BSS059-3 A1 Oct 2021-22
BSS059-3 A1 Oct 2021-22
BSS059-3 A1 Oct 2021-22
Unit title & code Developing Employability Skills - The Future You BSS059-3
59-3Assignment number and Assignment 1
Assessment type Reflective report
Weighting of assessment 30
Size or length of assessment 1,500
Unit learning outcomes 1 Demonstrate knowledge of a range of techniques for evaluating personal skills and abilities in
the context of your future employability.
2 Reflect upon and evaluate your “personal brand” and your resultant competence to compete
successfully in the work environment with a view for planning actions for improvement and
You will identify the features of a personal brand and develop a personal brand statement
Provide a critical analysis of your personal brand based on the feedback that you receive from the early stages of the unit and from other
relevant sources of feedback that you may have access to.
You should also use the relevant literature to provide a critical comparison between your personal brand and the elements of a successful
personal brand recommended in the literature.
Based on the above you must provide a revised version of your Personal Brand Statement
What do I need to do to pass? (Threshold Expectations from UIF)
• Produce a reflective report containing your evaluation and description of your personal brand making use of relevant criteria
and external feedback
Assessment 1
The first assessment of 1,500 words will be a reflective report making use of specific criteria for the production of a positive and effective
personal brand and using this and external feedback with which to produce and enhanced version of your personal brand statement.
How will my assignment be marked?
Your assignment will be marked according to the threshold expectations and the criteria on the following page.
You can use them to evaluate your own work and consider your grade before you submit.
3rd Class – 40- Lower 2nd – 50-59% Upper 2nd – 60-69% 1st Class – 70%+
Reasonable report Well-structured report Clearly and concisely Professionally structured with
format. Few format, sourced throughout structured in report format, excellent standard of
4.Presentation and
citations and a and with an adequate relevant citations & sourced academic writing.
passable bibliography. throughout and with a good Relevant high quality sources
Weighting 10% bibliography. bibliography. and with a comprehensive