Activity Report For Library
Activity Report For Library
Activity Report For Library
Daily Activities:
-morning duty/lunch duty/dismissal duty
-communication with teachers, administration and parents via email, phone, in person
-prepare for upcoming classes-make copies, look over class work and projects, prepare
materials, create lesson plans, read over books
-book cataloging-prepare new books for student use
-book maintenance and repair
-restock book shelves-put away checked in books
-manage AR -run reports and AR cart for students
-pull books for teachers or students
Monthly Activities:
-faculty meeting
-department meeting
-run book reports for overdue books
-pull seasonal or relevant books for library
-teacher training/library education
Special Events:
-Book Fair two times a year-communicate with staff, parents and book fair liaison,
organize volunteers, schedule classes, prepare for fair, run fair, close out fair
-Book Character Parade
-Read Across America Week
-Beginning of year-create new class rosters for Follett and AR and enter new students
-End of year-run end of year reports and lost books