ISSN 2250-3153
Abstract- Solid waste management is the one of the major been a significant increase in solid waste generation in India over
problem faced by today‟s world. There is an increase in the years from 100 gm per person per day in small towns to 500
commercial, residential and infrastructure development due to grams per persons per day in large towns. Presently most of the
the population growth and it leads to negative impact on the municipal solid waste in India is being disposed unscientifically
environment. Urban solid waste management is considered as (Akolkar, A.B; 2005). Generally municipal solid waste is
one of the most tedious environmental problems facing by collected and deposited in sanitary landfill, such unscientific
municipal authorities in developing countries. Rapid urbanization disposal attract birds, rodents and fleas to the waste dumping site
coupled with increasing industrial, commercial and economic and create unhygienic conditions (Suchitra, et al). The
development, have given rise to an increased generation of degradation of the solid waste results in the emission of carbon
various types of waste. The amount of waste generation rates is dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and other trace gases.
coupled with socio-economic development, degree of Municipal solid waste management is one of the major
industrialisation and climate. Generally, the greater the economic problems that city planners face all over the world. The problem
growth and higher the percentage of urban population, the greater is especially severe in most developing country cities where
amount of solid waste is produced. In recent years, the increased urbanization, poor planning and lack of adequate
management of solid waste continues to be one of the major resources contribute to the poor state of municipal solid waste
issues facing municipal planners due to increased population management (Obirih-Opareh & Post, 2002; Mato, 1999; Doan,
levels. Planners are thus forced to consider alternate and 1998; Mwanthi et al., 1997). There is a considerable amount of
available means of disposal, especially by minimizing damage to disposal of waste without proper segregation, leading to both
the ecosystem and human population. GIS has proved to be a economic and environment loss. There is a tremendous amount
boon to such planners by visualizing the real solid waste of loss in terms of environmental degradation, health hazards and
situations and facilitating route analysis through mapping. Based economic descend due to direct disposal of waste. It is better to
on the above focus, the present study focuses mapping the waste segregate the waste at the initial stages of generation rather than
generation of Coimbatore urban area and on suggesting going for a later option, which is inconvenient and expensive.
convenient and administratively transparent solutions to the There has to be appropriate planning for proper waste
waste disposal problem. management by means of analysis of the waste situation of the
Coimbatore urban is located in the extreme west of Tamil area.
Nadu. The area covers 105.6 Sq. km with a population of The environment is heading towards a potential risk due to
1026219. The total waste generated from the study area is 749 unsustainable waste disposal. It is a sensitive issue, which
tonnes. Solid waste generation data and population data were concerns about serious environmental problems in today‟s world.
collected from each ward (total number of wards are 72) and The present situation of direct dumping of the waste without
linked to the Coimbatore urban map through GIS. Analysis proper inspection and separation leaves a serious impact of
through maps was performed to identify the areas with increased environmental pollution causing a tremendous growth in health
solid waste generation on comparison with the local population. related problems. Domestic, industrial and other wastes, whether
they are low or medium level wastes, they are causing
Index Terms- Solid Waste Management, GIS, Thematic environmental pollution and have become perennial problems for
mapping, Population distribution, Waste generation. mankind.
Most urban areas in the country are plagued by acute
problems related to solid waste management. It is estimated that
I. INTRODUCTION about 100000 metric tones (MT) of solid waste is generated
everyday in the country. Per capita waste generation in major
T he rapid growth of population and urbanization decreases the
non renewable resources and disposal of effluent and toxic
waste indiscriminately, are the major environmental issues
cities ranges from 0.12 kg to 0.6 kg as per the data from National
Environmental Engineering Research Institute (NEERI). The
posing threats to the existence of human being (Allen et al; collection efficiency ranges from 50 to 90% only, leaving the
1997). The most common problems associated with improper balance unattended. It is estimated that the urban local bodies
management of solid waste include diseases transmission, fire spend about Rs. 500 to Rs. 1500 per tone on solid waste for
hazards, odor nuisance, atmospheric and water pollution, collection, transportation, treatment and disposal. About 60 to
aesthetic nuisance and economic losses (Jilani et al). There has 70% of this amount is spent on collection, 20 to 30% on
transportation and less than 5% on final disposal of waste.
International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 3, Issue 10, October 2013 2
ISSN 2250-3153
International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 3, Issue 10, October 2013 3
ISSN 2250-3153
class interval in classification. Equal frequency also called as The details of the sanitary workers of the wards was
quantile, divides the total number of data values by the number obtained from the zonal offices and attributed into the existing
of classes and ensures that each class contains the same number ward map. Based on this, the distribution of the ward workers
of data values. Equal area divides the map area by the number of was prepared using natural break classification into six classes. A
classes and ensures that each class contains the equal proportions relationship was identified between the waste generation and
of area. Mean and standard deviation sets the class breaks at the workers. Workers distribution is high in the wards where the
units of standard deviation above and below the mean. The waste generation is more as shown in Map 4.
method of natural breaks uses a computing algorithm to
minimize the difference between data values in the same class
and to maximize difference between classes. For the present The zonal ward map of Coimbatore corporation
study, natural break classification techniques was used to classify 77°00'
V. RESULTS 60 61 62
70 71
67 68 1
69 2
32 30 18
19 16
9 4
58 49 35 28 20
51 36
48 27 26 22 14 11
North zone
52 46 47 37 South zone
assistant commissioner who is delegated with adequate powers to 55
44 38
43 4140
6 West zone
13 Urban
discharge his functions effectively. Each zone consists of 18 54 12
Population density
The Arc view calculator was used to obtain the population 2493 - 6057
6058 - 9933
9934 - 14913
density value, which was attributed in the existing table. The
14914 - 20208
20209 - 28726
population density values were further used for thematic 28727 - 60991
More than 50% of the wards (41 wards) are identified with
density between 9934 -28727 persons per These wards 77
are identified are the potential wards for development and high 77°00' 6 6 Kilometers
0.55 - 0.75
For each ward area, this method was used to prepare a
0.75 - 0.95
0.95 - 1.37
thematic map of per capita waste generation in Coimbatore 1.37 - 2.28
wards in Coimbatore urban only 4 wards namely 48,49,50,51 are 77°00' 6 6 Kilometers
International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 3, Issue 10, October 2013 4
ISSN 2250-3153
Map of workers distribution in Coimbatore corporation
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The municipal officer involved in the solid waste Earth, 15 March, pp. 22–24.
management should be clear about the function and their role in
terms of managing the cities effectively with the help of GIS
system. These Thematic maps will help officers to identify and AUTHORS
monitoring the more waste generated wards. First Author – B.Shoba, Assistant professor, Department of
Promoting waste markets and recycling would also create
Civil Engineering, Sri Ramakrishna Institute of Technology,
awareness to reduce the total volume of waste at the landfill. Coimbatore-641010., Email:
There is a need to improve the data system of solid waste for the Second Author – Dr.K.Rasappan, Associate professor,
monitoring and management to support environmental reports Department of Civil Engineering, Coimbatore Institute of
has been improved Technology, Coimbatore-641014.