Focus 2 2ed Cumulative Test 2 Units1-4 GroupB
Focus 2 2ed Cumulative Test 2 Units1-4 GroupB
Focus 2 2ed Cumulative Test 2 Units1-4 GroupB
Group B
Name: ______________________________________ Class: ____ Total: ___/58
© Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2019 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 2 SECOND EDITION (A2+/B1)
Cumulative Vocabulary, Grammar, Use of English and Test 2
Group B
Name: ______________________________________ Class: ____ Total: ___/58
2 Jan and Bella’s wedding is next month. location is perfect for him. My mum prefers
Jan and Bella ____________ married next
____ here too, so we’re all happy that we
month. moved!
3 I can’t reach the top of the bookshelf – I’m
too short! A unbelievable B unbelievably
I’m not ____________ to reach the top of the C believed D believing
bookshelf. 1 A countryside B suburbs
4 There aren’t any books in the shop as bad as C city D cottage
this one!
This is ____________ book in the shop! 2 A estate B attraction
5 Neil still has to tidy his room. C destination D neighbourhood
3 A do B buy
Neil ____________ his room yet.
C take D make
4 A caring B lovely
6 Complete the dialogue with the correct C outgoing D ambitious
form of the words in brackets.
5 A stairs B cupboard
Frank: Hi Maisie! How are you (you / be)? C basement D front door
Maisie: Fine thanks, Frank. Where 1 6 A photographer B sculptor
______________________________ (go)? C psychologist D linguist
Frank: I’m just off to the swimming pool. Do 7 A area B gallery
C place D space
you want 2 ______________________________
(come) with me? 8 A live B to live
Maisie: Thanks! What time does it open? C lived D living
Frank: At 2 pm. It’s 3 ________________________
8 Complete the text with one word in each
(good) time of the whole day to go
because it’s quiet. Oh, but you
________________________ (not have) a What kind of career do you want to have? My
swimming costume with you. teacher has told me that I’m really good
Maisie: Actually, I 5 ___________________________ 1
____________ Maths, so a career in banking
(just / buy) a new one. It’s in my bag!
So – let’s go! would 2 ____________ a good idea. To achieve
/5 that, though, I might need 3 ____________ do
Use of English
some training abroad and I’m 4____________ so
7 Read the text and choose the correct keen on that. I think I’m 5 ____________ young to
answer, A, B, C or D. travel to a foreign country. I 6 ____________
About two years ago, my family and I moved never lived alone before and I wouldn’t be as
into an B beautiful house right in the middle of
happy 7 ____________ I am at home.
the 1____ . Now we live in a(n) 2 ____ with lots of
stores and it’s much easier to 3 ____the
shopping. There’s also a 4 ____ park nearby.
The house is great because it has got a huge
____ where my brother and I can play table
tennis. My dad is a black and white 6____ and
he also has his own art 7____ in the city, so the
© Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2019 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 2 SECOND EDITION (A2+/B1)
Cumulative Vocabulary, Grammar, Use of English and Test 2
Group B
Name: ______________________________________ Class: ____ Total: ___/58
© Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2019 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 2 SECOND EDITION (A2+/B1)