Distributed Computing System Quiz Questions

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Distributed Computing System Quiz Questions

1. Message passing provides a mechanism to allow processes to communicate and to

synchronize their actions___________

1. without sharing the same address space

2. by sharing the same address space
3. by sharing port number
4. by sharing the same process number and process identifier

Answer: by sharing the same address space

2. Which address is used to identify a process on a host by the transport layer?

1. logical address
2. physical address
3. specific address
4. port address

Answer: port address

3. ____________is an object acting as a gateway for the client side.

1. stub
2. skeleton
3. server
4. remote

Answer: stub

4.OSI stands for ________

1. open service internet

2. operating system interface
3. optical service implementation
4. open system interconnection

Answer: open system interconnection

5. In all reliable multicast group communication_______________

1. response from any of the receiver required

2. response from \m\(1<m<n) of the \n\receiver required
3. n\ response expected from the receiver
4. response needed from all the receivers

Answer: response needed from all the receivers

6. Which of the following allocates/deallocates buffers?

1. stub/skeleton layer
2. transport layer
3. rrl
4. networking layer

Answer: rrl

7. An architecture where clients first communicate the server for data then format and
display it to the users, is known as____________

1. three-tier architecture
2. two-tier architecture
3. client/server architecture
4. peer-to-peer architecture

Answer: client/server architecture

8. If processes p and q both receive messages m and m', then p receives m before m' if
and only if q receives m before m'.The order delivery is called

1. consistent ordering
2. absolute ordering
3. causal ordering
4. fifo ordering

Answer: consistent ordering

9. What is the feature of stateful server?

1. quick recovery after reboot

2. file operations must be idempotent
3. longer server recovery time
4. simple server design

Answer: longer server recovery time

10. File Replication is done to_______________

1. increase cost
2. increase complexity
3. increase reliability
4. increase data

Answer: increase reliability

11. Pre transferring also known as_________________

1. premigrating
2. prefiltering
3. postcopying
4. precopying

Answer: precopying

12. To improve performance, many distributed systems___________

1. combine check pointing with message logging

2. combine check pointing with recovery oriented computing
3. All of above
4. None of above

Answer: combine check pointing with message logging

13. Which algorithm requires "1 to ∞" messages to enter and leave a critical region?

1. centralized algorithm
2. decentralized algorithm
3. token ring algorithm
4. distributed algorithm

Answer: token ring algorithm

14. The dynamic replication algorithm takes into account________________

1. files on server can be migrated anywhere

2. schedule process migration
3. to reduce load on server
4. resource sharing

Answer: to reduce load on server

15. Machine that places the request to access the data is generally called

1. client machine
2. server machine
3. database server
4. request machine

Answer: client machine

16. Which of the following is an example of election algorithm.

1. bully algorithm
2. cristian’s algorithm
3. berkley algorithm
4. lamport’s

Answer: bully algorithm

17. Full form of NTP is_____________

1. network time protocol

2. new timestamp protocol
3. new time protocol
4. network time stamp protocol

Answer: network time protocol

18. This is not feature of cooperative algorithm_____________

1. larger overhead
2. complex
3. worst stability
4. better stability

Answer: worst stability

19. The local operating system on the server machine passes the incoming packets to

1. server stub
2. binding agent
3. client operating system
4. client stub

Answer: server stub

20. NTP is_________ layer protocol.

1. session
2. application
3. physical
4. transport

Answer: application

21. Transient communication done by layer______________

1. transport
2. network
3. session
4. physical

Answer: transport

22. Which mutual exclusion algorithm is useful when the membership of the group is

1. lamport’s.
2. centralized
3. decentralized algorithm
4. token ring

Answer: centralized

23. Distributed system consists of set of resource____________

1. printer
2. cd
3. processor
4. processes

Answer: processor

24. What are the characteristics of data migration?

1. execute an entire process or parts of it at different sites

2. transfer the computation rather than the data
3. transfer data by entire file or immediate portion required
4. execute an entire process or parts of it at same site

Answer: transfer data by entire file or immediate portion required

25. A “glue” between client and server parts of application____________

1. firmware
2. middleware
3. package
4. system software

Answer: middleware

26. Absolute time synchronization can be achieved using______________

1. christian’s method
2. vector time stamping method
3. ricart-agrawala algorithm
4. lamport’s method

Answer: christian’s method

27. What are the characteristics of computation migration?

1. transfer the computation rather than the data

2. transfer data by entire file or immediate portion required
3. execute an entire process or parts of it at different sites
4. execute an entire process or parts of it at same site

Answer: transfer the computation rather than the data

28. In Casual consistency model all processes hared accesses in____________

1. sequential order
2. same order
3. random order
4. specific order

Answer: same order

29. ______consistency is that write operations by the same process are performed in the
correct order everywhere.

1. strict
2. weak
3. fifo
4. eventual

Answer: fifo

30. In which of the following consistency model all writes become perceptible to all

1. weak
2. strict
3. sequential
4. casual

Answer: strict

31. In RMI, the objects are passed by_____________

1. reference
2. value
3. All of above
4. Object

Answer: value

32. _________is a process that prevents multiple threads or processes from accessing
shared resources at the same time.

1. critical section
2. message passing
3. deadlock
4. mutual exclusion

Answer: mutual exclusion

33. Any successive write operation by a process on a data item x will be performed on a
copy of x that is up to date with the value most recently read by that process.
1. writes follows reads
2. monotonic-write
3. monotonic-read
4. read your writes

Answer: writes follows reads

34. The hardware of DS has two types____________

1. multiprocessor system, unicomputer system

2. uniprocessor system, multicomputer system
3. multiprocessor system, multicomputer system
4. uniprocessor system, unicomputer system

Answer: multiprocessor system ,multicomputer system

35. Replicas are used only to improve access time on data _________________

1. server initiated
2. client initiated
3. permanent
4. dynamic

Answer: client initiated

36. In __________ receivers never acknowledge the successful delivery of multicast

message but instead report only when missing the message.

1. non-hierarchical feedback control

2. hierarchical feedback control
3. basic reliable multicasting
4. atomic multicast

Answer: non-hierarchical feedback control

37. Process Fail - Stop in process omission faults_____________

1. can be detected in asynchronous system.

2. can be detected in synchronous system.
3. can be detected in standalone system.
4. can be detected in synchronous and asynchronous system.

Answer: can be detected in synchronous system.

38. Scaling transparency hides______________

1. system collaboration
2. system failure
3. system security
4. system expansion
Answer: system expansion

39. Staleness deviations relate to the a replica was updated________

1. most recent time

2. first time
3. previous time
4. last time

Answer: last time

40. A problem with the ____________ protocol is that when the coordinator has
crashed, participants may not be able to reach afinal decision

1. three-phase commit
2. one-phase commit
3. two-phase commit
4. virtual synchrony

Answer: two-phase commit

41. Type of grid computing is_______________

1. process grid
2. system grid
3. collaborative grid
4. channel grid

Answer: collaborative grid

42. Distributed pervasive system is also known as__________

1. user interface design

2. graphical user interface
3. ubiquitous computing
4. peer to peer system

Answer: ubiquitous computing

43. Optimistic logging protocols need to keep track of___________

1. checking points
2. independencies
3. erroneous state
4. dependencies

Answer: dependencies

44. Processor Consistency model guarantees and conforms that________________

1. all write accomplished on random memory location in random sequence
2. all write accomplished on identical memory location in identical sequence.
3. All of above
4. None of above

Answer: all write accomplished on identical memory location in identical sequence.

45. Type of cluster computing is_______________

1. load sharing cluster

2. load replication cluster
3. load balancing cluster
4. load holding cluster

Answer: load balancing cluster

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