BSS059-3 A1 Oct 2021-22

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Submission Deadline Marks and Feedback

Before 10am on: 20 working days after deadline (L4, 5 and 7)

15 working days after deadline (L6)
22/10/2021 10 working days after deadline (block delivery)


Unit title & code Developing Employability Skills - The Future You BSS059-3
59-3Assignment number and Assignment 1
Assessment type Reflective report
Weighting of assessment 30
Size or length of assessment 1,500
Unit learning outcomes 1 Demonstrate knowledge of a range of techniques for evaluating personal skills and abilities in
the context of your future employability.

2 Reflect upon and evaluate your “personal brand” and your resultant competence to compete
successfully in the work environment with a view for planning actions for improvement and

What am I required to do in this assignment?

You will identify the features of a personal brand and develop a personal brand statement
Provide a critical analysis of your personal brand based on the feedback that you receive from the early stages of the unit and from other
relevant sources of feedback that you may have access to.
You should also use the relevant literature to provide a critical comparison between your personal brand and the elements of a successful
personal brand recommended in the literature.
Based on the above you must provide a revised version of your Personal Brand Statement
What do I need to do to pass? (Threshold Expectations from UIF)

• Produce a reflective report containing your evaluation and description of your personal brand making use of relevant criteria
and external feedback

How do I produce high quality work that merits a good grade?

We will be filling this section in together in class on Click or tap to enter a date. make sure you have downloaded/printed out the
Assignment Brief and bring it to the session with you.

How does assignment relate to what we are doing in scheduled sessions?

In the initial phase of the unit we will:

 Develop our understanding of what is meant by a Personal Brand
 Identify some of the criteria that can be used to develop and evaluate an effective Personal Brand
 Undertake a range of activities that will enable us to reflect upon and receive feedback about our current Personal Brand
 Work to understand the importance of an effective Personal Brand in terms of Employability and Employment effectiveness

Section / Title Details / Guidance Words

Title page Title of your report. Address (to/from) and date the report.
Contents Page With page numbers
Introduction Short introduction to the report setting out what the aims 150
and objectives of the report are, what the report will cover
and why.
Structure of a personal What is a personal brand statement? What makes a strong 500
brand statement personal brand? Features of a personal brand statement
and the process.
Reflections on my Why a personal brand is important? Clearly evaluate 500
Personal Brand feedback; Demonstrate changes and considerations made
in the process of developing your own personal brand
My Personal Brand Justified new personal brand statement 150
Conclusions This section should initially summarize the assessment 200
analysis and identify professional progression paths.
Bibliography A list of all sources cited directly in the text. Harvard style
&Reference List
Appendices Relevant supporting material

Assessment 1

The first assessment of 1,500 words will be a reflective report making use of specific criteria for the production of a positive and effective

personal brand and using this and external feedback with which to produce and enhanced version of your personal brand statement.

How will my assignment be marked?
Your assignment will be marked according to the threshold expectations and the criteria on the following page.
You can use them to evaluate your own work and consider your grade before you submit.

3rd Class – 40- Lower 2nd – 50-59% Upper 2nd – 60-69% 1st Class – 70%+

Criteria are applied Selection of criteria is Selection of criteria is Selection of criteria is

1 Selection and but are likely to be appropriate and a good attempt appropriate reveals a clear appropriate reveals a clear
application of generic. This is likely is made to apply this to your understanding of what understanding of what
appropriate criteria to demonstrate weak personal experiences and constitutes a well-developed constitutes a well-developed
with which to understanding of the attributes in order to create an personal brand. A good attempt personal brand and reveals wide
criteria for effective evaluation of your personal is made to apply this to your research into the subject. The
create and evaluate
brand creation brand personal experiences and result clearly links your personal
your personal brand attributes in order to evaluate experiences and attributes to the
Weighting 30% your personal brand criteria in order to create a
personal brand
Some evidence to Reflect upon and Feedback is clearly evaluated Feedback is used from a
show that feedback amendments to the personal for its contribution to variety of sources from both
has been used to brand statement a made, improving the personal brand within and additional to the in
reflect upon and making considerable use of statement and shows class activity and is evaluated
2 Use of feedback amend the feedback evidence that you are able to in order to reflect upon and
with which evaluate personal brand effectively evaluate feedback revise the personal brand
and rewrite your statement statement. It is used to
personal brand specifically adjust the
statement statement to specific contexts
Weighting 30%

Literature is Literature comes from a A wide range of literature is An extensive range of

identified and used range of reliable sources. It is taken from reliable sources to literature is taken from
but it is likely to be used to understand effective understand how to create an reliable sources to
3 Use of literature from a narrow personal branding. effective personal brand and understand how to create an
with which to range of relatively to create an effective effective personal brand and
evaluate and poor quality. There personal brand to create an effective
develop your is likely to be an personal brand. Its selection
personal brand over reliance on shows clear understanding of
statement opinion. the latest thinking in this
Weighting 30% area.

Reasonable report Well-structured report Clearly and concisely Professionally structured with
format. Few format, sourced throughout structured in report format, excellent standard of
4.Presentation and
citations and a and with an adequate relevant citations & sourced academic writing.
passable bibliography. throughout and with a good Relevant high quality sources
Weighting 10% bibliography. bibliography. and with a comprehensive

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