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Progress in Aerospace Sciences xxx (xxxx) xxx

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Progress in Aerospace Sciences

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Research and advancements in hybrid airships—A review

Manikandan M. ∗, Rajkumar S. Pant
Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal, India
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai, India


Keywords: Hybrid Airships (HAs) are being touted as an efficient aerial platform for various applications involving heavy
Hybrid airships cargo transportation, communications, scientific exploration, observation, and surveillance in the stratosphere.
Lighter-than-air Hybrid airship technologies have developed significantly from mid-20th century onwards, and promise to offer
unique operational advantages over conventional airships. The purpose of this review paper is to explore the
concepts of hybrid airship designs that have been proposed in the recent past, and highlight the current state-
of-the-art in this field. Major milestones in the development of hybrid airships are presented followed by the
description of types of hybrid airships and their distinct features. This review paper focuses on dynastat type
of hybrid airships, since they seem to be the most promising version of hybrid airships owing to the simplicity
in their designs, and suitability for various civil and military applications. The characteristics of two types of
dynastat, viz., winged-hull and multiple-hull are discussed in detail. The different aspects of the conceptual
design and key disciplines including aerodynamics, dynamics, performance, thermal characteristics, structure,
and optimization involved in the design of hybrid airships are reviewed in detail.

1. Introduction and background Airships are members of a family of the lighter-than-air (LTA)
systems, which has two primary classes, viz., Unpowered and Powered,
Airships are aerial vehicles which derive most of their lift from aero- as shown in Fig. 1. Depending on the shape and geometry of the hull
static principles to obtain cruise equilibrium with significant reduction (or the envelope which holds the LTA gas), airships are categorized
in fuel consumption. The principle of aerostatics was postulated around as Conventional or Body of Revolution (BOR) and Unconventional or
2000 years ago by the ancient Greek mathematician and inventor Non-Body of Revolution (Non-BOR).
Archimedes. In the first half of the twentieth century, large airships
Based on the structural configuration of the envelope, airships can
filled with hydrogen gained popularity in both the military and civil
also be classified into three main types, viz., rigid, semi-rigid, and
aviation industries for decades because of their simplicity compared to
non-rigid as shown in Fig. 2.
airplanes of that time. After the Hindenburg disaster, and some other
accidents following that, airships fell out of favor in aviation for many A rigid airship has the envelope made of rigid internal structures
years due to their vulnerability to weather conditions, and the difficulty with an outer fabric covering. The envelope contains multiple gasbags
in procuring non-combustible helium as an alternate for extremely enclosing the lifting gas that helps to generate the buoyant lift. A
flammable hydrogen gas. This, along with rapid developments in fixed non-rigid airship, on the other hand, has a flexible fabric envelope
wing aircraft technology, especially speed and dispatch reliability, filled with pressurized lifting gas and no internal framework. The
sounded the death knell for airships. Although airships seem to be envelope (also called as hull) of non-rigid airships may contain one or
old technology, they are back in the reckoning due to the renewed many internal air bags called ballonets. Ballonets are used to control
attention towards low environment impact, high payload capacity, long buoyancy by maintaining the pressure equilibrium between the lifting
endurance capability, and low energy consumption. gas enclosed in the envelope and the ambient pressure. High Altitude
In the recent years, airships have become a major research focus in Airships (HAAs) or Stratospheric airships are powered airships designed
the field of aeronautics spurred by the rapid development in technology
to fly for long endurance (which range from several days to months)
like composite materials, vectoring engines, satellite weather forecast-
at very high altitudes around 15–20 km for various applications like
ing, and computer assisted design. This has led to the development of
telecommunications, remote sensing, surveillance and monitoring, and
modern airships as efficient platforms, mainly for high payload and
exploration [2]. HAAs are usually powered by solar energy drawn
long endurance missions.

∗ Corresponding author at: Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal, India.

E-mail address: manikandan.m@manipal.edu (Manikandan M.).

Received 28 January 2021; Received in revised form 26 May 2021; Accepted 26 May 2021
0376-0421/© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article as: Manikandan M., Rajkumar S. Pant, Progress in Aerospace Sciences, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.paerosci.2021.100741
Manikandan M. and R.S. Pant Progress in Aerospace Sciences xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 1. Airship categorization.

Fig. 2. Types of airship (1) Rigid (2) Semi-rigid and (3) Non-rigid.
Source: Ref. [1].

from solar panels placed over the upper surface of the envelope and
secondary energy storage devices like rechargeable batteries and regen-
erative fuel cells. The altitude range for high altitude airships is driven
by the facts that at these altitudes the wind speed is lower, and solar
radiation intensity is higher compared to other altitudes.
The most common envelope shape for airships is the long, narrow,
streamlined body of revolution as shown in Figs. 2 and 3. As seen from
Fig. 4, the conventional airships with axi-symmetric BOR have lower
drag than airships with Non-BOR. However, bulk of the lift in such
airships is due to the buoyancy generated by the LTA gas, and only
a small amount of aerodynamic lift is generated when it is in motion.

1.1. Hybrid airships

There has been dramatic renaissance in the development of airship

designs and technologies, since mid-1990s, to improve the aerodynamic
efficiency, performance, and the payload capability. In an effort to im-
prove the efficiency of the airship in terms of its payload capability and
aerodynamics, NASA conducted a feasibility study of modern airships Fig. 3. Conventional airship with BOR.
in collaboration with Boeing-Vertol company and Goodyear Aerospace
Corporation that has led to the development of a new type of airship
configuration called Hybrid Airship [4]. Hybrid airships offer unique airborne transport vehicles, because they combine the characteristics
operational advantages over conventional airships. The term hybrid of lighter-than-air (LTA) airship technology and heavier-than-air (HTA)
airship (HA) refers to any airship that is capable of generating more
technology, fixed-wing aircraft or helicopter. HAs generate a large
than 30% of its total lift from the aerodynamic force, and has also been
used to describe an airship comprising a mix of rigid, semi-rigid, and fraction of their total lift from the buoyant force, and a substantial
non-rigid structural configuration. HAs are considered as cost-effective amount of aerodynamic lift from the hull-wing combination, and/or

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Fig. 7. Millennium Airship’s SkyFreighter.

Source: www.millenniumairship.com.

Fig. 4. Aerodynamic data of airships.

Source: Ref. [3].

Fig. 8. Aeroscraft, a rigid variable buoyancy air vehicle.

Source: www.aeroscraft.com.

Fig. 5. Methods of lift generation.

Source: Adapted from www.reddit.

Fig. 9. Aerocat R-40, a rigid hybrid cargo airship.

Fig. 6. AEREON III, a rigid hybrid airship with multiple hull. Source: www.lynceans.org.
Source: Ref. [7].

Canadian company Millennium Airship planned to design and develop

non-axisymmetric flatter envelopes, and/or through a vectored propul-
a heavy-lift, vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) airship, SkyFreighter
sion system [5,6]. Fig. 5 illustrates methods of lift generation of a
hybrid airship. shown in Fig. 7, which is a rigid shell hybrid cargo airship employing
The first rigid tri-hulled hybrid airship, viz., AEREON III shown a thrust augmented vectoring propulsion/airfoil.
in Fig. 6, was designed by Aereon Corporation in 1960 based on the Aeroscraft, shown in Fig. 8 is a planned heavy-lift, variable-buoyancy
original design by an American inventor of the late 19th century Dr cargo airship (neither a blimp nor a hybrid airship) with rigid hull
Solomon Andrews, [1]. Aereon III consists of three streamlined rigid and it is the only one of its kind with a technology to avoid the need
hulls connected in parallel by a structure of airfoil section.
for ballast, which they call "control of static heaviness" (COSH). It is
Companies that have invested in the current state of hybrid lift
powered by three-swiveling engines that provide both aerodynamic lift
airship technology include Worldwide Aeros Corp., Hybrid Air Vehicles
Ltd. (HAV), Lockheed Martin, Aero Vehicles Inc., Boeing, and Voliris, and thrust to propel it forward. Aerocat R-40, shown in Fig. 9 and
just to name a few. ATLANT, shown in Fig. 10 are the two examples of the rigid hybrid
Most of the modern hybrid airships have semi-rigid, and non-rigid cargo airship concept proposed by an Argentinian firm Aerovehicles
constructions, while few designs are employed with rigid hull [8]. The and an Israeli firm Atlas LTA, respectively.

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Fig. 10. ATLANT, a hybrid cargo airship.

Source: www.atlas-lta.com.

Fig. 13. A comparison of efficiency between different modes of transportation to carry

10,000 kg of cargo with 1 gallon (≈ 4.55 liters) of fuel.
Source: Adapted from: Ref. [1].

Fig. 11. Cost-speed tradeoff in freight transportation.

Source: Ref. [9].

Fig. 14. Hybrid airship vs. conventional modes of transportation.

Source: Ref. [11].

Stockbridge et al. [11] claim that hybrid airships can offer large
cargo capacities with significant reductions in fuel consumption, as
compared to other aerial vehicles, while remaining faster than land and
sea transportation systems, as shown in Fig. 14.

1.2. Types of hybrid airship

There are several concepts of hybrid airship designs that have been
proposed in the past and the motivation is always associated with the
focus of providing more feasibility, stability, and safety in design. HAs
that have been explored in the past include Rotastats (which integrate
the characteristics of a blimp and a helicopter) and Dynastats (which
combine the features of a blimp and an airplane) [4].
Fig. 12. CO2 equivalent emissions (kg) per metric tonne cargo per nautical mile [10].
Rotastat is a hybrid airship with rotary wings capable of Vertical
Take-off and Landing (VTOL). In this concept, vertical thrust from
rotors is created, in addition to net buoyant lift from lifting gas con-
Today’s cargo transportation industry has two significant gaps in
tained in the hull, which makes it suitable for heavy lift applications.
terms of available modes of transportation [9]. There is a large cost-
Several designs of rotastat have been proposed in the past includ-
speed gap amongst the current modes of cargo transportation as de-
ing Piasecki’s PA-97 Helistat shown in Fig. 15(a), Helitruck shown in
picted in Fig. 11, also a large discrepancy in terms of environmental Fig. 15(b), Helicostat, and the twin-hulled Heliship shown in Fig. 15(c)
impact, as shown in Fig. 12. [5]. Few conceptual studies (e.g., [12–20]) have proposed the roto-
To bridge these gaps, there is a need for a mode of freight trans- stat configuration as a potential solution for various applications like
portation which is ‘‘greener’’ than airplanes and trucks, but faster heavy-cargo transportation, surveillance, planetary exploration, and
than ships and rail. A hybrid airship can be one such platform, to hypercommuting.
overcome these two glaring needs in the cargo transportation industry. The most recent such concept is SkyHook’s JHL-40 shown in Fig. 16,
The hybrid airship was found to be superior to the other aerial vehicles which is a joint project between SkyHook and Boeing, and it combines
for transportation of cargo, as shown in Fig. 13 [1]. the best features of a conventional airship and a helicopter. Boeing

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Fig. 15. Examples of Rotastat.

Source: Adapted from Ref. [5].

Fig. 17. Winged-hull dynastat.

Fig. 16. Boeing’s The SkyHook JHL-40. Source: Ref. [24].
Source: www.skyhookhlv.com

claims that JHL-40 is capable of carrying a payload of 40 tons load

without refueling [21].
Dynastat is a hybrid airship with fixed wings and/or a lifting-
body, intended for various applications. It creates the aerodynamic lift
from the wing or cambered hull [22]. In this configuration, lifting gas
supports the dead weight of the airship and the dynamic lift carries
the disposable load. The airship in which wings are attached to the
conventional shaped hull is called winged-hull dynastat, as shown in
Fig. 17, while an airship with an aerodynamic shaped hull is called a
lifting-body dynastat, as shown in Fig. 18 [23].
Fig. 18. Lifting-body dynastat.
Source: www.solarship.com.
1.3. Lenticular airships

Very few dynastats have been proposed with a lenticular shaped

envelope, as shown in Fig. 19.

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1.4. Winged dynastat

Winged hybrid airship is a type of rigid airship with wings attached

to the hull to generate aerodynamic lift similar to a conventional
aircraft. The first winged hybrid airship was designed, developed, and
flown by Santos-Dumont in 1905 [28]. In 1974, a winged hybrid airship
AMES Megalifter shown in Fig. 20 was proposed by Fink [29], but
it was never built. Adding wings to a conventional airship helps to
produce substantial dynamic lift, improves vehicle stability as well as
payload capability with increase in drag [26,29] as shown in Fig. 21.
Spearman and Feigh [30,31] proposed a concept of a hybrid airship
having twin-hulls placed side-by-side and connected by aircraft-type
cambered wing, as shown in Fig. 22. The twin-hull concept has several
advantages, viz., increase in buoyant lift due to increase in volume
of the hull for a given length, additional aerodynamic lift from the
cambered wing, and better aerodynamic performance compared to a
winged hull airship by reducing the loss of lift due to wing tip vortices.
A number of winged-hull dynastat concepts exist, including Dynalifter,
Fig. 19. Lenticular airship.
Source: Adapted from Ref.
a hybrid airship with lift augmentation mechanism, Dinosaure, and
[25]. Aeroship proposed by Liu et al. [32], as shown in Fig. 23. Fig. 24
shows that a Dynalifter can serve as a roadless trucking platform, which
is more fuel efficient than airplanes and heavier than blimps, thus
requiring less ground infrastructure. The Aereon’s Dynairship shown in
Fig. 25 and Dynairship II shown in Fig. 26 are two proposed conceptual
deltoid lifting-body dynastat for civil and military cargo transportation.
The design concept of dynairship was derived from Aereon 26, which
was an experimental aircraft developed to investigate lifting-body de-
sign manufactured by Aereon Corporation [33]. Another example of
a proposed lifting-body dynastat is Solar Ship’s Wolverine airship [34]
shown in Fig. 27. It is a large, helium-filled delta wing powered by
solar energy capable of short take-off and landing (STOL). WB-1010
[35] shown in Fig. 28 and Airship One [36] shown in Fig. 29 are the
two examples of modern winged-Hull dynastats.
Fig. 20. AMES Megalifter, winged hybrid airship.
Source: Ref. [5].
1.5. Multiple-hull dynastat

The multiple hull design is a combination of multiple (two or three)

A lenticular airship has many advantages over the conventional
airship. It has large surface to volume ratio, which provides greater conventional single lobed bodies of same shape and size separated
top surface area for installing the solar cells [25]. Majority of the horizontally (may or may not be parallel to each other), with some
surface is flatter which results in higher power production from the overlap between them, as shown in Fig. 30. The hulls may be separated
solar cells. This flatter shape also helps to generate higher aerodynamic horizontally by a supporting structure as shown in Fig. 22 or they
lift. It is less sensitive to lateral winds due to its very low side profile may be joined together with some horizontal offset between them,
[27]. At low speeds, lenticular shapes have reasonable aerodynamic viz., multi-lobed configuration as shown in Fig. 30. There are many
and stability characteristics. The major drawback with this shape is that advantages of such an envelope configuration, viz., reduction of overall
it becomes very unstable at high speeds which has discouraged many length for a given volume, generation of aerodynamic lift from its
designers from adopting it. cambered shape, and lower sensitivity to lateral winds.

Fig. 21. Aerodynamic characteristics of conventional and winged airship.

Source: Adapted from [26].

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Fig. 22. Twin-hulled hybrid airship.

Source: Ref. [30].

Fig. 25. Aereon’s Dynairship.

Source: Ref. [33].

Fig. 26. Aereon’s Dynairship II.

Fig. 23. Aeroship, winged-hull dynastat. Source: www.aereoncorp.com.
Source: Ref. [32].

Fig. 24. Comparison of dynalifter with airplane and blimp.

Source: www.ohioairships.com/dynalifter.

Fig. 27. Solar Ship’s Wolverine.

Source: www.skiesmag.com.
Some hybrid designs, use multi-lobed envelope to increase aero-
dynamic lift. Examples of this type include Lockheed Martin’s P-791
shown in Fig. 31(a), a non-rigid, catamaran-shaped hybrid airship
Fig. 32(c), semi-rigid hybrid airship with three-lobe gas envelope for
demonstrator, HAV’s Airlander 10 shown in Fig. 31(b) a semi-buoyant,
cargo transportation, and Voliris NATAC V932 shown in Fig. 32(d),
semi-rigid hybrid airship derived from HAV-304, and Lockheed Martin’s
semi-rigid autonomous hybrid airship for heavy-cargo transportation
LMH-1 shown in Fig. 31(c) also a semi-buoyant, semi-rigid hybrid proposed based on Voliris V902 concept, that resembled an inflated
airship derived from P-791. wing.
A French firm Voliris has recently proposed a multiple-hull hybrid The aerodynamic approach for a multiple-hull configuration is sim-
airship configuration for various applications. The proposed concepts ilar to that of a lifting-body aircraft, although the airspeeds involved
include Voliris V901 shown in Fig. 32(a), the first hybrid airship with are much lower. A multi-lobed design reduces the radius of curvature
non-rigid multiple-hull, Voliris V901RC shown in Fig. 32(b), a remote- of the hull, thereby reducing the stress on the hull created by the
controlled version developed to demonstrate the automation features pressurized lifting gas contained therein. The reduced stress allows the
needed for future unmanned cargo airships, Voliris V930 shown in hull to be constructed from light-weight material, thus reducing the

Manikandan M. and R.S. Pant Progress in Aerospace Sciences xxx (xxxx) xxx

[8], better controllability [44], lower susceptibility to side winds [45],

and larger surface-to-volume ratio [4] that helps to generate more
power using a solar array due to its large surface area. Hybrid airships
have better ground-handling [46], flexible altitude adjustment [5],
lesser dependence on ballast weight and ground infrastructure for op-
eration [1]. Multi-lobed airship envelopes are structurally lighter than
conventional body of revolution envelopes having the same volume,
and also have better aerodynamic [43] and lateral stability character-
istics [1]. The unconventional shape of a multi-lobed hybrid airship
supports the integration of an air cushion landing system (ACLS) at
the bottom of the envelope, which also allows the airship to land and
taxi on unprepared surfaces, soft ground, and water bodies. A tri-lobed
configuration separated horizontally by half of the lobe diameter has
∼ 6% greater surface area compared to a single-lobed airship of the
Fig. 28. WB-1010.
Source: Ref. [35].
same envelope volume [1]. The immense size of a multi-lobed airship
allows the integration of a huge cargo bay with loading ramps at each
end [46]. Burning less than a tenth of the fuel compared to a rotorcraft
per ton cargo carried, hybrid airships can redefine the sustainability
of the transportation system of the future. This aerial platform has
the potential to provide affordable transport and easy loading to more
than two-third of the world’s land area and more than half the world’s
population, who currently do not have direct access to traditional roads
or runways.

1.7. Historical developments

Table 1 presents the historical timeline of development of hybrid

airships, right from 1905, till the present day.
Several manned and unmanned prototypes of hybrid airships are
under various stages of development in UK, USA, Russia, and Italy as
Fig. 29. Airship One. technology demonstrators. But none of these prototypes have yet been
Source: Ref. [36]. built for commercial production [11].

1.8. Literatures available related to the subject

Many promising characteristics of HAs have lead to increased inter-

est and focused research and studies at institutes and research organi-
zations around the world. The outcomes of these studies is reflected in
the form of several research articles in national and the international
journals, shown in Fig. 35.
Three sources, viz., Scopus, Web of Science, and Google Scholar
were used to collect the data of scientific articles for this study.
Most of the technical publications were focused on winged-hull
dynastat [6,24,26,30,32,41,63–108], followed by multiple hull dynas-
tat (mostly multi-lobed configuration) [3,9,37–41,43,44,109–140]. The
remaining were on the other configurations of hybrid airship, viz.,
rotastat [15–17,19,20,141–160], lifting-body [12,18,25,27,161–180],
Fig. 30. Multi-lobed hull design. and unconventional [181–183].
Source: Ref. [37].
2. Survey of hybrid airship design methodologies

hull mass, and enabling the airship to carry more cargo. The lobed Hybrid airships design concepts are being seriously considered for
design helps to reduce the cross-sectional area of the airship, thereby various applications in the field of civil and defense transport; however,
potentially reducing its aerodynamic drag. The attainable dynamic-lift- only a few design methodologies are available in the open literature
to-drag ratio ranges between 2.5–5 (data projected based on [38–41]). for hybrid airships. The design process of an airship includes sizing
This is significantly below that of efficient fixed wing aircraft (ranges of envelope from the required buoyant lift and mission requirements,
between 12–20 for jet transport [42]), in part because induced drag selection of appropriate shape for the envelope, estimation of lift and
increases with decreasing aspect ratio [43] as shown in Fig. 33. As a drag coefficients, estimation of structural weight from the envelope
result, the lift comes at a higher drag penalty than when using wings. geometry, mass breakdown, and estimation of operating cost. In the
On the other hand, compared to a helicopter, the multi-lobed dynastat recent years, many studies have focused on conceptual design and
has better fuel efficiency within a given speed range [5]. sizing of unconventional and hybrid airship configurations; some of
these are described here (see Fig. 48).
1.6. Advantages of hybrid airships Donaldson et al. [9] presented a design process that can be used
for the parametric design of a multi-lobed hybrid airship as a solution
There are many advantages of the hybrid airship designs compared for the heavy cargo transportation. In this study, the geometry of
to the conventional airships. Hybrid airships have heavy-lift capability the multi-lobed lifting envelope is limited to a single shape based on

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Fig. 31. Multi-lobed hybrid airship.

Fig. 32. Hybrid airship with multiple-hull design.

Source: www.voliris.com.

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Table 1
Major milestones in the research and development of hybrid airships.
1905 First hybrid airship prototype named Number 14 shown in Fig. 34 was
designed, developed, and flown by Santos-Dumont, a Brazilian who lived in
France and an aviation pioneer of the controlled flight of airships.
Unfortunately, this concept of airship with wings made of structural frames
similar to aircraft wings was unusable and broken during test flight. This
combined configuration was referred to as a ‘‘monstrous hybrid’’ [47].

1959 AEREON Corporation was established to advance airship technology towards

a practical and economically useful cargo transport, by augmenting Buoyant
and Aerodynamic lift (Source: www.aereoncorp.com).

1959–67 During this period, first experimental hybrid airship prototype with rigid hull
construction (tri-hull configuration) AEREON III shown in Fig. 6 was
designed and built by the AEREON corporation. This was not a successful
design because the construction did not meet the market’s expectation and
was never produced on a mass scale. AEREON III was destroyed during
taxiing test and scrapped without having flown [48].

1967–70 Several wind tunnel experiments were performed to measure the

aerodynamic performance, stability and control characteristics of AEREON’s
deltoid lifting-body (Source: www.aereoncorp.com).

1970 AEREON III was succeeded by the AEREON 26, an experimental hybrid
airship of deltoid configuration developed and flown to investigate the
aerodynamic performance of the lifting body design (Source:
wikipedia/AEREON III). The concept of DYNAIRSHIP (patented in 10
countries), a large semi-buoyant airship was studied by the AEREON for
long-endurance open ocean surveillance [49].

1971 AEREON 26 was tested again with the additional attachment of vortex
generators and third propeller. Lack of sufficient technology, suitable engine,
and funding for such a large semi-buoyant airship put an end to the test
program [48].

1974 William Miller, Chairman and President of AEREON Corp., proposed three
concepts of Dynairship for patrol, cargo transportation, and logistic supply

1977 Boeing-Vertol Company and Goodyear Aerospace Corporation conducted

feasibility study of modern airships for NASA that led to the development of
new concepts of hybrid airships [4].

1980 AeroLift Inc. was set up by Arthur Crimmins with the objective of building a
hybrid airship capable of conducting aerial logging at remote sites
inaccessible by conventional means. AeroLift CycloCrane is a proof-of-concept
(Helistat ) hybrid airship, which combines the features of helicopter and
airship [50]. It flew successfully, but no large production airships were built.

1984 AeroLift Inc. conducted unmanned test flights of revised CycloCrane and
successfully conducted its first manned test flight.

1986 Piasecki PA-97 Helistat, an experimental heavy-lift hybrid airship made its
first flight. It consisted of four Sikorsky S-58 helicopters attached to a
framework beneath a helium-inflated blimp envelope [51,52].

1990–2000 Lockheed Martin Aeronautics, an American aerospace company received

funding from NASA for the development of semi-buoyant hybrid airships to
serve as an outsized freighter.

2000 Advanced Technologies Group (ATG) built and flew a small, radio-controlled,
and unmanned hybrid airship technology demonstrator for SkyCat
technology, the SkyKitten. The successful demonstration bagged a sponsorship
for SkyCat 1000 to investigate HA in support of strategic lift from U.S. Army
and the Joint Staff [53].

2002 The Joint Staff funded a Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR) study on
investigating the feasibility of HAs [53].

2004 With the satisfactory results obtained from NAVAIR study, the Under
Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics recruited the
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) to oversee hybrid
airship development [53].

2005 The U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) initiated the
WALRUS program as an advance technology demonstration program to prove
the operational concepts of a large semi-buoyant lifting airship. Worldwide
Aeros Corp., an American manufacturer of airships was granted the largest
contract under DARPA’s project Walrus HULA (Hybrid Ultra Large Aircraft)
program to develop Aeroscraft, a heavy-lift hybrid airship for cargo
transportation [54].
(continued on next page)

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Table 1 (continued).
2006 Lockheed Martin underwent manned test flights (independently of WALRUS)
of P-791 [55], a multi-lobed hybrid airship built as a technology
demonstrator associated with key technologies including semi-buoyant airship
with pressure stabilized non-rigid hull generating aerodynamic lift, thrust
vectoring propulsion system, and Air Cushion Landing System (ACLS) under
Long Endurance Multi-Intelligence Vehicle program (LEMV). At that time, it
was the largest HA flown successfully [53].

2007 Hybrid Air Vehicles (HAV) Ltd. a British manufacturer of hybrid airships was
formed by Roger Munk. The company developed a remote-controlled
technology demonstrator HAV-3 based on the Skycat concept.

2008 HAV-3 made its first flight. Boeing, an American aerospace company
contracted with SkyHook to develop heavy-lifting hybrid airships, the
SkyHook JHL-40, a proposed rotastat concept [55].

2009 HAV Ltd. in partnership with Northrop Grumman as prime contractor won
the U.S. army contract to develop heavy-lifting hybrid airships for the
defense applications under LEMV project. This led to the development and
construction of HAV 304, a twin-lobed hybrid airship.

2010 DARPA funded Walrus HULA program was canceled.

2011 Lockheed Martin signed a contract with a Canadian based company Aviation
Capital Enterprises of Calgary to develop a family of commercial cargo
airships. The airship named SkyTug, a larger commercial version of the P-791

2012 HAV 304 made its maiden flight for 90 min in Lakehurst, New Jersey
[57–59]. The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) announced that
Lockheed Martin Aeronautics submitted an application for the certification
for LMZ1M, a manned cargo-lifting hybrid airship [60]. Voliris tested their
first hybrid airship (Source: www.voliris.com).

2013 LEMV project was canceled [61]. The SkyTug trademark was abandoned.
Lockheed Martin promoted their next large commercial hybrid airship named
LMH-1 based on the P-791 design. Lockheed Martin in collaboration with
FAA defined criteria to certify HAs for the transport category and
successfully approved by the FAA [62].

2014 Voliris completed its first test flight of remote-controlled hybrid airship
named V902RC (Source: www.voliris.com).

2016 The HAV’s Airlander 10, originally developed as the HAV 304 had its first
successful test flight outside the Cardington Hangars, RAF Cardington, UK
(Source: wikipedia/Airlander 10).

Till the date Research and developments of hybrid lift airships are still in progress to
achieve safe and reliable platforms for civil and military applications [11].

Fig. 34. First hybrid airship prototype: Number 14.

Source: www.flyhistoria.se.

Fig. 33. Variation of lift induced drag coefficient w.r.t aspect ratio for elliptical
terms of crew, fuel and maintenance, in order to obtain the cost optimal
design to meet the mission requirements. From this study it is observed
that the larger the vehicle size, the higher the mission efficiency and the
existing hybrid lift vehicles, with a view to limit the design space. The lower the emissions per ton mile. The study concludes that two main
profile of NACA 5527 airfoil is used to shape the envelope, to meet the
requirement of large internal volume. In the proposed design process, areas need to be further investigated. These include a more sophisti-
a cost module is also included, which estimates the operating cost in cated CFD analysis required to estimate the aerodynamic parameters

Manikandan M. and R.S. Pant Progress in Aerospace Sciences xxx (xxxx) xxx

performance parameters of unconventional airship configurations, us-

ing the concept of volume fractions. This methodology can also be used
to perform sensitivity analysis.
Haque et al. [79,95] proposed a new conceptual design method-
ology for winged-hull hybrid airships based on existing fundamental
relations to design an airship and aircraft. The methodology is focused
on estimation of mass breakdown; it uses available analytical formulae
to evaluate the weight of each system and sub-system of a new design
in the initial design phase.
Zhang et al. [40] described a methodology for the conceptual de-
sign of a multi-lobed hybrid airship powered by two different power
sources viz., solar powered and hydrogen powered with the perfor-
mance analysis based on the wing loading (Total mass/Reference area).
An interesting outcome of this study is that the hydrogen powered
airship has 30% less weight compared to the airship powered by
conventional fuel at the same cruise velocity condition.
Baraniello et al. [136] presented a design process for the conceptual
design of a stratospheric platform of four different configurations for
Fig. 35. Scientific publications per year on hybrid airships.
Earth observation and telecommunications. The airships are designed
for the payload of 1000 kg and airspeed of 16 m/s. The configurations
used in this study are conventional airship, flying wing, and two hybrid
platforms. The authors concluded that the hybrid platform represents
the best configuration based on power consumption, size, weight, and
One of the challenges involved in the sizing of hybrid airships is
to define the volume of an envelope. Envelope volume is a parameter
that directly affects the aerostatic lift generated by an airship. The
estimation of envelope volume of hybrid airship configurations is a
non-trivial task. There are different approaches proposed by researchers
to estimate the volume at the stage of conceptual sizing. Donaldson
et al. [9] derived the envelope volume for parametric design of low
emission hybrid-lift cargo aircraft based on envelope geometry and
buoyant lift required. Ceruti and Marzocca [45] proposed an iterative
method to obtain the volume of the envelope for unconventional airship
configurations. Carichner and Nicolai [43] presented a trade study of
conventional and hybrid configurations, in which an iterative method
Fig. 36. Break-up of publications on various types of hybrid airships. shown in Fig. 37 was used to estimate the volume of multi-lobed hybrid
airships for a given shape, based on the Breguet range equation to meet
the specified range requirement, and summation of weight breakdown
to improve the design space, and an in-depth market analysis to make of major sub-systems of the vehicle, using empirical formulae.
a balance between payload and accessibility. The Monte Carlo method can be used to find an approximated
Agte et al. [114] proposed a sizing methodology focused on con- volume of the intersection between the lobes to define the total volume
ceptual design of a hybrid lift multi-lobed airship for intra-regional of the airship. Manikandan and Pant [138] have proposed an analytical
flexible access transport. The proposed work addressed sizing and method to estimate the envelope volume of tri-lobed configuration.
constraint analysis, included an innovative system for lift management, Apart from other design challenges, the primary concern in design
and incorporated important operational constraints. of hybrid airships is the optimal apportionment of total lift from two
Mitchell [74] developed a conceptual airship design methodol- sources, viz., buoyant lift from lifting gas and aerodynamic lift from
ogy that can be used for both conventional and hybrid airships. This the geometry and/ or wings attached to the envelope. Zhang et al.
methodology can help in carrying out a comparative study between [72] studied the performance of hybrid buoyant aircraft to obtain an
an airship and an aircraft designed at the same level of detail for the optimal flight condition based on apportionment of buoyant lift and
same mission, to evaluate the vehicle performance. The methodology aerodynamic lift.
can be used to carry out sizing of the airship based on payload, range, Verma et al. [120] addressed the problem of finding the optimum
and altitude and also allows for rapid development of aerodynamic and lift apportionment and proposed a novel approach to obtain a hybrid
weight data for the sized vehicle. lifting-body airship design by minimizing fuel consumption using dif-
Li et al. [75] proposed a new buoyancy-lift integrated hybrid airship ferent flight strategies with range and duration of flight as constraints.
design, viz., tandem wing configuration, and studied the aerodynamic Interesting outcomes of this study are that the optimal hybrid airship
performance by employing a numerical method. To enhance the perfor- consumes more fuel during short duration of flight as well as at higher
mance, the problem was posed as an optimization problem to achieve altitudes, behaves more like an aircraft for short duration of flight
an aerodynamic efficient design through response surface method, to and at higher altitudes, and the optimal configuration needs to fly
obtain a better design with improved lift-to-drag ratio of 6.08%. at maximum aerodynamic efficiency (L/D) for minimum endurance
Ceruti and Marzocca [45] presented a novel design methodology condition. The shape of the airship is fixed and represented by a drag
to estimate weight breakdown, envelope volume, dimensions, and the coefficient (CD0 ).

Manikandan M. and R.S. Pant Progress in Aerospace Sciences xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 37. Iterative method to obtain an envelope volume of the multi-lobed airship for a given shape [1].

2.1. Solar-powered hybrid airships

Depletion of fossil fuel and environmental concerns shifted the re-

search focus of airships towards renewable energy as source of power to
fulfill all their requirements. In the design and sizing of solar-powered
airships, the main challenge faced by the designer is to the keep the
vehicle compact in size, which is advantageous in several aspects [180].
Zhang et al. [40] proposed a sizing methodology for conceptual de-
sign and analysis of multi-lobed hybrid airships with renewable energy
for two different applications, viz., a solar power high-altitude airship
and a hydrogen powered airship for cargo transportation. An improved
sizing methodology has been proposed in this study, to estimate the
total weight and the size to meet the given requirements. Aerodynamic
characteristics of the designed configurations are obtained through the
computational fluid dynamic (CFD) analysis.
Most existing studies on solar-powered airships for high altitude
applications assume the airship envelope to be an axi-symmetric body
of revolution. On the other hand, several studies have been focused on
non-axisymmetric bodies of revolution such as double-hull [17], del-
toid [184], oblate spheroid [185], multi-lobed [37,40,44,114,132,137,
138,186], winged hull [67,76,187,188], and lenticular shaped [25,27, Fig. 38. Discoidal shaped airship.
168]. There are a number of challenges involved in making inflatable Source: Ref. [175].
structures with unconventional shapes.
The most common issue related to the design of a solar-powered
high altitude airship is layout and orientation of photovoltaic array over
the surface of the envelope. Though, the conventional airships with
axi-symmetric body of revolution have many advantages over other
configurations, the curved surface of the airship makes the photovoltaic
array inefficient compared to the flat surface. A possible solution is to
use an unconventional envelope configuration that provides a flatter
surface over which solar panels are mounted, which increases their
power generation efficiency.
Cimarelli et al. [175] proposed a novel concept of disc-shaped
airship viz., discoidal shape shown in Fig. 38 to achieve the maximum
efficiency of the solar array affixed over the envelope. An airship
having a discoidal shape with maximal surface area to volume ratio,
results in higher upper surface area available for mounting solar panels.
However, it is not easy to fabricate such a shape for an inflatable Fig. 39. Disc-shaped hybrid airship by MAI, Russia .
structure. Ponyaev et al. [179] proposed the hybrid electric solar disc- Source: Ref. [179].
shaped hybrid airship in Fig. 39 as one of the efficient platforms for
air transportation in arctic and north polar regions, and for High Alti-
tude Stratospheric & Orbital Complex as Astronomical Observatories. of multi-lobed airships is a flatter upper surface of the hull, which
The airship was designed by Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI) and results in improved efficiency of the solar arrays, due to relatively lower
developed by a Swiss-based company.
curvature as shown in Fig. 40.
Several studies (e.g.,[37,44,130,132,186]) have proposed the con-
cept of multi-lobed hybrid airship configuration powered by solar A continuous power supply and ability to hover are the two key de-
energy for high altitude long endurance missions. The key advantage sign requirements of the airships designed for long endurance missions.

Manikandan M. and R.S. Pant Progress in Aerospace Sciences xxx (xxxx) xxx

3. Methodologies to estimate performance of hybrid airships

To study the advantages and drawbacks of any kind of vehicle,

performance analysis becomes an essential element of the design pro-
cess. This analysis helps to frame the set of rules and guidance to
the designers at different stages of the design process. Few existing
studies were focused on the flight performance analysis of hybrid
airships including the derivation of set of formulas for the various
flight conditions. Boyd [109] presented a version of top-level formulae
to deal with the performance analysis of hybrid airships. Liu et al.
[32] investigated the flight performance of winged hybrid airships
particularly on the optimum ratio of aerostatic lift to the total weight
to achieve the maximum lift-to-drag ratio. To validate the analytical
results, a model of a remote-controlled airship with wings was built
and tested in flight. The results obtained from the test flight using a
stereo-videogrammetry system were consistent with the performance
Fig. 40. Tri-lobed airship with solar array. analysis. Similarly, Zhang et al. [71] formulated an improved set of
Source: Ref. [139]. formulae (based on primary formulae derived for a conventional air-
craft by Anderson [189]) to analyze the performance of an airship for
steady and accelerated flight conditions. These formulae were used
Most of the proposed concepts have used a renewable energy source to analyze the performance of a hybrid winged airship. The results
for power supply for a continuous flight and an electric propulsion indicate that the ratio of aerodynamic lift to total lift (sum of aerostatic
system to maintain the stationary or precision flight, i.e., hovering. lift and aerodynamic lift), power-to-weight ratio, and the effective wing
Rotary-wing aircraft can be one of the possible solutions to fulfill the loading are the three key parameters that have significant impact on
requirement of ability to hover for long endurance, but they have the performance of a hybrid airship. The main objective of this study
low payload capacity, are less fuel efficient, and prone to mechanical was to compare the performance of winged airships with conventional
failures. The most promising solution for high endurance mission is a aircraft at different flight conditions. In 2010, Zhang et al. [72] revised
Rotastat. Earon and Apkarian [19] proposed a concept of hybrid airship the analytical formulations developed earlier for performance analysis
platform, viz., Rotastat (airship with rotary wings) for precision UAV of hybrid airships with simple expressions.
applications and tested its hovering capability and endurance. In addition to the buoyant lift, an airship can generate aerodynamic
lift with the help of wings attached to the envelope. Hence, some of the
2.2. Design methodologies based on aerodynamic shape optimization key parameters related to fixed-wing aircraft become important aspects
in the design of a hybrid buoyant airship. Using the fact that some
In a typical shape optimization of a fuel-powered airship, the main of the key design parameters are similar for both aircraft and airship,
objective is to minimize the fuel burn for a given range or maximize Haque et al. [92] studied the effect of wing loading on gross take-off
the range for a given amount of fuel by minimizing the drag of the mass of a hybrid buoyant aircraft. The ratio of empty to gross take-off
airship. But in the case of fully solar-powered airships, the concepts of mass was estimated using regression analysis based on existing data and
fuel burn or range do not apply. Few studies (e.g., [38,79,100,180]) aerodynamic characteristics of wing using XFLR5, a low fidelity tool.
have proposed the design methodology based on aerodynamic shape Mass estimation is one of the most challenging parts in the con-
optimization. ceptual design of an airship. In the mass estimation, empty mass is
Mahzan and Muhamad [38] proposed a design methodology for the one that contributes the most, and plays a significant role in the
HA based on its aerodynamic characteristics, as shown in Fig. 41. sizing of an airship. The most common approach for mass estimation
The vehicle was designed to satisfy the mission requirements given in in the conceptual design phase of an aircraft/airship is the statistical
Request for Proposal (RFP) proposed by American Institute of Aeronau- adaptation of data from the past designs. Unfortunately, the historical
tics and Astronautics (AIAA) in their Foundation Undergraduate Team database for the hybrid airships is very sparse compared to conven-
Aircraft Design Competition (2010). To satisfy the RFP requirements, tional airships, and hence no proven formulation exists. In general, for
four envelope designs were analyzed. The main objective of this study any new complex design, an additional margin of ∼ 6%–10% of the
was to find the optimum HAV envelope design to fulfill the lifting total mass is taken into consideration to account for the uncertainty
criteria. in the mass estimation procedure. There is a need for theoretical or
Hartmann [100] proposed a synthesis model for the conceptual an analytical approach to estimate the various mass fractions. Based
design of a hybrid-lift air vehicle. This study involves a fast and simple on a theoretical approach, Haque et al. [94] established a new set of
parametric aerodynamic modeling of lifting body geometry and the op- analytical relationships to estimate the mass and volume fractions of
timization of lift fractions. The assessment of the configuration is done fuel-powered-hybrid buoyant aircraft. Studies (e.g., [1,40,92,132,168,
through a common enhanced direct operating cost model. To study the 186]) that were focused on the conceptual design of hybrid airships
aerodynamic characteristics, a surrogate model was developed from a also considered the mass breakdown and estimation of mass of each
database of CFD results to capture the nonlinearities and their effects component based on its geometry and characteristics of the material
on stability and performance. used. A list of formulae (in Imperial Units) for the estimation of mass of
Buckley et al. [180] presented a methodology to design the en- airship components is given in Table 2.
velope for a solar-powered hybrid airship through the application of
aerodynamic shape optimization methodology, viz., Jet Stream. The 4. Optimization techniques employed in hybrid airship design
algorithm used in this study consists of a three-dimensional flow solver
to evaluate the aerodynamic properties, geometry module to capture To achieve better shape and design of an airship, optimization
the variations in the geometry, and a gradient-based optimizer. The becomes an important tool which is widely used in the modern design
chosen design variables are envelope section shapes, span, twist, angle process. The sizing of HAs involves multiple disciplines, including
of attack, and flap angle. The optimal envelope design was achieved aerodynamics, propulsion, structure, stability, and energy subsystems
through the three-point optimization. which have mutual interactions with each other as shown in Fig. 42.

Manikandan M. and R.S. Pant Progress in Aerospace Sciences xxx (xxxx) xxx

Table 2
Mass estimation of airship components.
Components Formulae for mass estimation Source
Hull 𝜌𝑓 𝑎𝑏𝑟𝑖𝑐 𝜆ℎ𝑢𝑙𝑙 𝑆𝑤𝑒𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑑 [1,186]
Tail 𝜌𝑡𝑎𝑖𝑙 𝜆𝑡𝑎𝑖𝑙 𝑆𝑟𝑒𝑓 [40,44,132]
LTA gas 𝜌𝑔𝑎𝑠 𝑉ℎ𝑢𝑙𝑙 [186]
Solar array 𝜌𝑎𝑟𝑟𝑎𝑦 𝜆𝑎𝑟𝑟𝑎𝑦 𝑆𝑎𝑟𝑟𝑎𝑦 [40,44,186]
( )
Energy storage 𝑃𝑟𝑒𝑞 𝑇𝑛𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 )∕(𝜌𝑠𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝜂𝑠𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒 [40,44,132]
Propulsion 𝑃𝑚𝑎𝑥 ∕𝜂𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑝 𝑆𝑃𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑝 [40,44,132]
Ballonet 𝜌𝑏𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑆𝑏𝑎𝑙𝑙 [1,5]
( )0.6
0.036 𝑆𝑤0.758 𝑊𝑓0.0035𝑤
𝐴∕ cos2 𝛬
Wing 0.006 0.04 −0.3
𝑞 𝜆 (100(𝑡∕𝑐)∕ cos 𝛬) [92]
( )0.49
𝑁𝑧 𝑊𝑑𝑔
Gondola 𝜆𝑔𝑜𝑛𝑑 𝑆𝑔𝑜𝑛𝑑 [1]
( )0.782
Propeller 𝐾𝑝 𝑁𝑝 𝑁𝑏𝑙𝑎𝑑𝑒 𝑑𝑝 𝑆𝐻𝑃 ∕1000 [1]

Fig. 41. Design methodology for the hybrid airship [38].

and Monte-Carlo method. The major drawback with a heuristics based

algorithm is its poor capability to find the precise location of the global
optimum solution. Gradient-based search methods are highly efficient
to search the extremum, but only in a small neighborhood. Hence,
combining the heuristic algorithms with gradient-based search methods
is a feasible way to achieve global optimum from large design space ef-
fectively. Zhang et al. [44] used a hybrid method combining the GA and
gradient-based technique to achieve an optimal design of solar-powered
multi-lobed hybrid airship. In our previous study [186] we have pro-
posed a conceptual design methodology based on MDO for tri-lobed
airship configuration using Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO). The
optimal solutions obtained for different operating conditions through
PSO are compared with the GA to study the computational efficiency.
From the results, the PSO was seen to be more computationally efficient
compared to GA, based on the time for convergence. Though both
these optimization techniques are evolutionary-based, GA needs a much
larger number of input parameters to be tuned, compared to PSO to
improve the convergence time.
Many MDO problems involve multiple objectives which may be
conflicting with each other. Hence, a multi-objective multi-disciplinary
design optimization framework needs to be developed to solve them.
Fig. 42. Key disciplines involved in the design of HAs.
Wang et al. [73] developed a design methodology for a near space
solar-powered hybrid air vehicle which combines the features of LTA
system and HTA system. The design problem was posed as a multi-
Therefore, it becomes essential to establish disciplinary models and
objective optimization and the optimal configuration of winged hybrid
a multi-disciplinary design optimization (MDO) problem needs to be
airship was achieved using Non-dominated Sorted Genetic Algorithm
framed and solved to obtain an optimum and balanced design. MDO
based studies of HAs used heuristic algorithms like Particle Swarm (NSGA-II). In general, a Multi-Objective Optimization (MOO) problem
Optimization (PSO), Simulated Annealing (SA), Genetic Algorithms helps to identify the trade-off between the objectives. To demonstrate
(GA), and Monte-Carlo method for the single objective optimization. the trade-off between flight altitude and total mass of an airship, Zhang
The key reasons to use these algorithms is that they are computation- et al. [132] presented a multi-objective multi-disciplinary optimization
ally less expensive, derivative free, and explore large design space to methodology of a high altitude solar-powered hybrid airship. The study
achieve the global optimal solution. Ceruti et al. [168] presented an was carried out using NSGA-II to obtain pareto-optimal set of solutions
MDO methodology for an unconventional airship configuration using to explore the design tradeoffs at different flight altitudes. The results
heuristic algorithms to optimize the envelope shape. The key learning obtained indicated that there is a strong influence of operating altitude
from this study are that the GA and PSO are more efficient than SA on airship design with the multi-phase strategy.

Manikandan M. and R.S. Pant Progress in Aerospace Sciences xxx (xxxx) xxx

5. Aerodynamic analyses of hybrid airships

Aerodynamic performance is one of the key design features in the

design process of hybrid airships. Aerodynamic characteristics of hybrid
air vehicles is different from the conventional airships due to the
addition of dynamic lift from its lifting-body shapes or attachment of
wings. Methods to evaluate aerodynamic characteristics of unconven-
tional airships are quite scarce and need to be improved to predict
lift and drag coefficients and moments. Aerodynamic coefficients have
significant impact on the accurate prediction of performance param-
eters and design-related studies of any flying vehicle. There are dif-
ferent approaches like wind tunnel experiment, numerical simulations,
and approximate model to evaluate the aerodynamic characteristics of
Fig. 43. Scaled-model of winged-hull dynastat attached in the test section.
Source: Ref. [105].
5.1. Wind tunnel testing

Wind tunnel tests are carried out for high fidelity estimation of
aerodynamic properties. Only a few experimental studies have been 5.2. CFD based approach
reported in the open literature. This is because the wind tunnel tesing
of complete airship is a time consuming process and requires a large In the initial design phase, analytical methods and empirical rela-
test section [103]. There are few technical reports (e.g., [24,76,86,87, tions are good enough to estimate the aerodynamic parameters like
89,93,99,105]) that summarize the aerodynamic behavior applicable lift-to-drag ratio without the need to resort to computationally ex-
to the winged-hull dynastats using wind-tunnel experiments. Haque pensive methods. But for the accurate prediction of the aerodynamic
and his associates carried out the significant number of experimental characteristics of hybrid air vehicles, it is necessary for wind tunnel
investigation of winged-hull dynastat using low speed wind tunnel tests or computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis to be carried out.
(LSWT) facility available at International Islamic University Malaysia Using CFD for aerodynamic analysis involves a number of challenges
(IIUM). The major outcomes of the contribution were reflected in like large computational time, meshing of the whole fluid domain, and
several technical publications. In one of the study, Haque et al. [93] selection of appropriate solver and turbulence model [190]. Though the
carried out an experimental investigation on a generic model of a CFD codes for aerodynamic prediction were popular from the beginning
hybrid lifting hull. The shape of the hybrid lifting hull was derived from of the history of digital computation, few studies [191–196] have
the profile of a marine animal which generates aerodynamic lift from focused on applying the numerical approximation method for 2-D and
the body. From the trends of the experimental data and its comparison 3-D bodies, using panel methods. These methods are ideal for concep-
with the theoretical calculations, the hybrid lifting hull was found to be tual design studies, as they need lesser computation time and have
statically unstable. Haque et al. [99] also demonstrated the advantage
lower complexity compared to more accurate methods like Direct Nu-
of using open jet testing for the aerodynamic analysis of winged-hull
merical Simulations (DNS), RANS (Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes),
dynastats. One of the experimental studies proved that a winged-hull
and Large Eddy Simulation (LES). A panel method performs better
dynastat produces thrice the amount of aerodynamic lift produced by
when modeling fully-attached, high Reynolds number (> 105 ), subsonic
a conventional airship and the drag increases in the range of 20%–
(Mach number <1) flow. Panel methods are adept at calculating the lift
40% [76]. Another important observation of this study was that the
force and pressure drag force of the whole airship, but not the skin-
wing dihedral angle and its layout have a significant effect on the static
friction drag force (which is dependent on viscous force). Zero-lift drag
rolling stability.
In general, scaled-down models as shown in Fig. 43 are used for coefficient (CD0 ) due to skin friction is one of the important elements
wind tunnel testings to meet the requirements of flight Reynolds num- of aerodynamic coefficients required for total drag estimation of the
ber and the allowable blockage of the test section. It is very important airships. Total drag is the sum of the form drag and skin-friction drag. It
to capture the geometric details of all the components on the airship can be evaluated using analytical methods, empirical relations, and/or
while scaling the model to achieve the results in greater accuracy numerical methods. The panel method alone is incapable of capturing
relative to the actual data. Haque et al. [87] has discussed the issues viscous effects, predicting boundary layers, and flow separation, but it
involved in the fabrication of the scaled-down model and prescribed an can be done by coupling with the integral boundary-layer equations.
easy procedure to develop it for static testing in the wind tunnel. Donaldson et al. [9] used a 3-D panel method to solve the potential
There are a number of challenges in using a wind tunnel to study flow problem around the body and to compute the non-dimensional
the aerodynamic characteristics of hybrid airships, especially for the aerodynamic coefficients CL and CD for the initial study on the design
multi-lobed ones [126]. Data measurements on small-scaled models of of low emission hybrid-lift airship and estimated the skin-friction drag
airships are generally poor for measuring the drag and the aerodynamic from the Von Karman Reynolds number relation.
lift. Hybrid airships, in general, operate at high Reynolds number rang- In the estimation of the aerodynamic characteristics and perfor-
ing between (107 ∼108 ) but quite low velocity in comparison with the mance parameters of airships, friction drag plays a major role while
other conventional aircraft. High Reynolds number leads to the transi- computing the power required. Experimental studies have shown that
tion of flow from laminar to turbulent. Using a small-scaled model, the the hull of an airship comprises the largest part of the drag. Hoerner
effect of transition and mixture of flow may not be accurately captured, [197] presented an empirical relation based on experimental data to
and it may become difficult to represent what is occurring on the full predict the volumetric drag coefficient of hull based on length-to-
sized vehicle [1]. Wind tunnel testings on large scale models will give diameter ratio known as Fineness Ratio (FR) as follows:
better aerodynamic data, but it becomes very expensive. Unfortunately, [ ]
there is no experimental data reported in open literatures on aerody- 𝐶𝐷𝑉 = 𝐶𝑓 4(𝑙∕𝑑)0.3 + 6(𝑑∕𝑙)1.2 + 24(𝑑∕𝑙)2.7 (1)
namic characteristics for hybrid designs. Most of the aerodynamic data
is only available for conventional airships with axisymmetric envelope. However, this empirical relation is insensitive to the changes in
An alternative to wind tunnel testing for obtaining the aerodynamic shape of the envelope, because it predicts the same drag coefficient
characteristics of hybrid airships that operate at high Re is to use CFD value for two different shapes with the same FR and Reynolds number.
based solvers which are relatively accurate and a suitable method [41]. Alam and Pant [198] modified Hoerner’s empirical relation to capture

Manikandan M. and R.S. Pant Progress in Aerospace Sciences xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 44. Equivalent ellipsoid to a multi-lobed envelope with same volume.

the variation in the drag more accurately, by introducing a modification

factor 𝑘𝑚𝑜𝑑 which results in the following modified Hoerner’s formula,
0.18(𝑙∕𝑑)0.3 + 0.27(𝑙∕𝑑)−1.2 + 1.08(𝑙∕𝑑)−2.7
𝐶𝐷𝑉 ,𝑚 = (2)
(𝑘𝑚𝑜𝑑 𝑅𝑒)1∕6
For conventional and hybrid airships, the zero-lift drag coefficient
can be estimated by employing Hoerner’s equation [39]. Since the
relation is basically a function of FR, for a multi-lobed hybrid airship,
the reference diameter of the hull can be taken by treating the complex
geometry equivalent to an ellipsoid (refer to Fig. 44), as suggested by
Carichner and Nicolai [1]. A comparison of drag coefficient data of the
bare hull of a hybrid airship with Hoerner’s equation and CFD revealed
a mismatch of 40%–50%. Brandon [115] carried out a comparative
study of lifting body hybrid airships with conventional ellipsoidal
airships for long endurance surveillance missions and assumed that the
skin friction drag of the hull of a lifting body hybrid airship is 1.5 times
Fig. 45. Lift curve slopes for the aerial vehicles [3].
the value of single-lobed conventional airship.
Carichner and Nicolai [1] presented an approach to estimate the
zero-lift drag of each component of a hybrid airship for a given shape
based on a well-known method called Drag Build-Up method. In this lift coefficient (C𝐿 ), lifting surface planform area (S), and Aspect Ratio
method, the drag of each component of the airship exposed to the (AR). It can be expressed in terms of lift and drag coefficients as follows:
flow, summing the components together, then adding an interference 𝐷𝑖 𝐶𝐿2
factor of 4%–12% of that sum. Zero-lift drag coefficient (CD0 ) can be 𝐶𝐷,𝑖 = = (4)
0.5𝜌𝑉 2 𝑆 𝜋𝐴𝑅
expressed as a function of form factor (FF) for airship hulls in terms of
Lift coefficient (C𝐿 ) can be estimated from the lift-curve-slope
FR, wetted area (Swet ), and frontal area as reference (Sref ), (dC𝐿 /d𝛼 or C𝐿𝛼 ) and angle of attack (𝛼),
𝐶𝐷0 = 𝐶𝑓 .𝐹 𝐹 .𝑄. (3) 𝐶𝐿 = 𝐶𝐿𝛼 𝛼 (5)
From the study of aerodynamics of wings and bodies [199], the
where Cf is the skin-friction coefficient, FF is form factor, Q is the
lift-curve-slope for the airships and hybrids is derived as follows:
dynamic pressure.
One of the unique characteristics of hybrid airships in comparison 𝐶𝐿𝛼 = √ (6)
to the conventional airships is the generation of dynamic lift (so- 2+ 4 + 𝐴𝑅2
called aerodynamic lift) which is around 20%–40% of the total lift. Fig. 45 shows the variation of lift-curve slope with respect to Aspect
All airships generate some dynamic lift while operating at an angle Ratio (AR) and also the aerodynamic lift data of single-lobe body
of attack, but its magnitude is very small compared to the buoyant of revolution with/or without tail and hybrid airships. It is observed
lift. This makes the hybrid airships aerodynamically superior to the that the airships with a body of revolution; single lobe envelope, and
conventional airships. The larger the dynamic lift, the smaller the without tails are poor lifting bodies compared to single-lobed airships
requirement for ballast weight to be carried to maintain the heaviness with tails. Though airships with body of revolution envelopes and tails
have many advantages over unconventional shaped airships, hybrid
of the airship. The aerodynamic lift can be modulated to adjust the
airships have better aerodynamic performance and payload capacity
change in heaviness, but the buoyant lift is constant for airships with
which makes them superior for cargo transportation. Looking at the
ballonets. Nicolai and Carichner [3] presented the relationship between
data in Fig. 45, it is clear that there exists a relation between buoyant
aircraft and hybrid airships based on aerodynamic forces generated and vehicle and aircraft based on aerodynamic forces.
related parameters like lift-to-drag ratio (L/D), lift curve slope (CL 𝛼), It is a fairly difficult task to estimate the aerodynamic characteristics
and the drag-due-to-lift factor in the drag polar equation. of the multi-lobed hybrid airship without carrying out experiments in
For a hybrid airship, lift-induced drag arising from dynamic lift is the wind tunnel and/or Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) analysis.
another important parameter that needs to be considered during the There is severe dearth of experimental aerodynamic data in the open
evaluation of aerodynamic performance. Induced drag is a function of literature for multi-lobed hybrid airships.

Manikandan M. and R.S. Pant Progress in Aerospace Sciences xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 48. Solar powered buoyancy-lifting vehicle.

Source: Ref. [86].

Fig. 46. Airlander 50 — full configuration.

Source: Ref. [39]. have poor rolling stability. Another important observation from the
results is that the winged-hull airship has less longitudinal stability and
higher directional stability than the conventional airship. Numerical
simulations revealed that the change in wing placement and its dihedral
angle have a strong positive effect on the rolling stability. Haque et al.
[24,88,92] made extensive use of CFD solvers to study the aerodynamic
characteristics of winged-hull dynastats and reported many interesting
observations and results.
Chen et al. [86] proposed a new configuration of buoyancy-lifting
vehicle for near space applications and investigated the aerodynamic
characteristics using an engineering method for lift-to-drag ratio, CFD
and wind tunnel test for aerodynamic coefficients. The proposed con-
figuration combines the features of high-altitude airship and solar-
powered unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). From the comparison of
results using different methods, it is concluded that the engineering
method is inefficient to evaluate aerodynamic coefficients.
Selection of an appropriate turbulence model is an important, chal-
Fig. 47. Airlander 10 — full configuration.
Source: Ref. [124]. lenging, and difficult task while using CFD for investigation of flow
around a body and estimating the aerodynamic characteristics of the
airships with complex shapes as in HAs. Choosing the right turbulence
A CFD study on full configuration of multi-lobed hybrid airship model helps to achieve the solutions in better agreement with the actual
in Fig. 46 with a shape similar to the Airlander 50 airship of Hybrid flight data. There is no standard procedure for the choice of turbulence
Air Vehicles (HAV) Ltd. has been reported by Carrión et al. [39]. The model. Results obtained using different turbulence models show large
work begins with the validation of CFD data of a 6:1 prolate spheroid variation with each other. One of the standard ways to choose an appro-
to test the efficiency of the solver which can be used to solve the priate turbulence model is to research the existing literatures in detail.
defined problem. The reason to choose the prolate spheroid as a testing The most commonly used mathematical models for turbulence are LES
model is because of its similarity of Reynolds number and availability of and RANS. In LES, turbulence models like Smagorinsky-Lilly, Dynamic
abundant experimental data to enable the validation. It is a preliminary subgrid-scale, RNG-LES, Wall-adapting local eddy-viscosity (WALE) are
study focused on estimating the aerodynamic properties of a multi- used. Similarly, RANS have algebraic models, one equation models
lobed hybrid airship and to analyze the effects of variation in Reynolds (Spalart-Almaras, etc.), two equation models (k-𝜖, k-𝜔, etc.), Non-linear
number. eddy viscosity models, Reynolds stress model (RSM). In a study of flow
Carrión et al. [124] also studied the aerodynamic characteristics of around a hybrid airship model similar to the Airlander by HAV, Carrión
a double-lobed hybrid airship, viz., Airlander 10 of Hybrid Air Vehicles
et al. [39] compared the Shear Stress Transport (SST) k-𝜔 model against
Ltd. (refer Fig. 47), at high pitch and yaw angles. The effect of airship
the k-𝜔 Explicit Algebraic Stress (EASM) model within the unsteady
components like fins, strakes, leading edge root extension (LERX),
RANS framework, and also investigated the effect of low pitch angles
skids, gondola, bowthruster, and ducts of the engines at different pitch
on transition effect, high pitch angles provided the substantial lift
angles and also for mild and strong yaw conditions were also analyzed.
augmentation, and sensitivity of the transition location to the Reynolds
The sensitivity study on the location of the ducts was also conducted
along with the other investigations. Zhang et al. [40] estimated the number. Meng et al. [41] investigated the aerodynamic performance
aerodynamic performance of multi-lobed hybrid airship as part of the of multi-lobed and winged-hull hybrid airships based on numerical
conceptual design using RANS turbulence model viz., Spalart–Allmaras. approach using CFD solver. The effect of different turbulence models
Few studies in the recent past have focused on investigating the of RANS and Variational Multiscale Large Eddy Simulation (VMS-LES)
aerodynamic performance of winged-hull dynastats using CFD. Andan were analyzed on a 6:1 prolate spheroid model and concluded that the
et al. [26] presented a comparative study between conventional and combined LES achieved better agreement with the experimental data
winged-hull airship based on numerical investigation of aerodynamic than the RANS model. From the results of the comparative study, the
performance over a range of angle of attack. The major outcome of VMS-LES model was used to study the aerodynamic performance of two
the study is that both the conventional and the winged-hull airship different hybrid airships (see Fig. 36).

Manikandan M. and R.S. Pant Progress in Aerospace Sciences xxx (xxxx) xxx

5.3. Approximate models for aerodynamic estimation important role in the evaluation of dynamics of airships. For a buoyant
vehicle with large body volume and density similar to the surrounding
In the process of Multi-disciplinary Design Optimization (MDO) of fluid (e.g., an airship), the effect of AM cannot be ignored [204,205].
an airship, approximation models known as Surrogate Models, Re- Many methods [206,207] are available for the computation of AM for
sponse Surface Models (RSM), and Metamodels or Emulators are often the airships with an axial-symmetric envelope shape. Several studies
proposed to evaluate aerodynamic performances to avoid the coupling evaluated the approximated value of AM for complex shapes using an
of the CFD module since they are computationally expensive. Few equivalent-ellipsoid method. However, to enable precise calculation of
studies have focused on developing the approximate model for hybrid AM for non-standard shapes, better methods have to be developed.
airships to enhance the computational efficiency of design optimization With the technological improvement and advancement in numerical
and to increase the degrees of freedom for the aerodynamic-based methods, some standard methods have been proposed to compute the
shape optimization. Zhang et al. [132] developed a response surface added mass of unconventional configurations. Atkinson and Urso [112]
model of aerodynamic characteristics with different fineness ratios (FR) presented a method for modeling the apparent mass effects of airflow
for the multi-disciplinary design analysis of lifting-body hybrid airships. obtained from a potential flow code for hybrid airships. From this
In our previous study [139], we have proposed a surrogate model of study, it is observed that there is a significant destabilizing effect
aerodynamic characteristics to couple it with the MDO framework. The on vehicle dynamics. Azouz et al. [208] presented a dynamic model
model used in this study was developed based on Krigging approxima- and computed the added masses matrix for unconventional airships
tion to predict the drag coefficient of tri-lobed airship configuration of flying wing type by means of velocity potential flow theory. There
within ±3% error band. are computationally efficient approaches to compute AM, which can
be coupled to an optimization framework to study the dynamics of
6. Thermal models for analyzing hybrid airships hybrid airships. Ceruti et al. [131] have developed a framework to
optimize the external shape of an unconventional airship configuration
Hybrid Airships for stratospheric applications are, in general, de- with multi-lobed envelope, this framework also includes a method to
signed to be deployed at an altitude of around 15–20 km, where the estimate the AM.
wind speed is stable and suitable for station keeping of long endurance
missions such as surveillance, communication relay, navigation and 8. Structural analysis of hybrid airships
environment monitoring [200–203]. However, the solar radiation is
stronger than at a lower altitude, and the density of air is very low, To design a safe and reliable system, structural analysis becomes
and diurnal variation of the temperature affects the performance of an essential module of the design process. Advances in the field of
the airship. It degrades the efficiency of the solar panels which is the materials and related technologies, have enabled usage of flexible
major power source of solar-powered airships. During day time, the membrane structures for aerospace applications. The main advantage
temperature of the internal gas raises due to direct radiation from of using flexible membrane structures is mass saving compared to the
the sun, infrared radiation, reflected radiation, scattered radiation, conventional designs. Airships experience deformation due to aerostatic
heat radiation from onboard avionics, and convection heat transfer. and aerodynamic loads during their flight. In particular, the deforma-
This leads to a phenomenon called superheat. During the night time, tions due to loads acting on the structure at different flight conditions
however, the temperature of internal gas becomes lower than the have significant impact on the system performance, and can lead to
ambient air, due to a phenomenon called supercool. For the airships that catastrophic failure. In the recent years, many studies have been carried
are developed for the long endurance applications, both superheat and out on the design and analysis of HAs. But very few studies on multi-
supercool have significant effect on the pressure differential between disciplinary design optimization of hybrid airships have focused on the
the gas enclosed inside the envelope and ambient air, thermal stress structural analysis and structural-based shape optimization. Advance-
of the hull, mechanical strength of the envelope, and the airship net ment in the computational techniques over many decades, have lead
buoyancy. The thermal environment also has a significant effect on to the development of Computer Aided Design (CAD) tools to design
the performance of the photovoltaic array. To overcome these issues, geometry models of complex non-linear structures and Finite-Element
and to design a highly reliable system, the thermal characteristics (FE) based tools to perform extensive structural analysis with high
of the airship must be taken into consideration during the design degree of accuracy. Boeing used the FEA package ABAQUS to develop
and optimization process. Zhang et al. [130] developed a simplified an internal loads model for the Skyhook’s JHL-40 airship, as seen in
thermal model using CFD of a high-altitude solar-powered multi-lobed Fig. 16.
hybrid airship. The proposed model includes a user defined function Over many years, a leading UK based consulting engineering firm
(UDF) program to investigate the thermal effects of the photovoltaic Tensys has developed FE analysis tools called inTENS for architectural
module array (PVMA), lifting gas inside the envelope, and the envelope structures, but recently the tools have been adapted and developed
surface on the performance of airships. The results obtained through to permit the design, analysis and patterning of the hulls of several
numerical simulations were validated with the ground experiment and large-scale flying HA demonstrators. Current activities include the de-
shown that the PVMA has significant effects on an airship’s thermal sign of envelopes for the HAs, investigations of high-altitude tethered
performance. Meng et al. [137] investigated the effects of flight time, aerostats, and the design of very large kite sails for use in auxiliary
location, attitude and relative wind speed on thermal performance and propulsion for cargo ships. Brooke and Bown [113] have outlined the
output power of a hybrid airship during long-distance transportation work carried out on the structural analysis of multi-lobed hybrid airship
across different latitudes and longitudes by coupling the three different in the last ten years by Tensys design group and also focused on the
modules on thermal, output power, and dynamics. general requirements and concept design of hybrid airships. In order
to achieve better design and performance of airships, multidisciplinary
7. Modeling of hybrid airship dynamics design criteria have to be applied to the structural models. Kuhn
and Baier [210] developed a multi-disciplinary model based on struc-
In general, airships are modeled as a rigid body with six degrees ture to reduce the total mass of ultra-lightweight hybrid airship. The
of freedom, which results in six non-linear equations of motion that main objective of the study is to demonstrate the interaction between
represent the dynamics of an airship. The external forces that impact membrane deformations and aerodynamics based on fluid membrane
the dynamics are weight, buoyancy force, aerodynamic forces & mo- interaction models.
ments, and propulsive forces. In addition to these forces, the inertia of In the total mass estimation of an airship, envelope mass is one
the fluid displaced by a body, viz., Added Mass (AM), also plays an of the important elements which depends on material density and

Manikandan M. and R.S. Pant Progress in Aerospace Sciences xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 49. Contribution of fins to the lift and drag.

Source: Data taken from Ref. [209].

thickness of the envelope fabric. In particular, the thickness affects the contributes the most to the lift and also drag with less percentage
stress distribution and deformation behavior of an airship. Agte et al. change compared to the lift [126,209] as shown in Fig. 49.
[114] conducted the finite-element analysis to determine the thickness The preliminary aerodynamic and stability analysis of low-speed
requirement of fabric based on the load distribution. From the analysis hybrid airships (airships with wings) can also be carried out using
it was observed that at the seams, the magnitude of load exceeds the an aircraft design software called Digital DATCOM, which is one of
allowable stress value and hence, the thickness at these locations must the tools in the Flight Dynamics module of MATLAB® . Aerodynamic
be four times the thickness of the envelope. characteristics and stability derivatives can be obtained using this
The Italian Aerospace Research Center (CIRA) is currently working tool for airships with a geometry similar to a conventional aircraft.
on designing a long endurance unmanned stratospheric hybrid airship Haque et al. [217] used Digital DATCOM to model the aerodynamic
platform for Earth observation and telecommunications (also known characteristics and to determine the stability and control derivatives
as HAPS, i.e., High Altitude Pseudo Satellite) [136]. As part of this of winged-hull hybrid airships for static analysis. Xiao et al. [81]
project, design teams developed some tools to obtain the conceptual compared the aerodynamic characteristics and longitudinal static sta-
bility of winged-hull dynastats and conventional airships. The results of
layout which can be used to perform CFD, FEM analysis, and stability
the study indicate that the winged-hull dynastats are statically stable
in longitudinal motion, which helps to restrain the airship against
sudden wind interferences during ascending flight. Haque et al. [104]
9. Hybrid airships stability investigated the issues related to the directional stability of a winged-
hull dynastat at low speed, and provided a solution of using electric
Although the aerostatic lift dominates the aerodynamic lift in pro- trimmers (propeller attached to the electric motor) to control the yaw
viding the total lift, the aerodynamic characteristics of HAs determine motion.
its stability. Studies [211–215] have shown that an airship experiences
statically unstable behavior due to envelope shape and the Added Mass 10. Conclusions
(AM) terms. The stability derivatives and AM terms play an important
role in the dynamics of an airship. The stability derivatives can be Development of new technologies in various fields made it possi-
obtained through CFD, wind tunnel experiments, flight test data, or ble for modern hybrid airships to emerge as an ideal, multi-purpose
using empirical relations. For complex geometries of hybrid airships platform for several civil and defense applications. They can also be
operating at high Reynolds number, CFD is an efficient method to used as an alternate to replace the high-cost satellites for surveillance,
derive the stability derivatives. Haque et al. [24] studied the effect of communications, and explorations. Better and more efficient techniques
empennage arrangement (arrangement of stabilizing surfaces at the tail have to be developed for design and development of hybrid airships, so
of the airship) on the stability of winged hybrid airships using CFD that they can emerge as an optimal solution for the cargo transportation
to compute the aerodynamic characteristics and stability derivatives. industry, without the need for a multi-billion-dollar infrastructure.
From the results obtained, it is very clear that the different arrangement However, there is still a long road ahead for hybrid airships to reach a
of empennage has significant impact on the stability. In the later study, state of reliable and functional system to meet today’s market demands
Haque et al. [216] analyzed the static stability of a hybrid buoyant and applications.
This paper presents a state-of-the-art literature review on research
vehicle using the panel method. They derived the stability derivatives
and advancements of hybrid airships, focused on key areas like con-
based on the aerodynamic characteristics of all the components of the
ceptual design, performance, multi-disciplinary design optimization,
airship except the fuselage, and used a CFD solver to compute the flow
aerodynamics, thermal performance, dynamics, and structures. There
over the fuselage. The results obtained from this study showed that
are several disciplines related to hybrid airships that need to be care-
the proposed hybrid airship configuration with three lifting surfaces
fully modeled to design truly capable and operational and safe hybrid
(canard, wing and horizontal stabilizer) and two vertical tails exhibited
airships. Some of the key challenges to be addressed in the future
good stability characteristics. This study clearly brought out how the
development of such a vehicle are brought out in this paper, and new
various components of an airship contribute to its stability. Similarly, methodologies to be created have also been highlighted, viz.,
Carrión et al. [209] demonstrated the advantage of CFD to predict the
aerodynamic damping of a multi-lobed hybrid airship, and compared • Computationally inexpensive methods for aerodynamic analysis
the aerodynamic performance and stability of the full configuration of such complex designs at the conceptual design phase
including fins, LERX (leading edge root extension), and strakes with • Efficient parameterization of envelope geometry to increase the
the bare hull. An airship with fins and stabilizers was found to be degrees of freedom in shape selection and to achieve better
stable compared to just the bare hull. Adding fins to a hybrid airship configurations for the given mission requirements

Manikandan M. and R.S. Pant Progress in Aerospace Sciences xxx (xxxx) xxx

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