1944 - Goland and Reissner - The Stresses in Cemented Joints
1944 - Goland and Reissner - The Stresses in Cemented Joints
1944 - Goland and Reissner - The Stresses in Cemented Joints
The determination of the stresses in cemented lap joints tion of the shearing stresses, and neither the effect of the deflec-
has become of practical importance because of the de- tion of the jointed members due to plate bending nor the effect
velopment of new methods which permit a strong bond to of the tearing-stress component was taken into consideration.
be established between wood, plastic, or metal sheets, or It is shown here that consideration of these effects is essential for
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combinations of them by the use of cement adhesives. the analysis of cemented lap joints and the mathematical formu-
In this paper, the problem is divided into two parts, lation of the problem in this manner leads to a system of equa-
(a) determination of the loads at the edges of the joint j (b) tions which, to the authors' knowledge, has not been established
determination of the stresses in the joint due to the ap- previously.
plied loads. Solutions are obtained for two limiting
cases, i.e., where the cement layer is so thin that its ef-
fect on the flexibility of the joint may be neglected; and Given are two rectangular sheets of equal thickness t, of unit
where the joint flexibility is mainly due to that of the ce- width and of length (I + 2c). The two sheets are lap-jointed over
ment layer. In both cases expressions are obtained for the length 2c. The bond between the two sheets is established
the shearing stresses in the cement, and for the normal by means of a cement layer whose thickness rj is small compared
stresses in the cement in a direction perpendicular to the with those of the sheets. The unjointed ends of the sheets may
plane of the joint. be assumed to be simply supported and acted upon by tensile
forces of magnitude T per unit of sheet width, Fig. 1.
HE present paper deals with the determination of the The main problem is the determination of the shearing and
pendicular to this plane. The sheet shear stress rxv acts on planes consist of a tension T, a moment M„ and a transverse shearing
parallel to the directions of a x and <r„. The cement stresses a0 and force V0, each per unit of joint width, Fig. 1. The moment M„
T0 represent, respectively, the normal "tearing stress" in the is directed so as to introduce tensile stresses in the sheet fibers
cement and the shear stress acting on planes parallel to that of the nearest to the cement layer. It is found, in section 1, that the
cement layer. magnitudes of the moment M0 and the shearing force V„ are
The correct stress distribution is distinguished from all stress dependent upon the value of the tensile stress p in the unjointed
distributions satisfying the equilibrium equations and the bound- sheet, the joint dimensions, and the physical properties of the
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ary conditions of the joint problem by the fact that it minimizes sheet material. The precise nature of this dependence is indi-
the strain energy W. cated by Table 1 and Fig. 3 of this paper. Fig. 3 is a plot of the
On the basis of this energy consideration, an estimate can be
made of the range of validity of the two approximate treatments
which are given in what follows.
The first approximate treatment neglects the flexibility of the
nondimensional factor k = — - versus the parameter -
pt2 t 4
where the factor k is the ratio of the magnitude of the edge moment
cement layer; i.e., the work of the stresses a„ and T„ in the ce- M„ and the value of this moment in a nondeformable system,
ment compared with the work of the stresses av and Tt„ in the and p represents the mean stress T/t in the sheets away from
sheet. Since, approximately the joint. Values of —° for various - 4/ L are given in Table 1.
J pt2 tJE h
f. 0
cement are concentrated in small regions near the ends of the D E R I V A T I O N OF RESULTS
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tion in the cement for the inflexible-layer case is independent of l — -- ? c - I, —
both the joint dimensions and the phj'sical properties of the I
cement material, the cement stresses in flexible layers are depend-
— o
ent upon both of these factors. Furthermore, the cement stresses 1
are no longer restricted to small end zones in flexible layers, but
are of appreciable magnitude over the whole of the shear plane. 11
Fig. 9 shows typical <r„ and r„ distributions in joints with flexi- Fio. 1 P R O F I I . F . V I E W OK O E M E N - T F . D - J O I N T S Y S T E M
ble cement layers, calculated for several k values. The joints
are composed of representative materials and dimensions (say,
aluminum-alloy sheets cemented with a typical resin adhesive Ti 1 • 1. X I 11
and with a joint overlap to joint thickness ratio of 5), as specified _1 2 1 111)
by the values of the parameters given on the sketch. It is evi- (b)
dent that the increased flexibility of the cement layer causes the (a)
shear stress t„ in the cement to be more uniformly distributed FIG. 2 L O A D A P P L I E D TO C E M E N T E D - J O I N T SYSTEM IN FIG. 1
over the joint shear plane. Nevertheless, the distribution still ( a , N e u t r a l p l a n e o f j o i n t b e f o r e a n d a f t e r a p p l i c a t i o n o f l o a d , b, Positive
indicates a sizable concentration of shear in the end regions of the c o n v e n t i o n s f o r M, V, a n d T, a s u s e d i n S e c t i o n 1.)
joint. The <r0 stresses again reverse their sign near the joint
edges, but are not damped away as quickly as they were in in- variable neutral plane. The required results indicate that account
flexible cement layers. The peak t0 and a0 values still occur at must be taken of the effects of the transverse deflections of the
the joint edges. sheet and joint on the values of the edge loads.
It is at once clear that the magnitudes of the peak cement A graphical representation of a section of an unloaded joint is
stresses are very much lower in joints with flexible-cement layers shown in Fig. 1. The joint (overlap) length is notated 2c, the
than in joints with relatively inflexible layers. Their orders of two joined sheets are considered to be of equal thickness t and
magnitudes for representative joints are indicated in Fig. 9. are presumed to extend a distance I to either side of the joint.
c The joint width, in a direction normal to the plane of the section
For - = 5, the maximum a„ value is about 0.12 p and that of r„ shown, is assumed to be large compared with the sheet thickness.
If the system is now loaded by tensile forces T per unit of sheet
is approximately the same magnitude. It is to be noted that
width at the supports a and b, the line of action ol the forces will
even more pronounced reductions in the a0 values than in the r„
be aob. The order of magnitudes of the joint edge loads can at
values are brought about by increased cement-layer flexibilities.
once be recognized. For reasonably small deformations of the
Figs. 10 and 11 are plots of the maximum values of the tearing
system, the tensile force in the sheet per unit of width remains
stress <r0 and the shear stress T„ in the cement. The plots are ar-
very nearly equal to T, and the sheet moment at the joint edges
ranged to include the effects of variations in the semi-lap length
is of the order l/2Tt. Since the order of magnitude of the trans-
to sheet thickness ratio as Well as the effects of variations in the verse deflections observed during actual joint tests is t, the need
t for including the effects of the sheet and joint deflections in de-
sheet and cement materials. The definitions of /3 and y, which termining the edge loads is apparent.
appear on the figures are The solid line of Fig. 2 represents the elastic axis of a longitud-
inal cross section of the lap joint. Since the form of the axis will
Gc Ec always remain antisymmetrical about the mid-point o of the
= "4/8 7 = V 6
E E joint, only the left-hand sheet and the left portion of the joint
are shown in Fig. 2. In the cemented region, the axis is along the
The flexible-cement-layer analysis is applicable to joints com- mid-plane of the joint and hence, presuming always a cement
posed of thin metal sheets cemented together. The adhesive layer of small thickness compared with that of the sheet, the elas-
materials used in such joints are particularly weak in tension. tic axis has a discontinuity of amount t/2 at the joint edges.
Hence the a0 stresses, although smaller than those encountered (The discontinuity is drawn to a magnified scale on the figure for
in inflexible-layer joints, are still of sufficient magnitude to cause purposes of clarity.) Under load, the elastic axis deflects to some
a splitting failure at the joint edges. form such as that of the clotted line in Fig. 2. In order to study
It may be noted that several interesting extensions of the work the system deformations, it is convenient to introduce two co-
presented in this paper are possible. For example, the joint edge ordinate systems (xh wi) and (x2, w2). The first system is used
loads could be determined for sheets which are not initially flat, but to analyze the behavior of the left-hand sheet under load; the
which are instead crimped near the overlap region. By proper xi co-ordinate has its origin at the support a, extends along the
crimping, it is possible to greatly reduce the values of the edge gravity axis of the sheet and is positive to the right. The w, co-
bending moments and thereby the values of the tearing stress ordinate represents transverse deflections of the sheet from the
concentration. The effects of lateral loads, normal to the plane unloaded condition and is positive downward. A similar defini-
of the sheets, could also be studied. Furthermore, the methods tion is taken for (x2, w2) with reference to the joint, as shown in
of this paper can be extended so as to cover such cases as the join- Fig. 2.
ing of two sheets of unequal thickness and the problem of one Setting Mi equal to the bending moment in the sheet at sta-
sheet, to which are cemented two side sheets (the double shear tion xi and Mi equal to the moment in the joint at station x2,
joint). each per unit of width, then
Mi = T[anxi — w, ] for 0 < Xi < V ratio, respectively, of the sheet material, then since the joint is
t_ [7] very nearly twice the thickness of the sheet
Ms = T a„(l + s2) - w2 - for 0 < 22 < c
2 D2 Et3
8 12(1 —
Here a„ represents the angle between the Xi (or x2) co-ordinate
and the line of action aob of the applied forces and is very nearly
equal to
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I = 2 V3(l - | ^
_ 1 t [13]
"" ~ 2 (l + c) J 3 ( l — ?») c I
- •; X.E
The positive conventions chosen for the moments Mi and Ms
and for the transverse shearing forces per unit of width Vi in In all practical cases, the value of ud is sufficiently large to permit
the sheet and V? in the joint, to be introduced in the later work, taking
are shown in Fig. 2.
According to the theory for the small bending of thin, cylin- sinh ud « cosh ud « ^ eul1 [14]
drically bent plates, the differential equations for the transverse
deflections of the sheet and joint become Equations [11] and [12] then reduce to the simplified forms
dho 1
dx? ~
•Di "
M2 _
M0 = k
V. = kT
where Di and D> are the flexural rigidities of the sheet and joint cosh w2c
k = [16]
respectively. cosh u2c sinh u2c
The two preceding Equations [8] have solutions of the form
Values of k = and of for various values of - -4/— are
u>i = Ai cosh MiSi + Bi sinh UiXi + anxi, 0 <<_ I Tt Tt t IE
Wt = A2 cosh UiX2 + B2 sinh «2s2 + a„ ^ Z + E 2 — - I, 0 £ s 2 ^ c| TABLE 1 V A L U E S OF h = A N D k' = ~ FOR VARIOUS
Tt Tt
• [9] i V "
' E
where 2 Mo VoC
i V 5 k = Tt
( v E Tt
=VI 0 1.00 0
Ml and Ui = 0.1 0.75 0.039
D2 0.2 0.61 0.064
0.3 0.51 0.080
The four constants of Equations [9] are readily evaluated from 0.4 0.45 0.094
0.5 0.40 0.104
the four conditions 0.6 0.37 0.116
0.65 0.36 0.122
at si = 0 Wi = 0
given in Table 1; Fig. 3 is a graphical plot of the factor k versus
at si = I, X2 — 0 Wi = Wi
0 Ip
dw i •[10] For average values of overlap and for plate stresses as high
at Si = I, X2 = 0 ^™E
tZsi dx2
at s2 = c w2 = 0 as 40,000 psi in joints composed of cemented aluminum-alloy
The moment and shearing force at the transition section then 1.00
cosh M2C sinh uiZ • [11]
«1 ^0.60
2 jsinh MiZ cosh u2c -\—1 cosh Uil sinh u2c{ 0.50
V "2 J
0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60
= (F,) m =i = (dMl\
\ dxi / x ^ i £/ZL
^ i cosh M2C cosh Uil j [12] f VE
FIG. 3 P L O T O P M O M E N T F A C T O R FC V E R S U S C --\ / 2
2 Jsinh MiZ cosh u2c + —1 cosh wiZ sinh w2c( t\E<E
v Ms ;
sheets, a practical lower limit of about 0.35 is established for k.
Letting p represent the applied tensile stress in the plate (so Hence it is evident that the joint-edge moments are considerably
that T — pt) and E and v the Young's modulus and the Poisson's reduced under load from the initial value V2 Tt, the amount of
+ y
-- 1
c y
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-?t ?t +X
The normal stresses on the joint edges over the regions where nir
the sheet attaches to the joint are then given by expressions of
the type
W i / = ( = 6„ +
x> cos — x
the Fourier constants become cosh ay (sinh ac — ac cosh ac) + ay sinh ac. sinh ay
2/i = ; • • • [26]
1 sinh 2ac + 2ac
«. = K = g V
The fact that the length of the joint is alwaj's large compared
2p (12k( nir \ nir I with its thickness leads to a considerable simplification of ex-
a„ — — \ — cos - — 1 + {3k + 1) sin ..[19] pressions [25]. For then c is large compared with t and
nir (nir \ 2 / ~2 j
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2p (l2fc ( nir \ ,„,,,.. nir) sinh ac ~ cosh ac
bn - —• I cos — cos nir j — ( 3 s + 1) sin — f
(nir \ 2 / 2 ) [27]
„2 ac
According to the theory for plane strain, there exists a stress sinh 2ac ± 2ac « sinh 2ac
function f>i such that
dVi ay AVI
Furthermore, confining attention to the joint regions near the
•[20] edges, where the stress distribution is of most interest, then with
£>xJ' dxdy
small error
where o^, o-„, TXV are stress notations as defined in reference 8.
It is appropriate to take sinh ay ~ cosh ay « - eay
px2 \ \ nir With these approximations, the complexity of the forms describ-
u>i = — + / Y„ cos — x. [21]
v 4 / 4 21 ing ?/i, 2/2, . . . ., 1/e is reduced and the stresses can be written as
where a = — . Then, denoting the derivatives of F„ with respect ° v = l + ^2(A n + B„) j ^ - c > [ a ( c - 2 / ) + l] j c o s a s
n= l
to the variable y by primes, the three stresses become CO
7xv = + sin ax
- x: n = l
Y." cos ax n=1
_?_ V1
asY„ cos ax [23]
4 p I 12k•(/ nir \
An + Bn = 26„ = — S — II cos cos — — cos
CO nir ( nir V\ 2
2 J
The four constants appearing in the function Yn are determined During the calculation of the values of the stresses, Equations
from the boundary conditions, previously decided upon [28] in the vicinity of the joint edges, the series converge fairly
at y = —c, r,v = 0 It has already been mentioned that the stress function 45, does
"v - W P - < .[24] not maintain the necessary stress-free conditions on the joint
at y = c, Tx„ = 0 surfaces x = 0 and x = 21. In fact, it is found that large normal
"v ~ (°V)!/ = C and shearing stresses remain on both of these faces. In order to
remove these objectionable stresses, an approximate method de-
and the three stresses <rx, <rv, and TXU then assume the forms
scribed in reference (8) is used. It employs the results, first ob-
tained by Boussinesq, for the plane-strain problem of an inclined
<rx =
/ ^{A„yi + B„y2] cos ax
force applied to the plane edge of a semi-infinite elastic slab.
The left joint edge is shown in Fig. 5 with the joint material
arbitrarily extended infinitely to either side of the joint in the x
direction. The plane boundary at y = —c is maintained. A
E [A„y3 + B n yi] cos ax • [25] series of concentrated forces may now be applied to the plane
2 boundary outside of the region from x = 0 to x = 2t without
introducing any' surface stresses over the joint edge. Either
forces parallel or perpendicular to the plane boundary can be ap-
=J2[a» ,2/6 + B„f/»] sin ax plied at will. Let m such separate forces be applied and consider
the resulting stresses at points along the two planes x = 0 and
x = 21. It is obvious that if any combination of in normal and
shear stresses a x and r xy , acting at arbitrarily specified points
where A„ = 6„ + a„, £ „ = 6„ — o„ and yu y2, , ya are six
along these planes, are chosen for reference, then the magnitudes
functions of y only. A typical form is of the m applied forces can be so adjusted as to fix these stresses
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If <p-i refers to the stress function describing the application of the
m forces, the stress distribution in the joint is obtained from the
total stress function
<p = <pi + <P2 [30]
The form of the stress function <pi is obtained from well-known
results (8) and will not be given here in detail for reasons of brev-
By trial and error, it is found that six concentrated forces, ap-
! \
Jfi Surface of Joint x=0
p ' ~ 7 l
r, Shear Plane of Joint %-t
P3 - -i /
FIG. 5 F O R C E P A T T E R N U S E D TO C L E A R THE S U R F A C E S x — 0 AND
x = 21 O F S T R E S S
Pi = (—0.07 + 0.77/c)jrfp
P2 = —0.30k irtp
Pi = (0.14 — 0.30 k)ntp [311
P, = 0.16 wtp
Q, = (0.13 — 0.7ok)irtp
Q, = (0.25 — 0.25k)idp
The values of the shearing stresses yet remaining on the surfaces
x — 0, x = 21 of the joint in the neighborhood of the joint edge
are given in Table 2 and are seen to be quite small for all values 1.00
of k. The remaining normal stresses <rx are also given and are of
considerably larger magnitude. Since the joint is relatively
thin compared with its length, it is allowable to consider the mean
of the two remaining surface-pressure distributions to be trans- 0 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.T 0.& 0.5 0.4
mitted directly through the sheet without change of form. Hence, k
this component can be subtracted from the total stress distribu-
tion and the net remaining surface pressures are given by the dif- RELATIVELY INFLEXIBLE CEMENT LAYERS, PLOTTED VERSUS MO-
ferences between the original and the removable mean stresses, MENT FACTOR k
TABLE 2 S T R E S S E S R E M A I N I N G ON J O I N T S U R F A C E S , x = 0 A N D x = 21
from Mean normal
joint Shear stress Shear stress Normal stress Normal stress stress ax on Final normal Final normal
edge Txy on x = 0 Txy on x = 2t uioiii = 0 ax on x = 21 x= 0, x = 21 stress ax on x — 0 stress aj on x = 2/
c—y -4- p tp -j-p -i-p -T- p + p
0 0 0 —0.100 + 0.100/t 0.166 — 0.166ft 0.033 — 0.033fc — 0 . 1 3 3 + 0.1334 0.133 — 0.133ft
0.5 ( 0.01S — 0.047ft — 0 . 0 7 5 + 0.093ft —0.090 + 0.544ft 0.150 + 0.256ft 0 . 0 3 0 + 0.400ft — 0 . 1 2 0 + 0.144ft 0.120 — 0 . 1 4 4 f t
I.0( 0.021 + 0.058ft —0.017 —0.079ft 0.011 + 0.309ft 0.008 + 0.158ft 0.010 + 0.234ft 0.001 + 0.075ft — 0 . 0 0 2 — 0.076ft
1.51 0.026 + 0.070ft — 0 . 0 0 5 — 0.054ft 0.029 + 0.1564 —0.040 + 0.07oft — 0 . 0 0 5 + 0.116ft 0 . 0 3 4 + 0.040ft — 0 . 0 3 5 — 0.041ft
2.Of 0.025 + 0.048ft + 0 . 0 0 6 — 0.037ft 0.023 + 0.067ft —0.042 + 0.042ft — 0 . 0 1 0 + 0.055ft 0.033 + 0.0124 — 0 . 0 3 2 — 0.013fe
as indicated by the last column of Table 2. No attempt will be of the joint and its positive direction to the right. The bending
made to remove the small normal and shearing stresses which moments, vertical shear, and axial tension in the sheets are de-
persist on the joint surfaces. noted by M, V, and T, respectively, and the subscripts u and I
It is pertinent to study the probable errors resulting from the designate quantities pertaining to the upper or lower sheet,
small stresses remaining on the surfaces x = 0 and x = 2t. respectively. The transverse normal (tearing) stress and the
These are best investigated by noting the effect of changing the shear stress in the cement are notated A„ and T0, respectively.
magnitudes of the applied concentrated forces on the stress dis- Figs. 8(b) and (c) show elements of the upper and lower sheet,
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tribution in the joint. It is found that large changes in the with the sign conventions chosen for moments and forces indi-
values of these forces result in relatively small changes in the cated.
stress distribution across the shear plane x = I of the joint. Since The conditions of moment equilibrium for the elements of the
this is the region of greatest practical significance, it is concluded sheet are
that the approximate method used to remove the undesirable
dMu t
surface stresses is of sufficient accuracy. -rJi-F u + r0 - = 0
dx 2
Fig. 6 is a plot of the stress distribution along the mid-plane (32]
x = t of the joint for the case k = 1. This plane corresponds with dM, t
that of the cement layer and hence the stresses TXU and AX shown ~r ~ V, + r0 - = 0
dx 2
are those to which the cement material is subjected in a loaded
joint. The stresses are highest near the joint edges and only this The conditions of horizontal force equilibrium are
region is shown in Fig. 6. The stresses in the other regions of the
joint are of lesser interest, since joint failure is usually precipi- dT,.
~ rn = 0
tated by fracture of the relatively weak cement material. dx
It is recognized that the peak values of <RX and TXY at the shear dT.
plane will change with the factor k. Fig. 7 shows this variation -rl + T» = 0
by plotting the maximum values of the cement stresses <sx =
and TXU = T0 as a function of k. The change in the longitudinal The conditions of vertical force equilibrium are
stress af in the sheet fibers adjoining the cement, brought about
by a change in the value of k, is also indicated on this plot. The (IK
significance of Figs. 6 and 7 in explaining joint behavior has al- • t„ = 0
ready been discussed. [34]
— + <r0 = 0
Denoting by vu and vt the transverse deflections of the upper
In this section, joints are considered for which the following
assumption is permissible: The transverse normal strain and and lower sheets, respectively, both measured positively upward,
shear strain in the jointed sheets are negligibly small compared then from thin plate theory
with the corresponding strains in the cement layer. Assuming,
then, that the deformation of the sheets is due solely to the longi-
tudinal normal stress <rx, it is apparent that the sheets may be dx2 D
• [35]
treated as cylindrically bent plates, whereas the role played by Mi
the cement layer is analogous to that of a system of infinitesimal dx2 D
coil springs positioned between the two plates.
Fig. 8 represents the cemented joint with the loads, as deter- Et°
where D = refers to the flexural rigidity of the sheets.
mined in Section 1, applied to it. The co-ordinate x is defined in 12(1 — v2)
the direction of the joint length, with its origin at the mid-point Let iiu and ut represent the longitudinal displacements of the
I- 4
Tgdx- clx
(h) dx
sheet at the sheet boundaries adjacent to the cement. Then, The boundary conditions for t„ and a„ are obtained by com-
the stress-strain relations give bining Equations [38], [39], [42], and [43], The conditions for
t0 are
dx at
• 136]
dui _ 1 (TI + q^I)
to which is added the equilibrium condition
dx E\t t*J
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where the terms on the right side of Equations [36] are the r0dx + T = 0. .[47]
known combinations of bending and direct stress in the outer- —c
most fibers of a loaded beam. The conditions for a, are
The required system of equations is completed by the relations
between the stresses and strains in the cement. For an elastic Ec
cement they are dx2 TJZ) "
at x = =•= c • [48]
^ = ± * V
dx3 VJ) °
It may be noted that Equations [45] and [48] for a0 are analo-
E. gous to the equations for the deflection of a beam on elastic
It might be remarked that the linear stress-strain relations of foundation, acted upon by edge forces and moments.
Equations [37] could be replaced by nonlinear expressions with- On the basis of the differential Equation [41] and the boundary
out making the solution of the problem of prohibitive difficulty. conditions, Equations [46] and [47], the distribution of shear
The edge conditions for the two sheets are stress in the cement is obtained in the form
Pc x
Mu = Tu = cosh — • -
at x = c,
7 „ = 0
/3c t c
Ml - M „ 7 , = 7 „ T, = T v ( 1 + 3A') — +3(1 [49]
. [ 38] V t 8 \ t ,,f3c
MI = T, = 7, = 0 sinh —
at x = — c, t
M U = — M„, 7 „ = 7 0 , T„ = 7'
The system of Equations [32] to [38], inclusive, is now to be
reduced to two differential equations for <r0 and t0 and to bound-
ary conditions in terms of these two quantities. Combining
Equations [36] and the first of Equations [37], there follows
I Tu - T, _ il/„ +2 Jf,
E < < [39]
dx 0.14
M, — Mu
[42] 0.04
Er_ dx2 D
From Equations [32], it follows that
(V, - 7 ). •[43]
E, dx3 vD
I.^V? =
• [44]
Ec ' dx1 vD'
d*aO 24(1 — v*)Ec
dx* + J3E =
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pt2 pt2
The maximum value of <r0 acts at the joint edges and is given by
v # t
,, t
- + k' -
c wJ E V
. . .[55]
joints. For longer joints, say for — > 0.5, this is no longer the The authors are indebted to Mr. E. S. Jenkins, Chief of Ma-
The maximum value of T0 is found at the edge of the joint and 70 A-Loi
't 8Li
(1 +3k) coth J + 3 (1- k) .[51] 60
/ 0.3^
( o)max: C . , ,
length of joint beyond the limit — » 25 has no effect on the
t /
magnitude of the maximum shear, which remains
/ / /
/ / /
(On (1 + k)
• [52]
/ V/
The <t0 distribution is found to be, on the basis of Equations
[45] and [48] / /
10 y
—[- | = i (R-iY1 + \k' cosh \ cos X) cosh X X cos X ~
p\{/ A 2 c c
terials and Structures Research, Research Laboratory, Cur- tions," by W. Hovgaard, Proceedings National Academy of Sci-
tiss-Wright Corporation, Airplane Division, for the suggestion ences, vol. 17, 1931, pp. 351-359.
3 "An Investigation of the Stresses in Longitudinal Welds,"
to undertake this investigation and tor permission to publish its
by W. Hovgaard, Proceedings National Academy of Sciences, vol.
results. During the course of the work, helpful advice was re- 20, 1934, pp. 17-23.
ceived from Mr. Jenkins and from Mr. A. F. Donovan, Head of 4 "The Stress Distribution in Longitudinal Welds and Adjoining
Structures Group, Research Laboratory. Curtiss-Wright Cor- Structures," by W. Hovgaard, Journal of Mathematics and Physics,
poration. vol. 13, 1934, pp. 195-248.
5 "Distribution of Shear in Welded Connections," by H. W .
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Troelseh, Trans. A.S.C.E., vol. 99, 1934, pp. 409-436.
BIBLIOGRAPHY 6 "Stress Distribution in Side-Welded Joints," by W. H. Weis-
1 "The Stress Distribution in Welds," by W. Hovgaard, Pro- kopf and M. Male, Journal of the American Welding Society, vol. 9.
ceedings National Academy of Sciences, vol. 16, 1930, pp. 667-673; Sept., 1930, pp. 23-48, and Dec., 1930, pp. 68-82.
also "The Stress Distribution in Welded Overlapped Joints." by W. 7 "Spot Welding," by R. F. Tylecote, Welding Journal, Welding
Hovgaard, Proceedings National Academy of Sciences, vol. 16, 1930, Research Supplement, vol. 20, Aug., 1941, pp. 359-368.
pp. 673-678. 8 "Theory of Elasticity," by S. Timoshenko, McGraw-Hill
2 "The Distribution of Stresses in Welded and Riveted Connec- Book Co., Inc., New York, N. Y., 1934, pp. 82-93.