Vibro Hammer Checklist
Vibro Hammer Checklist
Vibro Hammer Checklist
1 Is the Contractor using the approved hammer system?
2 Is pile driving equipment data sheet on site?
3 Is the pile drive head approved?
4 Is the Cap block ( hammer) cushion approved and suitable for the driving equipment?
5 Is the pile cushion approved and suitable for the driving equipment?
If followers are to be used, were they approved by the engineer or specified in the
6 contract documents?
Do you have a reference elevation so that you know where the pile cut‐off is and can
7 determine tip elevations and penetration?
8 Have you determined the pile tip elevation?
Have you determined the pile driving criteria using set penetration as per wave
9 equation?
10 Has all pre‐driving data been entered on the pile driving record?
11 Has the "Minimum Tip Target" mark been determined and entered?
Has the "stop for spot check" mark been determined and entered? ( [Pile length ‐ cut‐
12 off elev.‐Ref.elev.)
Are the piles within allowable tolerance? (Make sure pile is aligned according to the
13 plans.)
14 Are piles marked in the correct intervals?
15 Is the hammer warmed up and set on the proper energy setting for starting out?
16 If concrete pile requires splicing, is it as approved?
17 If concrete pile requires splicing, is it as approved?
Has it been determined at what intervals to check the hammer cushion with a view
18 for replacement?
Has it been determined at what intervals to check the pile cushion with a view for
19 replacement?
20 Is there a Minimum Tip Elevation specified?
21 If Yes, has the pile reached Minimum Tip Elevation?
Has the Pile met the driving criteria specified in wave equation set penetration by the
22 engineer?
23 Has the Pile reached Practical Refusal as set by the engineer?
24 Is the top of the pile within 600mm of Cut‐off elevation
25 Have any of the piles heaved?
26 Once the substructure is complete have you sent in the pile driving records?