This document contains a list of 91 eligible Schedule Caste candidates from West Bengal for state quota seats in medical colleges. It includes each candidate's NEET All India Rank (AIR), name, domicile, category status, and whether they have a physical challenge (PC). All candidates are from West Bengal and categorized as Schedule Caste without physical challenges.
This document contains a list of 91 eligible Schedule Caste candidates from West Bengal for state quota seats in medical colleges. It includes each candidate's NEET All India Rank (AIR), name, domicile, category status, and whether they have a physical challenge (PC). All candidates are from West Bengal and categorized as Schedule Caste without physical challenges.
This document contains a list of 91 eligible Schedule Caste candidates from West Bengal for state quota seats in medical colleges. It includes each candidate's NEET All India Rank (AIR), name, domicile, category status, and whether they have a physical challenge (PC). All candidates are from West Bengal and categorized as Schedule Caste without physical challenges.
This document contains a list of 91 eligible Schedule Caste candidates from West Bengal for state quota seats in medical colleges. It includes each candidate's NEET All India Rank (AIR), name, domicile, category status, and whether they have a physical challenge (PC). All candidates are from West Bengal and categorized as Schedule Caste without physical challenges.