 197
10) C.S.E 180
However, any other details “not included in the above specification” but required to be
executed as per direction of EIC/ for successful commissioning of the Substation is to be taken up
by the contractor.
a.EXTERNAL I) 250 mm thick cement brick work (1:6) in foundation & plinth.
a.EXTERNAL & INTERNAL I) 12/19 mm thick cement sand plaster (1:6).
b. CEILING II) 6mm thick cement sand plaster (1:4).
a)Vitrified tiles flooring for all rooms including stair case and corridor, control room, PLCC, SCADA, Relay
room and conference room except battery room & store.
b.Artificial stone flooring with 150mm high skirting consisting of 25mm thick concrete (1:2:4)
with 6mm thick cement punning for store room only.
c.150mmx150mmx20mm thick acid & alkali proof tiles with 1500mm high dado for battery
room only for use of Plante Battery.
Or Vitrified floor tiles for battery room for use of VRLA battery.
Coloured ceramic (anti skid) tiles with 1500 mm high dado for toilet.
f. MILD STEEL:- Rolling shutter as per specification. Collapsible gate heavy type as per
specification.MS grill (wt 18kg/sqm) in all openable windows.
25mm thick precast tiles to be laid as per technical specification (Cl: No- 10.14.09).
a.External i) 250mm th. Cement Brick Work (1:6) in foundation & plinth.
ii) 250mm th. Cement Brick Work (1:4) in superstructures.
b.Internal i) 125/75 mm th. Cement Brick Work (1:4) & (1:3) in superstructure.
c. 25mm damp proof course (D.P.C.) in proportion C.C.(1:2:4) with approved water proofing
compound shall be provided in brick work at plinth level.
a. External & Internal : 12/19 mm th. Cement sand plaster (1:6)
b.Ceiling : 6 mm th. Cement sand plaster (1:4)
b.Steel & Timber surface : Two coats of synthetic enamel paint over one coat of primer.
a.40mm situ coloured thick Cast in terrazzo work with 150mm high 25mm thick skirting for all
rooms OR
b.1st quality Ceramic tiles in walls & Floors with Sand Cement mortar(1:4) 20mm thick & 2mm
thick cement slurry at back side of tiles using cement@2.91Kg/sqm& joint filling using white
cement slurry 0.2kg/sqm
b.150mmx150mmx5mm thick coloured glazed porcelain tiles for toilet with 2100mm high dado.
a.Paneled Door :-Frame size of door--- 125x65 {sal wood}, Shutter--38mm thick styles &
rails and 19mm thick panel {Gamari}
b.Decorative Flush Door :- Frame size of door--- 125x65 {Sal wood} & 38mm thick Gamari
wood batten.
a.Generally 2/3rd paneled 1/3rd glazed windows with M.S. Grill (18kg/sqm) and frame size
125x65 {sal wood) with 38mm thick wood style & rails with 19mm th. wooden panel of
GAMARI wood.
b.Fully glazed shutter for staircase.
c.Fully glazed with frosted pin head in bath & w/c.
8. VERANDAH: All Verandah shall be covered by MS grill (wt 18kg/sqm)
a.Built in cupboard of size 1200x500x2100 high with three R.C. shelves & bored & white ant
proof block board flush shutter with locking arrangement in each bed room /living room .
b.Built in cupboard of size 750x500x2100 high with three R.C. shelves with fly proof net fitted on
Gamari shutters in kitchen.
c.Frame work for both a) & b) would be of sal wood.
10. Collapsible gate of standard weight shall be provided at the main entry location of the building.
v) All water line & fittings shall be of G.I. pipes & stop cock, bib cock, shower rose etc.
shall be of C.P. (nos. shall be as per requirement).
vi) All soil waste drain pipes & fittings etc. for over ground shall be of extra heavy duty
cast iron pipes of approved quality and for underground shall be of heavy duty storm water
pipes of approved quality.
vii) Septic tank & circular soak pit, inspection chamber etc. shall be of standard size for
each building.
viii) Overhead P.V.C. water tank (P4 International or equivalent) for each wing of the
two wings of Dormitory & C-type Bldg. C-Type-500 ltr. & Dormitory- 1500 ltr.
a. External & Internal : 12/19 mm th. Cement sand plaster (1:6)
b. Ceiling : 6 mm th. Cement sand plaster (1:4)
b. Steel & Timber surface : Two coats of synthetic enamel paint over one coat of primer.
a. Artificial stone flooring with 150mm high skirting consisting of 38 mm thick concrete
(1:2:4) including 16 mm thk. Neat cement punning for all floors except garage & store.
b. For store 13 mm.thk. Ironite topping to be laid over 25 mm thk. c.c (1:2:4) while the later is still
green. Ratio of ironite dust to cement shall be 1:4 by weight and the ratio of mixing of this mix with
6 mm nominal size stone chips shall be 1:2 by volume. The topping layer shall be pressed firmly and
finished with steel trowel.
a. Rolling shutters of heavy type (as per specification & approved drawing).
b. Collapsible grill gate of heavy type (as per specification & approved drawing).
a. G.C.I. sheet of 22 gauge fitted by J or L hook with M.S. tubular truss & wind tie as per
approved design.
b. Intermediate R.C.C. slab over toilet block.
Generally 1000mm wide plinth protection work with C.C. (1:3:6) over one layer of B.F.S. with
peripheral drain (at least of 250mm thick 1:4 brick work unless otherwise specified) to be provided
around each Building finished with neat cement. Necessary cover slabs are to be provided over
peripheral drain at the entrance locations or as per requirement at site.
a. Column surface wall shall be finished with Weather coat (2 coats) or equivalent over a coat of
b. Steel surface : Two/Three coats of synthetic enamel paint over one coat of red led primer up to
the satisfaction of WBSETCL.
1. 13 mm.thk. Ironite topping to be laid over 25 mm thk. c.c (1:2:4) while the later is still green.
Ratio of ironite dust to cement shall be 1:4 by weight and the ratio of mixing of this mix with
6 mm nominal size stone chips shall be 1:2 by volume. The topping layer shall be pressed
firmly and finished with steel trowel.
a. C.G.I. sheet of 22 gauge fitted by J or L hook with M.S. tubular truss & wind tie as per
approved design.
2. All pipes to be used for truss shall be procure from approved make of WBSETCL
(All other schedule of architectural finishes would be as in the case of residential buildings as
RAMP: Suitable ramp alongside the length (as per drawing) with proper side protection shall be
Generally 1000mm wide plinth protection work with C.C. (1:3:6) over one layer of B.F.S. with
peripheral drain (at least of 250mm thick 1:4 brick work unless otherwise specified) to be provided
around each Building finished with neat cement. Necessary cover slabs are to be provided over
peripheral drain at the entrance locations or as per requirement
1. Column surface wall shall be finished with Weather coat (2 coats) or equivalent over a coat of primer.
2. Steel surface : Two/Three coats of synthetic enamel paint over one coat of red led primer up to the
satisfaction of WBSETCL.
Artificial stone flooring consisting of 38 mm thick concrete (1:2:4) including 16 mm thk. Neat
cement punning for all floors.
1. Corrugated metal roofing sheet heavy duty PVC/ Fibre roofing sheet of approved make fitted
by J or L hook with M.S. tubular truss & wind tie as per make & design.
2. All pipes to be used for truss shall be procure from approved make of WBSETCL
(All other schedule of architectural finishes would be as in the case of residential buildings as
RAMP: Suitable ramp alongside the length (as per drawing) with proper side protection shall be
Generally 1000mm wide plinth protection work with C.C. (1:3:6) over one layer of B.F.S. with
peripheral drain (at least of 250mm thick 1:4 brick work unless otherwise specified) to be provided
around each Building finished with neat cement. Necessary cover slabs are to be provided over
peripheral drain at the entrance locations or as per requirement
As approved by the electrical wing.