Here Is An Example of A Machine With 1GB of RAM
Here Is An Example of A Machine With 1GB of RAM
Here Is An Example of A Machine With 1GB of RAM
Memory is the electronic holding place for the instructions and data a
computer needs to reach quickly. It's where information is stored for
immediate use. Memory is one of the basic functions of a computer, because
without it, a computer would not be able to function properly. Memory is also
used by a computer's operating system, hardware and software.
There are technically two types of computer memory: primary and secondary.
The term memory is used as a synonym for primary memory or as an
abbreviation for a specific type of primary memory called random access
memory (RAM). This type of memory is located on microchips that are
physically close to a computer's microprocessor.
Memory is most often referred to as the primary storage on a computer, such as RAM.
Memory is also where information is processed. It enables users to access data that is
stored for a short time. The data is only stored for a short time because primary
memory is volatile, meaning it isn't retained when the computer is turned off.
How much space is available in memory and storage differs as well. In general, a
computer will have more storage space than memory. For example, a laptop may have
8 GB of RAM while having 250 GB of storage. The difference in space is there
because a computer will not need fast access to all the information stored on it at
once, so allocating approximately 8 GB of space to run programs will suffice.
Memory is volatile, which means that data in memory is stored temporarily. Once a
computing device is turned off, data stored in volatile memory will automatically be
deleted. When a file is saved, it will be sent to secondary memory for storage.
There are multiple types of memory available to a computer. It will operate differently
depending on the type of primary memory used, but in general, semiconductor-based
memory is most associated with memory. Semiconductor memory will be made of
integrated circuits with silicon-based metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS) transistors.
Types of computer memory
In general, memory can be divided into primary and secondary memory; moreover,
there are numerous types of memory when discussing just primary memory. Some
types of primary memory include the following
RAM. The term is based on the fact that any storage location can be
accessed directly by the processor.
In 1961, Bob Norman proposed the concept of solid-state memory being used on an
integrated circuit (IC) chip. IBM brought memory into the mainstream in 1965.
However, users found solid-state memory to be too expensive to use at the time
compared to other memory types. Other advancements during the early to mid-1960s
were the invention of bipolar SRAM, Toshiba's introduction of DRAM in 1965 and
the commercial use of SRAM in 1965. The single-transistor DRAM cell was
developed in 1966, followed by a MOS semiconductor device used to create ROM in
1967. From 1968 to the early 1970s, N-type MOS (NMOS) memory also started to
become popularized.
By the early 1970s, MOS-based memory started becoming much more widely used as
a form of memory. In 1970, Intel had the first commercial DRAM IC chip. One year
later, erasable PROM was developed and EEPROM was invented in 1972.