Lecture 1 The Origin of Insect and Concept of Pest
Lecture 1 The Origin of Insect and Concept of Pest
Lecture 1 The Origin of Insect and Concept of Pest
Habibur Rahman
Associate Professor, Dept. of ENT
Thus previous to the appearance of humans, there were no pests; the arrival of
humans and the continuing development of the human life-style have provided the
sole basis for labeling an ever-increasing number of the surviving organisms “pest”.
Broadly, a “pest” is an organism that reduces the availability, quality, or value of
some human resource.
Thus the definition of “pest” is totally human-oriented.
General types of pest
Pests can be placed into four main categories:
Insects and closely related animals
Weeds, and
1. Insect pests
A. Insects destroy or damage growing crops & other plants
i) By chewing leaves, stems, flowers, fruits e.g. Grasshopper; locust; red pumpkin beetle
ii) By sucking the sap from the leaves, buds, stems e.g. Aphids, Red cotton bug, rice bug
iii) By boring into the stem and fruit e.g. Rice stem borer, Mango fruit weevil
iv) By mining in the leaves e.g. Citrus leaf miner
v) By attacking roots and underground parts of the plants e.g. Termites, ant, cutworm
vi) By causing galls in the plant e.g Litchi mites, Mango gall insects
vii) By disseminating disease organism in plants e.g. Aphids, plant hopper carry viruses
B. Insects destroy or damage food and other products in the storage by actual
i) By destroying books, furniture, buildings e.g Termites, Ghoon insect
ii) By destroying food products in storage e.g. Red flour beetle, pulse beetle, rice weevil
2. Plant diseases: Diseases are caused by biological agents called pathogens. e.g. bacteria,
fungi, viruses and nematodes can produce spot, blight, lesion, wilt, gall on plant or plant may
stunted or discolored.
3. Weeds: Any plant can be considered a weed when it is growing where it is not wanted.
Dr. Habibur Rahman
Associate Professor, Dept. of ENT
4. Vertebrate Pests: Vertebrate animals all have a jointed backbone. There are situations
when vertebrates can be pests. Sometimes birds, rodents, raccoons, or deer may damage
crops or ornamentals.