De Leon v. Carpio
De Leon v. Carpio
De Leon v. Carpio
Estavillo and de Leon are two NBI agents terminated by then Minister of Justice Neptali A.
Gonzales. Upon appeal to the Review Committee, the said body declined to act on their petitions
for reconsideration on the ground that it had lost its jurisdiction with the ratification of the new
Constitution. They were advised instead to seek relief from the Civil Service Commission.
The Merit Systems Protection Board of CSC held that their dismissals were invalid and
unconstitutional, having been done in violation of their security of tenure under the 1987
Constitution. Accordingly, the Board ordered their reinstatement.
However, respondent Carpio, as Director of NBI, returned the orders issued by the Secretary of
Justice to CSC “without action,” claiming that they were null and void for having been rendered
without jurisdiction.
Whether or not the Director of the NBI can disobey an explicit and direct order issued to him by
the Secretary of Justice
No. The Supreme Court held that the Director of the NBI cannot disobey an order issued to him
by the Secretary of Justice. The President's power of control flows down to his alter
egos. Thus, they could also modify, reverse, nullify or set aside acts of their subordinates, as
well as expect obedience relative to their lawful orders.
RATIO DECIDENDI: When a department head acts in the regular course of business and
conformably to a statutory provision, the act shall be presumed to be the act of the President.