Group Written Report

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The theme. "Natural Disasters" was chosen by the group because it is a common occurrence in
many countries as well as the Caribbean. The sub-topics chosen were earthquakes, hurricanes,
tornados, flooding and drought. Finding artefacts for each of these sub topics wasn't difficult, but
choosing the most relevant and informative ones was the real spiraling challenge.

In total, the group had fifteen artefacts to choose from for the group written report. The three
chosen were from the sub-topics, tornados, hurricanes, and flooding. The names of these
artefacts are, "Tornado" a poem by Allen Steble, published on January 29, 2009. "Drought" an
article published by the National Geographic Society, last updated on July 15, 2022. Lastly, "A
flood of complaints", written by Gyasi Gonzales on August 20, 2021.

Writing the group written report was a pounding challenge as members were unable to meet at
regular times, but by compromising, it was able to be done in a timely manner. It taught us how
to cooperate, have discipline and prioritize.

In the first piece “Tornado”, the group learned that tornados are unpredictable, destructive,
weather phenomena, that can be monitored in five different categories. In this poem, the poet
describes and provides awareness of tornados. In ‘Drought”, We learned that droughts occur
when an area or region experiences inadequate precipitation, and it is difficult to identify right
away. This article identifies how this event can be devasting for all life. It can dwindle sources of
water, crop damage and can last for decades in certain regions. In “A flood of complaints”, we
learned that Trinidad is prone to a lot of flooding in an event of heavy rainfall. This article
indicates that there were tons of reports of abundant floodings that impacted many families,
homes, streets, and caused landslides.

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