CFAS (Midterm - Finals)
CFAS (Midterm - Finals)
CFAS (Midterm - Finals)
The definition that has stood the test of time is the Assigning of peso amounts to the accountable
definition given by the American Accounting economic transactions and event
Association If accounting information is to be useful, it must be
expressed in terms of a common financial
The very purpose of accounting is to provide denominator or one unit of measure.
quantitative information to be useful in making A Financial Statement without monetary amounts
an economic decision would be largely unintelligible or incomprehensible
Accounting has a number of components THE PHILIPPINE PESO – unit of measuring
Identifying as the ANALYTICAL component accountable economic transactions
Measuring as the TECHNICAL component
Communicating as the FORMAL component MEASUREMENT BASES
a. HISTORICAL COST – original acquisition
cost and the most common measure of financial
b. CURRENT VALUE – includes fair value,
IDENTIFYING value in sue, fulfilment value and current cost
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Process of preparing and distributing accounting REPUBLIC ACT NO. 9298
reports to potential users of accounting information The la[w regulating the practice of accountancy in
Identifying and measuring are pointless if the the Philippines.
information contained in the accounting records cannot the law is known as the Philippine Accountancy
be communicated in some form to potential users Act of 2004
Reason why accounting has been called the
“universal language of business” In the Philippines, in order to qualify to practice the
Implicit in communicating process: accountancy profession, a person:
RECORDING (JOURNALIZING) Must finish a degree in Bachelor of Science in
is the process of systematically maintaining a Accountancy
record of all economic business transactions Pass a very difficult government examination given
after they have been identified and measured by the Board of Accountancy
sorting or grouping of similar and interrelated
body authorized by law to promulgate rules and
economic transactions into their perspective
regulations affecting the practice of the
classes (accomplished by posting to the ledger)
accountancy professions in the Philippines
THE LEDGER – group of accounts which
responsible for preparing and grading the
are systematically categorized into asset,
Philippine CPA examination
liability, equity, revenue and expense
The computer-based examination is offered twice
SUMMARIZING a year (May and October), in authorized testing
preparation of financial statements centers around the country.
Statement of financial position (Balance
Statement of comprehensive income
single practitioners and partnerships for the practice of
Statement of changes in equity
the public of accountancy shall be registered certified
Statement of cash flows public accounts in the Philippines
o Notes to Financial Statement A certificate of accreditation shall be issued to
(supplementary) certified public accountants in public practice upon
showing in accordance with rules and regulations
ACCOUNTING AS INFORMATION promulgated by the BOA and approved by the PRC
SYSTEM that such registrant has acquired a minimum of 3
years of meaningful experience in any areas of public
Measures business activities, processes information practice (including taxation)
into reports and communicates the reports to decision Security and Exchange Commission shall not register
makers any corporation organized for the practice of public
Key product of information system CPAs, firms and partnership of certified public
Documents that report financial information about accountants (partners & staff members) are
an entity to decision makers required to register with BOA and PRC for the
Financial reports tell us how well an entity is practice of public accountancy
performing in terms of profit and loss and where The PRC upon favorable recommendation of the BOA
it stands in financial terms shall issue the Certified of Registration to practice
accountancy which shall be valid for 3 years and
OVERALL OBJECTIVE OF ACCOUNTING renewable every 3 years upon payment of required
To provide quantitative financial information about fees
a business that is useful to statement users
particularly owners and creditors in making economic 3 Main Areas cpa can Practice Their
Accountant’s primary task is to supply financial Profession
information so that the statement users could make 1. PUBLIC ACCOUNTING
informed judgment and better decisions Composed of individual practitioners, small
The essence of accounting is decision-usefulness accounting firms and large multinational
organizations that render independent and expert
The accountancy profession financial services to the public
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Public accountants usually offer three kinds of the private accountant has also the responsibility for
services: the determination of the various taxes the entity is
obliged to pay
Has traditionally been the primary service 3. GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTING
offered by most public accounting practitioners Encompasses the process of analysing, classifying,
Or external auditing is the examination of summarizing and communicating all transactions
financial statements by independent CPA for the involving the receipt and disposition of government
purpose of expressing an opinion as to the funds and property and interpreting the results
fairness with which the financial statements are thereof.
prepared Focus of government accounting:
External auditing is the at least function of a) Custody
independent CPAs b) Administration of public funds
The BIR requires audited financial statements to CPAs that are employed in many branches of the
accompany the filing of annual income tax return government more particularly:
Bureau of Internal revenue
b. TAXATION Commission on Audit
Includes the preparation of annual income tax Department of Budget and Management
returns and determination of tax consequences of Securities and Exchange Commissions
certain proposed business endeavors. Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas
To offer this service effectively and efficiently,
the public accountant must be thoroughly CONTINUING PROFESSIONAL
familiar with the tax laws and regulations and
updated with changes in taxation law and court
cases concerned with interpreting taxation law REPUBLIC ACT NO 10912 is the law mandating and
strengthening the continuing professional development
program for all regulated profession including
Has no precise coverage but is used generally to accountancy profession
refer to services to clients on matters of
accounting, finance, business policies, All certified public accountants shall abide by the
organization procedures, product costs, requirements, rules and regulations on continuing
distribution and many other phases of business professional development to be promulgated by the
conduct and operations. BOA, subject to the approval of the PRC, in
Specifically it includes: coordination with the credited national professional
Advice on installation of computer system organization of CPAs or any duty accredited
educational institutions
Quality control
CPD refers to the inculcation and acquisition of
Installation and modification of accounting
advanced knowledge, skill, proficiency, and ethical and
moral values of the initial registration of the CPA for
Budgeting assimilation intro professional practice and lifelong
Forward planning and forecasting learning
Design and modification of retirement plans raises and enhances the technical skill and
Advice on mergers and consolidations competence of the CPA
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Excess credit units earned shall not be carried over to the recording of business preparation of financial
the next 3-year period, except credit units earned for transactions and the reports for INTERNAL
masteral and doctoral degrees. eventual preparation of USERS only.
MANDATORY for CPAs. financial statements
Focuses on general purpose It is the area of accounting
reports known as financial that emphasizes
statements intended for developinh accounting
INTERNAL and information for use
EXTERNAL USERS. within an entity.
Exemption from CPD
CPA shall be permanently exempted from CPD ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLES
requirements upon reaching the age of 65 years.
Accounting rules, procedures, and practices known as
Applied only to the renewal of CPA license and NOT
for the purpose of accreditation to practice the
The principles have developed o the basis of
accountancy profession.
experience, reason, custom, usage and practical
Accounting vs Auditing GAAP represent the rules, procedures, practice, and
standards followed in the preparation and presentation
Accounting Auditing
of financial reporting.
(broad sense) (broad sense) Auditing is
GAAP are like laws that must be followed in financial
Accounting embraces one of the areas of
Auditing accounting specialization.
The process of establishing GAAP is a political
(Limited Sense) (Limited Sense)
process which incorporates political actions of a
-Accounting is essentially -Auditing is analytical.
various interested user groups as well as professional
constructive in nature. -The work of an auditor
judgement, logic, and research.
-It ceases when financial begins when the work of
statements are already the accountant ends. (After
prepared. the FS are prepared) Purpose of Accounting Standards
The Auditor examines the The overall purpose of accounting standards is to
FS to ascertain whether identify proper accounting practices for the
they are in conformity with preparation and presentation of financial statements.
generally accepted Accounting standards create a common
accounting principles. understanding between preparers and users of FS
particularly the measurement of assets and liabilities.
Accounting vs bookkeeping A Set of high-quality accounting standards is a
Accounting bookkeeping necessity to ensure comparability and uniformity in
Conceptual Procedural element of financial statements based on the same financial
accounting information.
Concerned with the why, Largely concerned with
reason or justification for development and
any action adopted. maintenance of accounting
Financial Reporting Standards council
records (FRSc)
“WHY” “HOW” of the accounting
In the Philippines, the development of GAAP is
Accounting vs accountancy formalized initially through the creation of the
Accounting accountancy Accounting Standards Council or ASC.
Broadly speaking, the two terms are synonymous The FRSC now replaces the ASC
because they both refer to the entire field of accounting The FRSC is the accounting setting body created by
theory and practice. Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) upon
Technically speaking recommendation of the BOA to assist the BOA in
Accounting is used in Accountancy refers to carrying out its powers and functions provided under
reference only to a the profession of R.A Act. No 9298.
particular field of accounting practice. The main function is to establish and improve
accountancy such as accounting standards that will be generally accepted
public, private, and in the Philippines.
government accounting. The accounting standards promulgated by the FRSC
council constitute the “highest hierarchy” of GAAP in
the Philippines.
The approved statements of the FRSC are known as
Financial Accounting vs managerial Accounting Philippine Accounting Standards (PAS) and
Financial Accounting managerial Accounting Philippine Financial Reporting Standards (PRFS)
Primarily concerned with It is the accumulation and
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Composition of FRSC Move toward IFRS
FRSC is composed of 15 members In developing accounting standards that will be
with a chairman who had been or is presently a generally accepted in the Philippines, standards issued
senior accounting practitioner and by other standard-setting bodies such as the USA
14 representatives. Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) and
the IASB are considered.
The chairman and members of the FRSC shall have a In the past years, most of the Philippine standards
term of 3 years renewable for another term. issued are based on American Accounting Standards.
Any member of the ASC shall not be disqualified from The move toward IFRS is essential to achieve the goal
being appointed to the FRSC. of one uniform and globally accepted financial
reporting standards.
Philippine Interpretations Committee (PIC) The Philippines is fully compliant with IFRS effective
The PIC was formed by the FRSC in August 2006 and January 2005, a process which was started back in
has replaced the Interpretation Committee or IC formed 1997 in moving from USA GAAP to IFRS
by the Accounting Standards Council in May 2000.
prepare interpretations of PFRS for approval by
the FRSC
provide timely guidance on financial reporting
issues not specifically addressed in current PFRS
Interpretations are intended to give authoritative
guidance on issues that are likely to receive divergent
or unacceptable treatment because the standards do not
provide specific and clearcut rules and guidelines.
Factors considered in deciding to move totally to
International Accounting Standards international accounting standards.
Committee (IASC) a) Support of international accounting standards by
The IASC is an interdependent private sector body, Philippine organizations, such as the Philippine SEC,
Objective is to achieve uniformity in the accounting BOA and PICPA
principles which are used by business and other b) Increasing internalization of business which has
organizations for financial reporting around the world. heightened interest in a common language for
IT was formed in June 1973 through an agreement. financial reporting
c) Improvement of international accounting standards or
removal of free choices of accounting treatments.
Objectives of IASC d) Increasing Recognition of international Accounting
To formulate and publish in the public interest standards by the World Bank, Asian Development
accounting standards to be observed in the Bank and World Trade Organization.
presentation of financial statements and to
promote their worldwide acceptance and Philippine Financial Reporting Standards
observance/ (PFRS)
To work generally for the improvement and
harmonization of regulations, accounting standards The Financial Reporting Standard Council issues standards
and procedures relating to the presentation of in a series of pronouncements called PFRS.
financial statements.
The PFRS collectively include all of the following:
International Accounting Standards Board
a) PFRS which correspond to IFRS
The PFRS are numbered the same as their
The IASB now replaces the international Accounting
counterpart in IFRS
Standards Committee.
b) PAS which correspond to IAS
The IASB publishes standards in a series of
The PFRS are numbered the same as their
pronouncements called International Financial
counterpart in IAS
Reporting Standards or IFRS.
c) Philippine Interpretations which correspond to
However, the IASB has adopted the body of standards interpretation of the IFRIC and the Standing
issued by the IASC Interpretations Committee, and Interpretations
The pronouncements of the IASC continue to be developed by the Philippine interpretations
designated “International Accounting Standards” or Committee.
The IASB standard-setting process includes in the
correct order research discussion paper, exposure draft
and accounting standard.
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Chapter 2
Objective of Financial Reporting
The Conceptual Framework for Financial When there are no specific standard or an
interpretation that applies to a transaction, the
management shall consider the applicability of the
is a complete, comprehensive and single document
conceptual framework
promulgated by the IASB.
It is also the summary of terms and concepts that It is to be stated that the conceptual framework is
underlie the preparation and presentation of financial not an IFRS. Nothing in the Conceptual Framework
statement for external users. overrides any specific IFRS.
Describes the concepts for general purpose financial If there is conflict between CF and IRFS, IFRS shall
reporting. prevail.
To provide an overall theoretical foundation for USERS OF FINANCIAL INFORMATION
To guide standard setter, preparers and user of
financial information in the financial statements. 1. PRIMARY USERS
This will be used for the future accounting standards Are the parties whom general purpose financial
without changing the current IFRS reports are primarily directed. They can’t require
the reporting entity to provide all of the information
They are concerned with the risk inherent in and
a. CONTRIBUTE TO TRANSPARENCY rerun provided by their investments.
By enhancing international comparability and Shareholders are also interested in information
quality of financial information which enables them to assess the ability and
b. STRENGTHEN ACCOUNTABILITY the entity to pay dividends
By reducing information gap between the b. LENDERS AND OTHER
providers of capital and the people to whom they
have entrusted their money
c. CONTRIBUTE TO ECONOMIC EFFICIENCY They are interested in information which enables
By helping investors to identify opportunities and them to determine whether their loans, interest
risks across the world. thereon and other amounts owning to them will
be paid when due.
CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK Are users of financial information other than the
existing and potential users.
To assist IASB to develop IFRS standards based They are parties that may find the general purpose of
on consistent concepts. financial report such as she reports are not directed
To assist prepares of financial statements to primarily.
develop consistent accounting policy when no a. EMPLOYEES
Standard applies to a particular transaction. are interested in information about the stability
To assist preparers of financial statements to and profitability of the entity.
develop accounting policy They are interested in the information in order to
To assist all parties to understand and interpret assess the ability of the entity to provide
remuneration, retirement benefits and
the IFRS standards.
employment opportunities.
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They are interested in the information especially
when they have a long-term involvement with or
are dependent on the entity. TARGET USERS
c. GOVERNMENT AND THEIR financial reporting information is directed primarily to
the existing and potential Investors, lenders and other
AGENCIES creditors (primary users)
They are interested because of the allocation of reason: they are the most critical and immediate need
resources and activities of the entity. for the information.
They also need financial information in order to The primary users of financial information are the
provide taxation policies and as basis of national parties that provide resources to the entity.
income and similar statistics. Information that meets the needs of the specifies
d. PUBLIC primary users is likely to meet the needs of the other
They are interested in financial information users such as employees, customers, governments and
because entities make substantial contribution to their agencies
the local economy in many ways including the MANAGEMENT is also interested in the financial
rate of employment and their patronage to certain information but they only need it in order to obtain or
local suppliers and in order for them to know the access additional information financial information
trend and range of its activities. internally.
a. Objective of Financial Reporting The Conceptual Framework places more emphasis
b. Qualitative characteristics of useful financial on the importance of providing information needed to
information assess the management stewardship of the entity’s
c. Financial Statements and reporting entity economic resources
d. Elements of Financial Statements a. To provide information useful in making
e. Recognition and derecognition decisions about providing resources to the entity
f. Measurement b. To provide information useful in assessing the
g. Presentation and Disclosure cash flow prospects of the entity
h. Concepts of Capital and Capital Maintenance. (investing/financing/operating)
c. To provide information about entity resources,
OBJECTIVE FINANCIAL REPORTING claims and changes in resources and claims
The objective financial reporting forms the foundation (financial statement)
of Conceptual Framework
Overall objective of financial reporting:
To provide financial information about the Existing and potential investors need general purpose
reporting entity that is useful to existing and financial reports in order to enable them in making
potential investors, lenders and other creditors decisions whether to buy, sell or hold equity
in making decisions about providing resources to investments
the entity. While other existing and potential lenders and other
It is the “why” of the Accounting creditors need general purpose financial reports In
order to enable them in making decisions whether to
FINANCIAL REPORTING provide or settle loans and other forms of credit
is the provision of Financial information about an
entity to external users that is useful to them in ASSESSING CASH FLOW PROSPECTS
making economic decisions and for assessing the
effectiveness of the entity’s management. Decisions of the primary users depend on the
Encompasses not only financial statements but also RETURNS that they expect from the investment or
other information such as financial highlights, called as DIVIDENDS.
summary of important financial figures, analysis of It is also depend on the PRINCIPAL and
financial statements and significant ratios. INTEREST PAYMENTS on the side of the creditor
Financial Reporting should provide information
ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS useful in assessing the amount, timing and uncertainty
of prospects for the future net cash inflows of the
principal way of providing financial information to
external users.
also include nonfinancial information such as Economic Resources & Claims
description of major products and a listing of
officers and directors
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General purpose financial reports provide information ACCRUAL ACCOUNTING
about the financial position of a reporting entity
FINANCIAL POSITION Depicts the effect of transactions and other events and
is information about the entity’s economic resources circumstances on an entity’s economics resources and
(ASSETS) and the claims (LIABILITY AND claims even if the cash receipts occur in different
EQUITY) against the reporting entity period of time
comprises the assets, liabilities and equity of an ACCRUAL BASIS: The effects of transactions and
entity at a particular moment in time. other events are recognized when they occur and not
Information about Financial Position can help users as cash is received or paid
to assess the strength and weakness of the entity. INCOME recognized when earned regardless of
Also, the liquidity, solvency and the need for when it is received and EXPENSES are recognized
additional financing. when they have incurred regardless of when it is paid
LIQUIDITY – is the availability of cash provides a better basis for assessing past and future
in the near future to cover currently maturing performance rather than information that is solely
obligations (short-term) about cash basis during a period.
SOLVENCY – is the availability of cash LIMITATIONS OF FINANCIAL
over a long term to meet financial
commitments when they fall due
a. General Purpose Financial Reports DO NOT and
Changes in Economic Resources and CANNOT provide all of the information that existing
Claims and potential investors and other creditors need
These users need to consider pertinent
Financial reports provide information about the effects of
information from other sources (general
transactions and other events that changes the economic
economic conditions, political events and
resources and claims
industry outlook)
Changes in economic resources and claims result from
b. General Purpose Financial reports are not designed
financial performance and from other events or
to show the value of the entity but they provide
transactions such as issuing debt or equity instruments
information for the users to assess and estimate the
Financial performance comprises revenue, expenses and value of the entity.
net income or loss for a period of time. In other words, it c. General Purpose Financial Reports are intended to
is the level of income earned by the entity through the provide common information to users and cannot
efficient and effective use of its resources. accommodate every request for information.
The FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE is also d. To a large extent, reports are based on estimate and
known as THE RESULTS OF THE judgment rather than exact depiction
OPERATIONS and is portrayed in the Income
Statement and Statement of the Comprehensive Income. MANAGEMENT STEWARDSHIP
USEFULNESS OF FINANCIAL Information about how efficiently and effectively
PERFORMANCE management has used its responsibilities to use the
Information about the past financial performance is entity’s economic resources helps the users to assess
usually helpful in predicting the future returns on the the management stewardship.
entity’s economic resources Such information is also useful for predicting how
Information about the return the entity has produced management will use the economic resources in the
provide an indication of how well management has future
discharged its responsibilities to make efficient and Can be useful in assessing the entity’s prospects for the
effective use of the entity’s economic resources future net cash flows.
Information about financial performance during a For example, management can decide not to
period is useful to assess the entity’s ability to dispose or sell investments when prices are
generate future cash inflows from the normal declining in order to avoid realizing losses.
Chapter 3
Qualitative characteristics
QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS information is useful to the users in making economic
Qualitative characteristics are the qualities or Under the Conceptual Framework for Financial
attributes that make financial accounting information Reporting, qualitative characteristics are classified
useful to the users. into fundamental qualitative characteristics and
In deciding which information to include in financial enhancing qualitative characteristics
statements, the objective is to ensure that the
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Information about financial position and past
CHARACTERISTICS performance is frequently used in predicting
dividend and wage payments and the ability of
The fundamental qualitative characteristics relate to the entity to meet maturing commitments
the content or substance of financial information.
The fundamental qualitative characteristics are 2. CONFIRMATORY VALUE
RELEVANCE and FAITHFUL PRESENTATION Financial information has confirmatory value if it
and information must be both relevant and faithfully provides feedback about previous evaluations.
represented if it is to be useful When it enables users confirm or correct earlier
Practical rule in accounting which dictates that strict
The most efficient and effective process of adherence to GAAP is not required when the items
applying the fundamental qualitative characteristics would are not significant enough to affect the evaluation,
usually be: decision and fairness of the financial statements
The materiality concept is also known as the doctrine
1) Identify an economic phenomenon that has the
of convenience.
potential to be useful
Really a quantitative “threshold” linked very closely
2) Identify the type of the information about the
to the quantitative characteristics of relevance
phenomenon that would be most relevant and can
be faithfully represented The relevance of information is affected by its
3) Determine whether the information is available nature and materiality.
Materiality is a subquality of relevance based on the
nature or magnitude or both of the items to which the
RELEVANCE information relates.
capacity of information to influence a decision.
To be relevant, the financial information must be MATERIALITY IS A RELATIVITY
capable of making a difference in the decisions made
by users. Materiality of an item depends on relative size rather
It requires that the financial information should be than absolute size.
related or pertinent to the economic decision
Information that does not bear on an economic WHEN IS AN ITEM MATERIAL?
decision is useless.
Dependent on good judgement, professional expertise
and common sense
For example:
The statement of financial position is relevant in Information is material if omitting, misstating or
determining financial position and the income obscuring it could reasonably be expected to influence
statement is relevant in determining performance the economic decisions that primary users of general
purpose financial statements make on the basis of
The earnings per share information is more relevant
those statements which provide financial information
than book value per share in determining the
about a specific reporting entity.
attractiveness of an investment.
An information is material if the omission,
misstatement and obscuring of the information could
INGREDIENTS OF RELEVANCE reasonably affect the economic decision of primary
Financial information is capable of making
difference in a decision if it has predictive value and Important aspects:
confirmatory value
a. Could reasonably be expected to influence
b. Obscuring information
1. PREDICTIVE VALUE c. Primary users
Financial information has predictive value if it can
be used as an input to processes employed by users COULD RESONABLY BE EXPECTED
to predict future outcome.
If it can help users increase the likelihood of TO INFLUENCE
correctly or accurately predicting or forecasting
outcomes of events
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Threshold adds an element of reasonability of Faithful representation means that the actual effects
financial information on which economic decision is of the transactions shall be properly accounted for
based. and reported in the financial statements.
Material information shall be limited to the
economic decision of primary users rather than to INGREDIENTS OF FAITHFUL
all users which is too broad in scope REPRESENTATION
Insures that information capable to influence Completeness
economic decision of the primary users shall be Neutrality
included in the financial statements.
Free from error
Completeness requires that relevant information
Is a new concept added to the new definition of should be presented in a way that facilitates
materiality understanding and avoids erroneous application.
Information is obscured if presenting or Completeness is the result of the adequate
communicating it would have similar effect as disclosure standard or the principle of full
omitting or misstating the information disclosure.
Means the presentation of financial information not A complete depiction includes all information
readily understood or not clearly expressed necessary for a user to understand the phenomenon
May be characterized by deliberate vagueness, being depicted
ambiguity and abstruseness
Means that all significant and relevant information
leading to the preparation of financial statements
Examples: shall be clearly reported
The language is vague or unclear Does not mean disclosure of just any data
The information is scattered throughout the financial
Dissimilar items are aggregated inappropriately The financial statements shall be accompanied by
Similar items are disaggregated inappropriately “notes to financial statements”
To provide necessary disclosures required by
PRIMARY USERS Philippine Financial Reporting Standards
It provides narrative description or disaggregation
Narrows the definition to primary users who are of the items presented in the financial statements
primarily affected by general purpose financial and information about items that do not qualify for
statements recognition
Includes existing and potential investors, lenders and
other creditors.
New definition specifies that only primary users of 2. NEUTRALITY
financial statements are considered because these A neutral depiction is without bias in the preparation
groups are the users to whom general purpose or presentation of financial information.
financial statements are primarily directed Neutral depiction is not slanted, weighted,
emphasized, de-emphasized or otherwise
FACTORS OF MATERIALITY manipulated to increase the probability that financial
information will be received favorably or
Materiality depends on the magnitude and nature of unfavorably by users
the financial information To be neutral, the information contained in the
Relative size and nature of an item are considered financial statements must be free from bias.
The size of the item in relation to the total of the Financial information should not favor one party to
group to which the item belongs is taken into account the detriment of another party
The nature of the item may be inherently material The information is directed to the common needs of
because by its very nature it affects economic decision many users and not be particular needs of specific
Neutrality is synonymous with the all-encompassing
FAITHFUL REPRESENTATION principle of fairness
To be neutral is to be fair
Financial representation means the financial reports
represent the economic phenomena or transactions in PRUDENCE
words and numbers. The exercise of care and caution when dealing
with the uncertainties in the measurement process
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such that assets or income are not overstated and Relevant and faithfully represented financial
liabilities or expenses are not understated information is useful but the information would be
neutrality is supported by the exercise of prudence most useful if it is comparable, understandable,
verifiable, and timely
synonymous with prudence Comparability means the ability to bring together
means that when alternatives exist, the alternative for the purpose of noting points of likeness and
which has the least effect on equity should be difference.
chosen Enables users to identify and understand
means “in case of doubt, record any loss and do not similarities and dissimilarities among items
record any gain” May be made within an entity or between and
Contingent loss is recognized as a “provision” if the across entities
loss is probable and the amount can be reliably Comparability within an entity is also known as
measured horizontal comparability or intracomparability
Contingent gain is not recognized but disclosed Comparability across entities is also known as
only intercomparability or dimensional comparability.
Comparability between and across entities is the
3. FREE FORM ERROR quality of information that allow comparisons
between two or more entities engaged in the same
Free from error means there are no errors or
industry (uniform application)
omissions in the description of the phenomenon or
transaction. CONSISTENCY
Free from error does not mean perfectly accurate in
Refers to the use of the same method for the same
all respects.
item, either from period to period within an entity or
MEASUREMENT UNCERTAINTY in a single period across entities
Comparability is the goal and consistency help to
Arises when monetary amounts in financial reports achieve that goal
cannot be observed directly and must be estimated Consistency is the uniform application of accounting
Can affect faithful representation if the level of method from period to period within an entity
uncertainty in providing an estimate is high 2. UNDERSTANDABILITY
The use of reasonable estimate is an essential part
Understandability requires that financial information
of providing financial information and does not
must be comprehensible or intelligible if it is to be
undermine the usefulness of the financial
most useful.
The information should be presented in a form and
SUBSTANCE OVER FORM expressed in terminology that a user understands.
Classifying, characterizing and presenting
It is necessary that the transaction and events are information “clearly and concisely” makes it
accounted in accordance with their substances and understandable
reality and not merely their legal form Financial statements should be readily
Usually emphasized when economic substance understandable by users
differs from legal form The users shall have an understanding of the
is not considered a separate component of faithful complex economic activities, the financial
representation because it would be redundant accounting process and the terminology in the
faithful representation inherently represents the financial statements
substance of an economic phenomenon or Financial statements cannot realistically be
transaction rather than merely representing the understandable to everyone
legal form Financial reports are prepared for users who have
reasonable knowledge of business and economic
Enhancing Qualitative activities and who review and analyze the
information diligently
Characteristics Understandability is very essential because a
relevant and faithfully represented may prov useless
The enhancing qualitative characteristics relate to the if it is not understood by users
presentation or form of the financial information.
The enhancing qualitative characteristics are intended 3. VERIFIABILITY
to increase the usefulness of the financial information Verifiability means that different knowledgeable and
that is relevant and faithfully represented independent observers could reach consensus,
The enhancing qualitative characteristics are although not necessarily complete agreement, that a
COMPARABILITY, UNDERSTANDABILITY, particular depiction is a faithful representation
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Verifiable financial information provides results that Timeliness means that financial information must be
would be substantially duplicated y measurers using available or communicated early enough when a
the same measurement method decision is to be made.
It helps assure users that information represents the The older the information, the less useful
economic phenomenon or transaction it purports to Timeliness enhances the truism that without
present knowledge of the past, the basic for prediction will
usually be lacking and without interest in the future,
TYPES OF VERIFICATION knowledge of the past is sterile
a. DIRECT VERIFICATION – means verifying What happened in the past would become the basis
of what would happen in the future
an amount or other representation through direct
observation, for example, by counting cash. Cost constraint on useful information
b. INDIRECT VERIFICATION – means Cost is a pervasive constraint on the information that
checking the inputs to a model, formula or other can be provided by financial reporting
technique and recalculating the inputs using the The benefit derived from the information should exceed
same methodology the cost incurred in obtaining the information
The evaluation of the cost constraint is substantially a
judgmental process
Chapter 4
Financial Statements and Reporting Entity Underlying Assumptions
GENERAL OBJECTIVE OF These are the financial statements prepared when the
reporting entity comprises both the parents and its
Provide information about the assets, liabilities,
FINANCIAL STATEMENTS equity, income and expenses of both the parent and
its subsidiaries as a single reporting entity.
provide information about economic resources of The parent is the entity that exercises control over
the reporting entity, claims against the entity and the subsidiaries
changes in the economic resources and claims It is useful for existing and potential investors,
provide financial information about an entity’s lenders and other creditors of the parent in their
assets, liabilities, equity, income and expenses assessment of future net cash inflows to the parent
useful to users of financial statements in: Are not designed to provide separate information
a. Assessing future cash flows to the reporting about the assets, liabilities, equity, income and
entity. expenses of a particular subsidiary
b. Assessing management stewardship of the A subsidiary’s own FS are designed to provide such
entity’s economic resources. information.
The financial information is provided in the
1. Statement of financial position, by recognizing STATEMENTS
assets, liabilities and equity These are the financial statements prepared when the
2. Statement of financial performance, by recognizing reporting entity is the parent alone.
income and expenses Are designed to provide information about the
3. Other statements and notes by presenting and parent’s assets, liabilities, income and expenses and
disclosing information about: not about those of subsidiaries.
(a) Recognized assets, liabilities, equity, income It is useful for existing and potential investors,
and expenses lenders and other creditors because a claim against
(b) Unrecognized assets and liabilities the parent typically does not give the holder of that
(c) Cash flows claim against subsidiaries
(d) Contribution from equity holders and Information provided is typically not sufficient to
distribution to equity holders meet the requirement needs of primary users
(e) Method, assumption and judgment in Note: when consolidated financial statements are
estimating amount presented required, unconsolidated financial statements cannot
serve as substitute for consolidated financial
Types of financial statements statements
12 | M i k e e P .
These are the financial statements when the The Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting
reporting entity comprises two or more entities that mentions only one assumption, namely going
are not linked by a parent and subsidiary concern.
relationship However, IMPLICIT in accounting are the basic
Combined financial statements provide financial assumptions of ACCOUNTING ENTITY, TIME
information about the assets, liabilities, equity,
income and expenses of two or more entities not
linked with parent and subsidiary relationship. GOING CONCERN
Reporting entity The going concern or continuity assumption means
that in the absence of evidence to the contrary, the
A reporting entity is an entity that is required or
accounting entity is viewed as continuing in
chooses to prepare financial statements.
operation indefinitely.
The reporting entity can be a single entity or a
Financial Statements are normally prepared on the
portion of an entity, or can comprise more than one
assumptions that the entity will continue in
operations for the foreseeable future
A reporting entity is not necessarily a legal entity.
The going concern postulate is the very foundation
The following can be considered a reporting entity: of the COST PRINCIPLE
a. Individual corporation, partnership or The going concern assumption is ABANDONED
proprietorship If the there is an evidence that the entity would
b. The parent alone experience large and persistent losses or entity’s
c. The parent and its subsidiaries as single entity operations are to be terminated.
d. Two or more entities without parent and subsidiary
relationship as a single entity ACCOUNTING ENTITY
e. A reportable business segment of an entity
In financial accounting, the accounting entity is the
Reporting period specific business organization, which may be a
proprietorship, partnership or corporation.
The reporting period is the period when financial Under this assumption, the entity is separate from the
statements are prepared for the purpose of general owners, managers, and employees who constitute the
purpose financial reporting entity.
Financial statements may be prepared on an interim The transaction of the entity shall not be merged with
basis (3/6/9 months) the transactions of the owners
INTERIM FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ARE NOT The reason of the entity assumption is to have a fair
REQUIRED BUT OPTIONAL presentation of financial statements
Financial statements must be prepared on an annual Each business is an independent accounting entity
basis or a period of twelve months. The shareholder is not the corporation and the
Financial statements are prepared for a specified corporation is not the shareholder
period of time and provide information about: However, when parent and subsidiary relationship
a. Assets, liabilities, equity and the end of the exists, consolidated statements for the affiliates are
reporting period usually made because for practical and economic
b. Income and expenses during the reporting purposes, the parent and the subsidiary are a “single
period economic entity”
Financial statements also provide comparative
information for at least one preceeding reporting
FS may include information about transactions and The time period assumption requires that indefinite life
other events that occurred after the end of reporting of an entity is subdivided into accounting periods which
period are usually of equal length for the purpose of
preparing financial reports on financial position,
performance and cash flows.
Underlying Assumptions A completely accurate report on the financial position
and performance of an entity cannot be obtained until
Accounting assumptions are the basic notions or
the entity is finally dissolved and liquidated
fundamental premise on which the accounting process
Users of financial information need timely
is based.
information for making an economic decision. It
Accounting assumptions are also known as
becomes necessary therefore to prepare periodic reports
on financial position, performance and cash flows of an
Accounting assumptions serve as the foundation of
bedrock of accounting in order to avoid
By convention, the accounting period or fiscal period is
misunderstanding but rather enhance the
one year or a period of twelve months
understanding and usefulness of the financial
13 | M i k e e P .
The “one-year period” is traditionally the
accounting period because usually it is after one
year that government reports and required
The monetary unit assumption has two aspects, namely
quantifiability and stability of the peso.
The QUANTIFIABILITY aspect means
that assets, liabilities, equity, income and
expenses should be stated in terms of a unit of
measure which is the peso in the Philippines.
ASSUMPTION means that the purchasing power
of the peso is stable or constant and that its instability
is insignificant and therefor may be ignored.
an amplification of the going concern
assumption so that adjustments are unnecessary
to reflect any changes in purchasing power
The accounting function is to account for NOMINAL
PESOS ONLY and not for constant pesos or changes
in purchasing power
Chapter 5
Elements of Financial Statements
14 | M i k e e P .
ELEMENTS OF FINANCIAL Rights that have the potential to produce economic
benefits may take the following forms:
Financial statements portray the financial effects of the OBLIGATION OF ANOTHER ENITY
transactions and other events by grouping them into a. Right to receive cash
broad classes according to their economic b. Right to receive goods or services
characteristics c. Right to exchange economic resources with
The elements of FS refer to quantitative information another party on favorable terms
reported in SFP and Income Statement. d. Right to benefit from an obligation of another
Are the “building blocks” from which financial party if a specified uncertain future event
statements are constructed occurs
The preparation of these involves process of 2. RIGHTS THAT DO NOT CORRESPOND
classification and subclassification TO AN OBLIGATION OF ANOTHER
The Conceptual Framework identifies no elements that ENTITY
are unique to the statement of changes in equity
a. Right over physical objects, such as property,
because such statement comprises items that appear in
plant and equipment or inventories
the statement of financial position and the income
b. Right to intellectual property
– residual interest in the assets of the entity after CONTRACT OR LEGISLATION SUCH
deducting all of the liabilities
Equity An economic resource is a right that has the potential
to produce economic benefits
ELEMENTS DIRECTLY RELATED TO It does not need to be certain or even likely that the
THE MEASUREMENT OF FINANCIAL right will produce economic benefits
It is only necessary that the right already exists
PERFORMANCE: The economic resource is the present right that
Income contains the potential and not the future economic
Expense benefits may produce
15 | M i k e e P .
LIABILITY – arises in the course of the
ordinary regular activities and is referred to by
variety of different names including sales, fees,
Under the Revised Conceptual Framework, a liability interest, dividends, royalties and rent
is defined as present obligation of an entity to transfer the essence of revenue is regularity
an economic resource as a result of past events.
The outflow of economic benefits no longer needs to GAINS – represent other items that meet the
be expected similar to the definition of an asset. definition of income and do not arise in the course
A liability is the obligation to transfer an economic of the ordinary regular activities
resource and not the ultimate outflow of economic Include gain from disposal of noncurret
benefits asset, unrealized gain on trading investment
and gain from expropriation
LIABILITY Statement of financial performance
The Revised Conceptual Framework introduces the
a. The entity has an obligation term statement of financial performance
The entity liable must be identified. It is not This statement refers to the statement of profit or loss
necessary that the payee or the entity to whom and a statement presenting other comprehensive income
the obligation is owed be identified Statement of profit or loss is the primary source of
b. The obligation is to transfer an economic resource information about an entity’s financial performance.
c. The obligation is a present obligation that exists as GENERAL RULE: all income and expense are
a result of past event included in profit or loss
This means that a liability is not recognized Recycling is permitted as long as it would result to
until it is incurred relevant and faithfully represented information about
financial performance.
An obligation is a duty or responsibility that an EXPENSE
entity has no practical ability to avoid.
Obligation can be either be legal or constructive Expense is defined as decreases in assets or
Obligations may be LEGALLY ENFORCEABLE increases in liabilities that result in decreases in
as a consequence of a binding contract or statutory equity, other than those relating to distributions to
equipment equity holders.
CONSTRUCTIVE OBLIGATIONS arise from Expenses encompass losses as well as those expenses
normal business practice, custom and a desire to that arise in the course of the ordinary regular
maintain good business relations or act in an activities:
equitable manner. EXPENSES that arise in the course of
ordinary regular activities include cost of
Transfer of an economic resource goods sold, wages and depreciation
a. Obligation to pay cash LOSSES do not arise in the course of the
b. Obligation to deliver goods or noncash resources ordinary regular activities and include losses
c. Obligation to provide sevices at some future time resulting from disasters
d. Obligation to exchange economic resources with Examples include losses from fire,
another party on unfavorable terms flood, storm surge, tsunami and
e. Obligations to transfer an economic resource if hurricane, as well as those arising
specified uncertain future event occurs from disposal of noncurrent assets.
Past event
An obligation exists as a result of past event if both of the
following conditions are satisfied:
a. An entity has already obtained economic benefits
b. An entity must transfer an economic resource
Income is defined as increases in assets or decreases
in liabilities the result in increases in equity, other
than those relating to contributions from equity holders
The definition of income encompasses both revenue
and gains:
16 | M i k e e P .
Recognition and Measurement
Recognition criteria
Only items that meet the definition of an asset, a
The Revised Conceptual Framework defines
liability or equity are recognized in the statement of
recognition as the process of capturing for inclusion in
financial position.
the financial statements an item that meets the
Similarly, only items that meet the definition of income
definition of an asset, liability, equity, income or
or expense are recognized in the statement of financial
The amount at which an asset, a liability or equity is
Items are recognized only when their recognition
recognized in the statement of financial position is
provides users of financial statements with information
reported as carrying amount
that is both relevant and faithful represented
Recognition links the elements to the statement of
Recognition does not focus anymore on how probable
financial position and statement of financial
economic benefits will flow to or from the entity and
that the cost can be measured reliably
The recognition of an item is one statement
requires the recognition of the same item in An asset or liability and any corresponding income or
another statement expense can exist even if the probability of inflow or
The recognition of the expense happened outflow of the benefits is low
simultaneously with the recognition of a decrease in
asset or decrease in liability Point of sale income recognition
17 | M i k e e P .
The BASIC PRINCIPLE OF INCOME recognition Depreciation of property, plant and equipment
is that income shall be recognized when earned. Amortization of intangibles
Legal title to the goods passes to the buyer at the point Allocation of prepaid rent, insurance and other
of scale prepayments
However, under certain conditions, income may be
recognized at the point of production, during Immediate recognition
production and at the point of collection.
Under this principle, the cost incurred is expensed
outright because of uncertainty of future economic
EXPENSE RECOGNITION benefits or difficulty of reliably associating certain
costs with future revenue.
that expenses are recognized when incurred
The expense recognition principle the application of An expense is recognized immediately:
the matching principle
a. When an expenditure produces no future economic
“There is no gain of there is no pain.” benefit.
The MATCHING PRINCIPLE requires that those b. When cost incurred does not qualify or ceases to
costs and expenses incurred in earning a revenue shall qualify for recognition as an asset.
be reported in the same period.
Thematching principle has THREE
APPLICATIONS namely: Removal of all or part of a recognized asset or
1) Cause and effect association liability from the statement of financial position.
2) Systematic and rational allocation Normally occurs when an item no longer meets
3) Immediate recognition the definition of an asset or a liability
Cause and effect association occurs when the entity losses control of all or part
of the asset
Under this principle, the expense is recognized when
the revenue is already recognized. DERECOGNITION OF A LIABILITY
occurs when the entity no longer has a present
The reason is the presumed direct association of the
obligation for all or part of the liability
expense with specific items of income. This is actually
This process, commonly referred to as the matching of
cost with revenue, involves simultaneous or combined Measurement is defined as quantifying in monetary
recognition of revenue and expenses that result terms the elements in the financial statements.
directly and jointly from the same transactions or
The revised Conceptual Framework mentions TWO
Example: 1. Historical cost
Cost of merchandise inventory 2. Current value
Doubtful accounts
Warranty expense
Sales commissions 1) HISTORICAL COST
The historical cost or original acquisition cost of an asset is
Systematic and rational allocation the cost incurred in acquiring or creating the asset
comprising the consideration paid plus transaction cost.
Under this principle, some costs are expensed by The historical cost of a liability is them consideration
simply allocating them over periods benefitted received to incur the liability minus transaction cost.
The cost incurred will benefit future periods Historical cost is the entry price or entry value to
and that there is an absence of a direct or clear acquire an asset or to incur a liability
association of the expense with specific An application of this is to measure financial asset and
revenue financial liability at amortized cost
When economic benefits are expected to arise over The amortized cost reflects the estimate of
several accounting periods and the association with future cash flows discounted at a rate
income can only be broadly or indirectly determined, determine at initial recognition
expenses are recognized on the basis of systematic and
allocation procedures. HISTORICAL COST UPDATED
18 | M i k e e P .
UPDATED BECAUSE OF: Fulfillment value is the present value of cash that
a. Depreciation and amortization an entity expects to transfer in paying or settling
b. Payment received as a result of disposing part a liability.
or all of the asset Does not include transaction cost on incurring a
c. Impairment liability but includes transaction cost on fulfillment
d. Accrual of interest to reflect any financing of a liability
component of the asset Is an exit price of exit value
e. Amortized cost measurement of financial
Current cost of an asset is the cost of an
2. HISTORICAL COST OF A equivalent asset at the measurement date
LIABILITY IS UPDATED BECAUSE comprising the consideration paid and transaction
OF: cost.
a. Payment made or satisfying an obligation to CURRENT COST OF A LIABILITY is the
deliver goods consideration that would be received less any
b. Increase in value of the obligation to transfer transaction cost at measurement date.
economic resources such that the liability Current cost is also based on the entry price or
becomes onerous entry value but reflects market conditions on
c. Accrual of interest to reflect any financing measurement date
component of the liability
d. Amortized cost measurement of financial Selecting a measurement basis
It is necessary to consider the nature of the information
that the measurement basis will produce
2) CURRENT VALUE No single factor will determine which measurement basis
Current value includes: should be selected
The information must be both relevant and faithfully
a. Fair value
b. Value in use for asset
HISTORICAL COST is the measurement basis most
c. Fulfillment value for liability commonly adopted in preparing financial statements
d. Current cost generally well understood and verifiable
19 | M i k e e P .
Presentation and Disclosure Concepts of Capital
21 | M i k e e P .
Chapter 8
Presentation of Financial Statements
(Statement of Financial Position) - PAS 1
FINANCIAL STATEMENTS When an entity’s end of reporting period changes and
financial statements are presented for a period longer or
Are the means by which the information accumulated shorter than one year, an entity shall disclose:
and processed in financial accounting is periodically a. The period covered by the financial
communicated to the users statements
Are the end product of main output of the financial b. The reason for using a longer or shorter
accounting process period
A structured financial representation of the financial c. The fact that amounts presented in the
position and financial performance of an entity financial statements are not entirely
STATEMENTS Statements of Financial
An entity shall prepare and present general purpose Position
financial statements in accordance with the Is a formal statement showing the three elements
International Financial Reporting Standards comprising financial position:
Simply referred to financial statements – intented to Assets, liabilities, and equity
meet the needs of users who are not in a position to Investors, creditors and other statement users analyze
require an entity to prepare reports tailored to their the statement of financial position to evaluate such
particular information needs factors as:
Are directed to all common users and not to specific
Liquidity, solvency, and the need of the entity
for additional financing
1. Statement of Financial Position (SFP) an asset is an economic resource controlled by an entity
2. Income Statement (IS) as a result of past event
3. Statement of Comprehensive Income (SCI) an economic resource is a right that has the potential to
4. Statement of Changes in Equity (SCE) produce economic benefits
5. Statement of Cash Flow (SCF)
6. Notes to Financial Statement CLASSIFICATION OF ASSETS
Comprising a summary of significant
accounting policies and other explanatory notes classified into two – current and noncurrent assets
when an entity supplies goods or services within a
OBJECTIVE OF FINANCIAL clearly identifiable operating cycle, the separate
STATEMENTS classification of current and noncurrent assets is a
useful information by distinguishing between net assets
To provide information about the financial position, that are continuously circulating as working capital
financial performance and cash flows of an entity that is from the net assets used in long-term operation
useful to a wide range of users in making economic the operating cycle of an entity is the time between the
decisions acquisition of assets for processing and their realization
Also show the results of the management’s stewardship in cash or cash equivalent
of the resources entrusted to it when the entity’s normal operating cycle is not
clearly identifiable, the duration is assumed to be 12
Financial statements provide information about:
a. Assets
b. Liabilities
c. Equity
d. Income and expenses, including gains and losses CURRENT ASSETS
e. Contributions by and distributions to owners in their
capacity as owners PAS 1, paragraph 66 provides that an entity shall classify
f. Cash flows an asset as current when:
Frequency of Reporting a. the asset is cash or cash equivalent unless the asset is
Financial statements shall be presented at least restricted to settle a liability for more than 12 months
annually after the reporting period
b. the entity holds the asset primarily for the purpose of
22 | M i k e e P .
c. the entity expects to realize the asset within 12 The IASC defines investment as” an asset held by
months after the reporting period an entity for the accretion of wealth through capital
d. the entity expects to realized the assets of intends to distribution, such as interest, royalties, dividends,
sell or consume it within the entity’s normal operating and rentals, for capital appreciation or for other
cycle benefits to the investing entity such as those
obtained through trading relationships”
Current assets are usually listed in the order of (c) INTANGIBLE ASSETS
liquidity. PAS 1, paragraph 54, provides the MINIMUM An identifiable nonmonetary asset without
a. cash and cash equivalents Franchise
b. financial assets at fair value such as trading Copyright
securities and other investments in quoted
Lease right
equity instruments
c. trade and other receivables
d. inventories Computer software
e. prepaid expenses
Is a Residual definition Those assets that do not fit into the definition of
PAS1, paragraph 65, states that “an entity shall the previously mentioned noncurrent assets.
classify all other assets not classified as current as Long term advances to officers
noncurrent” Directors
What is not included in the definition of current Shareholders and employees
assets is deemed excluded. All others are classified Abandoned property
as noncurrent assets
Long-term refundable deposit
Is a present obligation of an entity to transfer an
a. Property, plant and equipment economic resource as a result of past event.
b. Long-term investments An obligation is a duty or responsibility that an
c. Intangible assets entity has no practical ability to avoid.
d. Deferred tax assets Obligation can either be legal or
e. Other noncurrent assets constructive
Liability is classified as current and noncurrent
Pas 16, paragraph 6, defines PPE as “tangible CURRENT LIABILITIES
assets which are held by an entity for use in PAS 1, paragraph 69, provides that an entity shall classify
production or supply of goods and services, for a liability as current when:
rental to other, or for administrative purposes,
and are expected to be used during more than a. The entity expects to settle the liability within
one period” the entity’s normal operating cycle
Most PPE, except land, are presented at cost less b. The entity holds the liability primarily for the
accumulated depreciation. purpose of trading
c. The liability is due to be settled within 12
Examples of PPE
months AFTER the reporting periods
Land d. The entity does not have an unconditional right
Building to defer settlement of the liability for at least 12
Machinery months after the reporting period.
Furniture Presentation of current liabilities
Patterns PAS 1, paragraph 54, provides that as a minimum, the face
Molds of the statement of financial position shall include the
Dies following MINIMUM line items for current
Tools liabilities:
(b) LONG-TERM INVESTMENTS a. Trade and other payables
accounts payable,
23 | M i k e e P .
notes payable, least 12 months after the end of the reporting
accrued interest on note payable, period.
dividends payable, Note that the refinancing or rolling over is must be at
accrued expense the discretion of entity.
b. Current provisions Otherwise, if the refinancing or rolling over is
c. Short-term borrowing not at the discretion of the entity, the obligation
d. Current portion of long-term debt is classified as a current liability.
e. Current tax liability
No objection can be raised if the trade accounts and
notes payable are separately represented
Covenants are often attached to borrowing agreements
NONCURRENT LIABILITEIS which represents undertaking by the borrower.
Covenants are actually restrictions on the borrower
The term “noncurrent liabilities” is also a residual
as to:
PAS 1, paragraph 69, provides that all liabilities not Undertaking further borrowings,
classified as current are classified as noncurrent. Paying dividends,
Maintaining specified level of working capital
a. Noncurrent portion of long-term debt and so forth
b. Finance lease liability Under these covenants, if certain conditions relating
c. Deferred tax liability to the borrower’s financial situation are breached =
d. Long-term obligations to company officers the liability becomes payable on demand.
e. Long-term deferred revenue
Effects of breach of covenants
PAS 1, paragraph 74, provides that the liability is
classified as current even if the lender has agreed, after
the reporting period and before the statements are
authorized for issue, not to demand payment as a
consequence of the breach.
This liability is classified as current because at
reporting date the borrower does not have an
unconditional right to defer payment for at least
12 months after the reporting period.
Currently maturing long-term debt Paragraph 75, provides that the liability is classified as
noncurrent if the lender has agreed on or before the
end of the reporting period to provide a grace period
A liability which is due to be settled within 12 months
ending at least 12 months after the end of the reporting
after the reporting period is classified as current, even if: period.
a. The original term was for a period longer than 12
The term EQUITY is the residual interest in the
b. An agreement to refinance or to reschedule a assets of the entity after deducting all of its liabilities
payment on a long-term basis is completed after Equity means “net assets” or total assets minus
the reporting period and before the financial liabilities
statements are authorized for issue. The terms used in reporting the equity of an entity
However, if the refinancing on a long term basis is depending on the form of the business organization are:
completed on or before the end of the reporting period, a. Owner’s equity in a proprietorship
b. Partners’ equity in a partnership
the refinancing is an adjusting event and therefore the
c. Stockholders’ equity or shareholders’ equity
obligation is classified as noncurrent. in a corporation
The term “equity” may simply be used for all business
Discretion to Refinance entities
If the entity has the discretion to refinance or roll over Under PAS 1, paragraph 7, the holders of the
an obligation for at least 12 months after the reporting instruments classified as equity are simply known as
period under an existing loan facility, the obligation is owners
classified as NONCURRENT even it would otherwise
be due within a shorter period
The reason for this treatment is that such
obligation is considered to form part of the
entity’s long-term refinancing because the
entity has an unconditional right under the
existing loan agreement to defer payment for at
24 | M i k e e P .
Notes to
Financial Statements
Provide narrative description or disaggregation of
items presented in the financial statements and
information about items that do not qualify for
Are used to report information that does not fit into the
body of the financial statements in order to enhance the
SHAREHOLDER’S understandability of the financial statements
It contains information in addition to that presented in
EQUITY the statement of financial position, income statement,
statement of comprehensive income, statement of
Is the residual interest of owners in the net assets of a changes in equity and statement of cash flows
corporation measured by the excess of assets over PURPOSE: to provide the necessary disclosures
liabilities required by the Philippine Financial Reporting
The elements constituting shareholders’ equity with Standards (PFRS)
their equivalent IAS Term are:
25 | M i k e e P .
5) Unrealized gain or loss from derivative contracts
designated as cash flows hedge COMPREHENSIVE INCOME
6) “Remeasurements” of defined benefit plan,
including actual gain or loss 1) TWO STATEMENTS
7) Change in fair value attributable to credit risk of a (a) An income statement showing the
financial liability designated at fair value through comprehensive components of profit or loss
profit or loss (b) A statement of comprehensive income
beginning with profit or loss shown in the
PRESENTATION other income statement plus or minus the
components if other comprehensive income.
PAS 1, paragraph 82A, provides that the statement COMPREHENSIVE INCOME
of comprehensive income shall present line items for
amounts of other comprehensive income during the period
Combined statement showing the
classified by nature components of profit or loss and components
of other comprehensive income in a single
The line items for amounts of OIC shall be grouped as statement.
follows: The revised con. Framework calls this as
A. OCI that will be RECLASSIFIED statement of financial performance
when specific conditions are met Source of income
(a) Unrealized gain or loss on debt investment a) SALES OF MERCHANDISE TO CUSTOMERS
measured at fair value through other Income from sales shall include all sales to
comprehensive income customers during the period
(b) Gain or loss from translating financial Sales return, allowances and sicounts shall be
statements of a foreign operation deducted from gross sales to arrive at net sales
(c) Unrealized gain or loss on derivative contracts b) RENDERING OF SERVICES
designated as cash flow hedge Income from rendering of services, among others,
B. OCI that will not be RECLASSIFIED includes
subsequently to profit or loss but RETAINED professional fees,
media advertising commissions,
insurance agency commissions,
Unrealized gain or loss on equity investment admission fees for artistic dividend income
measured at fair value through other c) USE OF ENTITY RESOURCES
comprehensive income Income category includes interest, rent, royalty
The Application Guidance of PFRS, and dividend income
paragraph B5.7.1, provides that such d) DISPOSAL OF RESOURCES OTHER THAN
unrealized gain or loss is reclassified to PRODUCTS
retained earnings upon disposal of the gain on sale of investments,
gain on sale of property, plant and equipment
Revaluation surplus during the year gain on sale of intangible assets.
The realization of the revaluation surplus is
through retained earnings
“Remeasurements” of defined benefit plan, Components of expense
including actual gain or loss Cost of goods sold or cost of sales
The remeasurements are not classified Distribution costs or selling expenses
subsequently but are permanently excluded Administrative expenses
from profit or loss Other expenses
The measurements, may be transferred within Income tax expense
equity or retained earnings
Change in fair value attributable to credit risk of a Cost of goods sold of merchandising
financial liability designated at fair value through
profit or loss
Beg. Inventory 500,000
Such gain or loss from change in fair value
Net Purchases 2,000,000
attributable to credit risk of a financial liability
Goods available for sale 2,500,000
may be transferred within equity or retained
Ending inventory (300,000)
COGS 2,220,000
26 | M i k e e P .
Gross profit 1,900,000 other expenses
Freight in 50,000
Total 2,050,000 Are those expenses which are not directly related to
Purchase returns allowances & discounts(50,000) the selling and administrative function
Net purchases 2,000,000 a. Loss on sale of trading investments
b. Loss on disposal of PPE
c. Loss on sale of noncurrent investment
d. Casualty loss – flood, earthquake, fire
Cost of goods sold of manufacturing
Beg. Raw materials 500,000 No more extraordinary income
Net purchases 2,000,000 PAS 1, paragraph 87, specifically mandates that on entity
Raw materials available for use 2,500,000 shall not present any items of income and expenses as
Ending raw materials (300,000) extraordinary either on the face of the income statement or
Raw materials used 3,200,000 statement of comprehensive income or in the notes
Direct labor 3,000,000
Factory overhead 1,300,000
Total manufacturing cost 6,500,000
Line items
Beg. Goods in process 900,000 PAS 1, paragraph 82, provides that as a minimum, the
Total cost of goods in process 7,400,000 income statement and statement of comprehensive
Ending goods in process (1,000,000) income shall include the following:
Cost of goods manufactured 6,400,000
Beg. Finished goods 1,600,000 a. Revenue
Goods available for sale 8,000,000 b. Gain and loss from the depreciation of financial asset
Ending finished goods (1,500,000) measured at amortized cost as required by PFRS 9.
COGS 6,500,000 c. Finance cost
d. Share in income or loss of associate and joint
Classification of expenses venture accounted for using the equity method
e. Gain of loss on the reclassification of financial asset
DISTRIBUTION COSTS constitute costs which are from amortized cos to fair value profit or loss
directly related to selling, advertising and delivery of goods f. Gain of loss on the reclassification of financial asset
to customers from fair value other comprehensive income to fair
value profit or loss
Distribution costs ordinary include: g. Income tax expense
h. A single amount comprising discontinued operations
a. Salesmen’s salaries i. Profit or loss for the period
b. Salesmen’s commissions j. Total other comprehensive income
c. Traveling and marketing expenses k. Comprehensive income for the period being the total
d. Advertising and publicity of profit or loss and other comprehensive income
e. Freight out
f. Depreciation of delivery equipment and store The following items shall be disclosed on the face of
equipment the income statement and statement of comprehensive
ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES a. Profit or loss for the period attributable to non-
Administrative expenses constitute costs of controlling interest and owners of the parent
administering the business b. Total comprehensive income for the period
Ordinarily include all operating expenses not related to attributable to non-controlling interest and owners
selling and cost of goods sold of the parent
27 | M i k e e P .
Also known as the cost of goods sold method
An entity classifying expenses by function shall
disclose additional information on the nature of
expenses, including depreciation, amortization and
employee benefit costs
Referred to as the nature of expense method
Expenses are aggregated according to their nature
and not allocated among the various functions
within the entity
Expenses are no longer classified as cost of goods
sold, distribution costs, administrative expenses
and other expenses
the expenses which are the same nature are
grouped or aggregated and presented as one item
28 | M i k e e P .
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Accounting Policies, Estimate and Errors (PAS 8)
30 | M i k e e P .
A change accounting policy shall be made only when: Paragraphs 11 & 12 specify the following hierarchy of
guidance which management may use when selecting
a. Require by an accounting standard accounting policies in such circumstances:
b. The change will result in more relevant and a. Requirements of current standards dealing with
faithfully represented information about the similar
financial position, financial performance and cash b. matters
flows of the entity c. Definition, recognition criteria and measurement
concepts for assets, liabilities, income and expenses
in the Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting
POLICY d. Most recent pronouncements of other standard-
A change in accounting policy arises when an setting bodies that use a similar Conceptual
entity generally adopts a accepted accounting principle Framework, other accounting literature and accepted
which is a the one previously used by the entity. industry practices.
31 | M i k e e P .
A change in an accounting estimate shall not be
accounted for by restating amounts reported in Depreciation 50,000
financial statements of prior periods. Accumulated depreciation 50,000
Changes in accounting estimates are to be handled
currently and prospectively, if necessary,
Prospective recognition of the effect of a change in
accounting estimate means that the change is applied are omissions and misstatements in the financial
to transactions, her events and conditions from the statements for one or more periods arising from a
date of change in estimate. failure to use or misuse of reliable information.
Illustration Errors may occur as a result of mathematical mistakes,
mistakes in applying accounting policies,
For example, a depreciable asset costing P500,000 is
misinterpretation of facts, fraud or oversight.
estimated to have a life of 5 years. At the beginning of
the third year, the original life is changed to 8 years.
Thus, the asset has a remaining life of 6 years. How to treat prior period errors
The procedure is not to correct past depreciation. Prior period errors shall be corrected retrospectively by
adjusting the opening balances of retained earnings
Instead, the remaining carrying amount of P300,000 and affected assets and liabilities.
(P500,000 minus P200,000 depreciation for 2 years) is
now allocated over 6 years or a subsequent annual If comparative statements are presented, the financial
depreciation of P50,000. statements of the prior period shall be restated so as to
reflect the retroactive application of the prior period
Thus, the entry to record the annual depreciation, starting errors as a retrospective restatement.
the third year is:
Chapter 12
Events After the Reporting Period (PAS 10)
PAS 10, paragraph 3, defines events after the an entity does not recognize events after the reporting
reporting period favorable or unfavorable, that period that relate to conditions that only arose after
occur between the end of reporting period and the the reporting period.
date on which the financial statements are
The entity is required only to disclose significant
authorized for issue.
Events after reporting period are also known as nonadjusting events.
subsequent events.
Such events may require either adjustment or ADJUSTING EVENTS
Examples of adjusting events after the reporting
period which require the entity to adjust the financial
a. Settlement after the reporting period of a court case
a. Adjusting events after the reporting period are those because it confirms that the entity already had a
that provide evidence of conditions that exist at the present obligation at the end of reporting period.
end of reporting period b. Bankruptcy of a customer which occurs after the
reporting period.
b. Nonadjusting events after reporting period are those
c. Sale of inventories after the reporting period may
that are indicative of conditions that arise after the end give evidence about the net realizable value at
of reporting period. reporting date.
It is appropriate to adjust the financial statements for d. The determination after the reporting period of the
all events that offer clarity concerning the conditions cost of asset purchased or the proceeds from asset
that existed at the end of reporting period and that sold before the end of reporting period.
e. The determination after the reporting period of the
occur prior to the date the financial statements are
profit sharing or bonus payment if the entity has the
authorized for issue. present obligation at the end of reporting period to
an entity must adjust the amounts recognized in the make such payment.
financial statements for adjusting events that provide f. The discovery of fraud or errors that show the
evidence of conditions that existed at the end of financial statements were incorrect.
reporting period.
32 | M i k e e P .
1. Business combination after the reporting period 10. Change in tax rate enacted or announced after the end
2. Plan to discontinue an operation of reporting period that has a significant effect on
3. Major purchase and disposal of asset or expropriation current and deferred tax asset and liability
major asset by government
4. Destruction of a major production plant by a fire after Financial statements authorized for
the reporting period issue
5. Major ordinary share transactions and potential
ordinary share transactions after the reporting period Financial statements are authorized for issue when
6. Announcing or commencing the implementation of a the board of directors reviews the financial
major restructuring statements and authorizes them issue.
In some cases, an entity is required to submit the
7. Abnormally large changes after the reporting period
financial statements to the shareholders for approval
in asset prices or foreign exchange rates after the financial statements have been issued.
8. Entering into significant commitments or contingent In such cases, the financial statements are authorized
liabilities, for example, by issuing guarantees for issue on the date of issue by the board of
9. Commencing major litigation arising solely from directors and on the date when shareholders approve
events that occurred after the reporting period the financial statements.
Related Party Disclosures - PAS 24
33 | M i k e e P .
Examples of
related party transaction
34 | M i k e e P .
Inventories ( PAS 2)
35 | M i k e e P .
COST OF INVENTORIES OF A SERVICE Goods Avail for Sale 417,000
PROVIDER Inventory - Jan 31 (152,000)
Illustration - FIFO
37 | M i k e e P .
● If the cost is lower than net realizable value, The measurement of the inventory at LCNRV is applied
there is no accounting problem because the on an item by item or individual basis or P8,500,000
inventory is stated at cost and the increase in
value is not recognized. Total Cost 9,000,000
● If the net realizable value is lower than cost, the LCNRV 8,500,000
inventory is measured at net realizable value. Inventory Writedown 500,000
● In this case, the problem is the proper treatment
of the writedown of the inventory to net Journal Entries
realizable value.
● The writedown of inventory to net realizable The inventory on December 31, 2020 is recorded at cost.
value is accounted for using the allowance
Inventory-December 31, 2020 9,000,000
Income summary 9,000,000
Allowance method The loss on inventory writedown is accounted for
The inventory is recorded at cost and any loss on
inventory writedown is accounted for separately. Loss on inventory write down 500,000
This method is also known as loss method because Allowance for inventory writedown 500,000
a loss account "loss on inventory writedown" is
debited & The loss on inventory write down is included in the
a valuation account "allowance for inventory computation of cost of goods sold.
writedown" is credited.
In subsequent years, this allowance account is The allowance for inventory write down is presented
adjusted upward or downward depending on the as a deduction from the inventory.
difference between the cost and net realizable value Inventory- December 31, 2020, at cost 9,000,000
of the inventory at year-end Allowance for inventory writedown (500,000)
If the required allowance increases, an Net realizable value 8,500,000
additional loss is recognized.
If the required allowance decreases, a gain on
reversal of inventory writedown is recorded.
However, the gain is limited only to the extent of the
allowance balance.
The allowance method is used in order that the
effects of writedown and reversal of writedown can
be clearly identified.
As a matter of fact, PAS 2, paragraph 36, requires
disclosure of the amount of any inventory writedown
and the amount of any reversal of inventory
Illustration - Inventory Data on Dec. 31, 2020
Chapter 15
Property, Plant, and Equipment (pas 16)
40 | M i k e e P .
➔ Each part of an item of PPE with a cost that is ➢ The depreciation method shall be reviewed at least at
significant in relation to the total cost of the every year-end.
item shall be depreciated separately. ➢ If there has been a significant change in the expected
★ For example, it may be appropriate to pattern of economic benefits, the method shall be
depreciate separately the airframe, changed to reflect the changed pattern.
engines, fittings (seats and floor ➔ Such change shall be accounted for as a change
coverings) and tires of an aircraft. in accounting estimate.
➔ The entity also depreciates separately the ➢ A variety of depreciation methods can be used.
remainder of the item and the remainder ➢ Depreciation methods include straight line, production
consists of the parts of the item that are method and diminishing balance method.
individually not significant.
➔ is the estimated net amount currently
obtainable if the asset is at the end of the STRAIGHT LINE METHOD
useful life. ➔ Under the straight line method, the annual
➔ The residual value of an asset shall be depreciation charge is calculated by allocating
reviewed at least at each financial year-end the depreciable amount equally over the number
and if expectation differs from previous of years of useful life.
estimate, the change shall be accounted for as ➔ In other words, straight line depreciation is a
a change in an accounting estimate. constant charge over the useful life of the asset.
➔ The residual value of an asset may increase to ➔ The straight line method is adopted when the
an amount equal to or greater than the principal cause of depreciation is passage of
carrying amount. time.
➔ If it does, the depreciation charge is zero ➔ The straight line approach considers depreciation
unless and until the residual value as a function of time rather than as a function of
subsequently decreases to an amount below usage.
the carrying amount.
➔ Depreciation is recognized even if the fair PRODUCTION METHOD
value of the asset exceeds the carrying ➔ The production or output method assumes that
amount as long as the residual value does not depreciation is more a function of use rather
exceed the carrying amount. than passage of time.
3. USEFUL LIFE ➔ The useful life of the asset is considered in terms
➔ Useful life is either the period over which an of the output it produces or the number of hours
asset is expected to be available for use by the it works.
entity, or the number of production or similar Thus, depreciation is related to the
units expected to be obtained from the asset estimated production capability of the
by the entity. asset and is expressed in a rate per unit of
output or per hour of use.
Factors in determining useful life ➔ The production method is adopted if the principal
cause of depreciation is usage
assessed by reference to the asset's expected capacity DIMINISHING BALANCE METHOD
or physical output. (accelerated methods)
B. EXPECTED PHYSICAL WEAR AND TEAR - ➔ provide higher depreciation in the earlier years
This depends on the operational factors: and lower depreciation in the later years of the
● no. of shifts the asset is used, useful life of the asset.
● the repair and maintenance Thus, these methods result in a
program, & decreasing depreciation charge over the
● the care and maintenance of the useful life.
asset while idle. ➔ The accelerated depreciation is on the philosophy
C. TECHNICAL OR COMMERCIAL that new assets are generally capable of
OBSOLESCENCE - This arises from changes or producing more revenue in the earlier years than
improvements in production, or change in the market in the later years.
demand for the product output of the asset. ➔ The accelerated methods include sum of years'
D. LEGAL LIMITS for the use of the asset, such as the digits method and double declining balance
expiry date of the related lease. method.
Depreciation method
41 | M i k e e P .
Government Grant (PAS 20)
An entity received a grant of P15,000,000 from the 4. Deferred grant income 10,000,000
national government for the purpose of defraying safety Grant income 10,000,000
and environmental expenses over the period of three (50,000,000/5)
Chapter 17
Borrowing Cost (PAS 23)
44 | M i k e e P .
➢ A qualifying asset is an asset that necessarily takes a Asset financed by specific borrowing
substantial period of time to get ready for the
intended or sale. ➢ PAS 23, paragraph 12, provides that if the funds are
borrowed specifically for the purpose of acquiring a
Examples include the following: qualifying asset, the amount of capitalizable
a. Manufacturing plant borrowing cost is the actual borrowing cost incurred
b. Power generation facility during the period less any investment income from the
c. Intangible asset temporary investment of those borrowings.
d. Investment property Illustration
45 | M i k e e P .
Prior to their disbursement, the proceeds of the The amount of capitalizable borrowing cost is the
borrowing were temporarily invested and earned interest
income of P40,000. (b)
Actual borrowing cost 250,000 ES
Interest income from investment of proceeds (40,000)
Capitalizable borrowing cost 210,000 Jan.1 400,000 12 4,800,000
➢ PAS 23, paragraph 14, provides that if the funds are June 30 1,200,000 6 7,200,000
borrowed generally and used for acquiring a
Sept. 30 1,000,000 3 3,000,000
qualifying asset, the amount of capitalizable
borrowing cost is equal to the average carrying Dec. 31 400,000 0 –
amount of the asset during the period multiplied by
a capitalization rate or average interest rate. 24,000,000
- However, the capitalizable borrowing cost
shall not exceed the actual interest incurred. Average carrying amount 2,000,000
➢ The capitalization rate or average interest rate is equal (24,000,000 / 12)
to the total annual borrowing cost divided by the total
general borrowings outstanding during the period. average carrying amount of the building multiplied by
➢ No specific guidance is provided for general the capitalization rate.
borrowing with respect to investment income. (a) (b) (a x b)
➢ Accordingly, any investment income from general date
borrowing is not deducted from capitalizable
borrowing cost. Jan. 1 400,000 12 / 12 400,000
Investment in Associates (PAS 28)
48 | M i k e e P .
investor does not have significant influence, unless ➢ Accordingly, under the equity method, the
such influence can be clearly demonstrated. investment in ordinary shares should be
A substantial or majority ownership by another appropriately described as investment in
investor does not necessarily preclude an investor associate.
from having significant influence (f) The investment in associate accounted for using the
equity method shall be reported as noncurrent
Beyond the mere 20% threshold of ownership, PAS asset.
28, paragraph 6, provides that the existence of significant
influence is usually evidenced by the following factors:
50 | M i k e e P .
➢ When an associate has outstanding noncumulative The investor did not file or is not in the process of
preference shares, the investor shall compute its filing financial statements with the SEC for the
share of earnings after deducting the preference purpose of issuing any class of instruments in a
dividends only when declared. public market.
The ultimate or any intermediate parent of the
Discontinuance of equity method investor produces consolidated financial
statements available for public use that comply
● PAS 28, paragraph 22, provides that an investor shall with Philippine Financial Reporting Standards.
discontinue the use of the equity method from the date
that it ceases to have significant influence over an In these circumstances, the investment is accounted
associate, for as follows:
Consequently, the investor shall account for the
investment as follows: a) Financial asset at fair value through profit or loss
b) Financial asset at fair value through other
Financial asset at fair value through profit or loss comprehensive income.
Financial asset at fair value through other c) Nonmarketable investment at cost or investment in
comprehensive income. unquoted equity instrument.
Nonmarkeble investment at cost or investment in
unquoted equity instrument.
Depreciation 7,182,000
Accumulated depreciation 7,182,000
Would have been carrying amount on December
(35,910,000/5 years)
31, 2021
Machinery 8,000,000
Accumulated depreciation 2,400,000
(8,000,000 / 10 x 3 years)
Carrying amount - 5,600,000
December 31, 2021, no impairment
Reversal of an Impairment Loss ➢ Accordingly, the carrying amount of the machinery
cannot exceed P5,600,000.
● PAS 36, paragraph 114, provides that an impairment
➢ Therefore, the carrying amount of P5,600,000 is the
loss recognized for an asset in prior years shall be
basis of the impairment reversal and not the
reversed if there has been a change in the estimate of
recoverable amount of P6,000,000
the recoverable amount.
➢ As a simple guide, the increased carrying amount is
● In other words, if the recoverable amount of an asset
the carrying amount assuming there was no
that has previously been impaired turns out to be
impairment or the recoverable amount, whichever is
higher than the current carrying amount, the carrying
amount of the asset shall be increased to new
recoverable amount. Carrying amount with impairment on December
● However, PAS 36, paragraph 117, provides that the
31, 2021
increased carrying amount of an asset due to a
reversal of an impairment loss shall not exceed the Machinery 8,000,000
carrying amount that would have been determined, Accumulated depreciation-Dec. 31, 2010 2,800,000
had no impairment loss been recognized for the asset (1,600,000 + 1,200,000)
in prior years. Adjusted carrying amount-Dec. 31, 2020 5,200,000
● The reversal of the impairment loss shall be Depreciation for 2021 (5,200,000 / 8) 650,000
recognized immediately in the income statement as Carrying amount-Dec. 31, 2021 per book 4,550,000
gain on reversal of impairment loss. with Impairment
● But any reversal of an impairment loss on a revalued
asset shall be credited to income to the extent that it Journal entries on December 31, 2021
54 | M i k e e P .
1. An entity has determined that a cash generating unit is
CARRYING FRACTIO LOSS T impaired. The assets of the cash generating unit at
carrying amount are:
Building 2,400,000 24/60 600,000
Building 2,100,000
Land 1,800,000 18/60 450,000 Land 1,800,000
Equipment 1,500,000
Equipment 1,500,000 15/60 375,000 Inventory 300,000
Carrying amount of CGU 6,000,000
Inventory 300,000 3/60 75,000
Most often, the recoverable amount of a cash
6,000,000 1,500,000 generating unit. is equal to the value in use because
the unit is not to be disposed of.
o record the depreciation for 2021: The entity calculated the value in use of the cash
generating unit to be P4,500,000.
Depreciation 650,000
Accumulated depreciation 650,000
Computation of Impairment Loss
2. To record the impairment reversal: Carrying amount of CGU 6,000,000
Accumulated depreciation 1,050,000 Value in use 4,500,000
Impairment loss 1,500,000
Gain on reversal of impairment 1,050,000
Carrying amount-no impairment 5,600,000 PAS 36, paragraph 104, provides that when an
impairment loss is recognized for a cash generating
Carrying amount- with impairment 4,550,000 unit, this loss shall be allocated to the assets of the
Gain on reversal of impairment 1,050,000 unit in the following order:
3. To record depreciation for 2022: a. First, to the goodwill, if any.
b. Then, to all other noncash assets of the unit pro
Depreciation 800,000 rata based on their carrying amount.
Accumulated depreciation 800,000
Since there is no goodwill, the impairment loss is
Adjusted carrying amount- Dec. 31, 2021 5,600,000 allocated across the assets based on carrying amount.
Divide by remaining life 7 years
55 | M i k e e P .
a. If the recoverable amount of the unit exceeds the ALLOCATION OF IMPAIRMENT LOSS
carrying amount of the unit, the unit and the
goodwill allocated to that unit shall be regarded Impairment loss 1,500,000
as not impaired. Applicable to goodwill 1,000,000
b. If the carrying amount of the unit exceeds the Excess impairment loss 500,000
recoverable amount of the unit, the entity must
recognize an impairment loss. The excess impairment loss is allocated to the other
noncash assets pro rata based on carrying amount.
Carrying Amount Fraction Loss
PPE 3,000,000 ⅗ 300,000
Patent 2,000,000 ⅖ 200,000
5,000,000 500,000
An intangible asset shall be recognized if the following Examples of directly attributable costs are:
conditions are present: ● Cost of materials and services used or consumed in
generating the intangible asset.
a. It is probable that future economic benefits ● Cost of employee benefit arising from the
attributable to the asset will flow to the entity. generation of the intangible asset.
b. The cost of the intangible asset can be measured ● Fee to register a legal right.
reliably. ● Amortization of patent used to generate the
intangible asset.
Initial measurement of intangible asset
Expenditures that are not components of the cost of
PAS 38, paragraph 24, provides that an intangible asset an internally generated intangible asset:
shall be measured initially at cost.
● Selling, administrative and other general overhead
➢ If an intangible asset is acquired separately, the ● Clearly identified inefficiency and initial operating
cost of the intangible asset can be measured loss
reliably, particularly so if the purchase ● Expenditure on training staff to operate the asset
consideration is in the form of cash or other
monetary asset. ❖ PAS 38, paragraph 63,
explicitly provides that internally generated brand,
The cost of a separately acquired intangible asset masthead, publishing title, customer list and other
comprises: items similar in substance shall not be recognized
as intangible assets.
a. Purchase price
Such items cannot be identified separately from
b. Import duties and nonrefundable purchase tax
the cost of developing the business as a whole.
c. Directly attributable costs of preparing the asset
- Instead, such items are seen as being
for the intended use
component of internally generated goodwill.
Directly attributable costs include the following: ❖ PAS 38, paragraph 48,
provides that internally generated goodwill shall
a. Cost of employee benefit arising directly from not be recognized as an asset.
bringing the asset to its working condition. Accordingly, such expenditures shall be expensed
b. Professional fee arising directly from bringing the when incurred.
asset to its working condition.
c. Cost of testing whether the asset is functioning Recognition as an expense
1. An expenditure on an intangible item that does not
meet the recognition criteria for an intangible asset
shall be expensed when incurred.
2. Examples of expenditures that are expensed when
Costs which are not capitalizable incurred include:
● Start up costs
Examples of costs that are not included in the cost of an ➔ Start up costs may consist of organization
intangible asset but expensed immediately are: costs such as legal and secretarial costs
incurred in establishing a legal entity.
● Cost of introducing a new product or service, ➔ Start up costs also include preopening
including cost of advertising and promotional costs or expenditures to open a new
activity facility or business, and preoperating costs
● Cost of conducting business in a new location or or expenditures for commencing new
with a new class of customer, including cost of staff operation or launching new product.
training ● Training costs
● Administration and other general overhead cost ● Advertising and promotional costs
57 | M i k e e P .
● Business relocation or reorganization costs - The revalued amount is the fair value at the
date of revaluation and is determined by
Subsequent expenditure reference to an active market.
- Thus, an intangible asset can only be carried at
➢ As a rule, a subsequent expenditure on an intangible revalued amount if there is an active market for
asset shall be recognized as expense. the asset.
➔ The reason is that most subsequent
expenditures are likely to maintain only the AMORTIZATION OF INTANGIBLE ASSETS
expected future economic benefits embodied
in the intangible asset. PAS 38 provides the following on the amortization of
➢ Subsequent expenditure may be capitalized or added Intangible assets:
to the cost of the intangible asset if the following
recognition criteria for an intangible asset are met: ● Paragraph 97 states that intangible assets with
● It is probable that future economic benefits limited or finite life are amortized over their
that are attributable specifically to the useful life.
subsequent expenditure will flow to the entity. ● Paragraphs 107 and 108 state that intangible
● The subsequent expenditure can be measured assets with indefinite life are not amortized but
reliably. are tested for impairment at least annually and
whenever there is an indication that the
Identifiable intangible assets (PAS 38) intangible asset may be impaired.
59 | M i k e e P .
➢ Research and development activities typically occur Criteria for recognition
prior to the beginning of commercial production and
distribution of a product or process. Development cost may qualify as intangible asset if and
➢ Accordingly, activities that relate to commercial only if the entity can demonstrate all of the following:
production do not result to research and
development cost. ● The technical feasibility of completing the
intangible asset so that it will be available for use or
➔ This is achieved when a prototype or model
● Engineering follow through in an early phase of is produced.
commercial production. ➔ The entity has completed the testing of the
● Quality control during commercial production model and it is now convinced that it has a
including routine testing. product to sell or use that is significantly
● Trouble shooting breakdown during production. better than any other product available on
● Routine on-going effort to refine, enrich or improve the market.
quality of an existing product. ➔ The entity plans to file a patent application
● Adaptation of an existing capability to a particular for the product.
requirement or customer need. ● The intention to complete the intangible asset and
● Periodic design changes to existing products. use or sell it.
● Routine design of tools, jigs, molds and dies. ● The ability to use or sell the intangible asset.
● Activity, including design and construction ● How the intangible asset will generate probable
engineering related to construction, relocation, future economic benefits.
rearrangement or start-up of facilities and ➔ Among other things, the entity shall
equipment. demonstrate the existence of a market for
the output of the intangible asset or the
Accounting for Research Cost intangible asset itself.
● Availability of resources or funding to complete
➢ PAS 38, paragraph 54, provides that expenditure development and to use or sell the asset.
on research or on the research phase of an internal ● The ability to measure reliably the expenditure
project shall be recognized as expense when attributable to the intangible asset during its
incurred. development.
➔ The reason is that at the research phase of a
project, an entity cannot be certain that
future economic benefits would probably
Capitalizable expenditures
flow to the entity. ➢ Expenditures for research and development which
➢ At the research stage, there is too much have alternative future use, either in additional
uncertainty about the likely success of the project. research project or for productive purposes, can be
➢ In the research phase, an entity cannot capitalized.
demonstrate that an intangible asset exists that will ➢ This means that costs incurred for materials,
generate probable future economic benefits. equipment and intangible asset related to research
and development activities which have an
Accounting for Development Cost alternative future use can be capitalized.
➢ Subsequently, the following should be charged to
➢ In contrast with research cost, development cost is research and development expense:
incurred at a later stage in a project and the ● Cost of materials used
probability of success may be more apparent.
● Depreciation of equipment used in research
➢ Development cost may or may not be recognized
as an intangible asset depending on very strict and development
criteria. ● Amortization of intangible asset used in
research and developmen
60 | M i k e e P .