Lesson Plan Pop Cycle Observation 1

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Lesson Plan

Your name: Raquel Walker

Date of observation: 10/20/2022

General Information

Grade level of the lesson - K

Lesson topic: High Frequency Word: the ELA/ELD

Estimated time length of lesson- 40 minutes

Home languages present- English, Spanish

Materials and/or Technology

Videos projected:

1. Heidi song: the

Whole group materials:

1. Poem (Night Time Bats) Night Time Bats Poem.png

Independent work materials:

1. the worksheet the independent work.png

● Pencil box: crayons, pencil, eraser

Small group materials:

● the mats, playdough, white boards, markers

● the WK
● the poem, sentence strips, highlighter, pocket chart


In this lesson, students will be explicitly taught the high frequency word: the. Students
will engage in various word recognition strategies to read the word (e.g., heidi
movement song, creating and sharing sentences, and finding the word in a poem). After
engaging in these whole group activities, students will work independently on a high-
frequency worksheet (the). By the end of the lesson, students will be able to read a
common high- frequency word (the).
Alignment with Common Core State Standards

CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RF.K.3.C: Read common high frequency words by sight (e.g., the,

of, to, you, she my, is, are, do, does).

Alignment with ELD Standards

Contribute to conversations and express ideas by asking and answering yes-no and wh-
questions and responding using gestures, words, and simple phrases


Students will review the high frequency word, the and engage in word recognition
strategies to recognize and spell the word.


Did students recognize the word, the?

When called on, are students able to answer questions (e.g., creating a sentence, and
identifying the word in context)?

Are students able to complete independent work correctly?

Vocabulary/Literacy Skills

Student will LISTEN to the videos

Students will LISTEN to peers share sentences

Students will SPEAK when called on and share a relevant sentence

Students will READ the the high frequency word when trying to recognize the word in
the poem

Students will WRITE and the high- frequency word when working independently


Name of instructional model- Direct Instruction

Classroom Management Details- students will participate through the use of popsicle
sticks, students are to follow class norms on rug
Room Arrangement(s)- students will sit on the rug for whole group instruction, students
will sit as assigned desks during independent work

Student Groupings- individual

Modifications- Clear speaking voice, modeling, and visuals will be used

A. Focus/Motivation (Open)

1. Have these videos ready to play:

Heidi song: the

2. Say: We will learn the word: the. The is a word that you will recognize when you
are reading and when you begin to write
3. I will write the word on the whiteboard
a. Say: Repeat the letters after me in the word, the (t-h-e)
i. Students will repeat the letter after me
4. Have the Heidi song displayed on the tv
a. Say: We are going to follow along with the song and listen to it twice. I
want to see all of you trying your best to follow along.
b. Say: Let’s go ahead and stand up.
i. Students will stand and wait for the song to play
ii. Students will be trying their best to follow along with the song
iii. Students will do it twice

c. Say: Go ahead and have a seat

i. Students will sit back down on their rug assigned spot

B. Development (Body)

1. Say: Now we are going to create some sentences using the word “the”. For
example: I see the black bat. I am going to use popsicle sticks to call on students
to share. Please be respectful to our friends who are speaking and sharing.
a. Say: I am going to give you a few seconds to think about your sentences.
i. Turn to your peanut butter and jelly partner and share your
sentence. Take turns and listen to each other
ii. After a minute of sharing, gather students back to voice level 0
iii. When called on, students will share a sentence that contains the
word the
iv. Call on 4 students to share

2. Say: Thank you friends for these great sentences. Please turn your bodies to go
over the poem.

a. I will read the poem that is written on chart paper (Night Time Bats)
i. Students will be listening to the poem
b. Say: You are going to be word detectives and find the word, the in the
poem. I will use popsicle sticks to call on students.
i. Students will come up, find the word, say the word, and circle the
ii. Peers will be actively listening and agreeing to what is being circles
(thumbs up/thumbs down)
iii. Say: Great job being word detectives!

C. Closure (Close)

1. Say: You are all now going to work on a worksheet independently

a. I will go over the directions of the worksheet. I will model what is expected.
i. I will tell students to turn in their worksheet to the gold basket
because I want to see their great work
ii. Students will go to their desks and work
b. I will monitor the classroom in between small group (high- frequency word
i. Students will ask questions when monitoring
2. Once finished, students will engage in their workstation activity
a. 10 minutes before the bell rings, I will ask students to clean up and show
me they are ready for lunch recess
b. On their way out, students will read me a high frequency word card. The
will be included in the word cards.

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