SDG Index - Maharastra Status Note
SDG Index - Maharastra Status Note
SDG Index - Maharastra Status Note
The NITI Aayog has released SDG India Index report: Baseline Report. The SDG India Index
is an essential step for comprehensive tracking of the country’s progress and in
benchmarking SDGs for both central and State governments across the country. The Index
provides a well-rounded picture of India’s inclusive growth trajectory, and the status of both national
and state-level social, economic, and environmental parameters across a set of 62 indicators.
As per the SDG Index 2018, Maharashtra ranks 4 th among 29 states of India. It has a score of
64 as against 57 of India.
Image 1 below depicts the status of Maharashtra across each of the goal.
Table 1 below provides performance details across all goals in comparison to India
Goal Score India Indicator Maharashtra India Target
Composite 64 57
Population living below
17.35 21.92 10.95
National Poverty line (%)
Households with any usual
member covered by any
15 28.7 100
health scheme or health
insurance (%)
Persons provided
employment as a percentage
of persons who demanded 86.4 84.75 100
Goal 1: No
48 54 employment under
Proportion of the population
(out of total eligible
population) receiving social 8.7 36.4 100
protection benefits under
Maternity Benefit
Number of homeless
households per 10,000 17.18 10.39 0
Ratio of rural households
covered under public
distribution system to rural
1.08 1.01 1.29
households where monthly
income of highest earning
member is less than Rs.5,000
Goal 2: Zero Children under age 5 years
47 48 34.4 38.4 21.03
Hunger who are stunted (%)
Pregnant women aged 15-49
yrs who are anaemic 49.3 50.3 23.57
(11.0g/dl) (%)
Rice, wheat and coarse
cereals produced annually 1069.6 2509.22 5018.44
per unit area (Kg/Ha)