Focus 2 2ed Cumulative Test 2 Units1-4 GroupB

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Cumulative Vocabulary, Grammar, Use of English and Test 2

Group B
Name: ______________________________________ Class: ____ Total: ___/58

VOCABULARY Do you have lots of dreams for the future?

Maybe you want to write poems or explore
1 Complete the sentences with suitable
words. The first letter of each word is caves! I think it would be great to become a
given. 1
____________ and collect important
A bu n g a l o w is a house that has only one 2
____________ from Earth’s past. The problem
1 A h _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ drama is based on is, I don’t really like science! So instead, I’d be
events from the past. happy just to live in a small 3 ____________, with
2 My cousin paints beautiful pictures. no neighbours, and near some mountains, so
He’s a p _ _ _ _ _ _. that I could climb up and look at the wonderful
3 My computer k _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is broken so I 4
____________. And I could spend my time
can’t do my project.
4 Sarah is never quiet in class – she’s so writing my ____________, telling everyone about
t________! my life. I don’t think it would be a very exciting
5 I grew up on a big h _ _ _ _ _ _ estate in the book, though!
/5 /5
2 Match 1–5 with a–h to make sentences. GRAMMAR
There are two extra options.
To see great paintings, go to f 4 Complete the sentences with the correct
form of the verb in brackets.
1 Tom spends his weekends in front of the TV,
I haven’t visited (not visit) London yet. I want
he’s a binge ____
to go next year.
2 She’s not really interested ____
3 I watched a documentary ____ 1 Jenna ______________________________
(ride) her bike when I saw her.
4 I’d love a house made of ____
5 At work, Sally uses a desktop ____ 2 Dan ______________________________
(not go) to the cinema much. It’s too
a computer. expensive.
3 I ______________________________
b a report.
(already / take) 100 photos with my new
c about animals. camera!
d for the cat. 4 Who ______________________________
e in modern art. (you / look) for in town last night? Your brother?
f an exhibition. 5 We ______________________________
g watcher. (catch) the six o’clock train tonight, so we
need to hurry!
h wood.
5 Complete the second sentence so that it
3 Complete the text with the words in the has a similar meaning to the first.
box. There are two extra words.
Jim is taller than Mark.
autobiography cottage data Mark isn’t as tall as Jim.
geologist views terraced
1 I bought my phone on my last birthday.
ambitions statue
I’ve had my phone ____________ my last

© Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2019 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 2 SECOND EDITION (A2+/B1)
Cumulative Vocabulary, Grammar, Use of English and Test 2
Group B
Name: ______________________________________ Class: ____ Total: ___/58

2 Jan and Bella’s wedding is next month. location is perfect for him. My mum prefers
Jan and Bella ____________ married next
____ here too, so we’re all happy that we
month. moved!
3 I can’t reach the top of the bookshelf – I’m
too short! A unbelievable B unbelievably
I’m not ____________ to reach the top of the C believed D believing
bookshelf. 1 A countryside B suburbs
4 There aren’t any books in the shop as bad as C city D cottage
this one!
This is ____________ book in the shop! 2 A estate B attraction
5 Neil still has to tidy his room. C destination D neighbourhood
3 A do B buy
Neil ____________ his room yet.
C take D make
4 A caring B lovely
6 Complete the dialogue with the correct C outgoing D ambitious
form of the words in brackets.
5 A stairs B cupboard
Frank: Hi Maisie! How are you (you / be)? C basement D front door
Maisie: Fine thanks, Frank. Where 1 6 A photographer B sculptor
______________________________ (go)? C psychologist D linguist
Frank: I’m just off to the swimming pool. Do 7 A area B gallery
C place D space
you want 2 ______________________________
(come) with me? 8 A live B to live
Maisie: Thanks! What time does it open? C lived D living
Frank: At 2 pm. It’s 3 ________________________
8 Complete the text with one word in each
(good) time of the whole day to go
because it’s quiet. Oh, but you
________________________ (not have) a What kind of career do you want to have? My
swimming costume with you. teacher has told me that I’m really good
Maisie: Actually, I 5 ___________________________ 1
____________ Maths, so a career in banking
(just / buy) a new one. It’s in my bag!
So – let’s go! would 2 ____________ a good idea. To achieve
/5 that, though, I might need 3 ____________ do
Use of English
some training abroad and I’m 4____________ so

7 Read the text and choose the correct keen on that. I think I’m 5 ____________ young to
answer, A, B, C or D. travel to a foreign country. I 6 ____________
About two years ago, my family and I moved never lived alone before and I wouldn’t be as
into an B beautiful house right in the middle of
happy 7 ____________ I am at home.
the 1____ . Now we live in a(n) 2 ____ with lots of
stores and it’s much easier to 3 ____the
shopping. There’s also a 4 ____ park nearby.
The house is great because it has got a huge
____ where my brother and I can play table
tennis. My dad is a black and white 6____ and
he also has his own art 7____ in the city, so the

© Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2019 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 2 SECOND EDITION (A2+/B1)
Cumulative Vocabulary, Grammar, Use of English and Test 2
Group B
Name: ______________________________________ Class: ____ Total: ___/58

9 Complete the sentences with the correct 2____

form of the words in capitals. In 1829, George Stephenson built a new
Jon isn’t very communicative so I don’t know track in the north of England, between
what his problem is. COMMUNICATE Liverpool and Manchester. When the line
1 We saw a play at the theatre tonight – was ready, it was time to find the fastest
train. There was an award of £500 for the
____________ were brilliant. ACT
winner – a lot of money in those days. There
2 Our new home is more ____________ were three trains, and one of them was the
than our last house. SPACE ‘Rocket’.
3 The best writers are very ____________
people. IMAGINE
3 ____
4 Pablo Picasso was an ____________
painter for many artists. INSPIRE It was an exciting day, and crowds of people
5 My uncle, who is a ____________, teaches came to watch. The three trains moved along
at a university. PHYSICS the line while the people cheered them on.
/5 The ‘Rocket’ was faster than the other two.
READING Also, the other two had problems and
stopped a lot, but the ‘Rocket’ didn’t stop at
10 Read the text. Complete gaps 1–4 with all! It was the winner and the Stephensons
the correct headings A–F. There are two became famous.
extra headings.

A The first ever train 4____

B The history of trains A year later, the line between Manchester
C A sad day and Liverpool opened. Once again, people
D George and Robert become well known came to see the train. Unfortunately this time
E The Stephenson family there was a tragedy. William Huskisson, a
F Choosing the best train very famous man, was standing on the track
when the ‘Rocket’ hit him. He died later in
THE ROCKET hospital.
George Stephenson was born in
Northumberland, England, in 1781 and his
son Robert was born in 1803. They were very
interested in trains. George invented the
tracks that trains move on (the first one was
eight miles long!), and he and Robert then
built one of the most famous trains ever – the

© Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2019 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 2 SECOND EDITION (A2+/B1)

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