EPSON WF-C20590 Service Manual Page51-100

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EPSON WF-C20590 Revision A

3.2.9 Bridge Unit (Sensor)

Table 3-32. Bridge Unit (Sensor: 1)
No. Name Function Type 2
 Used for JAM Timer
 Detects the timing of the R-L Path
1 Paper Sensor, Pre-Branch Switching Solenoid operation.
 Detects remaining paper near the 7
Intermediate Roller 1.
 Used for JAM Timer
 Detects the timing of the L
Paper Sensor, Intermediate Switching Solenoid operation.
2 Path Pre-Left-Flipping  Detects the start/stop of the Left
Paper Paper Flip Motor.
 Detects remaining paper near the
Intermediate Roller 7.
Paper Sensor, Intermediate
Detects remaining paper near the
3 Path Left-Flipping
Intermediate Roller 9.
Remaining Paper Reflective photo- 3
 Used for JAM Timer interrupter
 Detects the timing of the R
Switching Solenoid operation.
Paper Sensor R, Post-
 Detects the start/stop of the Right
Paper Flip Motor.
 Detects remaining paper near the
Intermediate Roller 3.
Paper Sensor,
Intermediate Path Right- Detects remaining paper near the 1
Flipping Remaining Intermediate Roller 5.
Detects remaining paper near the
6 Paper Sensor, Post-Reversal
Intermediate Roller 10.

Paper Sensor R, Post- Detects remaining paper near the Removable from …
Reversal Intermediate Roller 6.
0 Front 0 Left
0 Rear 0 Right
Figure 3-28. Bridge Unit (Sensor: 1)

Structure Specifications of Motor/Sensor/Clutch/Solenoid 51

EPSON WF-C20590 Revision A

Table 3-33. Bridge Unit (Sensor: 2)

17 14
No. Name Function Type
Paper Sensor,  Used for JAM Timer
8 Intermediate Path Post-  Detect remaining paper near
Junction Paper the Intermediate Roller 11.
Intermediate Path Paper Detects remaining paper near 12
9 18
Feed Sensor, 1 the Intermediate Roller 14.
 Used for JAM Timer
 Detects the turn-on timing of
10 Intermediate Path Paper the Paper Ejection Clutch.
Feed Sensor, 2  Detects remaining paper near
the Intermediate Roller 15.
11 15
 Used for JAM Timer Reflective photo-
 Detects turn-on timing of the interrupter
Intermediate Path Pre- Register Roller Brake Clutch.
11  Detects turn-off timing of the
Register Sensor Paper Ejection Clutch. 8 19
 Detects remaining paper near
the Pre-Register Roller.
 Used for JAM Timer
 Acts as the trigger to send the
12 Paper Sensor, Pre-Paper command that ejects paper
Ejection from the printer to the Finisher.
 Detects remaining paper near
the Intermediate Roller 18.
13 Detects the opening/closing
Font Cover Sensor status of the Front Cover.

14 Paper Ejection Cover Detects the opening/closing status

Sensor of the Paper Ejection Cover. Mechanical contact
15 Detects the opening/closing
Top Cover Sensor status of the Top Cover.
Interlock SW Front When the Intermediate Path
16 Front Cover is open, stops the
Cover intermediate path operation.
Interlock SW Paper When the Intermediate Path Paper 9
17 Ejection Cover is open, stops the
Ejection Cover intermediate path operation. Removable from …
When the Intermediate Path Top 16
Interlock SW Upper Interlock
18 Cover is open, stops the 0 Front 0 Left
Cover intermediate path operation.
Detects the opening/closing 13 0 Rear 0 Right
status of the M2 Cover (Bridge
19 Interlock SW M2 Cover Unit Joint Stacker). When Top Figure 3-29. Bridge Unit (Sensor: 2)
Cover is open, stops the
intermediate path operation.

Structure Specifications of Motor/Sensor/Clutch/Solenoid 52

EPSON WF-C20590 Revision A

3.2.10 High Capacity Unit

Table 3-34. High Capacity Unit (Motor)
No. Name Function Type
Used to move the bottom plate of the Hi- D
A PF Lift Motor Capacity Cassette up or down. Moves upward DC brushless
motor 4
with decreasing of paper in the cassette. B
B PF Feed Motor
Used to control the drives of the Paper Feed Rollers. C

Table 3-35. High Capacity Unit (Solenoid)
No. Name Function Type
Changes the position of the paper loading 6
C PF Feed Solenoid portion to feed paper from the High Capacity DC24V
Paper Feeder. 2

Table 3-36. High Capacity Unit (Clutch)
No. Name Function Type 7
D PF Feed Clutch Used to transmit the drive from the PF Feed DC24V
Motor to the Paper Feed Rollers.

Table 3-37. High Capacity Unit (Sensor)
No. Name Function Type

1 PF Paper Detector Detects whether paper exists or not in the Hi-

Capacity Cassette.
2 PF Paper Remaining Sensor 1 Detects the paper remaining in the Hi-Capacity Cassette. Transmissi
3 PF Paper Remaining Sensor 2 Detects the paper remaining in the Hi-Capacity Cassette. ve photo
-interrupter Removable from …
4 PF Lift Upper Limit Sensor Detects the upper limit while operating the (3.3VDC)
bottom plate of the Hi-Capacity Cassette. 0 Front 0 Left
5 PF Lift Lower Limit Sensor Detects the lower limit while operating the 0 Rear 0 Right
bottom plate of the Hi-Capacity Cassette.
6 PF Cassette Detection Switch Detects the insertion state of the Hi-Capacity Cassette. Figure 3-30. High Capacity Unit
PF Connection Detects the connection of the High Capacity Unit contact
Detection Switch and the Main unit.

Structure Specifications of Motor/Sensor/Clutch/Solenoid 53

EPSON WF-C20590 Revision A

3.2.11 Finisher Unit (Motor)

3 11 4 2
Table 3-38. Finisher Unit (Motor) 1
No. Name Function Type
Paper Insertion Used to drive the Document Insertion
1 ---
Motor Roller.
2 Used to drive the Intermediate Roller. ---
3 Paddle Motor Used to drive the Document Guide. ---
Ejection Unlock Used to drive the Document Bundle
4 --- 12
Motor Ejection Unit.
Document Used to drive the Front Document
5 --- 10
Alignment Motor, 1 Alignment Plate.
Document Used to drive the Rear Document
6 --- 5
Alignment Motor, 2 Alignment Plate.
Document Wait
7 Used to drive the wait drum. ---
Drum Motor
Paper Ejection 9
8 Used to drive the Paper Ejection Roller. ---
Used to move the Document Output Tray
9 Tray Motor ---
up or down.
Used for the slide driving of the Staple
10 Slide Motor ---
Shift Guide Used to move the Shift Guide to the
11 ---
Unlock Motor unlock position.
12 Shift Motor 1 Used to drive the rear shift guide. ---
13 Shift Motor 2 Used to drive the front shift guide. ---
Removable from …

0 Front 0 Left
0 Rear 0 Right
Figure 3-31. Finisher Unit (Motor/Fan)

Structure Specifications of Motor/Sensor/Clutch/Solenoid 54

EPSON WF-C20590 Revision A

3.2.12 Finisher Unit (Solenoid/clutch)

4 1
Table 3-39. Finisher Unit (Solenoid) 3
No. Name Function Type
Switches the sorting guide 1 to feed
1 Sorting Solenoid 1 --- 2
paper to the Document Wait Drum.
Switches the sorting guide 2 to feed
2 Sorting Solenoid 2 paper from the Document Wait Drum to ---
the paper conveying path.
Switches the sorting guide 3 to eject
paper to the Sub output tray, or to feed
3 Sorting Solenoid3 ---
paper to the Document Wait Drum or to
the section for finishing operation.

Table 3-40. Finisher Unit (Clutch)
No. Name Function Type
Document Transmits the drive of the Document
4 ---
Ejection Clutch Ejection Roller. This is usually idling.

Removable from …

0 Front 0 Left
0 Rear 0 Right
Figure 3-32. Finisher Unit (Solenoid/clutch)

Structure Specifications of Motor/Sensor/Clutch/Solenoid 55

EPSON WF-C20590 Revision A

3.2.13 Finisher Unit (Sensor)

Table 3-41. Finisher Unit (Sensor: 1) 11
No. Name Function Type 6
Front Cover Detects the opening/closing state of the
1 ---
Switch Front Cover.
Paper Eject Cover Detects the opening/closing state of the 10
2 ---
Switch Paper Ejection Cover.
Bundle Ejection Detects the position of the Document
3 ---
Switch Bundle Ejection Unit. 2
Paper Insertion Detects whether paper exists or not at the
4 --- 5
Sensor paper insertion part. 12
Intermediate Detects whether paper exists or not in the
5 ---
Sensor paper conveying path. 7
Paper Sensor Finisher Detects whether paper exists or not at the
6 ---
Document Ejection paper ejection part.
3 4
Sensor, Finisher Detects the home position at the of the 8
7 ---
Document Alignment, 1 Front Document Alignment Plate.
Sensor, Finisher Detects the home position of the Rear
8 ---
Document Alignment, 2 Document Alignment Plate.
9 Paddle Sensor Detects the home position of the paddle. ---
Document Wait Detects whether paper exists or not on 1
10 ---
Drum Sensor the Wait Drum part.
Document Detects the home position of the
11 ---
Alignment Sensor Document Guide.
Detects the upper face of the paper
12 Tray Upper Sensor 1 ---
loaded in the main tray.
Detects the upper face of the paper
13 Tray Upper Sensor 2 ---
loaded in the main tray.
Removable from …

0 Front 0 Left
0 Rear 0 Right
Figure 3-33. Finisher Unit (Sensor: 1)

Structure Specifications of Motor/Sensor/Clutch/Solenoid 56

EPSON WF-C20590 Revision A

Table 3-42. Finisher Unit (Sensor: 2)

7 6
No. Name Function Type 9 10
Detects the home position of the Paper 1
1 Tray Sensor 1 ---
Output Tray. 8
Detects the home position of the Paper
2 Tray Sensor 2 ---
Output Tray.
Detects the intermediate position of the
3 Tray Sensor 3 ---
Paper Output Tray.
Detects the lower limit of the Paper
4 Tray Sensor 4 ---
Output Tray.
Detects the slide position of the Staple
5 Slide Sensor ---
Unit. 11
Shift Guide Set Detects the home position of the Shift
6 ---
Sensor Guide.
Shift Guide Detects the release position of the Shift 5
7 --- 2
Unlock Sensor Guide.
Detects the home position at the Front
8 Shift Sensor 1 --- 3
Shift Plate.
Detects the home position at the Rear
9 Shift Sensor 2 ---
Shift Plate.
Sub Tray Ejection Detects the paper ejected in the Left Sub 4
10 ---
Sensor Tray.
Sub Tray Full Detects that the Left Sub Tray is full with
11 ---
Sensor ejected paper.

Removable from …

0 Front 0 Left
0 Rear 0 Right
Figure 3-34. Finisher Unit (Sensor: 2)

Structure Specifications of Motor/Sensor/Clutch/Solenoid 57

EPSON WF-C20590 Revision A

3.3 Operating Principles

This chapter describes the operating principles of the following mechanisms.
 Print Head: P.59
 Technology: P.61
 Ink System Mechanism: P.63
 Paper Loading/Paper Feed/Paper Ejection Mechanism: P.66
 Scanner/ADF mechanism: P.75
 Option mechanism: P.76

Structure Operating Principles 58

EPSON WF-C20590 Revision A

3.3.1 Print Head The specifications and diagram of the Print Head Unit are shown below.
WF-C20590 feature the brand new Print Head: μ-TFP line head. Item Specifications
This μ-TFP line head unit has achieved effective printing width of A3+ by Head Unit type μ-TFP line
arranging the six print heads in linear shape. Number of mounted
6 heads
In addition, the diagonal arrangements of high density (333 dpi) nozzle arrays Number of chips/Head 6 chips
provide the resolution of 600 x 400 dpi (horizontal direction x paper feed
Number of nozzles/Head 5,784 nozzles (964 nozzles x 6 chips)
direction), and the printing with the resolution of up to 600 x 2400 dpi
Number of nozzles/Chip 964 nozzles (482 nozzles x 2 rows are used when printing)
depending on the paper feed speed.
Black, Yellow, Magenta, Cyan
These features contribute to higher image quality and faster printing. (241 nozzles per color)
Total number of chips 36 chips
Total number of nozzles 34,704 nozzles (Effective: 34,236 nozzles)
Ink discharge Unit upper face Max. printing width A3+ (329mm)

Nozzle configurations on chip Media



Yellow 1


241 Paper feed direction Head Unit
Figure 3-35. Print Head Appearance

Head 1 Head 2 Head 3 Head 4 Head 5 Head 6

A3+ lateral width (329mm)

Horizontal direction

Figure 3-36. Print Head Unit layout

Structure Operating Principles 59

EPSON WF-C20590 Revision A


This product performs printing with 241 nozzles per chip for each color, and impacts the ink with about 10 mm width to form an image by combining the chips
arranged in a diagonal line. To cover the joint part between the chips, 13 nozzles of 241 nozzles overlaps (OL) with the same color nozzles on the next chip. The
chip configurations and the printing image are shown below. Note that the following printing image is used to explain the OL part.

Do not used

Head Unit
Do not used

Chip 1 Chip 2 Chip 3 Chip 34 Chip 35 Chip 36

Printing width per 4 colors: 10mm Overlap part

Bk Paper feed direction

#1 #241
Printing image Yellow
#1 #241
#1 #241
#1 #241

Max. printing width: A3+ (329mm)

Flowchart 3-37. Chip configurations and Printing image

Structure Operating Principles 60

EPSON WF-C20590 Revision A

3.3.2 Technology BRS Technology

This product has the following functions to achieve high print quality and prevent image The Head Unit of this product may generate a band/color unevenness due to the
defects due to nozzles missing by eliminating the variations between the nozzles. following reasons.
 Nozzle Verification Technology  OL part
 BRS Technology (BRS: Banding Reduction System) Excess impacts caused by the plurality of nozzles on the same pixel.
BRS Technology is adjusted in the manufacturing process of  Non-OL
P O IN T the head. Therefore, no more adjustment is needed during Variation of the ink discharge quantity by each nozzle.
repair. The purpose of BRS correction is to uniform the images on a printing face.
This function uses a nozzle with fewer ink impact as a reference, and controls Nozzle Verification Technology each nozzle according to its discharge characteristic.

Clogged nozzles of the Printhead are automatically detected when printing

each sheet, and the print quality is adjusted accordingly. This technology
ensures the high print quality printing as well as reduces the loss due to
misprinting during high volume printing.

Color unevenness After BRS Correction


Black bands After BRS Correction

Figure 3-38. BRS Correction Image

Structure Operating Principles 61

EPSON WF-C20590 Revision A Cleaning CL1

Four types of cleaning; CL0 to CL3, are available. For clearing the clogged nozzles. Rapidly applies instant negative pressure to a
When performing cleaning in the normal mode, most suitable cleaning type is nozzle face to remove air bubbles in the nozzle. The ink consumption is small
automatically selected according to the result of nozzle clogging self diagnosing because negative pressure is applied just instantaneously.
system to save ink consumption.The cleaning power increases in the order shown
below. CL2
(Weak) CL0 < CL1 < CL2 < CL3 (Strong) For removing bubbles in the downstream of ink path in the head including the
With the built-in adjustment program, any of the cleaning types can be selected nozzle part or for recovering from a dry state caused by an unused period.
and run. However, unless otherwise instructed, do not use CL2 during repair work Applies negative pressure to the nozzle surface rapidly.
since it is for special use and inspection only.
For ejecting bubbles in the upstream path in the head. Applies negative
For clearing the slightly clogged nozzles (due to paper dust). CL0 is run after
pressure to the inside of the head rapidly.
performing CL1, CL2, or CL3.
Applies pressure to the upstream of the Head to push out the ink through the
nozzles, and removes the paper duct and air bubbles accumulated around the
nozzles by wiping with that state. In addition, prevents air bubbles from
entering when wiping.
Traditional wiping Nozzle suction

1 2 3


Inside of the nozzle is in An ink film (meniscus) Air bubbles are generated
a negative pressure state. is generated by wiping. in the nozzle after the
wiping finishes.
Pressure wiping

1 2 3

The nozzle becomes micro negative Wiping Air bubbles are not
pressure state by applying pressure to generated in the nozzle after
the upstream of the Head. the wiping finishes.
Figure 3-39. Pressure wiping

Structure Operating Principles 62

EPSON WF-C20590 Revision A

3.3.3 Ink system mechanism Overview
The ink supply mechanism is mainly consists of the Ink Supply Unit, I/C Detector, Ink Supply Unit
Connector CSIC
Pressure Pump Unit, Maintenance Unit, Cap Motion Unit, Wiper Unit and Wiper
Cleaner. The components of each part are as follows.
The ink supply needles in the unit open the valves inside the ink supply Maintenance
holes of the ink cartridges to ready ink supply. Unit
In addition, the sub tanks for ink buffering are mounted for each color to
Ink Supply Unit
detect ink remaining with its Ink end detectors. Pressure Pump Unit
These tanks also stores the ink required after the ink end detection (required for the Cap Motion
printing of the paper in the unit when ink end is detected). Unit
The CSIC Contact Module is mounted for acquisition and writing of the
I/C Detector
information stored in the CSIC via the CSIC terminal.
Applies pressure to an I/C and a Head Unit with the two Pressure pumps
in the unit. The purpose of pressurization is to perform ink supply to the Wiper Cleaner
Heads and stirring operation to eliminate ink sedimentation in the I/C.
The pressurized state is always kept, and pressure is applied to the Head
Pressure Pump Unit only in a required timing during cleaning.
The pressure air is switched with the Valve selection, and the Pressure
Sensor controls its force to a specified value.
The cover interlock valve is opened to release the pressure state in the I/C
when the power is turned off or I/C Cover is opened.
The cap in the unit caps a Head nozzle face with the lifting operation of the
Unit. The cap contacts an ink discharge face on the Head Unit and eliminates
Cap Motion Unit its drying except when there is a print job (including power off). It is turned to
a lowered state during print job. The ink discharged when other than print job
(Cleaning1/Flushing2) is collected in a cap in the Cap Motion Unit.
This unit has the Buffer Tank and two types of Decompress Pumps (for each
two). These Decompress pumps suck only the air in the Buffer Tank, to quickly
reduce its pressure, and the accumulated pressure in these pumps is reduced with
Maintenance Unit the Ink discharge pump. The pressure reduction force is controlled with the Wiper Unit
Sensor, Negative Pressure, and the Buffer Valve switches its pressure power.
The Buffer Tank serves as accumulation of collected remaining ink and negative pressure.
Drives the Wiper Blade in the unit to move both sides (wiping motion) while
contacting it with the ink discharge faces in the Head Unit to perform the
recovery of nozzles missing due to paper dust/clean thickened ink. The micro
Wiper Unit negative pressure state is kept in the Head Unit during these operations.
The ink removed with the wiper blade during wiping is transfered via the
wiper valve at a wiper standby position. Figure 3-40. Ink system mechanism
Wiper Cleaner Cleans the wiper blade.
1. The method to eliminate nozzles missing. Mainly performed to discharge the thicken ink/air bubbles in the Heads.
2. Performed to eliminate thickened ink, color-mixed ink, or paper dust in a nozzle.

Structure Operating Principles 63

EPSON WF-C20590 Revision A

Ink Supply Unit * Air bags are mounted in the black Sub Tank
cartridges only. Cover Interlock Valve (Ink Tank Sensor Included)
Ink Cartridge

Air Air
Bag Bag

Air Air
Pass Choke Valve
Bag Bag Ink Leak Sensor

Valve Selection 2
Pressure Pump Unit Pressure Pump1/2 Pressure Sensor
Selection 1
Self sealing valve
P Choke chamber

Head Unit
P Wiper
Ink Ejection Pump 1/2 Cap Wiper
Maintenance Box Release
P Valve

Ink Leak Sensor

Maintenance Unit
P Cap Motion Unit
Negative pressure sensor
Buffer Valve Wiper Valve
Pressure Reduction Buffer Tank
Pump 1/2
Ink Leak Air Ink Waste Liquid Non-Return
Channel Channel Channel Valve

Flowchart 3-41. Ink system mechanism configuration

Structure Operating Principles 64

EPSON WF-C20590 Revision A Operating Principles OPERATION OF THE INK DISCHARGE

OPERATION DURING THE INK SUPPLY Ink discharge is mainly executed with the Cap Motion Unit, Maintenance Unit,
and Maintenance Box.
Ink supply is mainly executed with the Ink Cartridge Holder that its Ink
Cartridges (I/C) are attached, Pressure Pump Unit, Ink Supply Unit, Cap The remaining ink is collected with the cap in the Cap Motion Unit or during
Motion Unit, and Maintenance Unit. wiping. And the remaining ink in the Cap/Wiper Valve is transferred to the
Buffer Tank when its pressure is reduced by the two Buffer Decompression
The operation during the ink supply is as follows.
Pumps in the Maintenance Unit.
 Ink supply when printing
The remaining ink in the Buffer Tank is discharged to the Maintenance Box
When the pressure is applied to the I/C with the pump in the Pressure Pump with the two Ink Discharge Pumps.
Unit, ink is supplied through the ink tube to the Head Unit from the I/C and sub
tank installed in the Ink Supply Unit.
After that, ink discharge is performed with the operation to electrify, and
expand/contract the Piezo elements in the Head by print command signal.
 Initial ink fill
Accumulates negative pressure in the Buffer Tank with the two Decompression
pumps in the Maintenance Unit while closing the channel choke valves and
Buffer valves.
Bubbles in the ink paths and inside the head swell when applying stored
negative pressure to there by opening the buffer valves with the channel choke
valves closed. The negative pressure is generated with the two different types
of pumps in the maintenance unit.
And then, pressurizes the inside of the I/C and opens the channel choke valves,
the ink path and the head are filled up with ink.
The Buffer valve is closed after a certain period of time, and the Cap is opened
when its inside pressure returns to the atmospheric pressure.

Structure Operating Principles 65

EPSON WF-C20590 Revision A

3.3.4 Paper Loading/Paper Feed/Paper Ejection

Mechanism Overview
The Paper Loading, Paper Feed, Paper Ejection mechanism on this product are Paper
newly designed. The paper picked up from the CI Cassette, Multi-cassette, or ejection
MP tray is fed with the Belt Drawer Unit, and ejected in the Face-down Paper
Ejection Tray, or Face-up Paper Ejection Tray.
In addition, these mechanisms support paper feeding from the High Capacity Unit,
and paper ejection in Finisher Unit when the option device attached.

ejection Face down
mechanism document output

Head Unit

Face up output MP Tray


Paper feed

Belt Drawer
Unit Paper loading
C1 Cassette


Paper feed
Roller mechanism Paper

Figure 3-42. Classification of Paper Loading/Paper Feed/Paper Ejection Figure 3-43. Paper Loading/Paper Feed/Paper Ejection Mechanism

Structure Operating Principles 66

EPSON WF-C20590 Revision A Main components of Paper loading mechanism

Paper loading mechanism is mainly composed of the Cassette Unit, Paper
Feeder Unit, Paper Conveying Unit, Paper Width Sensor, Register Unit, and MP Tray Unit
MP Tray Unit. Register Unit

The components of each part are as follows.

Feeds the loaded paper to the Paper Feeder Unit.

Paper size can be detected by aligning the Edge Guide to the
loaded paper.
Cassette Unit
The drive force of the Cassette Lift Motor raises the Hopper Register Roller
in the Cassette Unit to make the paper contact with the Paper
feed roller.
Picks up the paper in the Cassette Unit with three types of
rollers and feeds it to the paper path.
Paper Feeder Unit Separates the paper that is contacting with the Paper feed Paper Width
roller one by one and feed it to the Paper Conveying Unit.
The Paper Feed Motor drives the Roller to operate.
Feeds the paper picked up from the Paper feeder unit to the
Register Unit and the Register Roller. Paper Conveying
Paper Conveying Unit Unit
The Paper Feed Motor drives the two Feed Rollers in the Unit
to feed the paper under the Paper Width Sensor.
Detects the width of the paper fed from the Paper Conveying
Paper Width Sensor Unit. If a paper width that differs from the driver setting is
defected, performs Blank feeding.
Removes the skew of the fed paper, and feeds it to the Paper
Feed mechanism. The paper is transferred to the Belt Drawer
Register Unit, Register Unit after the skew removal finishes to be printed.
The Pre-Printing Paper Detector in the Register Unit detects
the top edge of the paper to control the print timing.
This unit has the Manual Tray mechanism to support Special
paper (such as envelops, postcards) that cannot be fed from
Paper Feeder
the Cassette. Unit
Cassette Unit
MP Tray Unit Picks up the paper with the lifting operation of the two types
of Rollers and the Hopper in the Unit, and feeds it to the
Register Unit and the Register Roller.
The Paper Feed Motor drives it to operate.

Figure 3-44. Main parts components of Paper loading mechanism

Structure Operating Principles 67

EPSON WF-C20590 Revision A

 Roller/Sensor of Paper loading mechanism

Table 3-43. Roller/Sensor of Paper loading mechanism A 1
No. Name No. Name
1 Duplex Roller, 3 A Paper Sensor, Duplex
2 MP Pickup Roller B Pre-Register Paper Detector
3 MP Retard Roller C Paper Feed Sensor
4 Register Roller D Paper Feed Sensor, C2-C4
5 Paper Feed Roller, 2
6 Paper Feed Roller, 1
6 C
7 Separation Roller, C1 4 7
8 Paper feed Roller, C1
9 Retard Roller,C1
10 Paper Feed Roller, C2-C4 9
11 Separation RollerC2-C4 D
12 11
12 Retard Roller, C2-C4
13 Feed Roller, C2-C4 10
11 D

11 D


Figure 3-45. Roller/Sensor of Paper loading mechanism

Structure Operating Principles 68

EPSON WF-C20590 Revision A Main components of Paper feeding mechanism

Paper feed mechanism is mainly composed of the Belt Drawer Unit, Static
Eliminator Brush, Paper Feed Belt Cleaner, and APG Unit
The components of each part are as follows.

Feeds the paper picked up from the Paper loading mechanism

to the Print position (under the Head), and the Paper ejection
Sucks and feeds the paper by electrifying charges on the Eliminator
Brush APG Unit
Belt Drawer Unit Paper Feed Belt.
The Paper Feed Belt is charged when the electrified roller
contacts on it.
After the paper is fed, the Static Eliminator Brush releases the
electrified status.
Controls the electrified state on the Belt Drawer Unit.
Static Eliminator Brush Periodically performs the auto-cleaning of the paper dust
stuck to the Brush with the cleaning mechanism in the Unit.
Cleans the ink impacted on the Belt Drawer Unit.
Performs the cleaning by rotating the fabrics wound in roll
Paper Feed Belt Cleaner each other while contacting them with the Belt Drawer Unit.
The Motor, Paper Feed Belt Cleaner Positioning and the
roller for fabric feeding drive this Unit.
Adjusts the PG (Platen Gap) automatically depending on the
APG Unit print mode and the paper type.
(APG: Auto Platen Gap) The CAM is mounted on this product to lift the PG and fix
the Head.

Belt Drawer Unit Paper Feed Belt Cleaner

Figure 3-46. Main components of Paper feed mechanism

Structure Operating Principles 69

EPSON WF-C20590 Revision A

 Roller/Sensor of Paper feed mechanism

Table 3-44. Roller/Sensor of Paper feed mechanism
No. Name No. Name
1 Paper Feed Belt Cleaner A Paper Sensor, Post-Head
B Pre-Head Remaining Paper
C Pre-Printing Paper Detector


Figure 3-47. Roller/Sensor of Paper feed mechanism

Structure Operating Principles 70

EPSON WF-C20590 Revision A Main components of Paper ejection mechanism

Paper ejection mechanism is mainly composed of the EJ Unit.
The components of each part are as follows.

Ejects the printed paper fed from the Belt Drawer Unit in the
specified tray, and performs duplex printing.
The Face Up Ejection Flap Solenoid controls the Face up/
Face down feed paths.
After the paper is fed to the Face up ejection path, the Paper
Eject Flap Solenoid ejects it in the Face-up Paper Ejection
Tray or feeds it to the Immediate ejection path.
EJ Unit When performing duplex printing, the Duplex Flap Solenoid EJ Unit
controls the Flip path and the Paper ejection path for main
The paper in the Flip path is fed to the Duplex path with the
Flip roller in a switch-back manner, then the reversed paper is
conveyed to the paper feed mechanism again.
The Paper Detectors are mounted on each path to control the
timing of path switching and detect the occurrence of paper

Figure 3-48. Main components of Paper ejection mechanism

Structure Operating Principles 71

EPSON WF-C20590 Revision A

 Roller/Sensor of Paper ejection mechanism

Table 3-45. Roller/Sensor of Paper ejection mechanism
No. Name No. Name
EJ5 Roller A Face Down Output Paper
EJ4 Roller B Paper Sensor, Pre-Paper
Ejection Branch
EJ3 Roller C Paper Sensor, Pre-Face-up
Paper Ejection
FU Roller D Paper Sensor, Pre-Paper
5 EJ2 Roller E Paper Sensor, Post-Duplex
6 Flip Roller F Paper Sensor, Inversion Path 2
7 EJ1 Roller
8 Duplex Roller1 9
9 Duplex Roller2 8

4 5 6 7


Figure 3-49. Roller/Sensor of Paper ejection mechanism

Structure Operating Principles 72

This section describes the paper feed path. The Duplex Flap Solenoid and the EJECTION TRAY
Face Up Paper Eject Flap Solenoid work and switch the conveyance paths. The paper fed from the cassette or the MP tray is conveyed as follows.

The paper fed from the cassette or the MP tray is conveyed as follows.

Figure 3-51. Paper feed path when ejecting in the Face-up Paper Ejection Tray

Figure 3-50. Paper feed path when ejecting in the Face-down Paper Ejection Tray

Structure Operating Principles 73

EPSON WF-C20590 Revision A

PAPER FEED PATH WHEN DUPLEX PRINTING After that, the paper is fed to the Flip path, and then printed on back face to be
The paper picked up from the cassette or the MP tray is fed through the
following paths, and printing on the front face is performed.

Figure 3-53. Paper feed path when duplex printing

(back printing: Face down ejection)
Figure 3-52. Paper feed path when duplex printing (front printing)

Structure Operating Principles 74

EPSON WF-C20590 Revision A

3.3.5 Scanner/ADF mechanism Scanner mechanism overview

The Scanner Unit of this product supports up to A3/Ledger, and reads a ADF mechanism overview
document with resolution of up to 600 x 1200 dpi.
The ADF mechanism of this product is composed of the Paper loading
mechanism and the Paper feed mechanism. This scanner mechanism is composed of the CIS Modules and the Scanner
The CIS Module on the fixed scanner mechanism and the CIS Module on the Motor for driving the Scanner Carriage. As the light source for scanning, an
ADF mechanism read both sides of the document at the same time. LED is used for its less power consumption and long life.
OPERATION DURING THE ADF PAPER LOADING/PAPER FEEDING Seven sensors are mounted in the unit for document size detection.
A document set on the document support is loaded to the feeding mechanism
by lifting the document support with the Lift motor's drive, and then by rotating
the ADF Separate Roller and Acceleration Roller with the ALD Motor. The
retard separation method is used for paper separation, and each document is
separated by the ADF Retard Roller.
To support document feeding up to A3/Ledger, four sensors are mounted in the Scanner Motor CIS Module
Document Support for document size detection.
The paper is loaded/fed while stopping the Register Roller. These status is kept
Timing Belt
for a certain period of time after the paper reaches the Register Roller to bend
the paper during the skew correction.
Document Multi-Feed Post-Separation Document Feed
Sensor Roller Document ADF Separate Roller Sensor
Post-Acceleration Roller Detector Roller
ADF Paper Feed Roller
Document Detector
ADF Retard Roller
Acceleration Roller
ADF Document
Pre-Register Sensor
Document Detector Document Support

PF Roller 1 Document Ejection


SCN Document Width Sensor SCN Document Length Sensor

Register Roller
PF Roller 2 CIS module position Paper Sensor,
(for reading back face) Ejection
Scanner CIS module
ADF PE1 Document position ADF PE2 Document
Detector (for reading front face) Detector
Figure 3-55. Scanner mechanism
Figure 3-54. ADF mechanism

Structure Operating Principles 75

EPSON WF-C20590 Revision A

3.3.6 Option mechanism Overview
The High Capacity Unit, and the Finisher Unit for post processing device can
be attached to this product.
When attaching the Finisher Unit, the Bridge Unit is also required to attach.
 High Capacity Unit
The device that can store up to 3500 sheets of A4/Letter paper in addition
to the four cassettes in the main unit.
 Finisher Unit
This device has two output trays that features the following functions;
storage of large capacity of ejected papers (up to 4200 sheets), sorting the
numerous copies of outputs, and stapling including at a cornet or double
staple along the side edge.
The ejected print materials can be stapled afterwards.
 Bridge Unit
The device that relays/feeds the paper ejected in the Face up state from the
main unit to the Finisher while keeping its printing speed.
Finisher Unit Bridge Unit WF-C20590 High Capacity Unit
After printing and paper ejection finish in the main unit, dries the printed
ink in the Intermediate Unit. This contributes to gain time for preventing
the printed paper from curling and the ink transfer to the Feed Rollers or
the Guides in the Finisher. Figure 3-56. Option mechanism
The paper fed with Face up is reversed at the Flip path in the Intermediate
Unit and fed in the Finisher.

Structure Operating Principles 76

EPSON WF-C20590 Revision A Operating Principles of High Capacity Unit

9 1 3 2 7 6 8

The Paper Lift-up mechanism in the Large Capacity Paper Feed Cassette lifts 10
1. Paper Feed Roller
2. Pick-up Roller
its bottom plate by rotating the PF Lift Motor to wind up the connected wire 4 3. Pick-up Holder
4. Retard Roller
through the reel. 5. Friction Pad
6. Bottom Plate
11 7 Paper Width Guide
The lower limit of the bottom plate is detected with the PF Lift Lower Limit 5 8. Paper Length Guide
9. Paper Feed Roller
Sensor. 10. Paper Detector
11. Paper Detector

When there is no paper loaded, raises the bottom plate to the detection point of
the PF Lift Upper Limit Sensor.
When the paper is loaded in the Large Capacity Paper Feed Cassette, the PF
Lift Motor rotates until the Paper Detector detects the paper, and then the
bottom plate raises the paper to the paper feed position.
This mechanism raises the bottom plate according to the paper feed position PF Feed Clutch

while the paper is fed.

PF Feed Motor

When the paper is fed, this mechanism drives the PF Feed Solenoid, and the PF Main Board
Pick-up Holder shifts the paper to the paper feed position to ready for paper
feeding. PF Lift Motor

The loaded paper is picked up with the rotation of the Pick-up Roller, and fed PF Lift Upper Limit Sensor

to the main unit through the Paper Feed Roller and Feed Roller. PF Lift Lower Limit Sensor

The Retard Roller separates the paper one by one to prevent Double feeding. PF Feed Solenoid

The PF Feed Motor drives each roller via the PF Feed Clutch.

Figure 3-57. High Capacity Unit

Structure Operating Principles 77

The Document insertion part feeds the paper inserted from the main unit to the
Shift Sensor 1 Sorting part. The Sorting Guide 3 switches the document insertion path to feed
Shift Motor 2
the paper to the Finisher Tray Upper or the Processing part.
Shift Motor 1
Shift Sensor 2
Shift Guide Unlock Sensor
Document Ejection Clutch

Shift Guide Unlock Motor

Paddle Motor 7 9 8
Ejection Unlock Motor

Intermediate Motor
Document Alignment Sensor
Sorting Solenoid 1
Paddle Sensor
Drum Sensor
Intermediate Sensor
Document Wait Drum Motor
5 4
Sorting Solenoid 2

Slide Motor 3 2
Tray Motor 1
Slide Sensor
Main Board
Staple Relay Board
Staple Unit
Bundle Ejection Switch 1. Finisher Document Insertion Roller
Sensor, Document Alignment, 2 2. Finisher Paper Detector
3. Finisher Sorting Guide 3
Tray Upper Sensor 2 4. Finisher Tray B Feed Roller
Document Alignment Motor, 2 5. Finisher Paper Detector
6. Finisher Tray B Ejection Roller
7. DF Ejection Detector
Document Alignment Motor, 1 8. Finisher Sub Tray Ejection Sensor
9. Finisher Actuator
Paper Sensor Document Ejection (Finisher Sub Tray Ejection Sensor)
Sensor, Document Alignment, 1 10. Paper Insertion Sensor
11. Finisher Tray Upper
Tray Upper Sensor 1

Figure 3-58. Finisher Unit Components Figure 3-59. Document insertion part/Sorting part/Finisher Tray Upper ejection part

Structure Operating Principles 78

EPSON WF-C20590 Revision A


The Processing part is composed of the following parts, and ejects the paper
The Finisher Sorting Solenoid 3 (a) drives the Sorting Guide 3 (b) to switch the fed from the main unit to the Finisher Tray Lower. The Bundle ejection mode
Feed path of the paper that fed to the Sorting part. After that, the paper is and Staple mode are processed in this part.
ejected in the Finisher Tray Upper (c) or fed to the Sorting part to the
Processing part (e). The Finisher Sub Tray Ejection Sensor (f) detects paper 1. Finisher Wait Drum 13 16,17 15 10 9 6 4 7 1
2. Finisher Paper Detector
jam when ejecting in the Finisher Tray Upper (c). 3. Finisher Paper Detector
14 11 8
4. Finisher Sorting Guide 1
5. Finisher Sorting Guide 2
6. Finisher Drum Sensor 12
7. Finisher Actuator
(Finisher Drum Sensor) 3
8. Finisher Intermediate Sensor
9. Finisher Actuator
(Finisher Intermediate Sensor) 5
10. Finisher Intermediate Roller
11. Finisher Intermediate Paper Detector
12. Finisher Tray Upper Ejection Roller 18
13. Finisher Ejection Detector
d 14. Paper Sensor Finisher Document
15. Finisher Document Bundle Ejection 19
16. Sensor, Finisher Document Alignment, 1
17. Sensor, Finisher Document Alignment, 2
18. Finisher Staple Unit
18. Finisher Slide Sensor
20. Finisher Tray Lower


e 13
d 12 9



Figure 3-60. Sorting operation to Finisher Tray Upper or Processing part Figure 3-61. Sorting operation to Finisher Tray Lower or Processing part

Structure Operating Principles 79

EPSON WF-C20590 Revision A


1st sheet The 2nd sheet (b) is fed to the Processing

part by the rotations of the Finisher b
The Intermediate Roller (a) rotates to feed Document Insertion Roller and the Finisher c

the paper to the Processing part. After that, Intermediate Roller (c) in the same way as
the Finisher Tray Lower Document Ejection a
4 the 1st sheet.
Roller (b) feeds it to the Finisher Tray
1 Lower (c).

When the trailing edge of the paper passes e f

the Finisher Intermediate Roller (c), the c
When the trailing edge of the paper passes Paper Feed guide (d) moves downward. The
the Intermediate Roller (a), the Paper Feed paper is fed to the Document Alignment
guide (d) moves downward. After that, the a
5 Tray (g) by the rotations of the Paddle (e)
Finisher Tray Lower Document Ejection and the Document Alignment Paddle (f).
2 Roller (b) rotates in the reverse direction to The paper is aligned in the same way as the
feeds the paper to the Document Alignment 1st sheet.
Tray (e).
When the alignment of the final paper d
finishes, the Document Bundle Ejection h
The Paper Feed guide (d) moves upward, g
Unit (h) moves downward, and the bundled
and then the Finisher Ejection Unlock papers are ejected in the Finisher Tray

Motor (f) raises the Document Bundle k

h 6 Lower (j) by the rotation of Finisher tray A
Ejection Unit (g). The paper is fed to the end Document Ejection Roller (i). If Staple
of the Document Alignment Tray (i) by the mode is set, stapled papers are ejected at this
3 rotations of the Finisher Tray Lower timing.
Document Ejection Roller (b) and the i

Document Alignment Paddle (h). The d

b i
Finisher Document Alignment Motor, 1,2 j

(j) operates the Document Alignment Guide

(k) to align the documents.

Structure Operating Principles 80

EPSON WF-C20590 Revision A

STAPLE PAPER EJECTION  Space between sheets for Staple job

 Staple processing During a staple job, so as to align sheets in the finisher, spaces between
sheets are longer than normal for securing sufficient time for the stapling
When stapling, The Staple Unit is shift to the stapling position by the Slide process.
Motor. The stapling position is detected by the Slide Sensor.
The paper is fed sheet by sheet to the Processing part, and the papers  Specifications between Staple copies, Jobs
aligned by the Document Alignment Plate and the Paddle are stocked in the During a staple job, so as to perform stapling process in the finisher, the
Processing part. When all pages for a copy are printed and stocked, they feeding interval between the 1st and 2nd copies is longer than normal for
are stapled and then ejected on the tray. securing sufficient time for the stapling process.
During this process, stapling (sticking/folding the legs of a staple) is done The following is an example of one-sided printing of two copies of three
in the Stapler Unit. pages.
Staplable number of sheets are listed below.
When performing a staple job
Table 3-46. Staplable number of sheets Printing 1st copies Interval for staple processing Printing 2nd copies
Paper size
A4, B5, Letter, 16K A3, B4, Legal, Ledger
1 2 3 1 2 3
8.3 x 13 inch, 8K
Paper weight (g/m2)

60-90 50 30
When performing a normal job
Printing 1st copies between Printing 2nd copies
91-105 30 20
1 2 3 1 2 3

 When the staplable number of sheets is exceeded

The staple job printing starts regardless of the number of sheets to be Figure 3-62. Specifications between Staple copies, Jobs
printed in the job.
While printing, the number of sheets of the job are counted and if it
exceeds the specified staplable number, stapling is not performed but
printed sheets are ejected normally.

Structure Operating Principles 81

The Intermediate unit has very long paths to eliminate paper curling.
The Immediate Unit has the two Flip path to secure the productivity and the Therefore, if all operations are stopped instantly, a large number of sheets are
sufficient required drying time for the printed materials from the main unit. wasted other than the jammed sheets.
When the paper is fed to the Immediate Unit, the Solenoid switches the path for When a jam occurs before the paper is reversed, ejects all the reversed papers
each sheet to feed it to the Flip path. in the Finisher and then stops the printer. If a jam occurs after the papers are
reversed, stops all operations instantly.

Paper Sensor, Pre-Paper


Intermediate Path
Pre-Register Sensor

Paper Sensor, Intermediate Path Left-

Flipping Remaining Paper
Paper Sensor, Paper Sensor,
Intermediate Path Left- Intermediate Path Pre-
Flipping Remaining Paper Left-Flipping Paper

Intermediate Path
Pre-Sorting Paper

Paper Sensor, Intermediate Path

Pre-Right-Flipping Paper
Left flip path
Feed 2 roller Intermediate Path Post-Right-
Flipping Remaining Paper
Right flip path Detector

Paper ejection/ Paper Sensor, Intermediate

Path Right-Flipping Remaining
feed path Paper

Feed 1 roller

Paper Sensor, Intermediate

Path Post-Junction Paper

Figure 3-63. Paper feed path of Bridge Unit

Figure 3-64. Sensor Position

Structure Operating Principles 82

EPSON WF-C20590 Revision A

3.4 Life control

Information for the life of consumables and periodic replacement parts is shown below.
Table 3-47. Life information
Target of Threshold value Counting the
Life clear Operation when
Classification Name replaceme Counting method* number of Error display Redisplay of life
Near-end End method life ends
nt replacement
Ink consumption Stops the Displays Near-end/End on the
Ink cartridge Ink consumption
quantity100% Near-end/ printing panel when the remaining ink of
(BK: 2, Col: 1 Software control quantity 90% Enabled Install a new I/C.
(Mechanical End (Normal the second BK ink cartridge
for each) (Software control)
detection) error) becomes low.
Main unit
Waste ink Stops the

User/ Waste ink reaches

quantity 100% printing
Maintenance Near-end/ Install a new
Service Software control specified quantity Enabled ---
box (Mechanical End Maintenance box (Normal
personnel (Software control)
detection) error)
Staple needle Because there is no near-end
empty Refill staple Continues detection, a warning is indicated
Finisher Unit Staple needles N/A N/A Enabled Warning
(Mechanical needles. the printing when staple needle empty is
detection) detected mechanically.
Counting by paper feed
Adds 1 count for LT
MP Pickup landscape or less.
98,000 sheets 100,000 sheets
Roller Adds 2 counts for LD
portrait or less After its life ends, the error is
Adds 3 counts for more Panel operation
Near-end/ redisplayed when each 2000
than above. Enabled (Service support
End sheets is fed.
Counting by paper feed This does not stop printing.
Periodic replacement part

Paper Feed Adds 1 count for LT
140,000 sheets 150,000 sheets
Roller, C1-C4 Service landscape or less. Continues
Main unit Adds 2 counts for LD
personnel the printing
portrait or less
1,200,000 sheets
When the Paper
Feed Rollers of a
Paper Feed Unit
Paper Feed Unit, are replaced
Service Status Sheet --- N/A N/A N/A ---
C1-C4 seven times, for
the next (8th)
replace the Paper
Feed Units.

Structure Life control 83

EPSON WF-C20590 Revision A

Table 3-47. Life information

Target of Threshold value Counting the
Life clear Operation when
Classification Name replaceme Counting method* number of Error display Redisplay of life
Near-end End method life ends
nt replacement
Measures belt driven After its life ends, the error is
time. redisplayed when each 2000
Belt Drawer Continues
(Measures the power-on 637,261 sec 670,801 sec
Unit/Filters the printing sheets is fed.
time of the belt drive
motor.) This does not stop printing.

Counting by cleaning After the near-end point is

Paper Feed Belt execution Panel operation reached, the error is redisplayed
14 times 17 times
Main unit Cleaner Unit Adds 1 counts when the (Service support on the panel in every cleaning (to
Belt cleaner starts driving. mode) notify users).
Counts the number of printing After the near-end point is
Head 1,164,000 Job 1,200,000 Job
Periodic replacement part

times of head capping. reached, a warning is redisplayed

(Fatal error)
on the panel in every 2,000 jobs
Maintenance Counts the number of (to notify users).
Service 1,940,000 Job 2,000,000 Job Near-end/
Unit times of head capping. Enabled When its life ends, regards it as a
personnel End
fatal error and stops printing.
Counting by paper feed
operation After its life ends, the error is
Adds 1 count for LT Panel operation
redisplayed every time when
landscape or less. (Administrator
ADF Paper feed roller 98,000 sheets 100,000 sheets feeding 2,000 sheets using the
Adds 2 counts for LD mode/Service
corresponding roller. This does
portrait or less support mode) Continues not stop printing.
Adds 3 counts for more the printing
than above.
Counting by paper feed After its life ends, the error is
Panel operation
High Capacity operation redisplayed when each 2000
Paper feed roller 148,000 sheets 150,000 sheets (Service support
Unit Adds 1 count for LT sheets is fed.
landscape or less. mode)
This does not stop printing.

*: LT and LD in the life count item field denote the paper sizes.
LT: including A4
LD: including A3

Structure Life control 84



EPSON WF-C20590 Revision A

4.1 Installation Workflow The table below shows the works required for installing the printer only, for installing the
printer and its options, and for installing the printer after pre-delivery inspection.
Show below the workflow during installation work of the printer Table 4-1. Installation Workflow
Main Option Reference
Item inspection-
START body only available pages
4.2 Confirm before Installation (P. 87)
Confirmation of installation environment ◯ ◯ ◯ p. 87

Confirm before Installation (p. 87) Notes on work ◯ ◯ ◯ p. 90

Individual correspondence (only when necessary) ◯ ◯ ◯ p. 91
4.3 Pre-delivery inspection (P. 92)
Pre-delivery inspection --- --- ◯ p. 92
4.4 Unpacking (P. 93)
Pre-delivery inspection (p. 92) Unpacking the printer ◯ ◯ --- p. 93
Unpacking the Bridge Unit --- ◯ --- p. 101
Unpacking the Finisher Unit --- ◯ --- p. 107
Unpacking the High Capacity Unit --- ◯ --- p. 112
Unpacking (p. 93) 4.5 Installation (P. 114)
Install the option --- ◯ ◯ p. 115
Installation of the Main unit ◯ ◯ ◯ p. 144
Firmware update ◯ ◯ --- p. 146
Ink information settings ◯ ◯ --- p. 147
Installation (p. 114)
Date / Time Setting ◯ ◯ --- p. 149
Initial ink filling ◯ ◯ --- p. 150
Initial settings
Paper settings ◯ ◯ --- p. 151
FAX Setting ◯ ◯ --- p. 151
At the
time of Relocation, Removal (p. 174) Connection of optional units ◯ ◯ ◯ p. 154
relocating ◯ ◯ ◯ p. 154
Printing/operation checks after installation
ADF Copy Test ◯ ◯ --- p. 156
Install the drivers ◯ ◯ ◯ ---
Figure 4-1. Installation Workflow
End of the installation / Teach the customer ◯ ◯ ◯ ---
4.6 Relocation, Removal (P. 174)
Relocation, removal outline ◯ ◯ ◯ p. 174

Installation Installation Workflow 86

EPSON WF-C20590 Revision A

4.2 Confirm before Installation  Printer body + Bridge Unit+ + Finisher Unit
Item WF-C20590
4.2.1 Installation Environment Width 1,852 mm

When installing, confirm that the carry-in route and the installation site are When stored Depth 757 mm
broad enough and strong enough to move and install the product. (Refer External Height 1,230 mm
to Chapter 2 ’Product Specifications’ (p.15).) dimensions Width 2,170 mm
When using
Depth 757 mm
 Carrying-in space (maximum size)
Height 1,230 mm
The carry-in route must have at least the following width / height. Weight Approx. 289 Kg

Minimum  Printer body + Bridge Unit + Finisher Unit + High Capacity Unit
Dimensions when dimensions of the
Basic dimensions
Item packing the printer Item WF-C20590
of the printer (When SCN / ADF
unit are removed) Width 2,170 mm
Width 850 mm 674 mm 674 mm When stored Depth 757 mm
dimensions Height 1,500 mm 1,230 mm 1,100 mm External Height 1,230 mm
dimensions Width 2,325 mm
When using
C H E C K For details of carry-in, confirm '4.2.3 Individual (maximum size)
Depth 757 mm
P O IN T Correspondence' (p.91) as well. Height 1,230 mm
Weight Approx. 300 Kg

 Sizes of the product after installation  Setting environment

 Printer body only Depending on the ambient environmental conditions such as outside air, it may
not be possible to maintain the operation quality of the product, so we
Item WF-C20590
recommend the operating within the temperature and humidity range
Width 674 mm guaranteed below.
When stored Depth 757 mm
External Height 1,230 mm Feeding paper
Operation Image quality
dimensions Item reliability
Width 1,426 mm guarantee guarantee
When using guarantee
Depth 757 mm
(maximum size) Temperature 5-40 °C 10-35 °C 18-28 °C
Height 1,230 mm
Humidity 15-80% (Non-Condensation) 35-70%
Weight Approx. 186 Kg

Installation Confirm before Installation 87

EPSON WF-C20590 Revision A

Also avoid the following places.  The standard of the high capacity unit height to main unit
 Places subjected to direct sunlight such as near a window The height between high capacity unit's top cover and the MP unit door's
 Places subjected to vibrations frequently bottom.
 Places subjected to a sudden change in temperature and/or humidity ① (Front side): Within 2 mm to 12 mm
 Places subjected to cold or hot air directly from an air conditioning or
② (Rear side): within 2 mm to 12 mm
other device
 Closed environment with bad breathability, bad ventilation ③ Gap between ① and ② : Within ± 3 mm
In the case that flooring materials at installation sites and transportation routes
are likely to be damaged, floor materials may be damaged when the printer is
moved. Therefore, when moving, protect the surface of the floor materials as ① Front side ② Rear side
 Power-supply
Rated voltage AC100-240 V
Rated voltage 9.0-4.5A
Power frequency 50-60 Hz

 Caution; Regarding the floor condition when installing the high capacity unit
Since the submersion of the printer occurs due to the condition of the flooring
material (floor material with high cushioning property), the paper path position of
the high capacity unit with respect to the printer body may not be within the
specifications, It causes paper jam.
Check the floor condition before installation and the standard of the high capacity
unit height to the main unit after installation.
 Floor condition
• The floor should be horizontal and flat
• In case if the printer will be installed on the carpet, the length of the
hair should be within 4 mm (Regardless of hardness and density)

Figure 4-2. The standard of the high capacity unit height to main unit

Installation Confirm before Installation 88

EPSON WF-C20590 Revision A

 Space required for installation work

 Printer body only
550 mm
Wall surface
Front Top

550 mm 500 mm

730 mm

1,000 mm

1,490 mm 680 mm 1,000 mm

500 mm 680 mm 500 mm

Figure 4-3. Space Required for Installing the Printer Only
 Printer body + Bridge Unit + Finisher Unit + High Capacity Unit Wall surface

500 mm

730 mm

1,000 mm

Figure 4-4. Space Required for Installing the Printer with the Options

Installation Confirm before Installation 89

EPSON WF-C20590 Revision A

4.2.2 Notes on Work  Position where hands should be placed on Bridge Unit
When installing or moving the printer and the options, pay attention to the Front side Back side Position where hands
following points. should not be placed
(There is a fear of
 Since the printer, Bridge Unit, and Finisher Unit are
heavy, be careful not to let them fall over or touch the wall Position where hands
etc. when carrying them. should be placed during
 Make sure to move the printer and components (Bridge
Position where hands
Unit, and Finisher) while holding them at the positions
needed to be careful to
where hands should be placed. However, do not move
place (Although edge
them by pulling them at there because the covers or the
protection of the
like may come off.
bottom sheet metal is
 To avoid deformation or damage of housings, frames, and given, be careful as
movable parts, do not move the printer and components there is a possibility of
while holding them at the position where hands should not touching the edge if
be placed. inserting your hand to
the back.)
 Position where hands should be placed on printer body
Figure 4-6. Position Where hands Should be Placed on Bridge Unit
Front side Back side  Position where hands should be placed on printer body on Finisher Unit

Since the center of gravity of the Finisher is

concentrated in the upper part, it is necessary to
place hands near the center of the Finisher as
much as possible.

Position where hands should not be

placed (There is a fear of damage)
Position where hands should not be Position where hands should Position where hands should be placed
during movement
placed (There is a fear of damage) be placed during movement
Figure 4-7. Position Where Hands Should be Placed on Printer Body on Finisher Unit
Figure 4-5. Position Where Hands Should be Placed on Printer Body

Installation Confirm before Installation 90

EPSON WF-C20590 Revision A

4.2.3 Individual Correspondence

 Carrying-in using a conveying tool or crane
Remove the following parts when using a Carry Rope or a crane for carrying- Front side ADF Unit Back side Scanner Unit
in. The parts may get damaged by belts for hanging the product.
(For details of removal procedure, refer to '7.3 Repair work' (p.536))
 Multi-Cassette Lower Decorative Cover
 Multi-Cassette Left Decorative Cover
 Multi-Cassette Right Decorative Cover
 ADF Unit (only when using a crane)
 Scanner Unit (only when using a crane)

Multi-Cassette Multi-Cassette Right Multi-Cassette Left

Lower Decorative Decorative Cover Decorative Cover

Figure 4-8. Parts to be Removed for Carrying-in using a Conveying Tool or Crane

Installation Confirm before Installation 91

EPSON WF-C20590 Revision A

4.3 Pre-delivery inspection Implementation work

Firmware update p. 146
4.3.1 Outline
Ink information show/hide settings p. 147
To reduce on-site installation time, the works listed in the table below can be Initial ink filling p. 150
done beforehand. Printer settings Initial settings (paper settings, FAX settings) p. 149

Reference Sleep timer,

Implementation work Settings required by the user output paper tray, ---
Printer p. 93
Printing, color check / adjustment
Bridge Unit p. 101
Printing/ Paper feed test (printer / option)
Confirm included items Finisher Unit p. 107
operating checks Finisher Unit Staple
High Capacity
p. 112 operation test Sort function
Hardware setup
Unpacking the printer p. 93
Bridge Unit p. 102
Finisher Unit p. 107
Unpacking the option
High Capacity
p. 112
Hardware setup
Attach the paper size labels ---
(Main unit)
Install connecting
Bridge Unit parts p. 115
Height adjustment
Install connecting
Hardware setup parts
(Option) Finisher Unit Alignment p. 129
adjustment of
bundle ejection
Install connecting
High Capacity Unit p. 138

Installation Pre-delivery inspection 92

EPSON WF-C20590 Revision A

4.4 Unpacking 4.4.2 Unpacking Procedure

 Prepared items
4.4.1 Printer Included Items  Gloves
No. Included items Quantity  Safety boots
1 Power cable 1  Cutter
2 Ink cartridge C 1  Minimum workers
3 Ink cartridge M 1  4 people
4 Ink cartridge Y 1
Be sure to check the following notes before unpacking.
5 Ink cartridge Bk 2
6 Model name label (WF-C20590) 1
 All workers must read the unpacking procedure together
before starting work.
7 Sub brand label (WorkForce Enterprise) 1
8 Users Manual 1
 Wear easy-to-move clothing, gloves and safety shoes and
work with care for injuries etc.
9 Slope Pad 2
 Work with sufficient working space.
Store the warranty publication request sheet and the model  Never work with less than 4 people.
name label for warranty safely until the installation is  Work in the position with less load, and stop working
complete, and then give them to the person in charge of the immediately as you feel that the workload is too large.

Installation Unpacking 93
EPSON WF-C20590 Revision A

 Unpacking procedure 2. Lift the top cover off and take out 2 top foam cushioning materials and 2 wheel
1. Hold the end of the PP band on the side of the loop and pull it up to remove the PP
band (2 bands).




PP band materials

Figure 4-9. Unpacking Procedure (1)

Figure 4-10. Unpacking Procedure (2)

Installation Unpacking 94
EPSON WF-C20590 Revision A

3. Remove all 10 joints. 4. Remove 2 side plates of the packing box and 4 corner angles.


Corner angle



Corner angle


Figure 4-11. Unpacking Procedure (3) Figure 4-12. Unpacking Procedure (4)

Installation Unpacking 95
EPSON WF-C20590 Revision A

5. Remove the plastic bag. 7. Peel off 4 blue tapes holding the plastic sheet under the body to the main unit.
6. Cut the transparent tape holding the four corners of the lower box with a cutter and

Plastic bag

Blue tape


Plastic sheet
Figure 4-14. Unpacking Procedure (6)

 Since the center of gravity of the printer is biased toward

the back side, work with care.
Lower box  In the subsequent work, basically four workers stand
equally at the four corners of the printer, and proceed
with work with moving properly and paying attention to
Figure 4-13. Unpacking Procedure (5)
the balance of the printer.

Installation Unpacking 96
EPSON WF-C20590 Revision A

8. While one supports the back of the printer, two push the corner of the front side 11. Fix each two front casters with wheel stoppers.
and tilt the printer to the back side.
9. With keeping that state, the other person removes the foam cushioning material in
the front side and takes out the plastic sheet laid under the printer from the caster
of the printer.
10. Put the printer down gently to the pallet.


x2 stoppers

Figure 4-16. Unpacking Procedure (8)

In order to avoid the printer moving during work, fix the

front casters with paying attention to the following points.
Plastic sheet
 Insert the wheel stoppers from the side with respect to the
advancing direction of the caster.
Figure 4-15. Unpacking Procedure (7)  Insert the wheel stoppers securely all the way in.

Installation Unpacking 97
EPSON WF-C20590 Revision A

12. While one supports the front of the printer, two push the corner of the back side 15. Take out wheel stoppers from each two front casters.
and tilt the printer to the front side.
13. With keeping that state, the other person removes the foam cushioning material in
the back side and takes out the plastic sheet laid under the main body from the
caster of the printer.
14. Put the printer down gently to the pallet.



Plastic sheet Figure 4-18. Unpacking Procedure (10)

Figure 4-17. Unpacking Procedure (9)

Installation Unpacking 98
EPSON WF-C20590 Revision A

16. Bend the back side flap, and set the slopes for the pallet according to the position 17. Put down the printer from the pallet with paying attention so that the casters do not
of the caster. come off the slope.

Back side Back side

Slope for

Figure 4-19. Unpacking Procedure (11) Figure 4-20. Unpacking Procedure (12)

Installation Unpacking 99
EPSON WF-C20590 Revision A

18. Remove the protective tape and protective material of the exterior and interior 19. Remove the protective tape and protective material of the exterior and interior
(each paper feed path etc.) referring to the figure below. (each paper feed path etc.) referring to the figure below.

Out side ASF inside ADF & Scanner

EJ unit Cassette

Panel unit

図 4-21. 開梱手順 (14) 図 4-22. 開梱手順 (15)

Installation Unpacking 100


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