Doc. No. 3 - TC
Doc. No. 3 - TC
Doc. No. 3 - TC
Prepared by Approved by
Rev. Date Remark Danutirta
Dr. Emmy Pratiwi , S.T.
03 - 04211940000125 –
Doc. No
Calculation of Tank Capacity
& Pay load Rev No. 0
Page 2 of 12
A ship is certainly equipped with various tanks for fluid storage, either
necessary or waste products such as fresh water tanks and slop tanks. Each tank has
a different function and in some tanks there are rules to be isolated from the other
tanks. Location tank arranged by class and tank dimensions adjusted to the needs of
the ship.
Tanks are generally located in double bottom. These tanks including fuel,
lubricating oil, ballast water, fresh water, and waste tank. The capacity must be
suitable with needs during the voyage. Placement of the tank could be placed in the
front engine room bulkhead (double bottom under the load space). Usually in a tanker
placing fuel oil and slop tank in front of engine room. Waterproof cofferdam is needed
between the fuel tank and the fresh water tank. Exactly pump room in tanker. It aims
to anticipate if there is a leak in one of the tanks, the fluid is not mixed. After all we
can calculation of the volume of each tank is adjusted to the number of tank capacity
requirements that have been calculated. Thus we can determine volume of payloads
are available.
The objectives of this document are :
1. Determine tank capacity and arrange the place in the ship
2. Determine payload capacity in the ship
1. BKI Rules
2. Practical Ship Design, D.G.M. Watson
3. Ship Design and Performance for Masters and Mates, C.B. Barrass
This document explain how to calculate any volume tank capacity and payload,
so need to know what is LWT, DWT, and cargo hold or payload.
A. Lightweight
Lightweight is the actual weight of the ship which is measure based on whatever
weight that cannot be moved from ship including construction, machinery and
B. Deadweight
Deadweight is the weight of ship which is measure based on whatever weight that
can be moved from ship. Could be calculate by loaded condition minus the
lightship weight. It includes the crew, passengers, cargo, fuel, water, and stores.
Like displacement, it is often expressed in long tons or in metric tons.
C. Cargo Hold
Cargo hold is space of ship for storing cargo or payload. It requires different
plotting in different ship type and cargo type.
Cbd = 0.692
B = 22 m
LPP = 130.39 m
H = 11.25 m
T = 8.24 m
Cb = 0.623
K Container = 0.36
LWT = Wst+Wo+Wme+Wmt+Wres
= 3974,6 ton
ΣA.s 289.9615
h 4.825
V 466.3547
ΣA.s 1870.3934
h 0.8
V 498.77
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Doc. No
Calculation of Tank Capacity
& Pay load Rev No. 0
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ΣA.s 101,834
h 1,505
V 101,834
ΣA.s 94,3
h 0,8
V 25,14667
ΣA.s 77.4481
h 1.505
V 77.70
ΣA.s 2216.14788
h 0.8
V 590.973
Ballast Water Tank 2
ΣA.s 1952.983
h 0.8
V 520.8
Ballast Water Tank 3
Table 5.13 Ballast Water Tank Plan
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Doc. No
Calculation of Tank Capacity
& Pay load Rev No. 0
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WL A/2 A Fs A x Fs
0 114,3411 228,6822 1 228,6822
0,8 170,1893 273,698 4 1094,792
1,6 145,92305 291,8461 1 291,8461
ΣA.s 1615.3203
h 0.8
V 430.75208
Ballast Water Tank 4
Table 5.14 Ballast Water Tank Plan
WL A/2 A Fs A x Fs
0 47,8745 95,749 1 95,749
0,8 66,0706 132,1412 4 528,5648
1,6 71,91455 143,8291 1 143,8291
ΣA.s 768.143
h 0.8
V 768.143
ΣA.s 49.7
h 0,8
V 26.5
8. Cargo Hold
First estimation of cargo hold capacity is take from DWT of ship excluding
weight of all tanks in full capacity, provision, and weight of crew.
A. Calculating Weight of Provision and Crew
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Doc. No
Calculation of Tank Capacity
& Pay load Rev No. 0
Page 10 of 12
Volume of tank:
Table 5.17 Sludge Holding Tank
WL A/2 A Fs A x Fs
0 4,01885 8,0377 1 8,0377
0,8 5,24825 10,4965 4 41,986
1,6 5,81725 11,6345 1 11,6345
ΣA.s 61,6582
h 0.8
Vtank 16,442
Bilge holding tank is tank that fluid come from bilge system and
any amount of fluid which is exiles from other tank. Volume of this tank is
influenced by power of engine. According to IMO, bilge holding tank is
determined by P/250 for engine power between 1000 kW and 20.000 kW.
Volume of bilge holding tank = 10800 kW
= 43.2 m3
ΣA.s 178,0959
h 0,8
Vtank 43,49224
c. Sewage Tank
Based on MARPOL Annex IV and ClassNK Technical Information No. TEC
0545, the minimum capacity of Sewage Tank is:
Volume = C × A1 × E
C = Total Crew
A1 = Sewage factor per person
E = Endurance from port to port
So, the sewage volume is:
V = C × A1 × Endurance
V = 21 × 0.06 × 9
V = 11.34 m3
Volume of Tank:
ΣA.s 74,6958
h 0,74
Vtank 18,425
See attachment of Dwg, No. 01 – 04211940000125 GA